Training of Slave Bob

By Bob Johnson

Published on Jun 15, 2004


With that they were gone. I didn't have much to do; I already had my orders and Master had all the tools in his dungeon, and I didn't need to pack anything. I would be wearing everything I needed for the weekend.

I decided I needed to get to sleep early, as I my body would be driven to exhaustion this weekend. So I took a couple shots of whiskey and smoked some pot to make myself tired. I put in my plug, harnessed my balls, and set my cuffs to wake me at 6AM, in time to get ready and get to Penn Station for my 8:20 train.

I was anxious with anticipation, but soon drifted off, waiting for the morning to arrive and all the long weekend would bring me __________________________________________

I was awake before my cuffs released. I had slept on and off all night, not really able to relax. I was too anxious. It had only been two weeks since I had met my Master for the first time. And what an amazing two weeks it had been. I had finally accepted my situation and begun to relax into my new role as a totally owned PussyBoy. Master had used me for his pleasure, had controlled who else could use me and how, had led me through activities that totally humiliated me and I had totally enjoyed the feeling of trying to turn of control to a Master, as I had always wanted.

When my cuffs finally released, I got up and went to my computer to check on Master's instructions.

"PussyBoy, Today you will finally arrive in my dungeon. I know you have desired to be controlled by a Master for years. And today you will fully realize that dream. You have pleased me thus far, and I'm sure you will continue to do so. Now here are your orders. You will now piss and prepare your ass, as you always do. Shower. Shave any remaining hair besides head and pits. Harness your balls and cock. Wear your tightest shorts. Wear your running sneakers. Take a permanent marker and write the word PussyBoy on your chest, in 4 inch letters. Wear a plain white undershirt. Bring only your ID and debit card. Leave your plug at home. And try not to think about about the fact that you have not cum in 5 days. (I knew that would get your cock hard and make all this more painful.) Now hurry up and don't be late. I will meet you outside the station. Goodbye, PussyBoy."

I had my instructions and had no time to waste. I got in the tub and pissed into my face and mouth. I then had to take a shit. I had to hover, as Master had denied me a toilet seat. He had also forbidden toilet paper, so I had to wipe with my bare hand. I then had to insert my enemas. I sucked on the nozzle, fucked myself with it, and then filled my ass with the warm liquid. I cleared it out and refilled my gut. I filled myself a second time, to make sure I was clean. I checked, as Master now required, by fingering myself and sucking on my fingers to make sure I was clean. I then stood in the shower and began shaving my face, arms, and legs, and touching up in my crotch and ass. When I was totally smooth, I turned on the warm water, and began to wash myself. I got out and dried, then harnessed up my cock and and balls. My cock was rock hard throughout and it made everything painful. My balls were hanging low, swollen with cum and extremely sensitive. I then had to focus as I wrote "PussyBoy" in large, black letters across my chest. I dressed as Master required, and headed for the train.

I was embarrassed on the subway on the way to Penn station. I walked through the station, bought my ticket and headed for my train, hoping my cock was not showing (too much-it was clearly outlined when you focused) or the writing through my t-shirt. I got on the train, and sat in a row at the end of a car, hoping so one would sit next to me. I now had 3 and a half hours to sit and ponder my situation. Master had forbidden me from reading anything on the way down. As long as I had been speaking to Master, he was very interested in his power to control my thoughts. That's why he had developed my mantra of "Thank you Sir for controlling my thoughts and cum." That's why he ordered me to do activities I didn't enjoy, to show me the power he had over me. That's why he has me write these journals. So I had to sit there, my fantasies and thoughts of what would go on totally controlling my mind. When someone sat down next to me a half hour outside Baltimore, I was totally absorbed in thought and was snapped out of it when he said hello. I must have been beet red. I could feel the heat in my cheeks as tried to talk to this man. And I instantly became aware of the erection that was pulsing, strapped down against my balls. I was so glad when they finally called Baltimore, and I was thankful my erection had subsided enough to let me walk off the train.

I walked through the long corridor and came to the main waiting room. I could already see Master's black BMW, with dark tinted windows, waiting outside the heavy glass doors. I knew my life was about to change again. I had little choice, and walked out into the bright light and walked to the passenger door of the car. I opened the door and saw Master staring at me.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"PussyBoy" I said in a low voice.

"What was that?"

"PussyBoy" I said, a little louder.

"I still don't understand. Show me your ID." I handed my license. "It says William Peterson. What did you say your name was again?"

Feeling shame and not wanting to repeat it, and figuring I was surrounded by strangers, I said it in a louder voice. "PussyBoy, Sir!"

"Oh, PussyBoy, that's right. I guess you won't be needing this for the weekend." He put it in the armrest. "And your debit card, since it doesn't belong to PussyBoy." I handed it over as well. "OK, do you have anything to prove that you are this 'PussyBoy?'"

"Yes Sir."

"Show me, PussyBoy."

I lifted my shirt to show him the writing.

"Good boy. Now take it off and leave it on the floor of the car." I did so, hoping that no one could see as I was facing the car. "You've proven you're a PussyBoy, and I know you're smart, so can you figure out where a PussyBoy should go in a car."

I immediately closed the front door, and opened the back and climbed in. As I got in, I noticed Master had modified the back seat. There was a center console that lined up with the front arm rest and the back seat. I sat on the right side. Master pulled away from the curb, and drove to a parking garage nearby, and parked in a space.

"OK, PussyBoy. Get naked. [He waited until I was.] Good Boy. I see you and Kevin did a good job shaving you. Now sit straddling the middle and slide down until your legs are up in the air. [I moved until my cock and ass were totally exposed. Master turned around, grabbed two lengths of cloth and tied each calf to a headrest, pulling me further forward until my ass was squeezed between the two seat-backs.] Good Boy. I can't wait to get you home."

Master pulled out of the space and left the garage. The windows were tinted and I knew I probably couldn't be seen, except through the front window, but I was still going wild staring into the eyes of drivers in adjacent cars as I was in such a vulnerable position. But I was obviously beyond choice or caring at this point. I was controlled and had accepted my role as Master's PussyBoy.

Soon enough, we arrived at Master's place. It was absolutely amazing. It was a loft in an old industrial building. The top two floors had been converted into the most amazing two-level loft. Master had parking in the basement garage and private freight elevator up to his place. Master ordered me to leave my clothes in the car. I followed him to the elevator, and walked in. I instantly noticed how equipped Master was: even the elevator had D-rings, innocent looking enough, but clearly positioned for bondage. When I walked into the apartment, I was amazed. The living room had huge windows looking out at the city and harbor. Master had me stop by the door, where he placed a collar around my neck. He then led me out of the public part of the apartment and up the stairs. He led me through a door and I was suddenly in his dungeon. It was a large room with apparatus all over the place. I knew I was in for quite a workout this weekend, and I was ready.

"Well, PussyBoy, let's begin. You know I have been waiting for this as long as you have. You were a difficult one to break PussyBoy, but I saw potential in you long before you saw it in your self. Long before you even admitted and accepted your desires. You have come a long way, and it brings me great pleasure. This weekend is about confirming my position in total control of your mind, body and cum. You belong to me, PussyBoy. I now control you. And I have committed to providing the control that you have desired for so many years. Now come here PussyBoy."

With that, Master sat down in an easy chair. I hadn't noticed it, and should have as it stood out in the room full of racks, benches and tables. Master laid me over his lap. I was expecting a spanking. But Master left me in suspense. He just ran his hand over my smooth ass. He reached down between my legs and grabbed my cock, pulling it painfully back between my legs.

"Who controls you, PussyBoy?"

"You do Sir?"

"How long have you wanted to be controlled, PussyBoy?"

"I don't know Sir?"

SMACK!!! Firmly on my ass.

"Yes you do, PussyBoy. How long have you been jerking off to gay porn?"

"7 years Sir"

"And when did you finally admit that you were gay?"

"Recently, Sir."


"That's for wasting your life, for every year you lied to yourself. How long have you been jerking off to Dom/Sub porn, PussyBoy?"

"7 years Sir"


"That's for wasting your time, wandering without purpose and control in your life. You are now mine, and I need to make up for lost time."

With that, the lesson ended and Master began spanking away.


Tugging roughly at my balls, smacking them.


Then he spread my ass cheeks, spit at my hole, and jabbed a finger in. My cock was leaking precum onto Master's leather pants. He ignored it and drove another finger in. I was squirming on his lap, leaving a sticky trail. He pulled them out and pushed me off his lap and onto the floor.

"Clean up this mess, PussyBoy."

I got up onto my knees and licked the pants clean. Master stood up and walked over to a table in the corner. Master snapped his fingers and I rushed over. Master laid me on my back, pulling my arms above my head and cuffing them to a post above my head. Master then placed a spreader bar between my ankles and cuffed each ankle to it. He then connected a cable from a pulley in the ceiling to an eyelet on the spreader. He gave it a yank and lifted my legs into the air. It was then that I noticed the cabinet next to each aapparatusin the room. Master opened the top drawer and I saw an array of buttplugs and dildos, increasing in size. I tried to ready myself for a toy, all of which were bigger than the ones Master had made me purchase. Master caught me looking.

"Oh, look at the PussyBoy. He knows he wants his asshole filled. Well, it will be filled, but these are for later."

Master then closed that drawer and opened the next one, filled with nylon straps. Master removed my ball harness and my balls hung low against my asshole. Master took one small strap and looped it around the base of my balls. He then took out another strap and ran a band around my back, with a loop holding my cock tightly against my belly. Master then rolled the table back until my ass was at the edge. Without warning, Master grabbed my balls painfully. He then stripped naked and I saw his glorious, rock hard cock again. He held me by the balls and shoved his cock directly into my hole without waiting.

"Well, PussyBoy, looks like the last week has done you some good. It seems you realize that when you forget your balls, which are the source of your pleasure, and focus on your asshole, which is the source of my pleasure, you finally learn to properly relax and take a cock like the PussyBoy you are. I have been waiting for this and have not cum since you have. Of course I will now do so, and you better not think of it. You will not be allowed to cum until tomorrow morning."

With that, Master continued to pump his big cock into my asshole, plunging into me in slow, deep strokes. My cock was leaving a pool of precum as it was bound to my belly. I was totally absorbed in the pleasure of Master using my asshole, and Master increased my pleasure when he began roughly pinching my nipples. Master fucked me for several minutes.

"So, PussyBoy, what do you truly want? Do you want to cum?"

I knew better. Master would not allow me to cum, and was just teasing me.

"No, Sir. My cum is unimportant. Your pleasure is most important. I believe it would pleasure you to dump your hot cum in my asshole, to again mark my Pussy as your property. Please fill me with your cum, Sir."

"Oh, such a good PussyBoy. You may have your wish."

With that, Master pulled deep into me and began pumping heavy loads of cum deep in my pussy. I loved every splash. When Master was through, he pulled his cock slurping out of my soupy pussy hole.

"Now clean yourself up, PussyBoy."

Master handed me a thick dildo from the drawer. I knew what Master wanted. He was testing my enema skills from this morning. I began fucking myself with the dildo. Master would occasionally grab my wrist, pulling the dildo out, guiding it to my mouth, and forcing me to taste his cum and my ass juices. He had me do this over and over until I had retrieved most of his cum.

"Good PussyBoy. Now I need to go out. This should keep you company."

Master put a vibrating butt plug in me, and got dressed.

"See you soon, PussyBoy. And remember, no cumming."

With that, Master walked to the door. He flipped off the lights and walked out. There I was, in the dark, in a strange room, hhopelesslybound. A plug was pulsing dull vibrations against my prostate. My cock was leaking on my belly. And I was totally under the control of my Master. I was a little scared, but had to remind myself of the level of trust Master and I had developed. And I did trust him. I knew I was safe, though pain and testing my limits were certainly on the horizon.

I laid there in the dark for what must have been two or three hours, but who knows. My mind was racing at what Master would have in store for me. He finally came in, and was already naked. Master removed the plug from my ass and shoved it into my mouth.

"Good PussyBoy. Remember when you used to be so afraid of your pussy? Used to be afraid of the taste of it. And now, not only is it your pleasure center, the taste of your ass even brings you pleasure. Look at how hard that pathetic little cock of yours is."

And it was. My cock was straining, swollen beyond belief. Master then pulled the plug out of my ass and moved the table, this time leaving my head and shoulders hanging off the table, suspended by my wrists. Master backed up and spread his ass cheeks for me, and I followed his qqueueand began eating at his ass. I was totally absorbed in this pleasure when Master backed up more and shoved his cock into my mouth.

"Oh, so much better than last time PussyBoy. You've learned so well." Master said, the sound muffled by his thighs pressing my ears. He fucked my mouth, gagging me with his large girth. He then pulled it out and permitted me to pleasure his nuts before allowing me to eat a his asshole again. And I was in total bliss. Master knew I longed to rim asshole for many years, and I savored his manly taste.

Master then moved away and uncuffed me. He brought me back to the easy chair. Master laid me across his lap and gave me 25 hard spanks. Master then threw me to the floor again, and handed me a buttplug with an air bulb attached. He had me sit back and stuff it into my Pussy. He then took the bulb and had me kneel before him. He shoved his cock in my mouth and had me suck him off. He then began squeezing the air bulb, causing my plug to expand slightly. He timed it with each thrust, so each time my mouth was filled, my asshole would feel just a bit fuller. Soon Master grabbed the back of my head, forcing his cock deep in my mouth and shooting his cum against the back of my throat. I was suffocating on it, and Master did not let up. Some dribbled out of my lips and down onto Master's balls. I knew I was in trouble. Master stood and brought me to a saw horse, where he bound each rest, forcing me to be bent and open to him. First, he presented his balls to me, which I licked clean. He then wiped his dick clean, spread the saliva and cum onto his asshole, and forced me to eat for ten minutes. He then walked away and pulled one of the paddles off the wall.

"PussyBoy, I thought you enjoyed Master's cum. Why did you waste some?"

I had no response, and Master did not expect one. He just lined up behind me and gave me 10 powerful smacks with the paddle, setting my ass on fire with a pain I had never felt. He then grabbed a length of string and tied my balls to a loop in the floor. He started paddling me again, causing extreme pain. And every time I shifted forward with a thrust, my balls were stretched back between my legs. master would occasionally take his free hand and slap my smooth balls, torturing me. My ass was in so much pain, and there was nothing I could do about it. Master gave me a full 50 paddles before he gave me a rest.

"There, PussyBoy, see how much nicer it is with my hand. Now don't forget your role."

Master untied me, and brought me back to the apartment area. He brought me to the kitchen, where he had had an outfit waiting: panties and an apron. Master had me dress and prepare him dinner. He handed me a vibrator and had me kneel on the table across from him and fuck myself while pulling the panties to the side. When Master was through, he permitted me to eat the scraps. He directed me to a dog bowl in the corner, with "PussyBoy" painted on it. He dumped everything in there, and cuffed my hands behind my back before forcing me to my knees and permitting me to eat.

Master uncuffed me and had me clean the kitchen. By then it was pretty late, and Master had a full day planned for me. He left me bound and brought me to his bedroom. Master gave me a pad to lay on in the corner, and we went to sleep.

I woke in the morning, with Master kneeling next to me, his hand gently stroking my cock to coax me out of sleep. Master brought me to the tub, to start my day as I always did now. First I pissed all over my face. Then Master emptied his piss all over me. He then had me shit and wipe with my hand. He shit, and forced me to clean him with my hand. Master then applied an enema to me. We then showered together, me soaping Master and cleaning him thoroughly before cleaning myself. I then had to dry Master and myself. After we were ready, Master informed me of the days events. First, I was in need of serious oral training. Master knew I still had work to do. He had me alternate between his cock and a dildo. Master then bound me and lowered a dildo in front of me. I was straining for it, and Master took great pleasure in photographing me wanting a cock in my mouth so bad. Master gave me over an hour of training, spanking me firmly every time my teeth touched his cock. Through pain, I learned the proper method, practicing as Master filled me with two loads of cum. i made sure to capture every drop.

After this training, Master took me to the table and bound me on my back again. He pulled out a bag of clothespins attached to a string. He began at my nipples, placing clips there and every inch down each side of my chest. He then pinned my thighs, put four clips on my tortured ball sack and six clips up my cock, the last one over my pee hole. He placed the vibrating plug in my asshole. The then attached the clothespin string to a pulley above me and turned on a little motor.

"Here, PussyBoy, this should keep you bus while I make a few calls."

Master walked out but left the lights on, allowing me to see the string slowly take up the slack, burning me with anticipation, until there was pressure on my nipples and those two clips snapped off, leaving a painful sting. From here on, each 10 seconds passed and another set of pins snapped off, leaving a sting in my flesh. It went down my chest, and soon my balls were on fire as each snapped off. My cock was going crazy as the last one approached. Finally my pee hole was free and precum dribbled out. The motor shut off and must have signaled Master, as he soon walked in.

"How was that PussyBoy? Seems you enjoyed yourself."

Master dipped a finger in my precum and fed it to me.

"You've been a good boy, but its time to start cumming. You will be hosting a party again tonight and I don't want your pesky cum leaking all over the place."

With that, Master got up on the table and shoved his cock in my mouth as he freed my cock from the strap that had held it since yesterday. Master placed a condom over my cock ["To deaden the pleasure, and to make sure you don't waste any." and began massaging my cock. Master knew I was already at the edge, and every time I got close, he would slap my tender nuts, causing a shooting pain through my gut and making orgasm impossible. I had to wait for Master to cum, with was soon approaching. Master filled my mouth, and this time I took every drop. He then began massaging my nuts gently and squeezed my cock until I oozed cum into the condom. I had been waiting to release this load after a week of denial, and was so happy to have it. Master pulled the condom off, carefully preserving my seed. He grabbed his camera, and began snapping shots as he held it over my mouth, letting my cum slowly dribble into my mouth. When enough had leaked out, Master placed the condom inside out over his cock and had me lick it clean. He also decided to further my shame by showing how tiny my cock was: the condom that had totally held me left almost half of Master's cock exposed. He had a good laugh at my pathetic size.

Master untied me from the table. He stood me up and took a pair of handcuffs, clipping one end to the loop in my waist strap and the other around my left hand.

"OK, PussyBoy. Time to prepare for your party. You will set up the house, prepare food and the bar, and all the while, I want you stroking your cock."

I was still sensitive from my orgasm, but I began stroking as Master led me to the kitchen. I began preparing food, extremely frustrated with the limited ability of working with one hand, and knew Master was enjoying every minute of my frustration. After about 20 minutes, Master bent me over the sink and massaged two fingers into my asshole as he forced me to stroke faster. he was giving me a prostate massage, and soon I was leaking cum onto the floor. Master pushed me to my knees to lick my mess off the floor. He gave me no rest and had me continue stroking as I set up candles around the apartment. As I set out the last one, master took it from my hand and shoved it in my ass. He fucked me with it as I jerked and came again, again being forced to lick up the mess. It hurt even more as I continued rubbing my cock. Once the apartment was set, Master led me back to the dungeon. He chained my arms and legs, with me standing, spread eagle. He shoved the vibrating plug up my ass. He the took the paddle and gave me 25 strokes. He stroked my cock near orgasm. Then another 25 paddles. My ass was on fire. And he stroked again. I was soon exploding in his hand. Master fed it to me, before spanking me with 30 sticky slaps across my burning cheeks. He then unchained me and had me get on all fours.

"Now PussyBoy, the guests will be here soon. You must cum twice before they do."

With that, master shoved his cock in my hole and had me frantically stroke my cock. When he sensed I was close, he pulled out and shoved three fingers in, rubbing my prostate until I came. He then resumed fucking as I stroked my raw cock. I was quickly being drained of my stored cum, and Master was working hard to fill my hole with his seed. Master was getting close and grabbed my cock as he began dumping his load, sealing off my ability to cum until he filled me. When he finally released, I dumped a load into my hand, which I promptly ate. Master picked me up, handed me my panties to put back on, and walked me through the apartment to the elevator. He opened the door and chained my wrists to the ceiling. He pulled my panties to my knees. He then took a marker and wrote "Touch Here" with an arrow pointing to my swollen, cum filled asshole. He then sent the elevator to the basement garage. The door opened and closed when I got there, and there it remained until the first guest arrived. Alone. Feeling Master's cum slowly dribble out of me and down my thighs.

It was half an hour before the door opened, to a group of three guys. They broke out laughing as they saw me. One took the instructions and thrust a finger in my asshole, swirling in Master's cum. Each took turns doing the same as we rode up to the apartment. Master welcomed them, then sent me back to the basement. Another two guys showed up, and both took pleasure in teasing my hole. And I was sent down again. This time, four men walked in, and I noticed two of them with collars on their necks as well. Master had invited two slaves and their Masters. Both slaves were pushed to their knees, and each took turns eating at my asshole. They actually waited a few minutes before pressing the elevator button, allowing the slaves to eat at me. And we went up again. This time, Master untied me and brought me into the apartment.

"Welcome, everyone. I'm glad you could make it. As you can see, this is PussyBoy. He's the pathetic little faggot who's been serving me from New York. As I told you all, the admission price for this party is to eat PussyBoy's hole and then my own. You Masters who brought slaves have already contributed and do not need to lower themselves to this. Now line up. And get one of those slaves in front of PussyBoy."

Master directed one onto his knees in front of me, his ass under my cock. Master instructed me to rub my cock as my asshole was eaten. I was soon overwhelmed by pleasure in my asshole. Master required me to stroke quickly and I soon shot a load onto the slaves asshole. Master stopped the line and had me eat my cum and rim the slaves asshole before I could continue. He substituted the other slave and had the line continue. Once we had each been thoroughly eaten and I came again, Master had me lay back on the dining table. He blindfolded me, and handed me a dildo I fucked myself as Master stroked my cock. I soon felt an unbearable heat stick to my nuts, and realized Master had a lit candle over my balls, letting the wax drip and burn my nuts. I couldn't stop, and he didn't stop stroking as I was lost in the pleasure and orgasmed, though I had been drained of cum and only a dribble popped out.

"Good, looks like PussyBoy is ready. He and the slaves will get each of you hard, using their mouths, and then you will each fuck PussyBoy, in size order from the smallest."

Master had us get them hard and line them up in order. We had to suck them, and then put a condom on each one. They lined up, some playing with each other to stay hard, as they waited their turn. One by one, I was fucked roughly. Some just fucked, while other abused my balls as they pumped me. And each time one came, master had a slave hold out a glass and he dumped the cum in. I watched as it slowly filled as each guy took his turn. I was lost in the pleasure until I felt a cock that was different. I realized it was Master, his bare cock sliding in easily in my worked hole. Master lasted a long time after the multiple orgasms he had had, and my hole was on fire by the time Master splashed me full of cum. He had one of the slaves suck it out of my asshole, and then instructed him to kiss me and feed me the seed. Master knew how much I still was disgusted by the thought of kissing a man, and he did not care. I was his little PussyBoy. What difference did it make what I wanted. Master then had me drink from the cup, and share the mixed cum with the other two slaves until we had eaten it all.

After this, I was no longer to be used. Master allowed the men to pair off and fuck or suck as they pleased. Master chained me to the table and gave me an array of toys. I had to lay there and play with my abused hole while watching the fucking around me. Wanting cum in me. After the guys had gotten off again and had a few drinks, Master led everyone up to the dungeon. He opened up what had looked like a cabinet in the corner. It turned out to be a cover over a tub on wheels. master wheeled it to the middle of the room, and I knew I had to get into it. Master had me first get on all fours, and the guys gathered around. Master took his place at my feet, and permitted them all to piss all over me. As they did, Master took aim at my asshole, burning the sensitive skin with his hot pee. He then had me turn over. They then took aim at my face and chest, overwhelming me in a rush of pee. I felt disgusting, but Master knew I enjoyed it.

"Look at his pathetic little dick get hard."

Master instructed me to stand up, and directed the other two slaves to join me. One was forced to suck my cock while the other ate my asshole. Every minute, Master had me turn around and switch partners. Master also encouraged them to nibble at my tortured cockhead. I finally couldn't take any more and had another dry, painful orgasm.

Master permitted me to towel off. He then led us back to the living room, where the party slowly disbanded. Once everyone left, Master decided to fuck me yet again. he dumped a load in me and denied me permission to cum through the whole fucking. He then began fingering my hole, teasing a finger in his cum and alternately feeding it to me. Once I was pretty clean, he gave me a total massage to my prostate until I oozed cum onto the floor. As I licked it up, Master reminded me that he controlled my cum, and that no matter how dry I got, I always had more when he milked it out of me. After I cleaned up, Master told me it was time for bed.

"Let's go, PussyBoy, you need your rest. Today was about multiple fucking and orgasms. Tomorrow will be about stretching. i will be exposing your ass to larger toys. You will probably have multiple orgasms again, as your realize the pleasure in a fullness you have never known. Perhaps I will even fist you, as I know you really want to be. Even back when you tried to deny your role as PussyBoy, you were jerking off watching boys get fisted. And tomorrow your dream will come true."

The words rang in my head as I thought of it. I had only been fucked recently and was scared at the thought of fisting. Sure, watching it always turned me on, but I didn't think I could take it. But I knew I had no choice. Of course Master would not stop until I was stretched around his wrist, way more that I had ever taken. And I knew I probably would enjoy it once I got over the discomfort. But I was scared. I barely slept all night, in fear of what was in store. Master left me to sleep without a plug; he wanted me to start from scratch and stretch more than I ever had. And I would let him.

Because he is my Master. And I am his PussyBoy.

To Be Continued... ______________________________

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Next: Chapter 15

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