Training of Slave Bob

By Bob Johnson

Published on Jul 28, 2004


When I woke up in the morning, I was back where I had been when I had fallen asleep: in Master's arms, with his firm cock poking at my hole. He began kissing me as he shoved his cock into my swollen hole. He emptied his morning cum into me, and allowed me to cum in his hand. He rubbed this into my belly and had me walk to the doorway. He placed the collar back on my neck, reminding me that I was still his PussyBoy and had two more hours of service in his presence before we left for the train. I was ready to return home, but was already thinking ahead to the pleasures I would experience the next time I returned. I was hoping for some more sex, but Master had the basics to get done first, and had me return to the bathroom for piss and enemas. I got into the tub and awaited his hot morning stream, and was once again in bliss. As always, my pathetic little cock was instantly rock hard, pressed against my belly as Master's piss streamed down my smooth body. He then had me piss in the enema bag, and use it before allowing me two water enemas. Before using the enema, Master forced me to suck on the nozzle first, as always, but this time there was a twist: Master opened the clasp and forced me to suck some of my piss out of the enema bag. I did the water enemas, and saw Master was pleased with my performance. When I was through, Master had me finger my hole, alternating every minute and sucking my taste off the fingers before placing them back in. He had me use up to three fingers, showing me how responsive my asshole had become. Master also had me practice using my muscles, forcing me to squeeze tighter as each knuckle bumped in and out of me. After about ten minutes, Master allowed me to stop.

Master led me upstairs to the dungeon, walking directly to the easy chair. Master sat there naked and I immediately presented my ass for inspection across his lap. Master began with a deep massage, rubbing my plump ass cheeks roughly with his hands. I was still sore for all the paddling, but it felt so good to have Master's strong hands touching my ass. Master rubbed one hand down between my legs, forcing the open and increasing the pressure of my cock into his lap. He applied firm pressure below my balls, forcing two fingers against the base. It was intense, but brought a lot of sensation and the throbbing when he stopped felt so good. He then wrapped a finger around each side of my balls and tugged. My balls were pretty stretched from where they had once been, but obviously not enough for Master.

"Well, we're gonna have to do something about this, PussyBoy. A boy like you needs nice low balls. Master takes great pleasure in playing with his boy as he uses him, and these little nuts and that pathetic cock simply won't do. I will not stretch you cock, because that is wasted on a PussyBoy. I will stretch these balls, to have easier access to bring my boy pleasure...or pain. I will be sending you off with a little care package I picked up while you were on the table, with the vibrating butt plug in. This is why I had you bring your debit card with you. I have picked up some new toys, a harness and a few other things for you. There are instructions, and you will of course be doing much solo worker as well as nightly sessions with your Master on the phone until I see you again. I think we should increase the frequency of our visits; you have come along so far, but you still don't realize so much about yourself. I have given you some of the tools to explore."

With that, Master began slapping my ass so that his fingers snapped against my stretched out balls in his other hand. It didn't hurt very much, but just left a sting and got my attention. Master continued spanking my ass, working in circles, but frequently going back to give my balls a sting when he thought the feeling had passed. Master continued spanking around my ass until both cheeks must have been red. My ass was throbbing and I was sure this was not the end of it.

Master pushed me off his lap and onto the floor. I got back to my knees, and knew my first job was to lick my precum off his thighs. Master then grabbed my head without a word and forced it into his lap. I took his cock into my mouth, and was overwhelmed by the taste of ass, dried cum, and piss still lingering on Master's cock. I did not let my reaction show, and I worked intently on properly sucking his cock. Master ran his fingers through my hair, gripping it to force his cock into my throat when he felt like it. I felt the intensity increase, sensing Master's cum was fast approaching. I was ready to take every drop of his load, sure not to waste a drop and receive the punishment. Just as his cum approached, Master pulled my hair and forced me to pull off his cock. Master exploded, splashing thick ropes of cum across my face. I stared up at Master, who just giggled at my open, hungry mouth and the cum dribbling down my cheeks. I knew to immediately lower my eyes, and got to work licking up the cum from Master's lap. Once he was clean, he laid me out and gave me another 20 spanks for having made that mess on his lap. Master brought me to the steel table and attached my ankles and wrists.

"PussyBoy, I only have another half hour with you before we need to head for your train. I will permit you one more orgasm because you have pleased me so well this weekend and always. As always, as you desire, this will come with your ass in use. I will be combining some of the skills we have worked on. But first I must label you for your return trip; you are my property, and must be identified if lost."

Master then picked up a thick marker, and began spelling out "PussyBoy" in wide, thick letters across my chest. Once I was labeled, Master pulled out the clothes pins and applied them in symmetric rows up my chest and then on to my thighs and balls, then up my cock, finishing with one on my pee hole. Master attached them to the motor over the table, but did not turn it on. Master placed the first plug in my mouth, and then pushed it into my pussy. My pussy responded and instantly took the toy without hesitation. Master saw this was no challenge and pulled it out. He placed it in my mouth as a pacifier as he jabbed three fingers in and gave my prostate a massage. He pulled his fingers out and skipped to the third toy, this time denying me even saliva for lube. Master pushed it at my hole. The dry rubber sat at my opening for a second. I concentrated on relaxing and pleasing Master, and soon my ring gave way and accepted the stretching plug. Master swirled it in my hole, forcing it into me.

Master pulled that plug out and replaced the one in my mouth. Master chose not put another toy in me. Instead, he placed two fingers in my hole. He began spreading them apart, gaping my hole. When h had enough space, Master placed his hardening cock between his finger, forcing them apart as his cock moved into me. His fingers were not deep, but they sat there at my entrance and spread me as he began fucking me. Master finally reached up and turned on the motor attached to the clothespins. Master had left plenty of slack, so it was a few minutes before there was even pressure on my nipples. Finally the first ones snapped off, setting my nipples on fire. Master continued his fucking as the pins slowly snapped off my body. As they moved down my body, I got ready for the moment the intense pain in my cock would finally be gone. I was also enjoying the fucking Master was giving me. He was really enjoying himself, using his free hand to tease my nipples painfully as his other fingers continued to stretch at my hole. Finally my body was done, my thighs killing me as the pins tugged at my sensitive nuts. They were freed and finally my cock was released. Master enjoyed my squirms, and soon prepared to fill me. Master thrust deeply, forcing his cum deep into my hole. Master pinched his fingers on his cock, wiping the cum off and keeping it in my hole as he withdrew his cock. Master kept his fingers in me, and swirled them, playing with his hot, soupy mess in my hole. Master grabbed my balls with one had, and forced his wet fingers against my prostate. "Cum PussyBoy!" he yelled, and I complied, feeling my prostate spasm as my cum sprayed across my chest. When I was through, Master removed his fingers from my hole and gave me the treat of cleaning them off, tasting out mingled juices. I was in bliss, but didn't have time to lay around enjoying it. Master untied me and stood me up in front of him.

"Wipe up that mess with those fingers. That way, you can suck on them one by one on the way home as you think of me. I know your mind will be filled, and I want to give you something else to think about: the freedom and pleasure I have granted you. The freedom to explore the feelings you have always had, the fantasies that I have made true, and the incredible orgasms you have felt since you realized that, as PussyBoy, you pleasure derived from my control of your anus. That cum is an example, and I want you to appreciate it. Now turn around."

Master bent me over the table and placed the second plug back in my hole. He instructed me that it would remain until I got home. Master then gave me 20 quick spanks, driving the plug into my hole. He brought me back down stairs, and pointed to my things by the door. There was my t-shirt and shorts, which I had forgotten after three days of complete nakedness. Master pointed to a harness in the shopping bag next to the clothes. It was like the one he had used during yesterday's session.

"I had this one custom-made, with an extra small sheath for your cock. You had too much space in that other one. You were able to achieve an erection, and that was not the point. I want you to be able to totally forget your cock when in service to me, except, of course, when your pathetic little cock is the focus of the activity. This will help keep you out of trouble."

I placed the harness around my thighs, then affixed the ball spreaders before sliding my cock into the sheath and connecting it to the waist band. It cupped my flaccid cock perfectly, clearly leaving no space for an erection. Master then permitted me to put on my shorts, shirt, and sneakers. Though you could not easily read the writing on my chest, it was showing through my shirt and I was sure that with enough focus you could read it through the material.

Once I was dressed, Master walked me out to the elevator. When I walked in, I saw the innocent D rings that had been my prison two days ago, as I had been used by Master's guests. We went to his car, and without a word, drove to the station. I was spent and had nothing left to say even if Master had permitted it.

I got out of the car with my shopping bag, and walked through the station. I purchased my ticket at a machine so I wouldn't have to face anyone. I got right on the train and went to place the bag on the overhead rack. As I lifted it, I read the logo on the side for the first time. It read "Daddy's Basement: Toys for your Boy" with a picture of a leather-clad Master with a slave over his knees. Clearly not something you'd find in the phone book, Master knew a specialty shop which served his needs. I immediately lowered the bag, took my seat and placed it between my legs, doing my best to conceal the logo. The train pulled out, and I stared out the window, thinking about the weekend. It had been absolutely amazing. Master had opened me up to so much. As I squirmed with a plug in my hole, I certainly couldn't believe that I had taken a fist. That had always been my ultimate fantasy. Not because it looked like fun; quite the opposite, because it scared me to think about such a thing. But now I understood. I understood that hazy look of satisfaction in the faces of the harnessed boys in my SFFetishClub movies. I had felt it, I had been controlled by a man's hand in my anus, and I realized that absolute pleasure a boy derives from turning himself over to a man like that.

As I thought of it, I remembered the taste on my fingers, and began sucking one, creating a sticky mess. I did it subtly, but was enjoying it as I stared out the window. A little too much. I felt my cock stirring, but I knew an erection was impossible. The sheath squeezed on my cock head, and soon it subsided.

It went on like this for a couple hours until finally we reached New York. I waited for the train to clear to take my gag out, and then walked quickly to the subway. Thankfully no one paid attention to anything around here, not my bag nor the difficulty I was having walking so quickly through a crowd with my ass filled. I got off the subway and began walking the few blocks along the bridge ramp until I was back at my place. I saw Kevin as I walked in the building.

"Hey, I gotta talk to you about something," he said.

"I kind of have something to do. Come down later on tonight and we'll talk."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I gotta go."

"OK, see you later, PussyBoy."

He said PussyBoy with a whisper, but I still was so ashamed he had used it in public. I ran to the elevator and pushed incessantly until it came. I rode up, anxious and hoping I had made it. Master had determined what time I should get home, and had a punishment ready if I was late. I walked into my apartment, and immediately stripped, as I now always did. I left everything by the door, and walked through the dark apartment to the bedroom. I picked up the phone and dialed Master.

"Hello Sir"

"Hello PussyBoy, glad you made it home on time. Now turn on the lights; it is too dark for my cameras."

I turned on the lights and turned around. I dropped the phone and nearly fainted: there on the bed was my ex-girlfriend. Holding one of my buttplugs. Reading the words "PussyBoy" off my chest. I heard Master yelling into the phone, and picked it up.

"Put it on speaker phone."

I did as I was told, knowing there was no point in trying to deny anything now.

"So, you must be Katie. PussyBoy has told me all about you. Sorry if I caused problems for you guys, but it really was PussyBoy following his desires that caused the problems. But I'm sure he'll explain; you will have plenty to talk about. I release him into your custody until tomorrow. Good night. And yes, PussyBoy, I will be watching and listening, so don't leave out any important details. Goodnight, PussyBoy. Enjoy."

And with that, the dial tone rang out. I turned off the phone and turned around to face Katie.

"So, PussyBoy, is it? Well, we certainly do have a bit of catching up to do. But first, there is something I hope you still remember to do well. Eat me!"

With that, she laid back on the bed and I dropped down between her thighs. It was a familiar place, yet so strange after the past year of changes. But I knew better than to disobey an order like that, and I set to work pleasuring her.

To Be Continued....

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Next: Chapter 19

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