Training School

By steve wood

Published on Jan 13, 2023


Training School -- part 3

What a fantastic lesson and I so loved sucking my masters cock, it's so perfect and so hard as I suck and pleasure him and so exciting when he pushes it down my throat so I can reach his balls to lick them with my tongue. This is heaven and I think I love my master, I can't explain but I feel so happy when I'm on my knees and I feel his cock throbbing and precum in my mouth. Tonight is the last day of this weeks lessons and our trainer tells all the dominants that this will be a special night for them as they will be allowed to cum, but under no circumstances allow your boy to touch himself. His pleasure comes from pleasing you and making you cum. Your boy is required to swollen every last drop as this is very much part of a submissive training and life. They desire to pleasure you and have your cum inside them to show that you are the dominant and they are happy submissives.

Im so excited as it's nearly 6pm and we all get undressed so we are naked and on our knees ready for our year 4 dominants to enter our dormitory for an hour of total pleasure for them. My dick is rock hard and I have precum even without being allowed to touch myself. I see them enter, they are also naked and looking ready for fun, my master comes directly in front of me, his wonderful cock throbbing and in my face. Not yet boy he instructs me, start at my feet boy show me how much you want me. I get to work on his feet and suck each toe eagerly, that's a good boy. Ready now to be my cock sucker? I nod and say please May I suck your cock now? I open my mouth and in a flash this hunk has his cock deep in my mouth. Holding my head again he gets to work face fucking me. I'm in heaven as I look up at him. His body is to die for and his face is so beautiful along with that wonderful smile.for the next 30 mins I suck, lick, chock and worship this cock in my mouth. I can hear the excitement in the room as all the other submissive boys are working away like me and all the dominants are getting close. My mouth and tongue are sore from giving my man cock pleasure ex with my mouth, then I feel his dick getting bigger, throbbing more and then he tells me to suck harder and take his cum. His hips more faster and it gets harder to take his cock then he starts to cum with a scream of yes. That's it boy take all my cum, squirt after squirt filling my mouth, I struggled to sell low it down and more squirts into my mouth. Finally his dick softens and he looks down at me with that smile, well done boy that feels so good. His foot strokes my throbbing cocky sadly your not getting any pleasure today boy. This how good you made me feel and your now full of my cum. The dominants leave and as I look around I see the other boys still hard, red faced and all with cum in their mouths.

The new week starts and lessons are still tough and as a group we all work very hard. At 6pm the trainer joins us to inform us of this weeks programme. Boys we know that you all like being controlled, embarrassed but ultimately like to serve your dominant and make him happy and feel good and this weeks lesson is satisfy that need. This week is spanking week, shortly your dominants will be coming to give your bare bottoms a really good spanking. They have been instructed to put you over their knee as it's the most humiliating position, then to show you that they are dominant and to spank you until your bottoms are bright red, nice and warm and until they get some tears from you. At that point you will be begging him to stop but as your dominant he will feel great spanking you until you beg him to stop. This will help show you that he is in charge of you and you will obey him. Lets have you all naked now, then place a chair near your bed ready for your spanking. All these horny 14 year old dominants arrive fully clothed and with big smiles on their faces. I look at my sexy dominant as he takes a seat. I cant help it but I get hard just looking at him, so sexy looking. I'm also terrified about being spanked as this is a first for me and have no idea how much it's going to hurt. Right boys into position, climb over the tap and bend right over so your nose is touching the floor, keep your down. I feel really stupid as I'm bent right over his knee, my bare bottom sticking up and my face red as a beetroot. Right gentlemen it's your job to spank your boy as a sign of his submission to you and your dominance over him. Spank firmly but not too hard, this spanking will take some time so pace yourself. We need to get these younger boys crying and begging you to stop. For tonight that's all we are going to do but later in the week you and they will get a reward once they are begging and crying.Right let's get started and with that zi feel his hand move away from my bottom followed by a firm smack, then another and another. I had no idea how much a spanking could start to hurt. All around the room I could hear bare bottoms being spanked and the various responses from each bottom. What I did not know before was the strange effect it was having on me, somehow getting spanked was delivering a thrill to my dick and despite the pain the spanking was making me hard. After about 10 minutes the trainer got us all to stand facing our dominants, you see many submissives find that being spanked turns them on, not all but many. So we see 12 of the 16 with erections. So the ones erect will be noted for future activities. Now it's important to spank a little harder to get your boy squirming, crying and begging you to stop. Show them who is in charge here and make them submit to your dominance.Then spankings then continued much harder, encouraged by the trainer, my bottom was spanked from one side to the other and top to bottom. Squirming around over his knee I could feel his erection as he spanked harder and harder. I started to cry and to beg for him to stop, right now we are getting somewhere, time to now to spank as hard as you can, my bottom was now on fire and I was holding onto his legs and begging him to stop. Well done lads that's enough, 16 sobbing boys, excellent. We will continue this for a few nights before going to stage 2. We all slept on our fronts with very sore bottoms.

Now it's time for stage 2, you will spank your boy as you did the previous nights. But tonight the dominants will be naked and once you have your boy really begging you and really crying you will get him on his knees and put him to work to thank you for spanking him and his reward is now to suck your cock until you cum. A reward for him and pleasure for you. So boys let's get these bottoms spanked and spanked hard. The sooner they are begging you to stop the more time to get your dick sucked. This only encouraged them to spank quicker and harder wanting to get us begging and ready to suck dick.Having had our bums spanked all week it did not take long to get us begging and soon 16 boys were kneeling sobbing and now sucking to thank them for the spanking. This made them feel strong, powerful and dominant over us finished with getting sucked and us younger boys feeling very submissive, thankful our spankings were over and now giving them the pleasure of getting their rock hard ducks sucked until we all had a full load to swallow

A tough week of spanking finally over. A nee week about to start, its 6pm and we are all waiting instructions naked by our beds. Right boys time to kneel on the edge of your beds, get your legs spread open as far as you can, now bend forward until your head is tight down on your bed. Keep your arms out wide and don't move them. Stay in this position until told to move. Waiting in this odd position with my legs spread wide and my ass up, are we getting spanked again I wonder. Our dominants arrive naked and looking hot as ever. Right gentlemen this is prime a boy week. Go to your boys and feel their nice bottoms sticking up submissively for you. Now your going to prime your boy, open up his bottom and you see a nice hole in front of you. Start very slowly brush first your fingers over his hole and watch him wriggle and squirm. Now with your tongue flick gently at his hole. Watch his reaction it's always exciting to see a boy get eager for more. Now rim around his hole and as he gets more eager push your tongue into him as far as it can go. Hear him moan as your tease his hole with your mouth and tongue. Then lick down to the back of his balls and stroke his rock hard cock s few times. See your boy squirming and moaning wanting more and more. This is the way to prime a boy for more action to follow later. Don't whatever you do allow him to cum. I have never felt anything like this in my life, my head is spinning, my heart pounding, my dick throbbing and I cant stop my ass moving around to his tongue lapping. I'm in heaven and feel submissive to this guy giving me such pleasure I do want to please him for giving me such pleasure. He continues to rim my hole and I just can't take any more I want to burst. The trainer is watching see how you have primed him, he is s your now ready for anything you give him. But that's not for this week. Times up guys back to your dormitory. 16 dominant boys return with rock hard cocks. I'm left breathless on my bed so horny and wanting more. Instead sent for a cold shower with the others all in a similar way to me. How can I take 6 more nights of this.By the end of the week I can't take anymore and then the week is over. What next I wonder.

We start a new week, it's puppy week this week. This week you will be your masters puppy and each night you will dress with puppy hood, collar and lead and we have this week 7 different puppy tails which get bigger each day. Your dominant will help you to put each one in. Then you will spend the hour playing puppy with your master and the other dogs. Like spanking this suits many boys but not all but you will play anyway. Your master will feed you dinner from a bowel, play fetch ball, get puppy kidding his feet, sniff other dogs bums and covid like puppy dogs do. Great fun for your master to watch how puppy plays. So now I'm in my puppy gear and about to have a tail plug inserted. My master greases up my hole as I kneel, then I feel some hard rubber at my hole, he pushes and plop it goes into me and I now have a curly puppy tail in my ass. Lets see you puppy's play then and we crawl to the middle of the floor and start to sniff tails and cocks. I guess 8 pups are hard and turned on by being forced to be a puppy. I have a couple of pups sniffing my bum and a cheeky one licks my hardening cock. Most of us are hard now which amused our masters watching us behave like animals. My master holding my lead talking to his best friend also holding his puppies lead how humiliating and degrading for us, then told to sniff and lick the other puppy. As it happens he does have a nice dick and he smells good as my hormones take over again and I start to enjoy playing with this nice pup. Then master tells me to lick his feet and be a good puppy. I immediately go and start lapping his feet, good puppy. Play time ends followed by another cold shower to finish this session. The week passes quickly and only the inserting of my tail becomes a problem as it increases in size, but with some pain I manage them and even start to enjoy the stuffed feeling.

We start a new week, it's 6pm and I'm standing here naked as normal. Today we are going to the dominants dormitory. On arrival the masters are positioned like we were on the edge of the bed naked, legs wide apart and leaning forward. Right boys it's not prime time but ass pleasure time for your masters. Time for you all to lick and rim your master totally for his pleasure. I know how much I enjoyed the feeling so no reason why he should not enjoy it the same way. I've never thought about licking a guys ass so its really hard to get into position and get my nose and mouth tight into a boys ass, I fear it might smell or taste bad. I move my head towards the target then the trainer pushed my head forward and my nose goes right into his ass and mouth in the perfect position to give him pleasure. Now start kissing his ass and I follow orders and start to kiss his hole followed by little licks.My master starts groaning so I know he is enjoying it. I find that his hole is not so bad and it's very sensitive to every lick. I start to lick with gusto and it's turning me on, do again I'm working my masters ass and my dick is rock hard. Not surprising as I've not been allowed to cum for so long. I'm buzzing as I find ass licking really hot and love the noises he makes as I get my tongue deeper into his hole. Weird but I'm going to love doing this for 7 days. We only get to ass luck and run our tongues down to his balls, he is as horny as fuck but neither of us is allowed to cum.

We are entering the final training sessions, I cant think what's left.

Again naked we are sent to the year 4 dormitory and as I enter I see 16 chairs with spaces between them and our masters are fully clothed and holding a very flexible school ratten cane. It's time for all the masters to impose their will and power over you boys. This week is discipline week, you will learn that your master has the right and power to correct you as you boys will be serving your masters as you go through the rest of your time here in school. You are about to learn what pain is across your bottoms. As submissives you will bend over when instructed, feet apart and hold onto the chair tightly. Do not let go or you will receive more strokes. Together the masters will administer 6 firm strokes from the top to the lower part of your bare bottoms. This kind of punishment you can expect every time you step out of line, don't obey or please your master.

I cant believe this I've never experienced such a punishment. Now I'm asked to bend over for the cane. My 14 year old dominant has cane in hand smiling and ready to cane me. The trainer says ready gentlemen let's get started. First stroke please, I hear a swish and a second later the pain of the first stroke. Its takes a moment to feel the pain then it hits me before the second stroke hits my bottom and I'm in agony. I look at my master and he is smiling again as he swings the 3rd stroke and my knees flex as the pain mounts. This is the most pain I've ever experienced and I have a week of this then whack another stroke. Finally 6 delivered and we are sent for cold showers. On the 6th day we are caned hard but afterwards we are expected to provide oral service and with a really sore bottom I'm sucking his cock like my life depended on it,. My bottom is so sore but I look up and he smiles as his cock fills my mouth and I'm sort of in heaven again. Despite severe pain my cock is hard and I'm sucking his cock with all my attention. I'm rewarded with his cum filling my mouth, I hate him and love him and yes will do anything he wants of me.

The pain of the caning subsided and we come to the weekend and the dominants are relaxing after a hard week of work and caning. My ass is still hurting and bruised with cane lines but rewarded by being able to suck his wonderful cock. I realise I really want him even though he has no love for me. His role is to dominate me and I must be submissive to him not just today but for the next years in school.

Our last week of training arrives and we are told that we will put our training into practise but it will finish with our dominates getting the ultimate pleasure!

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