Training My Diaper Bitch

By Tony Myers

Published on Aug 11, 2023


Warning: This story contains scenes of spankings, diapers, shaving and non-consensual sex. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting to you or if you are a minor in your country of residence please leave now. I would also advise you that one should practice safe sex at all times and not be careless like my fictional characters.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without a written permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and if including the copyright notice.

As the author I would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including constructive criticism, suggestions or maybe a short note if you find this story worthy to be continued.

Chapter 2

When I arrived at my office the next morning Marcy, my secretary had already made an appointment with my delicious looking new pet for 2 o'clock this afternoon. I called Matt and told him to come up to my office as soon as possible. It really was convenient that he practiced in the same building where my office was. It didn't take more than 30 minutes for him to show up. "Good morning, Peter. What brings you that early to your office?" he asked while lazily flopping down on the comfortable chair in front of my desk. "You won't believe it, Matt, but I found him. The perfect boy. The one I was always hoping for." I was so excited I couldn't sit still. I went to the door and told Marcy to bring us some coffee and refreshments. "You did? Where did you find him?" I quickly told him about my search for an assistant and the phone call with Josh. "Well, he does sound perfect. So how do we go about it? What is your plan?" he now smiled evilly, knowing that he would be a major part in the training of my new pet. "Well, he will be here this afternoon for his interview. The set-up will pretty much stay the same. As we had originally planned he will be given a large dose of the fast-acting diuretic you developed. I want him to have an embarrassing accident right here in front of me. Also he will be given a really strong laxative so he will have no time to get to a bathroom. I want him to soil himself in front of me. So you better get me the most effective stuff you can come up with and lace it with something that will make him a bit more pliable. He will need it." "You really are a bastard. You want him to piss and shit in his pants in front of you? And here you always tell me what a sadistic pervert I am." I was really impressed with how seriously indignant he could sound. "What will happen then?" "I will try to calm him down at that point and tell him that I have this really good friend who happens to be a specialist for that problem and that I will call him to the office to help him with his predicament. Of course all of it will be handled with the utmost discretion. That's where you come in. I want you to come up here with one of your mobile examination tables, I clean him up, we strap him in and then you will do what you do best. Start poking around in his holes. I already have the cameras installed, so everything will be caught on film." "Do I give him a diagnosis?" the smirk on Matt's face couldn't possibly get any bigger. "Of course. Some stress-induced incontinence. You will get him some medication and tell him to take it every couple of hours. And then we will diaper him and send him home with his laxatives and diuretics and a spare diaper. We need to make sure that he fills his diapers to the bursting point. In my experience there is nothing better suited to strip a man of his self-esteem than forcing him permanently into a diaper. I have already a team on stand-by that will install cameras in his apartment while he is with me, so we can have him under surveillance 24/7." "And I'll tell him, that it should stop within 2 hours. If his incontinence continues through the night he should come back in first thing in the morning for an in-depth examination. Sounds great." "I knew I could count on you, you sick fuck. Go get me that stuff and prepare everything for the show." I finished my coffee and for the first time in months I felt happy.

It was almost impossible to concentrate on my work but in order to get everything prepared for the coming weeks I had to. I still needed an assistant to man my office while I would be playing at home. Life was really cruel sometimes. Here I was - at the top of my career, a 33 year old good looking executive (if I may say so myself), a most promising future ahead - looking through job-applications. Sitting back with a sigh I called Marcy in. "Marcy? Could you come in please and bring yourself some coffee. This will take longer..." "I'll be right in, Mr. Townsend." Sure enough the door opened and in come the person I relied on most. "Marcy, I do need help with this. I would really appreciate your thoughts on some of these guys." I tried to make myself sound desperate in hopes of making her feel sorry for me. "You know that doesn't work with me, Mr. Townsend. I've been working for you since you took the company over ten years ago, I know you better than anybody else. I'm not feeling sorry and don't even think about trying to send me on a guilt-trip." She just sat down and smiled at me unfazed while stirring sugar in her coffee. "You are one cold-hearted woman, Marcy. I thought I ask you for your opinion because you would have to deal with my assistant in the future." "What about Mr. Walker? I thought he'd be the one you decided on?" "Well, he will be better suited as my personal assistant, so I still need someone to take care of things from here." "Personal as in that kind of personal?" I knew for quite some time now, that she had somehow found out about my little hobby and she had been a valuable help for me when I started to remodel my house. She managed to get the construction done in record time, even suggested changes that I haven't thought of that led me to believe that she knew exactly what type of environment I was trying to create. Come to think of it, she did appear rather stern when dealing with other employees, though more so with male ones. "Yes, as in that kind of personal." She sighed and looked at the folders. "And here I thought you wanted me to enjoy work when you're not here. I would have liked to have such a nice looking guy at my beck and call for while. Will you at least bring him in once in a while, so I can have some fun too?" "You know I would do almost anything to keep you happy here. But before we get to that, there is that little problem of an assistant. I would really like you to take over the running of the office and hire some help for you. The board of directors is pretty much able to take care of things and I will be of course spending most of my time at the office at home. So, why don't you choose one of these guys?" "An assistant for my use?" I wasn't sure if that slightly evil smile was supposed to reassure me, it sure did make me feel sorry for the poor guy who would have to work for her. And there really wasn't anybody I trusted more than her to make sure that things ran smoothly when I wasn't in the office. "They're all yours, Marcy. Take your time and pick the one you want. They all have almost the same kind of education and experience, so any of them should be competent enough to do the job." "Well, then thank you, Mr. Townsend, I'll take these folders off your hands and go through them. I'll inform you as soon as I made a decision and we can talk about it again. Would that be alright with you?" "That would not only be alright, Marcy, but perfect." She gathered the files from my desk and started towards the door. "Ah, Marcy, one more thing though." She stuck her head back in. "Make sure his collar and leash are hidden under a suit and jacket, you'll never know who comes walking in." I was still laughing after the door was closed with considerable force.

Finally! All I had left to do for today was to prepare myself for the interview with my new personal assistant. I opened his file again and looked at the face with that boyishly cocky grin. I tried to picture how he would look like when he realized that he had wetted his pants, but all I could see in my mind was the outline of a nicely developed package, the wet fabric of his pants clinging to his flesh, showing every dip and curve of his crotch, exposing him to him to me for the very first time. Without realizing it I had stroked myself to an erection again. Pictures of how it would be to have him lay in front of me flashed through my mind: legs spread, a desperate look on his face while I opened the front of the diaper he would wear, unwrapping his prick like a present, having it presented to me in all its beauty, sticking out from his body because of the harness I would have made for him and all of it for me to use. I had to pull my pants down again, before I started to come in my pants. I thought about the plugs I would use to stretch his ass, he would learn to want them in him; craving the feeling of fullness they would give, stretching him to the fullest. He would realize over time how careful and deliberate the toys were chosen just for him: the boy I had waited for.

I started to stroke myself harder now, making sure the underside of my cock was sliding along my wrist. The feeling was delicious, but my balls were also in need of some attention. With my other hand I started to massage them, pulling them away from my body a bit. I felt my stomach muscles tighten and began to pump myself faster. I let go of my balls and let my hand wander up my flat stomach towards my nipples. Gently tugging on the small ring that was pierced through the top at first, then slowly rolling and twisting it between my thumb and forefinger - just as I liked it. God, I wished I had more hands than just the two every human was stuck with. But wait - I large grin appeared on my face - it wouldn't be too long now until I had four. Playing with my other nipple now I started to speed up my stroking fist. I had to get some lube even though I was already dripping pre-cum on the seat of my leather chair. By now my sac wass tightly pulled in and I couldn't delay getting the lube any longer. Letting go of my nipple I got it out of the drawer and poured some over my hard-on. With the lube all over me I just couldn't hold back anymore. I let my fist ride over the head of my dick and squeezed. I loved the feeling of having my prick roughly jerked, being squeezed tight and milked, even if I had to do it myself. My fist never got tired of the repeat motion that was necessary to have my release. I felt my insides coiling up and then the streams of cum started to erupt, spilling what I couldn't catch with my palm, on my desk again. Spurt after spurt came out and I shook with each one. Breathing heavily now, I ran my thumb over the thick head smearing my cum all over it. Rubbing my thumb in circles around my now very sensitive piss-slit made me shudder with the intensity of the almost hurt that evoked. Life was just fucking great!

After I calmed down again I got up to get a towel out of the bathroom. Somehow this was becoming a daily routine, getting myself off in the office, spurting my cum like furniture polish all over my desk. I glanced guiltily at the polished surface, the gleaming wood reminding me of...No! I forced myself to think of something else. I couldn't run around all day in the office with a raging hard-on like a teenager. And even though I considered myself being in prime condition, I wanted to save my spunk for the days to come and not make myself waste it just because thinking of my pet made me horny like a teenager. I sat back down and started to work on my papers that miraculously had piled up on my desk again.

Fifteen minutes before the meeting, I called in Marcy and told her to make some coffee and set up everything for Mr. Walker right here in my office. It only took her a couple of minutes to bring in a stylishly elegant thermo and a crystal pitcher with water. I poured the meds into both of them and left my office to check on Matt. I let Marcy know that I might be a couple of minutes late and that she was to make sure that Mr. Walker was taken care of in my office. Yeah, right, he would be taken care of, although not in a way he could imagine.

In Matt's office I was watching my friend make his last minute preparations. The metal examination table was a dream made out of chrome and steel, with leather padding and retractable stirrups. He got it and a couple of more sophisticated models in Europe where they were used by gynecologists, but of course he had them modified to his specialized taste. The patients could be strapped down across the chest; their legs were placed in the stirrups and fastened with straps over thighs and ankles which left them totally immobile. The stirrups could be moved outwards to obscenely expose the genital area and the bottom could be dropped down to have perfect access to the ass. The chair could be moved up and down with an adjustable back-rest for a more convenient positioning of the patient. If you ask me this was a true wonder of technology if there ever was one. The more sophisticated versions of the chair were not mobile, had to be built in and anchored and I was really happy that one of these was set up in my house waiting for my boy. He would find himself strapped into it more often than not. It was only fair to give him a slight taste of what was to be a part of his future beforehand.

By the time Matt and me were done going over everything, it was already 15 minutes after 2. The meds would take effect within 30 minutes and after an additional 15 minutes lead to a violent reaction that would make Mr. Walker forcefully empty his bladder and purge his bowels. At this point I wasn't sure if I could successfully hide my excitement of seeing my diaper slut humiliating himself for his new Master for the first time. It was like being on a drug-high thinking about how I would debauch him into total dependence for even the most basic body functions. He would have to learn that even emptying his bladder was up to his master.

"Don't forget to give him the injections tomorrow, Matt. He will need larger balls and little girl tits on that muscled chest. I want to have him little mounds like a teenage girl has, when she starts hitting puberty. I would also like you to prepare everything in your clinic for him, so he can be fitted for the permanent insert and the piercings. We will let him go home tomorrow, although I thought about offering him a nurse to start preparing him. Make sure he starts getting swollen nuts immediately, so we can start the stretching right away. I want those nuts to hang lower than his cock-head. I want him checked in your clinic within the next three days."

"Looking forward to it, Peter. I'll see you in a bit."

Next: Chapter 3

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