Training My Diaper Bitch

By Tony Myers

Published on Sep 1, 2023


Warning: This story contains scenes of spankings, diapers, shaving and non-consensual sex. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting to you or if you are a minor in your country of residence please leave now. I would also advise you that one should practice safe sex at all times and not be careless like my fictional characters.

This work is copyrighted by the author and commercial use is prohibited without a written permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and if including the copyright notice.

As the author I would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including constructive criticism, suggestions or maybe just a short note if you find this story worthy to be continued.

Chapter 14

We went to the front of the store to browse through the shelves, discussing any item of interest and how we could use it on Baby in the future.

"You do realize, Albert, that we will have his bladder muscle treated, so he will not be able to hold back his piss, even if he's trying. So every toy must be water-resistant, in case we need to let him drain. I really like the leathers but we should be careful about when to use them. The valve will prevent his leaking right now, but his new insert will have two valves, one for his piss and one that will regulate his cum. Matt will put that in tomorrow when he comes in for the check-up. I also decided to use a larger diameter and it will be longer; it will make him look a lot tastier than before. All nice and hard." We ignored the sound of the front-door, too caught up in our conversation until we heard a shout.

"Richard? What the hell? Is that you?" An unbelieving voice that we could hear clearly. I looked at Albert and rushed over to my pet, where a guy in leathers leaned over him.

"I'd rather not have my pet touched by anyone." I looked at the guy now straightening up, taking his measure.

"Sure, I didn't mean to... I was just so surprised to see Richard..." He looked at Baby again.

"I take it you know my little one?" I asked him.

"Yeah, you could say that. I am his brother, or better his adopted brother." He flashed me a genuine smile, stepping towards me, his hand extended.

"Steve Walker. Nice to meet you."

My pet was oblivious to all this, caught in the churning of the dildo in his ass, the high current running through his prick and the pain from his heavily weighted balls. His head was thrown back against the back-rest, his hands clenched to fists, sweat covered his torso and he groaned from the sensation, The pre-cum was now flowing in a steady stream, coating his clit and leaving clear trails on his dick. He was really getting into it.

"Albert, you need to tie him off now, he's about to spill and we can't let that happen." "Mr. Walker, nice to meet you, too. Why don't we go over there and get better acquainted?"

I walked to the back of store; sure that he was following me.

"So, care to tell me how my brother got stuck on a fuck-machine? The last time I checked he was a straight guy, fucking every pretty little skirt in sight." He looked at me questioningly.

"Before we get into that, I would like to know a bit more about you, if you don't mind? I'm really surprised to hear that Richard has a brother, there was no mentioning of you in his papers." I stared at him, searching his face for any signs of emotions that would betray his seemingly calm appearance.

"Well, I'm not surprised. I was adopted when the Walkers thought they couldn't have a child. I was 14 when Richard was born and of course not needed anymore after the arrival of the golden child. I was sent off to a boarding school until I graduated, got a generous allowance that paid my way through university and made my degree. The only condition was not to show my face around the house anymore, which was easy as things got really unpleasant for me after certain details about my sexual orientation and life- style came out. Guess, they didn't want the golden child contaminated by my presence. I tried to get in touch with Richard a couple of times, but he told me rather clearly that he did not want to associate with a perverted fag like me. So I left him and the family alone."

His face didn't show any anger or signs of hatred, which kind of surprised me.

"So, will you tell me now, why my brother is being fucked by a machine?"

"Of course, Mr. Walker, there is no secret to it." And I told him the exact same story we had prepared for Baby. He listened intently without interrupting me, his eyes never leaving my face.

"... so this is part of the recommended treatment. It's unconventional, but your brother agreed to it and it seems like it is already showing the first results." I had put on my sincerest smile and talked with what I hoped low and soothing voice. Steve Walker looked back to his brother still lost in his treatment for quite some time, watching him groan and shudder from the sensations his body went through.

"Well, this sounds all very reasonable and logical, but..." he turned back to look at me. "...why don't you cut the crap and tell me how you got this little cunt to go along with what you're doing? I'd have never thought this worthless piece of ass would be caught up in something like this? What are your real plans?"

"I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about. It is as I told you..."

"Oh, hey Steve, didn't realize you're already in today. And I see you already met one of my best customers. Peter, meet Steve - my new manager, Steve that's Peter Townsend - the guy you developed all these interesting toys for." Barney came towards us, in his hands the harness for my pet. It was made of a clear plastic-like material, almost looking like acrylic.

"Hey Barney, I'm a bit early today and thank God I was. I just asked Mr. Townsend about his little pet, who happens to be my younger brother..."

"You don't say, the little bitch is that good for nothing brother of yours? What a lucky coincidence." Barney turned to me:

"You know, his brother almost destroyed his career and reputation, he was really creative in trying to bankrupt him. Luckily Steve is a smart guy and smelled the trap. You got a devious little shit on your hands, let me tell you." With a jovial grin on his face he turned towards the joy-rider.

"How'd you like the machine? Your slut seems to enjoy it. Isn't it a wonderful toy for pets?"

"Ah... yes." I still tried to digest all the information I got from Barney. Thank god he was a rather outgoing and chatty guy.

"I think I'll get one for my Baby. Have it sent over to the house together with the cleaner. We also got some other stuff on the counter that we will need." I motioned towards the counter where the stuff we had picked out had piled up.

"Mr. Walker, why don't you accompany the delivery and I give you a tour of the house and tell you what is wrong with your brother. I would also like some professional input on some more exercise machines to keep him in shape."

"I would definitely like that, but please call me Steve." He extended his hand again. I took it and gave him a firm shake.

"But only if you call me Peter."

"Okay, enough of the pleasantries, we need to get the pet fitted in. What do you think of this harness? I got you a back-plate which can be fitted with different plugs, one that has this bulge right where his hole is at, so whatever is inside of him will be tightly pressed in. And I made this one with a little modification I thought you would like: a back-plate that has a funnel-like socket that will be inserted into him when he wears diapers. It will need some getting used to, as the sphincter is used to contract when evacuating which that socket will prevent, but over time he won't even notice it. It'll help to keep his pussy nice and open at all times. The third one is just a plain panel. The front-plate has the requested feed pipe through which his prick will be pulled and it will keep it sticking out straight. There is an indention at the inside of the plate which allows the use of cock- rings. You need to remove his cock-piercing to get him in, it is really tight. It can be worn all the time; you don't need to take it off even if the rest of the harness is removed. On the first bottom-plate is a hole through which you can pull his balls and a little knob that presses into the soft skin right behind his sac. The second one I made has the hole and a tube in which you can stuff his balls and bend them all the way back to his ass and secure the tube with snaps, it will make him sit on his balls, I thought you might want to try that when he acts up and needs a little reminder of his position."

"These are wonderful. Just what I wanted. Well, before we get him down, Baby needs another dose of protein, it's his feeding time." Barney just smiled at me and went over to my vigorously fucked pet and moved a lever to lower the back-rest. With the spider gag securely holding his mouth open, the drool on his chin, he looked utterly fuckable. I opened the zipper of my pants and straddled his body. I inserted two of my fingers into his mouth and told him to suck them. His moaning stopped and I could see he was trying to understand what was happening now.

"You my little pet will now work your throat around my prick. You will use your tongue and do your best to make me come. If you don't Albert will use the strap on your delicious little ass again and right after that on your clit and balls. Nod your head if you understand me." Instead of nodding he tried to escape the invading fingers of my hand.

"Albert, I think we need to remind again of his status. Whip his clit and his balls and please use the crop." I didn't turn around knowing that Albert would comply right away.

"May I do this, Peter? I would really love to help you out with this." Steve had come up and stood right in front of the chair. He watched with interest how the dildo had dilated my pet's ass, after all that fucking it was a rather big opening.

"I would also suggest to stop the machine, so he can concentrate on the pleasure he is about to receive."

"I think you are right. Barney, would you please stop the machine?" All movement stopped, the sound of the motor driving the chair died down.

"How many?"

"As many as you think, he needs to follow the rules or the treatment won't work." By now Baby was working his jaw frantically around my fingers, trying to say something. Again he struggled against his bonds, still not understanding that once we had him strapped down there was no escape for him. I turned off the currant coursing through his dick, wanting him to concentrate on what was to happen.

"Baby, we can do this the hard way or the easy way, it's your decision, I don't care either way." He ignored me and continued trying to get out of the straps. Slap. The first strike of crop hit his swollen flesh.

"Nnnnnnnnnghhaaaaaa....." Yes, I knew that must have hurt like a bitch.

Slap. Slap. Slap.

Steve alternated striking the base of his sack and his prick. The pain must be immense, I watched my pet yell and when he tensed up I motioned to Steve to stop. I did not want him to pass out again. I pulled my dick out of my open pants and started to stroke it one hand, using to other to once more insert my fingers.

"Suck them and suck them good. Make your Daddy happy."

There was a pause and then rather tentatively I felt his tongue move and a reluctant sucking began.

"That's my boy. Now wait a second I got something really nice for you." With that I removed my fingers and pushed my erect cock between his lips.

"Now suck as if your life depends on it or you'll get a beating that you won't forget you stupid slut."

His tongue moved on the underside of my dick and as moved deeper into him I could feel his throat constricting around it, fighting the urge to gag. I was in heaven feeling those muscles work my erection I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back for long. I had waited over two weeks to deflower that decadent mouth with those sinful lips, all I wanted to do was pour my seed into his throat, making him taste the very essence of me - his master. And I did. My cock exploded, pumping my seed into him in a mind blowing rush of lust and desire. He wasn't able to swallow all; a small trickle of it ran down the side of his mouth. Before I could scoop it up, there was another finger carefully catching it all and when I pulled out of my pet, the finger went in deep into his mouth, coating the inside with it. Steve. I looked at him smiling and in the afterglow of my orgasm I thought I've never seen anything more erotic than having my cum being fed to my toy by his own brother. I stepped back and turned to him.

"What about you, would you mind helping me out with his daily dose of cum?"

"I was really hoping you ask me. But I have a favor to ask of you." He leaned over to me and whispered in my ear.

"You are sure about this, Steve?"

"Yes, I am. It seems like I have been waiting forever to do this." I moved aside and let him take my place.

"Well, pet, there is one more load for you. So pay attention and do a good job." Steve already had his cock in his hand, it needed no stroking, it already looked painfully hard. He was really turned on by the thought of using his brother like a bitch.

"There is another rule for you, Baby, starting today. Every two hours you will ask to get your mouth stuffed. You will beg whoever is close to you when the time is up to help you out and say: 'Please stuff my slutty mouth and cream it for me' And you better don't disobey that rule. You will not swallow the cum but come and find me to show it to me. I'll tell you when you're allowed to swallow and taste it."

Steve was standing over his brother lowering himself a bit to line up his cock with those luscious lips. He pushed his dripping dick into his mouth and continued feeding it to him until he was deep-throating him. And then he began to slowly fuck him, the pleasure of being able to fuck this mouth clearly on his face. He began fucking his mouth harder now, picking up speed. A light coat of sweat formed on his fore-head and he started to pump more forcefully.

"Take it you bitch, suck that cock and milk it for me." He gave me signal and I quickly removed Baby's blindfold so he could see who was pounding into him until at last he was unloading his juice down his throat.

My pet's eyes were wide with shock when he realized who had straddled him, fucking his face and feeding him cum. I removed the gag, inspected his mouth and slapped his face again.

"Didn't I tell you not to swallow? I will have to punish you once more." I shook my head in disgust.

"Well, I don't think introductions are necessary, I assume you know your brother. I want you to thank him for helping us feed you the cum you need."

"I... what... Steve... I..."

"Say thank you or your balls will pay for it pet." I looked at him sternly, forcing him to focus solely on me.

"I... but... "

"No pet, I told you before, we can't fuck your ass right here. You've got to wait until we're home. Now, what do you say?"

"Sir... Daddy..."


"... thank you... "

"It was my pleasure helping you out, little brother." Steve gave him a nasty smile and turned back towards me.

"Do you need help getting the harness on him?"

"Yes, why not. It's easier to do when you have more hands available." We unbuckled Baby's legs and pulled the seat forward. Barney loosened the harness that bound him to the back of the chair and put the waist-strap around him, leaving his arms still secured. Steve pulled my pet's ass away from the seat and I slid the back-plate around him, sliding the ends through the guiche rings before attaching the upper end to the waist-strap. Getting the plate through the rings proved to be a bit difficult even though it was narrow on both ends, the middle part was really wide. It stretched his cheeks to the limit and being held in place with the rings must feel very uncomfortable. Steve took a hold of his clit and removed the piercing.

"You could put a size bigger in if the tubing allows it. The holes are big enough."

"We'll do that tomorrow. Matt Jackson will come by to continue the treatment he needs. So for now, just put it back in when the plate is in place."

He carelessly pushed the stretched prick through the hole in the plate, pushed it all the way up against his pubic bone before putting the ring back in. I already had the bottom plate in my hand and watched Albert remove the ball-crusher. His sac was nice angry red from being manhandled and was pulled through the hole in the bottom plate. Steve snapped all the pieces together, locking them into place. He then gave me a dirty grin, took my pet's balls pulled them back towards his ass and stuffed them into his gaping hole.

"I need a plug to hold them in Barney, would you get me one?" He turned to me.

"There is nothing better to stuff a cunt like that than a pair of big balls." Barney handed him a plug with a long string of beads attached. The string was at least 13 inches long and would go in a long way. He used a pair of long slim tongs and slowly inserted the top ball of the string into the hole. Bead after bead disappeared into the hungry hole until there was only one left, right on top of the flared end of the plug. With a rigorous push it was in, making my pet grunt in discomfort.

"We need to get him up so we can tighten the harness." Barney unbuckled his arms and made my pet stand up. He looked magnificent. His tanned muscled body with a prick sticking out in front, held in place by a clear plastic contraption, his toned ass-cheeks spread to their limit by a clear plate, his hole sporting a thick black knob. His budding tits were safely contained by the silky bra, his nipples prominently sitting on top of the mounds like icing on a cake. There was no hiding of anything for him. He was a bitch waiting to be bred.

"Look at yourself pet, you are so pretty like that." I turned him towards the mirror, making sure he got a clear view of himself.

"Albert, get a diaper out, I don't want him to have an accident in the car." Albert took out one of the special made pink disposables and stacked the pads in place.

"He needs to lie down so I can get him diapered up."

We led him to a table, gently forced him on it so Albert could oil and powder him. He paid special attention to the task, making sure he got enough oil under the plates. Baby was still in shock over being mouth-fucked by his brother, he let his legs fall apart, helped Albert raise his hips so he could slip the diaper under him, letting everything just happen. He didn't move when Albert finished taping him up, so I decided he needed a little waking up. The bulging tent on the front of his diaper looked really obscene thanks to special design I had my company make. It would make sure that his prick could stick out without being constricted by the diaper, it would also make his piss flow all over him first before being soaked up by the thick cloth when he was lying down like now. I opened the valve all the way and switched on his stimulator to the highest setting. His hips arched up in the air, while he pissed all over himself inside his diaper.

"Nnnggghh... what... oh my god... make it stop." He was back with us now.

"Barney, I think we need to take him home, he is making a pig out of himself again. I'm sorry."

"No problem Peter, I know how much trouble the little ones are. We get everything packed up and deliver it tomorrow. Steve will come along to supervise the delivery, making sure the equipment will be set up right."

I pulled Baby to his feet, holding him around his waist, pressing the precious boy close to me. I guided him towards the door and stopped when we reached Steve.

"We need to get the pet home now, tomorrow will be long and hard day for him, so he needs to be fed now and go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll be there; I'm looking forward to it. Drive safely."

Next: Chapter 15

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