Training Brad

By Randy Collins

Published on Jan 26, 2008


Thank you for all the positive responses to part 1! To answer the majority of your questions in bulk, yes these are true stories and yes, I still keep in touch with Brad ( many of the guys I have..trained keep in touch with me ).

Once Brad had repeated everything we had agreeded upon through emails, the next step was to get him from an environment he was comfortable in ( his car ) into his new world of the unknown.

"Ok boy, slide over" I said to Brad as I let his balls drop out of my palm.

He looked up at me with a very confused look in his eyes. Like he understood my command but couldn't figure out how to exicute it. I guess having a stranger expose his package for the first time was a bit much for the boy.

"Get your ass into the passenger seat NOW boy or I will drag you out of the car and set your ass in the seat myself!" I demanded as Brad's lightbulb finally came on. He lifted his ass out of his bucket seat, over the gear shift and into the passenger seat. I had to chuckle to myself, he looked like a little boy who just got caught doing something stupid.

I leaned back out of his window and opened the door, easing myself into the drivers seat - in more ways than one!

"What are you going to do to with me?" he asked quite childlike.

Looking straight ahead I repled "Whatever the hell I want boy." That had the desired effect on him, it shut him up for the couple mile drive to my house.

As we pulled into my driveway I instructed him "We are heading straight into the house and upstairs. Once there you are to stand at attention. Got it boy?" Yes Sir was his quiet reply.

Now anyone who has trained as many guys as I have knows that this is the point that Brad could have changed his straight little mind so once in the door a good trainer has to act fast.

"Upstairs" was all I said as I closed and locked the front door behind us. As he rounded the corner into the living room he froze and as I walked past him I noted how wide his eyes were. What he spotted was 2 ropes hanging from hooks in the ceiling, each with a handcuff on the end. Still in a little initial shock I placed my hand on his back and moved him into position between the ropes that would be his home for the next 20 plus hours. I lifted his right arm up and secured his wrist in the cuff as he just staired. I moved to his left wrist and repeated the operation.

I know this sounds like something you read in a story, but I did take a step back and admired the scene in front of me. Brad looked like the letter "T" arms parallel with the floor. This young goodlooking sailor looking a bit dazed and having no clue as to what was going to happen to him next.

I walked up in front of him, out bodies lightly touching each others, my face a quarter inch from his. I pried my right hand in between our bodies and again cupped his cock and balls. I waited untill he locked his eyes into mine and said, " I promised you a good blowjob, didn't I boy?"

"Yes sir" was his reply

"What am I holding onto boy?" I asked as I gave his balls a light squeeze.

" My ....errrr YOUR balls sir" he corrected himself.

"Good boy" is said as I made my hand pulse his nut sack, " Let's see what we have to work with here".

As any good trainer knows, this is the point that even the cockiest of straight boys begin the process of becoming sluts for real men. The rule of thumb is that the longer you take to strip a guy, the quicker he is offering his mouth and ass. It took 3 hours to strip Brad naked.

I started with Brad's shaved head, rubbing buth my hands over the stubble, all the time keeping my face close to his, looking for that reaction that tells a Master that he has found a "spot"

I worked my hands to his ears as I slowly felt and rubbed them, noting that Brad closed his eyes and tilted his head back a bit as I did. BINGO, spot #1 !

I worked down to his outstretched arms, one at a time. I used two hands on each one feeling from his fingertips up to his firm muscle. I took special care to suck on each finger and lick each gun.

I ran my hand over his tee shirt covered shoulders remembering how straight the looked even without being T'd as he was.

I ran my fingers over his lips before I moved down to his upper torso, running my hands from his armpits to his waste. I stepped around behind him and did the same with his back. I returned to his front and felt the tightness of his stomach. I moved up and up untill I was able to put his pecs in my palms and rubbed him hard. Again he closed his eyes and I was onto spot #2. I flicked each nipple through his tee shirt and then began to rum them between my fingers.

His breathing was becoming deep and I stated the fact "You like this don't you boy" as I gave his nipples a little extra pinch.

"Oh Fuck....." was all me could muster.

"Boy, you have to learn to address me as sir" I said as I moved away. His eyes followed me as I picked up my duffle bag-o-goodies I had prepared prior to picking Brad up. His eyes went wide when I pulled out the ping-pong paddle. His eyes followed me back to him as I walked up to hias side.

"You will address me as Sir or Master at all times. Each time you forget you will be punished, more severly each time. Do you understand boy?"

"Yes Sir" he said determined to remember.

"I promised you that I would not fuck your ass, and I also promised you that you would be punished if necessary. I think 5 swats per cheek is in order for starters"

In my opinion, there is no better sound than a paddle slapping up against thinly covered ass cheeks. I had Brad sweating just enough that I was sure there was a fine layer of moisture on that fine ass of his and that adds additional crack in the air, sting as well as redness.

"Count 'em off boy" I said as I took my first swing.

SNAP "One" he said

SNAP " Two" he said

Around #7 he began to twist his body with each contact. At the completition of 10 I knelt beside him and lightly rubbed his ass through his shorts. The temptation was to rip those damn shorts off and have some fun with his ass, but after years of this, I know the reward would be far greater if I held off.

"What did you learn boy?" I asked while still rubbing his cheeks.

"To always refer to you as Sir" he said rather rappidly.

"Correct boy, so when you were counting, why did you not call me Sir or Master?"

I could tell he was crushed, "I am sorry sir, it won't happen again" he said.

" I know it won't happen again boy, 15 more"

Brad is one tough guy, his eyes were red when I was done, but there were no tears running down his face. I did notice the beginnings of a little bigger tent in his shorts though!

Back to his slow strip, I started in at his feet. I moved both of my hands on each let feeling the muscles in his lower legs and up. I let his cock alone as I stood up and faced him close again. I walked back to my duffel bag and too out a pocket knife. I walked back over to Brad, pulled his tee shirt from his chest and sliced it from the neck to the bottom hem.

I mentioned in charter 1 that while Brad wasn't "gym buff", he was very tight and in great shape. I started in again from his shoulders to his belly button using my very talented tongue, making his nipples hard as stone again.

I pulled off a nipple and to his surprise pulled his shorts down in one motion, ordering him to kick them off and out of the way. As I had suspected he was hard, a fact his jock could not hide.

"Looks like you could use that blow job now boy" I taunted.

Turning red in the face, he replied "Yes Sir".

"Naw, don't think it's time yet boy" I said.

Wanting to get a look at his fine jock covered ass, I stood behind him and ran my hands over the recently reddened ass. I got to my knees and began licking each cheek that was buldging out from the straps of his jock. I reached around and for the third time in a few hours cupped his jock covered balls. After working his balls with my hand and applying my tongue to his ass cheeks I stood up and said, " I think its time I had a look behind that jock."

Not expecting a reply I moved around to his front again and pulled his jock pouch aside letting his balls fall out and hang. I also pulled his jock down enough so the tip of his hard cock was visible over the wide waste band.

"Not bad boy" I said as I lightly slapped his hanging balls back and fourth. I was a little disappointed that they were hairless, saving him the humiliation of having me shave them, but I was sure there was some pubic hair above them that I had not yet uncovered.

I pulled up a chair right in front of him and played with his balls for 10 or 15 minutes untill he was leaking large amounts of his pre-com into his jock. I could have simply pulled his jock down, but it was more important I reinforce the fact that I am incharge, so I grabbed my knife again and cut the jock away.

So here is this magnificent poor little straight sailor who only wanted a blowjob. In the past 4 hours, he had been felt up by a man, strung up, spanked, stripped, felt up and licked pretty much all over, and was hanging there with 7 1/2 inches of leaking cock standing straight out!

"It looks like you could use some relief about now boy" I said as I stood in front of him taking in the innocence and beauty.

"Yes Sir, Please" he panted.

I grabbed his balls again and told him, "They seem kind of full, but I am not sure they are full enough. But don't worry, I have an idea"

end of part 2

Next: Chapter 3

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