Training the Military Studs

By Master Primus

Published on Mar 29, 2021


The next chapter has arrived and I wanted to extend it but couldn't spare time. Guys this time I wanna know which stud in my story is your favourite one and whom will you replace yourself with? Write me your fetishes you love to fulfil being that character and I ll try to make it come true. Till then enjoy.

Lucas, the power bottom Captain Lucas signaled me to come to his room after the class and I gave my affirmation with a grin on my face. As the class ended, I rushed to his from. "Knock knock", I knocked. "Come in", my dark handsome captain gave me permission in his husky voice. As I entered insane captain Lucas checking some sort of paper. I came behind him and took his cap off. "I have been waiting for this captain. At last a nice fuck", I said locking his neck. "Stop Alex. I'm about to finish checking the documents", he said without even looking at me. "No, leave it right now and let me fuck you captain", I said seductively as I didn't like him ignoring me like this. "Wait..", he sounded like ordering me. I rebelliously started unbuttoning his khaki shirt but he stopped me. "Alex, just few mins", but I continued opening the buttons and he at last left the documents and let me unbutton his shirt, captain succumbed to my manipulations to his nipples. His muscles relaxed and he straighten his back letting me do the work. His thick neck was in front of my sharp teeth and I took this as opportunity to gnawed on the skin. " hurts private", I love when my slaves call me by my name as it sounds more dominating to me. You see every slave addresses his owner either by SIR or MASTER, but I like it different. I like when I, slimmer than my muscular beasts dominate them physically, so calling by my name feels kinda humiliating to them and this is what I want, they must always realise they are owned by someone many years younger and much weak physically. I continued playing with his pleasure buttons and biting him. He teased me a lot by not letting me fuck him earlier and he has to pay for it now. I tortured his large, suckable dark nipples and nibbling his neck. "Fuck...ohhhh...that hurts bad, private", he moans loudly. "You didn't let me lay you captain and this is your punishment", I whispered in his ears and he smiled seductively. "I'm ready to take every punishment from my student", he said and kissed me on my lips. Damn, he was a great kisser. His mouth opened wide and sucked lips, his tongue rolling over and taking me dip. I love making out with men who know how to kiss. So if anyone of you, yes my readers, ever meet me so keep it mind that I prefer a good kisser. I kissed him back passionately sticking his sensitive nipples out. He was moaning alongside kissing me with same passion as I was. He could become one of my favourites. So how many men have I need till now?, I thought. Greg, Mark, colt, Liam, Jay and captain Lucas. What that's all, this is a really small number and I must make it big. I should focus more on breeding my teacher than thinking about my slaves. I told my self and got into it. I took of his army shirt and made him shirtless. His muscles were relaxed and I continued feeling them starting from his pectorals, then to chest and those meat house of abs and then unbuckling his pants. "Fuck....yes private, make your teacher naked", he whispered into my years breaking the kiss and I smiled at him romantically. He always reminds me if Greg who is a willing bottom and likes me fucking him a lot. I unzipped him and he took of the pants, lowered his jockstraps and revealed his thick seven inches dick (I apologise if I forget dick sizes in my story as I'm not into dicks, I'm a fucker so never cared about whether a dude has 10 inches or 3 inches. A muscular hunk with a nice ass is my deal). I gave it a good squeeze and he moaned out like an engine. "Fuck captain you want it badly", I whispered again. "Oh yeah Alex, really bad. Fuck your teacher private", captain Lucas sure has a fetish. He keeps on repeating "teacher and student" thing. A slutty bottom teacher having fetish if being fucked by his twink student, a great fetish indeed and I was surprised that unlike my nature of not doing with a desperate bottom, I'm still fucking them like Greg and now captain Lucas. Both if them are desperate bitches who want to be laid like a white and instead of turning me off they make me breed them hard. "Stand up captain and bend over your table, I'm gonna breed you really hard. You have been a bad teacher and your student is gonna punish you", I said cunningly and his eyes brightened in excitement. "Oh yes private, breed your teacher, punish him, he has been a bad boy", he said enthralled and bent over the table pushing aside his documents and other stuff. He was desperate for my cock, I could see that. "Good boy", I came over him and whispered adjusting my cock against his hole. "Need lube?", He asked. "No I'm gonna punish you teacher", I said nibbling his earlobe and he smiled pushing his legs apart. "Oh", he main out loud as his anal muscle parted away in response to my penetration. "Bear it tiger", I said with a grin. "Call me teacher, Alex", he said and I was kinda annoyed. I felt he was ordering me but I ignored. I had not fucked a muscular hole like Lucas's for a week and I needed to fuck him bad as well. I kept it low-key and penetrated my military hunk with my junk. "'s so big", he said whimpering. But the reality is he has a tight hole. I didn't know why almost every man except mark and Greg has such a tight hole. Liam, Jayson, Colt and now Lucas. All have an amazing tight pussy, believe me, they feel so amazing may be that's why I couldn't get him off my head. I was struggling to get in. My expressions were getting annoyed as the resistance was so great and heat was burning my dick but I'm not giving up. I ll breed him expense of this suffering, I have had enough this week and I cant control my list any longer. "I'm in bitch, my full six inches cock is in your tight pussy", I said aloud on my success. "Ahhhhhhh...yes private fuck... me now and....ahhhhhh... call me either captain or teacher. I want to be felt fucked by my student", he begged while whimpering. "But I'm your student", I was confused. "Yeah I know right, but verbal confirmation drives me crazy. I always wanted my students to fuck me and now I want to enjoy it to full", he told me and I nodded my head. If this is what he wants, he ll get it. But first I need to pull my dick out. Fuck there is extreme resistance in there. "Gimme lube", I give in. These military studs have got mysterious holes. "I told you, it is really tight. You won't believe how much it hurts" I can feel it must hurt really bad. I applied copious amount on my dick and barged in with full might making my captain to give off a loud moan of pain. "Go slow private...ssss", he said clenching his hands and tensing his muscles. "Be relax captain...otherwise...fuck...I won't be able to take your virginity again", I said while slamming my cock harder into his bubble butt. Captain bounced in response and pushed backwards to take in my dick. The resistance was still there but I manage to attain to an fro motion in his tight deep anus. "Oh.... feels like heaven...fuck me private...fuck your teacher....take away his soul", captain was overtaken by lust and was feeling the pleasure I was giving to him. After doing few strokes I pressed my hand underneath him and pulled him arching his back. "Now your ass has acclimated and it's time for my breeding, understand captain?", I kissed his wide back and pressed my cock deep in. "Ahhhh...yes breed me harder", he said closing his eyes and I started fucking him like crazy. I was gonna breed his cum out of his balls. My balls flapping against his bubble butt were shaking his bad forward and backwards, he held on my arms and relaxed his body. "It", he said while shaking and whimpering. I love when men whimpers taking dick. It awakens the beast residing in me. He then grabbed his dick and started jerking off. "No jerking while I fuck", I informed but he didn't stop. "I can't...ahh....I need to cum", he stated and increase the speed. "No captain", I said sternly but he didn't stop. "Come on private keep on fucking your teacher", he was persuading me along with jerking off. What the hell I'm in charge here, I'm his owner now. If I stop then it wouldn't be good on my side as well. I wanted to shoot as well so I ignored his disobedience and bred his really hard to release my anger. "Ohhh.....yes....yes...breed me harder yes...fuck...yeah...I'm close...fuck", he was close I could feel his anal sphincter pressing hard around my dick. His cave was suffocating my cock with heat. How can there be so warmth. It was enigmatic but I continued ruining his tight pussy and then I felt it too, my juice rushed to urethra and my face flushed. "Oh..fuck I'm cumminnggg", and we both came together. In pleasure captain even pounded his wooden table. I thought he might break it. We were breathing faster. He fell on the table and I over him with my dick stuck in his tight pussy. After ten minutes when orgasm subsided I forced my dick out with a plop and a string of my cum attached to his back entry. "I'm gonna use your shower.", I said. "Wait for me", he rushed towards me and we both took a romantic shower together. "It was amazing Alex", he said dressing himself up. I was not happy with his disobedience and he noticed my frustration. He came closer and held his arms around me. "What happens?", He asked politely. "Why didn't you obey me?", I asked him and he looked confused. "I told you not to jerk off....I'm your Master captain", I said authoritatively. "Woh Woh wait a are my what?", He asked smiling surprised which made me surprised as well. "I'm....your.. Master", for the first time I felt diffident saying that. I bred him twice which obviously made me his master. "No way twink. Why did you think that?", He said returning to his chair. "I fucked you", I said attaining my confidence. "So what? Fucking me made you think you own me? Alex I'm a bottom and I gave you my permission to fuck me. I'm not at all a slave material.", He was so calm. "But ..", I resisted. "No buts and Ifs. I'm not a slave and I cant let a kid own me. This is horrendous. A kid fucking owning me? No way..thank you.", It was so insulting. I got red with anger and humiliation. "Listen to me captain...", I thrust my hands on the table giving off the intimidating vibe but he shrugged. He ignored me completely. "Alex, go to your dorm and see me at the same time. We are gonna have another session.", He was ordering me like he was the boss here. "You can't order me around" I lost it. "I'm your class incharge and I have all the right to give you orders", he stopped writing and frowned at me. The submissive bottom captain a few minutes ago was replaced by a stern, authoritative class teacher. "You can't..", "Yes I can. I have all the right to do that", he cut me off and I felt like I was being reprimanded for not obeying "him" instead I should be the one doing that to him. "Now go back to your dorm", he said in a cold tone leaving me dumbfounded. What should I do? I thought and left the room seeing no other option.

****** The week went the same way. Captain Lucas would order me after the class and I would fuck him fulfilling his teacher-student fantasy. He was playing perfectly the role of his power bottom. The reins have in his hand now, I felt using. It was so insulting going to his room for consecutive four days sticking my cock in his hole and breeding him. "Yeah private, fuck your teacher, shoot your load in his tight pussy", he would order me and my balls will churn releasing all the sperms. I can't take this anymore. I'm the one who is always in charge not him. I tried to give one more try and didn't go to his room on Thursday. He asked me why I didn't come, and I said I was not gonna do it anymore. The next day he gave me a C in my recent test that was totally unfair. I studied hard and I knew I couldn't get below A. Everyone was staring at me with a grin. The class rooky Archie was also giving me a smug look. I was curious as hell. I cannot loose to that stupid jock. Archie and I had an invisible tussle. I'm a teacher's pet and always shines in every test. Archie had never surpassed me but this one time and it was not a fair deal. I barged into captain Lucas's room and almost barked at him for what he did. "Alex, keep your voice down. You are not my fucker at the moment. Now tell me what is the problem?" He asked calmly. "What did you say? You didn't know what is the problem?", I asked him still halting at him. "If you had listened to me earlier it would have come to this", he was saying it like nothing happened. I was exasperated to a level where I could even kill him. "Fuck you", I said and left his room slamming the door.

Then next day, he was riding my dick and I felt I had become a sex object for him to fulfil his fetishes and kinks.

I was so annoyed and frustrated even guys in the dorm noticed and everyone asked about it. I had to lie in frustration and give a smile. They all thought I was upset about the grade.

When everyone was in bed, I was talking to Mark on text. I told him every detail, I was glad I had someone to fall back upon. He calmed my anger down and offered me to get off right now. I asked shin it was too late but he said he could come. I told him that I was coming at the weekend and then his ass would be mine. We talked a little more and then I went to sleep.

***** "It s enough captain", he took my dick in his inviting tight hole by sitting in my lap. "No private. It's just a start and it was you who wanted to fuck me bad. So enjoy it private", he came down slowly over my cock. I was feeling the same heat and resistance again. But he has applied a lot of lube before. Why the hell his hole don't stretch? He is a perfect muscular bottom slut. I saw him clenching his teeth with closed eyes, his face contorted with pain and his chest bulked up. "Fuck, you have one amazing cock that I can't live without. This pain...ahhhh...this feeling of being stuffed...khhhhh....I can't explain it", he was definitely enjoying himself and I despite the fact I was fucking him couldn't enjoy myself. "Yes I'm about to take every inch private", he said excitedly putting his hands on my shoulders. I was sitting on his chair while he sat in my lap riding my fuck tool. I felt being used by him and believe me the feeling of being used is so humiliating. If I don't comply with him he would fail me and I cant afford to do that. Thank god he was a bottom precisely a power bottom and I was the one fucking him but I had no control this time. He was doing everything. We both were naked and he suddenly grabbed my nipples and tweak them slowly. It was slight, smooth touch without giving me any pain. "Don't do that", I got furious. "Chill out private, enjoy it", he said with a grin adding fuel to fire. "Now I'm gonna ride you stallion", he said tweaking my nipples and started humping my cock. I hate nipple play, I do love to give torture to my studs but don't like to receive it. He came out bouncing in air and then sat down with a thrust. "Ahhhh....amazing", he said in euphoria of fucking himself. "Fuck me private, fuck your captain", he was shouting out in pleasure keeping his pace on my dick. I was really uncomfortable fucking my captain. The pleasure was one sided. He was getting off without caring about mine and it was making me mad. I was hard but the feeling of cumming was not there. I was being used fuck. "Oh yeah private, you are amazing", he came down slamming on my lap and then moved his ass up. "Yes private", he did it again. "Shoot inside your teacher....make him wet....make his pussy wet", he said slamming his hole hard. "Let me go", I said with a polite submissive tone. "Not now private..... I'm just about to .. shoot...wait for it", it was so annoying.

"Get of over him captain Lucas", I was gonna loose my conscious when someone barged in with a thunderous sound. I quickly came to my senses and looked at Lucas who looked extremely scared, the pain was clearly visible. His face went pale like he has seen a ghost. We both heard the door slamming behind and someone's footsteps coming closer. Our hearts were racing on each footstep. "I thought I said you to dismount him captain", a familiar voice hit my ears. As captain Lucas looked behind I tilted as well to see the stranger and to my shock and surprise it was none other than Liam standing with his stern cold eyes and expressionless face. I was kinda embarrassed and turned my face down in shame in this state. Captain Lucas at last unmounted me and my cock and balls felt lighter. "You get yourself in a pretty fucked up star captain", Liam taunted at him with a grin. "Look lieutenant, it is not like you perceive it", Lucas standing bucked naked with a hard on was in predicament. "Yeah I guess you are right. Your throbbing dick is telling me entire story", he said mocking at his cock and captain realised he was fucked up now. "Look man, just keep it between us two men and let it go", captain Lucas rubbed his head. He was defeated. "Did you let me go back then?", Liam reminded him of what happened during my admission test. "I'm sorry for not trusting you back then mate", captain Lucas was sounded subjugated. "And I must do what I'm supposed to captain. You know teaching faculty is not allowed to have sex with the students", Liam didn't leave any chance to humiliate him. "No lieutenant stop", captain shouted in terror. "Please, don't", there was pause. Liam didn't even look at me like I was not there. He had captain Lucas this time like he had Liam before and as I know, Liam is not gonna get him away so easily. He ll make him regret messing with him. He was so calm and confident taking his revenge on captain Lucas. "It was all this twink's fault, I swear. He blackmailed me and trapped me like he did to you. I swear to god lieutenant", captain Lucas put his finger at me leaving me shocked. "What the fuck did he just say?", I thought ignited by his false accusation and manipulation. It was him who blackmailed me and used my dick for his disgusting pleasure. Liam looked at me and I assumed by facial expressions he must had realised who is the guilty here. He knew me that much. "I don't care who did that. I believe what I see and I saw almighty caption Lucas riding a student's cock and was enjoying it as well", I took a heave at Liam not believing him. "So you ll believe a fucking twink and not a captain?", He asked in disbelief and I smiled triumphantly. "I believe in my eyes Captain", Liam smirked. He take a cautious care of not biasing to any party. But I was confused why the hell did he take my side? He was mad at me and wanted to take revenge on me and there was the opportunity too, he could even convince Lucas to bully me if he wanted. Then why the hell he was not doing that? "You are making a mistake here lieutenant", "Are you trying to intimidate me captain?", Liam informed him that he was in no position to use his authority over him. Liam cam closer to him and whispered in his ears. "I can go to commander's room with this kid and make a complaint against you and you know I can do that. They just do an anal examination and boom. You ll be suspended", captain stood like a statue "And you know what happens to suspended soldiers here", I felt captain Lucas's body shivering. I couldn't hear properly but I knew he was fucked up. "What do you want?", Captain Lucas uttered after thinking and a long pause. "Leave your student alone and behave like a good teacher. No blackmailing and no other shit. Understand?", Liam said in a cold husky tone. "Do you understand captain?", He growled and captain quickly nodes his head. "Good, I expected such behaviour from you", captain Lucas was kinda confused and relaxed that it was it. Liam was not gonna inform authorities and didn't do anything else. Was he release from his wrath so easily? He bent down to pick his clothes when Liam interfered. "I'm not done captain", captain froze. "Every day after your class ends, you are gonna come to my room", Liam smirked and captain understood what he meant. His plight had just begun. "And you kid get your ass to your dorm", Liam said without looking at me. He was totally ignoring me. I didn't react to the situation as he came like an angel and rescued me from disgusting caption. I hurriedly dressed myself up and left the room leaving two studs alone. I have an idea what was gonna happen next. "Stay naked captain. I didn't say to dress up", Liam smirked and captain Lucas just look at him helplessly. His downfall has started. "You are one whore who loves taking dick. So come on all fours like a dog and suck my dick", Liam grinned and caption Lucas's face flushed with anger and humiliation. "Hurry up whore", Liam growled and captain threw his uniform attaining all four position. "Yes good boy", Liam said seductively. Captain crawled towards him. "Now unzip me and do your slutty stuff whore", Liam ordered him and Lucas did as he was told. He was the captain here and taking order from a lieutenant, lower in rank, was humiliating.

******* On returning to dorm, I fall on the bed. "Hey feeling right?", Billy asked me drying his hair. He had taken a shower. "Yeah, just feeling under the weather", he put his hand over my forehead. "Man you have a fever", he sounded worried. "Let me take you to the doc", he said standing me on my feet. "Wait...I ll take Advil", I tried to stop him. "No way. Let doc examine you first", he took me to the Doc's room. He gave me an antipyretic and analgesic and we started walking towards the room.

"Hey you still don't wanna talk?", Billy spoke hallways towards our room but I kept silent. "I see", he said. "Billy you know how can you make terms with me, so don't make me repeat that", I didn't look at him. If he was reluctant then I was also firm. We took the staircase, the third dorm was ours. There was complete silence and light was dim. As we escalated staircase Billy passed on the lowermost stair and grabbed my arm. He twisted me around and pushed me against the wall. I glared at him that what was he doing and before I could address anything Billy kissed me on my lips. He took my both arms up and nailed them on the wall kissing me passionately. I tried to escape his hold but it was powerful and I couldn't undo his strength and let him kiss me. I participated equally after few minutes and his grip loosened. I freed my hands and hugged him making my way into his mouth with my tongue. His hands took hold of my waist and pushed me up in air, I understood what he wanted and I locked my legs around his legs. We were kissing romantically like a couple. I had fever and my body heat was titillating the muscle hunk. I realised it was really hard for him keeping his lust for me in his heart and head. He but my lip gently and sucked it. He was eating my mouth. Our drools mixed with each other and our emotions transferring to each other. He moved downwards kissing every inch of my skin. He licked my neck, his hands holding me tightly. I was in heat, the what if the fever actually and I want to cum badly. I have heard that ejaculation in fever actually lowers it. Billy slowly pulled me down and made me stand on my feet still kissing me passionately. He pulled my sheet over and exposed my nipples. He gently tweaked them and I emit a little moan,"Ahhh". Billy smiled and licked my warm meat knobs. "Ahhhh..", it was so amazing. My face flushed and my hands pressed his face on my nipples. His warm mouth on my nipples felt arousing and I pressed him harder against my chest. My eyes were closed feeling the ecstatic sensitivity of Billy's sensual tongue. He was rotating his tongue over my nipples and chewing them gently. "Khhh...ahhhhhh...fuck", I moaned with pleasure. His tingling tongue was taking me on the edge of heaven. What had happened to him suddenly? I tightened my grip on his hair and pressed him to the other nipple. He expertly suck and tweaked it as well. The slurping sound of his saliva sucking my knob was so titillating. The muscle hunk lifted my body a bit with his strong arms and moved downwards. I let his hair go and ingrained my nails in his shoulders. He continued kissing me down my abdomen and naval, rotating his tongue inside it giving me goosebumps and jolts of pure sexual euphoria. I was wearing trousers only and as he reached my crotch, he took his time to proceed but we both knew Billy has to let his cocky attitude fade away and submit to me. He lowered my trousers with his teeth which was so erotic and down my thighs. My six inch cock that was hard lingered with the trousers and as he pulled them down, it bounced back on his cheek. Billy the stud who is such a cocky dominant dude was on his knees and my cock was in front of his face. I was not very much in charge because if the fever but my heart momentarily stopped with anticipation what Billy would do and he surprised me by slowly opening his mouth. The expressions on his face were incomprehensible and I couldn't get whether he liked doing it or not. Billy's lips touched the tip of my dick and he opened his mouth to take it in. My dick throbbed upon his entry into my mouth but he didn't stop and moved his mouth forward on my cock. Billy, I wanted this stud to at least give me a blow job and here he was down on his knees sucking my dick.

Next: Chapter 16

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