Training My Diaper Bitch

By Tony Myers

Published on Oct 2, 2023


Warning: This story contains scenes of spankings, diapers, shaving and non-consensual sex. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting to you or if you are a minor in your country of residence please leave now. I would also advise you that one should practice safe sex at all times and not be careless like my fictional characters.

This work is copyrighted by the author and commercial use is prohibited without a written permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and if including the copyright notice.

As the author I would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including constructive criticism, suggestions or maybe just a short note if you find this story worthy to be continued.

Chapter 20

I waited a bit to give the boy some time to adjust to his sitter, before I followed them to the large terrace in the back. Edwards was still standing there, holding the door for me.

"Would you like some refreshments served out here?"

"Yeah, bring me something while I watch those two. Thanks, Edwards."

"Of course , Sir." He disappeared inside the house while I got comfortable in one of the deck-chairs to enjoy the view.

"Justin, make him sit: there is something I need to give you." I waved the young guy over to me.

"Sure thing, Sir. Sit, Baby." He yanked on the leash and got Baby down on the ground.

"No, boy, a dog doesn't sit like that." With that he forced him to kneel and started to push his knees out to each side of his body. Baby's two hands were placed flat in front of his crotch; he was crouched down in a real awkward position.

"Now, get your ass down, doggy and then stay until I come back." He pushed Baby's crotch into the ground, reached into his pocket and pushed something between his lips.

"See, a good doggy gets a treat." He petted his head and then walked slowly over to me.

"Here. Justin, if you're going to train him to pee, you'll need this remote. This button here opens his piss valve, so when you want him to relieve himself, push it and he'll piss. If you push it again, it closes. His bladder should be really full soon since he had over a gallon of fluids just before you came, so he will need to go in a couple of minutes."

"Thank you, this will help a lot, if I can control his bladder. Most dog-boys have a cath, but this will be a lot more comfortable for me to use."

He took the device and went back to the pet, who was still crouched on the ground.

"Do you have to go pet?" He leaned down to carefully watch Baby's face.

"Yes, I..." Baby never finished his sentence; the slap across his face caught him totally unawares.

"Dogs don't talk; they wag their tails. Now show me how you can wag yours. First the one in the back, and then the one in front." Justin pulled him back on all fours and stepped behind him.

"Wag that tail, or you won't be allowed to go potty." He pulled on the leash to force the pet's head up, forcing him to arch his back. He looked like one of those thoroughbred dogs in a contest. Hesitantly he started to shake his naked ass a bit, making the tail end of his plug wag. The movement made his breasts jiggle, they were swinging back and forth like udders on a cow. Delicious.

"Is that all? Come on, you can do better than that." He pulled on the leash again. My pet started to shake his ass more, the tail now moving quite discernible.

"Good boy. Now let's look for a nice spot so you can do your business." Justin walked him to a spot just off the main path and unhooked his leash.

"Now, sit up and beg, doggy and shake your front-tail." Standing in front of the pet, his hands at his waist, he looked at Baby and waited for him to move his hips. The pressure of his bladder must have been uncomfortable by now, because he immediately started to thrust his hips back and forth, making his erect cock bob.

"You are such a fine puppy. Now show me how you go potty."

The pet got back on all fours and crawled towards a tree.

"No, boy, only grown male dogs use a tree. You are a little bitch puppy, you sit down like a girl." Once more he helped Baby into that position on the ground, forced his knees wide apart, but instead of putting his hands in front of him, the sitter pulled them back to rest on his calves.

"Now, this is the position for you to go potty." He stepped to the side and took the remote to open the valve.

I watched as a golden arc of liquid splashed on the ground, my boy almost slumped in relief when he felt his bladder drain. He tensed up again, as the valve was shut off again.

"That's enough for now. We'll play a game now. I throw this Frisbee and you try to catch it and bring it back to me. When I shout 'potty' you immediately get down in your potty position and I let you pee some more. As soon as you hear me call, you got three seconds to get into position or you won't get relieved. Got that?" The pet nodded his head and moved back to his hands and knees.

Justin pulled out a Frisbee and started chasing my Baby all over the lawn. He made him leap and crawl, ignoring his whines of discomfort due to his full bladder.


Without delay, my boy arranged himself into the potty-position, being allowed to yet release another short stream of urine on the ground.

I was amazed at how fast the pet had acclimatized himself to the fact of being treated like a dog. The exercise was repeated three more times. Baby's body was starting to glisten from sweat. It has been a couple of weeks since his body was forced to undergo such a physical exertion. After about an hour I called them both to stop. Baby hung his dripping head, panting heavily with exertion and humiliation.

"Justin, I think that's it for today. Thank you so much for coming. It's almost 5 pm now, I need to get him cleaned up, he needs to be fed and do his prescribed exercises before he goes to sleep."

I took the leash from his hand and shook his other.

"I'll get in touch with you again. I really would like you to come back to work with him."

"That would be great, I really like exercising Baby, he is a good puppy." He smiled once more at me, while accompanying us inside the house, the pet still crawling on all fours.

I gave the leash to Albert who was waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

"Albert, will you get him hosed down for me, he needs to get his exercises before we feed him."

"Sure. Come on Baby, time for your shower." The big nurse pulled him upstairs, while I walked Justin to the door.

"Thanks for letting me work with him for a bit. Whenever you want a repeat, get in touch with Lady Susan and she'll let me know."

"Thank you for taking the time with him. It leaves a better impression with the pet if a stranger puts him through his paces instead of me." I shook his hand once more and watched him leave the house.

By the time I got upstairs, Baby was already showered and Albert was getting the harness off him, so we could continue with his exercises.

Again he was strapped into the chair in the exam room, his legs in the stirrups were spread as far as they would go and I bent down to examine his now exposed red ass. His pussy lips were still puffy from the beating before, nicely swollen and protruding: just the way I wanted them. I pulled down the zipper of my pants and quickly stroked my half-erect cock to a full erection.

"Now my little baby-boy, Daddy is going to breed his naughty bitch. This will make you sleep better." I pushed into his non-resisting hole and started to slowly fuck his nicely stretched pussy. Using the remote to turn the current to full height, I watched as Baby started to squirm. I changed the angle of penetration to make sure I would hit his prostate with every thrust of my hard dick. With every thrust he moaned, getting more aroused with each stroke against the little nub inside his ass. I set a slow and steady pace, wanting to enjoy the fucking of my pet for as long as possible. I concentrated on the slapping sound of my groin against his ass, watching his clit move with every thrust of my cock. On their own accord my hands started to move towards the soft mounds of his breasts, kneading them, pulling on the long nipples, rolling them between my fingers, pinching and twisting them. The moans got louder and I picked up my pace. Plowing into him faster now, he moved his head from side to side, clearly wanting release. When I finally felt my balls seize up, ready to unload my sperm into my bitch's pussy, I pulled on his nipples roughly, gave him one last hard thrust, and shot a big load of cum deep into his ass. He yelled from the pain in his nipples, desperately trying to thrust his hips up to make himself come. Poor pet; he still didn't realize that he would be remain unsatisfied most of the time

"Please Daddy, please... I need to come... my balls are full..."

"No, Baby, you can't come. That's not good for you." I pulled my spent dick out of him with a loud sucking noise.

"But...Daddy, please... I need to..."

"Albert, he is ready now." I stepped back, pulled down the hydraulic arm, and attached a thick 11 inch dildo on it. I wanted him to be fucked deep today. With one swift push the device slipped into his lubricated hole, stretching his ass lips tightly around it.

"That will keep my juice in you, my pet." I set the arm to a slow pace; making sure his pussy would be methodically stretched while the dildo thrust in an out and turned the dial for the vibrations on high speed. The feeding rack was once more over his head, the cock-nipple was a size larger than the one Albert had used for his lunch. A bag that held at least a gallon was hanging at the top of the rack, filled with Baby's dinner mixed again with the laxatives and the diuretics. For good measure we had also added a couple of ground up Viagra to give him a memorable night.

"I'll make sure the bag will be emptied, Sir." Albert lowered the nipple into the pet's mouth and let it sink in deep.

"Relax your throat, boy, this needs to go all the way in."

"Wonderful, the exercise is set up for one hour, so take your time. I'll be in my office."

I stuffed my penis back into my pants and left the room.

In my office I switched the screens on to monitor Baby's progress with his dinner. I needed to make some phone calls before I would have the time to review the pet's work on the computer.

I also called my office to check in on Marcy and her progress with the new assistant. She sounded very pleased with him, telling me that he spent most of his days tied to her desk. I guessed she meant that literally - I would have to make a trip downtown soon.

Looking back to the screens, I saw that Albert was about to move the feeding rack away from Baby's mouth, he was done with his dinner. On my way back upstairs, I called Edwards telling him that we would be down to have a light dinner in about 30 minutes.

In the exam room Baby was still strapped to the chair, sporting a protruding belly from his generous feeding. He would have a wonderful night

"All right Albert, let's put the pet to bed for the night." I moved to loosen the straps while Albert wiped his crack clean: my seed was still dripping out of him. Albert helped him to his feet and steadied him as he swayed back and forth as a result of having recently spent most of his time either on all fours or lying or sitting strapped to a chair.

I took the cleaned harness from the gurney and buckled it around his waist, fastening the front plate after putting a tight cock-ring in place. His balls would be nice and full the next morning, perfect for a thorough milking. I connected the back-plate with the funnel to his waist-band, making sure his sphincter closed snugly around the wide tube. This would help Baby to easily fill his diaper over night forcing his ass to stay dilated around the unyielding plastic.

"Albert, I need the special diapers with the cutout for his balls. They need another stretching tonight."

Baby moaned and whimpered at the mention of diapers. "Please," he whispered. "Please stop!"

Paying no attention to Baby's protests, Albert got me the diapers that had a small opening through which the pet's sac would be pulled through. Any spillage would be prevented by a gasket-like membrane that would close tightly around the base of his scrotum adding to his discomfort. I stacked 6 special cut pads inside the diaper, judging by his distended belly he would definitely need them. While I was adjusting the pads, Albert handed me the pet's medicine for tonight. Matt had concocted a new type of suppository that would, once it melted, be absorbed by the tissue of Baby's rectum and cause itching that would last for several hours and aid his useless boy-clit in staying hard

I pushed Baby's shoulders, forcing him to bend at the waist and expose his pussy. I spread a generous dose of Matt's salve for Baby's ass on his already irritated backside, making sure that also his skin under the harness would get a burning sensation. Using three fingers to apply the cream also inside his pussy, I slipped four suppositories into him, pushing them as deep as my fingers would go. When the salve covered his groin and ass with an almost 1/2 inch thick layer I pulled the diaper up, adjusted his stiff clitty in the tailor-made bulge and closed the front.

"Mr. Townsend, I think we should use the Olga-Diapers as well, I don't think the regular one will be enough."

"How many times did you have to go today, my pet?" At first it seemed he didn't hear me, too caught up in the sensations caused by the salve, the implant and the suppositories. His ass was burning, his insides itching and the constant buzz in his dick caused a kind of sensory overload.

"Did you go potty today?" The only answer I got was moaning sounds.

"Boy, talk to me or I have to punish you again." That finally got his attention.

"No... I... please make it's too much. It burns so bad..." He wriggled his ass, trying to rub himself against the chair. His salve-wrapped crotch would have to endure constant irritation throughout the night.

"He didn't go; he only had the two cleanings, Sir." Albert ignored Baby, getting the pink, bulky contraption from the closet and held them out for Baby to step into them. I steadied the pet while Albert pulled the diapers up and helped him over to his nursery.

"I think we should use the sling for him tonight, I don't think we should take the risk of him rubbing his ass raw on the mattress."

"You're right." I pulled the soft bands down from above the bed to lie on the mattress, Albert got Baby in the right position and we hooked him into the device he would spend the night in.

After he was securely fastened in, I pushed the lever on the side of the bed starting the motor that would elevate the body of my pet to about a foot over the bed. The swing would force him to concentrate solely on his body's sensations, mainly those of his genitals. The diapers would intensify the effect of the salve-treatment through the heat and sweat it would generate.

"Don't please... I..." He was squirming and wiggling now, but the sling did nothing to ease the itching or burning, there was just nothing there which he could use to rub himself against to distract him from that. I used a thick bungee-cord, tied it to his balls, stretched it tight and fastened it to another chain that hung from the ceiling. Pulling the chain up, made his body swing towards the ceiling, moving his gravity point off center. His body-weight would force his balls into a rather painful stretch, working against him.

"Good night, my pet, sleep tight."

I went to the door, turned up the heat and switched the lights off before Albert and I left our toy for the night.

We went downstairs to the dining-room where plates of sandwiches were waiting for us

"Let's fill our plates Albert, and go review what our Baby has written down for us."

"That's a good idea, I'm really curious about that." We filled our plates, took the drinks and headed for my office.

I opened the copied file of the questionnaire and used the screen on the wall as a monitor so we could both read what my pet had written down as answers.

....I hate the feeling of somebody putting something into me; this is how a woman must feel when she gets raped...

....Daddy is doing embarrassing things to me, he tells me that they are part of the treatment but can a treatment really include ejaculating into my ass...

....the diaper feels warm and it's a relief when I can fill it...

....I can't explain why I get hard all the time... brother will help me; I know that he has forgiven me and our parents for abandoning him...

....I feel sexually aroused when they make me shit in my diaper...

....I want to come in my diaper...

....they put a metal tube in my cock clitty, it is horrible, the metal sticks out at the top and it's totally useless now, I can't even cum anymore...

....why did I get my ass-crack pierced in the hospital? I can't squeeze my ass cheeks together anymore, my hole pussy is all open and everybody can see it, while I walk...

....I'm not going to wear this underwear, it's all women's' stuff - I'm not a fag...

....why did I have to get this virus...

....I'm not a baby, but Daddy treats me like one, he changes my diaper and takes care of my pussy...

"Isn't it funny how the use of his vocabulary changes?" I said to Albert. "I really think he likes the diaper, because he is using my terms for everything related to it. He hates having to take it up the ass, and falls back on what a man would normally say."

....I hate it when they force me to have an enema, I don't want this, it's humiliating to empty my pussy in front of them...

....I need to get away from here at the first possible chance; they do all these perverted things to me, turning me into a freak...

....I almost came when Albert spanked my ass...

....this is torture, why is nobody stopping them from doing this to me...

....the punishments hurt so bad, I don't want to be punished...

....they did something to my balls, they are so heavy now, and they hurt when I walk, always slapping against my legs...

....when my breasts ache, Daddy sucks them empty and they feel better...

....I'm afraid of what else they will do to me...

"It is getting to him for sure; I'm surprised he even got that much together. Further into his training he might not be able to even get this much written down. He will also lose the 'I hate it' attitude. I will make sure of that." I smiled at the pet's words, clearly showing the confusion in him.

"It seems to me, that he can't deal with his arousal due to the treatment. You should let him have at least one orgasm soon." Albert looked over the words again.

"Oh, he will have an orgasm, but I want to make sure he works for it. He needs to learn that an orgasm is a reward of sorts, and it should be connected to some unique pain to make him crave that pain in order to be allowed to cum. He's perfect for receiving his pleasure in pain, each time you spanked him he was leaking pre-cum."

"You could hook him up to the modified breast-pump and use the milk-machine on his cock. It will suck everything out of him. And if you do this while he is on the cleaning chair... Turn all devices to the highest setting and he will be in pain."

"I thought about something like that, but what if I want him to have an orgasm somewhere else? I would have to change the scenario, and that would negate the original intent. Then again, maybe I should just make sure he is in any kind of pain while cumming. I talked to Matt about it, and he thought about attaching e-stim pads on his balls and putting a couple inside his ass, shoving the nuts into his pussy, secure them there with a special plug and tight latex-pants. In addition we could fill up his bladder through a balloon cath, strap him down with his stomach over a wedge to increase pressure and then use the tens unit on the highest setting. He will try to hump himself against the bolster despite the pain until he comes. But I also like your idea of using the milking machines very much. I could assign one day a month to be his cum-day and let him have two orgasms. One though each method..."

"Sounds like a solid plan. That way he'll know that he will be allowed to have an occasional orgasm, and he will even know when he gets to have them. Rules are good for him."

"Talking about rules... I think I did tell pussy-boy to ask every two hours to beg for a cock to suck on and he didn't. His ass will still be raw and very soft tomorrow, thanks to his cream-diaper. He will get his ass, pussy and balls spanked after cleaning and breakfast. I think 20 strokes on each should do it. Use the flogger on his ass, the switch on his pussy and the small whip on his balls. When you do his balls, make sure to have them stretched tight; I want good pressure on them and fasten them in place on a board, so you don't miss a hit. If he yells too much, add another 20 on his balls. I also want another infusion for his scrotum; it's still not big enough. Come to think of it, in the morning his breasts should be full again, maybe a couple of light strokes will help the pet to remember to obey the rules better."

"Do you want me to wait with his morning routine until you're there or do you want me to start right away?"

"Wait until I get there, I want to watch. I think I also want him to have another deep colonic tomorrow: he needs to be cleaned out good before he goes to the gym for his exercises."

"You're taking him to Steve's tomorrow?"

"I thought so, why? Do you think it is too early?"

"Well, he might behave badly being in front of strange people."

"I guess we will have to take that chance. He should know by now that he will be punished if he misbehaves, so he has a choice, right?"

"Right." Albert laughed and got up.

"I think I'm going to call it a night. It's going to be another long day tomorrow."

"If this is getting too much for you, Albert, you have to let me know." I looked at him with concern.

"No, not at all, I'm really having fun. And seeing as I am not attached to someone right now, there is nothing I'd love to do more than this. Your boy has to be taken down a notch or two, his attitude is just not acceptable and I'm glad you are giving me a break from the hospital work with Matt. As long as he has no other projects, I'm here to stay."

"You know, I really appreciate you helping me with Baby. Thanks, man."

"You're welcome. Good night, Peter."

"Good night, Albert."

Next: Chapter 21

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