Training Session with My Dad

By moc.liamtoh@skcashguh

Published on Aug 27, 2023


Ninety percent of this scenario is based upon my true life experiences and is told for the personal pleasure of similarly inclined adults. Be forewarned, it covers W/S, Teen sex--not incest--, scat, etc.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. Author: Hugh Sacks

Training Session 13 JR wrap up

While my training session was still in the hands and mind of my father, JR had taken over as my personal trainer. This was a great aid to my dad and indirectly to my mom. Apparently mom has quite a sexual appetite which is fine with dad because his also is quite a stud. I've heard noises coming from their bedroom since I was a preteen. With the amount of time he was spending with me, even he had trouble keeping up with her desires. Now things are back on track and they're both happy. JR was taking care of me and he was taking care of mom.

JR is also an infomaniac and needed to be satisfied several times a day or night. Even I was getting a bit concerned that I'd not be able to fulfill all his sexual urges. I was able to get him to hold off until mom was either taking her nap or had left for work but then he wanted to suck me, fuck me, or at the very least play around with me. He became an excellent piss producer and drinker thinking that would obligate me to let him do the other things he liked so much. Using dad's strategy that you appreciate what you have to work for, I set high goals in our workout sessions as well as in our daily running. We both be-came stronger, and had bodies that showed off the success of our efforts.

High school was to begin next week and a lot was going to change. We pre-registered him as my cousin from Florida, who would be staying with us for an extended period of time. When it came to supplying transcripts from his previous school, we said that we'd have them sent but we had no idea how that was going to happen. At the same time Darrell's nephew, Kevin, was now living with them, while his mother was serving a prison sentence for embezzlement and they were looking for his father who just walked out. (The embezzlement thing was not totally her fault. Because they couldn't afford as good a lawyer as the company she was working for, she became the escape goat for monies the partner had flittered away but she had signed the checks.)

Kevin was a very good student and had an excellent record from his previous school, all be it a poor city school. Darrell and his wife, Doris, were concerned that he'd be put into a foster home in that poorer neighborhood and get discouraged and become one of the street punks.

His mother loved her brother-in-law Darrell because of the way he treated his wife and how he was able to hold down no less than three jobs. It would be a great image for Kevin. Kevin also liked his uncle; he knew more about his other jobs' than his mother did and he's seen him try out different dance routines---in the nude of course. Darrell supplied the answers to Kevin's questions about sex; primarily due to the way dad had and been training' me. Kevin knew about suckin' cock and had done it lots of times in the locker room. Then Darrell showed him some advanced ways to do it and what else ya could do with cocks; Kevin was hooked for life.

Darrell had also followed my dad's practice of only doing sexual things after every chore had been successfully done. So when he joined our team, he was primed and ready to take off and take off we did.

  • +

At crunch time, when new students were coming in from many other Jr. High schools, there was also a shake up in the administration and several of the staff had to be removed. (The principal had been caught banging his secretary and another staff members in his office.) Emergency, fill in staff, were moved up until they could get it all sorted out. Needless to say the clerks that were filling in were not as adept at filling out the proper forms. Thus with Kevin and JR registering at the same time and being of dissimilar names of their parents, the transcripts got duplicated and JR wound up with the same grades as Kevin.

We didn't know but guessed that JR was a year or so older than me and since I was taking advanced classed we wound up in many of the same classes. In fact, the three of us elected to take the same major and became known as the Three Musketeers or Amigos all-be-it a strange combination as a white boy, a Jamaican, and a Mediterranean. JR had the looks of an Italian or Spaniard. While I stayed with track, Kevin was into soccer and was quite good at it. JR was attracted to it and once on the soccer team, did exceptionally well. The coach said he had a natural talent and assumed he'd played before. We weren't sure about that. But it was things like that, that were leading us closer and closer to who he really is. We never said anything to anyone at school about his loss of memory. While Darrell knew all about it, Kevin knew very little and that helped our relationship immensely.

While all JR wanted to do was fuck around, Kevin and I made him toe the line and develop his mind as well as his body. He had to spend the same amount of time reading, studying and researching as we did and it actually worked. First because he was afraid of being called stupid because we were pretty smart and didn't want to let the two of us down or that we'd go off and leave him behind; he busted his ass to keep up. Secondly, he did actually like doing research and discovering things that he'd never thought about or known.

OH there was plenty of sex, every day as a matter of fact----at least between JR and me. Kevin would join us every day after practice and a lot of times even stay for dinner, but the weekends were pretty much spent with Darrell and his wife. Kevin was also not at all interested in heavy sex, like piss or scat but he sure did like communal jackin' off and fuckin'--both as a top and a bottom.

Another interesting thing happened. JR and I had always wanted to be in the same bed so we could fuck around easier but knew it would seem strange to mom but when she saw how much he needed my help to finish his school work, it was she who came up with the idea of converting Bud's larger bedroom into a double room for us and my room into a study area for our school work.

In our next training session, dad said,

"I have an idea that I want to discuss with Darrell about the book shelves in your room. There's a way to store things that only you can use and I think Darrell can incorporate them into your room."

Darrell had constructed my desk and bookshelves when remodeling the house and now he was to adapt those shelves so we could store tapes and magazines I wanted to keep private. There were no DVD's at that time only VCR tapes and with dad's help, we was able to acquire several `girly or male' magazines that would enhance our playtime.

(Back then Playboy was considered off limits and could

only be seen or sold from behind the counter!) It may have looked like the brass trim of the cabinet hardware but actually they were concealed hinges that ran the full height of the book case and they allowed the end sections to swing out, if you knew how to do it, and in that 2 inch concealed depth you could store tapes and magazines and `toys'.

It was all accomplished in a week and the three of us – Kevin, JR and I-- had a ball, studying and playing around together. The `house rules' stated that we couldn't do the latter until the former had been completed, and with such motivation, JR's grades immediately improved and Kevin and I were able to satisfy his insatiable need for sex.

A love seat had been included in the study room and there would be times when two of us would sit in each corner with out feet interlocked and we'd be able to play with the other guys cock or even sit on a foot and have it work its way into an ass. It was mostly used for leaning over, holding an ass in the open, so it could be fucked. Many times, JR would line us up side by side and just fuck away, from one to the other and then back again. I think the longest such session lasted for almost an hour and we each got our asses stuffed half a dozen times. He's shot loads of cum in each of us. Kevin did like kissing also and we did that a lot while being fucked my JR.

Our physical training had also paid off. We were each able to suck our own cocks and even pulsate our hips until we were able to suck ourselves off. Several times it was a simple competition to see who could come first and who could suck the longest without coming. I always won that part. JR had no control at all; once he got started, he just plowed ahead until he'd shot one load after another.

The after dinner sessions, when Kevin had to go home, it was just JR, dad and myself and while dad did take great pleasure in fucking JR or having him fuck him, it was almost as much pleasure seeing us fucking around. We always tried to impress dad with out technique or timing skills. We'd either be on the floor right in front of him or hanging over the recliner, fuckin or suckin' each other. He'd be watching a game on TV and we liked to time our climaxing with a home run or a touch down, and we were quite successful at doing that, or at least pulling off a good fake.

When we really wanted something that only dad could supply, like a beer or a trip to the go cart track, we'd gang up on him and suck, fuck, eat him, all at the same time. He'd go crazy having three guys work on him at the same time, biting his nipples, eating his ass and drinking his piss. It had gotten to be such a normal routine that after we'd worked him to death, he'd say,

"What's that gonna cost me? What'da want now?"

We'd tell him and we'd get it.

There was a new feature being introduced to the miniature go cart race track and we REALLY wanted to go. The cars were replaced with miniature motor cycles and dad had pulled or sorts of strings to `rent' it for a late evening, after they'd closed, for a private party for the 5 of us. The manager and a tech would have to be there but as long as they were OK with our riding outfits, everything would be fine.

Dad set it up for that weekend and when we arrived, buck nude--we were wearing shoes--but that was all. We did have to wear light weight helmets though. We had a ball racing around the track with the slight breeze against our bodies and the whipping our asses and cocks took riding the rough terrain. We only had a half hour but we all succeeded in what we wanted to do, like pass one another or spray mud up and on another by skidding sharply at the turns.

We were soooo turned on by the whole thing that on the ride home, going through the center of town, that late at night, JR stood up in the bed of the dually, flashing his bare ass and Kevin and I took turns fucking him in the breeze. We think the only ones who saw us were couples coming out of a local bar and by the time they all saw us, we were slightly passed them but we did hear them whistle and shout, "CAN WE JOIN YOU? !"

There wasn't much time left as mom and Doris would be home soon but we just had to do something to expel all this pent up sexual energy. Creative, chef, dad had a solution. We went from the truck to the house, still, nude, with our arms around one another, reaching for what ever we could reach, cocks, asses, tits. In side, dad headed for the freezer and brought out a tub of ice cream, chocolate of course, and as he scooped half a dozen huge scoops onto a platter he said,

"Desserts' on me, guys, but I need help topping it off," and with that he stood over it and began to jack-off.

We all got into a rhythm and just watching that many guys, eager to please, shooting dozens of arcs of creamy cum over all the dark brown ice cream, I was soooo turned on that I shot without even pumping my rod. The smacking, sloshing sound and sight, of that many cocks flying through the air has stayed with me to this day.

It took us a long time to consume it all `cause we were all taking small bites, trying to remember who's cum was who's.

Darrell and Kevin were pulling out of the driveway as mom came home. They waved as they passed. Mom was surprised to see us cleaning up the platter as she entered the kitchen.

"Weeeelll, what's going on, at this late hour?"

JR and I babbled, not making a lot of sense, "We had a ball. Dad was able to get the go cart track for us as a private party."

I could see from the expression on her face that she was concerned, so I quickly added,

"Yes mom, not like this; we had all clothes on." (You'd call helmets and shoes clothes, wouldn't you?)

"Weeelll, OK, but you guys never cease to amaze me. Some day the law is gonna come knocking on our door with a summons for indecent exposure. Now get your silly butts up to bed."

We did but in a few minutes we were spooning together. While mom had thought of getting another twin bed to go along with mine for the double bedroom, she realized that mine was old and Bud's queen size was almost brand new. She asked us on several occasions if we minded sharing a bed, saying she knew grown guys don't like sleeping together. After we insisted a dozen times that we didn't mind at all, she finally relented and was at ease with that decision. The only restriction dad put on the idea was that we'd have to be on opposite sides of the bed when mom came in to kiss us goodnight-good morning. There was to be no sleepin' with cocks up our asses. We dutifully agreed.

Dad stopped by to say good night and as he stuck his head in and started to say his familiar,

"Good night sons, Love ya. Hope ya had a good time?....AAHH, I can see that you are having a good time!" He shut the door quietly and we continued fucking. JR's cock was deep in my ass, for the fourth time that day. Dad made sure mom didn't go right up leaving us plenty of time to finish our fucking and then we got to our own sides of the bed.

And so, it continued that way the rest of the year.

  • +

JR happened to be in the Principal's office when two men came in asking questions about new students; who and where they were. The now much wiser office staff said that they'd have to come back with proper identification and legal papers to get such information. They left, but JR remembered what they looked like. He knew exactly who there were. It was in that instant that it all came back to him but he so appreciated his new life that he didn't want to disturb it. So he said nothing to us.

A week or so later several other official looking men, with proper credentials, came to our high school asking questions about any `new kids on the block' and it turns out that JR and Kevin were the only candidate that fit that scenario. Unbeknownst to us they had been watching us for weeks. They'd attended all our soccer games. They were able to get finger prints of JR from the pop cans he'd tossed away that confirmed that he was the person they were looking for.

They phoned our house and identified them selves as private detectives, hired by a prominent person to fine a lost son. They also confirmed that we had not received such a call from anyone else. Dad assured them that we had not and wanted to know what this was all about. They said it would be easier to discuss it in person and wanted to know when they could meet and where?

"My wife will be home tomorrow and I'd like her to hear it from the very beginning. How about 9 a.m. tomorrow?"

"Perfect. But just in case you get another call, please do not say anything to anyone about our coming to see you. You'll understand the need for this protect-ion when we tell you all about it tomorrow. Thank you for your cooperation. Good night; it's all good news, I can assure you."

Needless to say, dad didn't sleep much that night. He didn't call mom as she'd come home right away and there wasn't anything to do until we knew what it was all about.

Dad is a very observant person and he noticed that there was an unknown car parked at the end of our street very early the next morning and as he pretended to go for a run, heading toward it, it back-ed up, turned around, a drove off. He jogged back and told the boys to get dressed but to stay in their room until they were called for.

Precisely at 9 a.m. the door bell rang. Dad and mom had business clothes on and greeted them, carefully reading their identification badges. They were also given several sheet of paper and some business cards. There's more to this story but the readable part is this:

"JR is actually Jonathan Roland Brach, heir to the world famous candy company. He'd probably gone through a terrible shock and was involved in a fatal car chase and auto accident, right here in this area.

Winthrop Brock II, was in the process of trying to hold his century old company together so it would be passed down to his grandson. His son-in-law, JR's father, had other ideas and had arranged to dup his wife, JR's mother, who was slightly unstable, out of her shares of the company and had arranged to sell the company to a foreign, Italian, interest.

It gets messier but the point for you to know as readers is that Jonathan had seen his father kill his mother and now had to kill his own son, the only other heir, in order to keep control of the stock.

Mr. Brock had us watching, protecting, Jonathan 24 hours a day and he and his trainer' were being driven down to Florida to stay with his grandfather, after the death' of his mother, when the group from Italy, two cars of them, crashed into one of our cars, killing are agents and JR's personal trainer but Jonathan managed to run off. The other car chased him but could not find him. We don't know how he got away or where he went but we did find him by searching the schools.

We've been fortunate that we've always been a step ahead of this other group, even if just one step. JR is the only one who can identify them and his father as having killed his mother. We've informed the FBI and state police and they are right outside now, to take JR into protective custody, until the trial can be set up.

To say the least, mom and dad were speechless but then told their side of the story----just as you have all heard it. Except for the sexual parts, which fortunately have remained secret.

Jonathan and I were called down and he was able to fill in another few pieces of information. He started out by telling us that, yes, the full memory of all this had come back to him a week or so ago when he saw these two men asking questions at school. They hadn't seen him but they were told by the then more knowledgeable high school clerks, that such information could not be given out with out a court order and that they'd have to come back with such paper work. They left without seeing JR.

It was then that the image of his dad killing his mom and of these men chasing after him, that that part all come back. And the part about taking the bike when some boys left it outside the gas station to go in a buy some soda. He remembers sweating as he made it up the hill to Lookout Point and then turning around to see the black car right behind him. While watching them close in on him, he flew off the bluff.

Those chasing him looked over the bluff and seeing his crumpled body and the blood, assumed his was dead.

The detectives then said the state police were right behind that car and the sirens must have scared them off. We had to follow them. When we came back there was no sign of you or the bike, only spots of blood on the cliff.

Later on, dad and I learned more about his lifestyle:

This trainer' that was in the car with them was technically called their property manager; the man who looked after the other staff and fulfilled the job of being a nanny' or companion to JR as he grew up. He'd been with them since JR was a pre teen.

He was from Sweden and had a most unusual approach to raising children. Much to the approval of his mother, and DIS-approval of his father, he was allowed to run around the property naked. When he began to discover himself his father whacked him around for doing such dirty' things and told him he was headed for hell. But then his father wasn't around that much and when he was, JR stayed in his room or was asleep. JR and his nanny', Ernst, could and did develop at their own pace.

Because of the depth and trust of the relationship dad and I had, JR added the more bizarre aspects of his youth. He'd found Ernst in bed, fuckin' his mother. When his natural dad did demand sex from his mother, he was very rough on her, slapping her around, demanding revolting acts from her. JR had heard her screams from his bedroom.

So when she'd been able to entice Ernst into her bed with the offer of her son, he eagerly accepted it and fulfilled her every sexual desire. Quietly, calmly, but with great passion. Rather than being shocked at being discovered, she invited their preteen into bed with them and they all had a very good time. It didn't happen all that often but it was the beginning of his learning how to fuck. `Ernst couldn't wait to get fucked and urged JR's development along----privately'. By the time he was 13, he was fuckin' Ernst every day. And by the time he was 14, Ernst was fuckin' him. He really enjoyed that. That's why he was so experienced and completely uninhibited.

  • +

Short end of that part of story is that JR was only in custody a few days as he was able to point out the men and give a complete statement of all that you have heard. He was able to return, finish high school. The proper paper work was presented and he, in fact, was 4 years older and had already finished high school and was on his way to Harvard University. All the Brach men graduated from HBS, Harvard Business School.

And the blessing didn't stop there. Jonathan insisted on us calling him JR and spoke to his grandfather of the kindness and love, especially the love, that we'd shower on him and his grand father, said, "You haven't seen anything yet."

Matched Harley's arrived at out door for mom and dad so they could ride down to their new winter home in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

I, as well as Bud and Sis, received full scholarships to Harvard and mom could complete her graduate degree in nursing any where she wanted. Just the mention of the name Winthrop Brach opened doors for dads business and he and his whole crew now manage the leasing of equipment all over the world.

Work hard at something and do good things for everyone and sure enough you too will be rewarded, blessed, as we all were.

  • + +

For a post script to this story and our additional rewards for having protected and directed JR, go to the end of chapter 15.

Ya can now go to Session 14 and the pick up on my own part of this story and my first trip to the Lodge.

Next: Chapter 14: Training Sessions with My Dad 14

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