Training My Diaper Bitch

By Tony Myers

Published on Sep 10, 2023


Warning: This story contains scenes of spankings, diapers, shaving and non-consensual sex. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting to you or if you are a minor in your country of residence please leave now. I would also advise you that one should practice safe sex at all times and not be careless like my fictional characters.

This work is copyrighted by the author and commercial use is prohibited without a written permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and if including the copyright notice.

As the author I would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including constructive criticism, suggestions or maybe just a short note if you find this story worthy to be continued.

Personal note: This is the last finished chapter I have up until today. I will continue to write this story, but I got stuck with chapter 19 and it won't go the way I want it to. So, I'll take a break from the story for a couple of days and rewrite the chapter in hopes that it will turn out better. Thanks for the encouragement I received so far, I really appreciate everyone writing me. Thanks again.

Tony, this chapter is for you...

Chapter 18

I can't even begin to describe the feelings that coursed through me, knowing that my boy had just signed his future over to me. There would be no going back for him now. I was sure that I would be able to train Baby to be the pet I wanted. He would depend on me for his most basic body functions, where a baby learns how to control its bladder, I wanted him to un-learn it. I wanted him to forget he had a muscle that could control it. His ass wouldn't be that much of a challenge, laxatives and a well-trained hole would take care of it. And well-trained it would be. I wanted him to let go without thinking about it too much, not even considering that there used to be a reflex connected to his most primitive urges. I wanted a boy who could innocently open his body for my pleasure, paying no attention to the restrictions dictated by society's expectations regarding age or status. The only restrictions he would have to recognize would be the ones I gave him, nothing else would have to matter to him. In time he would be eager for me to breed him, begging me to let him suck me off, he would offer me his tits to milk them for him, he would become the perfect bitch-boy and enjoy it. I pictured myself coming home from work, Baby waiting in the hall, bend over to present his diapered little ass, wearing what I called the fuck-me-specials, all pink and frilly with a hole in the back that was closed with a nice big plug - they didn't need to be taken off, I only had to remove his plug and could plunge right in...


I turned around. Edwards stood in the door looking at me.

"Sir, there is a delivery for you from Barneys'."

"Oh wonderful, I have already been waiting for them. I'll be down in a minute."

"Matt, Albert? Do you need me in here right now? I would like to go and welcome Steve to the house and show him where I want the new devices set up. We'll be up here in a bit."

"Oh sure, go ahead. All I need to do is to put the upgraded guiche rings in and we're done. Albert can continue to feed him while we wait for you."

I left to go downstairs to greet Steve and his team. They were already waiting in the hall, three well-built guys, ready to do some heavy lifting.

"Good morning Steve, how nice that you were able to come so early." I offered him my hand and he shook it enthusiastically.

"Good morning Peter. I thought we shouldn't let you wait for your order. I thought the guys and me would bring everything inside first and then you can show me where you want everything."

"Sure go ahead."

I watched them go to the truck and move the rest of the boxes. It was a real treat to watch those muscles bulge with the extortion, Steve really was exceptionally built, but I had to admit the other two were not bad either. Seemingly effortless they moved the heavy equipment. I was sure the steel-made devices were weighing hundred of pounds; the only sign that they really had to put some muscle into it was the sweat making their clothes cling to their bodies. Their t-shirts were stretched tight over big muscles; sweaty jeans were outlining taut asses making them look delicious. Finally they moved the last box in and set it down.

"Edwards, why don't you offer those two gentlemen some refreshments and introduce them to your little pet? I'm sure they would appreciate it. I will take Steve upstairs and show him around, so he can help me decide where to put everything."

"That's a wonderful idea, Sir. If you would follow me, gentlemen?"

Edwards led the guys towards the kitchen where his pet was probably waiting all eager and horny to be fucked.

"So. Let's go upstairs, Steve. You're just in time. Dr. Jackson has been working on your brother the whole morning. I'm very sure you'll like the results. He looks perfect."

He followed me up the stairs to the nursery.

"Wow, this is where you keep him? I like the bed with the pulleys. Do you use them for stretching only?"

"Right now, yeah. But let me show you the bathroom."

I let him walk into the bath first, knowing that he was one of the few people to be able to appreciate all the installations.

"The chair has got to be set up here. This is ingenious; I'd love to play in here. This is fucking great, Peter. You are one sick motherfucker. I love it. I think I will volunteer for house-sitting every time you're away. Going on vacation any time soon? I heard the weather in Maui is nice this time of year..." He grinned at me.

"You can come here and play any time you want, Steve. Regard it as some kind of compensation for your brother's behavior in the past. It's being corrected right now and I would love to have you here if you want to aid him in his efforts to become a better person."

"Of course I will do anything to help my brother. After all, we're still family." He laughed and followed me to the exam room. He stayed a bit behind me, so I turned and looked at him questioningly.

"I'm sweaty all over, I'm sure I must smell. Even my jeans are all wet, so I thought I stay a bit back."

"Don't worry about that, Steve. There is nothing wrong with honest sweat. If you want you can take a shower later." I motioned him forward and opened the door.

"I might just take you up on that offer." He laughed again and then just stopped, standing in the open door with his mouth gaping open.

"This... this is unbelievable. Look at that. Shit, I've never seen anything like that before."

He walked into the room trying to take in everything at once; he took steps into one direction just to retreat and take another step to the opposite direction.

"This is fucking perfect, Peter. I can't believe I'm seeing this."

"This where we treat and exercise the pet. Matt, I'd like to introduce Steve Walker to you. Steve, this is Dr. Matt Jackson." Matt looked up from between my pet's legs and smiled at the newcomer.

"I just got done with your brother." He stood up and stretched, and then with a grand gesture stepped away from his 'patient'.

"So, what do you think? Doesn't he look perfectly slutty? I wish all of my patients were like him, taking the treatment and carrying off the results like that. He is a natural little pussy- bitch-boy."

Steve came closer, looking amazed at the sight of his brother all spread out, his dick sticking up, perversely stretched with a now bulging head, two large piercings attached to long swollen nipples, two more adorning his ass-crack. And then those balls. I was sure he has never seen anything like that before. Two oversized orbs in a large plump sac, it looked enormous.

"Can I touch them?"

"Oh sure, they are there to be played with."

I watched as Steve took the weighty genitals in his hands, hefting them in his palms, squeezing and rubbing them.

"They are beautiful. Made to be whipped. I'm impressed with the little slut, he really does have potential."

Matt applied a special cream with steroids for a fast healing to Baby's nipples.

"Yeah, I'm really proud of them. He will need special treatments for them, so we made sure there was enough of them to be treated." While talking he absently petted the soft mounds and squeezed them until they started leaking.

"Oh, it looks like someone needs a milking. Would you mind helping out with that? I still need to empty his balls, too much sperm has accumulated there, that's not good for him."

Through all this my pet just lay there, staring in mute shock as his brother, who didn't seem to be concerned with his state at all. He tried to talk around the dildo-nipple in his mouth, trying to get his attention - all of which Steve ignored. Once more I motioned with my hand, inviting Steve to join me on the girly looking buffet before us.

"You have to suck as hard as you can, he really likes that, makes him all hard and dripping, just make sure to only get the tip and not the cream at the base of his nipples."

Steve bend down over his brother, squeezed and pulled on the soft breast and took the tip of the dripping inch-long cone in his mouth. I turned to my own source of the precious liquid. I bit down hard on the nipple, only to soothe it with my tongue before sucking it into the moist cavern of my mouth. A moan from my pet just made me suck harder and harder. I knew he would be sore from it, he better got used to that feeling fast. I wanted those tits to be swollen and begging me for giving them relief. Steve was chewing on the other nipple clearly enjoying himself.

While we were busy on the tits, Matt had gotten a weird shaped dildo and inserted it into Baby's ass. He was massaging the prostate with it, slowly forcing the sperm out of him without allowing him an orgasm. He worked the dildo in the pink hole until the first drops of cum started to leak out of the metal tip.

"Ah. Will you look at that? The valve is positioned exactly where it is supposed to be. He's leaking. Keep sucking until I got him empty, hurry up before he starts to tumefy."

Steve and I exchanged looks over my moaning pet's chest and resumed our vigorous sucking until we had him empty. His nipples were red and puffy, standing up nice and erect. Delicious.

"Okay, we're done for today." Matt pulled the dildo out of Baby's ass, dropped it on a tray and stepped away from the chair. I moved around to look at my pet's new jewelry and was happy to see how good the two-inch d-rings looked on him. The curved part of the ring was hidden from view, deeply inserted in his crack, the straight part keeping his ass-cheeks wide apart. They would prevent his hole from being hidden, just as I wanted it - my slut's hole should always be nicely presented and accessible.

"He looks great, Matt. Just perfect. What do you think, Steve?"

"Me? I think I'm about to shoot my load into my jeans just from looking at him." His eyes were still roaming over his brother's body, taking in every detail - like he was trying to commit it to his memory forever.

"Why don't you? Baby can always help you clean them up, right Ricky? You would love to help your brother?" I looked at him inquiringly and lowered the back of the chair, so Steve could straddle his face.

"Why don't you hump his face for a bit, get yourself to a nice orgasm while you inspect his little clit and the balls? Just make sure he sucks all the come from you, he hasn't had his protein shot yet."

I didn't have to ask Steve twice. I had just barely removed the gag when he moved over Baby's face like for a 69 position, pressing his wet, sweaty crotch down on him hard.

"Lick my juices, you bitch. Get a taste of a real man and make me cum." He rubbed his crotch over his nose and mouth.

"You better get that tongue out, young man." I took a hold of his balls and pulled. Baby gave a muffled yelp into the worn cotton material. I pulled again, harder this time.

"Tongue. Out. Now. Or you'll regret it."

His pink tongue slipped out, tentatively starting to lick the sweaty jeans.

"Put a bit more effort in it, brother, I can't hardly feel you." Steve had both of his hands on the pet's dick now, fiddling with the tip, snapping his fingers against it, squeezing the enormous bulb. He pulled at the ring to bend it towards him, his hand formed a fist around the shaft and he began to stroke it.

He manipulated the engorged shaft, while his brother licked the cotton covering his crotch. Steve was rubbing himself on Baby's face faster now, his breathing accelerated and I was sure he would cum any second now.

"Suck my crotch now, pussy-boy, suck it hard." He gyrated his hips some more, his hand yanked at the pet's dick harder and he exploded. He thrust his hips forward, three, four times, creaming his jeans. A large wet spot formed on the front of his pants.

"Now, little brother it's time for you to get the front done." He moved a step away, turned around and positioned the stained jeans right in front of Baby's mouth.

"Steve, please... you've got help me... I don't..."

"Oh, I'll help you, brother, be sure. But first you need to suck." He pressed the zipper to his lips. His brother opened his mouth, enclosing as much of the wet material as he could.

"Yeah, you're doing good, bro. You're going to make a good cock-sucker, harder now..."

I watched as my pet sucked and licked on his brother's cum-drenched jeans, clinging tightly to a once again erect cock. He sucked the cum out of the soggy material, along with the musky sweat soaking the pants.

"You like that, don't you. Now why don't you open my zipper to get to the rest of it? You know you want it..." he bent down to the left side of his face and whispered with a low voice into his ear.

"Steve, please you've got to get me out of here... I can't take this..." Baby whimpered almost inaudible.

"Shh.... Ricky, just do I as I say now, I'm here to help you, just play along for now." He straightened up again, making sure that my pet couldn't see his face and winked at me.

Baby carefully took the zipper between his teeth and pulled it down. His hard-on almost jumped out of his tight confinement right into the boy's face.

"Now suck again and make sure to use your tongue, you cock-sucking slut. Work my prick and milk me."

Steve shoved his fat dick into his brother's mouth and started to move his hips. It was fun to watch him fuck my pet's face. His cheeks seemed almost hollow, he sucked so hard to please his brother. Steve buried his prick deep in Baby's throat, it seemed like our training with the dildo-nipples worked, he didn't gag at all, taking it in like a pro. He licked and slobbered over the erect cock, Steve was so deep inside of him, his pubes were brushing against the boy's lips.

"Yes, get your fill, taste me you bitch, this is what a real man smells like." His movements sped up, his balls were slapping against Baby's chin.

"God, your mouth is fucking hot, suck harder pussy-boy. You know you want it." It seemed like he tried to fuck his brother's throat raw, he was thrusting in and out so fast now.

"I'm gonna cum and you will swallow every drop of my cream, pussy-boy, aren't you?"

He slammed into his mouth again and again and then with one last stroke he buried his prick deep. His hips were bucking from the convulsions of his orgasm; it seemed to last forever until he had finally unloaded his cum in the boy-dumpster. Panting heavily now, he pulled himself free and bent down to his brother's face again.

"That was very good, you little cock-hungry pussy."

He wiped his dick on Baby's cheeks and put himself back into his jeans.

"I needed that, thanks Peter. Why don't we go now and get the guys to set up your stuff?"

I nodded and walked towards the door. Matt joined us, he was done for the day and needed to get back to his office. We left Albert to finish cleaning up the exam-room and went out the door.

"Peter? I would like some time alone with my brother. He thinks I'm gonna help him to get away from here. I believe he needs a brother-to-brother talk. Do you mind?"

"No, not at all. Thanks for being so open with me. I know he has a hard time adjusting to his new life, but he will be a better person, once he accepts it."

"Yeah, you should be stricter though. His parents spoiled him rotten, he is used to have everything happen as he wants it, getting everything he wants. He was raised with the proverbial golden spoon in his mouth."

His face showed distaste, he obviously remembered the treatment he received at the hand of Ricky's parents.

We went into the kitchen where the two guys were sitting at the kitchen table, Edward's pet draped bonelessly over it. He looked totally fucked out.

"Seems like somebody got a good fucking." I smiled at Edwards who was glowing with pride at how well his pet had performed.

"Yes, Sir, his performance was exceptionally good. He will receive a nice spanking later, he really worked for it."

"You might think about talking to Dr. Jackson about some treatment for your toy, I'm sure he would be delighted to help you come up with something adequate. A good boy like that deserves a treat."

"I will, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

Steve was already walking back into the hallway with his team to get started on the equipment.

"We'll put the chair into the bathroom. Where do you want the joy-rider?"

"I think that should go into my office. It will give me the necessary diversion from work, don't you think?"

"You're the boss. I think the office is fine. I'm working on something right now that you can put in the nursery, but it's not ready for use yet."

"Well, Steve if you need a test-object, I'm sure your brother will love to help you out." I grinned at him and he smiled back.

"Why don't you go upstairs to your brother and have that little talk with him while I see Matt out. I'll make sure that nobody interrupts you."

"I will, the guys know where to set up everything."

He turned towards Matt who had followed us back into the hall.

"It was nice meeting you, Matt. If you ever need some special equipment, let me know and I'm sure we can come up with the right design."

"I'm sure we would, thank you Steve. I will get in touch with you, I'm sure. Now, don't be too hard on your brother, he is just a confused little boy."

He went back upstairs while I escorted Matt to the door.

"Well, Peter, keep me updated and expect me to drop by from time to time. I'll see you around."

"Thanks Matt, I really appreciate your help with this. Come by any time for some playing if you feel like it. My house is always open for you."

I shook his hand and watched him drive out the gates.

Next: Chapter 19

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