Training of Slave Bob

By Bob Johnson

Published on Oct 22, 2005


Once the car came to a stop, I got dizzy as the blood went back to my head as I was dragged out the door and pushed into the elevator. Master had me up against the wall, groping me like an angry cop looking for concealed drugs. And he grabbed my sheathed cock and yanked it back between my legs.

"Ah, nice to have you back, you pathetic faggot pussyboy. Just thought you needed a bit of that to get the blood flowing."

He pressed the button and the elevator went to his penthouse. When we got there, Master dragged me by the cock up to the dungeon room while he sent Katie to refresh and have a drink down stairs. And once again, I was alone in the musky darkness, smelling Master, feeling his power in every gesture, as I prepared to turn my body and life over to him completely. And I was in total happiness.

Master began by pushing me up against the wall as he had in the elevator. He again reached between my legs and pulling my sheathed cock back between him. I was of course already hard, and felt great discomfort at his steady tugging. My head was filled with the thoughts of what would be in store for me the rest of the weekend. I felt absolute submission, knowing I was back in the controlling arms of my Master. And I instantly was aware of the true power he had over me, the fact that even with all of the abuse Katie had tried to provide, she could never match the intensity of the feeling to be manipulated by my true Master.

I felt Master breathing deeply behind my ear as his body leaned into mine, pushing my torso in the opposite direction of my cock. He then slid his hand back between my cheeks, rubbing the base of my plug to force it against my prostate. Of course he was also testing to ensure I was completely smooth, and he seemed pleased with what he found. He then took a sniff of his hand and then forced it under my nose, enveloping me in the butt sweat that had already developed in my crack. He then traced his hands down the front of my body, spending a good amount of time tugging at my tender nipples. He finally made it past my belly back to my cock, where, surprisingly, he began unbuckling the sheath. I figured he'd put me through a bit of abuse before even releasing my cock from its bounds, but he had other ideas. Once the sheath was unbuckled, he grabbed the leather sheath and began squeezing it as he rubbed the length of my cock, scratching my skin against the rough inside of the leather. He nibbled on my ear as he did this, before whispering firmly "Cum pussyboy!"

Master knew he had control of my cum now, and his words were all I needed. I dumped my load inside the moist leather, feeling my cock slide through the sticky mess. Master then wrapped two fingers around my cock and milked my urethra as he pulled the sheath off. He then held it up like a scientist with a test tube, swirling my cum to the bottom. He then made me beg.

"Sir, thank you so much for admitting me to your dungeon again. You have once again proved the power you hold over my mind and body. You have known my inner desires since before I could admit them to myself, and you have taken the time to force me to confront the truth and to accept the fact that I want nothing else but to totally serve you with my entire mind and body. I am a pathetic faggot pussyboy, and want to live in your service. Please let me drink of my seed, acknowledging my submission and reminding me of my desire to accept cum into my mouth and hole at every opportunity."

Master smiled at my pathetic groveling, and took pity on me. He held the sheath up and, to my surprise, he took a sip of it. My mouth hung open in shock (as he must have expected) and he took the opportunity to spit a disgusting load of saliva and my cum into my waiting mouth.

"I may have accepted you back into my dungeon, but you have never been properly inducted into service to think I would ever accept your pathetic fluids in my body. You are the lowest form of faggot, one that knows what he wants but still won't dedicate his life fully to get it. You have no more shame, yet still have not fully turned yourself over. Until that moment, you shall never see me lower myself even in ceremony."

He then held the sheath up, and began puring my load from several inches above my mouth, watching it blob and dribble onto my waiting tongue and chin. I made sure to clean up every drop from my chin, before he presented the sheath to my tongue. I buried my tongue deep, like I was eating an asshole or Katie's hole. I dug my tongue in again and again, reaching as far as possible to get every drop. The deeper I licked the more I could taste the musky remnants of all my sessions trapped in the leather. Master jabbed it back on my tongue again and again, gagging me on it. When he was satisfied I had cleaned it, he finally gave me rest. He then laid me out on the table and shackled my hands and legs. He hoisted my legs high and wide to open up access to my hole. He moved me to the end to make sure he had full access to my head.

Master changed into chaps, which gave me full access to his cock and hole. He wanted to start me off by reminding me of my place, so the first part of his body I was presented with was his ass. Master backed up straddling my head with his thighs. I was suffocating in his scent, painfully aware he had not showered today. Master rode my tongue, forcing his ripe crack across my face and mouth. When he felt I had cleaned him enough, he slid off my gagging tongue and backed up enough to dangle his swollen balls in my mouth. I bathed each with my tongue before he shoved both in my mouth. I was stretched beyond my means and gagging for breath, but I knew better than to complain or to let my teeth slip.

Master got off of me and turned to look at me, watching as my pathetic cock bobbed in a sticky mess on my belly. He squeezed it a bit to dribble put more precum. He then gripped my balls and began massaging them with a firm, painful grip. He eventually decided it was time to work on my pleasure center, my hole. He pulled my plug out and instantly shoved it into my mouth. It tasted like the hours of travel, a musky plug of ass sweat. My eyes scanned the room, and I spotted the row of monitors showing the video feed from the dungeon room, reminding me I was on camera. In one, I could see the image from the camera placed at the foot of this torture table, and could see my hole still gaping and quivering in its emptiness. Master noticed me watching, and smiled at my response. He first got out a new harness I had never seen before, and he began cinching up my nuts and cock. Once by balls were separated and tied off, he wrapped a leather strap around the base of my balls to stretch them down away from my body.

Master then opened the drawer of toys, and began in the middle of the range. He started with a nice thick one, one that would have caused problems on my last visit. Without any lube at all, he placed it at my hole and almost instantly it was a few inches inside. My pussylips were spreading and stretching forward, tugging more of that big fake cock into my hungry hole. When it was a few inches in, Master began pulling it out and my lips were stretching obscenely from my body, holding on to as much as possible. Master worked my hole like this until my resistance released and my hole was readily accepting the toy. He skipped two sizes, and found one that offered significant resistance. Master know my hole was in for plenty of use this weekend, so there was no point in getting me too sore. He dribbled a ring of lube on the head, then placed it back at my hole. Aided by lube, the toy again found no resistance despite its large size. Master did use it playfully, pulling it all the way out and watching my hole pucker closed before stretching me full again. He also would work on some exercises like pulling out the thick dildo and replacing it with a single finger, forcing me to clamp shut. My hole was loose and moist, but I got pretty good at gripping the slick surfaces together. Master took great pleasure at my repose, observing the dedication to success and to pleasing him that I was showing. I saw that this pleasure he was feeling had resulted in the usual response; Master had made it clear since our earliest days that it made him hard to think of me trying to please him.

And now was certainly no exception. He got up on the table and straddled my shoulders, lowering his musky ass back onto my tongue. As I slid my tongue against his hole, he slid the toy back into mine and began a steady pounding assault on my prostate. He began moving around more, sliding back further to rub his balls on my face, and eventually slid his firm, warm cock back in my mouth. For all the rubber cock I had practiced on, there was still no match for hot warm man cock being shoved into your throat by your Master. I was in absolute pleasure. Master eventually pulled out and got a bit more ass licking before getting off the table. He pulled the rubber cock out of my hole and slid his cock fully in place. I barely felt it as he pushed into my soft insides, but I knew he was there when his pubes were against my smooth ass crack, tickling the tender skin. He ordered me to tighten up, and I could feel my insides grip and tighten around the shape of his firm cock. He pulled out until just his mushroom head was in me, and again demanded that I tighten up. He began tugging his cock, forcing me into a desperate effort to grip his head with my hole. He would then plunge in without warning, impaling me on his cock. He went on for several minutes, teasing me depths. He kept up his pumping until I felt his body begin to tense, causing pleasure to run over me. Master was about to cum inside me, again marking me as his totally submissive pussyboy, his cum hole for life. And I was in bliss. Master buried himself deeply, and sprayed my guts in his manly seed. He started going limp after a few more minutes of light pumping, and then slurped his cock out of my hole and replaced it with the plug. I was finally free to verbalize, and began thankfully praising Master. He didn't want to hear it, and shoved his cock in my mouth to clean the mess off.

Master pulled his cock out, and replaced it with a ball gag.

"There, that will keep you quiet. Katie and I are going out, for a shopping trip on you. You'll wait here and rest up, pussyboy. You've got a long day ahead."

With that, he walked to the door, turned off the lights and walked downstairs. I was in the darkness, my body full of cum and my nuts swollen and painfully stretched, and I was bound without hope for release. And now I was alone, to have my mind run wild with thoughts of the night. And to think about Master's words about still being a plaything. I wanted to be his, to no longer have to worry about finding time to visit, or thinking how to serve. I wanted to be owned, to turn over my body and all my possessions, and to be his for life. I wanted to be what I always believed I was. For over 10 years I had known I was a faggot submissive cocksucker. And now that Master had me bound in his dungeon, I was reminded again of how much I wanted to spend my life like this, to accept my role as the plaything and servant of Master Ric, my dominant Master. I wanted to be used for life by him, and was now deciding to dedicate myself fully to that goal.

Until then, I would lay here, chained in the darkness hundreds of miles from home. Hard. Cum-filled. Plugged. Bound. Satisfied.

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