Training Brad

By Randy Collins

Published on Jan 27, 2008


If you missed chapters 1 and 2, let me catch you up. I am a DOM Top Master 48, and all the stories I post are 100% true. 3 - 4 times a year I post a listing on CL offering to fulfill guys fantasies. My criteria is guys 18 - 26 and in averagfe or better shape. I specialize in "straight" guys looking for something a little different in their lives, and without exception, they get it!

This story is about Brad, a 19 year old Sailor stationed not far from me in San Diego. He wanted a man to take control and give im a blow job, but as he is about to find out, he is going to give up a lot more!

Brad has been in my posession for just over 5 hours now. He is handcuffed at the wrists from my livingroom cieling, making him look like the letter "T". He has been rock hard for over 4 hours and is just beginning to beg me to make him cum.

"You want to get a load out don't you boy" I asked.

"Please sir, YES" he hissed.

I reached around cupping his full balls, slidding my hand the length of his hard teen cock. I moved in front so he could see me clearly as I ran my finger over the head of his cock, getting a nice coating of his pre cum. I took my wet finger and stuck it in my mouth, licking off his fluids and making sure he was watching my every move. His mouth was open slightly, I am not sure if it was shock or lust.

"Quite good boy, but I am not sure you are ready just yet" I teased. I leaned forward into his hard cock, placing the tip just inside of my lips. I used my upper front teeth to scrape over the head of his cock as I sucked slightly, collecting more of his pre cum in my mouth. Brad's entire body shuttered and a deep sigh escaped his lips as my teeth made their way across the senstitive head of his straining cock.

"No, I think you need some more attention before I allow you to cum boy" I said.

I moved back arounf behind him on my knees and put a cheeck of that magnificent ass in each hand. I kneeded them slightly then pulled them apart for my first look at his hairless pink hole. I moved in and let my tongue rub against his pucker.

You would have thought I had rammed my fist into him the way his body reacted! He was pulling his ass away from my face and was contorting his body to look over his shoulder to wee what I was doing to his hot virgin ass.

"Relax boy, I promised you that I wouldn't fuck you and I'm not. Your cunt is so hot it begs to get eaten." I said as I dove back into his ass.

Having done this 100's of times I know what he needed so I extended my tongue and went to work. Within minutes, Brad was panting like a puppy and pushing his ass back onto my tongue. It took some masterful work to get him to open enough for my tongue to make an assult, but once in Brad couldn't seem to get enough.

"Shit.....Oh......Fuck" were the words I heard escaping from his lips as he was twisting his ass onto my tongue.

I slowly added a finger to my invading tongue being careful to only add it's extra length to the first knuckle. After all, the plan was for Brad to beg me to fuck him and I needed him hot and ready. The finger invasion went well from what I could tell so I added a second finger, again tip only. His soon to me man-cunt accepted this minor stretching without question.

I pulled out my finger tips and backed my face away from his ass. I moved back to his front while slipping my hand back between his legs and incerted my finger tip again.

" You are enjoying this arenj't you boy? " But I didn't even need to ask the question. His rock hard cock was leaking pre-cum like not many other cocks I have trained. His eyes were closed tight and he was moving his ass back on my finger all on his own.

"Oh yes sir, this is increadable, please don't stop" he panted. I knew in short order I would be balls deep in in virgin twat.

"It would be my pleasure boy, let's move you to another position" I said as I reached my other hand between his lets and smacked his ass cheeks.

"Yes Sir" boy was he ready !

I quickly unlocked the handcuffs, freeing his wrists. Having been in that position for 6 hours he rubbed his aching muscles as I removed my probing finger and began moving him towards the couch.

I bent him over the couch and then backed him up about a foot. I did not want him to get any satisfaction from rubbing his leaking cock against the back of my couch. I considered tieing him again however with the easy that he bent over I decided that tieing him would no longer be necessary.

I took my position behind his ass once again and spread his cheeks. Now bent over as he was, I had a much clearer view of his near perfect pink hole, it was magnificent! I move in for another tongue attack but only hot the tip of it in before I pulled out.

"Boy, there is a lot of good eat'n here, I need my hands free. YOU need to spread your cheeks for me so my hands are free" I suggested.

Brad instantly moved his hands to his ass and spread his globes for me with out saying a word or wasitng one second. I had to checkle to myself. Here was this "straight" 19 year old Sailor who was only looking to get off, now naked, not restrained in any way, bent over and spreading his ass so a stranger could continue eating him out and fingering him!

Not one to disapoint, I went back to work on turning his ass into a man-cunt. I worked that ass for a good hour, slowly introducing one full finger, followed by another and another untill I was no longer using my tongue and infact was working his ass with 3 fingers.

For Brads part, he contnued to move his ass back onto my probing fingers. His cock looked as if it wold explode from my view between his legs. There was a solid rope of pre-cum from the head of his cock to the floor where there was quite a puddle collecting.

I have to add a side note here. While most guys reading this would agree that a guys ass makes for a nice fuck, there is nothing better than a virgin ass. Brad was no exception, his ass muscles had no idea how to react to my invaded fingers and I could feel his muscles spasm around them. It seemed that the more his muscles worked my fingers, the more moans escaped his lips.

I pulled my fingers from his loosing ass and moved in for a few minutes of tongue work. I did note that he was slow to close and I was sure his ass was ready for cock.

Pulling off his ass all toghther, I walked around to the front of the couch. Brad moved his head up and looked at me, his eyes clearly glazed over with lust. I did openly smile a little bit as I noticed he left his hands on his own ass, keeping his hole exposed.

"Felt good didn't it boy?" I asked.

"Oh GOD yes sir" he said breathlessly

"You liked getting your ass fingered didn't you boy"

"Yes sir" he said quietly as he dropped his head back down.

"Good. You can get dressed and I will take you back to your car now boy" I said waiting for the shock I knw was to come.

Brad looked up at me, mouth open and clearly a question in his eyes.

"But Sir" he said after 10 or 15 seconds.

"Oh, if you want to jack off before you go, that is fine" I said as I sat on the couch next to his bent over upper body and head.

"But SIR" he said as he involintarly got a fresh grip on his ass cheeks, a pleeding look on his handsome southern face.

"I showed you a lot of things today boy. I decided it wouldn't be fair for me to blow you and allow you to get a load off while I don't get any relief."

Brad just looked at me with nothing buy horny teen lust in his eyes.

" The only thing left would be for me to fuck you. I know you are open enough to take it but you made me agree not to fuck you when you got here." I said as I leaned over the couch, running the finger of one hand over his open ass lips and the other over his hard cock.

I easily slid a couple of inched of my finger into his ass as wiggled it around as I waited for his reply.

Brad closed his eyes and moaned at the reintroduction of my finger into his ass.

"Fuck me sir" he said in a defeated tone.

"I'm sorry boy, I didn't hear what you said" I teased as I slid another finger to the hilt in his ass.

Brad leat out a moan and repeated his request quite clearly.

"I think you are just horny boy and after all I have your emails clearly telling me your ass was off limits. I am not sure you really want my cock in your cunt" I said wanting him to get used to the new name for his ass.

"FUCK ME NOW SIR" he said loud enough I am not sure the neighbors didn't hear it.

"Fuck your what boy?"

"Fuck my ass sir" he began to beg.

I pulled all 3 fingers out and smacked his cheeks. "This is a cunt boy. Plain and simple many men are going to want it and it is up to you to let them use it" I instructed. "Now, what do you want me to fuck boy?" I asked again as I smacked his ass cheeks.

I could see the struggle but he blurted out "Fuck my cunt hard sir".

Now, this is where we seperate the men who think they are dominate from guys like me who ARE. Most would have moved in behind Brad and taken his cherry ass a few times and that would have been nice. But why not complete the job? Straight Brad is begging for a fuck, spreading open his own ass cheeks and not calling his ass a cunt.

I got up off the couch and kneeled on it next to Brads face, pulling off my shirt in the process.

"Get my ckck out and get it ready boy" I ordered.

Brad let go of his ass in an instant but as his hands came around towards me, I could see the lightbulb coming on in his mind. He hesitated a minute and looked up at me with a questioning look.

"Get my cock out boy" was the order. He clearly had no experience with another cock much less getting into another guys pants. Clearly the "hornies" took control of him and he had my 7" free in no time.

Like Brad, I was hard as a nail too, but having far more experience than he, I was far more in control of my cock.

"Suck my cock boy"

Brad just looked up at me like I had just asked him to kill his family.

"If I stuff this in your cunt now it is going to be a quick fuck boy. Get a load out of me and your fuck is going to be a lot longer and far more fun" I said as I put my hands over his sentitive ears and guided his head towards my meet.

Almost without exception, the straight guys tell me that they can get stripped, blown, rimmed and fucked, but it is when you get a cock near their mouth that they have issues with their sexuality.

Brad was clearly conflicted about what I was about to make him do.

"Suck my cock or get the fuck out boy" I shouted as the head of my cock pushed against his lips.

I think he opened his mouth to say something but either way his lips parted and I was in. I ran the head of my cock back and fourth over this smooth tongue while I held firmly to the sides of his head.

His eyes were wide as possible and buldging out of his sockets. I gave him the standard instructions, brerath through your nose, no teeth, etc. It was 200% clear that he had never had a cock in his mouth and had no idea what to do. Yet another opertunity for me!

"Get a litle suction going boy, I'll do all the work" I said and I slowly put more cock into his face and down his throat.

He gagged as expected after about 5 inches but I would pull back and let him catch his breath. I had a good rythum going and was able to get my balls on his chin with each thrust. Rembering back to the first blow job I gave at the age of 9, I know how sore the jaw can get very quickly so I decided to get off in his mouth rather fast, knowing that I would have a lot more time to make him a champion cock sucker later.

I also decided not to humiliate him further by taunting him. After all he was eating a cock and had offered his ass up already so why push it further, for now at least.

I also wanted him to get a good taste of a man's load so after about 5 minutes of pounting his face I pulled back to I was only a couple of inched into his mouth and let loose with 8 good sold pulses of fresh cum.

His eyes bugged even further when he figured out hat a man was cumming in his mouth. I am sure something he never thought possible for the past 19 years of his life. I ordered him not to swallow, but hold it in his mouth. The reason for this was two fold. Fist, I wanted him to be sure and have his mouth coated with my cum so he could taste if for hours to come and second, I knew he couldn't hold it all anf thought it would be cute to see it leak from the edges of his mouth.

It wasn't a very good blow job at all but it got the bob done. I had Brad open his mouth to show me the gift I had given him and them made him swallow it down. I was right as quite a bit had run out the side of his mouth and was now running down the sides of his jaw.

"That was a lousy blow job boy, you are going to have to practice a lot more" I said as I lightly slapped my now semi hard cock on his face.

The combination of slapping my spend rod on his handsome face and the thought of tapping that magnificent ass brought me back to life in just a few minutes.

I was rubbing my fully hard cock all over his face and said "I should give your mouth round two but I think I will save the next load for your cunt boy".

I jumpped of the couch and took position behind Brad again. I waited a few seconds behind him and he looked over his shoulder to see what I was waiting for. I looked him in the eyes and then down to his ass and back to his eyes. He got the message and moved his hands back to his cheeks and spread them for me with out prompting.

Back on my knees, I tongued him back to a frenzy. Iworked 3 fingers back into him to make sure he was somewhat open for the upcoming assult. Brad was back to panting and moaning when I broke him for good.

"Want some cock in that cunt boy"

"Yes sir, please"

"You gotta let me know how bad you want it boy or you can go home"

"FUCK MY CUNT SILLY. SIR" he said again at an audio level I am sure the neighbors heard this time!

I reach behind me and applied a little lube to my dick and set the head against his pink hole. This act along caused Brad to gasp.

"Spread that cunt wider for me boy" I said. It wasn't necessary as he had a good grip on his cheeks and I had a very good angle, but why not make the soon to be pig submit just a little more.

I have a favorite way of opening up a virgin cunt. Some guys like to enter a little and let the bitch "get used to it" and enter more and repeate the process. Some guys like to slam in balls deep and then let the bitch get used to that. Not me.

I began to put pressure on Brad's virgin cunt and the head of my cock slipped in. Brad let out a half moan, half scream as my cockhead entered him. I prefer the "ultra slow motion" method of taking a virgin ass. I don't stop in forward motion untill I am in balls deep but I do the progression slowily. Usually the cunt on the recieveing end has a million thought running through his head as the assult progresses. Brad was no exception. It too about 90 seconds for me to go deep into Brads new cunt. All the time his body was thrashing about, his head would be up and extended and a second later down and hanging.

I imaging when you are getting a cock up your cunt for the first time, 90 seconds is a long time. Brad held his breath for a good 45 seconds of the assult, then with his body gyrating wildly kept repeating things like "Oh Shit and Damn"

Once fully up his cunt I leaned over and grabbed him around the waste pulling him upright with me. I licked one of his sensitive ears as I pinched his nipples.

"Nice tight cunt boy" I said as I released his upper body and bent him back over.

I was afraid that I would come too quick for as good as his ass looked, it was fantastic to fuck. I did manage to work his ass for about 20 minutes. I would rapid fuck him for awhile then slow fuck him. I would pull back so only the head of my cock was in him and them slam full force back into him.

Brad was crying and crying out. Not in pain ( although I am sure there was some ), but in escatsy. As I was fast fucking him his cry was "Oh Fuck Me, Oh Fuck Me" in rythum with my strokes. When I would stop and pull my dick to the edge he would whine" No, no, no". As I would slam back into him he would sigh a long "YYeeessss".

During the process I did locate his prostrate with me cock. I would change my angle to sub the head of my cock against it. Each time Brad's head would shoot straight up, his body stiffen, his ass clamp down on my cock.

Brad came twice during that first fuck before I had a chance to unload deep in his ass. His second climax was also too much for me and I ended up unloading deep inside him. I Fell against his back and rested a few minutes while me softening cock was still inside him.

After resting a few minutes I pulled the rest of the way out of Brad's new cunt and stood back. Brad still was opening it as wide as he could, I know a new cunt-pig was born right then and there.

I walked to the center of the living room as Brad stood up straight. I watched him look at his spend cock and the loads of cum he had left on the back of my couch and on the floor. He had a devilish little smile on his face as he said " Thank You Sir"

I was picking up his earlier disgaurded gym shorts and moving back to him with the garmet in hand I said, "You need to be taught cum control boy, you left a mess on my couch"

"I am sorry sir" he said shyly.

"Not to worry boy" I said as I handed him his shorts. "Put these on" I said as he looked at the shorts I handed him.

Brad complied, the earlier pre-cum stain now dried and dark on the lighter blue material.

"Let's go" I said as I grabbed him by the arm.

"Where sir?" he asked these current events clearly not registering.

" I am done with you, I am taking you back to your car" I said as I moved him down the steps and out the front door.

Brad was clearly confused, I think he expected a brief rest and more action. While I was driving him back to the parking lot where we left his car I noticed him looking down at himself. Almost 90% naked all he had covering himself was a pair of cum crusted shorts. He had some of my cum still on his face and a spot or two on his chest from his eruptions. He had to have cum leaking out of his ass and I know the taste of my load was still in his mouth.

On the short trip back to his car I said " Boy, you were very good today. It is a shame I didn't get to work on your nice cock more but more important, you know you have a cunt and you need to learn to let as many men as possible enjoy it." I gave Brad my business card and cell phone number and told him that anyitme he wanted to come back, he was welcome.

I pulled up next to Brad's car and he looked into my eyes. I was sure he didn't want to go, not because of how he was dress or how he smelled like sex, but because he wanted more cock. Any good Master will tell you to make sure the cunt is 100% broken before you make a move and in Brads case, he had to give in and ask for more, I was not going to offer.

I reached my hand in his lap like I had 10 hours ago when we first met and pulled his cock and balls out of the side of the leg.

As I stroked him lightly I told him, "You have to go now boy"

Without saying a word, Brad opened the passenger door of my car. I let go of his cock and he covered it up before getting out of my car. He stood there for a second looking into my car, I am sure wanted me to say something to him. I drove off leving him there with cum leaking from his straight ass and the taste of my cum fresh in his mouth and on his mind.

Back home I was going to relax for a little bit before I began to clean up the messes Brad had left when my door bell rang. I walked downstairs and opened the door to find a nearly naked 19 year old Sailor standing there looking down at the ground.

"Sir.... I don't have to be back to the ship for another 12 hours, can I come in"

"Sure boy, get that cunt in here"


Note: Feedback is always welcome, let me know what you think of my story and send me a pic if you want! I am not sure if I am going to post another story or post a little background about myself. Either way, I hope you enjoyed.

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