Training Brooks

By jay birde

Published on Feb 19, 2023


This is a work of fiction: The usual warnings apply. If you are offended by this type of literature, leave. If it is not legal in your location, we are not responsible.

(From Part 3) When we both got down stairs, I told him that we would be going to my lodge in the country. Since I had no school until Monday, the long weekend would provide an opportunity to see if Brooks had the aptitude for further training.

Training Brooks, Part 4

We loaded my Explorer and drove to the secluded lodge. The groundskeeper was going to retire. He had been with my family for as long as we had owned the lodge. 1,200 acres proved a challenge as he had gotten older. The main lodge had an indoor pool, large spacious rooms, and a playroom in the basement. I had not used it with anyone on a regular basis, but it was equipped with all the things that would be need to train Brooks. We arrived a little before 3pm and began unloading the cargo. The lodge was stocked with food and refreshments year round, I never knew when I would entertain or have an opportunity to have some fun. I showed Brooks to the master bed room and told him to put his bags in the dressing room area. The master bed room suite consists of the bedroom, sitting room, small library, dressing room with walk-in closets, a bath with steam/shower, and whirlpool. A door in the dressing area led down to the basement 'playroom'. The master bedroom is on the lower level opening onto the pool level. The bed is a heavy four-poster type made of wrought iron with a silk-shear curtain draped around the perimeter. I showed Brooks through the lodge and the deck facing the east toward the river in the distance. We then lit the fire due to chill in the air in the late winter, early spring night. I had some steaks grilling and finished dinner. I had Brooks to change into some things I had laid out for him on the bed. I laid out a white lace-up pirate type shirt, and some gauze/linen type sheen pants, and told him only to wear what I had put on the bed. This would test his obedience level. I was pleasantly surprised when he appeared back up stairs in the living room wearing only what I had left for him. He had potential for further training. We ate our meal with the usual chit chat, I don't think he noticed the drops I had put in his wine. He looked a little groggy after two glasses, so I suggested we turn in. He started down stairs, and I put the dishes away. When I got to the bedroom, he was laid out on the bed staring toward the ceiling. I spoke to him, he did not reply. The drugs had worked, he was awake, but in a semi-paralyzed state. He would not remember the events of the night but they would make an impression on his sub-conscious, or so I was assured by my chemistry colleague. I unlaced his shirt and slipped it over his head, he gave no response, just a blank look. I took two wrist restraints and put them on his wrists. I attached them to the hooks on either side of the bed, stretching him out across the head of the bed, still be made no sound. I then removed his pants, admiring his soft cock, amid his blonde bush. I attached ankle restraints and in no time had him spread eagle on the bed. I ran my hands across his body, enjoying the feel of his warm smooth skin. He was a little less responsive than I wished, but I knew that the effects would wear off somewhat as the night wore on and the fun escalated. I had gathered a few items from the playroom and decided to concentrate on his nipples, first. I had two nipple clips, alligator type. I sucked his left nipple into my mouth allowing it to get hard, then I attached the clip to his hard wet nipple, he flinched but made no audible sound. I repeated the same to the right nipple, and again he flinched, drawing in a small breath, making a slight sound. He was coming around little, by little. I then moved to his feet, so beautiful. I licked his toes one by one, ending on his big toe. I moved up his legs to his thighs, and then his ball sac. I sucked each testicle into my warm mouth and licked and massaged them. His cock began to rise slowly. I backed off, I squeezed his balls, seeing his stomach muscles tighten, and his cock began to deflate. I took a pair of ball crushers and positioned them onto his balls, then I began to slowly tighten them. I had his balls pressed until they were in an uncomfortable position, but not yet unbearable. I removed the left clip and took his nipple between my fingers, he softly moaned, I increased the pressure, until he moaned and struggled a little against the restraints. He was clearly coming around. I tightened the ball crusher a little more, I noticed him moving a little more, a sweat was beginning to cover his brow, and his chest. He was a glistening Adonis. He began to squirm more as I continued to bring his balls closer to the crushing disks. They were now pressed together and the pain was beginning to be felt more acutely as the drugs were less effective in the sedative effect. I noticed his eyes now seemed to be focused, not just a blank stare. He still was unable to talk. I asked him if he could hear me, he attempted to nod, but was not yet able to do so. So, I tightened the ball crushed a little more, he groaned in a low tone, but yet it was noticeable. I took the other clip from his nipple, he audible moaned as I sucked it into my mouth. I nibbled it a bit, and he flinched as it popped from my mouth. I knew he could hear my, but he was still unable to form words, or to resist me in any way. I further tightened the crushed as he gasped for air, I took his cock in my hands and pumped it a little, feeling the precum dripping from its head. I tightened some more, this time his legs attempted to move in to protect his groin, but to no avail. I continue the play with his shaft while tightening the crusher to a higher level of pain, he had large beads of sweat by now, and I thought I saw tears in his eyes. I then took the ankle restraints and move them to a higher hook on the bed post exposing his blonde dusted ass and tight hole for all to see. I slipped an absorbent hospital pad under his rear in preparation for his first cleaning. I looked into his eyes, they were confused, but he was not resisting at this point. I told him he was going to be properly cleaned, and just relax. I went into the bathroom and returned with two enema bags, tubing, and a double retention catheter. The balloon is inserted to assure no leakage, and the control necessary to completely clean out the receiver. The first bag contained mineral oil and a special cleaning agent that does not irritate the lining of the colon. There is about 1 quart of warm liquid in the first bag. I hang the bag, attach the tubing, and the catheter. I explain to Brooks, that if he is to be by boy, he must be clean, but he will be punished it he drips any liquid. The catheter should assure no leakage, but he does not realize this at the time of insertion. He tightens a bit, but I easily inflate the bulb on the catheter, sealing the liquid. I loosen the flow gauge and allow the liquid to run into his anus and colon. He grimaces a little, but does not moan very loudly. The first bag is finished, so I administer another one just like it. I then begin to massage his lower abdomen. He is visibly uncomfortable, but cannot vocalize his frustrations as of yet. I allow him to retain the enema for about thirty minuets. I unhook his wrist restraints from the bed and the ankles from the hooks on the other end of the bed. I allow the catheter to remain in place as I roll Brooks over on his side for an additional 15 minuets. After the time has passed, I lift him up and put him over my shoulder and take him to the bathroom. I place him facing the wall, backwards on the toilet. I attach his wrist restrains to the hooks in the wall and his ankles to the ones on the lower part to the wall, his head slumping on his chest. I then deflated the bulb in the catheter, slipping it out in time for Brooks to begin expelling the contents of his bowels. He expels several times and is apparently finished. I reinsert the bulb and attach a sudsy bag of Celtic sea salt, gentle soap and oatmeal cleansers. Two more quarts of warm solution will perfect his cleaning. He is limp as the water courses into his guts. He moans a little, still unable to speak. When he is finished, I remove the bulb, allow him to expel and flush. I take him still with his restraints into the shower. I attach him to hooks and begin to wash him with a warm shower. I soap a mitt and wash him from head to toe, he is still unable to speak, but he is coming around a little more. I allow him to remain hanging and gently towel him dry. I lead him back to the bed, he is able to walk with my assistance, but he cannot resist. I attach his wrist back in place, and then attach his ankles to a hook above his wrists, making his ass a perfect height for my next act. I have lubbed his ass with the mineral oil enema so he is ready for some additional action. I take a prostrate massager type dildo and insert it into his anus. He does moan a little and I work it into place and hit the spot. His dick comes to attention when I find that spot and I waste no time in massaging his prostate. He is soon dripping precum on his chest and I guide his shaft to over his lips, allowing him to drip on himself. I continue the prostrate massage until he is at the brink of cumming. He is sweating on his brow and his chest is again beading with drops of sweat. I feel his shaft throbbing and move it closer to his lips. I move his hips forward and allow his dick head to touch his lips. I tell him to open his mouth, he slowly complies, due to the drug. I continue the massage, while inserting his head a little more into his mouth. I tell him to suck, he does in slow, labored manner. I feel his shaft getting harder, his back arches, I increase the massage with the dildo. He begins to buck and shoot into his waiting mouth, again and again. He must swallow. I tell him to keep sucking, he does with more force, he must be coming around a little more. I remove the dildo and bring my dick head to his ring. I push into him with a gentle force, he looks at me with a surprised glance, but continues to suck his own cock, while I push deeper into his hole. I slip into him fully, my balls resting on his fur covered ass. I begin to slip almost out and then back, deeper and harder each time, steadily working my cock into his boy pussy. He is sucking his cock, I am fucking his ass. He is wholly mine, taken, and he is surrendered to my will. I feel my lust take over and push harder, faster, steadily. He stops sucking, but I hold his shaft in his mouth. I am almost to the brink of ecstasy, he is panting, the grogginess almost gone, but not quite. He is moaning softly, bucking his hips, meeting my invasion each stroke. I begin to stroke his still hard shaft, he begins to suck again. We are now moving in unison, one mind, one purpose, he surrendered to me, I am engrossed in him. I feel the urge to spew, I come again and again, move than I had in some time. His tightness is milking me for all my cum, I continue to pump him into his mouth. He explodes again, young and full of cum. I release my grip on his shaft as he continues to suck. I pull out. I slip my tongue into his crack, licking off my cum. I then bury my tongue as deeply as possible into his hole, savoring each taste of the salt, my cum, and his juices. I move up toward his balls, still pressed between the crusher, I lick them before releasing them for the night. I release his ankles from the hooks, remove his ankle restraints, and take his toes into my warm mouth. They respond to my worship. He shudders with each lick and suck. I will be anxious to teach him this form of foot devotion. I remove his wrist restraints and lick down to his arm pits, enjoying the salty taste of his body. He is able to whisper, thanks in a muted voice. I take him in my arms and we join together for a needed sleep.

(More later) constructive comments

Next: Chapter 5

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