Training of Slave Bob

By Bob Johnson

Published on Mar 8, 2004


The following stories are a description of the training and breaking of Slave Bob. He is a 22 year old man becoming aware of his homosexual desires. He has met a Master online who has been training him as a PussyBoy. They have had various sessions online and on the phone. This is the beginning of longer training sessions. _____________________________________________________

I receive my orders from my Master today. I had told him about a fantasy of going out to the woods and wandering naked for the day, performing various tasks. The instructions were explicit, spelling out all I was to do that day.

Before I left, I had to make sure I was clean. My Master had introduced me to enemas while I was still a novice slave, slowly opening up to my true desires. I was home alone, and went into the shower where these sessions usually began. I filled the bag full of lukewarm water. I lubed my hole and the nozzle of the enema. I hung the bag from the curtain rod, and inserted the nozzle into my ass. I laid on my back with my thighs up to my chest. I opened the clip and began filling my intestines with water. I got about half the bag in before I got the usual feeling in my stomach. I rolled onto my side to allow my body to relax and get used to the water in me. When the pain subsided, I rolled onto my back again and opened the clip. Slowly I took all the water until the bag was empty. I laid there, thinking of my Master and the many months I had spent performing weekly sessions like this.

Today was the first day I was going to spend a total day in his service, and I couldn't wait to start. I got up and went to the toilet to release the enema. I returned to the tub and took a second bag to make sure I was fully clean.

After emptying the second bag from my bowels, I showered. As I was drying off, my cock was at attention, though it would be several hours before I would be able to release my cum. I took a piece of shoe lace and tied my balls off as my Master had ordered. I then put on a pair of panties; my Master permitted me to wear them as he realized the humiliation I had always felt when I was dressed this way. I then put on jeans and a t-shirt and grabbed my backpack. I also put my new digital camera in there to document the day for my Master, as well as a beach towel and a printout of Master's instructions.

I had to stop by the porn shop on the way out. I needed a new tube of lube, sure that I would need plenty during the day, and was following orders to purchase two new toys. I arrived at the store and instantly felt an even greater sexual rush. Here I was, only newly open to my totally submissive homosexual desires, and I was about to buy sex toys that I would use to fuck myself. I felt shame as I walked into the store and made eye contact with the man behind the counter. I walked right over to the rack, and selected a medium size butt plug and a long vibrator. I didn't want anything too wide, because I had only had one cock in me and did not want to stretch myself too much. I wanted a trained, responsive hole when I met my Master face to face, but wanted to keep it tight. When I selected the two toys and got a large tube of lube, I went to the front to again face the clerk. I made my purchases while making a minimum of eye contact. I bought the items and placed them in my back pack.

I had instructions to put the plug in before I got to the woods. I could not bring myself to do it in one of the booths in the porn shop, so I went to the burger place next door and used the bathroom there. I lubed the plug. First I inserted a lubed finger into myself, then placed the head on the plug at my hole. I relaxed and applied steady pressure until it was in to the thickest part. I had to get passed this, and bean breathing deeply to relax. My hole finally gave way and took the plug in to the hilt. My cock was impossibly hard, but it still had to wait. I pulled up my panties and they held my hard cock against my belly, with the tip sticking out of my waist band. If my t-shirt moved even a little, it would reveal the head. The movement of my shirt as I walked was enough to keep it hard and add to my embarrassment when I was leaving. I walked outside and went to my car. The clerk of the porn shop was staring out he window and noticed me walking slightly different. The fact that he knew I had the plug in me only added to my shame. I lowered my eyes and got in the car right away. Before I started driving, I followed the next order. I opened up my jeans, revealing my panty-clad cock. My Master did not want me fully exposed, but wanted anyone in an SUV or truck to see that I was wearing panties and that they made my cock hard.

It was an hour before I was out of the city and to the starting point for my adventure. I had chosen a Boy Scout camp, where my first sexual experiences had occurred. It was late April, so the weather was nice, but I knew no one would be around the camp. I opened the gate, and drove on through. I arrived at the lot, and sure enough, the place was deserted. I got out of the car, and pulled off my T-shirt and jeans and sneakers. I decided that I might be tempted to put them back on, so I put them in the car behind the driver's seat. I then left the keys under the seat, grabbed my pack, and wandered off into the woods.

I first went down hill towards the campsite I had occupied as a teen. It had been 10 years since I had been there, but the familiar path brought me back. I came upon the site, and noted the latrine at the corner, where I had first masturbated with others as a teen. I went there, and, for old times sake, pulled down my panties and gave my cock a few strokes. It was an amazing feeling to be back in the place where my first homosexual experience had occurred. I took the first picture of the day, by setting the camera timer to capture me in my panties for my Master. I was enjoying it too much, and knew I'd be in trouble if I kept stroking. I left my cock out though. Master had permitted the panties as a concession to me, but I knew he wanted me naked and knew that was the purpose of today's mission. I put the panties in my pack, and walked out into the sunshine, my hard cock pointing the way. As I was walking, I finally noticed the cool air. (I guess I was too excited with nervous energy to notice before.) It was sunny, but it was still an April afternoon in upstate New York. My nipples were erect and I had goosebumps across my flesh. Who knows if they were form nerves or the cold or both.

I walked along, giving my cock 10 strokes every quarter mile. I was totally absorbed in the thoughts running through my head. I don't think I would have noticed if the camp manager walked right up to me. In the 10 years since I had been here, I had sucked a few cocks and been fucked by one man, but had also attempted some heterosexual relationships. I had met Master online during my last one; I carried on both for about a year before it became too much. I guess I subconsciously caused enough problems that the last girl gave up without me having to make my sexuality an issue. I was now opening up to my homosexual desires. Here I was, in the woods, and hour from home, with a plug buried in my ass, wandering a deserted camp naked, on the orders of a Master. Who could have foreseen this...

I walked on with these thoughts clouding my head. It had been over an hour, and my cock was dripping with excitement. My tied off balls were swollen from the cum I had been working up with my strokes. I needed release, and my Master had authorized two orgasms in the woods, plus one when I called him upon returning home.

I thought I was ready to begin working on my first orgasm. I walked until I came to the lake where we had had swimming classes. I remembered it well. (As a camper, I had used the cloudy lake water as a shield to allow me to stoke my cock under water while admiring the half-naked bodies around me.) I walked out to the dock, and began getting ready for the session. I laid out the towel, and sat down. I placed my digital camera at the end of the dock, making sure it captured the full scene, and set the timer to take an image every 15 seconds. I then opened the instructions, and began reading.

"PussyBoy, By now I trust you have made all the necessary purchases and complied with all orders and feel you are worthy of your first orgasm. You should have a plug in you and your nuts should be tied off. Remove the plug NOW in one motion"

I did as I was ordered and felt my ass spasm closed. It was strange to feel empty after having a plug in for close to three hours.

"Now you may proceed, but under the following orders. You are to place two fingers in your ass. I know you are experienced at this, but I want you to do it dry. your ass should be sufficiently lubed to accommodate them. Now I want your other had to alternate pinching one nipple, then the other, very roughly. You know how Master likes it done. Now if you are a good slave and follow these instructions, I will permit you two strokes to your cock for every 10 times you plunge those fingers into your ass. When you are finally ready to cum, you are to wait 60 seconds, with the fingers buried deep in your hole, then you may cum. Before you do, I want you to yell out "THANK YOU MASTER FOR CONTROLLING MY THOUGHTS AND MY CUM!" You are to be sure to catch your whole load, eating half of it and rubbing the remainder on your plug and putting it back in. PussyBoys want cum in their ass, and since you are still too scared to meet me, you should at least have some cum in there."

I did as I was instructed. I only lasted about 10 cycles of ass fingering and pumping before I was ready to cum. I was really nervous, and it was multiplied by each second I had to hold out. When I had counted to 60, I decided to turn myself over and not worry about whether anyone was around the woods. I screamed "THANK YOU MASTER FOR CONTROLLING MY THOUGHTS AND CUM!" I then gave one last stroke, and had to move to catch my cum. I missed the first spurt, which shot straight at my face and landed on my cheeks. I caught the rest of my huge load in my right hand. I said "Thank you Master" before dipping my tongue into the warm load. I then rubbed the rest into the plug, and pushed it into my sore hole. I left the spurt on my face to dry there, as a constant reminder of my shame throughout the day. I packed up my items and walked on. I wandered towards a nearby hillside and began the long climb up. It was an our of walking over rough terrain before I reached the top. I put down my pack, set up my camera and the timer again, and looked at the instructions.

"PussyBoy, I know you have followed all orders or else you wouldn't have the nerve to be reading this. You are now going to get fucked by the dildo you purchased. I want you to really concentrate, thinking with every stroke how much you wish that was Master's warm cock, which you have serviced all day. So first, get on your knees like a good boy and suck that "cock" for a while. Then you are to remove the plug from your hole. You may use the towel to wipe it clean, as I know you are against sucking something like that even if your hole has been properly enema'd. Once the plug is clean, you are to place as much as possible in your mouth. You are the to find a large boulder, about 3 feet high. You are to bend over the boulder, exposing your ass to the world and anyone who might walk buy. You will notice your cock rubbing against the rock. You will be tempted to rub against the rock, but the rough surface will cause discomfort. You will also be tempted to move away, but you know this would mean you have failed in your task and therefore may not cum. I trust you will do the right thing. You will then address the dildo in a loud voice. (I know you are usually quieter on the phone, because you are ashamed your upstairs neighbor will hear. There is no such danger here, so be sure to be loud, loud enough to hear it echo off the hills.) You will first beg the "cock" to fuck you, like you do to me on the phone. Once you have yelled "Master, please fuck me with your cock like the true PussyBoy I am" 10 times, you may then use it. I want it fully lubed as you will be ramming it into yourself deeply and quickly, as I would do with my cock when we finally meet. When you are ready to cum, you are to bury the plug deep inside, wait as ordered before, thank me, then cum all over the rock. You must then lick every drop before you may remove the dildo. I do want you to catch one spurt, which you will rub onto the plug and place it into your mouth for the walk back to the car."

I did as I was told. The first worshiped the cock, then removed the plug and cleaned it. It had a lingering taste of ass sweat but thankfully nothing else. I then lubed the dildo, which was over 8 inches, with an extra nub for a handle. I plunged it all the way into my ass in one stroke. I was overcome by the thought of my Master. I really could envision him controlling my mind and body. I felt his cock buried deep inside of me, filling me. I then began stroking it quickly in and out of my hole. I did not touch my cock, but felt it becoming raw from moving across the rock. I was fucking myself with one hand on the dildo, the other roughly working my nipples. Having pleasure in my ass and nipples had always been a sure way to orgasm, and this was no different. After about 10 minutes of steady fucking, my prostate could take no more abuse and I was ready to cum. I buried the dildo to the base, and waited the 60 seconds. I then screamed out "THANK YOU MASTER FOR CONTROLLING MY THOUGHTS AND CUM!" I then placed a hand on my cock and one on my balls, clenching tightly on the dildo with my trained hole. I began shooting thick ropes of cum across the rock, while grunting into the plug in my mouth and tightly squeezing my balls. I caught some, removed the plug from my mouth, and coated it with cum. I then placed it below my cock, and squeezed my cock from base to tip, squeezing every drop onto the plug. When I was milked dry, I dropped to my knees and began licking the rock.

I felt totally used; I was a PussyBoy, out in the woods, controlled by a man I had never met, following his every order. I was now kneeling in the dirt, my ass high in the air with a dildo sticking out, licking cum off a rock. What a sight...It was only then that I remembered the camera capturing every image. This only increased my shame. I was spent, had used up my permitted orgasms, and saw the sun getting lower in the sky. I placed the cum-covered plug in my mouth and tasted my familiar load. I then removed the dildo from my ass. It felt strange to have my ass empty after being full all day, but it was also a relief.

I packed everything up, and began walking down the opposite side of the hill, taking a shortcut back to the car. I arrived there, feeling like a changed man after my day of nakedness. I did have one more order to comply with. I took the plug out of my mouth, which was now covered in saliva. I laid back on the hood of the car, raising my thighs again and filling my hole. I then got my t-shirt on. I decided to put my jeans around my knees so I could pull them up if I encountered a cop, but could still remain exposed. It was getting dark so I figured it would be more for my pleasure than something someone might see.

I began the long drive home, and couldn't help but relieve the experience. I felt something strange, knowing a stranger had controlled my body like that. But I was excited by the potential, and knew I had found my role. I could finally relax and stop worrying about my sexuality, and leave my pleasure to be determined and controlled by an experienced man. I was enjoying this, but as I approached the George Washington Bridge back into the city, I started getting nervous. I knew that as soon as I got home, I had to log on to my computer and create a slide show of the events of the day. I got home and I did this, making sure not to look at any of the pictures.

I then nervously picked up the phone and dialed those familiar numbers of my Master. I called at 8:31, and he answered immediately "Hello PussyBoy, I've been expecting you...."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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