Training Session with My Dad

By moc.liamtoh@skcashguh

Published on Aug 20, 2023


Ninety per cent of this scenario is based upon my true life experiences and is told for the personal pleasure of similarly inclined adults. Be forewarned, it covers W/S, teen sex--not incest--, scat, etc.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. Author: Hugh Sacks or Scatty

Training Sessions with my Dad # One

How it all got started:

Almost everything you are about to read did, in fact, happen. Unbeknownst to either of us we had deep seated interests and desires that were to transform our lives and the lives of many around us.

It was a typical warm Autumn afternoon and I'd just gotten off the junior high school bus and ran with my back pack down the country road to our suburban track home because I could see that dad was already home. His truck was in the driveway.

Dad came out of his garage workout area to greet me saying,

"It's such a beautiful afternoon, I thought we should take advantage of it and toss a few balls around, OK?"

"Yea, I'd like that a lot," as I tossed my bag of books on the work table and began to take off my shirt so that I'd be in the same state of dress as my dad.

He had on his heavy tan work boots with rolled over white socks, a pair of cut off jeans with frayed ends and that was it. Our whole family was very comfortable with little or mostly nothing on while around the house. He picked up a football and we headed to our large, deep, back yard. Our house was on 3/4 of an acre of a suburban subdivision that went belly-up when only 4 houses had been completed on this street, so there was a lot of space to run around.

Dad grabbed a football and flipped in the air as we headed for the back yard. I ran to the end of the yard and he let is sail thru the air with a nice spin on it. He was just three times my age and was in great physical condition as an operator of heavy construction equipment. I was in 9th grade and was small and slender for my age. That did not make much difference to my dad; he threw the ball with great power and I knew from past experience that I had to let it hit me so I could get my arms around it and hold it to my chest. It stung when the hard leather hit my tender, young, flesh.

I was attempting to run toward and around my dad and if I succeeded I'd have made a touch down. That rarely happened but he never eased up, giving me an easy shot, just so I could say `Touch down.' He didn't believe anything was worth while if it wasn't well earned. He put his arms around me and fell down on top of me, making me drop the ball. I liked his hairy chest against me.

Now it was my turn to toss him the ball and he was considerate enough not to go out any further than he thought I could actually throw the ball. I always suspected that he was a little disappointed in me as my older brother was the athlete in the family, having been the star quarterback in high school. He graduated last year and headed right off to the Army so he'd earn enough credit to go to college.

It was a good pass and he actually had to reach up to catch it but then he raced way around me and yelled, "Touch down"

This went on for several more passes and then I had an idea. On my next pass, as he headed toward me, I headed right for his feet, rolling like a summer sault and I made him trip and as he fell the ball came loose and I was able to grabbed it in mid air as I pounced up. I kept running to the end of the yard, yelling "TOUCH DOWN!"

He yelled congratulations, pulling down a fist as a symbol of "YES".

By now we were sweating like crazy in the warm sun. I barely caught his next pass but made a valiant effort to get another touch down by again heading right toward his feet. Whether he knew this and had prepared his next move in defense or whether he was actually tired and to sweaty to do anything else, he never the less scooped me and the ball up and tucking us under his arm, raced toward the goal line. I was suddenly aware of the rich, raunchy, odor of his, our, manliness. I was actually slipping out of his arm because of the quantity of moisture on our bodies. The other thing that caused my deep inhaling of this delicious aroma was the bouncing up and down I was getting as he ran. I was sorry it was over so soon as he loosened me when we got into the garage and his workout area.

"That was a little more than I'd planned on doing but it sure was fun, wasn't it ?" he said as he took off his boots, leaving on his white socks.

"Sure was dad....and I DID make two touch downs....remember that !"

As I was speaking, he kicked off his cut offs and had his two thumbs in the straps of his jock strap as he added,

"Gotta take a long cool shower after that much of a workout," as he adjusted his balls and turned on the corner shower.

Though standing near him, gauging at the sight of that brilliant white ribbed, manly, jock strap and the cock and balls they had just released, I too kicked off my sneakers and socks and headed for the john.

"Where ya goin' ? Don't ya wanna take a shower with your dad ?"

It had been months since we'd last showered together and that's what I was really looking forward to but I said,

"Gotta pee; had to do that since I got off the bus," but I was only a step away when he added.

"Hell, ya don't have to go to the toilet to do that. I pee---NO I PISS-- in the shower all the time. It all goes down the same drain and after all this is a garage floor," and with that he stepped in front of the water spray and flicked his cock a couple of times with his foreskin swaying freely. Then he pulled his skin back, exposing his full cock head and began to shoot an arc of golden urine in my direstion.

In that split second, as a natural reaction to seeing it, I just automatically swung my hand toward the flow to feel, taste and smell the reality of it. While I was staring at this wondrous sight, I could sense an expression of shock on his face as he immediately stopped pissing.

I, on the other hand, just continued my quest and brought it up to my nose and while he was expressing amazement, took a deep sniff and then stuck out my tongue to taste it.

"WEEELLLL, I'll be dammmned ! You like piss ?" I froze with my hand in front of my mouth saying in a loud, defensive, scared voice,

"NO daddy, I don't like it. I was just curious as to what yours smelled like?" hoping not to get into trouble.

"Well, you say `yours' meaning you'd smelled....even tasted others; your own."

Bugger. Now I knew I was in trouble. I slipped and admitted his rather than just ordinary pee. As my face blushed with embarrassment, I turned to go to the powder room but felt his strong hand on my shoulder holding me there. I was really in for it now, I thought. Maybe even a spanking.

"Son,..... son, it's all right. It's O K to experiment, explore. I just didn't know you were curious or interested in pee; but let's be manly about it, it's called urine but guys call it PISS.

"I am kind of interested in it too....well, not kind of........I am very interested in it. I am thrilled to see that you are too. Wanna really feel.....taste it?

And before I could answer audibly,.... I just shook my head up and down,.... he directed his piss to my chest and down to my crotch and legs. It was a long, deliberate spraying and it felt wonderful. Even with his hand still on my shoulder, I felt relaxed and comfortable.

Even with the warm shower still running, his urine, no PISS, felt amazingly warm and the aroma was way beyond my wildest dream. With my left hand I began to smeared it all over my chest and arm and then up to my mouth with my tongue sticking our in anticipation of the taste.

Seeing that he stopped pissing and said in wild agreement,

"Weeeeelllll, if you really want to taste it, you don't have to lick it from your hand, ya can taste it directly from the source," and with that he demonstrated by aiming his piss hose to his face and dropping his head over it, pissed up and into his mouth. After a gulp or two he stood up and aimed his next spray directly toward my face. I opened my mouth wide, just in time to have it filled with hot, rich, golden piss directly from my dad.

The second I gagged and spit it out, he stopped, saying,

"Ya, I know.....that was too much for the first time. I should have been more considerate but I'm soooo excited about the prospect of sharing piss with you that I forgot this was your first experience"----and then he added under his breath----at least with me."

Then, as if this hadn't been exciting enough, he bent over again and directed his pissing hose up toward his face and began pissing. This shot seemed to be more deliberate and forceful. He'd made a direct shot into his mouth and began sucking it all in. Nothing splashed out or dropped to the floor. As the force subsided and didn't reach his mouth, he turned his hose on himself and piss all over his hairy chest. That quantity dribbled down across his cock and balls and drip to the floor. I almost wanted to catch those drops so as not to waste them, but this time I had more control and just looked up at him with the broadest smile I could generate.

"That's all I got for now.....but believe me there will be plenty more when you want to experiment further." and with that he dropped to his knees and put his hands on my hips, drawing me right in front of him.

"It's only fair, that I get to taste you to give you dad a sample?"

I spread my legs slightly and grabbed my penis as though I was standing in front of the open urinal in the school's locker room and began to pee-----PISS...directly into my father's wide open, eager, mouth. He had no trouble swallowing every thing I had to offer and it was a lot. I really did have to piss badly ever since getting off the buss and that was over an hour ago.

But then I wanted to give him the same pleasure he'd given me and with the same thought in both our minds, I pulled my peter back and he leaned back, with his hands on the floor behind him and I finished pissing all over his hairy chest and finally down to this crotch. It made the most delightful splashing sound as it hit that area. His thighs were close together forcing his cock and ball to just lay there, proudly, for all to see.

As I finished pissing, my knees began to quiver in excitement and amazement. There were several moments of deadly silence as we both stood there in amazement at what had just happened. As it turned out, we both had had fantasies about how and when this might all come about but neither of us could ever have imagined that it would all happen so fast, so completely in one glorious, unexpected moment.

Dad broke the silence with,

" that we're completely outta piss, I guess it's time to go in for dinner and try to replenish what we've just expelled," and with that he stood up, turned off the shower and headed me to the kitchen.

"Wonder what mom left us for dinner?"

I was surprised but very glad that we didn't shower before coming into the house. We smelled awful but at the same time marvelous. The best smell in the world to me.

  • + +

Dinner together in the kitchen, naked and covered with piss......

Next: Chapter 2: Training Sessions with My Dad 2

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