Training My Diaper Bitch

By Tony Myers

Published on Aug 24, 2023


Warning: This story contains scenes of spankings, diapers, shaving and non-consensual sex. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting to you or if you are a minor in your country of residence please leave now. I would also advise you that one should practice safe sex at all times and not be careless like my fictional characters.

This work is copyrighted by the author and commercial use is prohibited without a written permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and if including the copyright notice.

As the author I would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including constructive criticism, suggestions or maybe just a short note if you find this story worthy to be continued.

Chapter 9

After 30 minutes we passed through the front-gate of my house, which closed automatically behind us. I drove up to the front-entrance where my butler Edwards already waited for us. Edwards was a Dom in his own respect. I met him years ago, when he wanted to call the scene quits because he had acquired a sub that topped him from the bottom in such a manipulative way that had left him emotionally injured, if not crippled. He had been unable to keep his job, lost his perspective and close to completely losing it. I met him in a bar, we started talking and after what seemed hours I offered him a job as my majordomo and my house as a haven. I knew I could trust him to be loyal and treat everything that happened here with the utmost discretion. Working for me also made it easier for him to regain his confidence and allowed him to keep his own pet. It was a real beneficial agreement for both of us.

I stopped the car and got out.

"Edwards, is everything ready?"

"It is, Mr. Townsend. We just finished the preparations half an hour ago. I'm sure will find everything to your liking." He made a small bow and stepped back holding the door wide open for us. I helped Baby out of the car and guided him towards the door. Albert followed us close after again carrying the bag.

"Edwards, have your little pet clean up the car, Baby here had an unfortunate accident and I want that smell gone." Hearing that made my pet almost stop in his tracks. I grabbed his arm a bit harder and steered him upstairs to his nursery.

"So, here is your new home." I opened the door for him and let him and Albert pass me. The room was actually quite pleasantly furnished, although it had a hospital bed instead of a real one. One dresser held a large variety of toys he would be introduced to over time and also two large walk-in closets. The larger one stored the equipment for his over-night treatments, while the other was left empty. We would need to go shopping for appropriate clothing for Baby as soon as possible. Maybe if he was a good boy I would get him at least some underwear - not that he would really need it, but he would look cute in it.

"Here is the bathroom, my pet. " I opened a door and led him into the bathroom I had set up for him.

"You can't be serious." In the middle of the bath was a big changing-table covered in rubber, leather restraints were hanging from the ceiling; the whole room was tiled for easy cleaning. There was a steel IV-Stand with a red one-gallon enema bag next to the table and a trolley which held a variety of speculums and probes. The walk-in shower had an array of tubes and nozzles mounted at the wall, all in knee height.

"Now get on the table, so we can clean you up." Albert steered him towards the table.

"I'm not going up on that table; this is.......what...?" I never let him finish the sentence, just shoved him towards Albert who caught him from behind.

"I'm really not in the mood to listen to your whining, boy. Now get him on that table Albert and strap him down. I really don't feel like putting up with this." I turned around and walked to the sink to wash my hands, while Albert swiftly moved Baby to the table and cuffed his hands to one of the straps and tightened the chain. He grabbed his waist and set him on the table.

"You can't do this to me, Mr. Townsend, what......" I stepped in front of him and stared at him hard.

"Boy, we are doing what we agreed to do for you. We know what is best for you, so why don't you obey like a good little Baby and let us do what needs to be done. I would really hate to punish you for being such an obstinate little pet."

"Pet? What are you talking about, Sir........"

"Albert, please make him stop, this is really tiring." Once more I turned my attention to the sink where I started to mix the ingredients for the enema my pet would be given. He would get a nice soapy enema for starters and I would try to get it in as deep as possible. By the time I got done, Albert had a pacifier with a rubber penis head attached in his hand and started to push it between Baby's lips. Baby tried to move his head away from the offending thing and yelled:

"You can't treat me like that, stop it. Take that thing away from me." As expected he started to struggle seriously against his bonds.

"I've just about had enough of you, pet. You will open your mouth now and take the pacifier. It's part of the therapy."

"But..." As soon as his lips opened Albert pushed the gag in and fastened it behind his head.

"The enema is all ready now, let's get him cleaned." Albert undid Baby's diaper, slid it out from under him and started to wipe him off. He brought the stirrups in position and strapped my pet's legs in to finish cleaning him.

"Well Sir, it looks like he needs a real thorough cleaning, the load in his diaper was huge. I think we let him retain the soap-water for 30 minutes."

"You're right. I will do a deep enema. Will you stop struggling, Baby? You will only hurt yourself. Albert, open the valve and pull the cath out." It was fun to watch him fight against his bonds, when Albert attached another two straps over his chest and his hips to securely tie him down. I got the tube I wanted to use, lubed up the tip and moved between his legs.

"Sh....Baby, you already had an enema before, so this is not exactly new for you. Don't be so upset." I started to slowly push the rounded tip of the tube against his sphincter. He tightened up, so I yanked on his balls and as expected he gasped from the pain and accidentally relaxed his anus when I shoved the tube in.

"Now I want you to breathe in and out, Baby, because I will put this tube deep inside of you." And I started to slowly insert one inch after another into my boy's ass. By now he was frantically trying to move away from the unrelenting invasion of his body. After I had about a foot of the soft tube inside of him I paused.

"What do you think, Albert? I only wanted to go about 10 inches deep, but his ass is really sucking the tube in, like it wants more." I put my hand on the stomach of my squirming pet.

"Another 10 inches won't hurt although we probably have to use more than a gallon." I continued pushing the offending rubber tube into the hungry hole presented to me and then finally opened the valve to let the water slowly fill up his body. It took a couple of minutes for the bag to empty and I signaled Albert to bring the second one he filled over. We unhooked the empty bag and replaced it with the full one. When the soapy solution started to distend my pet's stomach I started to slowly pull the tube out of him. He was sweating real hard and it would take only a few minutes for him to start cramping. I realized the water was running slower now, so I squeezed the bag to make sure I got at least another quart into him. Carefully I placed a small plug against his hole and when the last part of the tubing slid out I hurriedly pushed the plug in place. Baby was moaning in pain behind his gag when the cramps started.

"You need to relax my pet, this needs to stay in for 30 minutes." I washed the lube of my hands and went back to him to soothingly stroke his hair. I decided he needed something to take his mind off his ass so I switched on the remote control to let the current flow through his dick. It didn't take long and he was hard and erect.

"Look at yourself my pet, aren't you a naughty little boy. Your little boy clit is all hard and dripping. I didn't want to believe when Matt said that you would secretly enjoy all of this, but I guess I was wrong." I held his prick up for him to see it clearly for the first time. How obscene it looked with the metal rod protruding from the tip and a large ring to secure it all. I saw his eyes go wide and he desperately tried to talk around his dildo-gag.

"Look at all that pre-cum coming out of you, you slut. I guess having metal shoved up your clit and your ass stuffed is a real-turn. Look at that, Albert; have you ever seen something like this?"

"No not really, but I did think it kind of odd that he didn't resist the diapers or at least tried to do it himself. He really needs this, just like Dr. Jackson said. Well, it will make the treatment easier, although I think he needs a good spanking after we have cleaned him up, his behavior earlier was unacceptable."

"I think you're right, a good whipping can't hurt. Baby, we will leave alone now until we can let you expel the water. Don't enjoy it too much, you little slut." With that I closed the valve of the wand, let his dick drop heavily on his stomach and went on to the adjoining examination room to let my Baby ponder a bit on his situation.

The examination room was a true work of art. All gleaming white, mirrors and metal. The exam chair was mounted in the middle of the room, to ensure easy access from all sides. There were restraining chains and cuffs hanging from the ceiling and each could be adjusted through a control-panel. The wall-mounted shelves showed an extensive array of equipment we would use on him and of course there were large amounts of diapers stacked up in some of them. I stood there picturing him on the chair, speculum sticking out of his ass which was perfectly displayed for me. It would be great. The mobile equipment units that could be locked into position in front of the chair would be used to train his ass; I had them made to my specifications through one of my companies that produced robotic surgery equipment. In one corner was a nice impaler mounted to the floor, Baby would learn to hate that one as well. I could use different dildos on it which would allow me to decide the level of punishment he deserved. And I already decided that he would be punished a lot. What a wonderfully obstinate pet I had found.

I went back to the bathroom and looked down at my Baby. His face was red and sweat was pouring down his chiseled chest. He was in pain.

"I think we can let him drain now, don't you think, Albert?" I started to undo the cuffs and with the nurse's help we got Baby over to the shower. I made him lay down on the tiled floor, his ass positioned right above a large drain I had installed there. He would have to get used to this treatment, there was no toilet in the bathroom- he didn't need it. >From now on Baby would never be allowed to use one again. He had his diapers and the regular enemas, he wouldn't need anything else.

Albert bend down between his trembling legs and swiftly pulled out the butt-plug. I watched my pet's back arch as he expelled the water in a rush. He was shaking all over and didn't resist when we showered his ass to clean it and then turned him over to get him on all fours. His ass was spread due to the guiche rings in his crack and we moved him towards the wall one of the installed nozzles aiming at his hole.

"Just a bit more, my pet and you will be nicely hooked up for the rinsing." We made him push himself on the nozzle and Albert turned a lever to start the water. I got so hard from having this gorgeous boy kneeling between me and the nurse with his ass attached to the wall, knowing he was being filled again. I kept him pressed against the wall for another five minutes, pulled him off and led him back over the drain. By now he was so weak he didn't resist at all. The water flowing from his was clear, he was clean enough now.

Albert took the shower head, sprayed him down, wrapped a fluffy towel around him and then picked him up and carried him towards the door to the exam room.

"Now that you are clean, we will have to start your exercises. You can take a nap while you get your first one."

Albert put him down on the chair and we quickly strapped him in while he was still too weak to struggle. When his legs where secured in the stirrups I spread him wide open. I moved one the hydraulic arms down from the ceiling and attached a small seven inch dildo on it, while Albert inserted a speculum into the exposed hole. He squeezed the handle opening the sore ass of Baby to make the insertion of the dildo easier for me.

"Boy, you can sleep for the next hour now, while this dildo will work to open your ass. Your pussy is too tight; we need it a lot more stretched." The speculum was pulled out and the dildo shoved in to the hilt.

"Albert, I think we should use a bungee cord to work on his balls some more."

"You don't want to use weights now, Mr. Townsend?" Albert looked at me inquiringly.

"No, the weights will be attached over-night. Right now I want to start working his hole into a nice pussy. But we could include his nipples in the exercise." While Albert fastened a leather cuff around Baby's balls, I went to find the clamps. They looked pretty much like the clamps used on a garden hose; only their width was 7/8 of an inch so they would close around the elongated nipples of my little one and only leave a bit of the tip free for a string to be tied around. He squirmed against the chair, clearly pained by the rough treatment he was receiving.

I stepped back from the chair, drinking in the sight of my pet-project. All spread out, his ass being invaded by a futuristic looking device, his tits tied to a rack above his chest and his nuts stretched painfully.

"I think we should put the feeder on him, while he exercises." Albert moved another rack right over his head and attached a baby-bottle with a dick-shaped nipple screwed on, to it.

He positioned it over his mouth and removed the gag. Before Baby could make a sound the rubber-penis was stuffed into his mouth and he was told to suck.

"You better have that bottle empty when I come back in. Now enjoy your nap." I switched on the controls and a faint humming noise indicated that the dildo started working his ass, while the current running through his dick would provide him with a constant hard-on that would keep his mind busy.

Personal note: New releases will take longer now, my break is over and I don't have as much time to write as before. I'm almost done with chapter 11 so there are two more for you soon. After that - be patient with me, I do what I can....

Thanks tony

Next: Chapter 10

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