Training of Slave Bob

By Bob Johnson

Published on Apr 12, 2004


I was absorbed in classes for the day, and at times almost forgot the harness holding my cock and balls and the clamps now providing only a dull, lingering pain in my nipples. I would then shift in my chair slightly or accidentally brush a hand near my chest and instantly I would be overwhelmed again by the thoughts of Master's control or the men he had permitted to fuck me were again dominating my head.

Once classes were over, I immediately headed home. I got on the subway, and had an overwhelming pain in my groin. The harness was trapping my penis, pulling the straps tighter around my balls. My nipples were constantly hard in their clamps below my sweatshirt. I also had an overwhelming urge to pee. Master had not forbidden it, but I deserved a little pain for having denied myself such pleasure with my Master for so long. I waited until I got home, when I walked up the stairs 7 flights to my apartment. (This was one of Master's punishments for having lied about my weight.) I arrived at the door, and saw that green magnet staring me in the face. I paused to think about what that meant; reminded of my newfound submission. I opened the door, and immediately stopped once inside. I removed my sweatshirt, t-shirt, sneakers, socks, and jeans, leaving me there in my harness and clamps.

I expected Master to call any minute, but sat there and Master did not call. I should have realized that, though Master had lavished me with attention over the weekend, he still did have a job and a life and I was still a somewhat independent slave, until the day I graduated and went to live with my Master. I would have to take responsibility for myself, and follow his orders as they came until the time I turned myself over to him. After about 10 minutes without a call, the pain in my bladder became excruciating and I released, though with my hand clamping off my penis every 5 seconds, as Master had instructed me. This caused great discomfort, but I had no way of knowing if Master was watching.

So I went about my day, doing home work and watching TV, all the while with a discomfort from the bonds on me. I ate dinner, then watched some TV and a movie. My life was now so different, yet the regular aspects of life were still there. It was getting late, and I knew I still had an enema ritual to perform, and then should be getting to bed.

I got out my enema, which was close in the cabinet in the bathroom. I cleaned the nozzle, filled the bag, and hung it. I took the nozzle in my mouth, as I remembered the camera Master had put up in the corner of the bathroom. It captured the toilet area, as well as the tub. This enabled Master to supervise my activities, though I had no idea whether he was watching or not.

I sucked on the nozzle, doing my best to lubricate the cold plastic before it would be forced into my asshole.

The nozzle was skinny, and my pussy no longer offered much resistance to so small an invasion. I pushed it past my ring and started pumping it in and out of my hole. i eventually lodged it deep in me, then opened the clip and allowed the fluid to fill me. I got up and went to the toilet, where, because of the lack of a seat, I had to hover over the bowl. I waited the requisite 60 seconds, then released the fluid. I cleaned the nozzle, then repeated the process. This time, I had some serious cramping and almost didn't make it to a full minute before releasing the fluid.

Once I was clean, I laid back in the tub. I pulled the harness strap off my penis, so I could move it freely. I was still scared to take pee in my mouth, but Master wanted me to begin getting used to it. Therefore, I lay down like I had so many times in the tub. This time, I followed Master's instructions, and left my mouth open like I would when I jerk off. I began peeing, and aimed the stream at my face, where some did land in my mouth. I could not stand the taste, but of course realized that I had no choice in the matter any longer. I swallowed my pride, and then stared into the camera as I swallowed pee on my Master's order. I gagged slightly.

I got up and went into the bedroom. The phone rang. I saw from the caller ID that it was Master, so I immediately put it on speaker phone.

"PussyBoy" the words rang through the hollow box of my bedroom "you have been a good little PussyBoy. I see I have trained you well. Not only does my control of you extend to activities, where you know from experience what to do without my explicit instructions. But you also opened your mouth and swallowed your pee, albeit with some gagging. When we first met, this was one of your off limits activities. You may not like it, but it seems you understand that your desires no longer matter. Whether you like it or not, your activities are now determined by what Master wants. You are a PussyBoy. PussyBoy's pleasure is of no consequence to me. You came to me, thinking it was some sort of a game. You were still claiming to be a heterosexual, yet you opened up almost immediately to me that you jerked off all the time to gay porn and to the stories on Nifty, like you had for years in spite of your girlfriend. Then you started telling me how submissive you were and all that. You thought it was a little game, where you'd act submissive, yet all you really wanted was some gay phone sex. Well, I could tell that initially you were playing along, telling me what you thought I wanted to hear. However, your fantasies started to sink in and you started really doing the things you were claiming to do. This started causing you problems in your relationship, but only because you realized you could no longer keep up the facade and that your fantasies were revealing your true homosexual desires to yourself. You are now coming along nicely, PussyBoy. I'm glad to see you are actually submitting to Master's desires now, and are ready to truly submit to my pleasure. You may not cum until Wednesday, PussyBoy. Place that harness back on your penis, PussyBoy. Now look in your bottom drawer. I do not want to ruin that perfectly tight pussy you have preserved for so long. You will now be required to use that buttplug when you sleep. [I opened the drawer, and found a narrow buttplug sitting on top of my clothes.] Place it in your pussy, Boy. [I did as I was told.] It is not big enough to stretch that pussy of yours any further, but it will be a subtle reminder of your ownership and will also rub against your prostate every time you shift in your sleep, providing a slight prostate massage. Now get your cuffs, set them to 8 hours and get a good night's sleep. You have a long day of classes tomorrow. Goodnight, PussyBoy."

The phone went to the dial tone, and I shut it off. I quickly set my cuffs, got face down on the bed above the pillows, and cuffed my hands to the foot of the bed.

I woke in the morning, and called Master as I needed to urinate. Luckily Master was still home and permitted me to pee, while on the phone. He would yell stop and I would have to. one time, a little stream was going as I clamped onto my penis, which sent a spurt onto the toilet tank. "Lick it up, you messy PussyBoy." I did so, which I found absolutely disgusting and humiliating. There was not much to taste, but it was disgusting nonetheless. I stood again and continued peeing. Once I was done, Master hung up.

I got ready, and removed my harness for the first time in 24 hours. I also took off the nipple clamps off my red, swollen, sore nipples. I placed both on the coat hook next to the door. I headed out for school, expecting the sensation to subside. However, my nipples kept burning slightly for several hours. My balls also felt strange hanging freely. I went through the day with a near constant erection. This remained on the subway home, forcing me to tuck my penis in my waistband to avoid total embarrassment. I got home, and stripped and put on my harness and nipple clamps. The fire in my sensitive nipples was instantly returned. I went through my day, and again had no contact until after I had performed my enema and facial pee, on that day again leaving my mouth open and taking another gulp of my urine, a taste I was slowly becoming accustomed to. I placed the nighttime buttplug in my asshole, then set the cuffs to 8 hours and there still was no call from Master. I assumed he would not contact me, so I set the cuffs and clamped myself to the bed.

Just then the phone rang. I could do nothing about it until it went to the answering machine. Master's voice rang out into the room.

"PussyBoy, I see you are ready to submit and listen. And to think, I was considering letting you orgasm tonight for having been such a good little PussyBoy. Oh well, I guess it will have to wait until tomorrow. PussyBoy, you are doing well in your activities; keep it up. You will now go to sleep; perform properly tomorrow and I will in fact allow you to release that pressure in your balls. Goodnight, PussyBoy."

His words had aroused an erection, which I was forcing into the pillow, while it caused severe pain in my cum-swollen balls. I tried to sleep but tossed and turned for a while before finally falling asleep.

The timer on my cuffs went off, waking me up when their pressure on my wrists released. I had been dreaming of giving Master an unending blow job. I was dreaming of laying on my bed and having Master finger my asshole as I licked his large cock. The dream had caused a firm erection. The pressure was only increased by my need to urinate. I called Master, and he was not home. This meant I would have to go to school, but wait until 10:15 when Master went on his first break, before I could get his permission to urinate. I had to shower without peeing, which was quite difficult. I released my balls from the harness, and as the pressure released it only made it harder to resist peeing. I had to head off to school, then get up in the middle of my first class in a large lecture hall at 10:14. I called Master from my cellphone, and he granted me permission to urinate. I was thankful, and hurried to the Men's room. As required when in public, I had to use a stall and drop my pants to my ankles. I then was permitted to release my pee. Master did not require me to talk, but sat on the phone listening to me pee and telling me when to hat the stream, listening for any trickles, which I was able to avoid.

Once the day was done, I returned home and stripped and put on my harness and nipple clamps.

Instantly the phone rang.

"PussyBoy. I am at work and cannot speak for long. I am watching you from my office computer. You will now put in your larger buttplug. You will then do your homework. After every five pages of reading, I want you to grab the glans of your penis and roughly rub it. You will repeat this process until you are done with your homework. If you finish before I get home, you may watch TV but must do the same touching every commercial break. I will call when I get home. Be sure you finish your work by then so you may get off tonight. Goodbye, PussyBoy."

I inserted the plug, which caused an instant painful erection. This did not subside as I tried to focus on my work. I finished and began watching TV. After an hour and a half of painful pleasure, I finally heard Master's call.

"Good PussyBoy. I have been home for an hour, watching you. You seemed to be enjoying it too much for me to interrupt. OK, we will now practice edging. You will be bringing yourself close to an orgasm. However, you may not cum until midnight. That should give you about 5 hours. OK, go do your enema."

He hung up and I did the ritual as required. I also wiped clean all of my toys in anticipation. The phone rang again.

"PussyBoy, You will now unharness your nuts, as only your mind and hands will keep you from cumming; you may not have any outside support. [I removed the harness, freeing my erection.] Now put the smaller plug in yourself. [I did as told.] OK, now you must turn on your computer and go back to that video site you used to view when we first met. You will charge of hours of usage on your credit card. You will go to the amateur gay bondage films. You will sit in your office chair. However, I want you backwards. You see, your asshole needs to be open and accessible, so I want you bent forward on the chair. You will have that plug in you, and the smaller one in your mouth. You will take your cuffs and set them in 20 minute increments. You will cuff your hands in front of you. Each time the cuffs release, you will stroke your pathetic little penis until you feel the orgasm builds. Do not go too close. I know how aroused you get looking at men getting fucked and spanked and I don't want any accidents. You will stop and then re-cuff your hands to prevent any early orgasms. Your penis will be raw from rubbing against that rough polyester material of the seat, but that is no concern of mine. OK, get to work PussyBoy; I will be watching."

I got started, typing in that familiar web address and paying for my time. The scene opened up and I was soon staring at a scene much like the one I had recently been in. A slave was tied to a bed and being gangbanged by a group of 10 guys. The movie was 2 hours long and I watched intently. I went through 6 cycles of the handcuff process, and was finding it quite difficult to overcome mu urge to cum. I did so, and called up another movie. The bottom of my penis was already raw from rubbing the chair, and I still had 3 hours left. I kept on with the cycle, counting the cycles until I would be permitted to cum. I finally ran out of time, as a scene was going on with a slave handcuffed over a saw horse. He was being fucked by his Master and was about to receive a load deep in his Pussy when the time ran out. It was asking me to renew, but I still had ten minutes before my hands would be free. I had to sit there ans wait, as my erection would not subside. The minute the cuffs released, Master was on the phone.

"PussyBoy, it looks like you enjoyed yourself. Now you have 20 minutes of service left and you will be allowed to cum. Get your water jug and get in the tub. Tie off those pathetic cum filled balls, and start filling that jug SLOWLY. And go unlock the front door before you do, in case Kevin hears this and wants to come down. Now get to work."

I unlocked the bolts and turned on the water at a slow trickle. Kevin must have listened to Master, as within 10 minutes, bu the time the jug was mostly full and my balls were on fire, Kevin was coming in through the bathroom door. I tried to ignore him as I went through my ritual, lifting and dropping the jug at the end of its rope, raising it an inch higher each time until it was too painful to bear. I untied the string and welcomed the relief. And then the phone rang again.

"Good, Kevin, glad you could join us. Tie PussyBoy's feet over his head. He will finger his asshole, while he licks your penis."

Kevin tied me to the straps which by now I had permanently attached to the posts at the foot of my bed. I was fully exposed, and Kevin took the opportunity to lightly tap my balls as he pulled his own out and lowered them into my mouth. I rolled them on my tongue before he pulled them out and replaced them with his hard cock, with his now wet balls resting on my nose, overcoming my senses with his manly sweat.

I fingered myself as he fucked my mouth. He was soon ready to cum and sprayed a load all over my face.

"Now, PussyBoy, take those fingers out of your ass and suck on them to make sure you did the enema properly."

I knew I had, so I pulled them out and immediately sucked on them, savoring my musky scent.

"Kevin, go get one of PussyBoy's shot glasses from the bar. [He did and returned.] PussyBoy was so ashamed of his sexuality that he used to drink a lot. Often he got so drunk he couldn't keep his penis hard enough to fuck his girlfriend. Its probably why she left. Anyway, we will now use those shot glasses for a better purpose. PussyBoy, you will continue fingering yourself Kevin will stand over you with his nuts in your mouth. Simply savor them, do not work your tongue as his balls are probably sensitive from cumming. Just finger yourself, taste his sweaty balls and smell his balls and ass as you begin to jerk off. When you feel the need to cum, let go of your penis. Kevin will wait ten seconds, then take a firm grip of your cock and aim it into the shot glass. He will then milk you roughly until your nuts are empty. I want every last drop in that shot glass, and then await further instructions."

Kevin and I proceeded as required, me struggling for air with my mouth full. I struggled for air, which forced me to breathe in deeply, taking in big gulps of Kevin's musty balls and ass. It took no time at all for me to feel a pending orgasm and remove my hand. Kevin took his cue, and grabbed my cock and squeezed tightly from base to tip until my orgasm began splashing into the shot glass. He kept stroking me long after my spasms stopped, milking every last drop of cum.

"OK, PussyBoy. You loved eating ass so much. You have only eaten one ass properly. Of course, eating ass includes having an ass that is filled with cum, where you will rim and suck until you are paid off with dripping cum from a man's hole. To practice, I want you to work your tongue on the rim of that shot glass, and start darting your tongue in, taking little bits at a time and maintaining suction on the rim until you clean it full."

I did my best to please Master, thoroughly rimming the glass and savoring my load. When I had eaten it all, Master sent Kevin away and told me to take my buttplug and put it in my mouth. He had me put the smaller one in my hole. Master said goodnight, and sent me off to cuff myself to the bed.

I woke up with my mouth still full of rubber plug, and began another day. Master made me go through the same practice as earlier in the week on Thursday and Friday morning. By the weekend, I was already anxious. Master was going to use me again all weekend. He was permitting me to go out on Friday night, but I was sure he was going to have some commands for me.

Master called me and told me what to wear. He had me keep on the clamps and harness, and had me wear the smaller plug. I was waiting for further instructions, when I heard the call bell ring.

"PussyBoy, let me up."

It was not a familiar voice, at least not Master or Kevin, but he knew my name and so I let him up. It was the guy with the mustache who had been at Master's party.

"I'm Mike. Master sent me over to be your chaperon for the evening, to make sure you don't get into trouble. Also, get that camera of yours, as Master wants full documentation of the evening. Let's go."

I knew I had no choice, so I grabbed my ID and cash and followed Mike out the door, ready for whatever the night should bring.

To Be continued...

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Next: Chapter 11

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