Training Roger and Lucas

By Ryan Cromer

Published on Jan 9, 2019


This chapter follows Roger's little brother, Lucas.

Attempting the activities in this story is probably not a good idea.

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`Join the football club! Freshers get a free football!'

`No, no, no. You guys are definitely athletic squad material.'

`Nah, they're with the badminton team.' someone said, grabbing us towards their recruitment stall.

Today was the university information day for prospective students. I was there with my best friend Sven to take the orientation. The university was the best in the entire prefecture, and we really wanted to pass their entrance exams. My brother Roger was student council president there too.

`Hi, I'm Lucas. I said cheerfully.

`And I'm Sven. The badminton team sounds awesome, but are we good enough?'

Me and Sven had known each other since primary school. We were seniors at high school, having turned 18 just a few weeks ago. Sven was from Northern Europe, and his good looks certainly helped make him easily the most popular boy at our high school, We both had enchanting blue eyes and wavy blond hair that led many people to think we were brothers. Like me, he didn't hit the gym often, but we played sports regularly and were athletically fit.

`Nice to meet ya. I'm Andrew, badminton team captain.' he extended a hand to us.

`Why don't you guys join our badminton training camp later? It's free, and you get to know a lot of people, even if you don't make the team.'

We promised to come, and badminton practice was great, and we were pretty confident that we would make the team. We were packing our stuff ready to go home when a senior, Akira, came in the shower room.

`We're having an after-party at a karaoke place! Do you want to come?' he asked.

We were pretty exhausted, but we didn't want to offend the team members by declining. One of my friends at high school had told me that Andrew's family were very influential and that it was his great-grandparents that had founded the university. I was hoping getting friendly with them could help us get some benefits, like priority selection of dorm rooms, or scholarship options.

`Sure, who's going?.' we replied.

`Just the other team members. Me, David, Percy, Andrew, Anthony and some other guys. Meet us at the front when you're ready.'

`Hi, can I help you?' the receptionist asked.

`Yeah, we have a reservation for 7pm for 10 people, should be room 16.' Andrew said.

`I'm sorry, I don't think we have your reservation here. Unfortunately we're fully booked, perhaps you would like to come back another time?'

`You don't have any other vacant rooms?'

'The only room available is a room for 6.' the receptionist replied.

`Let's just take it. It would suck to leave so soon.'

The room was really small and dark. The only furniture in the room was a six seater couch, a table and the karaoke television.

Andrew and his friends were able to squeeze themselves into the 6 seater couch.

Sit down here. You don't want to stand the entire time right?' Andrew pointed at his lap. You're pretty skinny, so I don't mind.'

`Um..' I looked at Sven. He shrugged, as he sat down on Percy's lap.

`Okay. Thanks.'

`Pick your favourite songs! Let's get this party started!' Andrew shouted excitedly.

Percy took some beer out of his backpack, pouring beer into each of our glasses. `Can't have a party without beer, right?.'

To be polite, I drank everything they offered me. I can't really stand alcohol, and it only took a few pints until I was feeling my head spin.

`I don't feel so good.'

`You're fine. Have one more glass.'

`I'm not sure..'

I looked over to Sven. In front of him were 8 empty glasses.

That's when I felt a hand unbuckling my belt. The two guys sitting next to me, David and Anthony, were touching my thighs, feeling their way up my pants. At first, I assumed it was just an accident, since we were packed so close together. However, when they realised I wasn't resisting, their hands grew more adventurous, making their way to my cock and balls, roaming all over my body. Since the room was so dark, I knew no one else could see what was happening. Out of embarrassment, I didn't say anything, letting them have their way with me. Then, I felt another pair of hands making its way under my school uniform, gradually moving up to my chest and nipples.

I stared in disbelief, the hands belonged to Andrew. I didn't know what to do, I squirmed, but could not break free of their grip. I tried to stand up, but Andrew pushed me back down on his lap. His hand reached into my pocket and began jerking me off through my pants. I was about to say something in protest, but the song I had picked just came up.

Hey Lucas, its your song.' I heard Akira say. Yeah Lucas, sing.' Andrew half-said half-ordered, as he handed me the microphone. I was in no mood to sing, but out of embarrassment, I didn't want everyone else to know what was happening to me. I didn't want them to think I was gay. I was also scared by Andrew's tone. I started to sing. As you can imagine, if your nipples, butt and dick were being played with, your singing won't turn out very well. My voice was shaky as hell.

`Are you okay Lucas?' someone asked.

`Ye.. Yes..' I gasped, as a finger pushed its way up my virgin ass, making me blush furiously.

`Are you sure? Your singing sounds like as if.. as if.. someone is playing with your ass.' He smiled.

In just seconds, the room exploded in cheering. My heart started to race. `Stop.. Stop it.. Assholes.. What.. What are you guys doing?'

`Are you guys.. gay.. I have a girlfriend. Don't.. touch me.. Leave me alone.. Please..' I tried to pull away.

`This is your fault for being so cute, you know? Blame yourself.' I could feel my heart racing.

I suddenly thought of Sven, turning my head to signal for help.

In the darkness, I hadn't noticed that he had been stripped completely naked. The only remnants of his clothes were his boxers that hung loosely from his ankles and his soccer socks. He was still sitting on Percy's lap, but his other clothes were nowhere to be seen.

Two of them were playing with his nipples, their slender fingers pinching, squeezing, licking and tormenting them. One of them was passionately kissing him, while one more was fingering his ass. He tried to break free from their grasp, but they far outnumbered us and we were too exhausted after badminton to even to walk, let only run.

`Ahh.. Not my nipples.. Please..' I heard him say.

I realised that I was their next target.

`Help.. Someone..' I tried calling for help.

All they did was to turn the music volume up higher. The music boomed through the room. No one could hear us now.

`You've got the body of a boy, but the face of a girl Lucas, has anyone told you that? Let's see if your tits feel just as good.' someone said.

They pulled up my school shirt and pulled down my pants. Like hungry predators descending on helpless prey, they instantly pounced, poking and pinching every inch of my now exposed body.

`Whoo!' Nice body! Your dick is micro though, not that you will be using it much from now on.' David said, making me blush.

I barely noticed that Andrew had his cock out, shoving it inches from my face. It was huge, at least as long as my 15 cm ruler, and really thick. I didn't think cocks this big existed.


`We're both boys, I don't wannnnnaaaaa...' I complained, refused to open my mouth, clamping it shut.

`Open your mouth, unless you want to get spanked.'

`No.. You're so big, there's no way it will fit.'

`Fine. Have it your way..'

He laid me over his lap and started spanking. The last time I was spanked was when I was 10, and I don't remember it hurting nearly as much. Being spanked at home was was one thing, but getting spanked naked in front of other people was another. I felt my pride slowly slip away.

Thwack. Thwack. Thwack.

A hand smashed on my left butt while another smashed on the right. Left, right, left, right, left, right.

`Ow. Ow. Ow. Stop!!!' I exclaimed.

`I'll step the second you beg us to fuck you.' Andrew stated matter of factly.

`What? No.. No way. I told you.. I'm not gay..'

For the next 15 minutes, my ass felt like it was on fire. I was audibly crying at each spank, I knew it was a losing battle. Each spank hurt more than the last. I didn't know how much longer I could stand it. I found myself shouting `Alright. Alright. I'll do anything you want. Please.. let me suck your cock.. master. Just please stop spanking me. Ahhhh!'

The room erupted in laughter and cheers. I thought you would never ask.' Andrew smiled. That wasn't so hard right?' someone else added.

My mouth was stretched to the extreme as the unwelcome intruder made its way in.

`If I feel your teeth, you will regret it.' he warned.

For the next few minutes, I struggled to accommodate his cock as best as I could.

I felt the finger in my ass pulled out. `He should be loose enough now Andrew.' Akira commented.

`Nice. You better suck harder, because your saliva is going to be the only lube you will get.' Andrew advised me.

`Mmmmph!', as I realised what was going to happen. His cock was too big, I couldn't even get half of it in my mouth, let alone getting the entire thing in my virgin ass. I forced myself to swallow more of his dick so that more of it would be lubed, ignoring my gagging reflex as well as I could. It was getting difficult to even breathe with the dick in my mouth, finding myself gasping for air. I imagined how pathetic I looked.

`Looks like our little bitch here is excited about the idea. Won't you guys agree?'

`Sure looks like it, lucky bitch.'

I couldn't believe that my ass could ever fit his cock, but I was sure that it would involve a lot of pain.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth, pushed me on the table, leaving me in tears and raised my legs up in the air. The other guys who weren't fucking Sven watched on, stroking their cocks in anticipation.

I opened my mouth to protest. But the moment I did, Akira pushed his cock in my mouth. `That's a good boy.'

Even as I struggled to accommodate the cock now invading his mouth, I felt hands spreading my butt apart. I tried clenching my butt together to resist, but it was futile. 'There's no way it could fit.' I thought to myself.

Now for the moment you've been waiting for' Andrew said. My pained reactions were only met with laughter from the other boys. I gave a high pitched shriek as his cock made its way in. Owww!' I had never felt this level of pain in my life, not even when I broke my arm in fifth grade playing football.

`Shut up you big baby. That was just the first 5 inches. There's plenty more.' Andrew stated matter of factly.

It took upwards of 10 minutes for his cock to be fully in me. The longest 10 minutes of my life. I was completely drenched in sweat from head to toe, reeling from the pain of penetration. My ass felt utterly destroyed. `This is not how I wanted to lose my virginity' I thought.

`Please don't.. Ow.. Ow.. Ow.. Take it out!! It can't fit!! Ahh!' Andrew thrust his massive cock in and out of my ass relentlessly. The penetration made me squeal in agony. The next thing I knew, I was being spit-roasted between two guys that I thought were my friends.

`Damn, his insides are really tight and soft.' Andrew commented.

`Not after tonight he won't be.' someone replied, laughing.

`Use your hands, start stroking our cocks.' someone else ordered, snapping me back to reality. I realised I was now servicing 4 cocks at once. 2 with my hands, 1 with my mouth and 1 with my ass. What's worse, I realised my dick was getting hard. I was absolutely mortified.

`Your mouth says no, but your dick is telling a completely different story.. You really need to be honest with yourself. Didn't your parents teach you not to lie?' Andrew asked innocently.

`You're getting hard even while being forced, looks like someone is a naughty masochist pervert.' I heard someone else say.

`Uhh.. F..Fuuwah..' I couldn't help it, but a moan escaped my mouth.

`Your voice is sounding really cute, are you trying to seduce us?'

`No.. I don't like.. I don't want this at all.' I protested weakly, afraid to get spanked again.

Just as I started stroking their cocks with my hands, I heard a familiar sound. My ringtone. Andrew pulled his dick out, reaching towards my bag. I sighed in relief. Saved.

`Hmm..' Andrew grabbed my phone.

`It's your girlfriend. Why don't you tell her what you are doing right now.' Akira said teasingly.

Uh oh.

The guy in front of me pulled his dick out of my mouth so that I could speak, holding my phone next to my ear while I kept on stroking their dicks with my hands.

`Hey Steph. What's up?'

`You've been ignoring my calls! I've been trying to reach you for hours.'

`Yeah.. I'm um.. with some.. Sven and some.. friends.. at the karaoke place on Centre Street..' I tried my best to hide my predicament, but at that moment someone had started jerking off my hard cock, making it that much more difficult to talk normally.

`You sound out of breath though. Anyway, I totally forgot that I promised my mom about visiting some relatives out of town tomorrow, so I can't make it to our date. I'll make it up to you next week.' she said.

`That's sounds fun. How long are you.. Ahh!! Ahhh!'

`Are you alright Lucas? Is that a slapping sound I hear?'

I wanted to say I wasn't alright. In fact, I was anything but all right. Andrew had just shoved his dick in my sore butt again, fucking me much faster than before, stimulating my prostate and making me very hard. `I'm fine.. Listen.. I need to go now.. Sort of an emergency, I'll call.. call you back later okay? Love.. love you loads.' I managed to say before a dick was forced back in my mouth, making me gag uncontrollably.

`Love you too.' she replied suspiciously, hanging up. I was relived, hoping she didn't catch on to what was happening.

`Hey, spread your legs more, let everyone see your butt devour my dick.'

I'm going to cum, drink it all!' Akira ordered. Don't let any of it spill, or you'll be licking it off the floor.'

My panicked struggles were futile as his dick reached the deepest parts of my throat. I felt a hot and sticky substance fill up my mouth. I tried to cough it out, but he wouldn't let me, grabbing my hair and pulling me deeper onto his dick while thrusting the whole time. At the same time, the two dicks I was stroking with my hand came, spilling it all over my blond hair and face. Some even went into my nose, bathing me in cum.

`I'm about to come too!' Andrew exclaimed, as my butt was also filled with a generous load of cum from Andrew. The worse part was that I realised there was a small part of me that enjoyed being humiliated and exposed.

The night was just beginning. All of them were horny 18 year olds, and I knew they were just getting warmed up. They didn't leave us anytime to rest, and there was not a time during the next few hours that my holes were not full. I barely had time to breathe. I remember at least servicing them each at least twice, though I lost count a long time ago.

`No, not again. Please no. My ass and throat can't take it.. It's so sore. Let me have a break guys.. Please stop fucking me.' I had pleaded each time I took one of their loads of cum as tears streamed down my face. I felt my body convulsing violently as I came endlessly, drenching myself in sweat and pleasure. My nipples grew more erect and sensitive, and the slightest touch would make me squirm uncontrollably. Of course, that made them touch it even more. Especially when they realised pinching it would make my ass clench down, making it tighter. I had never felt so full in my life. For some reason, my butt was as tight as my first time getting fucked, making the fucks much more enjoyable for them, but much more painful for me.

`I'm loving your facial reactions by the way, they are priceless. It makes me want to fuck you even more.' Anthony said.

'Their holes are so tight even though we fucked the hell out of them.' Andrew noted.

Finally, numerous loads of cum later, they decided they had enough. My butt was overflowing from the cum inside me, I could feel it running down my legs.

Sven looked in worse shape than me, he was a disaster zone. He lay on the floor, in a puddle of cum and sweat. His butt was sucking on numerous anal beads that were had been stuffed in at some point tonight. The pool of cum on his stomach suggested he had came an incredible number of times too.

`You guys are such pervert masochists, look at those hard dicks leaking pre-cum.' David grinned, pulling his now soft dick out of my mouth.

`It's.. It's not what it looks like.. I don't know why.. I'm not gay.' Sven tried to explain, his face red from embarrassment as he tried to cover his hard dick with his hand.

`Yeah.. It's hard to convince me with your dick hard. You're either gay or you like being humiliated.' he argued.

Or both.' Anthony suggested, helpfully. I bet you both love being covered in cum.'

`Just.. Please don't tell anyone about tonight.. I'll do anything you guys want.' I pleaded.

The area, despite being a university city, was a conservative district, voting conservative by ridiculous margins throughout the last few decades. There were more churches than cars here. I knew our social lives were on the line if word of this got out. I couldn't imagine what my brother Roger would think of me.. Would he be disappointed to know I liked being fucked or humiliated? And what would my girlfriend Steph think?

`Sure. If we take a commemorative photo.'

`Uh.. You're going to take a photo? No..'

`We already took plenty of photos and videos just now, if you hadn't noticed.'

I knew there was no one we were getting out of it. I was really tired, and was just looking forward to soaking my sore and ravaged butt in a bubble bath back home as soon as possible.


Andrew and his friends squeezed down on the couch, with Andrew and Percy sitting in the centre. Both of them grabbed us, making us sit on their laps once again. They then shoved their dicks inside us, balls deep. Ow. It hurt like hell to have my no longer virgin ass to be fucked again. Not to mention it still hurt to sit after the spanking.

I imagined what the photo would look like. There was not a part of my body that was not stained with cum. It dripped from my blond hair, leaked from my butt and stuck on my face. My cock was also hard. Sven looked no different.

`Lucas, smile and make a peace sign. Sven, make a duck face.' Andrew ordered.

We groaned, but did it anyway, eager for the night to end.

`Hmm.. It feels like the photo still needs something.'

`Aha.. I know.'

Akira pulled out a permanent marker and started writing on my forehead.

`Did I tell you you could stop smiling Lucas?' Andrew asked.

`No.. but..' I replied.

`Then smile, or do you want to get spanked again?' he asked.

`Done. Do you know want to know what is says?' Akira laughed.

`No.' I replied, reminding myself to smile.

Too bad. I'm going to tell you anyway. I wrote Masochist Pervert' on your cheek and Cum-Dumpster' on yours. he said, turning to Sven. I think they are accurate. Alright, say cheese!'


`What a great photo. I think I'm going to frame it and put it by my bed.' Percy laughed.

Andrew threw our clothes back to us.

`There's no underwear..' I complained.

Andrew ignored me. `Put these on. We're leaving.'

I breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally over. The feeling of wearing my school uniform again was so strange.

Sven wasn't nearly lucky. His school uniform looked like they had been through a hurricane. His shirt had been torn to rags, exposing his nipples. His pants had the front and back ripped open, connected only by its waistband, exposing his rock-hard dick. I was surprised, I didn't think he would be turned on by this. You could see the cum still trickling down from his ass to his legs. He was also missing a sock. The cum on his face and hair didn't help his image either. I remember thinking to myself that I would rather be seen naked than seen like that. He looked like one of those guys that you could rent for 10 dollars.

I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 1 am already, meaning that we had been fucked for 6 hours straight. I could barely stand, my legs felt so weak. I could already feel the cum in my ass leaking out, forming a wet spot on my school pants. It wasn't going to be hard for anyone to imagine what had happened.


One last parting gift.' Akira locked a device on my dick. This will make sure you are obedient.' He winked.

I tried to wipe off the cum on my face, but Andrew stopped me.

`Leave it. Trust me. You guys look cuter that way.' Andrew teased, as he leaned forward to kiss me and Sven on the cheek.

`We'll be in touch.' Andrew whispered in my ear as we parted ways.


Andrew now has both handsome brothers (and Sven) under his control, what will he do with them? Nothing bad I hope :3

Found out next chapter. :D As always, feedback is greatly appreciated.

Next: Chapter 3

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