Training My Diaper Bitch

By Tony Myers

Published on Jan 13, 2023


Warning: This story contains scenes of spankings, diapers, shaving and non-consensual sex. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting to you or if you are a minor in your country of residence please leave now. I would also advise you that one should practice safe sex at all times and not be careless like my fictional characters.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without a written permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and if including the copyright notice.

As the author I would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including constructive criticism, suggestions or maybe a short note if you find this story worthy to be continued. -----> write me! Dammit!

Epilogue Part 2

"Now, Baby, I want you to know that this punishment hurts me more than it will hurt you. You really have been a bad boy and even though you're being punished your little clit is being naughty."

I watched as Albert attached a board in its proper place so he would not accidentally hit my pet anywhere else. I put my hands on Baby's shoulders, trying to comfort him about what was to come. Albert took the lash and started to whip the pet's excited member. It deflated right after the first stroke and even though Baby was gagged we could hear his scream. After about half the lashes I felt Baby go limp under my hands - he had passed out from the pain.

"Continue Albert, I want that little prick to be raw." Seeing the strands of the thong whip come down on my toy's clit was gratifying enough to make up for all the trouble he had given me. I knew at that point that I had forgiven him for his transgressions and would concentrate from here on, on our promising future together. His little clit rapidly turned the same angry red color as his ass and pussy.

"Well, seeing that he is out of it right now, why don't we add a couple of more lashes to his taint (perineum) so he can really enjoy himself?"

"As you wish, Peter."

Albert removed the board and I grabbed Baby's prick and balls and pulled them towards his stomach to give the nurse access to the sensitive area between his abused hole and his sac. He got to work right away and after 25 hits I told him to stop.

"That should be enough for now. Let's get him cleaned up." We carried the pet over to the shower stall, started to rinse him down with cold water which woke him up fast.

"Ngghh^Å" He tried to escape the blast of cold water and huddled in a corner.

"It's time for your cleaning." I stated and dragged him over to his changing table. Once more he was strapped down, opened wide, ready for the hose. Up until now I had only used a tube with barely an inch in diameter, but today I got the special equipment for the pet. The nozzle was three quarters of an inch wide and the attached hose gradually expanded over the whole twenty- five inches to a diameter of 3 inches. It would guarantee that my boy felt every inch of the tube inside of him, giving him a rather unpleasant stretched feeling inside his pussy. Before I inserted the tubing into him though, I took several nice sized pieces of soap and pushed them into his unresisting pussy and lubed him up with some BenGay. I used the largest speculum on him to make it easier for the tube to slide all the way home. After the first 12 inches were inside his bowels, Baby started to buck against his restraints, trying to get away from the intrusion. I slapped his ass hard to keep him calm.

"If you don't stop squirming around I'll have Albert give you another set of lashes. And the tube will go in believe me, boy."

The pet was looking at me, a perfect picture of miserable, hurting boy. I pushed in more of the tubing slowly getting to the painful part.

"We need to clean you out, Ricky. I know this is painful, but from now on we will use this larger hose because your slutty pussy will very soon be so stretched that it would leak if we used the smaller one. So you better get used to it."

He screamed again when I rammed the last 6 inches of the hose into him and opened the valve.

"Albert, he will take at least 6 quarts, better would be two gallons now. Did you mix the ginger into it?"

"Yes, Sir, and also the pepper, glycerine, castor oil and the lemon juice."

"Good! Open the valve."

I sat down on the closed toilet and watched my Baby getting filled with this potent mix. The first gallon went in easy and Albert soon exchanged the empty bag with another full one while I pulled the tubing halfway out of my boy's ass. By now, Baby was sweating again, his belly started to distend and I could tell he was cramping already. After the bag was half empty I started to press on it and slowly removed the tube to replace it with an extra large plug.

"This will need to stay inside for another 20 minutes, my pet and then you are allowed to let go."

I patted his sweaty hair, trying to keep him calm. He was thrashing around, the cramps becoming worse and he tried to push the plug out. With one hand I pushed against his plug holding it in place and started manipulating his still sensitive nipples. I tugged hard on them, pinched and pulled at the small chain connecting them when I saw milky liquid coming out of his nips.

"Albert, get the pump, I think he needs to be milked."

The nurse went to one of the cabinets and got our modified pump. It was a double breast pump with an enhanced motor which caused a rather extreme suction on the nipples. I tried it once and couldn't adjust the suction to more than level two on the lowest cycle ^Ö but Baby would get to experience all the devious device would have to offer. We attached the clear breast shields and made sure that Baby's nipples aligned with the tunnels to extract the milk from him.

"You will feel better in a minute, my pet." I turned on the machine on the highest level and watched how his little tits were sucked into the plastic, stretching his already elongated nipples deeply into the tunnel. Baby once again screamed around his gag while the white liquid was flowing rhythmically through the small tube into an attached container.

"Why don't we milk his miserable clit as well, Mr. Townsend?"

"No, Albert I want to wait with that just now. I think the pet will have had enough new experiences today. We just clean him up and settle him in for the night. He has a hard day tomorrow."

While the pump methodically emptied his tits, the cramps got really bad.

"I think we let him expel now."

We removed the pump and moved him over to the shower, carrying him between the two of us. We let him crouch on the floor and carefully removed his plug.

"Now Baby, be a good boy and empty yourself. You did really good." I petted his head while he desperately tried to get rid of the nasty fluid inside of him. I softly encouraged him like one would do with a pregnant woman:

"That's good my pet, come on push some more, that's a good baby. You need to push more, there is still a lot of that nasty stuff inside of you. You do want to be a clean Baby, right?"

He made the most delicious noises while he forcefully defecated the two gallons of liquids into the drain.

"Good boy. Now you'll have to more rinses on the chair and that's already it for today. Doesn't that sound good?"

Albert hosed him down in the shower to make sure he was really clean and then carried the pet over to the enema-chair. We let him have two fillings of a salt water solution and finished with him quickly. He was already too drained to do anything anymore.

"Now, let's get you diapered up and then you'll get your dinner and go to bed."

Back on the changing table we oiled and powdered him, inserted a couple of strong laxative suppositories, pushed four frozen Crisco logs inside of him and diapered him with the additional pads.

"We will also need his Olga-briefs with the extra padding and rubber pants. He will not get changed until noon tomorrow."

Albert pulled the bulky briefs over his diaper while I got the grease gun with Matt's special cream. I pulled his waistband a bit away from his back and loaded his diaper with the salve that would keep his skin burning through the night. After his back was sufficiently loaded I moved around to his front to repeat the process. Baby was leaning limply against the backrest; there was no energy or fight left in him. Just the way I wanted him today.

After his diaper was filled with almost four quarts of the salve, I helped him down from the table so Albert could get the rubber bloomers on him. They were made of pink latex and would prevent any leaking. We walked him to his bedroom, making sure to stop in front of the tall mirror, so Baby could get a good look at himself with his bulky pink middle.

We strapped him into his bed, placed the wedges between his knees to keep him nice and open and Albert started the feeder. Again, on my orders the dildo nipple was larger and would push down deep into his throat the moment Baby started sucking on it.

"Eight bottles tonight and another at six tomorrow morning. I'll open his piss-valve before breakfast, at exactly eight o'clock. He'll have another piss at two and then again at eight p.m. These will be his times to go potty, and he is required to ask before he can go. If he forgets, he won't be allowed to go."

As I looked at my pet, once more in my possession, I felt complete. He was tightly secured in his bed; his legs were bend and opened wide for me to see the enormous bulk of his stuffed diaper between his legs where actually the pride of his manhood should be visible. But his manhood as well as his freedom were gone for good now. He was mine and would stay mine. With the new regimen I would set up for him his fall into a life of humiliation was secured and he would soon get used to it.

With a last glance I left Baby to Albert and went downstairs to wait for Steve.

Just as I sat down in my study to turn on the monitors, the door opened and Edwards announced Steve's arrival.

"Send him in, Edwards, thank you. And please, get us something nice and neat to drink." Steve walked in with a big smile on his face.

"Good to see you smiling, Steve. I assume things went well at your parent's house?" I motioned him to sit down.

"You're assuming right, Peter. They practically melted and gushed all over me, since I am only the gay son and not the perverted one. This was a master-piece. It truly was. So, how is the boy adjusting to his new status?"

"Well, he didn't have much opportunity to say anything, his afternoon was^Å pretty busy." I turned on the monitor to show him his brother.

"Nice. Real nice. This look suits him so well. I'm still amazed when I see him like that."

We both sat for a while just watching the lean muscled, well-built guy on the screen, clad in diapers suck on a rubber dildo to get his dinner. With every swallow his chest moved up a bit, drawing attention to the little soft mounds on top of his pecs. Thanks to the tubes, his nipples stood up straight, jiggling with his every move. He was so fucking perfect. I decided he needed a little reprieve from his ordeal today and set the remote to a level 5 current which would keep him nice and hard. As expected, Albert immediately noticed that the boy's clit got erected inside the creamy diaper. He winked into the camera and turned towards Baby.

"Now look at you, Baby. You got your ass, pussy and clit whipped just a while ago and now you're getting all hard and excited because your slutty hole is stuffed full and you got a mushy diaper on. I bet you're dripping really hard, too."

He leaned over him and pressed his hand down in Baby's groin, successfully squeezing his clit through the slushy mess in his diaper. He manipulated the pet's dick for a bit and then removed his hand.

"I think we need to help you to stop having dirty, slutty thoughts. I will ask your daddy tomorrow if we should stuff your nuts into your pussy so that we can pull your little clit all the way back between your legs and attach it there. Would you like that, Baby?"

He stroked the boy's hair and smiled at him.

"Would that help you become a good little baby girl? You wouldn't have to see your hungry clitty anymore when we tie it to your rings. Or maybe we just squeeze the tip of your clit through the bottom ring? I think you would like that, right?"

Once more he grabbed Baby's groin.

"Oh yeah, you like that, you got harder just from me talking. You are such a bad baby. I will have to tell your daddy what happened just now. He needs to know what a dirty little boy you still are."

Baby was trying frantically to push the invading feeder nipple out of his mouth, like he was trying to say something.

"No, no, Baby. You have to finish your dinner or Daddy will be angry." Albert pushed the bottle attached to the feeding stand even deeper down his throat. For a moment I believed I heard a gurgling sound before the sucking continued.

"Now, this was your last bottle and I will go and find something nice for you to suck on tonight. We don't want you to feel neglected."

He grabbed a gag with a long rubber dildo and replaced the nipple with it in one swift motion. Albert buckled the strap of the gag behind Baby's head and removed the feeder stand.

"Good boy, suck on this. Your daddy had this especially made for you, there is a nice hole drilled through it so you can breathe easy. Good night, Baby."

The nurse bent down, pressed a soft kiss on my boy's forehead and left his room, switching off the lights.

It took Albert only a minute to join me and Steve in the study.

"He will have a memorable night, I'm sure." He sat down smiling.

"So, how will you proceed with my brother?" Steve looked at me inquiringly.

"As I see it, a change of my original plans is necessary. Originally I wanted to let Baby slowly proceed to a more mature level, but he will not be able to do this anymore. He is well and truly incontinent, his bladder muscle is not functioning and the diapers are a necessity now. His attitude requires a much stricter regimen and I will have to adjust his training schedule accordingly. I will drain his bladder four times a day at specific times. Ricky will have a regular daily spanking session as well as a punishment whipping. His tits will be pumped once a day and until further notice, he is not allowed to cum. I will take him out regularly to the office to do some work or attend meetings. I also think that I will work with him for a while in Judge Robert's Institute. I have a meeting tomorrow about the Institute and I'll be able to decide if it is the right course for your brother. He will learn proper behavior one way or another."

"Institute? I never heard of that^Å"

I could see that Steve was really curious but I interrupted him.

"Nothing to be concerned about, just another project I had to get involved in." I smiled."The pressure of being rich^Å"

"Oh. Okay."

He seemed somewhat satisfied and let the topic go. I didn't want to elaborate on it, knowing as how Matt was interested in the stud sitting in front of me. It would make an interesting process to watch, when Matt finally got Steve where he wanted him.

From there on the conversation drifted to more meaningless subjects until Steve got up and declared he needed to go home.

I also went upstairs to check one more time on Baby, turning his implant to level seven and watched his stuffed diaper twitch as his cock got even more agitated. Listening to the wonderful crinkling sound of the plastic I left and went to my bedroom to get some well deserved sleep.

Next: Chapter 26

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