Training Roger and Lucas

By Ryan Cromer

Published on Jan 24, 2018


Chapter 1

Roger nervously peeked into the classroom. Noticing it was empty, he walked in and cautiously sat down on one of the chairs. He urged himself to stay calm, but he had a stomach full of butterflies. Earlier that day, he found a note inside his locker, asking to meet him after school in the first floor classroom. Roger suspected it was another love letter, perhaps from a girl in his grade, it wouldn't have been the first time. Roger was devilishly handsome, although he was 19, he looked younger and had a boyish face. He was also student union president of his university and also a member of its swim team. Needless to say, he had always been popular with girls.

`Not again' he thought to himself. He hated rejecting people. It wasn't that girls in his university weren't pretty, it was the fact that I had a crush on someone else since high school. I glanced at my watch impatiently, it was nearly 6pm and the sun was just setting, casting dark shadows on the walls. I had promised my mom to be back before dinner, and I was going to be late. Just when I stood up to leave, I heard a knock.

`Hey Roger.' the voice said. It was too dark to make out who it was, but I recognised his voice. It was Andrew, a freshman from his swim team.

`Hey Andrew!'

I sighed a breath of relief, thankful that it was not a love confession.

`Um..' Andrew shuffled his feet, meeting my eye for a second before looking away. He seemed nervous and uncomfortable.

Finally he said, `I just wanted to say.. that I really like you. Although we haven't known each other for long.. It would be really nice if we could go out together..'

I gulped. I was not expecting Andrew confess. Then again, I recalled the times he saw Andrew sneaking glances at me in the shower after swim practice. I didn't think much about it until now.

Andrew looked at me expectantly with a quiet confidence, eyes wide, waiting for his reply.

`Thank you Andrew.. I'm glad you feel this way.. But.. I already have a crush on someone else..'

Oh..' he sighed in resignation. It was worth a shot.. Sorry for your time..' He turned around sheepishly and started to leave. Right before he reached the door, he faced me and asked, `Who do you have a crush on? I just want to know who I lost to..'

I laughed nervously, not wanting to share the information.

`Cmon, tell me! As compensation for rejecting me!' he smiled bitterly. I tried changing the subject and talking my way out of it, but he was really persistent. It was already 7pm by now and I would miss the last bus home if I didn't leave now.

`Don't tell anyone okay? I'll only tell you if you keep it a secret.'


It's Hannah.' I whispered. She's my friend from high school, I've had a crush on her for years.. We weren't really close friends or something, but I like her. I hope you understand..'

Andrew looked disappointed for a moment, but then recovered and laughed. 'I knew it' he exclaimed. He snapped his fingers. On cue, the classroom lights flickered on.

I was temporarily blinded by the light, covering my eyes from the sudden stimulus. When I opened them again, I could not believe my eyes. Hannah was in front of me, tied to a chair with a gag in her mouth. I blinked, not believing my eyes. Behind the chair, two more people joined Andrew. I recognised them, Percy and Anson, both first years. From what my younger brother told me, they were trouble and most students generally steered clear of them.

I gave you a chance Roger, I'm sorry it turned out this way.' Andrew shrugged. From now on, you will obey my every command, or else..' He let that warning hang in the air, letting it sink in.

`Are you crazy? Free her! I'm reporting all of you. You will be expelled!' I responded.

`Can we fuck her? She looks cute..' Anson said.

`Mmmm' Hannah struggled against her bonds, but it was obvious she could not free herself.

`Wait.. What are you going to do..'

It's obvious isn't it.' Andrew put his hand on Hannah's head. I would prefer boys, but girls are fine too.'

`Stop.. I'll do what you want, just let Hannah go.'

Andrew smiled, `That wasn't so hard, wasn't it.'

`Then, your first order is to strip. Right here, right now.' Andrew ordered.

I looked around, trying to think of an escape route. I sighed. Even if I could reach the door, I wouldn't get very far. Moreover, I couldn't leave Hannah.

Reluctantly, I started stripping. Taking off everything except my underwear. I blushed. My cheeks and ears were red hot. The last thing I wanted was to let Hannah see me naked, but I didn't want her to get hurt either. I must do it for her' I thought. I got her into this, and I'm getting her out.'

I pulled my underwear down slowly, covering up with my hands as soon as it hit the floor.

Percy walked over to me, brandishing a pair of handcuffs to tie behind my back.

All three of them stared before bursting into laughter. `Oh my god, he is smaller than my 15 year old brother!' Andrew was clearly amused.

I blushed a deeper shade of red. I wanted to crawl underneath a rock and hide. Unfortunately for me, there was no such rock nearby.

`Are you happy now?' I asked.

`What are you talking about. That was just the warm up. Now, let's play a game.'

I secretly hoped he was talking about board games, but I doubted it.

`Come in Randy' Andrew said.

I had noticed Randy around school. He always hung around with them, but didn't seem to fit in. I wondered why they kept him around.

I was about to find out.

`If you make Roger here cum within 10 minutes, we will let you cum once. If you can't.. let's just say you won't be able to cum for a while.'

Randy gulped.

Andrew turned to me `Conversely, if you cum within these 10 minutes, you will take Randy's place as our.. toy.. We will also have our way with Hannah. But if you don't cum, both of you go free! Sound fair?'

I nodded. It seemed the only way out. I didn't have much of a choice anyway, naked except for my socks with my hands behind my back.

`Your time starts.. NOW!' Andrew exclaimed.

Sorry Roger..' Randy sighed. I have no intention of losing.'

Randy grabbed my dick and starting pumping frantically.

I moaned. Despite my predicament, I got a full hard on in no time. `Randy, please.. Go easy on me..' It felt so good despite being touched by a boy.

'Put some effort into it Randy! You're not even trying!' Percy exclaimed from the sidelines. `Or do you like our dicks in your ass that much?'

Randy redoubled his efforts. His tongue licked my left nipple while his left hand touched my right one. ugh..' I had never felt so good before. I felt like Randy had a lot of experience in doing this. I shuddered.. If I lose.. No, i didn't want to think about that right now. Concentrate.' I told myself.

`Three minutes!'

I glanced at the clock. It had already felt like an eternity.

Without warning, Randy stuck a finger inside my ass and rubbed my prostrate. `Oww..' I clenched my butt, which made things worse. But besides the pain, there was definitely pleasure. I could feel myself on the verge of climax.

I never imagined myself losing my virginity this way. Naked, bound, in front of four boys and my crush at school. I had almost forgot Hannah was even there, I imagined how pathetic I looked. She met my eye for a second, then turned away ashamed.

`Don't turn away, or else..'

Then Randy started sucking my dick. It felt like nothing I had ever felt before. I was in pure ecstasy.

`Ready to cum? Andrew asked.

`No.. I won't cum! Don't worry Hannah!' I tried to sound confident, but my voice was wavering. I was fighting a losing battle. Randy clearly knew how to get someone off.

`9 minutes! You got 1 minute left Randy' Anson warned.

`Please cum already..' Randy said pleadingly with my dick in his mouth and his hands on my nipples.

The vibrations from his voice was the last straw. I could no longer control myself. I started thrusting hard into his mouth. I could think of nothing except the urge to cum. I blew my biggest load ever into Randy's mouth and sighed contently. `That felt so good..' I thought, lost in the thoughts of pure bliss before I remembered the consequences.

`Shit.' I thought.

`Nice. I was worried for a second there, but you seemed to have fun at the end' Andrew snickered. He showed me the video he had taken secretly on his phone. I saw myself fucking Randy's mouth with a passion in the last minute of the video. I had never felt so humiliated in my life.

`Who should we play with first? Hannah or Roger?' Anson asked.

`Wait.. Please don't hurt Hannah.. She's innocent.. Take me instead, I will do whatever you want, anything you say.. I'm begging you.. It's all my fault..' I got on my hands and knees and started begging.

Andrew thought for a second. `If you insist!' he laughed.

`Randy, as reward for doing so well, fuck Roger.'

I looked pleadingly at Randy, hoping he would refuse. Instead, he took off his pants.


Randy was big. He was at least 4 inches flaccid. But a chastity belt was locked in place, which Percy unlocked. I looked on in horror.

Randy became fully erect quickly, eager to fuck me.

`I don't understand.. Randy, why are you doing what they tell you to do..' I asked.

Randy didn't reply.

Poor Randy here hasn't cum for 2 years already.' Andrew said with a hint of amusement in his voice. I bet he is more than happy to do this for us.'

Beg for Randy to fuck you, and call him master.' Andrew held out his phone again to take video. If you do it half heartedly, Hannah will take your place.'

Realising I had no choice, I raised my butt, and spread my two cheeks apart. I felt my dignity and pride die.

`Please fuck me Master Randy! I want your dick in my ass!' I exclaimed as enthusiastically as I could.

I knew this was going to hurt. His erect cock stood at 8.5 inches and he didn't bother adding lube.

Ahh!!' I shouted as he put it in with one swift thrust. Slow down!' But my pleads were falling on deaf ears.

`Roger's got a hard-on!'

Bet he is enjoying this! Are you getting this on video?' Percy asked Andrew. Sure am!'

I looked down and I was indeed hard. The intrusion in my butt hurt, but there was also a hint of pleasure as his cock rubbed against my prostrate. The worst part was, I was actually enjoying it.

Roger, don't you have something you want to say to Hannah?' Andrew said. He mouthed the words Confess to her.'

I thought he was joking. There was no way I could confess under these circumstances. But I realized he was serious. I was on the verge of cumming, waves of pleasure washed over me with each thrust from Randy.

Hannah.. I just wanted to say.. That you are cute and perfect in every way.. And that..from the first day I met you.. I liked you.' As if on cue, Randy came in my butt, sending me over the edge as well. I came all over my stomach just as I said the words I love you.'. I was horrified. I had just come from someone fucking my ass while confessing to my long time crush. Worse confession ever.

`Good job! That was such a nice confession!'

All three of them clapped their hands. My face glowed red with embarrassment. 2 years worth of cum filled me up inside to the brim. I had never felt so full and sticky.

`You enjoyed that too Roger, judging from your climax. I never knew you enjoyed getting fucked. I bet no one knows that either. Would be a shame if these videos I just took were to be sent to everyone in your contact list..'

`Please.. No..' I knew if my friends or family saw me begging to be fucked I would be doomed. The neighbourhood I lived in was very conservative and I doubt they were understanding.

`Or you could continue being our slave. You and Randy were meant for each other.' Andrew laughed.

As if I had a choice.

`Before we go, let's hear from Hannah whether she accepts your confession.' they snickered as Andrew removed the gag on her mouth and untied her from the chair. Hannah walked up to me.

Roger.. Thank you for what you did.. I am so happy to know your true feelings. For me, you did all those humiliating things.. It was so..' she paused as if to search for the right expression. Fun to watch!' she burst out laughing as she playfully tweaked my nipple.

`I didn't think he was this dumb to fall for it!' she exclaimed.

`Your acting was good too Hannah. Thanks for your hard work.' Anson observed.

'Wait.. what? I don't understand.' `Hannah was with you guys?'

Hannah is my younger sister. When I suggested doing this, she thought it would be a fun idea.' Andrew said. Don't get me wrong Roger, I still like you..' he blushed slightly.

I felt betrayed. `But.. But..'

Hannah laughed. `I gotta go now. It's getting late and I got some assignments to do. It was fun though. See you soon!' she winked at me.

I was at a loss for words. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 10 pm. Just 4 hours ago I was a normal university student. It felt like an eon ago.

`See you on Monday slave! Don't do anything stupid, or these videos will be released online! Seeya!' Andrew leisurely tossed my handcuff key to Randy.

Randy had also gotten dressed and freed me while I lay on the floor stunned.

Sorry..' he said, his voice full of remorse. I didn't mean to.' as he rushed outside, ashamed to look at me.

I realised that I was still naked and my clothes had been shredded and thrown into the bin. Fortunately, my backpack and phone were still there.

`Is someone in there? It's past school hours.' I heard someone say. I did't stick around to find out who he was. I grabbed my stuff, jumped out the window and ran home.

Feedback is appreciated :D Let me know if you want another chapter.

Next: Chapter 2

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