Training the Military Studs

By Master Primus

Published on Feb 25, 2021


I wrote briskly so there can be mistakes. Do ignore them and if anyone is capable of proofreading then send me your responses at my gmail.

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Colt's view: It was 11 pm by now and all had gone to bed. I was at my wit's end when Alex told me to sleep with him in his bed. Noway I was gonna do that and I insisted him a lot trying to convince him but it was of no use. I have learnt in a day that Alex would listen to all but he is a person of his own will. So in the end I was lying naked in the bed with my back being rubbed by the kid's abdomen. The feelings were strange as I never get like this before. I guess my mind is going crazy, I must sleep. As my eyes closed to dwell into deep slumber my skin was twitched my a warm hand caressing my abdomen. I quickly opened my eyes and was froze. I forgot I was his slave and in Alex's words " a slave must satisfy his Master with everything including his body". My body shivered under the warm tickling of his hands. He was wriggling up and down like a snake and again those weird feelings filled in my head. My cock began to rise up slowly and I let all it happen wondering why I'm kinda liking it all of a sudden. His hands roaming about my abdomen and chest and his breath hitting the skin of my back both of which kept me hard. I realised that I was getting horny and I wanted to stop thinking about it but my cock had got his own mind and was taking control over me. I was horny as hell and wanted a release. "Are you enjoying it Colt?", He asked me in his husky voice. I was embarrassed by his question. Although I felt loosing the shit but I kept the rope tighter and didn't let go off easily. "No....", I said hesitantly. "Lie....don't lie to me Colt", he nibbled my earlobe and the feeling was breathtaking. I could remember how I was used to doing the similar thing with chicks. My 8 inch cock was hard like steel and was throbbing like a jackhammer. A little erotic moan escaped my lips telling Alex my emotions that I was trying to hide. I heard him googled and the tsunami of humiliation flooded my body. " can tell lies but not your body stud", he tweaked my nipple gently and rubbed his hard dick against my ass cheeks that made me alarmed. I had watched Greg getting fucked recklessly and I didn't want that as I'm not a fag. Alex kept rubbing his cock while my own tool was throbbing hard. It was so unusual and weird for a straight man like me to be aroused by a boy. I'm a straight alpha stud not a pathetic bottom slut like Greg. Alex's hands continued their exploration of my nipples, twisting them rough not giving me pain and biting earlobe. My cock began to hit my abdomen now in anticipation. His hands move down my navel to the sensitive area just above my crotch. "Ahhh", I moaned mechanically under his stimulation. "What do you keep on running away from Thai pleasure stud?", He whispered but I remained quiet. I am not a fag. "Your body is loving this yet you don't want to admit it. Why stud?" , He said politely. His hand touch the tip of my sensitive cock and again I heard him giggled. "Such a big cock you have got stud.", His hand moved down my rock hard tool and I tried my best to hold my moans. He locked his hand around my cock and pressed the grip around it, I felt my breath taken away. I was just about to let my moans escape but I didn't. I was controlling really hard. "Let it escape stud", his hand moved up my cock. "Let it go...and... free yourself...rejoice colt", he whispered in his seductive voice, the heat of his breaths was arousing as I never felt myself in such a vulnerable position. I moved my ass away from his cock poking into my backdoor but he pushed me backwards forcing me to feel his poking. For the first time in my life I felt like my body was on fire. I have been with so many women that I even forgot the count but I never felt my body on heat like this before. My cock sprinkle few drops of my juice form piss slit in Alex's expert hands as they pumped up and down my fat dick and that was the moment when I couldn't stand anymore and let my moans go. "Ohhhhhh...ahhhhhh...ahhh", my chest shivered with pleasure as my cock ejected few drops of precum. "That's like my boy,...jerk...jerk", he was jerking me faster. "Don't hold yourself...uhhh...back now..", he was forcefully jerking me with his cock throbbing parting my ass cheeks. It was so panicking but the rush of adrenaline was so high that I ignored it. "Ahhh...", I moaned out louder this time and my body shrunk hitting his rock hard cock that pressed deeper hitting my rosebud. "Yes stud, are you enjoying it now?", He jerked me. I didn't respond despite the fact I like it. "Answer me Colt", he pumped my tool. "I....don't...ahhhh ..know", I lied. "You know stud", he continued whispering into my ears humiliating me like ever and it was arousing. His humiliating smile, his husky voice, him taking control and me giving up the control was driving me crazy. No what the hell was I thinking? I'm an alpha. I control things or had controlled things. "You know it stud", my cock was begging to be exploded and as I was close to cumming, "Fuck...", Alex stopped. I opened my eyes in frustration. "If you are not gonna tell me then you won't be ejaculating soon stud", he but my neck. "Ohhh", I moaned and now I was doing it boldly like it was not humiliating at all. My cock was becoming soft but he manhandled me again and started his expertise on my body again but this time he was more rough. He tweaked my nipples hard licking my neck along with. I clenched my teeth tightly and suffered that "pleasurable" torture. "Wait....did I say pleasure able?", I was surprised at that word. Few hours before I was wondering what sort of pleasure did Greg feel in that torturous stuff and now.....I understand that. "No way. I'm not a fag". His hands were travelling up and down my cock pumping it out if motion and his cock peeping into my pucker. "Ahhhh....please... Sir... don't..ahh", I requested him to stop. "But why Colt? Why did you want it to stop...when you are liking it so much?..when your cock is hard and ...body on heat...then why do you wanna stop?", His every word hit me like a shock. Was he right? I asked to myself. Was I liking it? Yes....was the only answer that I could come up with. "Tell me stud, aren't you liking it?", He asked me, his cock poking my hole and hands keeping me on the edge. I feel it coming. "Answer me Colt. Don't hide it. Tell me you are liking what I'm doing", I do feel it coming, the lava was boiling in my balls and was travelling my ducts, I could feel that it was coming. I was breathless. Alex must have realised that I was gonna explode that's why he stopped again. "Ahhh.....ohhhh", I squeezed my ass in frustration. I wanted it badly. "Tell me boy, just say the word and I ll make you cum", he whispered in my ears grabbing my pecs and smooching my neck. My cock was throbbing and begging to cum now. "Please Sir...", I said helplessly. "Please for what boy?", He was kissing me. "Uhhhhhh", I was helpless. "I......", I hissed. "Yes tell me stud", he kissed me and grabbed my hard cock again. "Ahhhh....", I couldn't stop and release the flood of emotion through my lips. "I ...I..can't...take it any longer...ahhhhhh... Sir...make me....cum", I surrendered. "Good boy....but I didn't hear what I want to boy", he said and I didn't get it. "Tell me that you like it", he said again jerking my cock that rose to horizon within seconds. "Oh..yes..I do...I like it", I said pushing backwards knowing the fact his cock would poke my entrance. "Oh yes stud...tell me how much you like it?", Another question was so irritating but he was jerking me faster and the lava was boiling again and this time I want it to erupt. "Ahhhh...sir....I love it...I love it so much", my body was wriggling under the amazing stimulation of his hands on my tool. His hard cock was hitting my hole harder and it gave me strangely erotic sensations that I was loving. I purposely rubbed my ass over his erection. "Don't hold it back....cum like a wild beast stud....shoot your load wildly", his words were so authoritative and commanding. "Yes Sir, I will shoot like a raging stallion", I was going back on my dominant nature willingly submitting to his dominant words. He pumped my cock faster and I was about to cum. "I'm gonna shoot Sir", I informed him. "Go boy, enjoy yourself", he said politely, his words felt like an enchant. "Ahhhhhh...ahhhhhh...fuck....yeah....thank you sirrrrrr....I'm shoootingg.....ahhhhhh", my body was under his complete control and I even thanked him for making me cum. It was so amazing, one of the was the best orgasm I ever had in my life. I shot seven to eight lods of pure hot juice breathlessly and erotically. Alex made me cum without letting me do the work just like a true dominant does. We both were were breathless. He was clung to me like a kid and suddenly thought of my own son hit me when he would cling to me in bed. I didn't even realise his cock was buried in my juicy ass just outside my hole. Fuck the thought of being made cum with someone's cock inside was so disturbing to me. Instead of feeling humiliated, I felt weirdly good. He was leaking precum and I liked the wet tip of his cock between my ass cheeks.

Suddenly the wave of lust subsided and I came to reality. Every aspect of what happened hit me like a rock. It was so humiliating. I quickly moved forward to save myself from his cock. He giggled. "I'm dying to fuck your tight pussy stud...but it is not the right time now", he whispered in his husky voice and I was scared to the bone on his words. "Now let's us did good today", he kissed me on my forehead and put his arm and leg around me making me think about what is happening. He was holding me like a little kid but controlled me like a mature man. Who was this guy?

******* It was the first day in college and Alex was actually nervous. The cocky tween was acting all cool but inside he knew it was not gonna be easy. As he passed across the corridor, he saw few seniors ragging their juniors. "Hey there kid, come here", Alex was about to leave when someone called him. He turned around and looked in the direction of the voice. A 6'4 tall, handsome jock stud with dark complexion was pointing at him. "Yes you think come here quickly", his facial expressions were all strict and his heavy machine voice made Alex quivered. Alex went to him.

He was a really handsome stud, looked around 25, short military cut hair and was in military tight fit out that defined his bulging pecs and boulder sized biceps. His right arm was studied with tattoos, his striking grey eyes can shatter a glass, his clean face with rugged features out stand him from others. His right ear was fitted with a peercing. Alex was in awe to see that dark beauty. "Introduce yourself", he told him with authority. He was quite cocky and over confident. Alex's cock stirred as guys like him always make him horny. Dudes who try to show off their power and taking such dudes down was Alex's game. "Hi my name is..", "Stop right there scum", he stopped him midway and Alex broke out with anger at him using such vulgar words. "What? Droop your eyes scum bag. I'm your senior and show some respect. Now introduce yourself in a military style", he said again. I saw some familiar face who was trying to hide behind this big guy. Yeah it was Billy who was avoiding eye contacting me. "Hey bro leave him, let's pick up other one", "Chill out brother, I'm getting amused by him", I was shocked at Thai revelation but I didn't show any response. He did his humiliating stuff and our orientation started. We all were sitting in a big hall when Billy came and sat besides me. "Hey mate what's up? I know you must be mad at me but chill is always one day teasing. Hope you didn't mind. Did you?", he playfully tried to apologise to me. I didn't even look at him which indicates him I was really angry. "Hey man", he put his hand over my shoulder that I shrugged briskly. "Are you mad at me mate?", He asked in a low apologetic tone. "I'm really sorry buddy. My brothers are really strict so I couldn't stop him", he explained while rubbing the back of his head. I didn't say a word. "Hey....", Before he could say anything someone came on the stage and told us to take our seats and abate the commotion. "Sit down young privates. Welcome to our military academy. I'm Major Craig of the first year staff so I ll be your head this hear. As it is your first day,I would like to tell you about the customs of our academy. We are the right hand of the army. The officers we produce are not like the regular army officers but we play the integral part in defence of United States. We are there to assist many military forces to carry out most difficult missions and to replace the injured one when the need arises", I forgot to tell you one thing. The academy I and others applied to is not a regular military academy. I have heard that they mostly hire homosexual men, it was not a mandatory but a preference and the reason was a mystery. Second we won't be practically involved in defence of borders and all again another mystery to which there was no answer. But they assured us that the graduates do go on different missions and mostly are away from their homes. "You should feel proud that you are the choose ones who will work behind the scenes to protect your nation and it's people....", I was not paying head to what he was saying as I was buy checking him out top to bottom. I was sitting in the second row so I could have a "closer" look at him. He looked in his late thirties or early forties, 6'3 feet tall, white with clean shave and military style cut, black eyes and handsome features. He was dressed in his tight fitting uniform showing off his beefy built. He was fully packed with solid muscles, his topology, his definition was breathtaking. He deserved to own the title of a major. I was eating him up head to toe. He was large and had a complete control over the people around him, his voice was thunderous and could shatter a mountain. My dick aroused, it always does whenever I see a man who is muscular and authoritative as it excites me to dominate him badly. He was explaining the origin of academy and bla bla but I was not interested in that shit. I looked around to see my colleagues. I was surprised to see the well built hunks sitting in front, back and on both sides. It was just like a harem to me where I could top any dude I want. I could choose from the one sitting in front of me, cleaned shave, military haircut and body like a hulk or the wine sitting on right who smiled at me as I looked. His body odor was so masculine and his biceps could crush anyone. Then there was Billy on my left, the top tier hunk who out shined among all, the perfect prey to my lust. There was muscular jocks as far as I could see in the hall, from the captains and commanders to the newbies.

One interesting thing that picked my attention was the ranking in this academy that was very different from the regular army colleges. Commander Craig explained it as: "This is your ranking according to years you are in: 1. Privates 1 a. Private 2 1 b. Private 3 1 c. Private 4 The representative of your class can attain the status of Head of privates. Then there are many tasks that privates are given and then they are evaluated on that basis which can grant them different statuses like specialist and corporal. Then after you graduate there is again evaluation and tests that will help you evolve further from lieutenant, captain (which is the level your all teachers are on), major (like I am and many like me), lieutenant colonel which is in charge of all the majors and then is colonel which is head of this campus, your principle which will soon come to give his speech and there are more statuses that you will get to learn about in the future....", It was nice info. After ten more minutes Major Craig introduced us to our teachers. There are four sections of our class and every section had its own captain and when I was introduced to my captain, I was surprised to see him, it was____ that our principle was coming t. The hall echoed with commotion of applauded and everyone stood up upon the entry of someone which I couldn't see as I was the shortest in the lot. When everyone sat down then I got to see that person and my cock jumped up to see the hulk of a man in his late forties. He was just amazing, the perfectly carved muscular body begging for submitting. His piercing blue eyes looked around and smiled. He then started giving his speech that I couldn't pay head too as I was lost in the beauty of this beast. He was 6'5 and built like a shithouse. I wanted to see him naked. Even in his late forties he looked really young, not a single wrinkle on his face and now I came to realise that none of the teachers or anyone looked old, like they looked really young for their age. May be they are always on good diet and doing the exercise that's why. I didn't care too much. My cock was getting hard listening to the enchanting masculine voice. After his speech we were given glasses of drinks and I found it weird but drank it. Then we were assigned our dorms.

I couldn't see Billy after the crowd dissolved but he really needed to be reprimanded for what he did and his brother, fuck him, if I get the chance I would spank him a lot. I was directed to my dorm which accommodated 8 boys. I arranged my bag pack and after half an hour the room was filled with four strong jocks who were laughing and gossiping. "Hey there!", A white athletic built guy introduced himself. His name was Jake. Actually we all mingled well. The other three also introduced, the Hispanic one one was Paul he was attractive, there was a ginger named Cody, another was lean not my type named Samuel and one Indian, brown skinned named Jay. He had built body and cleaned shave like others and short military cut hair. I had not been with any Indian before and he was good looking as well, and last one heavily built who got my most attention was Gary. He was not like a typical cocky fellow, instead he was polite and talked really eloquently. I was impressed by his smooth talk and attractive smile. All were clean shaved except Gary who had a trimmed beard. He looked kinda elder to us all. Half an hour later Billy entered the room. He was the bigger among us physically, gave the full vibes of a bully even he talked all of us cockily. Every other dude became cautious of his presence, except me, of course. "Still angry?", I was putting my things aside when he whispered. "What do you expect Billy?", I increased my tone. "Hey, keep yourself down, they would hear", he seemed panicked. "I don't care besides if you wanna talk then you have to deal with it", other guys looked at us surprised. "Ok ok...calm down.", He was apologetic. Seeing the alpha apologising me was so arousing. "What you assholes are looking at?", He shouted at them which made everyone look away except for Gary. Both eyes each other like they were resting something up. Both jocks were 6'2, built like wrestlers but with totally opposite nature. Both were far cry from each other in manner, speaking, etc. They both have realised nobody can give them competition besides each other. Other dudes also noticed the invisible rift between them. Then Gary picked his trousers and went into the bathroom. "I'm sorry again brothers are psychos...if I don't listen to them they would berate me later", be rubbed his head. "Friends always support each other Billy....I think you lack that trait", I showed my disappointment in him and slid passed him. I was gonna teach not only Billy but especially his brothers a lesson. They were three brothers and I have only seen one who humiliated me in front of entire college. I'm not gonna leave him like that.

An hour must have not passed that I saw the ginger Cody and Hispanic Paul making out with each other. Both were about six feet but Paul had a large built than Cody and he was controlling the scene perfectly. He was over Cody jerking his cock in his pants while Cody embraced his neck and gave himself to Paul completely. "They couldn't even wait a night", it was that Indian guy Jay. "Hi, we didn't get to know in a better way", he smiled cockily at me and I giggled inside. This prick didn't know hitting me like this is not gonna work. I would say or thing he had a nice built and attractive looks. He stood different from others in race and color. He was around my height or a centimeter tall. I'm 5'10 so he must be 5'11. He continued hitting on me but I didn't respond him. I could see the loss on his face. He looked annoyed. Billy was not in here otherwise those two love birds won't be making love with each other. Gary was out as well and I was waiting for him. So here I was sharing a room with 7 hot dudes to dominate. I smiled sitting on my bed thinking about all of them. Soon my stable would be filled with more members. I was missing Greg, Mark and Colt, without whom my stable is incomplete.

Jay was constantly giving me flirt___ looks that I was ignoring keeping him up frustrated and annoyed. I knew he has hots for me and was hard cuz the love making scenes of Paul and Cody couldn't keep him down. He needed someone to make love as well but I didn't showed him green light. Jake was taking shower and Samuel was organising his things. Jay has no other option left than to go to Sam. "Hey what are you doing?", He asked him. "Are you blind?", His response further infuriated him. He went to him with a cocky smile indicating me there are many other options left for him besides me. I chuckled and he got embarrassed. "Fuck off", he showed Jake middle finger and grumpily laid in his bed while I continued smiling at him.

****** I woke up in middle of the night when I felt something or someone in my crotch. "Uhh...who the fu--", "Shhhhh...Keep quite", I opened my eyes and mouth to speak but someone's hand pressed over my mouth. It was dark and I couldn't see him properly but the voice was familiar. "Are you feeling it little bastard", he smiled and said cockily. Now I remembered it was that fucking Jay. No one can touch my dick without my permission and here he was jerking it. My dick responded to his stimulation which shows he was an expert. "Just relax and enjoy....I'm really horny and couldn't control anymore", he whispered politely. Everyone was in their bed sleeping as the day was tiring. I was getting red with anger. He started pumping my cock. " have one good specimen.", He said in my eyes. I was taken aback for few minutes but came round quickly. I was the one who is in control and I know how to turn the tables on him. I started giving slow moans. "Yes you are feeling it now mate. Don't you?", He said without even realising I was pretending. "I can make any dude on heat like a bitch...just like you little bitch", he boasted off. This vulgar creature just crossed his limits and now it was time to teach him his place. I took my hands to his crotch and started rubbing his own dick. " you want that bitch...I'm gonna give that soon", he came closer to give me access. I put my hand in his boxers and grabbed his dick. "Good boy...just like I'm gonna take my hand over and don't make a little bit noise at it?", He asked and I nodded my head. "Good boy", he said and took his hand off my mouth. I was jerking his dick and he was mine. We both liked at each other for few mins and he closed his eyes in ecstasy and looked up. "You are good one...fuck...", He said with his vulgar mouth. "Now stop jerking me ....blow me up and drink my load....I'm so horny fuck...I can't control", he quickly unmounted my bed and stood up. This was the time. I was taking it slow. He lowered his boxers down and his cock came in view. It was uncut, 5 inches hard, a typical Indian dick. "Suck me bitch", I was done with his calling me that but I bore as soon he was gonna be my bitch. He pushed my head forward but I stopped him. I usually don't suck dicks but this time I need to teach him lesson and nobody can push my head like he was gonna do. He was horny as hell and could do anything to shoot his load which is every man's greatest weakness. I grabbed his filthy cock and was about to take in his mouth. Unfortunately I did and he moaned in feeble voice. "Good bitch...even my girl couldn't suck like this", what he was straight ?? Or bisexual? "You see I get attracted to holes whether it's a girl's...uhhh..or man's", he pushed in but next thing I did just took his soul away from his body. "And I love...ahhhhhh", he was lost in his pleasure when I tightly clenched my teeth over his filthy cock. "Hey what happened? Shut the fuck up and let me sleep....I'm so tired", it was Billy who shouted and Jay just kept his mouth shut. He knew he could not say anything or express any emotion whether it was pleasure or "pain". I was laughing inside. I quickly grabbed his hands and took them backwards. "Bitch....leave my dick...", He tried to push himself away but he met with even more pain. My teeth were tightly closed around his hard dick. "Fuck...leave me....fuck", he said in a lower tone but loud enough to disturb Billy's sleep. "Fuck...I said keep quite", he said out louder and Jay kept his mouth shut feeling the pain. He couldn't afford to wake everyone up and bore the pain. "Uhhh...ppleeeasse", he at last surrendered bit I didn't leave. "Please....I beg's hurting...I'm sorry... please", he tried to escape his hands but couldn't so he stopped over and whispered. "I'm so sorry....please...I won't do that again", I tightened my teeth. "Please..ahhhhhh..ohhhhhh...please..I ll do anything", He said it. This was the sentence I wanna hear. I left his cock hiding his hand tightly. "Will you do anything, bitch?", I said victoriously. He didn't respond so I pushed him forward with his arms locked in my hand his dick was again entering my mouth. "Yes...yes...dont do that please", he acceed quickly. He was a quick learner. I stood up, his cock in my hand. "You didn't know me bitch....and it is time to tell you who I'm", I whispered in his ear and left his dick and pushed him down. He understood what I wanted and was hesitant in doing that. I pushed him down his knees and then suddenly I remembered something so I grabbed him forcefully by his developed shoulders and stood him up. We were face to face. "Listen "bitch" you are gonna blow me now and ll do it properly like a bitch teeth and if you did that..", I took a pause and gave him a stern look. "I promise you that you won't wake up with a morning wood ever, and you know Billy ...he is so particular about his sleep (I threw the bait) and if you acted like a sissy I'm gonna cry out loud and not only him but also every other guy will beat the shit out of you further more I ll complaint that you tried to sexually harrass me (the final nail in the coffin) got it?", I could see the real terror in Jay's eyes and he swallowed the drool in his mouth. "Got it bitch?", I asked him against ND he nodded his head. "But...I had never sucked before", he said hesitantly. "Doesn't matter, there's always a first time. Now get ready", I patted his arms and pushed him down on his knees. I jerked my cock a bit so that it was hard again. It was fully erect in front of his face. "It is larger than your typical pathetic Indian cock bitch", I humiliated him and he was kinda in awe to see my six inch cock throbbing in front of him. Mine was not only longer but also thicker. He opened his mouth slightly and I stuffed it with my cock in one round deep in his throat. He couldn't take it completely and gagged, he was a nube and needed my special training. "Come one take it", I slapped his face with my hard on and he grabbed the base and took it in. He was so amazing, a fresh mouth to fuck. I continued fucking his mouth for about half an hour until his mouth was trained enough to take a cock without a gag. I know a mouth cannot be trained in a night but he was a quick learner and it was enough that he sucked my cum dripping cock without gag. I never expected that my first night in the college will be so amazing. One rarely came by a chance to fuck someone and my a beautiful face like his. "Now stand up bitch and get naked", I ordered him and he panicked. "Please don't make me do that", he pleaded. I swung my arm around his neck and pushed him closer. "First of all it is "Master or Sir" from now on. Your days of rule are over now bitch. I'm gonna play the game here. Second never say never ever to me or things will get more harder", he knew I was dead serious and he could do nothing. I completely dominated that Indian brain of his and he had no alternative. So he dropped his boxers and got naked. "Lay in your bed sideways", he reluctantly did it. I laid closer to him feeling his muscular frame and rubbing my cock against his back. "Now part your legs as far as you can", I whispered feeling his nipples. "Ahhh..sir....please...I have never been fucked", he pleaded again. "Shhhh won't hurt", I assured him. My cock was well lubed by his saliva and it just needed a hole to fill. "Sir...please...I'm sorry...", He was almost crying now. "You must pay for what you did and believe me you will love it. I bet", I said cunningly. "Now part your legs. I pushed his Leah's apart and inserted my middle finger away. "'s tight like a pussy", I cried in his ears. "Cuz....I'm a virgin sir", he revealed his little dirty secret. " So what bitch...every dude has a virgin ass here", I ignored his sissiness. "I mean I have never done sex before sir", I was shocked at his reveal. "What ? So what about your girl you boated off before?", I was really surprised. "Sir we never had sex....she said she can't do that before marriage", he explained. "And you never fucked any girl or boy before", I asked him as it was so exciting. "No sir...only blow jobs", he said emabrrased. "This is really great...fucking a virgin is amazing. And this way you will learn the real pleasure of sex", I said penetrating my finger forcefully. "Sir...ahhhhhh..I didn't tell you ugghhhhh for that", he moaned with pain. "It is temporary bitch just bear this little pain and I assure you everything will get better. "Ahhhhhh....nooooooo please....nooooo", he gyrated with pain and all those painful feeble moans transformed into pleasure full noises and he started pushing on my three fingers willingly. After I made his tight ass stretch I made him lube my cock with his saliva and then I fucked him really hard breaking his virgin ass and poor dude couldn't even cry in his humiliation. He was broken down in one night and I returned to my bed after dumping my load in his tight chute teaching him a life long lesson that he would never forget. It was an AMAZING night and I slept tight.

******* The sun broke forth after a tiring day with a burst of loud taps on the door. We all 8 guys woke up and got ourselves ready for the new routine. I looked at Jay who seemed embarrassed by the humiliation he took last night. Nonetheless, we went for walk with other dudes for about an hour. Then we were called to have our breakfast and by 7 am we were supposed to be in our class. "Someone had a great night", it was Cody and I ignored him as I thought he was talking about him and Paul. But someone turned his face down in humiliation that I didn't notice. I didn't know that Cody knew what happened last night and I don't even care. Quickly everyone sat in their seat when our first captain came in. I couldn't believe my eyes to see him. I never even imagine him to be our class captain as he was not present yesterday.

Next: Chapter 14

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