Training Brooks

By jay birde

Published on Feb 11, 2023


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End of Part 2

I released him. He was spent. Breathing deep and sighing. He was satisfied and safe. Something he had lacked in his life for many years. He had found it with me. I lay across his thigh savoring his taste and smell. In a few minutes, he was asleep. My angel was asleep, safe and secure.

Training Brooks, Part 3

The next morning was Friday. Thankfully, a school holiday. Brooks was still sleeping, safe and secure. The outline of his body was covered by a sheet. I was going downstairs to make coffee when noticed Brooks' suitcase and overnight bag still in the foyer. I took them to the laundry room folding table and decided to open them. I found the usual array of items for a college guy: boxer shorts, briefs, jeans, khakis, assorted socks, etc. All were thrown in the bag as a college student would, disorganized and wrinkled to the high heavens. I unpacked his toilet items and removed soiled socks, shorts, and briefs. I lingered over these items to enjoy his scent. I put the items in the wash, got my coffee, and headed back upstairs. My Adonis had not moved, sleeping like a newborn.

Since I was in no hurry, I decided to run a bath and soak for awhile. I placed my usual concoction into the steaming water: Epsom salts, baking soda, cornstarch, and a few drops of Polo cologne. A squirt or two of body wash provides the needed bubbles to complete the effect. The large Roman tub was quite large and was adequate for play or soaking. I had just settled in and laid my head back on the pillow when Brooks came into the bathroom, nude, rubbing his head, yawning, and hard. A look of confusion on his face made he the more attractive. I pointed to the door where the toilet was located, he went in did his business and returned. He approached the tub and stopped, as if to ask permission, whether or not to get in. Our eyes met, and I motioned him to come in. He stepped into the end of the tub and moved toward me. I took his hands and guided him onto my lap.

He wrapped his legs around my waist and settled in my lap, our lips meeting, our tongues exploring the recesses of each lover's mouth. I ran my hands up and down his back, to his chest, and rested them under his balls. I felt him cringe, but he relaxed. I then guided him to turn around and sit with his back to me. I ran my hands along his chest, rubbing each nipple to attention, exploring his chest, abdomen, and waist. He was in ecstasy. Almost audibly purring to my touch. I kissed him on the sides of his neck playfully, nibbling his ears, enjoying his taste. As I necked and nibbled, I eased my hands to his erect manhood. I could feel the heart emanating from his shaft. Gently and slowly I worked his shaft, explored the contour and manliness of his tool. I cupped the other hand on his balls and massaged them as I continued the attention to his shaft. I ran my fingertip under the recesses of his head, eliciting a series of gasping sounds and light moans. When I felt his arching or breathe harder, I lessened my genital worship and nibbled a little more. I wanted this to last, to make him want to cum, to explode. He occasionally bucked, arched to meet my attention, but to no avail, I was in control. He would have to learn that. He would, in time. Eventually I worked him to the point of no return and he bucked, and squirmed under my careful touch. He expelled his breath and collapsed back against my body, hot and hard.

I got out of the tub, showered, and told him to shower and meet me down stairs, laying a short silk robe for him to wear on the dressing table.

When we both got down stairs, I told him that we would be going to my lodge in the country. Since I had no school until Monday, the long weekend would provide an opportunity to see if Brooks had the aptitude for further training.

(More to come)

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Next: Chapter 4

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