Training My Diaper Bitch

By Tony Myers

Published on Sep 8, 2023


Warning: This story contains scenes of spankings, diapers, shaving and non-consensual sex. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting to you or if you are a minor in your country of residence please leave now. I would also advise you that one should practice safe sex at all times and not be careless like my fictional characters.

This work is copyrighted by the author and commercial use is prohibited without a written permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and if including the copyright notice.

As the author I would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including constructive criticism, suggestions or maybe just a short note if you find this story worthy to be continued.

Chapter 17

The next morning I woke up at eight refreshed and energetic. I went to take a shower, getting all hot and excited thinking about the day ahead of me. After I had dressed I went over to the nursery to look in on my pet. He was halfway awake, his eyes blinking, trying to figure out where he was. He looked adorable in his short night-gown, his heavy breasts indecently exposed, obviously full of milk. His nipples, pulled away from his chest, were swollen and had an angry red color; it would be a real treat to suck on them. I let my gaze wander down to his diapered middle, I knew the moment we would make him stand up it would hang heavy between his legs, full of his body's waste. His balls were tightly stretched away from his groin; the bungee cord had done a nice job in keeping tension on them overnight. I almost shivered with anticipation; I could already picture him, standing before me, his balls hanging low between his thighs, smooth and hairless as a child's but big and heavy like a bull's. Maybe I would make him squat low on my desk while I worked, so they would touch the smooth surface and I could play with them, roll them around or just press them against the wood. I could also see me paddling his bound sac, even whipping it - while he lay on his back with his legs folded up against his body - giving me free access. Some days I would stuff them inside his ass, so he could wear nice panties. Or use a chain to pull them back between his legs and attach it to the collar he would start wearing today. They would also look really hot in the humbler I got for him, on all fours he would have to crawl with his balls pulled to the backside of his thighs. Thinking of all the things I had planned for him made me horny again, but I knew there was no time for play right now, Matt would want to start soon and we had to get him cleaned up first.

"Good morning, Baby. You look like you have slept well in your new bed." I went and pressed a good morning kiss to his fore-head. Just then the door opened and Albert came in, followed by Matt.

"Good morning, Sir." His voice sounded a bit strained, he was definitely in pain.

"Good morning, Mr. Walker. I see you have settled in nicely. I've been hearing lots of good things about you last night." He smiled jovially at him, took his bound wrist between his fingers and looked at his watch like he was taking his pulse. Albert set the tray he was carrying down at a sideboard and came to help me freeing him from his restraints.

"I think we need to clean you up first. You can have your breakfast while we do the enemas and after a shower we can prep you for the treatment. I looked curiously at the metal brief-case Matt had set on the floor, dying to know what was inside. I knew it was his new insert, but Matt had been very secretive about it, not telling me the details only that it would blow my mind.

We lowered the rails on one side of the bed and helped him out the bed, Baby stood with his legs awkwardly spread, the heavy load between his legs making him feel uncomfortable.

"So, how are you this morning, Mr. Walker?"

"Good morning, Dr. Jackson. My chest hurts and feels weird, my balls are really aching and I don't feel good."

"Ah, don't worry about that. Your body is trying to adjust, but also fights against the treatment. It's a bit disorienting for you, but nothing to worry about, that's why you got Mr. Townsend to look after you. And let's not forget Albert who will help you through these phases. We'll get you straightened out over time. Now let's get you cleaned up, so you can have your breakfast.

While we walked over to the bath-room, Edwards showed up with three mugs of coffee. I was in dire need of some caffeine at that point.

"Edwards, you're a life-saver. Please set up break-fast in the dining-room, we will be down as soon as we get the pet settled."

"Yes Sir, I'll do that."

"How is your little toy this morning? Is he okay?"

"Oh yes, he enjoyed himself last night immensely. I will need to come up with an appropriate punishment."

"Don't be too cruel, he performed well last night."

"Thank you for the compliment, Sir. I will tell him later that you enjoyed him. I'll go take care of breakfast now. If you'll excuse me?"

"Sure. We will be down in half and hour."

Albert removed the heavily soiled diaper and threw it in the bin. We steered him to the shower to spray him down which seemed to wake him up a bit more. I carefully removed the harness, carefully unlocking it and pulling the plates off his prick and balls and out of his ass. Matt and I held Baby between us, while Albert cleaned his groin with some baby- wipes before we got him on the table and into the stirrups.

"What are you doing to me, please don't..." he struggled a bit, but between me and Albert we had him restrained in no time.

"Pet, it's your morning cleaning. We did that yesterday and we will do that tomorrow and the day after and everyday from now on. We can't let you get constipated, that would be really bad for you." I caressed his cheek and smiled reassuringly down on him.

Matt already had the nozzle attached to the soft tube; I knew he would want to give him a deep colonic enema and would at least push 20 inches of tubing into him and make him hold it until we got done having break-fast. He prepared a warm soap enema and filled the gallon bag. The greased nozzle went into my pet's hole and I watched as inch after inch disappeared inside my pet's ass. Baby whimpered and thrashed around but there was no way to escape the intrusion.

"For every minute of your whining another inch will go in." Matt grinned and shoved more of the tube in. After the 25 inch mark vanished inside the boy, he stopped and opened the valve on the bag, carefully squeezed it to make sure the soapy solution would go in nice and fast. The bag was halfway empty when Albert refilled it to the top. My pet would be filled to the brim if Matt got all of it inside of him.

"Albert, would you prepare the big plug and the waist strap?" Matt was about to squeeze the last quart inside my pet and needed to plug him up. I was gently massaging the distended belly of my boy, soothing him - enjoying his discomfort. Matt took the plug from Albert and quickly pulled out the tube. The moment the nozzle came into view he pressed the large plug in its place and held it there.

"Now get the waist-strap on him, we need to secure the plug. He is so full he might be able to push it out too soon." I deftly fastened the strap around his waist, pulled the two smaller ones down around his prick and balls, over the base of the plug and then attached it to the back of the strap, tightening it as much as possible. I was sure my pet was in pain now and the cramping should start any minute.

"Well, my pet. You will retain that now for a bit, as soon as we come back you can expel it."

All three of us left the bathroom and went downstairs for a quick break-fast. We sat down at the table to eat and discuss the day ahead.

"What is the next step in the routine you want for him?"

"We will put him in the shower for another two flushings, but that's only today. From tomorrow on we will alternate between the deep cleaning and the cleaning chair I bought at Barneys. So, whatever needs to be done, just do it. It won't interfere."

"Good. We will clean him up and out, take him in the exam-room and I will prepare the local anesthetics and remove the wand. We will leave it out for a bit, while I pierce the nipples, I'll give him his breast injections and another pair of shots for his balls. Then I will paralyze his bladder-muscle. It won't be permanent, but it'll be good for a two to three months. It works like Botox."

"That should be enough time to train him. He will learn to piss at my discretion, anytime and anywhere I want and enjoy doing it."

"Well, good then. The new wand will be a bit tricky to get in, so after it's in, we will need to fill his bladder and milk his prostate to make sure the valves are positioned right."

"Sounds great. I'm ready to start anytime you are."

"I guess then that there is no need to wait any longer, let's go and have some real fun today."

Matt sat his coffee-cup down on the table and got up. Albert and I followed him out the door and up the stairs. Upon opening the door to Baby's nursery we heard my pet moaning and crying, the cramps must be really bad by now. We went into the bathroom and it was clear that he really was in pain. While Matt continued on to the exam-room to prepare everything for the up-coming treatment, Albert and I unstrapped the poor boy and carried him to the shower. Again we positioned him right over the drain. I pulled the plug and the soapy solution almost exploded out of him. With his back arched, he spread his legs wide; his hole was opening and closing in short intervals trying hard to force the fluid out of his intestines as fast as possible. When his heaving finally stopped and there was only a small dribble coming out of his ass, he sank back on the tiled floor, not only drained internally, but also physically. He panted, his chest trying to control his breathing. The sobbing had stopped and he just lay there with his eyes closed.

"Why do you do this to me? You're doing all these perverted things with me. I won't let you continue, this will stop now, I can't do this anymore. I want to go home..." He looked at me

"Poor pet, do you really think you have a choice?" I smiled down at him, motioned to Albert and we turned him over on all fours, he was too exhausted to struggle.

"No, don't... I said stop."

"Yes, you did, and you will be severely punished for that. But now we need to clean your slutty ass out, so that Dr. Jackson can continue with your treatment." We forced him back towards the wall so that he impaled himself on the nozzle there. I had it replaced with a larger, but tapered one and it went in deep. I turned the lever and let the water rush into him again. Albert was standing over him with Baby's head between his knees, using his shins against his shoulders to keep his ass pressed against the wall and his hole on the spigot. I crouched down next to him, slowly stroking his quivering flanks, telling him how wonderful his body already adjusted to his new life.

"If you could only see what I see, my pet. You're such a perfect little horny bitch; you took to the diapers like nobody else I know of. You enjoy wearing a heavy and loaded diaper so much that it always makes your clitty stiff. Whenever I put something in your pussy it opens up, looking all hungry and eager, like it can't wait to be filled. You crave the Crisco up your ass so you can fill your diapers again and again. And look at those tits of yours; you were rubbing yourself all over me, groaning like a slut when I sucked them. You really are a diaper-bitch; you want to be used so much that I can almost smell the desire for it on you. So far you have loved every second of your treatment. You're only putting up those fights, because you're scared to admit that you are gay like your brother. Deep inside you want to tell everybody what a dirty cum-loving pussy-boy you are, but you are scared that your parents will find out and treat you like Steve. I will help you to get over those fears, don't worry Baby, Daddy will make sure that you can live your life just the way you want and need it."

I turned the water off and we let him expel once more. The second round was just a short flushing, the liquid pouring out of him crystal clear.

We carried him to the exam room, where Matt had already donned his scrubs and had several trolleys arranged around the chair.

"All right, let's get him strapped down and then we'll start." When we started to tighten the straps around him, Baby started to sob again.

"Don't... Stop it... Please. Let me go..."

"Albert, get the gag. I need to concentrate and his whining is really distracting me. We don't want me to mess up, do we?"

A small size dildo was inserted into his mouth, fastened behind his head and it went quiet.

"Well, Mr. Walker, there is a mirror on the ceiling, so if you want you can watch what's going on between your legs."

He took a hold of Baby's prick and carefully opened the PA to remove it. He dropped it carelessly on a tray and turned back to the pet's crotch, taking the rigid pole in one hand and started to pull on the wand.

"This will feel strange now, leaving you with a strange feeling of emptiness. But don't be scared, it won't last long." With that he pulled the wand out and put it down next to the discarded ring. He took a syringe from the tray Albert was holding and inserted the blunt tip into the dilated piss-slit. He pulled the penis away from the body to make sure the anesthetic would flow down as deep as possible.

"So, we let that set for a bit and give you your other shots." He took another one of the tray and gave him injections in both of his tits.

"Peter would you get me that other tray?" I did as he asked, took the cover of the tray and turned to him. On the tray was an assortment of large nipple-ornaments, all made of course from platinum. I only wanted the best for my pet.

"So which ones do you want to be put in?"

"I think for now we use a stirrup at the base of his nipples, I will need to be able to suck them at least once a day."

"Good choice." Matt took a hold of the tip of the nipple and pulled it before piercing the hole. The little wound started to bleed a bit, but was quickly cauterized; it really paid off to have a professional do this. The platinum stirrup was a gauge 4 and would provide Baby with a nice and heavy feeling in his tits in addition to the weight of his lactating udders. He would hate to be constantly aware of his feminine boobies and would detest the bra he would need to wear in order to support them. Matt repeated the process on the other tit, carefully applying a slave on both nipples and covering them for now with gauze. We would put a nice revealing bandage on them later, but for now we just let the flesh adapt to its new size.

My pet was all quiet, his eyes fixed on the mirror above his head. His tits felt numb, the new sensation would assault him much later.

By now Matt had moved to his scrotum, he gave him shots of the anesthetic into each ball, before he started a slow injection in the first one, carefully holding the filled sac.

"How much did you put in? It has a really good size and weight and it will accommodate his new size nuts nicely. Look, the swelling already starts." Right before our eyes the testicle began to swell up.

"It will go almost to the size of a tennis-ball. Not quite, but it will be nice and thick. What do you think, doesn't make him look absolutely grand?"

He repeated the process on the other one and took a step back.

"Some men would kill for testes like that. All heavy and big, that looks so primitive and all male."

I couldn't resist and took the heavy sac in my hand, rolling the balls inside and tried to picture how they would look in the restraint I had for him. Pulled down from his body, bend over a bar and stretched back up. Large balls nestled on each side of his stiff prick, maybe I would get Nicole to make a nice cap for them; something fluffy and frilly to lighten the powerful manly look of them.

Finally Matt went to open the briefcase to show us the new insert. I was stunned. Right in front of me was a masterpiece of perversion. The shaft was 5/8 of an inch in diameter for the solid shaft, showing a bulbous thicker part that would sit right on his prostate keeping him in a constant state of randiness. Just under the small bulb the insert was continued with a flexible metal tube that was a bit thinner and would allow us to regulate the flow of his piss. But the true highlight was the tip. The eye where his new ring would go through would have made a bulge under his skin, so the complete tip was reinforced to almost an inch, it would make the head stretch evenly and bulgy compared to rest of his prick. Like a bulb it would sit on his permanent little stiffy, a big obscene opening to crown it all, making it into a piece of art. An inch of the metal tube would stick out; it was needed to remind the pet, that he would never again insert it into soft flesh. He was the one borne to be penetrated; there would never be a time when he would penetrate another again. I loved it.

Carefully Matt began to align the penis in the right angle and gently eased the tubing inside of my pet. I watched Baby's eyes during the process, loving the fearful, scared and panicked look in his eyes.

"Breathe, Baby, in and out. You had this done before, you know you need this. It will help you regulate your pee-pee problem." I stroked his belly gently turning my attention back to his groin.

"It's in." Albert gave Matt the new ring that was also at least a size bigger than before. He manipulated it through the two holes that were, making sure to thread it through the eyelet within the urethra on the underside of the wand. He gave the stretched and full piece of flesh a playful slap and smiled.

"See, now you got such a good looking and brand-new tubing it, others would be envious of you if they could see it."

Matt looked at my pet, oozing with false fatherly charm, betraying the fact that he loved what he could do to the boy.

"I wasn't sure if I should tell you this, but after I talked to Peter, we both think we should let you know, that there is a new experimental drug out, that could reverse the mutation of your bladder-muscle. So far we had a 65% success rate, but of course I can't guarantee it works. There is a 35% chance that it doesn't and that could result in a long-term incontinence. Do you follow me, Mr. Walker?"

My pet nodded.

"Would you want to try this out? Before you say anything, I want you to think about it carefully. It could happen, that your situation ends within 2 days, or that it will go on for god knows how long. In either case, Mr. Townsend will continue to care for you, right Peter?"

"Of course, I'd be more than happy to end your treatments right now, they are rather excessive and time-consuming, but if the medication doesn't work, I will continue to look after you, make sure you do the exercises, so that we at least get your sphincter back in shape and change your diapers whenever necessary. But Matt is right, think about it. If you want him to try this, nod your head, Baby."

As expected, he was so keen on getting out of this, he nodded his enthusiastically.

"All right. You'll need to sign this form of consent to show that you were told about the risks." While I freed one of his hands, Albert held a clip-board and gave my pet a pen. Matt prepared another syringe and attached a thin long hollow tube to it.

"I will insert this all the way to your bladder-muscle, it will hurt a bit when I inject the drug, but that stops in a couple of seconds." He pushed the tip of it into the tunnel of the wand, sliding it in until it met with resistance from the bladder-muscle. Pet gave the pen back to Albert, the paper was signed. I took his free hand in mine and squeezed it reassuringly. He nodded once more and Matt pushed the needle-tip into the muscle, rendering it useless for the time being. He was mine now.

Next: Chapter 18

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