Training Brooks

By jay birde

Published on Feb 21, 2023


This is a work of fiction: The usual warnings apply. If you are offended by this type of literature, leave. If it is not legal in your location, we are not responsible.

(From part 4) I remove his wrist restraints and lick down to his armpits, enjoying the salty taste of his body. He is able to whisper, thanks in a muted voice. I take him in my arms and we join together for a needed sleep.

Training Brooks, Part 5 As soon as I heard Brooks lightly breathing and was sure he was asleep, the drugs still had some affect, and I was sure that he was sound asleep. I attached the wrist restraints and attached them to the center hook on the head of the bed. He made no move or sound, so I continued. As he lay on his stomach, I spread his legs. I then inserted a small sized black butt plug, it made a swooshing sound as it found its resting-place, still no movement. I massaged his beautiful thighs trying to decide if Brooks was to be shaved smooth or allowed to keep his light dusting of blonde fur. His ass looked so inviting, all plugged and ready. I gently ran my hands down his legs and brought his calf up, bending his knee. His foot and ankle were at my mouth level, and I savored them as if they were a rare wine. Their taste was intoxicating, inviting, and warm. I moved on to his toes and sucked them one by one into my mouth, devouring the unique taste and enjoying their smell. I was getting tired, so I released Brooks from the restraints, and cradled him in my arms. I was going to enjoy his training, very much. In the morning, I made a nice breakfast, not waking my sleeping boy until everything was ready. I put my hand on his shoulder, gently running it down his spine, lightly massaging and rubbing his smooth skin. He stretched and seemed to almost purr as he began to come to life. He rolled over and smiled, contented and safe in his new surroundings. I told him to put on his robe and come upstairs for breakfast. He reached around and felt the nub of the butt plug, with a confused look on his face. As he began to speak, I placed my finger over his lips and told him to leave his butt plug in and we would discuss it and the house rules at breakfast. He was up, washed his face, put on the navy short-kimono robe and was quickly at the table. As we ate, I told him what my rules would be if he chose to stay. They would be simple, but non-negotiable Rule number #1: I would take care of all his financial needs, but he had to return to school in the fall. He would live here and commute. Rule number #2: He would wear what I placed on the bed for him. He would be nude in the house as I required. Rule number #3: He would not be required to do anything that endangered his life, or involved unsafe activity. Rule number #4: He would be trained by a trainer and would be expected to obey. The trainer would add additional rules, as needed. Rule number #5: He would be expected to earn his keep by taking over the grounds keeping and housekeeping work, Rule number #6: He would refer to me as "Sir" and would only speak with permission. Rule number #7: The butt plug would be worn at all times, unless bathing. A schedule of enemas and cleaning would be followed, chart posted in bathroom medicine cabinet. Rule number #7: Any infraction would bring swift and fair punishment.

He looked dumbfounded. He did not speak. He looked at me as if to ask permission to speak. I finished my coffee, and told him he could speak. He said he was willing to try to please me, but was not sure if he could learn his role as my 'boy'. He said he loved what he felt in my home and did not want to leave. I took his hand and told him his training would begin tomorrow. The trainer would be here to whip him in shape. We finished our breakfast, I told him to clear the table, as this would be his job, and clean the dishes. He quickly did the task and went to the kitchen. He was finished in a flash. He came and stood by me, waiting for instructions. I told him to go into the bedroom and for me. He was standing by the bed as I entered, I told him to get his suitcase and bring put it on the bed. He placed it on the bed and emptied it out, I popped his ass and told him he did not have permission to empty the suitcase. He jumped, looked at me with shock and embarrassment. He put his head down, as if in shame. I told him I would deal with his disobedience later. I thought it best to let him consider his punishment for a while before actually administering it. His clothes were not in good repair, so I told him to take he best pair of jeans, polo shirt, shoes, and put them in the closet. I told him to throw the rest in a basket. They would be put in the garbage. He really had no dress clothes, nor anything that would be presentable, even in school. I told him we were going shopping after he received his punishment. I told him to follow me. He did. We stopped before the locked door in the dressing room, which led to the playroom in the basement. I unlocked the door, flipped on the light switch and told Brooks to go in and be seated on the stool. He went in looking around at the various whips, chains, St. Andrews Cross, etc. that lined the walls. I asked him what should be his punishment. He shrugged, I told him that was too bad, because he did not directly answer me, that would add 5 more licks to his 5 he had already earned. I decided to start slowly and allow the trainer to break him in later. He looked dumbfounded, but did not speak. I said I would have to choose for him, so I chose the leather strap, my personal favorite. I slipped the robe off. I put ankle and wrist cuffs on and led him to the pommel horse in the center of the room, bent him over it and attached the cuffs to hooks in the floor. He was secured and his bare ass was ready for his punishment. I lifted his head and had told him to kiss my hands, then kiss the strap. I told him that he must ask for the punishment and tell why he must be punished. He quivered as he asked me to punish him for disobeying his master. I told him he must count each lick or I would start over each time he did not. I then rubbed the strap over his bare ass and allowed him to feel the thickness of the strap on his skin. I drew back and without notice slapped his bare ass, he gasped, but managed to say "one". I said, you must say "one sir" "thank you, sir", which he quickly repeated. Two, three, four, his ass was beginning to shine red. It looked so cute and inviting. Five, six, a little harder, not letting him rest too long before, seven, eight, nine, and a last hardest ten, which drew a louder gasp, but a quick "ten, sir" "thank you sir". I noticed his ass now beet red , so I gently massaged the warm rounded, bubble shaped butt checks. How warm, I was wet and hard by now, but this was not the time for a fuck, that could wait to later. I unhooked the cuffs and sent him to the shower. Shopping was next and we must be prepared for the trainer. Grant was coming tomorrow, things were about to change. (More later) constructive comments

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