Training Roger and Lucas

By Ryan Cromer

Published on Mar 2, 2019


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`Please Andrew, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..'

`You lied to me. You had one job and you screwed it up. You need to be punished.' Andrew said angrily.

I knew that this would likely end with a spanking, or worse.

`Please don't spank me again, my ass is so sore from yesterday. I promise I won't do it again.' I tried begging for mercy.

Nope.' he replied. Why don't you bend over while I think of what I'm going to do with you.'

`Please.. It's my girlfriend's 18th birthday party tonight. I promised her I'd go. I'm already late.. I'll make it up to you tomorrow.'

`Make something up.. Or better yet.. Tell her the truth about what you've been doing in the last few days.' he joked.

`You know I can't do that..' I replied, embarrassed.

He paused, contemplating what he was going to do next.

`Fine. Wait here for a second.' He went downstairs to the living room.

Uh oh.. Something told me that this wouldn't turn out well. It was probably one of his sadistic ideas again.

The last 2 weeks were a nightmare. At Andrew's insistence, I was to run around the neighbourhood each morning for 30 minutes at 6am, before first light. A big problem was that he had thrown away all my normal sized T-shirts and pants. All I was allowed to wear was a T-shirt and shorts that were size XS, 2 sizes too small. To make things worse, I was forbidden from wearing underwear. `Who gave you permission to wear underwear? A cum-dump like you must never wear anything underneath, unless its a nice pair of girly panties I picked for you.' he had said before literally ripping them off my body and slapping my ass repeatedly. The shorts left nothing to imagination, they were too small to cover my dick and balls completely. The outline of my butt was also clearly visible. You could see my dick hanging out, on display to anyone if they looked close enough.

I was also forced to completely shave my pubes, making me look like a 12 year old who hadn't made it through puberty. At least I hoped it was dark enough so no one could recognise me, but whenever a car drove by, I would dive behind a bush. I didn't know this yet, but the path would take me past Andrew's house, who would check to make sure I was following orders.

I was. Kind of. The truth was that I never ran the part that passed Andrew's house since it was on the far side of town. And I was about to regret doing so.

`Come down to the living room.' Andrew shouted from downstairs.

I raced down the stairs, two steps at a time as to not keep him waiting. `Strip' he ordered impatiently.

I sighed. Stripping quickly, I dropped my clothes on the floor. I figured the sooner I got this done with, the faster I could leave. Hopefully, if the stars aligned, I could get to the party before they cut the cake.

I noticed that behind him, there was a santa hat dangling in the air, attached to the living room ceiling light by some sort of rope. There were also all sorts of dildos on the living room table. What was going on?

`Put this santa hat on your head and cover your face with the hat completely.' he instructed.

I hesitated. I didn't like where this was going.

'Why.. Why do you want me to wear this?'

`Less questions, more action.'

Not wanting to make my punishment worse, I put it on. The hat blocked most of my vision, I could only vaguely see what was in front of me and the part of the floor underneath me. Apparently, the rope connected to the hat was some sort of elastic band, I had to stand on my tiptoes and use both my hands to pull on the hat tightly to keep it from bouncing back towards the ceiling.

`Wait, on second thought, keep your socks on.'

He tossed them to me. I noticed that the rest of my clothes were now missing.

`What did you do with the rest of my clothes?'

`I hid them. Thought that was pretty obvious.'

`What? I thought you were letting me go to my girlfriend's party?'

`I'm just hiding them for your own good.. Since I invited some people to join us.'

`You did what? You can't be serious. They're going to know its me.' I protested angrily to Andrew.

`Relax. No one will know it's you. Enjoy it instead of whining for once.' Andrew snapped.

As if right on cue, I heard excited voices and laughter behind me, coming closer each second.

My eyes darted around in a desperate and frantic search of my clothes. I even thought of hiding behind the couch. But it suddenly dawned on me what I was supposed to do. I put the hat on, pulling tightly with both my hands to cover my face. If I let go, the elastic band would pull the hat back towards the ceiling, leaving me totally exposed. I said a silent prayer, pleading that the guys he invited over would not know me.

`You might want to keep your voice down by the way.. Unless you want them to know who you are of course.'

`I hate you.' I whispered to Andrew.

`I love you too.' Andrew replied, teasingly.

'Holy..' a voice said, clearly surprised.

`I thought you were joking.' another voice added.

Those voices.. I recognised them.. It was KJ and Owen. From my class at school! What were they doing here? Weren't they supposed to be at Steph's birthday party. A million questions flooded through my head.

More and more footsteps and voices approached.

`Happy Birthday Steph!' Andrew said.

I heard a lot of gasps of fascination. The area was overwhelmingly conservative, so I knew that for many girls, this was their first time seeing a boy naked.

That's when I realised what Andrew had done. Somehow, Andrew had relocated Steph's birthday party to his house. I was horrified.

The reality of the situation sunk in. I was stark naked in front of all my friends, wearing nothing but a santa hat. These were friends I had known since pre-school. If I made any noise, they would figure out who I was. Not to mention if I let go of the santa hat, the elastic band would pull the hat back up towards the ceiling, leaving me totally exposed. There was no margin for error, or my social life as I knew it would be over. I would need to move out of town. No one would see me as anything more than a cum-dump they could use at anytime. I shivered at that thought, but to my dismay, my dick started to harden.

I tried to cross my legs in a futile effort to hide my semi-hard penis, but I doubt it hid much.

I felt my legs being yanked apart. Someone had put a spreader bar on me, forcing my legs from each other. I had to tiptoe with my legs spread to get a good grip on the hat covering my face, leaving me completely vulnerable and defenceless.

`Who is it? Is it someone we know? I could sense someone leaning forward, right in front of me, wanting to peek under my hat.

`Now wheres the fun if I told you. That is for all of you to find out.' Andrew replied.

'Hmm.. Those socks he's wearing.. Doesn't it look familiar?' someone else noted.

`Since when did you pay attention to someone else's socks? You're not gay are you?'

'No.. Just observant.'

I made a mental note to throw those socks out as soon as I got home.

`Guys.. I think there's a note stuck on his back.'

`Hi Everyone, Feel free to play with me as much as you like! I love taking it in the mouth and ass. Figure out my identity, and I'll be your slave for a month From a gay boy in your school :)'

I heard gasps as the last line was read out. Everyone in the room began talking at once, speculating about the identity of the boy behind the mask. My identity.

All of them found something to be excited about. The boys wanted a cum-dump to bang after-school, while the girls wanted a hot slave that would follow their every order. I felt all their eyes trained on me, searching for any clues that would give my identity away.

`There are only a few guys that look so hot.' I heard one of the girls say.

`Kyle is definitely not a fag, so its either Nelson, Leto, Sven or Jay.'

`Don't forget Ken or Mason.'

`Nah, Mason has a tattoo on his arm.'

`We can try calling them one by one, if they answer, we'll know it isn't him.'

I breathed a sigh of relief. They did't suspect me, but I knew I wasn't out of the woods yet. They had all night to make me expose myself, and the night was just beginning. All it would take for my identity to be exposed would be a single slip up from me.

`Come to think of it, Sven promised to come to the party. He's not here though..'

`I just called Sven's mobile, he's not answering.'

`Do you think its him?'

`It would be cool if it is. I wouldn't mind having him as a slave for a month. Haha.'

`I just broke up with Annabelle too, wouldn't mind to fuck him instead.'

`I knew Sven never had a girlfriend, but I never thought he was gay.'

`What about Lucas?' someone suggested.

The noisy room turned silent. I swear my heart skipped a beat. `Sorry. I just noticed he isn't here.' he added quickly.

`He told me its a family emergency and he can't make it.' I heard Steph say.

I felt bad lying to her, but it was 100 times better than her finding out the truth.

`Anyway.. Time for the main event.' Andrew interrupted. 'It's your lucky day slave, we've prepared lots of toys for you to play with. Steph, you wanna go first?'

'Sure, sounds fun.' she said, drowned out by the cheers and applause. `Let's see.. Where should I start first? How about these light vibrators? Or how about these strap-ons?' she asked me, teasingly. If only she knew her boyfriend was the boy in the mask.

I groaned as I felt her soft hands play with my nipples. `How do you feel? Your nipples are your weak spot right? They're so stiff and hard..'

`Please pick the smallest one. Please pick the smallest one.' I pleaded silently. I knew Andrew had a collection of strap ons and dildos, ranging from barely tolerable sizes to sizes that would give you nightmares. I had winced when I saw the scariest one, a 12 inch nightmare, which was 2 inches thick and was studded with triangular corrugations. He had said that it was a punishment dildo, and I desperately hoped that it wasn't on offer tonight.

`Nice choice!' someone shouted. I couldn't see which one she picked through the fabric, but judging from the cheers and laughter, I knew it couldn't be good.

Despite my embarrassment and horror at anyone finding my true identity, I felt my dick harden to its full length.

What's wrong with me.. Why is this getting me turned on? I was supposed to be embarrassed, not erect.

`Is he getting hard because we're looking at him?' someone asked.

`I haven't even put it in yet.' Steph said, as if reading my mind.

`He's excited!'

`Yeehaw!' she shouted as she shoved it all the way in, completely ignoring my pleas for mercy.

`Ride that ass, girl!' someone else cheered.

The nightmare dildo didn't disappoint. It felt like a train was forcing its way inside. At least she had the compassion to put some lube on it, or it would never have fit. Still, the underlubricated intruder made its way into my helplessly spread ass, tearing me open. I would have thought that after all the fucking my ass had received over the last few days I would be prepared for this, but that dildo was in a league of its own.

In out, In, out. Steph was fucking me with a vengeance. The friction of the massive dildo combined with the corrugations felt unbearable, reaching all the way to the back of my ass and stimulating my prostrate.

`You like that Sven?'

`What a slutty hole. It went in so easily, definitely not his first time.' Steph remarked.

They thought I was Sven. I felt kind of bad dragging him into this. I wondered where he was.

`Hehe.. Listen to him.. His moans are getting louder..'

`If we tease him more, we can make him say something..' a voice suggested.

`That way we can figure out who he is without actually seeing his face!' someone else exclaimed, obviously excited.

Stop.. Help me.. But it feels so good to be used like this.. I was so embarrassed.

To make things worse, ever since Andrew had put the cock cage in the karaoke place on me a week ago, I had been unable and forbidden to cum. All I could think about for the past week in classes and at home was jerking off. I couldn't concentrate and it was driving me crazy. As the fucking I received intensified, even this seemingly unrelated sensation in my ass and prostrate offered enough stimulation to make my poor hard dick leak pre-cum like a broken tap.

`Look at his hips move! He loves it!'

`His hard dick is twitching every time you thrust it in Steph.'

The fag is hungry for dick.' Steph grinned, and I felt her put all her weight behind each thrust. Don't you dare cum unless you get permission, or else you're going to regret it.'

'His moans are getting louder. This is awesome.'

`You're really loving it aren't you?' they asked me.

Nghhh.. This is so embarrassing.. She was right though, I was losing control as I felt another pair of hands grab my nipples, violently pulling, squeezing and pinching them.

Then someone kicked me in the balls. Hard.

`Hng.. Ah.. Ahhhh!!' The sensation was too much, I came harder than I had ever done before, to the point of almost losing my grip on the hat. Almost. This was a sensation I had never felt before, mixed with the pleasure of ejaculation, there was also the sensation of a more rough nature. While still receiving thrust after thrust from Steph, I kept cumming like there was no tomorrow. It felt great to finally be allowed to cum, but the fact that I had just cum in front of all my friends made me want to crawl under a rock.

`You should be ashamed cumming in front of everyone.' one of my best friend John said, making fun of my predicament.

`What a pathetic fag, we should make him lick up his own mess.' someone said in disgust.

`Can we eat the cake first? I'm starving.' Steph asked.

As they were enjoying the party and the cake (while making fun of me), the pain of being fucked in the ass was slowly by surely replaced by another feeling.

At first, it was nothing more than a pleasant warmth, but within just seconds, it turned into a fierce burning sensation. Before I knew it, my ass was on fire. Frantically, I tried shuffling my legs desperately, hoping the movement would help the itch. It didn't.

`Should we tell him?' someone asked, clearly amused.

`Nah, he'll find out soon enough.'

What was going on? I wondered.

`That itching lotion is some nasty stuff. My friend dared me to put some one my nose and leave it for a minute without scratching it. I couldn't last 30 seconds.'

`Really? I almost feel sorry for him..'

I stifled a groan. The lube I thought they had they had given me in compassion was in fact an itching lotion.

`Must be pretty hard to scratch the itch with both your hands grabbing that hat.

'Why don't you let go to scratch it?' someone helpfully suggested.

I shook my head. The insides of my ass was on fire by now.

`Please fuck me more.. The bigger the better..' I wished I could say, anything just to scratch the insatiable itch.

`Aww.. Looks to me he wants us to fuck his ass.'

I nodded frantically. I was going crazy if no one started fucking me soon. With every passing second, the burning sensation grew stronger.

`Right then.. Let's give the bitch what he wants. It's my turn next!'

For the next 3-4 hours, everyone in the party had their fun with me. Initially, most of the boys showed reluctance to fuck me. But once they saw how much each successive person enjoyed it, they changed their minds, wanting to do it even more. It seemed like they were even having a competition to see who could fuck me the hardest and roughest.

`What does it feel like?' someone asked, curious.

`Amazing Dude. His ass feels just like the real thing, it's really tight.'

`I could definitely get used to this.'

If I had a choice, I would rather be fucked by complete strangers than by all my friends. I just couldn't understand why my dick was hard. My head was going blank.

While most of the boys were content with dropping their load in my ass, the girls were far more sadistic. They lined clothespins on my poor balls, while some spanked my ass with a paddle or a belt until I was sobbing uncontrollably. For reasons I didn't understand, my nipples were one of their prime targets. They pinched, squeed and twisted them relentlessly. The girls also insisted on reapplying the itching lotion lube every hour, not just on the dildo, but on my hard dick, renewing the burn. A few of them even started writing with permanent markers on my body and posing for pictures, wrapping their arms around my back while grabbing my abused balls or nipples. I hoped they wouldn't post any of it online. The hardest thing to endure was the ball slapping. I had a low hanging set of balls that the girls were free to lightly slap, leading me on the verge of puking. There was nothing I could do while they played with my vulnerable body without me letting go of the hat that covered my face.

Despite this, the preciously few moments my sore, overused ass was not being fucked was complete agony from the itch. There was nothing more I would like than to let go of the hat and scratch the inside of my ass furiously. The insatiable itching made me actually want to take a dick in my ass, something I never thought I would say in my life.

By the time they had finished, each of them must have had blown a load in my ass at least twice. Both the insides and outsides of my ass felt like it had been dropped in a pool of red hot chilli peppers, and just touching my now over-sensitive nipples made me squeal in renewed pain. The uncontrollable flow of cum leaking from my ass and running down my legs must have made me look even more pathetic, but for some reason my dick stayed hard the entire time. Perhaps I really am a masochist, getting off from public humiliation.

`Our cum is dripping off him.'

`We can just make him lick it up after we find out who he is.'

`Well, we've tried everything. He just won't talk.' someone said, the disappointment clear in his voice. Did that mean they were going to let me go?

`I have an idea.. Do you think he's ticklish?'

`Fuck' I thought. I shook my head furiously.

`Only one way to find out.'

`Looks like the fag's excited about your plan.'

The truth was that I've always been an extremely ticklish person, but the soles of my feet was by far the most sensitive area. I hoped they wouldn't catch on to that. With both of my hands occupied holding down the santa hat to cover my face, my now hairless armpits were totally exposed. I was totally defenceless, with no way to shield myself from the onslaught.

I felt the tip of a feather make contact with my armpits, then another on my leg. The contact felt like electricity, I tried pulling away, but there was nowhere I could go. The elastic band attached to the ceiling was already pulled to its limit, effectively acting as a dog leash. The further I tried to move away from my tormentors, the tighter the elastic band, making it harder it was to keep my face covered. It was already taking all my strength just to maintain the status quo. The spreader bars attached to my legs didn't help either.

Not being able to see anything made it many times worse. There was no way I could tell where the next attack would be coming from and to brace myself for it. The scariest part was that no one was coming to my defence or objecting. It was obvious that I was already seen as nothing more than a cum-dump by all my friends and classmates.

`Hehe.. You must be very ticklish to have that many tickle spots.' Steph teased.

`We're just getting started. You want to give up yet?'

A few traced careful and deliberate patterns on my skin with the feathers, while others made random movements, all of which were almost unbearable.

I felt my grip on my santa hat weakening, especially when they were tickling my armpits. To make things worse, my hands were already tired from holding the hat, and my legs were tired from standing on tip toes for the entire night. My muscles were killing me.

It took everything I had to not burst out laughing hysterically. That didn't stop me from giggling uncontrollably. I wanted to plea for mercy, but I knew I couldn't. I gritted my teeth.

`Not bad.. I thought he would've lost his grip on his hat by now.'

`What do you think will happen if we use our fingers instead?'

As if on cue, they started to relentlessly attack me once again. I felt what must have been at least 100 wiggling fingers all over my armpits and stomach.

`Koochie Koochie Koo!' they teased.

I could barely breathe. Tears of laughter streamed down my face.

I shuddered with each attack on my armpits, I felt my grip weaken. How long were they going to keep this up? There was literally no way I could keep on holding on.

It felt like forever, but eventually, they retracted their hands.

`This isn't working. For some reason, he really wants to keep his hat on.' I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

I was relieved. They were giving up. I breathed a sigh of relief.

That was when I heard the whirl of an electric toothbrush.

I braced myself, but nothing could prepare for what was to happen next.

`Ready? Three.. Two..'

Before they even counted to one, I felt the soft, rotating bristles of the toothbrush make contact with the soles of my feet. I was already standing on tip toes, making access to them easy. The other hands renewed their attack and redoubled their efforts.

At the same time, a dick forced its way in my ass while my super sensitive nipples were pinched and bitten once more. `Mmphhhh..' I groaned. At one point, someone tied a rope around my balls, attaching a bucket with weights in it to the other end. As I flailed, wiggled and squirmed around, it caused the weights attached on my balls to swing like a pendulum, almost tearing my balls off.

I had another problem. There hadn't been a chance for me to pee since morning.

My bladder had felt full the entire night, but the pressure increased with every passing second. It took more and more of my mental willpower to stop myself from peeing right there. You can imagine this task is hard enough even without worrying about wiggling fingers attacking my tickle spots. Every time the person fucking me shoved it all the way in, the pressure on my bladder increased. I felt like a dam holding back a reservoir after a once in a century rainstorm.

To make things worse, someone crouched down in front of me and began stroking my dick and massaging my balls. There was no way I could ask to go to the bathroom without them recognising my voice. Ugh.. I was trapped.

It felt so good. I doubt it was his first time giving a hand job. Even though I had a burning urgency to pee, the stimulation was too awesome to ignore. I closed my eyes, my bladder was about to burst, but all I could think was about cumming despite being ordered not to.

I struggled to stay quiet. I could feel my pee displaced by my urgency to cum. All of it was too much. The weights on my dick, the tickling, the ass fucking, the itching lotion, was more than I could take.

`Ahh..' I cried out as I came. Waves of pleasure overwhelmed me. Although I had just cum just a while ago, this one felt much stronger and more pleasurable.

Despite my best efforts, the moment I sprayed my last spurt of cum, it was replaced by a relentless flow of pee from my hard dick. I must have looked so pathetic.

`Acckkk!' The boy in front of me cried out. I had probably covered him in cum and piss. My face was red in humiliation, but I couldn't stop covering him in my pee. I felt both physically and mentally exhausted, after holding it in for this long. My grip loosened and I lost my balance, crumpling on the floor, totally exposed in front of all my friends.


---------------------------- Oops. Poor Lucas. He really shouldn't have let go. As always, suggestions are welcome :D Sorry for the long update periods :(

Next: Chapter 4

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