Training My Diaper Bitch

By Tony Myers

Published on Aug 15, 2023


Warning: This story contains scenes of spankings, diapers, shaving and non-consensual sex. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting to you or if you are a minor in your country of residence please leave now. I would also advise you that one should practice safe sex at all times and not be careless like my fictional characters.

This work is copyrighted by the author and commercial use is prohibited without a written permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and if including the copyright notice.

As the author I would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including constructive criticism, suggestions or maybe just a short note if you find this story worthy to be continued.

Chapter 5

At 6 am the next morning I was once again sitting in front of my screens. I had spent the night in my office, as I sometimes do. Nursing my first cup of coffee, I waited for Richards's front door to open and the nurse I had hired to come in. The nurse was actually a trained nanny named Albert. A huge intimidating guy who specialized in sissification and regression training, he knew exactly what Richard needed. He was almost as excited about it as I was.

I saw the door open on the screen, while my boy was still sleeping peacefully. There was nothing like spending a night in a nice and warm full diaper. Matt had told Richard to drink a lot to prevent dehydration and he had. I was sure his diaper was bursting full by now. Albert entered the bedroom, put down his bag, disappeared into the kitchen, came back in and opened the curtains to let the morning sun in.

"Wake up, Mr. Walker; we need you to get ready for your exam." He pulled down the covers to reveal the beautiful boy in his improvised bloomers.

"Oh my, this sure smells like you pooped a lot, doesn't it." He carefully turned my little Baby, who started to slowly wake up.

"Mr. Walker, I'm Albert your nurse. Mr. Townsend had me come over to prepare you for the exam."

Richard sat up and stared at the huge man in front of him.

"Now, we need to get you cleaned up, so why don't you lie back down and spread your legs wide for me."

Still not quite awake yet, Richard lay back on the bed and obediently spread his legs. I watched as Albert got a rubber blanket out of his bag and spread it under my boy. He lifted his legs up with one hand as one would do with an infant, pushed the blanket under him and lowered him down on it. He took the scissors from the night stand and carefully started to cut the tape away so he could take the garbage bag off. He then started to peel the tapes of and opened the front flap of the diaper.

"You really soaked your diaper last night; I don't think it could take another of your loads, Mr. Walker." Again he lifted my pet's legs and bent them almost over his head, pulled out the loaded diaper and started wiping him off with wet baby-wipes. When he finally had him clean enough he lowered him back on the bed.

"You will need to take a shower, Mr. Walker. So why don't you rest for a bit while I'll prepare everything and I want you to come in the bathroom in 5 minutes." Albert took his bag and disappeared into the bathroom to prepare the shower for Ricky. My pet just lay on the bed, his face beet red with embarrassment and the undeniable proof that yesterday had really happened was on the floor right next to his bed.

"All ready for you Mr. Walker. Please come in."

My Baby got up and slowly made his way to the bathroom, where a smiling Albert was already waiting for him. As soon as he stepped into the shower, he almost jumped when Albert opened the door and motioned my pet towards him.

"Let me help you with that, we don't want you to fall now, don't we?" He took the soap and a sponge from a little shelf and started scrubbing my bewildered Baby. Baby was cleaned and thoroughly washed by him and then led back to his bedroom. He was once again lying down on his bed.

"Now spread your legs, Mr. Walker, I need to put you in your diaper." Albert smiled at the gorgeous man laying before him, spreading his legs and lifting his ass in total compliance, still too shocked over everything that had happened to him.

"You are such a good boy." He reached into his bag and pulled out a rather thin looking disposable diaper, stacked it with booster pads and placed them on the bed right next to my beautiful Baby boy. After using a big amount of scented baby-oil he started to gently massage it into his groin, paying special attention to his ass. He took a special powder that Matt had given him and used it generously on the boy. The powder would start to react with the oil in about 30 minutes, making him itch all over the treated area. He made sure that he was massaging the ass-crack thoroughly and tried to push some of the powder inside the tiny hole that lay exposed before him. Taking the diaper he slid it under the pet's ass and fastened it tight.

"Almost done here, Mr. Walker. But I will need to put some additional protection on you. Judging on the amount you put in your diaper over night, you will need it." Albert reached into his bag again and pulled out a pinkish cloth diaper that looked huge. It was a reusable pull-up diaper which he slid up the Baby's legs and fastened them with Velcro-straps around his waist. The bulk on his waist looked almost obscene. There was no way regular clothing would be able to conceal the mass of absorbent materials that was now bunched around him.

"All done now." Albert smacked him lightly on his diapered ass and helped him up.

"I can't go out like this. No way. Everybody will see that I'm diapered." Ricky was all flustered and tried to pull of the diapers, which got him a sharp slap to his hands.

"This is necessary. They stay on until you are with the doctor." Albert looked at him sharply. "We will put you in some sweat pants and a long shirt, then it won't be so bad." He went to the closet, searching around for a bit and finally held up a pair of jogging pants and a t-shirt.

"No really, Nurse Albert, I can't go out like that." Ricky was slowly backing away from the big man.

"You can and you will, my boy. But because you've been so good this morning, I'll promise you that if you are still dry by the time we reach the parking- garage, I'll take the diaper off and you can walk into the doctor's office without it. But I won't let you make a mess in the car, so it stays on at least until then. Does that sound good?" And with that he just pulled the shirt over the Baby's head and shooed him out of the door to his car.

Next: Chapter 6

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