Training of Slave Bob

By Bob Johnson

Published on Mar 13, 2004


I woke up in a startle with a knock at the door. I didn't know what to think. I couldn't remember if all of that had been another one of my fantasies or if it really happened. But then the dried cum on my face reminded me how real it had been. The buttplug in my sore asshole was also a reminder. The knocking kept on at the door, and I looked through the peephole. It was Kevin. I opened the door, standing behind it to make sure I couldn't be seen from the hallway.

"Well, PussyBoy, we've got a half hour. Time to get you ready for your faggot master."

With that, I closed the door and hung my head in shame. This was really happening, and I really was half an hour from meeting Master. I had no time to think as I had to get ready.

One of the first acts of submission Master had introduced me to was enemas. It had developed to the point that I wouldn't dare ever contact him without having my ass properly clean. He had also taken control of my bathroom habits generally. I was required to get his permission before any bowel movement, and before my first pee of the day. And, of course, the last pee of the day went all over my face. Master had wanted to control those activities on the phone, but I was too scared to give him my number. This only made life more difficult, as the command stood. Therefore, i had to contact him before I could go. I was frequently late for class on days when I missed him before he went to work. I would have to wait until his morning break from work when he'd take my call.

I was also not permitted to have a toilet seat. Master wanted to be able to view me on the toilet, and he always forced me to hover over the bowl to make sure there would be visible clearance when we met.

I had to hurry so I removed the plug, got in the tub, filled the enema bag, and inserted the nozzle in my mouth. I hadn't been permitted lube in 8 months for this, and Kevin broke out laughing at the sight of me sucking wetly on the nozzle. I inserted it and quickly took the bag. I got up, hovered over the toilet, counted to 60, then released.

"Wow, if he's got you trained this well on the phone, I can't wait to see what he'll do to you in person."

I instantly became aware of my surroundings, and felt another rush of shame. I couldn't delay though, and had to keep getting ready. I took a second enema bag in one rush, waited, and released it as before. I then put the plug back in and got in the shower. I was not shaved but assumed Master would want to instruct this and see it done. I rinsed off, and got out. I had less than ten minutes to spare. I got the dildo from where I had left it, in my back pack, last night. I wiped it with an alcohol wipe and put it on my desk. I opened my computer and loaded the slide show of my performance. I then went to my room and got the handcuffs. I returned, sat in the chair (which caused a shooting pain where the plug was filling me) and placed my hands behind my back. Kevin took the cuffs and wrapped them around the chair post and clasped my hands. I then had a few minutes to sit and worry about all the day would bring. I was snapped out of it by a buzz at the door. Kevin went to the call box. "You know who this is. Let me in." Master was always precise with time, and he was as reliable as he demanded of me to be.

After only a few seconds in the elevator, I heard Kevin unlatch the door and heard heavy steps coming from Master's boots as he walked across the hardwood floor. Suddenly, I saw his shadow in the doorway, my eyes lowered to the floor in shame, my body red with embarrassment and a thin coating of nervous sweat cooling my flesh.

"Look at me, PussyBoy."

I raised my eyes and witnessed the power that he exuded for the first time. He had this firmness to his appearance and stature. He was wearing a long leather coat, tight jeans, Leather boots, and a tight t-shirt, all wrapped close on his muscular frame.

"So not quite how you described yourself, PussyBoy. I thought you looked a little heavier in those pictures, but thought maybe it was just the camera angles. Well, lets take a look at you."

With that, he pulled a riding crop out of his coat, and began rubbing it across my body. As he touched my chest with it, my nipples were instantly swollen.

"At least you weren't lying about those nipples, PussyBoy. They sure are sensitive."

He then rubbed it down my chest, slapping it lightly on my hard cock head before moving it against my balls. I raised up slightly, which made him smile as he viewed the base of the plug in my ass.

"Well PussyBoy, you've kept me waiting for too long. Let's get started. Oh, before we do, Kevin, I will assume you got what you wanted last night?"

Master had been in the room five minutes and it was the first time he had addressed Kevin, who was peeking through from the other room.

"Uh, yeah, your little PussyBoy sucked my cock good."

"Well then, you owe me $500."

"Fuck you, faggot. You said I could use him and he owed me for having to listen to his faggot ass moan into the phone and beg for kinds of dirty shit." Kevin yelled.

"You shouldn't get so nasty or yell so much, Kevin....Or else Gloria might hear."

You could see the blood leave Kevin's face. He tried to say something, but the words would not come.

"Yes, Kevin, your wife Gloria. Or are you so dumb that you forgot you live upstairs. 7C, W. Peterson, that must be PussyBoy, Billy. By the way PussyBoy, don't think I didn't realize that lie. And right above 7C on the call box was 8C, K. O'Malley. Imagine that must be you. Well, I rang up your place first to make sure you were gone and getting him ready. I was surprised when a woman answered. We had a lovely chat, about how your jealousy means she hardly ever gets out. She said most of the neighbors think she is a stranger on the rare occasions she is in the elevator. Well, Kevin, that's not very nice. I told her I was with a survey company and she welcomed me up for a chat. She gave me that background information, and I gave her $500 and sent her out on a shopping trip. I told her I would speak with her in the evening to do a questionnaire about her day as a "secret shopper". I gave her Bob, I mean Billy, well, PussyBoy's dimensions and told her to pick up some lingerie in that size and some for herself. Too bad he fudged the numbers a little. Now everything will be just a bit tighter than it should, but I guess that's what PussyBoy gets for lying. I gave her my car-service car, and told the driver to stay away at least until 6. I figured we didn't want anyone to hear the noise, like you could upstairs. Well, she is gone, and you will pay as instructed to reimburse me for my expenses. If you do, I will simply make up some questions and be on my way. If not, she and I will have a chat about what you were doing last night. Perhaps I'll even go tell Fr. Sean down at your church. Don't worry, Gloria told me about him too. God, you really should let that woman out more. I asked a few questions, and she started spilling her life story."

I was shocked. I had always thought he was a bachelor, and figured the quiet woman's voice I occasionally heard was the TV.

"Well now, I am not cruel and you never signed up for any of this, so you will not be required to serve. However, you will help prepare him before every future visit. In exchange for this service, I will maintain my silence. You may also use PussyBoy's mouth when I permit it, including while I am away. He will have a magnet on the outside of the door from now on. When it is green, he has been permitted to suck cock. You may knock and he must admit you and, without a word, drop to his knees and suck you off. You will pull out and cum all over his face. He is a sorry cum whore and must be denied any acknowledgment of his humanity or his ever present need to eat cum. When the magnet is red, you must ignore him as if he did not exist."

Kevin was way too scared to say anything.

"Well, Kevin, by your silence I assume you want the same from me. So we have a deal. Now, this boy needs to be shaved. I want you to take his camera and document it. You will need to keep the pictures, as you will be shaving him in the future to make sure he is clean when I arrive. I do not want to have to waste time like this."

With that, Master unlocked my cuffs and brought me to the bathroom. He bent me over the sink, and reconnected the cuffs under the pipes, so I was held tight onto the sink, totally vulnerable.

"I want to spank this ass, PussyBoy, but I do not want to touch this hairy mess. You will suffer because I have to do this, boy." With that, he got the jug from the tub, filled it with water and tied it to the string on my balls, dropping it from a few inches up and watching my eyes tear up. "That will give you something to think about while I have to teach you about cleanliness PussyBoy." Master then took shaving cream and covered my ass. This was the first time Master had touched my ass, and even now I could feel the power in his hands. He got a razor and began removing long patches of hair. All the while, Kevin stood behind him and I felt like a model with the flash constantly going off. He was capturing every minute. Master shaved both globes of my ass, then I felt him pulling my cheeks apart to clean up my crack. I felt overwhelmed by my vulnerable position and the rough handling my ass was receiving. Master went over all of the areas again to make sure I was smooth, then splashed on heavy handfuls of aftershave, which burned and made me aware of every pore. He then unhooked me, turned me around and sat me on the sink, reattaching the cuffs to the faucet behind my back. He had me hold my thighs up, making the muscles burn. He lathered up my already hard cock, and my balls, working around the string from the jug dangling below. I started dripping precum from all the handling, and Master dipped a finger in and raised it to my mouth. "Eat, PussyBoy"

I had been eating my own cum since I was 15, but there was something so much more shameful about doing it now off another man's finger. I complied, and tasted my familiar scent.

"Good PussyBoy." Master continued shaving me, until my balls, thighs and cock were all bare and I felt a cool vulnerability throughout my groin. He then took a hick handful of aftershave and cupped my balls bouncing them in and out of the stinging gel. He then wiped the rest into my thighs, setting them on fire. He then untied me, removed the jug, and walked me out to the living room.

"So PussyBoy, did your dad have an easy chair like this?" He pointed to the leather chair in the corner.

"Uh, yes Sir"

"Good, then that is where Master shall sit when you are punished. Kevin, you may continue taping. Now PussyBoy, we need to have a talk. It seems you were dishonest with we. You must be punished."

With that, Master sat down in the seat.

"Now, boys do not have plugs in their ass when they are spanked, and neither should you. Remove it."

I pulled and released it from my ass ring with a wet popping sound.

"Looks nice and cleaned, I am pleased so far. Now come here boy, we still need to talk."

I swallowed the last of my pride and got down so I was laying across his lap. I was 10 the last time I was like this, and that wasn't a sexually charged moment like this. I was overwhelmed.

"Well PussyBoy. I know you like receiving a bare bottom spanking as much as I like giving one. So you will be spanked 5 times for each lie you have told. What is your name?"

"Billy Peterson."

Smack!Smack!Smack!Smack!Smack! My ass was on fire, but my cock was alive again.

"I thought you were Slave Bob?"

"Uh, yes Sir. I made that name up to hide, Sir."

"Well, you've been found. Where did you say you lived, PussyBoy?"

"Queens Sir"


"Well "Queens" sure describes what you're becoming, but of course you live in Brooklyn. Anything else to say for yourself?"

"No Sir"


"How much do you weigh, PussyBoy?"

"230 pounds Sir"


"Yes you certainly are bigger than you said."

My ass was red after 20 hard spanks, and my cock was hard pressing into Master's lap.

"So PussyBoy, you ass looked awful clean. Did you shit this morning?"

"Uh, yes Sir, but..."

Smack!Smack!Smack!Smack!Smack! Smack!Smack!Smack!Smack!Smack!

"That's two for trying to explain with another lie. You are not to shit without my permission. No exceptions."

"Yes Sir" I said, totally defeated and near tears.

"OK PussyBoy, enough for now. Time for Master to get off. First, you will reward Kevin for being so patient by sucking his cock. I want to make sure you know how to do it properly. You are not to practice on Master, as any errors will be strictly dealt with. Now PussyBoy, suck him."

I got up and walked over to Kevin. I opened his fly and let his jeans drop to the floor. I took his cock in my mouth, making sure to keep my teeth off. As soon as I had developed a rhythm, Master came over and placed my arms behind my back and cuffed them. Kevin could then use my head as his fuckhole. He grabbed the back of my head and started jabbing his cock until I gagged. Master saw his body start to tense after a few minutes, and quickly yelled "Remember, he may not eat your cum." Kevin ripped his cock out, gave it two more strokes, and sprayed a thick load across my face, the cum settling into my beard.

"Well, it looks like the boy knows how to do it. Well PussyBoy, your dreams are about to come true. You may suck on Master's cock, and eat the first load from another man since you were 15, when you got drunk with your friend Aaron."

I turned and tried to get Master's cock out of his jeans. I was slapped across the face.

"PussyBoy, aren't you supposed to do something before any session with me?"

"Yes Sir, my ass is supposed to be filled."

Smack!Smack!Smack!Smack!Smack! Master held my arms high behind my back and spanked away. Smack!Smack!Smack!Smack!Smack!

"Now PussyBoy, try again."

I climbed to my feet, and tried to get the dildo from the office.

"No PussyBoy, get the candle from next to your bed. The one you've been fucking your ass with since our first days, back when you had a girlfriend. That is how pathetic you were when we met, and that's where you will continue from now."

I turned and walked into the room, got the candle, and returned.

"Good PussyBoy. Now I will uncuff you, and you will do as you are told. Lay on your back on the coffee table. I want those legs high above your head. You Will fuck your ass, and when I am impressed I will lower my balls into your mouth. When they are sufficiently wet, I will turn around and you will eat my ass out properly. You've told me how much this turns you on. (This got a chuckle out of Kevin.) After several minutes of that, you will begin begging for my cock. When you are worthy, you may have it. But no matter how excited you get, you will not cum. Understood?"

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir for controlling my thoughts and cum!"

Master smiled at finally being able to see me say that. It had become my mantra. With that, I wrapped a condom on the candle and pushed it into my hole. I started sliding it in and out in long strokes. After several minutes, I heard Master's buckle open, and his pants hit the floor. He stepped out of the jeans, leaving his boots on. I looked up at him, my mouth watering, wanting his balls. He backed away, and slowly removed his coat and shirt until he was naked. Both of his nipples were pierced, and I couldn't wait to suck on them. He finally came over and lowered his balls into my waiting mouth. You could tell he had traveled all morning, as his balls were musty and smelled of a powerful, manly scent. I gave them the best tongue bath I could, concentrating on each nut individually. After a few, he pulled them out, turned around, and lowered his ass onto my tongue. I was overpowered. I had dreamed of eating ass for so many years, and Master would get me to cum by dreaming of a tongue in my own hole. Just the thought of it usually sent me over the edge. I buried my tongue and tasted his juices. Finally he stood up and turned around, kneeling on the table and forcing his cock into my mouth.He immediately pulled it back out.

"What do you have to say, PussyBoy?"

"Sir, I have dreamed of your cock for a year. I am totally devoted to your pleasure and will turn over control of my body to you if I am permitted to suck your beautiful cock, Sir. I am a sorry cumslut PussyBoy, and I feel empty without a belly full of cum, Sir. Please cum in me, Sir"

It must have been enough, as he interrupted me by shoving his cock back in. I could not pleasure him properly from this angle, but that was not his concern. He knew I would enjoy this too much and wanted to make me wait to properly worship his cock. So he simply used my mouth, pumping into it, and then reached down and grabbed the candle, jabbing it into my hole at the same pace as the cock in my mouth. I had a glorious view of Master's balls hanging onto my nose and his beautiful puckered hole beyond. I noticed his balls tense up, and before I knew it, his cock was against the back of my throat, unleashing a torrent of cum into my mouth. I choked, but he held me like that until he was done. When his last spasm stopped, I tried to swallow as he pulled his cock out. After I got the load down, I still had a lingering taste of cum on my tongue.

"Good PussyBoy. You have pleased your Master. You are tense though. You will be rewarded with two beers, to take the edge off boy."

I thanked him for the blessing, ran to the fridge, and got one.

"Would you like one too, Sir?"

"Yes PussyBoy, and I'm sure Kevin's thirsty too."

I got three beers, and went back out.

"Good Boy. Now you will kneel next to the recliner while you drink that. Where is your collar PussyBoy?"

"In my pack, Sir"

"Well get it now, PussyBoy."

I got it and returned. I knelled and felt a sharp feeling of guilt as I heard the click of Master locking it on my neck. I thanked him and started to sip the beer. I thought this had been a reward, but soon felt some pressure in my bladder and knew Master had purpose behind the sudden gift of a beer. I just sat there drinking it, feeling the pressure build. When the first was done, Master offered another. I tried to decline.

"What's the matter, PussyBoy? I thought you liked beer. Wasn't that how your friend got you to suck his cock when you were 15?"

"Uh, yes Sir."

"Then drink up, PussyBoy. We still have a lot to get to before Kevin's wife gets home."

To Be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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