Training My Diaper Bitch

By Tony Myers

Published on Aug 28, 2023


Warning: This story contains scenes of spankings, diapers, shaving and non-consensual sex. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting to you or if you are a minor in your country of residence please leave now. I would also advise you that one should practice safe sex at all times and not be careless like my fictional characters.

This work is copyrighted by the author and commercial use is prohibited without a written permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and if including the copyright notice.

As the author I would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including constructive criticism, suggestions or maybe just a short note if you find this story worthy to be continued.

Chapter 10

After one hour I went back to Baby to check how he was doing. The first thing I saw was that the dildo had expanded to almost 2 inches in diameter and was continuously moving in and out of his ass. Very nice. His tits were all red and puffed up from the stretching they were getting, his nipples looking like tubes sticking out from the soft mounds of his girly breasts. We would have to get him a bra real soon. His balls were stretched to nearly eight inches which made them longer than his flaccid cock, but I wanted them an inch longer than his prick when he was hard. That meant another inch for the sac; I made a mental note to inform Albert that we needed to give him another infusion to make sure his scrotal sac would expand properly so his balls would be hanging low enough for me. It was such a turn-on for me to watch a guy with overly large balls walking, carefully trying not to hurt himself when they were slapping against his legs.

My little one had his eyes closed; the bottle above him was sucked empty. His eyes were closed, accepting the invasion of his body in order to get some rest. I removed the bottle stand, untied his tits and removed the dildo. His ass was nicely opened, inviting me to give him his first dose of protein. I opened the zipper of my pants, got my dick out and eased into his ass. His eyes opened wide at the sensation of being impaled by my hard cock.

"Just hold still, my pet, I'm just giving you a dose of the medicine you need." I was shoving my nine-inch cock into his ass and began thrusting in and out.

"Don't" He was stuttering incoherently while I was enjoying the clenching muscles of his ass, squeezing my prick.

"Yes, just like that bitch, squeeze me, you slut, milk my dick so you can get your medicine."

By now I was thrusting in and out of his pussy like I was possessed. I had waited so long to fuck that ass, I couldn't hold back anymore. In a matter of minutes I was ready to flood his pussy with my juice, I bent over him to play with his nipples, making him moan and clench his pussy-lips around my cock even more. I exploded into him, filling him with the cum I had kept stored for him, coating his insides with my milk, breeding him like a bitch in heat. It seemed like the spurts of jizz would never stop. Totally spent for the first time in a week I dropped my head to the firm stomach of my pet to catch my breath. I lifted my head to look into his face which clearly showed his shock of being fucked by a man for the first time.

"We need to do this regularly every day, to get that protein from my sperm into you." I smiled at him reassuringly as he watched me - still speechless - casually pulling my dick out of him with a wet slurping sound.

"You'll get used to having your pussy stuffed in no time. After a while you won't be able to imagine how it is to have your little cunt empty." I went over to the freezer to get a couple of frozen Crisco logs and began preparing my pet for the next lesson. I put three suppositories into the wet mess of his ass and began carefully stuffing him with the Crisco. I used a thin plastic device to shove the first one in as deep as possible, followed by two others; I wanted his ass packed full. While Baby was trying to catch his breath I massaged his belly to soothe him. By now his chute should be numb from the cold.

"That hurts, stop it, why are you doing this to me, Sir?" Again he struggled against his bonds.

"This is the treatment you signed up for, my boy. It's clearly stated in the contract you signed with me, that this is what you want me to do. It was all very detailed and you do realize what an outrageous amount of money I'm paying you?"

I went to get his diaper and the pads, poured the baby-oil over his exposed genitals and spread it all over, making sure to pay special attention to his ass-crack. From the trolley next to me I took the package holding his catheter and ripped it open. Grasping his dick in one hand I steadily inserted the cath deep into his bladder, ignoring his gasp of pain, when it passed the bladder muscle. I powered him and put the thick diaper on him. I released the straps that held him and helped him to stand up.

"I didn't know what was written in the contract, you can't keep me here like this." I loved to hear the defiance in his voice.

"You my boy, will stick to the contract, you have already received the payment for the next twelve months. In case you have doubts about your dedication to the program I have set up for you let me show you the nice informative movies we have taped - starting with your accident in my office, the little diapering session with Albert and your treatment in the clinic and here. You did sign that I could publish them any way I want as a reimbursement for the trouble I'm going through to help you get over that naughty habit of shitting and pissing out of control."

I took his arm and led him out of the room into the hallway.

"Let's go in my office. We need to go over the rules for your stay here."

Holding the door to my office open for him, I motioned him inside. I walked around the large desk and motioned him to a chair in front of it. Bewildered he stared at it; he probably had never seen something like it. The chair had a hole cut out of the seat to make it more comfortable for him to sit, in case he had to expel whatever was inside of his rectum. There was a wedge on the seat to keep his legs open, spread out for me to see his exposed crotch. Of course there were sets of cuffs that I could use whenever I decided he needs to spend more time on his butt, but I didn't think I would need them just now. "Sit down boy, we don't have all day. This will be your place whenever you're in here. >From now on, whenever you're called in here, you will come in and sit down on your potty-chair without me asking you to do that. Is that clear?" With a couple of steps I was next to him, pushing him roughly down on it.

"Do I need to strap you down on it, too?" I made my voice sound as stern as possible.

"No, Sir."

"Good. Here is the list with the rules for you. Study them well, there a pretty basic: respect, obey and no speaking unless you get permission. You will call me Daddy, Master or Sir. Also, in accordance to the treatment you're receiving you will from now on refer to your penis as 'my little boy-clit', your ass is 'my little boy-pussy' or 'little boy-cunt', your tits are 'my little girl-tits'. When you realize that you're about to fill your diapers, you will come up to me and tell me: 'Daddy, my little boy-cunt needs to make poopy'. If you fail to inform me at any time, no matter where we are, you will get punished for it. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Then read them in detail now and make sure you remember them."

I sat down at my table and started to write a mail to Matt, telling him that Baby slowly got settled in. I also asked him, if there was a way to use a muscle-relaxant on his bladder-muscle because I wanted to stop using the catheter. The valve in the wand was enough to control him and I liked it better, because it wouldn't stop him from dripping pre-cum like the cath did. While I was waiting for Matt's reply I silently watched my pet reading the rules. He sat with his head bend down, obviously trying to cope with his situation. After a couple of minutes I noticed he started to wiggle around on the chair, it looked like the suppositories started to work.

"Is there something you need to tell me?"

"No, Sir." His voice sounded a bit strained.

I went through my papers and pretended to work while watching Baby getting more and more uncomfortable. He was about to unload the Crisco and it was getting harder and harder for him to hold it in with his hole being stretched as it was. Then all of a sudden he grimaced and I knew he had lost the fight.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Slut?" I stood up and walked around my desk to stand in front of him.

"Sir, I......" His head snapped to the side from the force of my slap.

"What were you supposed to say when this happens?"

"I... Sir, please...." Baby flinched when I lifted my hand again. I saw his inner struggle reflecting in his eyes, the moment he gave in.

"Daddy, my little boy-cunt made poopy..."

Disgusted I looked down at him, showing him how much he had disappointed me. I went to the intercom on my desk and called the nurse.

"Albert? I need you to come and take Baby to get his diaper changed."

I was standing with my back to him, ignoring him absolutely and only turned when the door opened and Albert came in.

"Take this little disgusting boy and clean him up. He has no self-control at all and I'm really upset with him right now. I thought we could take him shopping this afternoon, but I guess this is out of the question now."

The tall nurse took my pet's arm and helped him up.

"Mr. Townsend, please don't be so hard on him. There are a lot of things he has to learn and I think it's not that easy getting adjusted. Let me get him cleaned up and then we'll talk about shopping, all right?"

He led him out of my office, each step making a lovely crinkling sound from the diaper, accompanied by a slushier one coming from the contents. I knew it had been a good idea to use the Crisco logs after he was cleaned out, they really made a nice mess each time I used them on someone.

As soon as the door closed behind them, I pressed a button to reveal the set of surveillance screens that were hidden behind the wooden paneling of my office. They showed every room of the house and could be switched to the large 80 inch screen in the middle, giving me a clear view of what was going on.

The door to the bathroom opened and my boy walked in behind Albert, hanging his head dejectedly. It looked like Albert had been lecturing him on the whole way there.

"....... He is doing everything in his power to help you and that's how you repay his kindness? He has every right to be disgusted with you. Do you think this is easy for him?"

"Mr. Townsend is acting according to the therapy-plan he got from Dr. Jackson and a team of psychologist from the clinic. He spent a lot of time studying it to make sure you receive the right treatment. You were told this is an unconventional treatment, yet you agreed. What is your problem now?"

"But these rules, the way you all treat me, I don't understand........ahhhhhhhhhhh!" By now he was standing naked in the shower; Albert had pulled his diaper off and was aiming a jet of water at his dripping ass.

"What's there to not understand? You caught a virus that messed with two rather important muscles of your body. In order to retrain them, you have to undergo a regression treatment to get you back to behave like every adult does. Your body works like that of a Baby right now, that's why you need the diaper, yet at the same time we need to remind your system that you are an adult. That's what the device and the exercises are for. Your body will be kept in this controversial state until the adult part wins. The treatment you will receive over time is designed to weaken that Baby part of you and the methods we are using were being developed by therapists. Do you really think we are doing this for fun? Mr. Townsend is spending an outrageous amount of money on you and you think we are a bunch of perverts."

Albert, bless your heart, you truly are a saint.

"I didn't know......"

"No, of course not, you are a self-centered punk, only concerned with yourself without regards to the people that help you."

Albert now took a large towel to roughly dry him.

"Now I think it's time for your feeding, come on." He took him into the examination room and made him sit on the chair. After he had my pet strapped in, he looked between his legs and shook his head.

"You're still dripping. I guess we'll have to use a tampon." From a cabinet he took a box of extra large tampons and unpacked it.

"You can't put a tampon in me! " Baby started to struggle to avoid the offending item in Albert's hand.

"I can and I will. Who do you think will be cleaning up after your leaking ass?" Without further ado he shoved the tampon in his ass.

"See, that wasn't too bad. Now I'll call Mr. Townsend to tell him you're clean while I'm feeding you."

He moved a stand with a long penis shaped rubber-nipple over his head, got a 2 quart bottle of baby-formula, screwed it into the socket and lowered it.

"Remember what I told you and open your mouth now." He pushed it deep into Baby's mouth making him gag.

"Now, I want you to suck really hard on this. By the end of this week you need to be able to take the whole length of it in." What a way to train a gag-reflex - I loved watching him struggle to suck on the artificial dick.

"Mr. Townsend? Albert here. Your pet is all cleaned up; I'm feeding him right now." "I'll be there in a minute." I tried to make my voice sound detached, like I was losing interest in the whole thing.

"You sure fucked up, Ricky. You better try to behave and make up for this screw-up. What do you think will happen if Mr. Townsends decides not to help you out anymore? He will kick you out and make sure to recover the money. And how will he do that? By selling the videos from the security camera to whoever offers him most. And where will that leave you? You will be the new upcoming star of the porn-industry. So, you better straighten out your act and do as you're told, after all you signed up for this voluntarily."

Next: Chapter 11

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