Training the Military Studs

By Master Primus

Published on Jul 26, 2020


The story is entirely fictional but sex events are inspired from true events. My email is in the end of chapter. Your complements encourage me to write quickly. Also if you relate to this story, send me your experience and I might incorporate in the series.

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Chapter 1: Introduction

I have always been fascinated by handsome muscular studs since my childhood. Watching a muscle hunk flexing his biceps, walking around with his nice solid ass was always a sight to behold for me. I have turned 18 previous week. My experience with men has little as most men assume me a bottom when they look at my 5'10 lean frame, innocent face and cute looks. So when I look at a guy of my taste he winks back at me, always gives a squeeze on my ass and praises it but as I say the next sentence that,

"By the way I'm a top."

Their glance always shifts to my stature and then at my face. They never suspects me as a fucker until they are in bed, legs up and taking my dick balls deep in their anal hole.

But as I said I have little experience thanks to my highschool studies. Most of the sexual relief I got till date is because of boys at school and believe me I never enjoyed it.

I think you didn't get the idea of my role. Let me explain. I'm a total assertive top who is into men not boys, especially dominant men with herculean built. I don't know but the feeling I get when I fuck a MAN, like Mr. George who is the sweet hubby of our chemistry teacher, drives me crazy. He is in his thirties and is well built. That was the first time when I realised my true self.

One spring noon all students were leaving for home but I got detention and had to do my chemistry assignment. I never liked chemistry. The atomic and molecular structures always danced in front of me. As I finished it I went to Miss Sophia's room to submit it. I submitted it and went to washroom to empty by bladder. As I entered and walked towards urinal I saw a tall man dressed in a white dress shirt and pants there,he looked fit. I went to the urinal next to him and unzipped and took out my six inch hard tool. I purposely gave it a jerk which off course he noticed. I used the urinal and looked at his tool which was impressive good seven inches long. He gave a wide lecherous smile. We both went to wash our hands and after then we introduced ourselves. I explained to him that I had to submit the assignment and he told he was George my chem teacher's husband. Damn he was hot as hell. I picked him from head to toe. We stared at each other for few mins and them he took my face and kissed me. It was my first kiss with a real man. I was sixteen then. I could not believe at my luck. He pulled my pants down and tried to finger my hole but I stopped him. He gave a surprise look. He was taller and bulkier. I was supposed to be a bottom for him but I collected all my courage and said to him that I was a top. I gulped down my saliva waiting for his response. I said it cockily and hoped it didn't turn out bad in my behalf. He smiled and lowered my pants down. I was confused. He took my six incher and gave it a nice squeeze, I moaned and then I got the best blowjob of my life. I looked down at him. A man, a fucking big married man was giving me the blowjob . I cautiously took his hair and buried his face in my crotch almost fucking him. He did nothing. I felt encouraged and rammed my dick into his throat, he didn't do anything instead he took it nicely and obediently. He took it like a pro that gave me more courage and I started fucking his mouth with a rhythm. It was first time my cock was in a hunk's mouth taking it like a pro as I usually find twinks like me. After fucking and making him gag a good ten minutes I pulled my cock out. He looked at me with cute innocent face. I stood him up with a grin and pushed him against the wall, I was scared at my bold moves as I thought this hot muscle stud could get mad at me. I couldn't believe how cocky I acted. I was forcing a man against the wall. He could easily crush me with his muscular arms. I unbuckled his pants and lowered his briefs down. I gave a hard spank and he moaned in response. I whispered in his ears that I was gonna fuck his cherry. He was ready. And the first time in my life I fucked a man, he was not someone of my age but twice my age, my body and my power. I dominated him, fucked him and he took it like a manslut. I never felt the surge of such ruthless power through my body. That day I realised I was not meant to fuck with boys of my age but there were many men out there who needed my guidance and direction. I need to prove my worth as their dominant, their top, their fucker and above all there caretaker. I fucked really good and George complemented my fuck style. We fucked again but he had to move abroad with her wife and there went my opportunity to fuck a hot stud. And after then there were online opportunities where I found bottom slutty men. But one thing was missing they were not the men who needed me. I'm a hunter and I hunt for those men who think they are tops, and who are afraid to explore their desires.

You see there are many men who act like tops because people around them made them assume they are. They are huge and walk around with a dominant aura but are afraid to disclose their other side to the people. They have a fear what others will think as to them they will always top and take control. But in a corner of their heart they want to succumb to their desires and feel the bliss what it feels to be dominated and bottom for someone as they never find someone who can take control from themselves. And I was attracted to such men. Off course there are total tops as well but I think I'm blessed with a power to filter out such men who pretend what they are not. So keep in mind I'm into tops, Doms, bottoms, alphas actually everyman who has a well built body and pretend he is a top or dom. I just love muscles. Another thing that makes me horny is the feeling to dominate a huge man with my slim body. It makes me feel powerful and conquerer. I had always a kink to arrange an orgy where four to five weak boys dominate and fuck a huge muscular man. I feel satisfied when they feel humiliated and confused. There is a myth that muscular Dom men are meant to fuck but I'm here to debunk the myth. You can make any man sub with careful tactics and hitting their weak points. Believe me I ll take care of my men with love and care. I just need their surrender. Hope now you know me better. So let us continue to the main story.

I 've turned 18 and I'm planning to join the army. Here is a secret. I have surfed into dark web and I 've become an expert in such stuff, can hack people's everyday usable technological stuff, internet and accounts but I never do anything illegal. There is a secret organisation in touch with US army. Actually it is part of US army. But its goal is entirely different from regular armed forces. This organisation more precisely academy only hires gay men and trains them to employee in different tasks for our national security and my goal is to become a part of that academy. You might be thinking why I wanna become a join this academy. The answer is there are many secret stuffs that this organisation has been doing besides admitting and training boys for several few years which are kept hidden from the authorities. I unintentionally got into a secret room on dark web where a discussion was going on about how there was something known as "Five Pillars" who are unstoppable and can take down entire military soldiers. I got overwhelmed and wanted to know more about this. But I got detected but somehow I managed to escape behaving as a bot and after that I destroyed my laptop. I always keep two laptops one for my dark web surfing which contain absolutely nothing and it is also a used one. I wanted to to know about those "Five Pillars" and another objective was my sexual pleasure. I have watched some videos of the members and I knew it was the place made for me. All those brawny men with cocky and arrogant attitude needed me to train them. I just had to get myself admitted there. But it seemed impossible as there are criteria for every organisation. You just cannot join it directly. I needed someone and I got the idea within days.

I left the building and headed for my car when I heard a man moaning with pain. It was getting darker. That man had his hand held on his chest and fell down. There were not many people around. I ran towards the man. He had fainted. I with the help of two guys put the man in my car and rushed to the nearby hospital. He was taken to the ICU. After fifteen minutes young man came running and slid past me. I looked at him. He was a handsome dude, looked around twenty- three, strong jawline, blue eyes and brown hair. He had a tall massive built that was defined in his tight polo shirt and denim jacket. I tried to remember him. I have seen him somewhere but where?. I tried to recall and it hit my mind. Yes how could I forgot. He was my senior in my highschool, a typical hot headed jock bully who always harassed us juniors. He and his gang always tormented us. He was actually star player of our basketball team and got a scholarship to a well known university on sport basis. I always liked him and sometimes day dreamed about him as he was the hottest stud in our school.

He looked worried and was talking to the nurse. The man whom I brought seems to be his father. The nurse pointed at me and he looked back. He looked upset and came towards me.

"Hey mate thanks a lot. You brought my father I'm really thankful to you", he said.

"It was my duty", I said. We stood by the wall.

"What are they saying?", I asked.

"They said they have stabilized him but had to do an open heart surgery. My father has been a heart patient for five years", he explained. He took out out his phone and dialed a number. It was ringing, I could hear it as well.

"Hi....Mike my father is in ICU and I need money for his operation. You have some?", I could see how worried he was. He disconnected disappointed. He filed few more numbers but in no vain. I was a bit happy and surprised to see his condition. He looked so vulnerable right now. I could recall all the suffering from from high school. He was a cruel boy and now he was helpless. And I was surprise that why he needed money cuz back then he would always spend a lot of money among his gang and I have always seen him in lavish clothes even now he looked well dressed. He turned around and I felt sorry for him.

"Everything will be alright Jason", I motivated him. He looked back at me surprised.

"You were my senior in highschool and bullied me really bad.", I smiled. He remembered me now.

"Alex- the....", He stopped. I was called as Alex - the hopper. I know sounds funny and clumsy.

"I'm really very sorry. I was really foolish back then." He said sadly.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"The people whom I was so proud of to befriends with, betrayed me in my hour of need.", He explained. We started walking together. I was getting horny. I struck a devious plan in this dire situation but I wanted to do that. I wanted to teach this jock a lesson for what he did to me in highschool. My heart said it was a bad idea but my cock encouraged me. I was getting hard. I calmed myself down.

"Hey I can help you. How much money do you need?", He looked at me with thankful expressions. He didn't expect that from me. By the way I have a good financial background. My dad runs a textile mill and mother is a college professor and fortunately or unfortunately both are divorced. I live with my dad who never cared what I was doing. He was always busy with his work and girlfriends.

"Not enough I have more than half.", Jason said.

"Ok I'm gonna bring it. Just ask them to commence the operation.", I said and his eyes literally watered. He hugged me.

"Thank you Alex. I'm grateful to you.", I sniffed his body odour that was mesmerising.

"Don't be....I'm not gonna do it for free..." I said slyly. He jolted back.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Not gonna do much. I really cannot forgive you for your bad deeds you did in high school. I just wanna punish you that's all.", I said innocently. He looked confused.

"Jason....just relax I'm not gonna do anything that will harm you....just focus on your dad right now. I'm going home and bring the cash.", I said and left the hospital. A devilish grin was on my face. It was payback time. Jason is gonna learn how it feels to be vulnerable. I came back with money and doctors started the operation that was successful. Jason hugged me and thanks me again. I met his father and he was thankful as well.

I came to see Mr. Henry next day who was sleeping. I sat down there waiting for Jason. I took out my phone and checked my emails. A few mins after a young male nurse came in.

"Are you with him?", He asked. I lift my head up and was amazed to see such a hot nurse.

"I...umm....yeah..I'm with him", I stammered but smiled. He took the medical report and was checking it. I stood up and came closer to him. I checked him out head to toe. Damn he was so hot. He looked around twenty five to twenty eight. He was tall about six feet, had curly blond hair, tanned smooth skin and muscular body. He was looking sexy in his nurse attire that fitted his brawny frame. I looked at his ass that seems to be perfectly round. He smiled back at me, I guess he noticed me ogling him. I didn't get scared or confused instead I hit him with a wide smile. I was not that timid school boy anymore. I had become cocky and arrogant myself. If I looked timid and weak how I was gonna handle these brawny hunks? I made the first move stepping putting my hand on his bubble butt, surprising him. I put my hand at his ass and felt it. Yes it was nice and bubbly. He looked at me surprised at my boldness just like others he himself had not expected me to make first move. I stared at him smiling and continued caressing his ass cheeks and squeezing it a bit making him jump in shock and confusion. I could see him getting horny. I knew he wanted it, he wanted it badly and I was gonna give him what he wanted. He looked at me but couldn't match my gaze, he turned his head and closed his eyes.

" You want it stud. Don't you?", I whispered in his ears and gave a light smack on his tight ass. His body shivered and a light whimsical moan escaped from his mouth. I licked his neck.

"Good boy. You are getting hard. Don't you?", I reached for his cock. It was getting stiff. I squeezed it hard. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I was lean and was manhandling him. He had never expected that from a little fucker like me. I squeezed his balls tight.

"Ahhh..", he moaned slightly loud. His cock sprung up. I continued licking him. He was mine and I was gonna fuck him.

"Answer me stud? Do you like my touch?", I bit him on his broad right shoulder.

"Grhhhhh...yeah", at last he said with an animalistic grunt.

"Good boy", I kissed his neck and shoulder.

I lowered down his trousers and tried to insert my finger in his chute. He hold my hand.

"Not that. I don't bottom..", He resisted. But I grabbed his balls tighter and he gave a loud moan. I released my hand and grabbed his both arms bringing them back and bending him on the bed grill exposing his ass.

"Shhhh....I take what I enjoy it stud", I whispered and inserted my middle finger in his hole. I penetrated deep and deep.

"Ahhhh....anything but my hole....leave me...I m not a bottom.." He screamed and begged. I guess he never did anything to his precious hole. I guess I was the first and it made me go crazy. I was gonna fuck a virgin hole.

I spanked his ass hard, " Studs like you say the same. They don't like it but once they get laid, they want it again. So just shut up and keep quite. You wouldn't want to wake up the patient stud.....keep quiet and take it like a stud", I licked his neck and probed deep into his hole. He tried to release his arms from my firm hold but I didn't let him. Struggling in my strong grip he looked like a fly entrapped in a slider's web. His failing struggles made him sexy. There was a secret such men hide from themselves. They knew that they could escape easily with their muscle strength but they liked to be challenged and manhandled by someone more assertive. It was now or never like state for him. Men like him don't want to be taken down easily so they present resistance so they can be assured that he is the right person who can take down him. They struggle, they resist but in the end they succumb to their fate

"Ahhhhhh...stop it", he moaned louder but he knew he couldn't do that otherwise Mr. Henry would wake up. He kept on moaning slow and struggled to get up. He was one of those guys who are slutty bottoms but assume themselves as tops. And once their hole is penetrated all resistance, all restrictions are lost and they succumbed to their conquerer.

"Yeah....just like this...good can take are doing good....feel the pleasure stud.", I whispered and penetrated more. Man he had one tight hole may be virgin one as he dont bottom it seems that he has a virgin hole. I penetrated deeper feeling the anal resistance he was giving. I was close to his pleasure spot and I hit it hard, he shivered.

"Ahhh...ahhhhhhh...", He groaned and his all resistance almost vanished. He needed a little more motivation and I was there give him all. I was preparing him to take the first cock of his life.

"Good you feel that...", I pressed his pleasure point hard repetitively and inserted the second finger. This time anal sphincters didn't give me much resistance. I probbed deeper, twisted my fingers and rotated them stretching the anal walls.

"Now you feel the real pleasure you have always ran away from stud", I lowered his trousers to his ankle, taking his shirt over his chest exposing the nipples covering his both tattooed melons, I started to fuck his hole with my fingers and licking his entire wide back with my tongue. I pulled my fingers out and then rammed them in. He was struggling to escape but I was holding him tightly. I was unusually high today may be this hot nurse drove me like a mad dog and I used my all body's strength to keep him in that position. It was my mission to fuck this stud. I clung myself to his wide back burying my fingers deep in his hole. He yelped but controlled it.

"Oh. Yeah.....", He complied with my fingers hitting his prostate. He was in heaven now. I felt his resistance vanishing as waves of pain were replaced by moans of pleasure. I weakened my own grip to make sure he won't struggle to release them and yes he didn't. He was loving it.

"See stud, you love it. I knew you will enjoy my touch", I whispered and bit his ear lobe. He moaned, "ahhhh....fuck".

I released his arms that were now pressed against the edges of bed. He was taking my finger assault like an obedient sub. I was fucking him hard with my two fingers stretching his tight hole. After stretching the anal walls well I took out my finger and rolled him back. I fixed my eyes into his to see had he the same cockiness in him now? No he had not, he couldn't stand the lust in my eyes and we kissed. I slammed him against the door and played with his meaty nipples taking his arms above him.salmming against the door. I just love playing with a hunk's tits. He was moaning in a light tone. He was definitely enjoying my touch. He seemed to surrender to his sexual desires. I wanna spank his round bubble butt. But I can't do that right now. I unzipped my pants and take out my hard cock.

"Ready to take your first cock stud?" I said.

"I .....don't know...we can wait....ahhh", I didn't care if he was prepared mentally or not, his hole must be prepared that's all. I was surprisingly rough with him, perhaps I wanted a hole like his for days that's why I was really hard and oozing precum. This fake commotion cannot stop me from taking him down. This is always the best opportunity to shatter their resistance.

I rammed my hard dick in his stretched hole and kissed him. I was half way in, the resistance was too much for me. I slapped his ass hard.

"Don't resist stud. Otherwise it will be painful as hell", I warned him and felt his sphincters relax a bit. I moved my dick further.

"Ahhhhh...please....go slow..go is painful...fuck", he cried but who cares.

I was horny as hell. You don't find such a nice fuck stud everyday. I put my hand on his mouth to lower his cheeks down and slammed my dick further so that it was full way in. That nurse jolted in pain but I knew he was as much horny as I was. His hard oozing dick was telling he wanted to cum. I pulled my dick halfway out and forced it in fucking him like a beast. I wanted this stud to feel what the real fuck is. I fucked him hard and ruined his hole. His muffled cries were getting higher and higher I pressed my hand tightly.

"Shut up stud. Just enjoy it. " I whispered and slammed him hard I was balls deep inside him. I continued to fuck him. I have to do it quickly and fast. Jason could come in at any moment. I fucked him. He was hard and was leaking but I had other plans in mind. I took him on edge and brought my dick out. Men like him who can't stand edging always surrender quick. He looked at me disappointed. I knew he was broken down and he wanted a release. I lowered him down on his knees.

"Tell me now, are you a top stud?" I asked. He didn't reply instead bowed his head down. I jerked and gave my dick a full erection. I had to break him completely. I slapped his face with my dick. He looked up at my dick with hungry eyes.

"Answer me stud?", I asked again. It is always a turning point for guys like him who have persona of a top and desires of a bottom and after exploring them once they want to explore themselves again. He was staring at my dancing dick up and down and I smiled cheekily. I slapped him again.

"Do you want my dick stud? Wanna cum now?", I asked him and he abruptly looked at me.

"Yes I want to cum....I want to taste your dick", he said obediently. He was there. He needed to accept what he was not a top stud he used to be. I smiled like triumphant and started jerking harder and faster.

"Be in this position. I'm gonna give you a facial...stick your tongue out and have a taste of my juice.",He complied. I think he had never done that before as his eyes were very curious. He acted as a top before but from now on he knew what his role was.

"Ahhhhhh....I'm cumming stud....I'm cumming....", I shot six load of hot semen at his face and his tongue. He looked sexy covered in my juice. He licked it as I said him to do. He stood up then wiped his face with tissue, wore his trousers and was about to go in a confused state. Something new had awaken in him that he didn't want to accept. I stopped him.

"Wait a min stud. I'm not done yet. I know you want to cum as well. Here is my number. I ll be waiting for ya tonight at my place with the answer of my question about your role." I handed him my number writing it on a paper. His eyes shined as he took it.

"I...I have to see other patients as well....." As he took steps the door opened and hit his face and Jason came in. The confidence with which he came in had blown away. I smiled cheekily at his clumsiness.

Jason entered and our eyes matched. We greeted and kept silent. I thought I should leave now. Henry was still sleeping.

"Ok see you later Jason. Gotta go now", I bade him bye. But he stopped me.

"What do u want Alex?", He asked. I turned around. I guess it was the time to tell him and let him get prepared.

"Listen Jason. You have been cruel to us. And I want a payback. I want you to suck me off and then I'm gonna fuck you. This is as simple.", I summarised. His jaw dropped in shock and the expression on his face changed. He was flushed. I guess he never expected this from me. He knew I was homo and treated me badly in school now it was revenge time. I left him confused and dazzled. I knew I had him. He had no choice besides doing as I say.

Master Primus

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Next: Chapter 2

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