Training My Diaper Bitch

By Tony Myers

Published on Aug 9, 2023


Warning: This story contains scenes of spankings, diapers, shaving and non-consensual sex. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting to you or if you are a minor in your country of residence please leave now. I would also advise you that one should practice safe sex at all times and not be careless like my fictional characters.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without a written permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and if including the copyright notice.

As the author I would appreciate your comments -- pro and con, including constructive criticism, suggestions or maybe a short note if you find this story worthy to be continued.

Training my Diaper Bitch Chapter 1

by tony

Opening yet another application I sighed - it would be a really long day in the office. I had considered using a recruitment agency to find the right assistant but after I found myself swamped with questionnaires longer than my yearly financial record I decided to use the conservative way by putting an ad in the Financial Times. As the major stockholder and CEO of one of the largest conglomerates in the US I needed not only the right person for the job, but the perfect one.

A couple of days ago, my previous assistant Timothy had an unfortunate car- accident which forced me to look for an adequate replacement. Tim would be in the hospital for quite some time and from what the doctor said, I could expect him to stay for at least 3 months in a rehab clinic if he ever wanted be able again to fully use his right arm in the future. I sighed again. Just when my workload started to lighten up enough to give me time to play this had to happen. Life was just unfair. I had already planned out in detail how to break through Tim's defenses and go down on him really hard; the boy was out of my reach. I wanted- no needed- another boy soon or I would go crazy. My need to dominate a self-confident, willful, strong headed, straight and cocky male had reached a level where it was almost physically hurting me. The idea of forcing someone to submit to my wishes, to keep him in a totally controlled environment and making him crave the humiliation and abuse he would receive at my hands made me painfully hard. Hastily I freed my enormous cock from my confining pants and started stroking myself. Leaning back in my chair I thought about all the preparations I had made with the help of my best friend Matt. Dr. Matthew Jackson. I laughed out loud. If there was anybody less suited to be an urologist/proctologist it was my perverted friend Matt, who wallowed in the power he felt whenever he tortured his patients by unnecessarily inserting various devices in their cocks or rectums; the elation he experienced whenever they grunted out their discomfort by using oversized instruments on their usually virginal sphincters - a true sadist who reveled in humiliating his patients in front of his nurses by shoving sounds down their cocks or forcing them to get hard.

Moving my hand faster now I felt my ball juices flow into my 9 inch cock and the quivering in my groin signaled the start of my orgasm. I pulled my pants down below my knees, while pictures of the play-rooms I had just finished installing in my mansion flashed through my mind. I tried to picture Tim in these rooms, the equipment I would use on him, the degrading situations I would force on him, the constant humiliation he would have to live everyday - it was almost enough to push me over the edge. Not wanting to come yet, I took a small cord out of my desk drawer and looped it around both my erection and nut-sack. I gently tightened it, leaned back and then began to massage my thighs, stomach and pubic bush. The bondage of my dick forced my balls out and exposed them. Still thinking about Tim my tip continued to leak even more pre-cum which slowly dripped down my shaft. Another drawer held the lube I liked to use on myself when jacking off. I put some of it on my nut-sack and gently started to massage my balls, squeezing them, petting them and then grabbing them with my left hand and pulling them away from my body. Another squirt of lube on my palm and I started rubbing the tip of my penis as if I was polishing it. The clear fluid of my pre-cum seeped out of my cock and mixed with the lube. I jerked at my dick now at various speeds and pressures, playing my cock as if it was some sort of instrument that made my whole being vibrate with the pulsing of the approaching and receding waves of intense pleasure. I carefully scooped up some of the liquid off the sensitive tip and brought the finger to my lips. I grimaced at the first taste of it, but soon ecstasy overrode that, my eyes closed, I loosened the string and finally, the cum boiled and erupted from my cock with such great force that the first pulse hit the folders on my desk and the second shot onto my face. I jacked myself furiously now, moaning as I sucked my cum covered finger, milking myself until I had the last strings of cum drained out of my cock. As my orgasm subsided, and the flow of my sperm came to an end, I sat back in my chair looking totally spent and breathing heavily. Damn, but I did need a new boy real soon.

For the third time that night I gave a heavy sigh, took another drink of my scotch and turned again to the folders in front of me. "Shit!" I got up and went into my personal bathroom that was directly connected to my office to get a towel. The folders were covered with blotches of my cum. I got the towel and sat back down in my chair. I grabbed the folder with the most sperm on it and tried to wipe off the mess I had made on it. As I was about to put it away a thought crossed my mind and with a grin I looked at the folder: "Maybe I should hire him, catching the most sperm is as good a criterion as any other... Let's see who you are Mr. Richard Walker." I said to myself, opened the folder and almost forgot to breathe. There he was: the boy I was looking for. A strikingly beautiful face smiled boyishly at me from the enclosed picture. I had to force myself to take my eyes off the photograph to read his vita. At age 24 he had graduated summa cum laude with a master's degree in business finance from Harvard, he also was a dedicated athlete and came with several recommendation letters. I scanned the letters and found one written by an old friend of his. Looking at my watch I decided that it wasn't too late yet to call him and started dialing.

"Lawson." "Hey Josh, this is Peter. Long time no hear. How have you been?" "Peter, you old bastard, what are you up to? Don't tell me you're making a courtesy call without a reason. I know you better than that." Josh Lawson growled in his low voice into the phone. " Awwwwwwwwh. You wound me. Can't I call an old friend of mine just to see how he's been doing?" "No, you can't. As I told you I know you better than that. So what can I do for you?" "Well, maybe you heard that Tim, my assistant had an accident last week and I am looking for a replacement." "Yeah I heard about that. Must be tough on the guy, he was really dedicated to his job." "He was, but he is going to be out of commission for at least half a year. So right now I'm checking applications and stumbled over a letter of recommendation that you wrote." "Me? It's very rare that I do that personally. Who did I write it for?" "Richard Walker. Can you tell me anything about him?" "Walker? Good looking young kid with blond hair from Harvard?" "Yep, that's him. What do you think of him?" "He is a smart kid, but his attitude needs some improvement. Cocky young know-it-all, thinks he's really hot stuff." Hearing that made my mouth water. "You think he needs some behavior modification?" "Well, if anybody can show him his place it would be a ruthless bastard like you. He definitely needs to be taken down a notch or two. But other than that he really knows his stuff." At that point I really wasn't interested in his accomplishments any more. I wanted that boy to play with. "Well thanks, Josh. I'll think about it. Why don't we get together next week over lunch and talk some more. I'll have my secretary call yours and set up a date. Whatcha think?" "Do that. I would enjoy seeing you again. And you can let me know your decision then. Take care and see you next week." "Next week then, bye Josh." I hung up and smiled to myself. At that time my new little boy would already be in the middle of the treatment that was an essential part of his training. I left a note to my secretary to make an appointment for his interview as soon as possible and went home to dream about the delicious future that was waiting for me.

Thanks for reading. Hope you liked the first part of my story. Feedback would be greatly appreciated:

Next: Chapter 2

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