Training of Slave Bob

By Bob Johnson

Published on Mar 10, 2004


I began the long drive home, and couldn't help but relieve the experience. I felt something strange, knowing a stranger had controlled my body like that. But I was excited by the potential, and knew I had found my role. I could finally relax and stop worrying about my sexuality, and leave my pleasure to be determined and controlled by an experienced man. I was enjoying this, but as I approached the George Washington Bridge back into the city, I started getting nervous. I knew that as soon as I got home, I had to log on to my computer and create a slide show of the events of the day. I got home and I did this, making sure not to look at any of the pictures.

I then nervously picked up the phone and dialed those familiar numbers of my Master. I called at 8:31, and he answered immediately:

"Hello PussyBoy, I've been expecting you. I trust you have complied with all my orders. However, you are one minute late, so you must be punished. I trust you are naked and have left the plug in. What punishment do you think you deserve?"

I was naked. I would never dare call Master without being fully naked. I was thinking that I was only a minute late; I shouldn't be punished that severely. However, I had kept Master waiting and knew I could not choose a slight punishment.

"I have kept you waiting one minute, so I must be punished for at least that long. Perhaps I should have a weight attacked to my balls for at least that long."

"Yes PussyBoy. I think that sounds about right. I trust your balls are still tied off. (They were.) Now tie the loose ends to the water jug. (This was not the first time Master had forced me to abuse my balls.) Now go to the tub, dangling the jug under the faucet. You will make sure the the jug is off the ground and that the full weight is carried by your balls. Turn the water on very slowly, and slowly fill the jug. Do not do it too quickly or you will only be in for more trouble, which will begin with starting over. And remember, the clock does not start until the jug is full."

So there I was, worn out from a day of walking and following Master's orders, and now I was standing in the tub, adding weight at an excruciatingly slow pace as a water jug tugged harder and harder on my balls. After about 3 minutes, the jug was finally full.

"Good PussyBoy, you have pleased me. Now stand up all the way, and begin doing squats. But don't you dare allow the jug to hit the bottom of the tub."

I started, and the pain became almost unbearable. The string around my balls was tugging firmly on my nuts, and hurt every time the jug swayed. I also became aware of the plug in my ass again. I had to tense up to help support the jug, and this only added to the sensation filling my asshole. After what felt like an eternity, my Master allowed me to squat and rest the jug. It had been well over a minute, but I knew better than to question Master's discretion.

"Now PussyBoy, you may empty the jug and remove it. But remember, one problem and we will be back here again."

I knew better than to fail at any task my Master ordered. I had been serving him for over year, and he had been most tolerant of the fact that I was a scared little PussyBoy, to scared to admit that I wanted to turn my body over to him completely, to fully submit to my homosexual desires and to him as my Master. He had been overly patient in letting me serve him from a distance, so I knew better than to let him down.

"Now PussyBoy, I want you to go to your room, set up your laptop next to your bed, and lay there. You are to remove the plug from your ass. You may not use any more lube, as your ass will already be wet enough from your juices and cum. Get the dildo ready and await my instructions."

I did as I was told. It was certainly a familiar scene. I had been getting "fucked" like this for all the time I had served Master. When I was still too scared to admit that I was in fact a faggot PussyBoy, I would use the candle which still stood next to my bed. I kept it there as a reminder of what I had always dreamed of, my Master's cock. It was also a constant reminder of my shame, something that others could view but only I truly understood the purpose of. I woke up and went to sleep next to it, a constant reminder of the desire to one day have my ass properly filled like the PussyBoy I knew I was.

When I was on the bed and ready, I removed the plug. My ass was totally sore. I had never had anything in my ass for more than a few minutes at a time, and my ass had been almost continually filled for over 8 hours. I got the dildo and told my Master I was ready.

"OK PussyBoy, this is what you are going to do. You are to set up the slide show so that the frames click off every fifteen seconds, just as they were taken, so I may see how long you performed each task. As we view them together, you are going to use the dildo on yourself. Each time the frame clicks, you are to pull the dildo out extremely slowly, then plunge it back in to the hilt in one motion. You may do this once per picture, and you may not in any way touch your cock until ordered. You are to use your other hand to work your nipples. They must be sore by now, but of course that is no concern of mine. However, before we begin, as I will only have pictures but no sound, you must show me how you begged for my cock."

I got the dildo ready, and began:

"Master, Please consider me worthy to enjoy the hardness of you cock. I know I am not worthy as I have never served you properly, but please fill my ass. You have shown me over the past year that I am a PussyBoy. My hole is meant to be filled. I derive pleasure from it only when dreaming that it could be used to properly serve my Master's cock. Please fuck me like the PussyBoy I am. I need cock in me constantly. I feel empty and incomplete without my asshole filled. PLEASE FUCK ME SIR...PLEASE...PLEASE"

"Good PussyBoy. You will be plunging it in hard, so I want you to begin with a very slow insertion."

"Yes, Master." With that, I placed the head at my battered hole and began pushing slightly. The experience of the day had made my hole supple and welcoming, and it no longer gave the usual firm Resistance. I had to resist the temptation to push it in, and just kept applying slow, steady pressure. After close to a minute, it was finally buried to the hilt, and my mind was already swimming with desire for my Master.

"It is in, Sir" "Good PussyBoy. Now let's watch, and remember my instructions."

On the screen I caught the first glimpse of myself. This was the first digital camera I had owned, and the first time I had ever taken a picture of myself nude. There I was, standing naked in a campsite latrine, with a plug buried in my ass, my hard cock in my hand, and a pair of silky pink panties just below my smooth balls. I felt ashamed yet turned on as well. I followed orders, and slowly pulled the dildo out of me, then thrust it back to the hilt. It was only then that I realized that Master was seeing me for the first time as well. I had always been too scared to show him a picture of myself, to reveal my true identity, but there I was for him to see.

"Very nice, PussyBoy. Unfortunately, I don't remember this being on the agenda."

"No Sir, it was not. I only did it for a few seconds. That was the latrine that I told you about early in our relationship. It was the place I first jerked off with friends when I was 12. I needed to do that for old times."

By now, the next picture was up, and the issue was dropped. I was sitting there on a dock, laying back with the camera shooting from past my feet. As I lifted my legs up, I could see the plug lodged firmly in my ass. I worked the dildo in and out, as ordered. The next frame was me removing the plug. I could see my hole gaping slightly open in the picture. I pumped the dildo in and out. I then had fingers buried in me. Another pump. Several more like this, and each got the same response. It was excruciating to relive the moment like this, and the slowly dildo fuck I was giving my ass only made time stretch on and on. It was quite a while before the pictures showed me suddenly stop, my fingers buried deep in my hole. Master asked me what I was saying, as my mouth was pictured open.

"I was following orders, Sir. I was screaming 'THANK YOU MASTER FOR CONTROLLING MY THOUGHTS AND CUM!'"

"What was that PussyBoy, I didn't hear you."

I had to repeat it, but was a little afraid the neighbors would hear. I said it in my loudest speaking voice "THANK YOU MASTER FOR CONTROLLING MY THOUGHTS AND CUM!"

"Good PussyBoy, thats better."

By then, the images had progressed to my orgasm. I had never seen my reaction like that, perhaps because I had never cum from such a deep place within my body. I was contorted and the load I shot was larger than I had remembered. I saw myself eating my cum. If I still had any doubts about my homosexual desires, they were forgotten when I realized the look of sheer pleasure I had after that orgasm, particularly the look on my face as I buried my tongue in my hot load of cum. I came up with a look of satisfaction that no meal could provide. I then saw myself rubbing the cum into the buttplug and inserting it back in my hole. I hadn't noticed the trace of cum this had left on my ass ring. I could now see the cum glistening in the sun.

My pleasure was building from the sensation in my ass and from the pleasure Master and I were receiving from viewing my pictures, but I knew I couldn't cum yet. I had another orgasm of picture to go through before I would be allowed to cum.

"OK PussyBoy, before we continue, you will be allowed some pleasure as you have pleased me. However, don't you dare cum unless ordered. You may now give your cock 20 strokes. And remember boy, don't you dare cum."

I was thankful for the strokes, but they only made matters worse. All I wanted to do was stroke until I came, but I knew this was not possible. I had to hold back, which was next to impossible. I somehow managed, but was near tears by the end of it.

"Good PussyBoy. Let's continue..."

The show resumed, and there I was bent over a rock. I had shot this from the side to show both the dildo thrusting in and out of my ass as well as the look on my face. You could see me first yelling something. My Master did not ask me now to repeat it, but he laughed, knowing I had been yelling of my homosexual desires and desire for his cock as loud as I could. We then watched as I buried th dildo deep in my hole. The look on my face told it all. I had never had anything in me so full or deep, and my mind was overcome by the sensation. And I could relive it, as I was burying the same dildo in my hole as we watched. You could also see my cock turning red as it rubbed against the rock. I was now so turned on and was so thankful when the pictures showed my second orgasm, and me licking the mess off the rock. I was sure Master would allow me to cum soon. I was anxiously awaiting the command.

"Well PussyBoy, it certainly looks as if you enjoyed your day of training. I particularly like the part at the end when you milked your cock dry on the buttplug, then placed it in your mouth. I would like you to put it in your mouth again. (I did as ordered.) Good PussyBoy. Now that I won't have to hear any backtalk, there is the certain matter of the strokes at the beginning. While I understand the significance of that location in your homosexual development, I must remind you that those are not my memories nor was that for my pleasure. You did that for your own gratification, PussyBoy, not mine. Now you must suffer to make up for your indiscretion. Go back to the tub."

I grunted "Yes Master" which was of course muffled and unintelligible as my mouth was filled.

"Now PussyBoy, refill the jug, and even slower this time. I want a slow trickle."

I did as he ordered, attaching the jug to my swollen nuts and turning on the water. My nuts were so sore, but I knew I had to do this if I ever wished release. It was over 5 minutes before the gallon jug was filled, and my nuts felt like they were being pulled off of me.

"Now PussyBoy, I hope you have learned your lesson. If you want to seek your own pleasure, go do that. However, in the time I have worked with you, I think you have realized that you derive the greatest pleasure from serving me and having me establish when and if you should receive pleasure. If you are my PussyBoy, then you must acknowledge that I control your thoughts, your body, your nipples, your ass, you balls and you ass. I shall use them for my pleasure. Any pleasure you may derive is purely from my own interest or because you have earned it through your service of me. Now I know your nuts must be burning, but you are not ready for pleasure yet. Lift the jug one inch, then let go. (UGGH!!!!) Good PussyBoy, now two inches (UGGGGGH!!!). Good PussyBoy, remember I control every pleasurable thought you have. Even though this hurts, it pleases you to know I am enjoying it. Now three inches (UGGGGGGGGHH!!!). Good PussyBoy, again! (UGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!) Thank you PussyBoy. You have proven your dedication. Because of this I will allow you some release. You may untie the jug."

"Now PussyBoy, if you are to orgasm, you must of course do it properly. You now realize the true meaning of a PussyBoy. You are Master's boy, and you derive your pleasure through pleasing him. As a proper PussyBoy, you derive this pleasure through the nerve center found in your anal ring and deep in your boy pussy. Therefore, you are now to use that dildo to fuck yourself. And any PussyBoy knows that when getting fucked, you may not cum until your Master has cum inside you. Therefore, you are to use the dildo in your boy pussy until Master cums; only then will you be permitted to cum. You may lay on your back in the tub to do this. You have told me of the many years you fucked yourself like this, when you enjoyed having fingers buried deep inside you and cumming all over your face, yet were too scared to admit that you were a little sissy PussyBoy. Lay in the tub like you used to, with feet high on the wall so your cock is aimed back at your face."

I got in the familiar position, with the phone cradled on my shoulder, a buttplug in my mouth and a dildo lodged firmly in my ass. Master began telling me how good my ass felt milking his cock. He praised me for being such a good PussyBoy, but also continually reminded me of the fact that I was a scared little PussyBoy and I should properly have Master's cock in my ass instead of the sorry dildo. As my mouth was full and I could not respond, I could only lay there and fuck my hole and let Master's words race through my head. I eventually heard his breath shorten and the familiar grunts of his orgasm shooting through his body. I was overcome by desire and so anxious to touch my cock, but Master then asked if I had anything to tell him. He gave me permission to spit out the buttplug. And I screamed out the words that had become my mantra:


I had yelled it while in a state of total abandon, not realizing I was in my apartment and neighbors might hear. By then it was too late to care, as my cock began erupting without any contact, shooting thick loads across my face, which I eagerly tried to catch in my mouth. I managed to catch most in my mouth (as I said, I've been cumming this way since I was 16) After about 8 spurts, my cock was finally dry. I was spent from the day.

"Good PussyBoy. You have pleased me. You may now go to bed. But be sure to leave the loads you missed on your face to dry, so that they will be a reminder that the PussyBoy will not enjoy a full load until he has Master's cock buried in his mouth. Goodnight."

And with that, the dial tone kicked in. I was spent. I was laying in my tub, a butt plug covered in saliva laying on my chest, a dildo still half buried in my ass, and another load drying on my face. I laid like that for about five minutes, until I decided to move to the bedroom. Just then, I heard the doorbell. I grabbed a towel and looked through the peephole, and saw Kevin, the 55 year old bachelor who lived above me. I opened the door, forgetting the half dried cum on mu face, and almost fainted when he said "So what's this I hear about someone controlling your cum?"

...To be continued

If anyone has any comments or suggestions, write to me at:

Next: Chapter 3

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