Training of Slave Bob

By Bob Johnson

Published on Aug 15, 2004


And with that, the dial tone rang out. I turned off the phone and turned around to face Katie.

"So, PussyBoy, is it? Well, we certainly do have a bit of catching up to do. But first, there is something I hope you still remember to do well. Eat me!"

With that, she laid back on the bed and I dropped down between her thighs. It was a familiar place, yet so strange after the past year of changes. But I knew better than to disobey an order like that, and I set to work pleasuring her.

I dove my mouth into that familiar snatch, eating at her sticky mess. She spread wide and gave me full access to her cunt. I nibbled on her puffy lips and moved up to her swollen clit. As she started moaning harder, I reached a finger into her and began massaging for her G-spot. I found it and began attacking her pleasure centers. Her thighs began to grip around my ears as she grabbed my head and forced me harder against her clit. I felt the wave of orgasm wash over her, but she was not done and held me in place through her spasm. I kept going at it, and soon she reached a deeper orgasm, as I felt her body tense and finally relax in bliss. I stayed on my knees between her thighs until she regained her senses and looked up at me.

"Well, PussyBoy, you haven't lost your touch. Your tongue feels better trained than ever. I guess you've been getting some work in that regard. But you were always good at eating me out. To think of all those nights we spent like this. You unable to get an erection or keep it long enough to fuck me. Embarrassed, you would go down on me. I certainly enjoyed the attention; it is rare to find a man who enjoys eating pussy as much as you did. Too bad it was not that you were a responsive lover; it was simply that you could not satisfy me any other way and needed some way to keep me around. I guess I never wanted to admit what I knew all along. I saw the gay porn on your computer, and tried to believe your lies about faulty links and spam and all that. I even saw the phone calls, always on Sunday when I was at work, to random numbers in Montana or North Carolina, where I knew you didn't know anyone. And then there were the frequent calls to Baltimore. I remembered the number from all of the appearances on the phone bill. So needless to say, I was shocked when I saw it on my caller-ID this weekend. Ric, I guess you call him Master, he called me up this weekend. He said you had something to tell me, that it would explain why everything had gone wrong with us, and that I should wait for you here today. Well, I think the note on your stomach and that weird contraption on your cock say quite a bit, but I want to hear it all from you. But first, I need a drink."

As Master had turned me over to her possession for the day, I knew this order was equal to one coming directly from Master, and I immediately got up and turned to the kitchen to get a gin and tonic, like she always drank. I returned and handed her the drink. "Turn around and bend over, PussyBoy," she commanded. I did as I was told, and exposed my plugged hole to her view.

"I thought I noticed something when you walked out of here. Did you really have that thing in your asshole since you left Baltimore?"

Swallowing the last bits of my pride, I began telling her the story.

"Yes. It is one of my buttplugs that Master Ric has provided for me. My asshole now belongs to him, and he uses it to control my actions and pleasure. He is currently using the combination of a plug in my hole to arouse me with a harness that prevents erections to add pain to my arousal and deny me the ability to even approach a standard orgasm."

"As you know, Master Ric is the man from Baltimore who I used to call quite a bit. It started before we even moved in together. I did not think I was gay, perhaps not even bisexual. I ignored the fact that I sucked cock in high school. Oh, I guess that one's news to you. Remember when you met Peter, my friend from high school, and I acted really strange all night? (She nodded as she remembered the night vaguely from two years ago.) Well one night in high school, Pete and I got drunk and we began talking about sex. My cock was rock hard, and he began asking questions about the closeness of our relationship and kind of beating around the bush. So I confronted him, powered by alcohol, and bluntly asked if he wanted to suck my dick. He was shocked, but said yes and we went up to my bedroom. We got naked (I had never been naked even with a woman before) and both of our cocks were rock hard. I laid back on my bed and he got down between my legs and started sucking me. Eventually, we got into a 69 and I tasted cock for the first time. I enjoyed sucking him, enjoyed the power of his body pushing down on mine, and really enjoyed cumming into his mouth and then feeling him erupt in mine. I had tasted my own cum before, but it was so much better to swallow it hot, shooting out of a cock. Well, we passed out soon after we were done and he was gone when I woke up. I saw him a couple days later and tried to talk to him about it, but he just mumbled how drunk he had been and that he couldn't remember anything. I knew he was lying, but couldn't get him to admit it. So I tried to forget it too, and chalked it up to "experimentation." I went on thinking I could be with women and leave this all in my past, but clearly my problems maintaining erections for women showed that that was not possible. Perhaps if he had reacted differently, I would have explored more with him and could have saved you and the other girls quite a bit of trouble and time wasted on me."

Katie was laying back on the pillows, fingering herself slowly and sipping on her drink as she listened to me.

"Ever since that experience in high school, I had tried to carry on relationships with women. However, I continued to have urges that they could not fulfill. I would often go online and download gay porn movies. When I was bored, I would also go to chat rooms and post online ads, looking for men to jerk off with. I found that I was particularly aroused by older men. Many of the men online were older, and liked to have phone sex and role plays with a younger man like myself. I was aroused by the power and experience they conveyed. I was always somewhat submissive by nature, and found the greatest pleasure in talking to men who took a dominant position and gave me orders to service them. I also began watching more porn like that, with slaves tied and chained and having their holes stuffed full of cock, toys, and other things by dominant men. As I explored this side of me, I found it increasingly difficult to maintain erections for women, as you witnessed. I would hold out and not cum for a couple of days, hoping that I would be horny enough to properly fuck you. But, as you saw, it was rare that I could complete the act. What you did not know, was that after I would eat you out, I would wait for you to fall asleep and then go to the office and get on my computer. I would watch one of my porn movies and would instantly be harder than my cock ever was for you. I could even achieve back to back orgasms, and would often cum two or three times during one scene. I would then eat my cum to destroy the evidence, brush my teeth to cover the taste, and then slide back into bed with you. I can't think of how many hours of sleep were wasted waiting for you to sleep so I could get off. I'm sorry, but that was all that would keep me sane. I guess I eventually had to admit my desires. Well, not quite admit, as I told you I just thought the relationship was going no where and I needed more. Too bad I couldn't admit that I needed something no woman could ever give me: the control of an older man's experienced touch. I had met Master online a year before we broke up. We started having phone sex, as well as frequent contact by e-mail and instant messengers. In fact, one time you almost caught me as I had accidentally left the IM connected when you got home. His message came up as I kissed you, and I had to frantically shut the window and turn off my computer screen. I ended up having to go back an hour later and quickly explain to Master why I had not responded, before disconnecting, all while you were sitting in the next room. Anyway, he began to give me small orders to do. Thats why I trimmed my pubes for the first time."

"Yes, I remember," she said, "but I wish he had ordered more shaving. You look so much better with all that nasty hair gone from around your balls and ass. Guess its not as manly as you claimed it was, because a man got you to remove it all and show you how much sexier it is and how much more sensitive you must be."

"Yes, it is nice. Now I know why you enjoyed me eating you so much more when you shaved. I certainly appreciated it, and understand why you were so unwilling to go down on me. I'm sorry. So yes, he began giving me orders to shave parts of me, and he began having me explore my anus. I had occasionally jerked off with a finger in my hole since high school, but Master instructed me how to properly relax and enjoy it and to probe for my prostate. It was around then I began touching your asshole when I ate you out, and eventually got you to allow me to finger you back there as well. And why I made it clear on those rare occasions you sucked me, how much I wanted my hole touched too. Well, Master has certainly showed me how much pleasure can truly be found back there for me. After you left, he had me go out and spend a day naked in the woods, taking pictures the whole way, as I explored my asshole."

The computer was wired to a screen in the bedroom, and I turned on the slide show of that first day as I continued telling her. She was surprisingly aroused as she fingered herself, watching me with plugs in my hole. She laughed as she saw me suck them and eat my loads off of them. I continued telling her about Master's appearance at my door, and about my activities with Kevin. She said she knew something must have been going on by his strange reaction when she saw him earlier and had him let her in. I continued telling her about my experiences, including the orgy, the enemas, the rim jobs I gave and received, and finally about Master's dungeon. She was getting very aroused listening to me, and soon had me back down between her legs. I began eating at her hole and then licked a finger and began to massage her asshole. It gave way and I was soon sliding a finger deep in her hole. I ate her out and began fingering her cunt as well, rubbing my fingers against the ones in her other hole, pinching at her insides. She was going wild, and quickly reached two more orgasms. I rested there, inhaling her scent, as I heard the sound of an email arriving. I looked up at the screen, and the name of the e-mail was displayed in the lower corner: "You forgot something." The message was from Master. I went to the computer in the other room, and knew Katie could see it as I opened the message. The e-mail included a video clip of me shoving the beer can in my asshole. I could hear her shriek in laughter in the other room.

"I knew you liked beer, but not like that. How the fuck did you get that thing in you?"

I had to admit it, and began telling her about the dildo play and Master fisting me and that being my reward.

"Well, from the looks of your cock, I guess you found something that could turn you on like I never could. While I'm pissed you lied to me for so long, I'm glad to see you finally found something that made you happy. I don't know what to think, but I certainly want to see what you could have done if I had known of the pleasure your ass gives you. Now show me what you can do."

I went to the front door and retrieved the bag from Master. Katie laughed as she saw the logo on the bag. I pulled out the soft display bag and unrolled it, revealing the various sized plugs and dildos. Katie reached for one of the larger ones and placed it at he cunt opening, and tried to push it in. It went no where.

"How fucking big are these things? You put them up your ass? How the fuck does that happen?"

I began describing to her about proper anal relaxation and lubrication, and removed the plug from my ass as I told her. From the looks of the plug, I knew I needed an enema before a proper session. I removed my harness, my cock shriveled but my balls hanging very low. Katie followed into the bathroom, and watched as I sucked the nozzle and fucked myself and did the enema. When I went to release, she noticed the missing seat. I explained as I hovered and released the enema and repeated the process. Once I was done, she said she needed to piss. She refused to hover over the toilet and instructed me to lay in the tub. She stood over me, and pissed a thick stream over my chest.

"What a mess!! Now clean me up."

I did, licking clean her feet and inner thighs and pussy. She then turned on the shower and we showered together. She nuzzled her ass back on my cock, and the freedom to have an erection felt wonderful. When we were clean, we returned to the bedroom. She laid me back and watched as I lubed up one of the larger plugs and began working my hole. I easily took the first one, to her surprise, and she enjoyed watching me lick one clean as I worked on the next. I did three of the larger ones, and my cock was rock hard.

"I wish that thing ever got that hard for me. But I guess it is now, and I should use it while I can. Fuck me, PussyBoy."

With that, she climbed onto me and began riding my cock. She held my stretched out nuts in one hand and reached back to play with the base of the plug in my asshole. She was grinding it deep in me as she rode me, forcing it against my prostate. I stayed hard, and soon was overwhelmed by the feeling of tight, wet pussy milking my cock. I started shooting deep in her.

"Once again, you show how selfish you are. I finally had your cock hard; I would have liked to cum. Well since you love cum so much, perhaps you will no longer refuse to eat my hole like you used to. I guess you had to keep the whole straight guy image going, though I've been with a few who didn't mind eating a little cum in order to get to fuck this hot pussy raw. Guess you weren't man enough to admit what turned you on and incorporate those things into the great friendship we had. Oh well, too late for that now. So eat me, you sissy PussyBoy."

After all this, I still felt such shame for the years of lies. I laid back in shame, and she climbed up lowered her snatch onto my tongue. She ground it down, forcing the weight of her body down on my tongue as I buried it deep in her, tasting my seed. I ate her until she came, the spasming of her vagina squeezing my cum out of her hole and down onto my face, and I loved every moment of it.

After she was done, Katie began going through my bag, and found a DVD named "PussyBoy's First Fist." She showed it to me, and I realized Master must have burned some of the video of my session onto a disk and slipped it in the bag.

Katie placed it in the player, and soon I was displayed on the screen, my legs hung high and me shoving plugs into my hole, stretching it beyond belief. Katie decided she wanted me to reenact it, so she found my ankle straps and had me instruct her on how my shackles and hooks worked. She had me bound, got the lube, and allowed the video to continue. After the last couple of days, I had even less difficulty than I showed in the video, working through each larger plug until the last one. It was larger than the final one in Master's dungeon. I was in agony, as I had not been permitted to cum as all this was going on. Katie asked me where to find lube like Master was using, and I instructed her to get Crisco from the pantry. She lathered up her arm, had me remove and suck on the plug, and she got to work forcing her hand into my hole. Her hands were significantly smaller than Master's, and I soon easily accepted her fist. She worked my hole, sliding her fist deep in me, and granting me pleasure by lowering her lips to my dripping cock. I soon came, as she sucked me while continually punching my insides. She withdrew her hand, and climbed up my body, kissing me for the first time and spitting my cum back into my mouth. She then just stared at pathetic me, realizing this is what I had always needed. She got up to go clean off, leaving me bound. She returned and asked me for cuffs, and I directed her to the timer cuffs on the bed stand. She cuffed my hands and set the timer for two hours.

"Bye PussyBoy, I've got to go shopping." She went to the pile of clothes near the door, took my card, and headed out the door.

I was left there in sexual bliss, but with another whole layer of confusion as I tried to grasp the fact that my former girlfriend had just fisted me, while watching video of my gay Master doing the same. I tried to make sense of it all, but was totally exhausted, and made an effort to fall asleep despite my legs hanging in the air. I knew I'd be in for quite a bit more before the night was over. I must have drifted off, as I awoke to Katie standing there, with two shopping bags. Inside one of them, I saw some packaging from my local sex store and tried to imagine what she had picked up.

To Be Continued...

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Next: Chapter 20

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