Training of Slave Bob

By Bob Johnson

Published on Mar 16, 2004


PussyBoy, You have pleased me so far. Therefore, you are going to have another of your fantasies fulfilled. I have taken your debit card to buy supplies for the evening. You are to wear the clothes underneath and clean the apartment. You have always said you are turned on by humiliation. I have removed the curtains from the kitchen and living room. You are to clean the house, making sure to keep the lights on. I will check in on you periodically from the parking garage across the street. You better be visible."

I looked under the note, and saw my well-used panties. They were a pair that my girlfriend had left behind, and they were now stretched to my size from frequent use. Under them was a white lace apron, and that was it. I put on this outfit, and felt instantly ashamed. I had to hurry though, so I got to cleaning and did my best to ignore what might be outside. I was also distracted by the thought of what Master was doing. I had told him so many fantasies, some that scared me still even after the past 48 hours experience, that my mind was spinning as to which would become true.

I cleaned up from the prior sex, putting a new sheet on the bed. I straightened up around the room, and folded the restraints against the headboard and foot board of the bed.

I went out to the living room and cleaned off the table, making sure it showed a sharp reflection. I had to use some serious cleaner to get the cheek streaks off the table. I went to the kitchen to clean the toys. I put them in the bottom of the sink, hoping to reduce my embarrassment by getting them out of window view. Just then the phone rang; I picked it up and was shocked to hear Master.

"well, PussyBoy, your not embarrassed are you? Be proud of you toys; it took a major step to realize you wanted them, and I think you should be proud and show them off. Get back to work PussyBoy."

I proceeded cleaning the toys in full view. I was staring into the darkness of the parking garage, and I suddenly saw a flash burst come from a level above my apartment. It must be Master with my camera. I then finished cleaning out the kitchen, wiping the counters and making sure everything looked nice. I went to check on the office, where the pictures from earlier today had been added to the slideshow, and it was playing on a constant loop. I looked down on the keyboard, and there was a warning "DO NOT TOUCH!"

I walked back to the living room, where I sat down with my apron arranged around me. After about ten minutes of anticipation, Master knocked on the door, his arms full. I opened the door, not sure how he got back in the building. As if he could read my mind, he started in with an explanation.

"You will not yet be living with me, but as you have stated you now belong to me. I therefore need total access to you. That is why I took your phone number by dialing my cell phone from your phone without pressing *67 like you always do, while you were in the shower, PussyBoy. I borrowed your keys from your backpack and made copies of the building and your door keys. Therefore, though I live three and a half hours away, I may stop by at any time. You may come home from school and I may be sitting on your couch. I may walk in on you when you think you have privacy. I control you Boy, and nothing shall be private from me. I have changed the settings on your computer. I may access it from home, and may check any files as well as your emails. I will be aware if you have contact with any other man or try to look at porn without my permission. You will be in total service of me. Though, like tonight, you will often be rewarded for acts of honesty or efforts to please Master. First, you did a very good job with Kevin. You have had such an impression on him that when we went upstairs, he expressed his newly restored devotion to his wife, and agreed to take her out more often and treat her like the queen that she is. Therefore, they are going out to dinner tonight, and then will be staying at a hotel over Times Square, where Gloria will try on her knew lingerie and have a romantic night with Kevin. I just hope he can maintain his erection after the workout you gave him. He was thankful on the way up, and I am sure he will continue working with us. However, since he is gone and your downstairs neighbor is also away (I checked) I will not respect any request to be quiet. All responses you make will be loud and firm. You will be able to respond with total abandon to any pleasure you receive. And you will receive plenty of pleasure. Do you remember the first fantasy you shared with me?"

"Um no Sir"

"It was about service. You said you always felt like your proper role would be a servant. You said you were jealous of those old BunnyClub girls and wished you could serve a party like that. Tonight you will be permitted to fulfill that fantasy. Over the years I have met various guys online from New York, but it is often difficult to get the down to Baltimore. i decided to e-mail some of them last night, after we spoke, and today I got responses from six of them. I told them that the payment for entry was that they would each have to eat your ass for 5 minutes, then do the same for Master. In exchange, they will each be able to man handle PussyBoy throughout the night, as he serves the party. Your body will be up for grabs to anyone, though you may not take a cock in you until you take mine. You also may not cum. I have told them of this requirement. Therefore, they will probably jerk you off frequently, as they want to get you in trouble and know it will torment you. You must permit them to do so, but when you are near the edge, you must yell out 'Please stop. I am not yet worthy of an orgasm!' They know that they must stop or they will receive the punishment instead of you. However, you must warn them. If I notice you speaking up too soon, that will be punished. I don't think I need to say what happens if you speak too late, even if he stops touching you and you spontaneously erupt. You will not have the benefit of a cock tie. You will only be permitted a loose ring on string around your balls to make them stand out for punishment. Now it is time to get ready, PussyBoy. Set up a bar and cook these snacks for your guests. You may not eat all evening as you are a servant, not a guest, and we must maintain your fast to keep any dirty business out of your boy pussy. You will be sustained by the cum I will now give you, PussyBoy. On your knees. [I dropped immediately, looking up at Master.] Here, cuff yourself. [He handed me the cuffs, which I attached to myself behind my back.]"

With that, Master placed a finger in my mouth to force it open. I sat there waiting, and Master stripped naked, this time removing the boots as well. He picked up his riding crop and held his 8" firmly in his other hand. He stepped up to my face and slapped me with his cock. He then rubbed it on my face until his balls were against my lips. "Nibble." As if to tell me what I already knew, he rubbed the crop on my cheek to remind me that any pain would be dealt with severely. I had to guess how much pressure as I had never done this before, but I believe I did well enough as I was soon rewarded with a mouth full of cock. In this position, I could much better service Master and was able to savor the length of his cock, with a little difficulty when he went in deep. He enjoyed my mouth for about ten minutes, until he grabbed my ears and thrust to the back of my mouth. He began shooting, and moved his cock slowly out with each spurt until drops were dribbling down my chin.

"Leave it where it lands, PussyBoy, to mark you. Now it is time to dress you. Gloria purchased lingerie and this little maid's skirt for you. Unfortunately, they were designed to be tight and you lied about your size, so they will be more revealing than planned. Now get dressed while I shower. And be in the proper position for inspection when I return."

Master turned and walked away, handing me a bag. Inside was a pair of black thong panties, a black skirt and a black shirt. I put them on, and they were clearly designed for someone smaller than me. The skirt revealed about a quarter of each ass cheek. It was only worse if I even tried to bend over. I heard Master turning off the shower, so I got in front of the door and dropped to my knees. He soon came out, wrapped in a towel, which he let side off and fall to the floor. He picked up his riding crop and rubbed it over my body as he walked around me. The erection he had convince me he liked what he saw.

"Good PussyBoy. You have pleased me. Now continue getting ready. I want the toys and lube arranged nicely on the coffee table, as well as those cuffs which I will now remove. I also got a gift for you. [Master reached into one of the grocery bags and pulled out an oversize carrot.] PussyBoy, you have enjoyed carrots all your life, though I am sure you used ones considerably smaller than this. You will place this next to the toys on the table, and if anyone asks, you will be totally honest and tell them what you use carrots for. Remember, PussyBoy, Master remembers every detail you have told him, including that you love humiliation. Master knows that you feel great levels of shame and guilt about these experiences and desires you have, and he will now relish in the humiliation you will receive by revealing these details to others and to the world through the stories you will write. You will also have the constant fear that I will not return your curtains until Sunday, when I leave. You must accept the risk that someone will see you. However, the garage is a commuter garage and is deserted and will be all weekend, I assume, so not to worry. Its more for the mental effect it will have on you than for any real risk of being viewed. You felt shame for so long, I just want you to feel open."

"OK, PussyBoy, get the bar and the food ready. The guests should be arriving shortly."

I immediately got up and set up a bar on the end table with all the liquor Master had purchased (on my card.) I got out ice and thought I was done.

"Uh, PussyBoy, don't forget a cooler of beers. You will be drinking them frequently, and of course your urination will be strictly controlled by me."

I got out my beach cooler without hesitation and filled it with beers. Once the bar was set, I put out the cheeses and other snacks Master had purchased. Seeing this food only increased the hunger pains I felt in my stomach.

"Ah, PussyBoy, you must be getting hungry. You are of course forbidden from eating for the remainder of the night. Because you lied to me, I now control your eating and exercises habits as well. PussyBoy, you must realize that your life is now dedicated to sacrificing your own will and pleasures in order to further the pleasure of Master."

I lowered my head and realized I would, in fact, have to change my whole life because, like it or not, Master had total access to me now and could take total control of my life.

"Don't look so sad, PussyBoy. Tonight will give you something to smile about."

With that, I did realize the excitement I felt for the fantasy that would be coming true. And about Master. He had returned from getting dressed. He was wearing the ever-present boots and tight jeans. His large package was clearly defined. His ass was cupped beautifully. His bare, muscular chest stood out, as did the rings through his hard nipples. He just had an aura of power surrounding him and I felt total pleasure in submitting to his power. As I was staring in awe, I heard the call box ring. The first three guests were here. Before I knew it, I was facing the first new men since my awaking, and stood before them in an embarrassing outfit welcoming them to my apartment. I brought them, and immediately got them all drinks. Within five minutes, all 6 had arrived. I guess the offer from Master was too good to delay on taking up. Once they were all settled, Master began the introduction.

"Welcome to Slave Billy's house. You have all been briefed on the situation, but before we continue, there is the matter of payment. I said the price of using PussyBoy will be five minutes of eating his ass, as well as eating mine. This will be done later. However, in order to be permitted to remain at the party until that point, you will each be required to have your photo taken. With Master's cock in your mouth."

The guys who had shown up were all very willing to take this minor step after having seen their servant for the evening. They all lined up and, one by one, I took a picture of each of them taking Master's cock in their mouths.

"Oh, PussyBoy, your next."

I dropped to my knees and began the same. I saw the flash capture the side of my face by one of the guests taking my picture, and I began pulling my mouth off Master's cock.

"Thank you, PussyBoy, for revealing more about yourself. As you all can see, he is quite submissive and eager to please. However, my little PussyBoy also obviously lacks self control and has not yet properly learned his role in service. Therefore, I will now demonstrate what will happen if he fails to serve any one of you fully this evening."

With that, Master sat in the recliner and snapped his finger. I immediately laid across his lap, and was quickly pushed off of his lap and onto the floor.

"PussyBoy, have we ever said anything about how a boy should be spanked. Boys do not wear dresses and panties. Boys get spanked bare bottom."

I stood up and dropped my panties to my knees and hiked the skirt, and again presented myself.


"There PussyBoy, that was for being improperly dressed."


"Stand, PussyBoy. You will all note the erection this created in PussyBoy. The outfit was designed for his humiliation, which causes him pleasure, but he has now entered our service. He will therefore remove all his clothes. [I stripped immediately and stood with my erection still firm and my balls tied so they stood out prominently.] PussyBoy's body is now open for our pleasure. You may all use him in any way you see fit, except of course you may not fuck him or cum on him or in him. He is usually forbidden from eating anyone's cum but his own or Master's, but tonight he may eat yours as well. However, he may not take cum directly from your cock. Therefore, the cum must land on your body, or someone else's, or on the table or one of his toys. You may do anything with each other and make him clean up the results. In a few hours, we will properly prepare him and then you will each be able to fuck him. Enjoy. To PussyBoy..."

Master raised his glass and was joined by the rest, loudly saying "PussyBoy" as the reality of those words rang out into my head.

Master laid his riding crop across the toys on the table. Almost instantly, the party took off again. Someone immediately picked up the riding crop and began lightly tapping my balls. I then felt firm hands spreading my cheeks and examining my ass. Soon I was bent over, obscenely exposed as I began being prodded by the dildo. I had to sit there and take it, and soon had the added pressure of a dry hand wrapped tightly around my cock, roughly stroking it. I could only last about a minute before I had to yell out about my approaching orgasm, and the man quickly stopped. He then decided to flick my cock head with too fingers, driving me wild.

"What's the carrot for, PussyBoy?"

I saw Master watching and knew nothing less than a full description would suffice. Not only would I get punished, I had told him the truth back when I was anonymous, and he would tell them anyway.

"Well, I was a faggot who loved to have my hole filled long before I could admit it. I was too scared and embarrassed to go out and get the cock I craved or even to buy a legitimate substitute. I therefore have been using devices such as this to satisfy the need I have had to have my asshole filled when I cum. I have done so since I was 15. I started out looking for the 3-some stories in Forum and fuck myself whenever the guy got done, then, as soon as I got the internet, I discovered the Nifty archives and began reading of all the wonderful tales about guys getting filled with cock. I would go to the bathtub in my parents house, lay on my back and read the storied. I would get myself ready, sucking the carrot. Then I would grab my cock and start jerking off as I poked at my ass with the carrot. I slowly learned how to take it without pain, and began spending more time with it in me before even starting to jerk off."

"Well what are we wasting time for."

With that, the dildo was yanked out of my ass and replaced by the carrot. It was twice the girth of the dildo. It was painful to take, and Master soon put an end to it.

"I put that out more as an embarrassment than as a toy. I need to fuck that ass tonight, and I want it tight...we'll save the carrot for when I'm done."

They pulled it out and put the plug in, before smacking me on the ass a few times and sending me off to the bar to make drinks. When I turned around, I could see the scene in perspective for the first time. Everyone except Master had removed their clothes. Two had paired off by the front door, one bending the other against the wall and barebacking him. Another was standing alone, slowly stroking his cock. The other three were now sitting on the couch, waiting for me and stroking each other's cock. And then there was Master, viewing the scene from the recliner, a look of pleasure at the submission his PussyBoy was showing.

The three guys on the couch started stroking each other quicker and quicker until they soon shot off on their chests. I returned with their drinks and they told me to clean them up. I kneeled over the coffee table, my plugged ass in full view of Master, as I began lapping salty loads out of these three strangers laps. I did not know their names and to this day have no idea who they are, or where exactly Master found them. As I finished, I heard the moans of the guys fucking in the corner increase. The top yelled for me to come over with the dildo and I did as he told. He took the dildo in his one hand. and continued to give his partner a reach around with the other. He soon spasmed and unleashed a load in his friend's ass. That set the bottom off, and they squoze the load out of his cock and onto the dildo. I knew what was coming. He held the point out to me, and I opened wide and took the creamy dildo in my mouth. He then began applying pressure on my shoulder until I was on my knees. He then turned his partner around. I was now confronted with a partially open asshole with a heavy load dripping out. I had never even thought of such a thing, but the position left me no choice but to begin eating. It was a wild flavor of ass sweat and cum, but I had no choice but to accept. I was absorbed in what I was doing, when the jerker came over and shot a load onto the globe of the ass I was eating. I finished in the hole, then had to clean this man's cheeks of another load.

"PussyBoy, come wash all that down."

Master was calling me, and had three beers in front of him. He forced me to chug each in quick succession.

"OK, PussyBoy, you must now prepare for the main event of this evening. As the bathroom is small, you will go through you enema ritual twice, allowing small groups to watch you. You may not pee until you are complete."

I went to the bathroom, where the first few watched the enema ritual, all finding particular amusement when I had to count off, and the difficulty I experienced trying not to pee while so much fluid was rushing out of me. I did manage not to pee at any noticeable time. The second group came in and I did the same for the. With that, Master walked in.

"PussyBoy, you know what is next." I did, and immediately assumed the position on my back in the tub. He called out for whoever had to pee, and soon there was a line. I then had to submit to several minutes of liquor piss from a line of men. I was overcome with the smell, when I saw Master pull his cock out and begin covering my ass and balls in his warm piss. When he finished, he finally allowed me release myself, and I covered my face in my piss. "Now clean yourself up, and meet me back out here in five minutes."

I stood up and quickly cleaned every inch of my body. I dried off and and walked back to the living room, where Master was again in the recliner. He beckoned me, and I lay across his lap.


"There, now PussyBoy's warmed up enough to get started. He will be tied, and each of you will eat his ass for 5 minutes. You will then come behind me and eat my ass for an equal time. And as I have been extremely generous with you all, please make sure to eat his ass well. He has waited ten years for this, and only had it for the first time a few hour ago; it is the least we could give the sorry PussyBoy, since tonight is at least partially about fulfilling a fantasy for him. You will all be granted a unique privilege and recognize that you are earning that privilege through rimming him."

Master stood, picked up my panties, and walked into the bedroom. I followed, and behind me was 6 guys waiting to eat me and then fuck me. It was all too much, but I had enjoyed everything so far and was sure everything that pleased Master, as this appeared to, would also end up granting extreme physical and emotional pleasure to me as well.

I got on the bed, and was soon tied as I had been earlier. Master reached across my body, slid a dry finger into my asshole, pulled it out and placed it in my mouth. It was bare and I was thankful, and my cock sprang to attention to show how ready I was. I was about to have my ass eaten and fucked and I couldn't wait. I felt the first guys breath approaching my hole, and Master stood above me, again dangling his nuts over my face. I was in bliss as the tip of the first tongue pried into me. My hole was on fire and I was only worried I would spontaneously orgasm from the pleasure.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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