Training of Slave Bob

By Bob Johnson

Published on Jul 20, 2004


"You've pleased me, PussyBoy. Now it is time for the next plug."

Master tied me to the table again, and handed me lube and the plug, to prepare filling my whole with more than it ever had.

I squirted some lube onto my fingers and began rubbing them around my swollen hole. Master grabbed my nipples suddenly, and pulled and twisted until I was near tears.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing, PussyBoy? I said you could lube the plug, not your pathetic pussy hole. Now you may not use any lube until the next plug."

Just to drive home the point, Master reached a finger into my home and wiped out as much lube as possible, and rubbed it to dry on my face, a reminder of my error. I had no choice but to begin trying to get this thick plug in me without lube. I was able to get the first third in, but my ass felt like it could not give way. Master began working my nipples more gently, knowing how much this turned me on. The arousal in my sensitive nipples increased and pulsed through my body, causing me to spasm and my ass to release slightly letting in a bit more with each wave of pleasure. I was stretched open in pain, but my asshole was slowly accepting the massive invasion. I felt the large nub approaching, and pushed out as hard as possible to open up for the toy. As it slid past, my cock was straining with a painful erection into the sheath. It was finally lodged in place, and I felt a fullness I had never experienced before. Master grabbed my nuts and began painfully slapping and twisting them. This pain caused my erection to subside just a bit, offering some relief. Master gave me 20 firm spanks on my ass, then placed his palm on the base of the plug and forced it against my prostate. I was full, but still wanted more. Master must have seen the desire in my eyes, because he grabbed the base of the plug and pulled it out. My ass twitched closed, a fire burning within me.

I was now presented with the massive, gut busting plug Master had shown me. It had seemed impossible only a few hours ago, but after the last one, and with the hope of lube, I knew I wanted to try it. I lubed up the tip and worked some through the middle section. I placed the tip at my hole and began swirling it, working it deeper into my hole. It was half way in, and I was already tearing up from the stretching in my formerly tight hole. I kept pushing, staring into Master's approving eyes as I took each inch. I knew Master would not be pleased until it was all in me, and I did my best to please him. I pushed and pushed, and despite the pain, my cock continued to be rock hard and dripping precum into the sheath. I was overwhelmed by the sensation as my pussy stretched to take the massive invasion. I felt my hole giving way, and the plug slid its massive girth past my ring and settled into place. I felt a spasm go through my crotch, my ass and prostate burning with strange pleasure. As it settled into place, Master gave my nuts a firm squeeze and this sent me over the edge. As he squeezed, my nuts tensed up and released my pent up cum. I shot a load painfully, squirting onto my chest out of the restrictive sheath. Master just stared at me as he tightened his grip on my nuts. He also decided to milk the rest of that load out of me by pushing the plug into me, forcing it to hit different pleasure points within my hole. My cock continued to slowly dribble cum onto my belly as my erection withered away.

Once I was drained Master rubbed his cock in the cum on my belly, and pushed it past my lips, allowing me to taste my familiar, salty cum. He then disconnected the spreader between my ankles from the chains above the table. I was released, but my ankles were still bound. Master had me stand and walk across the dungeon behind him to the large wooden "X" rack in the corner. It was quite a struggle for me to walk like that, my ass stretched wide around the massive plug and my ankles bound. I finally made it, and Master immediately cuffed my hands together and attached them to the pulley at the top of the rack. Master then opened a cabinet and took out a large paddle with air holes, like a fraternity initiation tool. I had never had anything but a bare hand spanking, but, like may firsts this weekend, I knew I was now going to be opened to the world of paddling. Master gave me five firm strokes across my cheeks. My ass was burning like never before. Master then began pushing on the base of the plug as he questioned me.

"Are you my total PussyBoy?"

"Yes Sir."

SMACK!!! I was used to being spanked as a punishment, but Master was now using it as a tool to punctuate each question, to drive the point home.

"Do you love having your pussy stretched like never before?"

"Yes Sir!"


"Did you cum without permission?"

"Yes Sir."


"Do you desire to be controlled through your hole, PussyBoy?"

"I already am Sir"


"No PussyBoy, you are playing; you are using toys. Do you wish to be totally controlled by your hole?"

"Yes Sir."


I was now crying in pain, and Master must have taken pity on me.

"Oh, PussyBoy, you are learning that this is not all fun and games. You used to sit on your computer, jerking off and playing like a slave. Now you are beginning to realize that this is not a game; you are now mine and you will suffer greatly for any pleasure you are provided."

With that, Master disconnected my wrists from the pulley but left them cuffed and with the ankle spreader in place. He walked over to the chair and called me over. I assumed the position across his lap, my burning ass cheeks presented to him. Master reached down between my legs and massaged my balls. He also pushed on the base of the butt plug, driving it into my ass. He also rubbed my sore cheeks and gave them gentle smacks. He increased the firmness with each smack until my ass was again extremely painful. When Master finally let me stand, I saw the raw redness that was my cheeks in one of the mirrors on the wall.

Master walked me to a harness swing hanging from the ceiling. I had never been in one, but was familiar with them from watching porn. I sat back into the straps and settled in as Master attached my ankles to a pulley above me. He uncuffed my hands, and then surprised me. Master lit up a joint of pot and hash, and handed it to me.

"Here PussyBoy, you need to relax before we take this any further."

I took several deep puffs, and felt my body relaxing. As I was smoking, Master began to release the sheath on my cock. My cock sprung to attention with its freedom. I put out the joint and Master began getting me ready. He pulled out a tub of thick grease. He began pulling the plug out of my hole. My ass had gripped tightly around it, and it was quite a shock when it started sliding out, stretching around the thick nub before sliding down the tapered shaft until my ass was left empty again. Master took no time before scooping up globs of grease and slapping the into and around my hole. He handed me a small inhaler, which I recognized as "poppers" like the guys in my Fisting movies always took. I had never used them, but knew they induced relaxation and a hazy mindset which enabled an ass to relax to take a fist. I knew this was what Master was preparing me for, and I hoped I was ready to take it. As a final preparation, Master turned on one of my favorite videos, "Handball Marathon." It opened with a slave in a harness like the one I was in, a fist lodged deeply in his ass. Master suggested I take a hit from the poppers as he lubed his hand and wrist.

"OK, PussyBoy, you will now get what you've always dreamed of. Master will now take total control of your ass. By the time we are through, you will have accepted my hand into that Pussy hole of yours. And if I know you, and I think I do, you will probably cum 3 or 4 times before I am through. Now start stroking that cock and do not stop until we are through."

I began stroking and took a hit from the poppers, feeling light headed as Master's fingers began pushing into my hole. He took three fingers, formerly enough to cause severe pain in my hole, and I easily accepted them as they slid in and out. He added a fourth which I took easily as well. His thumb was rubbing my sensitive rim of my swollen asshole. He stopped as I felt his fingers spread a bit more, and sensed that he now had all five squeezed into my hole. He was jabbing at my hole, and the pleasure along with my constant stroking soon had me at the edge of an orgasm. Master sensed this and began tickling my insides with his fingers. I started to cum, and Master quickly stuck a bowl over the end of my cock, capturing my spurts. He set it aside and continued the assault on my ass. His fingers squeezed together, he directed me to take another popper hit as his pressure increased. I felt the rush as I felt him slide deeper in, clearly up to his wrist. I was shrieking in pain as my insides stretched around his hand. Without warning, I was cumming again. Master knew this would happen, and had the bowl at the ready. I took a double hit and began to feel my hole relax to accommodate his hand. He began twisting it around in my gut, just as the Master in the video above me was doing. Sensing I was ready for more, I felt his fingers rearrange until he was holding a tight fist. He first began pulling out, his fist stretching at my hole. He was tugging at my ass lips, straining me, before pushing forward and driving his fist deep into my guts. He followed this process slowly sliding to his wrist and then deeper many times over. Master pulled out until his wrist was just inside. I felt his fingers rearrange again, no longer in a fist and I soon realized why. Master began massaging my prostate. I had never imagined being massaged like this, not a finger probing me but being fully controlled from within. And I could not resist the pleasure. Master placed the bowl on my belly, and I was soon dribbling thick loads of cum into it. He kept up the attack, causing back to back orgasms, which blended together in a cum-filled mess.

Master made a fist and began to slowly withdraw his hand. When he was almost out, he slid his fist back in. Then he kept pulling until his hand popped out of my exhausted hole. I thought I was done for the time, but of course Master had more for me. He grabbed his cock, wrapping his fingers around the thick girth. He placed his cockhead at my pussy entrance, which no longer offered resistance. He pushed in until his fist was at my hole. He kept pushing, forcing his cock with his hand around it, into my hole. I felt the bump of his first finger pass my hole, further abusing it. He kept pushing, and soon his finger-wrapped girth was deep in me. I was riding a popper high and still my ass was overwhelmed from the pleasure. My cock was still dripping cum in a steady stream. Master left his hand in me, and began fucking his hand inside my asshole. I saw the pleasure wash over him and gripped my cock hard as his orgasm approached. He thrust into his hand and sent a shot of cum splashing into my asshole, setting me off and causing cum to shoot across my belly and chest. Master pulled his cock out and offered it to me to clean as he swirled his hand in my gaping asshole. I licked him clean, and then he offered me his hand, causing my ass to spasm partially closed as he fed me the mixture of cum, ass sweat and lube. I licked it clean, and then Master did the unexpected. He bent over and licked up the cum on my belly. I was shocked; Master had never taken my cum in him. He came up until his mouth was over mine, and he spit all of the cum into my mouth. He slapped me across the face as I swallowed my cum.

" I gave you the bowl for a reason, bitch. Don't ever make me do that again."

With that, Master picked up the paddle and gave me ten firm smacks, causing the harness to swing with each stroke as my body absorbed the pressure.

"Did you swallow it all?"

"Yes Sir."

With that, Master moved his head above mine, this time planting his lips on mine. I had just had his fist deep inside me, yet kissing him still disgusted me. Master knew this and took pleasure in my shame. When he was done, He walked over to the bar fridge and asked if I wanted a beer. I was so thirsty and of course said yes. Master walked over to me with a 16oz can and held it just out of reach. I strained for it, and Master just laughed at me.

"I never said where you would get it, PussyBoy."

With that, he pushed the icy can into my asshole. This morning I had never had anything thicker than a buttplug or a cock in me, and now Master was sliding a can into me with surprisingly little resistance. My ass gripped tightly as the cool metal hit my swollen ring. Master handed me the bowl, and forced me to drink my five loads down. I drank until my mouth was coated in thick cum. Master placed his cock in my mouth and began pissing, forcing me to drink it down. This loosened the thick cum in my mouth and helped wash it down. When he was through, he finally removed the beer from my ass, instructing me to lick it clean before allowing me to open it and drink. I re-lit the joint and sipped on the beer. I finished it in three gulps and was absorbed in the contentment throughout my body and the pleasure in my head, as I drifted off to sleep laying back, bound in my harness.

To Be Continued...

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