Training the Marine

By Pete Brown

Published on Feb 1, 2023



By Pete Brown. petebrownuk @

Even the best plans can be thrown off track by unexpected occurrences. I was looking forward to moving on to the next stage of the marine's training, when my staff informed me that it was imperative I went to the USA. We had long been negotiating with the US Government for a deal to - no, as it is still not yet announced, I should perhaps not mention the specifics of it in this memoir. And now the fools had managed to get the negotiation to the stage where the President himself wanted to "shake hands on it": these ignorant American hometown boys - they don't understand that business is based on contracts, not on good will!

I told my staff that the President should come to me as I had important matters on hand, and the magnitude and sensitivity of the deal was such that this was just about to happen when some minor war or other required him to stay in Washington. Really, it was only a matter of a few aircraft carriers, planes, and troops, and my careful arrangements for the training of the marine were to be all upset: surely the US President could easily have delegated the conduct of this insignificant skirmish to others whilst attending to our important business as had been planned.

But there seemed to be no moving him from Washington, and as I did not want to jeopardise the deal, having spent some substantial part of my time setting it up, I reluctantly agreed to go there.

Even when I had had Concorde diverted from the London -Washington route to come to me, it was still five hours to Washington. And I needed to stay two whole days, even with the best efforts of my staff to cut out the unnecessary meetings, dinners, and speeches with which this simple business transaction was to be surrounded. With another five hours home, allowing for the time zones meant that I would be away four days in total - at this crucial time in my training plan!

I could of course have entrusted the care and training of the marine to any number of people on my staff, but at this crucial point I did not want him to see anyone else - just as when you train a puppy or other animal, I wanted him "imprinted" with me, and to know that it was I who fed him, and I who controlled him. So I visited the training area just before I left and threw all the controls to "remote" so that they could be operated from any PC anywhere on my network. I also left the slave with 24 biscuits, telling him that I did not care when he ate them, but that they were all he would get for the next four days.

As I left, I addressed him:

"So, slave, just because my physical presence will not be here, do not forget to behave respectfully. If you see that the light is on on the camera on the PC, it will mean that I am viewing you in real time and I expect you to kneel as usual. And the time for any vestiges of privacy for you are past: ensure that when you are pissing or crapping, the front of your body always faces the camera. And you will masturbate, facing the camera, at least twice in every 24 hour period - even if I am not then on-line, as your balls must continue to be used to producing sperm regularly. I will review the continuous recording that is being made of all these scenes to ensure that you have fully complied."

With that I left.

I had expected the Atlantic crossing to pass relatively quickly, and had been looking forward to observing the slave via a remote link. But I had forgotten that Concorde is now such an old aeroplane, and even though it carries only the very wealthy and powerful because of the prices, it is not equipped to provide high speed remote LAN access! It was extremely frustrating to miss seeing how the slave performed when he knew he was "alone", in real time - I would have to review the recordings later.

Our Washington offices contain a fully-equipped suite for me, as I do pay a visit there about once a year. It was good to have a proper standard of service in America - even though they describe themselves as a "service oriented society", I have never found it to be so even when taking a suite at the most expensive hotels. Only when I provide these things for myself do I get the service I require, so after the long flight it was good to have a naked slave help me shower and then give me a relaxing, full-body massage.

These shower and massage slaves are always selected to be multipurpose, and as I watched his well proportioned cock bob up and down as he massaged me, and saw that he had attractive, muscular ass cheeks, I was tempted to relieve myself with a quick fuck. But that's all it would have been - a very quick in-and-out of a compliant slave, skilled in the arts of pleasing a master. It gets tedious, frankly, just to have sex with such slaves, and I was after better sport: after contemplating the conquest of "my" marine for so long, I found no amusement in such mere mechanical relaxation.

Our meeting at the White House was going well when an aide interrupted us to whisper something to the President. He then begged to be excused, and apologised for having brought me so far, but "grave matters needed his attention in the War Room."

He looked astonished when I suggested that I should accompany him, and told me that regrettably this was a matter of national security and that foreigners were not allowed to be present. I had to use all my considerable persuasive powers to change his mind: not only would our deal be at risk, but I understood him to be engaged in a conflict with a national leader who I had only recently done business with myself - perhaps I could give him insights into the man's character, I suggested. But the clincher was when I said that I now understood his position - although he was supposedly the most powerful man in the world, he had no real power: he couldn't even invite a colleague like me to attend a meeting with him! I know that no one likes to be told that they lack the authority they purport to have - it's then a matter of personal pride to demonstrate that they do.

We descended deep underground, and there were several guarded doors to pass through - I congratulated the President on selecting such an extraordinarily crop of good-looking marines to man all these check points, and that he, like me, obviously thought it worthwhile to hand-select the men who he had to look at all the time. He seemed somehow embarrassed by this.

In the military briefing room there were objections to my presence from all the high-level people there: personally, I didn't think the President was firm enough in crushing their insubordination immediately. None of my staff would ever dare question my right to do whatever I wanted in a meeting I chaired in the way that these admirals and generals did to their Chief! However I simply ignored their hostile stares and sat next to the President, which meant that his Chief Of Staff, seeing his chair already occupied, had to cause everyone else to move one space around the table. Really, they are like children: intent on precedence, rather than real power.

The briefing was interesting and well structured. Some of my aides could learn lessons from the way in which a complex mass of material was presented. I was quite caught up in it, and it was only my highly trained observational sense, gained from many long and complex negotiations and relationships with the world's best negotiators and business leaders, that flagged something a little strange - the admiral presenting the briefing material reacted just slightly differently to one of the screensfull of material on the projection screen than he did to the others.

It was just like one of my briefings, really - they were really presenting "the situation" together with "a recommendation", and all the President could really do was approve it. That happens so often with my own aides and subordinates, as I have said before.

He was just about to formally approve their plans, when I said, in a loud voice so that they could all hear, "Mr President, were you not concerned with the contents of screen 19?"

He looked at me in astonishment, and there were angry mutterings from the others present.

Without waiting for a reply, I snapped "Admiral, show that screen again!"

The man did nothing, and I had given him a direct order! It needed the President to confirm my order before the man obeyed - these men really did not understand the true exercise of power.

The material looked innocuous enough, but once the President had had his attention drawn to it, he asked more questions. I could see side glances and half-shifty expressions from some of the men around the table. The President seemed to be getting nowhere, so I simply banged the table hard to attract their attention, and shouted "Dogs! How dare you mislead us like this! Tell the President the entire truth at once before I do so and make you all look disloyal, as well as foolish!"

I did not, of course, have the faintest idea about the data on the screen, but I am a sound judge of men and I knew from their reactions that it was concealing something unpalatable. You might say that I gambled - but then, the whole of business is a gamble and you will know from the astonishing success of my firm that I am more usually right than wrong.

Hastily, the Chief Of Staff then explained that the data on that screen, whilst being true in essence, assumed that there was no other conflict simultaneously in progress anywhere else - palpably untrue! So the current plan could not rely on the availability of the resources that it suggested, and had the President acted on it he might have found himself unable properly to pursue the campaign then being discussed.

Before the President could say anything, I commented loudly to him that if I were he, I would at once dismiss his Chief Of Staff, and demote all the senior officers present there. It is absolutely unacceptable for subordinates to attempt to conceal things from their masters, and it was clear from the way that the explanation had been forthcoming so quickly that they all knew of the attempt to deliberately mislead their master.

My own aides know that the penalty for any such attempt with me is instant dismissal, and any slave who tried even the most trivial lie would of course be soundly whipped. But it seems that the President does not have even these minor powers, and had to content himself with severely admonishing his staff!

They were all then in disarray, because the purpose of the meeting was to brief the President before a video conference with the leader with whom they were currently conducting a "minor skirmish". It was now clear that the US could not properly resource this "minor skirmish" if it was to turn into a "major skirmish", and the President risked being severely embarrassed.

The debate went on for some minutes about what to do - cancel the video conference, postpone it, or whatever.

I turned to the President and said

"My friend, would you like some further advice from me?"

"Yes, indeed! You've saved me from one potential severe embarrassment already today, and your advice would be most welcome."

"Well then, you must not postpone or cancel the call. That will be interpreted as a sign of weakness and uncertainty, and will strengthen the resolve of your enemy. You must take the call, as it is scheduled, in five minutes time."

"But we now have no strategy.... We cannot negotiate with him without fully understanding our own capabilities."

"Believe me, my friend, that your enemy is a weak and foolish man. You should not be negotiating with him at all. Only three months ago he threatened to call off a deal with my company unless I gave them more favourable terms - I of course at once cancelled the contract totally and started to pull all my people and business interests out of his country. He had to come back crawling to me to ask me to reinstate the contract, and resume business as usual, once he saw that I had no interest in being held to ransom by him.

He is weak, and not a negotiator: firm action taken by you now will save endless problems in future."

"So what would you do, if you were President Of The United States?"

"Firstly, dismiss all these men from the room, so that it is only you and he in on the conference. You do not want him to see that some of your advisors and aides are not totally in accord with the position you are stating to him."

"Secondly, be strong. You have absolute power, so be prepared to use it. Do not start to engage him in debate, simply state your position, ask him if he understands, then go to terminate the call. He is weak and foolish, and if he believes you to be serious, he will at once back down."

"Thirdly, let him see me in the background, so he knows that you and I have been speaking. He will know that I have told you about his experiences with dealing with my company."

"Well, I'm not sure... The Secretary Of State, and the Chief Of Staff have always been on the previous calls, to help and advise...."

"But on this call, Mr President, you will not need 'help and advice'. Decide now what you are prepared to do, and present it to him as a simple proposition: Tell him that if he does not immediately cease the conflict, and immediately return the US prisoners, you will despatch a nuclear weapon to destroy his capital.

Use that TV remote control over there as an aid, and tell him that unless you have his agreement immediately, there and then, you will 'press the button' to despatch the missile. Point out that whereas he might not be in fear of his own life (you have to allow him some shred of pride), you know all his sons are with him and that there will not be time for them to get out of range. So not only he, but his whole dynasty, will be obliterated if he does not agree to do as you command."

There was uproar in the room, as the staff were shouting things like "Madman" and "No use of nuclear deterrents" and "Impossible...."

Ignoring the chaos, I simply looked strongly and firmly at the President and said

"You really have no choice. No other options are open to you as you cannot resource an escalation of this conflict, as we now know. If you do not make him back down now, you might as well destroy him, otherwise you are opening yourself up to decades of increasingly bitter fighting and the loss of hundreds of American lives."

I continued

"I know men. I can 'read' them, as you have seen this morning. Believe me, there is no risk. He will back down - especially as you have said you will wipe out his entire line. You will not have to send a nuclear missile - but you must be prepared to do so in the extremely remote circumstance that I am wrong. Do as I say, and you will be a hero to the American people and to the world."

A young marine lieutenant then came up and said to the President that the link would open in two minutes. I liked the look of him - eminently fuckable, as they say. Looking at his staff milling around in confusion, the President said

"Enough! I am going to do as our friend suggests."

One of the senior generals grabbed a rifle from one of the marine guards around the room, pointed it at the President, and shouted

"Sir, I cannot allow you to do that. I cannot allow you to risk starting a nuclear war."

The marine lieutenant was standing next to me having just spoken to the President, and using my most powerful and authoritative tone I just snapped at him

"Soldier - take that mutineer out! He's threatening the President! Shoot him - NOW!"

Of course the lieutenant obeyed me - he was used to obeying orders, and I am used to giving them.

The President seemed very shaken - admittedly, the gun shot was extremely loud in the close confines of the underground conference room. Someone needed to take charge, so I put my arm around his shoulders, said to him

"Mr President, you must begin the conference now", and led him into the next room where I could see the video conference system was set up.

As the light on the cameras blinked on, and we saw the slimy creature at the other end start to preen and gloat about his successes in the skirmish up to now. It was sickening to see one of these jumped-up soldiers behaving in this way. I rapped out:

"Quiet! You are in the presence of the most powerful man on earth, the President. Be silent, until he allows you to speak!"

He did, of course, and I think this set the tone for the rest of the brief exchange. Drawing himself up to his full height, the President calmly explained the options the dog had - withdraw, or be nuked. When he tried to interrupt at one point, the President himself even snapped a "Silence!" at him - he was obviously learning the proper way to control men. And, as I forecast, there was complete capitulation.

He tried to gain time by saying he had to "consult with his advisors", but I knew this was a ploy. I interrupted to say "We understood you were the ruler, and had absolute power. So there is no need for consultation - make the decision yourself."

Then turning to the President, so that the dog could hear me, said

"If you want my advice, Mr President, press the button anyway. This man is not worthy to be called a 'ruler', and you may as well obliterate him and all his sons as they are incapable of ruling a territory like that. A real ruler could easily understand what you have said, and would make a decision instantly."

Another gamble - which of course paid off, too.

The President and I left the conference room arm in arm, smiling. He told his astonished staff that the war was over, and that they should make arrangements for the repatriation of the prisoners, and demand a large payment from the enemy for the US expenses incurred to date.

"And" he said, "I do not want to hear that there has been any delay, or any backing down, or any compromises: WE are in charge here from now on, not them!"

I think the President would have liked me to stay with him for the rest of the day and help him out of a number of other tricky situations with his subordinates, but I told him this was impossible as I had my own business affairs to attend to. Actually, of course, I wanted to get back to my office to see how my marine was progressing! But I predicted he would have fewer problems in future - none of his staff would ever try to conceal things from him again (or, at least, not for some months!). I recommended to him that he made examples of anyone, of whatever rank, who he ever caught out in insubordination or subterfuge.

We arranged to meet for dinner, and I left.

I did spend the afternoon reviewing scenes from the cell, and then opened up a live video link of my own to the marine. He did, indeed, kneel as soon as he heard my voice: real progress! I then discussed with him what I had seen, telling him he was turning into a worthy slave as I had seen he had obeyed my orders when crapping, pissing and masturbating.

I then used the remotes to turn on the water, and enjoyed seeing his muscular body taking a shower, and zoomed the camera in and out to catch the soapy skin shining under the lights - not as good as being there, but it passed the time. Finally, I commanded him to kneel, and zoomed the camera right in to watch him as he masturbated.

"I am very pleased with you, slave", I concluded. "I will allow you to watch a film tonight. Continue to behave as you are, and on my return we can move on to the next phase."

I scheduled "Sebastiane" - I thought it was time he started to be exposed to homo-erotic films, as he needed to start to realise that masturbating in front of me was not going to be the end of his sexual involvement. And, I mused, it might show him what he had been missing - Sebastiane and his fellow troopers enjoy each other in the film in ways that I could tell he and his fellow marines had not!

The President was in an excellent mood over dinner, as already the international acclaim was accruing to him for having stopped the war so completely, so swiftly, and with so many advantages to the Americans!

The dinner itself was of course tedious in the extreme, and afterwards we all had to listen to a string quarter playing music specially commissioned from a modern American composer! And I thought displays by naked dancing men were boring for my guests on occasions - they are like paradise compared to this!

After a few minutes, I turned to the President and said "Please order this to stop - it's truly dreadful."

"Yes, I agree", he said. "Not my taste at all. But all these guests are here, it's specially commissioned, I have to think about what the public might say..."

"Mr President, who is in charge?

He clapped his hands, told them to stop, and get out! There were astonished gasps from many in the audience, but a lot of others applauded: it really is amazing what people at the top of society will put up with because it's "fashionable" or "the right thing". I never have to do this, of course.

We spent the remaining hour in discussion, and I gave him many tips that I have learned from the control and handling of slaves that are equally applicable to the control and handling of men in general. As I was leaving, the President said

"I owe you a huge debt of gratitude. I don't know how to say this, but... But you are an honoured guest. We can make arrangements for honoured guests who are travelling alone to have... shall we say.. to enjoy the company of a companion for the night....."

"Thank you Mr President, but there is all I need at my suite in my offices."

"I'm sorry - had I known you were travelling with your wife, she could have accompanied..."

"No, not my wife. I am unmarried. I have not brought any of my sons on this trip, either."

"So are you sure you don't want a.... a... a companion? My staff are discrete at making these arrangements...."

"Mr President, I only lie with women for breeding purposes. Perhaps if the staff could find an appealing man - someone about 5'11", nicely muscled, good smile, 26-28..... "

"Of course, forgive me. I'm sure that can be arranged. There are several male escort agencies in the Washington area, and we will be more than happy to pay the bill..."

"How dare you! An escort! Some whore used by half the politicians in Washington? Are you deliberately trying to insult me, Mr President, after all the things I have done for you today?"

"I'm sorry. Of course. What did you have in mind?"

"I liked the marine lieutenant who was with us earlier. Have him sent from his barracks to my bedchamber."

"I'm sorry, that's just not possible."

"Mr President, you're telling me that after all we have discussed about exercising power, you, as the Commander In Chief, cannot order one marine to obey a simple instruction?"

"But I can't order a marine to spend the night with you!"

"You can and you will, Mr President. You will order him to please an honoured guest of your country, one who has done it an immeasurable service. You will explain to him that it is his duty to obey you, however distasteful he finds it."

"I cannot."

"You will, or the world will find out what really went on earlier today. No, that is unfair of me - I rarely resort to overt blackmail! However I believe you should do this, to prove to yourself that your new resolve to give orders is as firm as you had hoped."

I continued "Goodnight now, Mr President. We have our interrupted meeting to finish tomorrow, and I look forward to being in a good mood for it after a pleasing night...."

Without giving him chance to say anything more, I went out to my car.

As I sat conversing with "my" marine over the video for one last time that night, I was also speculating on what the president would do. It took a couple of hours before my phone rang and an aide told me there was a "soldier" in reception. I ordered him to be allowed up.

It was indeed the marine lieutenant from earlier. He came in, saluted, and stood at attention.

"Relax, lieutenant. Recovered from our earlier ordeal?"

"Yes, thank you, sir."

"Do you know why you are here?"

"No, sir"

"How old are you?"

"Twenty six, sir."


"No, sir."

"So you're gay?"

"NO, sir! I'm not married because I am about to be. I've met the girl I want to spend my life with, and we're getting hitched next month. Up until now I have put all my time and effort in to getting on in the Corps. But now I need to get married in order to be able to progress - almost all senior officers are married men"

"Well, marine, before that, you're going to live a little! You have been ordered to come here because I saw you today and found you pleasing. I like young men of about your age, with hard, firm bodies. I am alone here tonight, and need someone to fuck. So I asked the President to order you to come here to be my companion for the night. Do you understand?"

"Sir, no! I cannot be ordered to do that!"

"You can be ordered to do that, lieutenant, and you have indeed been so ordered. Are you about to disobey the President, your Commander in Chief?"

"Come on, lieutenant. Be realistic, and grow up! If you get to high rank in the Marines, you're going to have to obey a lot of orders, and do a lot of things, that you might disagree with or find distasteful. Now, tell me, have you been with a man before?"

"No, sir."

"So if you have not been with a man, how do you know that you won't like it? After all, you joined the marines, and you spend all your time in the company of men. You would not have done that if you found men completely distasteful - you'd have gone to work in an office, or something, with women all around."

"Sir, I'm not gay, sir!"

"Lieutenant, who said you were? Frankly, I don't care about your sexual orientation at all. I just want a companion in bed for the rest of the night, a young, hard body to fondle and tease, and then to fuck. I assume you have not been fucked by a man before?"

"NO, sir!"

"Well, you're in for a surprise! You'll be glad to know that I'm considered to be one of the most accomplished lovers of my generation. Of course, it might spoil you for all the rest, but you will have started with the best. Now, stop wasting time... Get out of those clothes, and let me have a good look at you."

"Sir, I...."

"Lieutenant, are you going to disobey the President? Don't you think he knew what I wanted when I asked him to command you to come here for the rest of the night?"

I was getting worried - I knew how "my" marine simply dug his heels in and refused to do things when he thought they were "wrong". I was gambling that this lieutenant was more sophisticated than my "grunt" - he was better educated, and was probably more used to making the sort of compromises we all have to make in order to get on in life. And, of course, I knew that he had obeyed me once before today in a situation of high stress - and he was stressed - his breathing rate had increased, and he was breaking out in sweat.

"Come on, lieutenant: get naked. I'm sure you have nothing to be ashamed of, as even through that uniform I can see you have a nice body. The quicker we start, the quicker it will be over..."

He stood there for a moment, hesitating. Then with a little shrug of his shoulders, took of his uniform jacket and started to unbutton his shirt.

He was not unlike "my" marine in general shape, size, and looks, except that he was cut already. Nothing exceptional - I have hundreds of slaves with bodies like his. But it would be good to have a virgin, especially a more or less unwilling one!

I stood up and let my own robes drop to the floor, and saw the marine looking at me. Even at 40 I've still got an impressive body, and when I get time, I try to exercise it.

I walked up to the marine, put one of my hands behind his head, the other down his back and on to his ass, and pulled him close to me so that we were in contact all down our fronts and our cocks were thrust at each other. As my erection started to build, I clamped my mouth down on to his and started to force his lips apart with my tongue.

He tried to pull away, but I could tell he wasn't as repulsed as he had intended to be - his own cock was erect too, now.

"Come on, lieutenant! Open your mouth! Just pretend it's that girl friend of yours, if you like!"

His lips opened and his teeth parted, and my tongue was in. I've often found that once you start to kiss a man passionately they are completely unable to not respond, and soon we were both grasping at each others bodies, moving each other to get maximum comfort and feeling, and sucking the air in and out of each other as our kisses got deeper and ever more passionate.

Well, you don't need me to describe it all, do you? He truly was a virgin, and I had to push his head down into the bed in order to stop his cries when I first entered him - even after I had masturbated him in order to provide lubrication for my cock and his hole.

I didn't want to hurt the boy, so I was incredibly slow as I pushed my cock home the first time - but he just wouldn't relax enough at first to follow my instructions to pretend he was crapping, to cause his sphincter to relax.

I'm still not certain, even after all these years of practice, as to whether I prefer an experienced lover who can respond to me fully, or whether the excitement of taking a man for the first time compensates for him lying there relatively supine. And there are problems with taking a virgin like this one, unlike a virgin slave who has been properly prepared: my cock was covered with his shit when I pulled out of him the first time, and I had to break off and go and wash. When I went back to bed he was still just lying there, and I needed to take him in my arms and comfort him - it's nice, though, to lie there with a good firm body pressed against your own, with your arms wrapped around your lover.

"So, lieutenant, you've kissed a man, you've been masturbated by another man, and fucked by a man. So how was it?"

"Sir.... Sir.... "

"Well, was it as bad as you thought it was going to be?"

"No, sir. The kissing.... the jerking off... they were fine. Fun, even. But my ass hurts. And I'm worried that you didn't use a condom...."

"It's bound to hurt the first time. Especially as I am very well endowed - my cock is probably thicker and longer than 95% of the cocks you will ever meet. And of course I don't use a condom - disgusting things! Even with the finest condoms, let alone the thick ones, you lose all sensation: and not just sensation for me, for you, too. Didn't you enjoy the feeling as my deliciously warm cock slipped up your ass?"


"Well believe me, lieutenant, that if I had had a condom on, you would not have felt anything much. And you would not of course also have experienced that little sensation inside you when I shot my load."

"My advice to you", I continued, "If you are going to continue this is to find a few guys who you can trust, then all agree never to go with anyone outside that circle. That way you should be safe from all sexually transmitted diseases."

"Thank you, sir."

"Right, lieutenant. I'm feeling in the mood again. Lie on your back, solider...."

It just shows you that even men who think of themselves as "straight" can be totally seduced by an experienced lover. Even though the first time I fucked him he was very reluctant and it was almost rape, by morning the lieutenant was an enthusiastic partner, and even persisted in trying to masturbate me as we shared a long, sensual shower with each other before dressing. I think it's in the nature of all men to want to have sex with other men, but a lot of them won't admit it, never meet anyone who will take the first step in overcoming their resistance, and so live their lives without experiencing the full pleasure that only two men can give each other.

Before we parted, I talked to the lieutenant seriously.

"I can understand your point about needing to be married", I said. "But even with a wife, you shouldn't cease to continue to explore your real nature: do make sure you find the time to devote to really getting to know a few more men really intimately. You need to discover for yourself whether you want to continue to be fucked, or, like me, whether you prefer fucking - although like almost all men, even those who profess to being complete 'tops', a good fucking every now and then never does any harm."

"You deserve to get on in the marines, and I hope your wife helps you achieve that ambition - but don't sacrifice your real life as a man just for that! I will certainly commend you to the President for 'services above and beyond the call of duty', and that should help with your promotion prospects."

"And there's one more thing: you're a really nice guy. After your initial resistance, you responded passionately to me and made my night here in Washing ton a real pleasure. You deserve a reward... Name it!"

"Sir... Sir... I couldn't accept money or anything. It would be like being a whore."

"And what's wrong with being a whore? Selling your body is perfectly honourable - it's a free trade, with the seller and the buyer both getting what they want. But let's not debate that... When I say 'reward', it doesn't have to be money - what would you like me to do for you? Arrange that operation for a sick relative, get your kid brother into a prestigious school, have a zoning law that's aggravating your mom repealed.... Name it, and I'll do it."

"No, sir, nothing, really."

"Well, lieutenant, that's nice of you! But remember this number - I wrote it on a scrap of paper - whenever you need a favour, just call it."

"Sir, it doesn't have an area code - is it here in DC?"

"No, it's a special number. Dial it on any phone, anywhere in the world, and you will get one of my aides. Remind him when and where you met me, and tell him what you need done. He will contact me almost immediately, and I will repay you for the pleasure you have given me."

I bent down and kissed him again, deeply, prior to leaving.

"Well, sir, there is actually one thing. I know you're a real power in the area, and I wonder if it would be possible for you to find out what happened to four men in my unit. We were all supposed to be going on a secret mission in your country, but at the last minute I ate a dodgy hamburger and was throwing up and couldn't go. The four men didn't return, and were lost without trace. The military here say there was a helicopter crash... But I've checked with my buddies in the Navy and none of their 'copters is missing. I think there might be a cover up..."

"Are these men important to you?"

"Yes, sir. As we were on special operations combat training, we got close to each other. Real close. We were like brothers, in spite of the differences in our ranks. Of course, not as close as we were last night..." - his face lit up with a really delightful grin.

He'd better be careful, I thought. Too many grins like that an I might find him irresistible - so irresistible I would need to have the enslavesrs catch up with him one dark night when he was on leave!

"OK, lieutenant. I'll see what I can do."

"Shall I give you my number, sir?"

"No. My men can always locate you."

The rest of the trip was a n anticlimax. I concluded my meeting with the President. And declined the offer of Concorde to fly home -

"I suppose you have your own 747", the President laughed.

Actually, it's a 777 as I like a modern aircraft, and it anyway has much more space. As I flew in it back home, in proper luxury, I was able to use its communications facilities once more to check on the progress of "my" marine, quiz him about his reaction to Sebastiane (I was pleased to see he had an erection, when I made him outline the main plot line to me), and see that he was properly showered and masturbated.

End Of Part 4.

Next: Chapter 5

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