Training of Slave Bob

By Bob Johnson

Published on Jun 21, 2005


I did as I was told, first cleaning out my hole in the familiar way. Then I put on the maid's outfit as she demanded. I got cooking in the kitchen, hoping to get to the fun of the evening. She came in as I was cooking with her old strap-on, and pulled out my plug. She began sliding her cock in me, wiggling around, then pulling out and letting me get back to my work. She did this again and again, teasing my hole. She finally pulled out and slid the plug in, allowing me to plate up her dinner. I served her, and she thanked me. When she was finished, she permitted me to eat the leftovers off her plate on the floor. I then went to clean up, and once again she buried her cock in my hole. I was standing at the sink, so she buried it deep in me, and each time I would move, her rubber cock would jab against one of my boy-pussy walls. The tip was sliding roughly across my prostate, and I was in total bliss. It was hard to focus on the dishes, but soon I was done and able to devote my full energies to Katie. We went back to the living room, where she had me remove my apron and present myself to her.

She had me lay down across her lap, as was now a familiar position for me, and with the first hard slap across my tender cheeks, I knew I was in for another wonderful night. My cock was hard and was unsheathed, leaving it vulnerable to friction as I lay across her lap. Pretty soon my chubby naked body was sliding around her lap, my weight squeezing my cock painfully against her thighs. I actually needed to piss more than I needed to cum, but it would be a while before I would be permitted to release either. So I just squirmed like a scared little boy being punished by his Daddy, except I was over a girl's lap. She did not get particularly violent nor did she let up; she simply kept up a firm, continuous assault. She paddled a cheek at a time until I was burning red and felt a sting all over. She then made the pain in my cock only worse by jabbing a dry thumb in my sore cock hole, which of course couldn't hope to resist the invasion. She then spit on my hole before sliding two fingers in and driving them straight for my prostate. I would be in ecstasy except for the fact that I wouldn't be allowed to enjoy the pleasure to the point of release.

When Katie thought I was finally punished enough, she shoved me off her lap and I tumbled to the floor, landing hard on my shoulder and stomach, my cock slamming against the floor. She got up and walked into the bed room, leaving me to stare up at her cute ass as she walked out. A minute later she yelled for me to get in there. I walked in, and almost instantly the phone rang. The smile on my face made it clear I shouldn't even ask who it was. I just hit the speaker phone button and loudly spoke.

"Hello Sir."

"Ah hello Katie. Glad to see PussyBoy's ass on fire like that. No marks on it, but at least he has a nice little glow. Looks like his pussyhole will be red when you're done with him. I was watching that huge strap-on laying on the bed, just waiting to see it buried in PussyBoy. Looks like you will even surpass my big cock, but somehow I think PussyBoy will always know what he truly wants filling his hole. But it does look like he has purchased a worthy substitute to keep his hole supple and ready for his Master's cock. Now PussyBoy, get that cock ready for her like a good little cock-hungry bitch."

I walked over to Katie and helped slide the harness over her full hips and secured the straps around her sexy ass. I took the narrower end, which still put my pathetic little cock to shame, and sucked it to moisten it. I then dropped to my knees and began sucking at Katie's clit as I slowly swirled the rubber cock into her hole. When it lodged in the harness, I knew I was in for abuse on the other end. Master suggested from the phone that Katie tie me up to make sure I was in the proper position. I needed very little coaching as I got the bed ready. I placed a wedge pillow the the bed, to keep my shoulders down and my ass out for the taking. I then attached the ankle harnesses and began cinching my ankles into the air before handing the rope to Katie to tighten and tie off. She knew how far to go, tightening it one inch too tight so I would not be able to rest my hips and would literally be suspended in the air unless I painfully tugged at my ankles. I then cuffed my left wrist before being too confined to finish, and Katie gladly secured my other hand. I prepared for the stuffing my ass was about to get. However, Katie had other ideas in mind. She straddled my chest, facing my feet and backed her ass over my face until I was smothered. I breathed in her musky ass scent as I devoured her hole. She began grinding her hips, fully enjoying the tongue bath before climbing off.

She climbed up at the end of the bed, rubbed the slightest bit of lube on her immense cock, then aimed it at my hole. She no longer gave me the courtesy of a slow pressure to allow my pussy hole to adapt; she simply jabbed the cock into my hole until I was painfully stretched. This cock was nearly as wide as the can of beer Master had placed in my hole after my first fisting, but this cock substitute certainly did not provide cooling pleasure. Instead, it caused a constant burning in my hole as she stuffed me over full with fake cock. She maintained a steady jackhammer motion, not having the man's worry about pumping too much and worrying about cumming. She could simply thrust again and again, grinding in pleasure as the pressure on her clit brought her to three wet orgasms. She got so wet from riding me that I could feel her juices drip down her fake cock and begin to puddle on my smooth, sweaty ass crack. She seemed to really enjoy the abuse she was giving me, so much so that she couldn't even stand to watch me without my pussy filled; she wanted to change positions but decided to unharness the cock and leave it in me rather than leave me puckering and wanting more.

She unclasped my hands and feet, motioning for me to roll over. I thought she simply wanted to fuck me doggy style like I used to try on her (of course I usually failed and could not keep my erection, because I was hiding the fact that I was a faggot pussyboy at the time, and couldn't stay hard fucking pussy when I really wanted my ass filled). However, it soon became clear that she had learned well from Master's instruction, and decided to take the opportunity for a bit more abuse and torture. She then moved the pillow to the end of the bed, and placed a pair of my dirty jeans on top of the pillow. She cuffed my ankles to the legs of the bed and laid me hunched over the pillow, ass full and at the ready. She tugged at my wrists until I was totally splayed across the bed, and secured them to the opposite posts. I was ready to resume her painful thrusts, but she first reached underneath me and made sure the denim was wrapped around my unsheathed cock. She then got behind me and I felt the pressure as she slid back onto her fake cock. When she was strapped in again she made sure she was fully buried, bent over and whispered "Don't you dare cum, PussyBoy," and began a slow, excruciating fuck.

I was pulled so tight against the bed, and with each thrust I slid just a bit as my cock ground against the rough denim. My cock had not been unsheathed for a fuck in quite a while, and I was already full of cum and piss, and the combination made the prostate attack unbearable. She just kept up her painfully slow pace. I had forgotten Master was still on the phone, but his voice suddenly boomed into the room.

"The view is lovely, but it seems he does not have enough tension in his balls. How about tying them off for a little extra security. He used to keep string in his top drawer for that (she reached behind her, and sure enough, a cum and piss soaked shoe lace was there right in front.) Oh good. Now tie him off and please continue."

She did as he said, first tightly tying my balls off and then slapping my cheeks back to life as she began her steady thrusts again. She began getting rougher, grabbing thick handfuls of my chubby butt. She then reached a hand in between our bodies and grabbed at my swollen balls. She looped a finger around each side of my pathetic sack, and began squeezing and yanking on my nuts. She also pulled them back up toward my hole, getting them painfully crushed between our bodies as she fucked me deep.

I was in total delight, my cock grinding into the bed, my nuts in pain and my ex's rubber cock force-fucking my hole. I just had to maintain absolute focus to keep from cumming all over the jeans. She must have noticed the look in my face, because she let go f my nuts and switched to scraping a fingernail across my smooth sack. I no longer had her help with the squeezing, and it was all too much. She kept yelling "Don't you dare cum PussyBoy!" as she scraped and continued fucking me. I focused all my energy on obeying her command. Master suggested she untie my balls to take away all assistance and leave me even more vulnerable; he said it would be a test of my self control. He also reminded Katie of just how sensitive and responsive my nipples were, just in case she had forgotten. Of course she hadn't, but she did take the opportunity to tease my nipples with her fingernails, a feeling that had always driven me wild. She even dangled the string in front of my nose, to immerse me in the smells of so many solo sessions with Master. I was truly in bliss, and as my mind drifted I felt the urge to cum. Katie sensed me tensing up, and bent over to nip my ear as she reminded me not to cum. I tried so hard and felt myself slowly absorb the pleasure back in and internalize to avoid cumming. Master sensed the look in my face and decided it was time for him to take control again.

"PussyBoy, Cum Now!!!!!!!!!!" his voice came booming through the room.

Without any sort of conscious thought, I felt my cock suddenly bathed in a thick puddle of cum. I collapsed on the bed out of exhaustion and embarrassment, my cock a sore, sticky mess. Katie rammed into me hard, yelling that she had told me not to cum because I hadn't been able to cum with the video store guy. But Master's chuckles made it clear that he was in charge of my mind and body, despite being filled currently by Katie's cock.

"Oh what a responsive PussyBoy. Sorry Katie, thought you needed to be reminded of where PussyBoy's mind has really been, since long before you ever left him. As you know, I have taken control of his whole body; I know exactly when he will loose control and how to test that limit. You did definitely have a good sense of control and he tried to hold out for you, but of course he did not even need to think about whom to obey when met with conflicting wishes between you and Me. Sorry I had to do that, but I did want to give the pathetic PussyBoy a bit of release before preparing him for his next assignment. I will be summoning him to my dungeon this weekend; his instructions will be forwarded to him shortly. After all, it will be Father's Day, and he has been most like a boy to me. Despite his age and his years of denial of his true sexuality, when he came to me he was like a scared little boy. He had so much sexual energy and no focus or self-control. He wanted so much but knew and had done so little. And like a proper Daddy, I did not force it on him but let him think about it and only gave occasional suggestions, letting him seek out his true calling. And of course that led him to his true nature as a totally submissive PussyBoy. My PussyBoy."

"Katie, you are welcome to come for the weekend; he will be in my service, but I certainly could find a use for you and PussyBoy would be obliged to guarantee your continuous pleasure as well. Now for the coming week, he is yours. Remember, he ignored your command and regardless of the correctness of his response, he still must be punished for ignoring you. I assume you will begin by having him lick those jeans clean, and then he will be more severely punished. I would like to see welts on his ass when I check in the morning. After then, please limit your abuse to his nipples and hole for the rest of the week, as well as denying him the ability to cum. Perhaps the sheath is constantly in order unless you want to specifically abuse his cock. Goodnight for now."

And with that, the dial tone rang out. And it continued to pierce into my eardrums and Katie lay collapsed, exhausted, with her big fake cock buried so deep in me. I was exhausted too, and savoring every moment before she would begin making welts on my ass with my thick leather paddle. But for now, I still had a a second of pleasure, knowing I had cum after so much fucking because Master took control and made me do it. I knew I had lost all control and would be permanently in his control. And this weekend, I would be back in his service, in his dungeon. He would again control me fully, from inside and out, stretching my physical and mental bounds. And once again I could fully relax, knowing that I need only focus on pleasing and satisfying my Master. I would certainly do my best to provide a pleasurable Father's Day, knowing he was more of a Daddy than just a sexual mentor. He had that special power of persuasion that only a true Daddy could provide. And soon enough I would be back in his arms.

But for now, I was about to be untied and taken to the living room for severe abuse. But for the moment, I was still Master's pussyboy, and he had allowed me the release I needed. As happy as I could be...

To Be continued...

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Next: Chapter 24

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