Training the Military Studs

By Master Primus

Published on Apr 24, 2021


So many of you ask me to continue humiliation of Colt but I have come far in the story. So what I did, I connected the training session of both Captain Lucas and Colt. In this way my time was saved. Do tell me was there enough humiliation for your satisfaction muscle studs? Another thing is recently I received an email by a well built gym trainer and he inspired me to introduce a character in this story so I ll be bringing him soon.

If anyone is interested in proofreading for me, AS MY SLAVE PROOFREADER, only then Gmail me with your face pic.


Now enjoy this installment. Your motivating remarks will drive me to write otherwise I ll leave it incomplete.

Chapter 17

Billy: Returning to the dorm last night we all went to bed quickly. It has been few days but Billy couldn't come out of that incident. 'Why did it happen? How did it happen?', Billy was laying shirtless in the bed with one arm on his face and one on his bare chest. He didn't go to class excusing he was not feeling well. He started to recall how did all that happen. Billy Montero, a short tempered school jock who became a bully recently he got a pumped up body. It has been a year when the thin slender handsome boy was following his passion of becoming a aeronautic engineer but all it changed when his mother died and he had to go to his father's. The thing is his parents were divorced and Billy were 3 brothers, the elder 2 lived with his father but Billy chose his mother as his father was really rude and short temper so were his elder two brothers. The apple didn't fall far from the tree. Nigel the el- der one had a dark muscular body. He was planning to go into military just like his father that's why he was living with him. Timothy was his second brother who was nice but if he was infuriated none could escape his anger but again he was the one who had a balanced nature. He was zero percent interested in military just like his younger brother Billy but his father was a control freak and always forced his ambitions on his sons. What made Billy this way was her mother's death. After she died, his father took his custody and then the sequence of his father's myriads orders offended him. There was a morning routine that he would make him follow just like his elder brothers. He even sent him to gym that he didn't like but he had to do that and his life goals also changed. He couldn't say a word to his father so his anger would blast in school on his classmates and freshmen. He was in last year if his school, an eighteen years old teen but his body had become muscular like his brothers. His father and brothers used steroids to built up a lot of meat but Billy refused that. He would eat a lot of protein to increase mass of his thin muscles and all the efforts paid off. Now when he looked into the mirror he would smile seeing himself. That old slender Billy was replaced by a body of Hercules, all muscle packed. When he entered college he already had a six packs clad abdomen and huge beefy arms and thighs. His melon sized pecks would put guys of his age to shame. About his personal life, he was I to dudes and it was an advantage that his father already told him that will make his way through admission easily. But his brothers were straight. Thinking about that night, he never understood why he was so attracted to Alex so much. It was not sexual attraction at all. For his sex partner, he preferred strong muscular guys like himself but Alex, he wants him to become his friend. There is an issue with him he al- ways pays back the help and Alex helped him pass the exam. It was a huge favour of him and he wanted to return that but the very first day he mad whom upset and the condition he put was extremely unaffordable. Giving a blowjob, no way. He was himself a top and had fucked many in his gym and school and never ever sucked someone. But for Alex, that night he somehow sucked the very first cock of his life. Alex was having a high temperature and was upset with me. He wanted to make terms with him without doing that disgusting thing. He took him to the GP's office and he gave him paracetamol. The temperature was still there and Alex was holding his arm. The feeling of being with him, his hand holding twitched his dick and despite his interest in muscular dudes he was attracted sexually at that moment. He never realised how his friendly attraction transformed into primal desires. His heart started beating faster and he distracted his kind but couldn't. He could feel Alex's hot breath hitting him. He had read somewhere that masturbation releases body heat and he even gave thought to jerk Alex. He again asked Alex to forgive him but he didn't. When they took the staircase, Billy was so frustrated about Alex being so stubborn. And then he did what he never expected and never wanted to do, he stopped him and kissed him and one thing led to another and he didn't realise he was giving him a blowjob with his cum shooting in his mouth. 'Fuck....ahhhhhh', Billy cried out louder. 'Why did I do that?', Billy was annoyed. He stood up and hit the bathroom. 'Again another assignment ahh!!', Cody cried out as he entered the room. 'Man sometimes I feel captain Stephan has something against us. He never forgets asking about previous assignments and giving us the new one', 'Yeah you are right', Jake agreed with him. Everyone came except him and Gary. 'Was I waiting for him?', Billy thought. 'Hey how was your day?', Sammy asked him. 'Good', I replied and looked at the door. Both didn't come. 'Where is-', and then I saw both of them coming together laughing. 'So guys, ready to hit parade?', Alex asked everyone and I tried escaping his gaze. 'Captain Louis (Lucas?) will kill us all if we are late', Alex looked at me but didn't respond. Even he didn't talk to me after that night. Everyone left the room and I was again alone. 'Hey Billy we need to talk', I was lying in the bed listening to music when I felt someone touched me. It was Alex and I looked surprised. I quickly turn off the music. 'We need to talk', he said and signaled me to follow him. I stayed their motionless for sometime but then I put my shirt on and followed him. We came in the ground where we run early in the morning everyday. We were strolling there was complete silence between us. 'Why are you upset?', Alex asked me in a low voice. But I didn't say a word. 'I know you are upset about that night', which means Alex knew the reason.

'See Billy what happened then was completely your choice. I didn't force you to do that-', 'What my choice? Do you give me any choice Alex?', I felt even more bad now. How easily he was blaming me. 'Yeah, I just asked one little thing but you were so stubborn to do that. Isn't it great you did it consensually and now everything is like it should be',

'Why is it so easy for you to say it Alex?', I asked him. 'Billy why did you do that then? Why did you droop to your legs and blow me?', he always had a counter question to put. 'I did...cuz...I wanted to lower down your fever', I didn't look at him. 'Wrong Billy, absolutely wrong. Your foolish excuse can't save you. You just blew me because you wanted to low my fever. What an ab- surd excuse? You could have use cold pad but you didn't. Why Billy?', Alex stopped and grabbed my arm turning me to himself. 'It was the reason for that', I repeated myself. 'It wasn't Billy. You wanted to give me blow job cuz you wanted it. You thought you ll earn my forgiveness but let me give you a reality check you wanted to give your first try at how it feels to suck a dick', Alex put me in a flummox. Was he saying the truth? Did I really want to give shot? 'Alex it might be true that I wanted to make up for what I did but I never intended to suck a dick. I'm saying truth', I tried to assured him I was not a cocksucker. 'Why are you reasoning with me over it then? Why do you need to convince me if you are not into sucking my junk? Even if you wanted to make up for your mistake still, why a guy like you would suck a dick who claims that he is not into them?', Alex had got a point there as I couldn't come up with any answer. 'Billy, listen to me. Forget what you did that night. The point is I forgave you and I didn't want to loose a friend like you', I moved my head from a sea of shame and looked at him. 'So you are saying you wanna patch up?', I asked hesitantly. 'Yes silly. Friends?', I was really happy that Alex wanted to befriend again so I without giving any other though shook his hand. 'Friends', we shook each other tightly and laughed hysterically. 'But I didn't forgive your brother Nigel and you are gonna help me teaching him his lesson', I smiled at his frustration. It was cute. 'I can't let you do anything to my big bro', I said innocently and he punished me on my arm. 'Ok ok....what have you in your mind?', I was curious to know. 'A really dangerous idea', there was a devious grin on his face that kinda scared me a bit but I'll help him whatever he had in mind. *****

Captain Lucas: Alex gave me a paper printed with an address and I had arrived there as was ordered. My heart was pounding hard and I cleared my throat looking at the house in front of me. I knocked at the door with trembling hands and waited for someone to open it. I had the idea it was Alex's home but it was yet to confirm. After staying there for few minutes, the door opened with a 'click' sound. A pretty built man, about my height and few years younger than me welcomed me with a warm smile. He had curled blond hair, looks to die for and was standing only in his really tight briefs that defined his large package and amazing thick thighs. 'Lucas, right?", That handsome stud asked me. "Um...yeah", I replied with a pause. 'Then come in mate', he said widening the door for my entrance. As I entered in, the door slammed behind me and I stopped at his voice. 'Wait a sec mate', I turned back in confusion as he was smiling. 'You are new so I have to inform you about all the rules from the start. The very first rule is that no man in this house, especially the new internee on training, is allowed to move around dressed up', he said in such a calm manner that I was taken aback. 'Excuse me, I guess I heard you wrong', it was a joke I believe. 'In short, you have to get naked', he said with his usual smile and without any hesitation I did as was told. Alex was not here and I was really nervous. If he were with me, my confidence could get a boost. I took my Nike T- shirt over my head, as I was not wearing any un- dershirt, the man looked impressed with my shirtless body. 'Nice built stud', he complimented me touching my bare chest without asking for my permission. I minded but I am slave here and he has got all the right, I suppose. 'Now the trousers', he ordered me politely and I unzipped my trousers and then lowered my boxers getting completely naked. I was so embarrassed that I deliberately avoided looking at himself. He took my clothes and hung them on the wall where I could see other clothes in a sequence. 'A slave should never be embarrassed, instead he must feel proud on showing his assets', he patted my shoulder and I looked into his eyes, there honesty and sincerity and the warmth of his hand was encouraging. 'Don't be afraid of anything and put all of your nervousness aside Lucas. Things are not gonna be easy but if you comply and bear all the trials obediently then you'll make Alex happy and you understand that making him happy is the main goal of your training, right?', he asked me and I nodded quickly. Making Alex was my main goal here. I have disappointed him and he gave me a chance to express my gratitude towards him and I won't let it go down in flames. 'That's the spirit we expect from you, Lucas', he smiled warmly and signalled me to follow him. I kinda liked this guy. 'May I ask something ?....I dont know how to address you..', 'You can call me Sir for the time being', he said softly, 'and yes you can ask me anything.'

'If staying naked is the rule then why are you not naked completely Sir?', I asked him. He stopped and turned around with a serious look on his face. 'Did I said something wrong, Sir?', I didn't want to make him upset. 'Second rule, newbies are not allowed to ask questions that sound contradicting. You are not a kid anymore Lukas, a fully grown adult and you must know what to ask and what not', he said in a cold tone. 'Pardon me for such a foolish question', I turned my face down. ' should be. I don't want you to object to any rule or anything from now on', he continued walking and I obediently replied him, 'yes Sir'. I continued following him through the corridor and in the lounge. There were two other guys and surprisingly they were not nude. The large bearded dude was in his shorts and vest and second one was in shorts and a tank top. 'So our boy has arrived', I was standing with a racing heart, my hands covering my package. That huge bearded guy said and came to me. His stature was good 6'4 feet tall and possessed a large body from all dimensions that dominated me. He was observing me with a wicked smile and clever eyes. 'Great body boy', he grabbed my biceps and gave them a hard squeeze. 'Stop being a sissy boy and stand properly', he sounded violent and jerked me by my arms and as he did that my hands got away from my crotch showing my package. His assertive attitude stirred something strange in me and my cock quickly reacted making me more embar- rassed. 'The kid's getting hard, Mark', he turned to the other guy who was smiling wickedly. I had become the laughing stock here. 'Guys don't scare him', it was the blond dude. 'Greg, Alex sent him to get trained and I don't know about you but 'he' won't like our newbies to act like jerks', the bearded guy said. 'I guess you are right. Alex likes confident and obedient men but still it is his start', Greg was the nicest in the lot. 'Just keep yourself outta it. Alex made me in-charge this time so don't act like my father. Only Alex can order me', he said with a frustrat- ed expression. I was all surprised to learn that all these three men were that kid's slaves, especially this huge bearded guy. How was that possible? Is he a magician or what? My cock began rising on learning about Alex's complete authority and power over them. That twink is something, he possesses a spell that can make every man in the world kneel down and submit to him. 'Nice length kid', the guy grabbed my hard cock and jerked it harder, pulling me towards himself. I hissed. 'Turn around', he ordered me and I slowly turned. 'Whack', I moaned a bit on the hard slap on my ass. 'Incredible ass kid. I don't know how Alex always manages to find such fuckable asses', I took it as a compliment. One cannot achieve such round and juicy butt, I put my sweat and blood in squatting and doing different exercise to achieve such firmness and roundness. 'That's why he owned us all', it was Mark. 'Listen to me carefully kid. I'm your in-charge and I don't like objections at all. I need you to prove me that you are worthy of having such a muscular body and this huge dick. If you continue to behave like a man, I'll be proud of you, but if you turn out to be a pathetic weakling then believe me things are gonna be really tough for ya kid', the dude was scaring the shit out of me. 'Cut the shit Colt!' Mike shouted. 'See kid, he was just like you a month ago..', Mike was saying something but Colt quickly cut him off and Mike began laughing hysteri- cally even Greg chuckled making the ferocious Colt red with shame. 'Take him away Greg and teach him the the basics', Colt growled furiously and Greg signalled me to follow him again. 'Stop fucking in front of new guys, Mark!', Colt was so angry at him and Mike was just giggling. 'Third rule, a slave must know how to make tea. Alex is not a coffee man, he loves tea and we all must know about his likes and interests. He takes one and a half table spoon of sugar in this...cup', Greg brought out a medium sized white cup from the upper cabinet. 'This is Alex's', he handed the cup to me. 'At the moment you are an internee and we three are your seniors and being our junior it is your duty to take care of our needs as well. Colt and Mike love to neglect their duties. If Alex had not maintained such discipline, they would not even do any single task', Greg smiled explaining all this. He was attractive, kind hearted and sweet. 'And they love coffee and there is no hard and fast rule for making coffee. So make it as you like.' I nodded. 'And what about you, Sir', I was curious to know about Greg's interests. ' was a coffee lover as well but now I love tea', he smiled. 'If you allow may I ask the reason for such change?', I wanted to know what brought such change as I'm a coffee lover as well and I pre- fer to avoid tea. 'The reason is that...Alex likes it. I just want to completely adapt according to likes and dislikes of him. Taking tea was difficult for me in the beginning but as time passed I became used to it and now I love it', it was quite surprising that Greg was into Alex to that extent. 'And answering your previous question about roaming naked....actually Alex had give us three enough liberty to dress according to what we like when he is not at home. You might think that he is our Master and must be like a typical one but in reality he is not. He cares about us a lot. We all go out at weekends, sometimes watching movies and sometimes bars. He doesn't disturb our work life as well un- less and until there is an emergency', Greg stopped meanwhile I prepared coffee and tea for all of them. 'May I ask Sir, why do you guys address Master by his name?,' I wanted to ask that as all three of them were bold enough to call him by his name that normally doesn't not happen in Master- slave relationship. 'A good question. As I said that he is not like a typical Master. He doesn't like us to show off our ownership by calling him Master or Sir every time we see each other. In the beginning when there is our training period like yours, a slave usually uses such terms but as a slave dedicates himself to his service loyally and submissively, he avoids being called as a Master', I put the coffee and tea in the cups.

'Alex likes to keep a friendly and open environment. He wants his 'owned' men to realise from the heart that they are being owned by someone and there is 'the one' whom they have to serve their life. This is who Alex is, sometimes hard like a rock and sometimes soft like a melted chocolate'. All these explanations satisfied me and confirmed that I gave myself to a trustworthy person. 'So bring it with some cookies, they are up in the cabinet', Greg ordered and left while I watched him going jiggling his bubble butt. 'So you are here kid', Colt said and as I was serving them coffee he stopped me shouting. I looked at him with a flash like what did I do wrong this time. 'Greg, you didn't teach them the ethics of serving. Did you?', Colt asked Greg who looked clueless. 'I forgot', he rubbed his head mechanically. 'Hmm...Let me teach you then', he turned to me. 'get on your all fours like a dog', I was again taken a back by this new order and I looked at Greg who signalled me to do as I was told. 'Why do you look at him? Listen me kid, you are supposed to comply with all three of us. We are your seniors, got it?', Colt barked at me again. 'Yes Sir', I nodded my head in fear and got on all fours. 'Good boy...Greg', he signalled at him and I couldn't see what was happening as my head was turned down. Greg came to me and lifted my right knee. 'Wear this, it will protect your knees', he strapped protecting pads around both of my knees. 'And this ... this is a back binder consisting of a box in which you can carry all the things when you are ordered. For example from now you ll carry the cups and tray in this box to the kitchen, etc. Understand Lucas?', he was asking me and I nodded my head. 'You are a quick learner unlike some people who were in same position a month ago and took days to understand', it was Mark and I felt he was taunting Colt. 'Will you shut the fuck up Mark?' Colt was mad at him for humiliating in front of me. 'Get here kid and lend me your back', Colt extended his legs and I crawled towards him to give my back to his legs to rest upon. I stayed there for an hour until the movie ended. It was like a trial, my biceps and leg muscle were aching and became numb. At that moment I regretted coming there but it was just a start and I knew the real deal had yet to come. The heels of his feet were piercing through my skin but I endured all it as I was not a sissy. Colt's words had hit me badly and I was determined to prove him wrong. 'Thanks for your service kid. Now get to work', Colt dismounted his legs off my back. 'Your first task is to do laundry. It has been a week that I did and before Alex's arrival, it must be done. Do you get it bitch', Mark had been the only one who didn't say anything to me yet and now when he spoke, he was so humiliating to me. I was actually hurt but he was right I was their bitch. What just did I say? 'Then your second task is to clean the house as it is my duty and you are gonna do it kid', Colt said and like previously I just nodded my head in affirmation. According to Greg, I have no right to object so I guess I'm gonna do all the things. 'And before you do that go to kitchen and wash the dishes and clean it as well. Alex is really strict about mess, everything should be clean and at its place. Get it Lucas', Greg in his warm voice ordered me as well and for some strange reason I expected him not to order me around like other two jerks. 'Understand bitch?', Mark asked loudly. 'Yes..Yes Sir', I came out my thoughts. 'Come here I'll put the cups in the box and then you ll crawl back to the kitchen', Colt explained to me and I went to the kitchen carrying the utensils obediently. 'He is not like you big guy', Mark grabbed popcorns from Colt's hands and remarked. 'I was a straight guy in first place and a fucker not bottom like him', colt replied. 'What's the news about your new colleague?' Colt asked him taking some popcorn. 'Logan?', Mark confirmed. 'Yeah... what's the progress?' 'Totally under control and is an aspiring candidate to add into Alex's stable' Mark adjusted his crotch. 'What about your progress?' Mark asked Colt this time. 'I got hands on one and I hope to bring him soon', 'Good', 'What about you Greg?', Mark asked him. 'Well, an intern has come in hospital and he is all over me but he is not Alex's type but can be used in future, second my shift in-charge has been changed and I'm trying on him as he has the perfect ass for Alex to fuck, has potential to become a future cum dump for him', Greg showed them his pic. 'Fuck, you're right. He looks right as hell...see Colt', Mark was impressed by his height and built. 'hmm....yeah', Colt agreed with them rubbing his crotch. ******

'Hey Alex is coming in fifteen minutes be ready', Greg reminded all the men in the lounge. 'Okay', Mark replied and switched off the TV. `I'm gonna take the bath, he loves when I hug him bare chested in his favourite body spray', Mark said excitedly. 'Gimme that as well. I wanna try that too', Mark was surprised when Colt said that. He was not into romantic stuff instead he remained serious even in Alex's presence. Sometimes Mark felt that he was still in denial of being a submissive man as Alex took all the control he had previously.

'K', Mark briskly went to the bath as there was not much time left. The bell rang and Greg got to open the door meanwhile I, Mark and Colt came out in a line naked (actually Mark was shirtless in his shorts while Colt was in his boxers only) to welcome Alex. I was aroused sexually to see the handsome muscular hunks nude and it was humiliating that all of us grown up adults were standing there for a kid. My cock again got hard to even thought about such humiliating scenes. I was now liking getting humiliated, exposed and similar stuff. 'Hey what's up?', Greg greeted my Master excitedly and hugged him. They both then kissed making me jealous (but why?) Mark, the typical jock of the lot, did the same thing even Alex took longer to make out with him feeling his back and chest. I was for some strange reason excited to see him as well. He is the one, my student, who fulfilled my fantasy of teacher-student sex. He completely owned his teacher and made me his toy. Fuck! It is not only humiliating and demeaning but also so erotic and dreamy. Colt hugged Alex and lifted him up with his arms. 'Did you miss me pup?', he asked penetrating his gaze through his eyes. 'Yeah.....a lot', and Colt pressed his lips against Alex's sky rocketing my dick. Only I was the one who was completely naked and my hard cock was on the show I couldn't even hide my erection as I was not allowed to do that. 'And here is my horny teacher', my head was down in shame when I heard Alex's masculine voice. I looked up to see my alpha, my stu- dent, to whom I love to give my ass and myself. My heart was beating faster and it was so weird as it never happened to me. I'm used to watching Alex in class on regular basis but today it felt like I was meeting him the first time. There was new born respect and sense of subserviency inculcated in me for him. His gaze shattered my confidence, my body shivered as he touched my hard on gently and gave it a slow squeeze. 'Are you horny for your student captain?', he asked me pressing my huge cock gently giving me shivers. 'I...', I stumbled which surprised me a lot as I have been among the most confident captains in the academy. 'I....yes... I am horny for you', I organised my words and spilled them out. 'Good boy. Did you miss me captain?', he asked smiling still playing with my cock like it was his toy. 'Yes', I nodded expressing my excitement for him. 'Good. Ready for your punishment captain?', he asked me and stopped squeezing my cock indicating that he was expecting my consent. 'Continue to squeeze me Alex, I'm damn ready', I gave my consent and his hand started rubbing me again. 'I want you to make me proud captain. I want you to realise you deserve this punishment as you did wrong to me. And I want you to crave for more of it. Will you comply captain?', he asked with innocence in his striking dark eyes. 'Yes Alex I will. I'll not disappoint you again ever', he sensed my resolution and signalled me to follow him. 'You come as well Colt', he called him too. 'With pleasure my lord', there was a basement besides lounge where I have not gone earlier. We walked down the stairs and entered a large dark room. 'Colt will you switch on the light?', Alex said. 'With pleasure', and as he switched on the light my eyes widened and jaw dropped. It was a kind of dungeon. 'How do you like it captain?', he asked me and I had no word. 'Mark specifically gave the idea when I had to train your senior here', I look at Colt who looked embarrassed and I was shocked that Colt had been trained in the dungeon. My cock was expressing my excitement. 'Now listen to me carefully. Colt here knows how to proceed with your training. As I cannot miss college but you have taken leave, Colt will be responsible for training you and will inform me all the progress in length. What your responsibility is to do as you are told there is zero tolerance of showing any objection captain!', Alex started so politely but last sentence was so cold. 'Do you understand captain?', he shouted and I quickly nodded my head. I could not afford to disappoint him. 'That's more like it. I really think high of you captain and always keep this in mind that ....', Alex walked towards me and pressed his hands on my chest. 'I'm the one who owns your body now. Every inch of your skin and every cavity of your body belongs to me and I'm putting my all trust in you captain that you will ensure everything just for the sole reason of making me happy. Will you captain?', his words hit me empathetically making me stutter for a moment. After what he said, I cannot break his hopes and trust in me. 'I'll do my'll do it Alex. I'll belong to you, my Master', he hugged me as I completed my sentence and I embraced him back just like a good teacher does and in a way it showed our teacher-student bond. 'So let's get started captain. Just a week and it'll end. Colt will alongside explain you the details how he felt when he was in your shoes and how did he completed every task bravely', I again looked at Colt but there was no expression on his face so I couldn't conclude whether he liked it or not. 'Now climb up the wooden table there and assume an all four position', I looked confused but I did as he said. I climbed up the wooden table and saw four slots. 'Arrange your hands and feet in the slot', Alex said from behind and I did. He came closer and fastened my hands and feet with a leather fastener. I could not leave the table now and would stay there like a dog. 'As you told me before due to that magical water all the men in military have tight holes. So first we are gonna loosen your hole up. I like tight pussies but the trial I'm gonna put you in is worth it. It is not gonna be easy captain, it'll be painful and extremely painful so get ready', I swallowed my drool cuz I knew Alex was not joking but still I had a slight hope he would be a tiny bit lenient on me as I was his teacher. I heard something hammering against floor and I turned around to see what it was. To my extreme shock it was a machine to which a long metallic cylinder was attached. 'The equipment is here captain Lucas', Alex was smiling arranging the cylinder behind my butt. I turned to Colt who was giving a devious smile to me.

Alex came in front of me. 'Get him ready Colt', he signalled Colt. 'You believe in me captain, right?' he asked and I nodded my head. Thanks .... now Colt lube your junior good', 'Whack', a tight slap printed on my bubble butt. 'Nice ass .... ready kid', I was jerking when he asked me and I nodded frustrated even Alex giggled on such foolish action. I felt Colt's cold hands on my butt spreading them apart. My heart started beating faster as I never had such emotions developing before. Whenever I had sex, it was always private and one on one but now someone was interfering with my private parts in front of someone. I blushed on such sexual perversion. The squirting sound of lube hit my ears and my anal sphincter tightened in anticipation. Colt entered the nozzle of lube into my tight hole. Feeling the surface, I hissed a little and felt the cold lube making its way in my gut. 'Do you like it Captain?', Alex asked me and I nodded again. Then Colt pressed my ass cheeks apart and revealed the pink rosebud that rarely blossoms. He inserted his long middle finger and I resisted as hard as a stone. It's not letting it in', I warned them. 'It will kid', a light whack reminded me things were gonna change from now on. He inserted his finger more but my hole was not giving up on his anal barrier. It was like fire burning in my hole with all that hard protrusion. 'Fuck Alex! You were right...he has a tight pussy....I mean tighter than a wine cap', I felt ashamed and humiliated on his comparison. 'Fuck', I hissed in pain. His continual protrusion was burning me. 'But I'm not gonna give up!', and with one mighty blow it went in. My eyes suddenly filled with tears and face flushed. 'Ahhhhh', I tried hard not to do that but couldn't as my hole felt like balloon had popped. My cock rose like a snake and twitched feeling the pleasure after pain subsided. 'See I succeeded in making my way in', I looked at Alex who was smiling warmly. I had to bear it, Alex warned me earlier but now it was too late. Colt forced his second finger inside without giving any warning and I pressed my anal sphincters tightly. Whack!' (another hard slap) Open it up bitch!', Colt shouted and I slowly relaxed my sphincters. 'Man still an amazing resistance by his hole .... you were right Alex these military studs have the tightest pussies alive.', Colt pressed his both fingers further and deeper. My asshole is really tight but it's not my fault at all. It was the price to pay for a full 8 inch fat dick. Our scientific committee worked on this liquid that gave us a huge tool but as a side effect our internal sphincter muscles contracted and be- came tighter. They didn't know that the edge they researched to give military men will become their biggest weakness. Colt was only halfway in with his two fingers, this tight our holes had become. Colt put his one hand on my butt and with other he forced his two fingers in and they went tearing my internal sphincters hitting my prostate. 'Ahhhhh fuck!', I jumped at the scorching pain but those leather fasteners held me in my place. 'Shh...nothing to worry about captain, it's temporary. The real pleasure yet has to come.', Alex patted my shoulder and coaxed me like I was a little baby but his fondling was the only support I was having plus the penetration was also keeping my cock hard filled with plea- sure. 'Now as I'm in, I'm gonna fuck your pussy with my fingers kid. So be ready it is gonna be a hard ride!', he said and fucked my hole deeper. 'Ahhhh...ahhhhh', I moaned out louder just like a sissy woman. It's aching...go slow please...ahhhhh...ahhhhh', I was writhing with pain but Colt didn't stop his hard assault and continued fucking me really hard. 'Just few more minutes Captain.', Alex coaxed me again. A wave of pain horrified my face as Colt pushed and pulled out. My face would contort with pain and then relax as fingers would out and then contort and then relax and the cycle went on. I endured all this just be- cause of Alex as this time I wanna live up to his expectations. My hands and teeth were clenched, eyes were squinted and chest strained and I restricted motion of my butt as Colt carried on his hardcore motion of fingers. Magically, after ten to fifteen minutes, the waves of pain were transformed into jolts of ecstasy. 'ohhhh', and I moaned. 'You like it now captain, don't you?', Alex smiled gently and asked me. I opened my eyes and looked at my Master who was caressing my face. His gentle touch and empathetic tone took over me and I nodded my head. 'yes Alex', I said smiling just to make him happy and satisfied. Ahhh...yeah...', I moaned in euphoric happiness again. My tight hole was loving the hardcore interference of Colt. 'You' re lovin' it kid?', he asked me. Yes!', I replied. 'Yes what bitch?', he spanked me harder. 'Ahhh....' my cock jumped and leaked pre cum. Yes....Sir!', I shouted. 'When you are being trained bitch, everyone around you is your Sir! Especially Alex!', he forced it and I looked at Alex and said Sir!?'. 'If you don't want to say, it is fine with me.', Alex rubbed my hair. No ... I want to, SIR!', I quickly replied in excitement. 'I guess his hole is ready to move on to step 2.', Alex signalled Colt which he understood and opened a cabinet taking out something. I was focused more on Alex who was smiling and coaxing my face gently. 'Here you go Alex!', Colt came with a trolley with some stuff that was covered with a veil. `Do you know what this is captain?', Alex asked me. I moved head in negative. 'The fingering was tip of the iceberg but this ... this is the start.', Alex explained to me and removed the cover. I was all at sea and scared to see what was revealed. I looked at Alex in shock and fright.

'These are the five different sizes of dildos from size one to king size.', Alex moved his around the set of dildos. We'll start with the size one and by the end of week, you'll be able to take this beautiful king size dildo up your ass', Alex was explain- ing excitedly like a teacher but I was scared to the bones looking at the range of the sizes and that freaking monstrous king size dildo. No way my tight pussy...wait what? my tight hole ....what's happening to me?....let me rephrase, no way I could take that long size dildo in my ass. 'Will you comply captain?', Alex asked with excitement. I didn't want to ruin his moment with a no. 'I'll try, Sir.', I smiled but Alex got completely blank. 'Captain, I want you to do it, not a try', he said looking directly into my eyes with stern face that intimidated me. 'Yes...Sir', it came out of my mouth mechanically. 'Good boy!', Alex rubbed my hair and smiled warmly. 'So we'll take the bottom up approach and start with the smaller one', Alex took the skin coloured size one of the dildo from the trolley and threw it to Colt. 'Wait, are we not gonna record all of this?', Colt asked Alex taking my soul away. 'What recording?', I was in panic now. 'Don't be panic Captain. The recording is for my website. And your face will not be shown. Actually none of my men has been revealed online. You all are my highly confidential properties so I won't take any risk of doing it without your consent. Is that Ok captain?', I didn't what to say. I literally didn't advocate his idea but I had no authority to say 'no'. So I nodded my head disappointedly putting all of my trust into him. Alex brought out the Camera and arranged it on a tripod stand. 'We are ready now Colt.', Alex thumbed up. 'Got it', Colt took the dick and fixed it to the cylinder. 'Ready Kid?', Colt asked but I didn't respond. Whack!'...'Yes Sir!' and I shuddered on receiving the bee sting. Colt lubed up the the dildo well and parted my ass cheeks again. I felt the cold tip against my sensitive area and my anal sphincter contracted again giving off the similar resistance as before. Colt pushed the tip of the dildo into my hole and I felt my internal muscles pushing apart just like roads do when they crack and move aside during earthquake. Despite the smallest size the dildo felt so large and I moved my ass away as Colt continued pushing it forward. Ahhhh ... ahhhhh ... it hurts!', I cried. 'Just a little more, kid, and it will subside. You pussy is so tight and even this size one dildo is facing a lot of resistance.', Colt motivated me , I guess, and forced the dildo forward making me jump in pain. 'It was bit easy for Colt to take the size one. Am I right Colt? Tell you experience!', Alex ordered him. Yes ..... It was not easy for me I'd say but size one was not much painful. When Alex pushed the dildo and on the machine I thought I was being hit continuously and the pain won't fade away ever but ...... I was wrong.', Colt stopped after saying this. There was again no expression on his face. 'Really wrong I'd say.', Alex rephrased it again. Colt was completely silent and looked lost in his thoughts. ******

Chapter 18

Colt: 'Welcome to Alex's dungeon cop!', I crawled down the stairs with a collar whose leash was in Alex's hands. Mark and Greg followed us as well into the basement. 'Your senior Mark designed and Greg arranged all the stuff of this room. Mark's idea was just spectacular. What could be the best thing for training my girl?', this would hit me like a nail, being called a girl is so humiliating and Alex knew it well that how much I hated when a man like me a fucking beast is treated as a ... woman. 'Obviously a dungeon where I'll not only train my girl, but also punish you! And I'm gonna use this room more for punishing naughty girls like you Colt!', Alex pulled the my leash and I jumped closer to him. It was so embarrassing and humiliating for an authoritative guy like me to crawl around with a collar attached just like a dog. This crazy twink reduced me from a dominant, controlling straight cop to a disgusting and humiliating cock riding creature. Where I would be ordering around the officers at the station, smoking cigar, drink- ing beer and at noon I'd go into the cell and teach some criminals a lesson, now I'm taking dicks multi times a day as if it were my doses of medicine. That was a life I always wanted and had, not this, crawling nude like a dog, getting fucked by some stupid kids and doing their chores and dishes. Fuck! Just one mistake and it led me to this ignominy. 'Now Mark make do your work and arrange our cop for the procedure', Colt stooped down and said deviously gazing at me. `Yes. Boss!', Mark took the leash and instructed me to move the wooden table in centre of the room. He removed the collar and pads and ordered me to move on the table in all four position and just like Lucas I was fastened on the table and lubed up well. For unknown rea- son my ass had acclimated to send message to my cock to get erect whenever anything would hit it be it a finger, cock or even a slight touch just like a woman. 'No...fuck....I'm not a woman!', I clenched my teeth but my cock rose to mount Everest upon thinking myself as a woman. Even this dis- gusting thought had become a source of my erection now. I'm a man not a woman but since the day I came here, I was constantly ad- dressed and treated like a woman. Alex would make me wear extra large bra and panties all the time. My beefy chest would say no to normal sized bras. And the constant fucks that every man in this house would give me be it Alex, Mark or Greg. I was reduced to a piece of 'pussy' (that what everyone called) and everyone would fuck it at every opportunity they would get. My pussy, fuck no ... my ass has been ruined now and strangely and ignominiously I wanted more if the cocks. I was not allowed to self please, but I could have cock anytime both in my mouth and ass. I was the beast who would make a woman wet everyday and night and now it has been a week since I ejaculated thanks to chastity cage Alex brought and because of that I would always remain hard (another aspect that would add more to my mortification in front of others) and ready to explode but I couldn't. I was a straight ... wait I'm a straight man .... they all are chang- ing me. Fuck. That constant sexual stimulation everyone is giving me here is removing my every bit memory of being a straight dude, sleeping with my wife and fucking other women. What remains in my brain is that I need a cock to please myself .... no never I need a pussy to fuck not a cock to ride. You definitely are understanding my situation, right? Answer me (people) that you are getting my point, confirm me that I'm not in denial as Alex would say. Please tell me I'm not living in a denial, please! I have also shed tears in frustration when I was alone and asked Alex to end this but he would come and rub my cheek gently and kiss me (making me hard despite the fact I was straight) and after that he would give his amazing smile and say me, 'it will be over soon'. Let me tell you one good thing about this delusional kid. Yes I said him delusional because I always thought he was some kind of ama- teur brat who thought he could conquer this world by playing with the mind of every man around him. He sure was confident fellow and I would say over confident cuz it was impossible. You tell me people can a straight guy after living a heterosexual life for so many years suddenly become homosexual? Or someone so dominant and assertive (whether gay or not) like Mark and Greg suddenly turn so sub- missive and loyal to someone? It is impossible, right? But again how Mark and Greg are so loyal to this college going twink? I never un- derstood that (But I came to understand after I spent time with him). Coming to the point what is the one good thing about him (and I know you'll be surprised that a guy like me is complementing him) that he possess one amazing smile. It is not extra ordinary or like his teeth shine like bright stars. The thing is when you'll meet him you understand it. His smile is so warm and supportive, he has that per- fect smile who would make any upset or depressed person optimistic and happy. You must have heard a smile can change a person that how he feels so that's kinda strength his smile possesses and when he said me that it would be over soon for few seconds I really believed him just because he was saying with his confident smile. Saying all that, Mark lubed me really well and deeply. He inserted his middle finger that gave me shivers throughout the body and then his second finger made his way and then third and it hurt like hell. My hole has stretched by getting fucked all this time but still I was not well prepared. He was pushing in and out expertly and I couldn't move away because of those leather fasteners. I just endured with clenched teeth and tight muscles. My heart was beating harder and dick was fully swollen ready to explode. 'I wanna cum!', I cried out as it has been a week since I came. 'I just love to see you this way my girl. I'm really hard and want to fuck you right away. Just look at yourself. You are freaking large 6'4 beast with a mammoth body and here you are fastened and getting ready to jackhammered', Alex touched my chin and said directly into my eyes. I was really scared as he was damn true. He pressed his lips against mine and I felt I was gonna explode. 'You will cum girl but not today.', Alex signalled Mark and Greg who was arranging the camera. 'Are you gonna record this all?', I was petrified.

'Yeah of course. I thought of an idea to make all of your videos and upload it on the web. It will earn me a lot of money. Why just to sit around and fuck all three beasts of you when I can cash all of this as well' he said like it was so random. I looked at Mark and Greg. 'Are you two fine with it?', I asked them but they were smiling. 'Yes we are', they both said coherently. 'We believe in him that he won't do anything that would hurt us', it was typical if Greg this at that but Mark, I didn't expect him. 'You all are so delusional. What about your jobs? What about my job?', I was so panicked that I began swaying here and there. 'Ahhh', Alex came to me and gave a tight slap on my face. 'Just shut the fuck up Colt. Listen to me carefully, you all three are my property and I would never do anything to reveal your identities to stupid people out there in world. So calm down and don't panic', I just watched him with shock. How did he slap me? No one ever does that to me. I'm Colt, the head of my staff at station. But I guess he was right, he owned me. If he were not then I would not be the one here on all fours about to take a vibrating dildo. `Fuck ...', I said in frustration. 'Come on Colt you know you have no other option so just believe in me. Don't fight with yourself. It is what you want and I'll give you what you want.', I looked at him. 'How are you so confident about this kid? I'm a straight alpha not a fag', I said vulnerably. My attitude was also changed now. 'you know the answer Colt. Just recall everything what happened in this week and you'll get the now don't act like a sissy and get ready. Come on people hurry up. Move you asses quickly!', he shouted at the other two hunks while I was recalling what he said. I was constantly fucked the entire week and surprisingly I loved what they did, when they fucked and milked me without touching my hand the first week and then there was a gap for a week and I was kept in the edge. Fuck, I loved all that humiliation in that week but still I denied. 'Ready girl?', Mark mocked and before I could say anything he pushed the dildo in my stretched hole. 'Ahhhhh..ahhhhh..fuck', I shrieked. Just like Lucas. ******

Lucas: Colt came out if his thoughts and Lucas's painful moans were making him hard and leaking. He pushed the dildo forcefully in. Ahhhhh ... please stop ..... Ahhh. Alex... Sir hurts like hell....please take it out!', I was crying out louder and Alex signalled to stop. I was panting breathlessly, my should was leaving my body, this was the extent of the pain. 'Take a deep breath', Alex was patting my back. I did as he told looking at him. 'You can do it, Lucas!', Alex smiled and for the first time he called me by my name indicating the teacher student bond was over now. Now it was all about Master slave thing. I was breathing deeply, inhaling as much and exhaling slowly. His hands were inning my wife back. 'Feeling good?', he asked me politely. I nodded my head in affirmation. 'Should it be continued?', Alex asked. I knew it had to be done so why to stale it? I gave my consent and was determined to take it all the way. Colt pushed it even more deeper, I could feel my muscles cracking apart. My face contorted with pain. Ahhh ... ughhhh ... mfhhhh ... it .... hurts ... so bad ....', I said with writhing. My biceps bulged out as I out all the weight on them and my face was red to neck, veins bulging out. 'You can do it Lucas!. Your swollen biceps look so stunning.', he squeezed my taut biceps. 'I believe in you Lucas. You are trained to bear pain, you are a military stud.', Alex was motivating me and as he mentioned my military status, I felt a surge of determination to bear all the pain. I was a captain and captains don't fear such pain. I can do more than that. 'Yes Sir, I can do it .... yes ... fuck ... it won't hurt me ... I'm Ahhh .... captain ...ahhh ...', despite my strong resolve, the pain was sharp and burning tearing my muscles in the hole. 'Yes captain you can do it. You are in military. This pain is nothing', Alex realised mentioning military was working on me so he contin- ued encouraging me that way. `Ohh ... yeah ... yeah ... I'm in military. I'm a captain. This pain is nothing Sir!', I could recall the days when we were punished in the academy. One day I made a serious mistake and I was punished as standing shirtless in the cold night for hours. That was so horrible at least less horrible than taking a small size dildo. I strained my biceps and chest and cried out louder. 'I can do that Sir ... push it all the way Sir', I told Colt to push it all in. Hearing this he forced all the six inches into me. My eyes filled with tears and I wanted to shriek out louder but I bit my lower lip and took it in. 'Congrats kid, you took it all in despite the resistance!', Colt spanked my ass hard. 'Did you love it?', Alex asked me gazing into my eyes. I had no answer as I didn't. How could I say yes to such pain. 'I guess no .... but', I continued looking at him. 'But your cock is telling something else Lucas', I quickly looked down and saw copious amount of precum leaking down on the table. 'When did I?', I was shocked as I didn't remember ejaculating so much pre cum. 'When you were shrieking with pain. Then!', Alex's devious smile was mocking at me. I was blushed. 'Don't be embarrassed. It is quite natural for horny man like you to ejaculate without using the hand. Actually I love you for expressing your excitement like this otherwise I was tensed whether you feel pleasure or was it only pain. But your cock told me everything. It nev- er lies', I was so ashamed at Alex's such erotic explanation but now I see I kinda like it. My cock was still throbbing and wanting more. 'Switch on the machine Colt.', he nodded his head. 'Make it at low frequency.', he switched on the jackhammer and then the fucking began. It slowly came out half way and then banged inside.

'Ahhh...', I express my feeling with every bang. `Ahhhh ... ahhhh ... ahhhhh ... yeah ... ahhhh .. fuck .... ahhhh ... fuck ...', I was loving the slow fucking. Now my hole was stretched for this session and I was relaxing, liberating my anal sphincters and receiving the hammering. I actually needed it. My cock wanted to explode the semen building inside me. 'Lucas, you are allowed to cum as much as you want as the machine is gonna fuck you for about three hours. We are going up and return later. In case of any emergence you can dial this button ok?', Alex put a button case beside my hand. 'For three hours?', I was all in sea. 'It is necessary Lucas. Don't you trust me?', Alex patted my shoulder. 'I trust ... ahhhhh .... you ... ahhh, Alex.', I said feeling the pleasure mixed with pain. 'Good boy. But keep in mind do not ejaculate a lot that you won't be able to feel the pleasure later as your anal training will continue till late at night', I gulped down the saliva in horror. I never expected that Alex would be so cruel to me. Was I regretting the idea of submit- ting to him? I doubt. The machine was banging me and they left. I was alone on the table taking the dildo which was painful but also giv- ing me pleasure. I am a bottom so taking dick is not a problem but it is too much. Plus I want to explode right now but if I do that I won't be able to continue for three hours, Alex was right. I had to stop my ejaculation so I distracted myself from thinking sexual but was it enough? ******

Alex: 'What is the progress?', we come in the lounge and Greg had prepared a delicious meal for me. We all were having our dinner. He'll get used to it soon. He has got the potential and we just need to polish him', I took a bite to it. 'Tell me about your progress guys. Did you manage to find members?', I asked. 'Yes, there is one who is my client and a sort of colleague. He works in a gym where I go and he possess all the qualities you love in men', Mark was explaining me about the new member to be recruited in my stable. 'Tell me more', I asked. 'Man I have not much connection with him but he is really arrogant and rude. Doesn't talk to people who he assumes not match to his powerful persona. He is basically gym trainer there and quite a catch both in looks and physique and I believe is a perfect candidate for you to teach your tricks. He definitely shows his interest in dudes and I have heard he also has banged some of his colleagues and did something to the owner of the gym', 'What about the owner?', I imagine the owner to be a tough body builder. 'He is slim and slender in his 40's, definitely not your type', he laughed and my hopes broke. 'Ok...let's have a meeting then. Shall we?', I smiled deviously. 'What about you Greg and Colt?' 'I have my eyes on one as well. He hit a car last week and wants to get out of it as his reputation is at stake. So if you want I can bring him here and train him. He has a strong background and is handsome too', Colt gave his details to me. I'm happy that you all are sharing my burden. I'm proud of you all. Colt you are allowed to do whatever you want to bring him here but keep in mind, consent is a must. Make him realise they want a dick to please himself. You are not allowed to force him. Got it?', I gave him the reminder. I'm working on my new shift in-charge who is all over me. He is a good looking mature man and has a good built not like us but is worth a try.', Greg explained. 'If he is already into you then I don't think I have any use of him cuz he wants you not me', I said in a cold tone and Greg realised he fucked up. I'm really sor--', 'You should have thought about that earlier Greg. How long since have you been living here and you don't know what my interests are? It's totally absurd', I slammed my hand on the table. There was complete silence. Greg was so ashamed that he didn't pull his head up. 'You made me so disappointed Greg. You are the first slave I owned and you don't know what my traits of a man are', I stood up from my chair. I was really upset, of all Greg made such stupid mistake, I don't believe it. He better knows what I want but still he does such thing. 'At least finish your meal Alex," Mark tried to stop me. 'I have eaten enough and I'm going for a walk, I'll be back soon', I left all three studs alone. 'Greg what did you do?', Mark jumped at him quickly. 'I thought he would be an easy target', Greg had his head in his hands. He was truly sorry for making Alex upset. ******

Next: Chapter 18

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