Training a Keeper

By Emorey Ardale

Published on Jun 27, 2023


Training a Keeper Part 6

It was all blur for Ethan. He had been to Justin's games and was used to how physical they were but even Ethan could tell this one was different. The players from the other team even talked trash to him, calling him all kids of names and Ethan was pretty sure that when one of the other team's defenders blasted the ball out of play he tried to hit him with the ball. Justin had hardly touched the ball and like everyone else Ethan didn't think much about the only corner kick the other team earned. Ethan was on the other side of the field because the majority of the balls that were going out of play were on that side. Ethan saw Justin go up for the ball and the player hit Justin in the back of the legs. Even from the other goal line he could hear Justin's head hit the ground. That's when the chaos started, the referee blowing the whistle to stop the match, waiving the trainers and Justin's coaches on the field and while that was happening a fight broke out between the player that pushed Justin and one of Justin's teammates. Ethan didn't pay that any attention, He kept waiting for Justin to stand up. After a few minutes the tense worry grew into outright fear as the ambulance drove onto the field, Ethan had made his way closer but couldn't see much because of the trainers and paramedics. They had brought out a stretcher and carefully put something around his neck before transferring Justin on to the stretcher.

When the ambulance left, the referees and the coaches were able to restore some type of order from the chaos. Both teams were down to 10 players each after mutual red cards. Despite all that was happening Coach Lambert had seen the devastated look on Ethan's face and had him come over to sit on the bench with the team. One of the assistant coaches was taking Rico back to the locker room because he was still wanting to go at players on the other team. Even without Rico, Justin's team managed two more goals, leading to more shoving matches and another red card to the opponents. Usually after a match both teams will shake hands but for safety's sake the coaches kept the players apart. That didn't keep the other coach from yelling at Coach Lambert about running up the score. Coach Lambert, who is normally very calm, fired back that next time they played he'd make sure the score was 20 to nil.

Ethan had begged his mom not to make him go to school the next day, she had spent a couple of hours getting Ethan to calm down after the game. Even though he didn't sleep well the next morning he gave in when his mother told him that going to school would help him take his mind off Justin and that she was sure he would be fine.

At lunch Ethan told the whole story to Kai, who felt bad for both Ethan and Justin, "I'm still scared but when his coach took me home he said that Justin had woke up and they had to take him to the hospital because it was precau...something."

"Precautionary?". Kai offered.

"Yeah that, it was just so crazy and my mom probably thinks I'm a psycho cuz I'm spazing out. How do I know his coach wasn't telling me that to be nice?", Ethan fretted.

Kai resisted the urge to take Ethan's hand to comfort him, "His coach wouldn't lie like that and you know Justin wouldn't want you to worry yourself."

Ethan sighed, "Doesn't matter I'm worried.".

"I never realized soccer was such a violent sport, I thought you just ran around and kicked a ball.", Kai said.

"All of Justin's games are tough but last night was like a war.", Ethan explained.

"Probably way too much testosterone out there, all those jock boys battling each other and Justin talks about 'homo' drama, at least that doesn't cause you get physically hurt, well except Tyler. I don't know how you do it."

Ethan gave Kai a weak smile, "I'd do anything to be with Justin."

Kai was encouraged by the smile, "Well I have to admit, it does sound pretty hot to be surrounded by a bunch of sweaty, hunky high school boys".

Ethan forced another smile, "Yeah I guess so.".

Kai could tell there wasn't much use in trying to cheer Ethan up, "You should still come over after school, I think it would be better if you weren't alone plus we could write. That always helps me when there's something upsetting me. You can also help me go over everything we need for the Winter Dance next week."

Kai sounded like his mom and Ethan had forgot all about the stupid dance. The writing club was going to sell drinks and food at the dance to help raise money for their year's end publication, Ethan managed to muster a simple, "Alright."

When Ethan got home from Kai's house his mom was already home and met him smiling, "I've got some good news for you, Justin's mom called me. She said Justin is going to be okay, they're going to keep him in hospital over the weekend for observation but he should be able to come home Monday. She was afraid you'd be worried about him. She really seems nice.".

Ethan felt the stress that had been crushing him had been lifted, he still tried to keep some of the excitement out of his voice., "That's awesome, thanks mom, thank you so much, he's been such a good friend, I didn't want anything bad to happen to him".

I understand honey, he's almost like having a big brother.", Ethan's mom said as she gave Ethan a brief hug.

"Uh huh, something like that.", Ethan said softly.

Ethan's Journal Justin got hurt real bad at his game the other night but he is going to be okay. I was so worried about him. He is in the hospital but his mom said he should be home on Monday. I did not know what to do when it happened at the game but now I wish I was bigger so I could go out on the field and kick the guys ass who did it to him. I feel a lot better but I will not be happy until I see him again. With everything that happened I did not write about Justin and I making a video. It was hot! I got to see what he sees when he fucks me and he sucked me while I watched it. Then he was a big asshole and deleted it, just kidding but I wish I had it on my lap top. I wish I could go see Justin in the hospital but my mom says he needs to rest and some hospitals do not let kids in the rooms.

Justin did make it home on Monday and after a crappy few days in the hospital, constantly being poked, tested and monitored by doctors and nurses, he was home where he was constantly being poked and monitored by his mother. The highlight was when she offered to help take a leak in a bottle so he wouldn't have to get out of bed. His head still hurt, he was dizzy and his neck was so stiff and sore that it made it hard to get comfortable but everything else worked and he made it home. He was going to miss a few days of school but the worst thing was his doctor had told him he couldn't play soccer for at least 3 weeks and it could even be longer. Rico and Matt had stopped by during their lunch right after he got home but his mom had shooed them away after a few minutes saying that Rico was too loud and she didn't want Justin getting all excited. The next day Justin felt better and was already getting bored sitting in bed all day. Watching tv made his head hurt and looking at his phone did the same. His mom was still constantly checking on him and once again he heard that familiar rap on the door. Justin sighed heavily.

His mom opened the door, "Love bug, you have a guest."

Justin was sure it would be Rico or Matt but the door opened and there was Ethan, looking all cute and concerned, Justin repressed a smile, and offered a confused look, "Who is that, I don't remember that kid."

Ethan's mouth opened, he couldn't believe it, "Uh I'm Ethan".

Justin's mom stepped in, "Oh my God Justin, you're so mean. Don't listen to him Ethan, The first thing he said when he woke up with all his wits back was to have me call your mom to tell you that he was okay. I'll let you two visit for a while, I've got to finish getting dinner ready for those of us that aren't queasy from landing on their head."

Justin started laughing and Ethan shot him a look that said there would be pay back for that little joke.

As soon as his mom left the room Justin asked, "So you're just now coming to see me? I see how you are."

Ethan walked over to him still a little mad about the joke, "Asshole, I came yesterday after school but you were asleep and you better always remember me even if you got brain damaged or whatever. Speaking of that how you feeling?"

Justin chuckled, "I'm good, my head and neck still hurts some and the ringing in my ears is annoying but I'm good."

"You better be or I'll kick your butt.", Ethan said and then remembered what Kai said about the jock drama, "You and all you're soccer drama bullshit, you drive me crazy and you scared the crap out of me.".

Ethan was standing by the bed, Justin reached out and squeezed his hand, "I know I felt horrible, that match was fucking out of control. I talked to Rico and Matt yesterday, Rico got a red card for fighting with the guy who hit me and Matt even got a yellow. How did you get home?"

"Coach Lambert took me, he was even pissed and yelling at the other coach after the game. Matt and Rico really like you.", Ethan said.

"Yeah but Rico likes to fight so that was probably a good excuse for him to go at it.", Justin tried to shrug it off.

"I don't think so. I wish I could of kicked his ass too", Ethan admitted.

"Well I have no doubt that a vicious horn dog could cause some serious damage.", Justin said smiling.

"I'm not kidding.", Ethan said seriously.

"I know you're not because if anyone fucked with you, I'd crush them.", Justin affirmed

Ethan nodded and sat on the bed next to Justin, "I know you would. When are you going back to school?"

"I'm gonna stay home this week, Matt's going to bring me my homework tomorrow, so I can do it if I feel better. I can't play for like three weeks which sucks big donkey dicks."

Ethan gave Justin a quick hug knowing what playing meant to him, "I'm sorry Justin."

"Thanks Lil E but I've been thinking about it. I'm only gonna miss one regular season game and then some stupid holiday tournament since there won't be any matches during Christmas Break. It still sucks but it's not the end of the world.".

"Oh cool, that's not too bad then, how long before you can go hiking?", Ethan asked with a sly smile.

Justin smiled back, "Well the doctor said no contact sports for at least three weeks, I think our 'hiking' is like a contact sport."

Ethan giggled, "Yeah it is."

They talked for a while longer before Justin's mom told them that Ethan better go because Justin needed plenty of rest. Justin rolled his eyes and Ethan said he'd come back the next day to make sure that Justin was okay.

Ethan went back the next day and Rico and Matt were already there. When Justin's mom took him to Justin's room she warned the older boys to watch their language around Ethan and to try not stir up Justin.

As soon as she left the room Rico said, "Boy band your mom needs to lighten up maybe she needs to get laid? You know if your dad isn't up to it, I could take care of her."

"Yeah you're exactly what she needs, I could see it now, in like 9 months I could even have lil brown brother or sister, that'd be awesome.", Justin shook his head.

"Yeah I see you're point, Matt's gonna have to step up.", Rico admitted.

Matt shook his head, "Nah I can't, I'm busy banging your mom, Rico."

Justin chuckled, "Matt it's only taken you four years for you to come out of your shell but I give you credit, you've done it.".

"Yeah, it's a matter of survival being you and Rico's friend.", Matt admitted.

"We made you tough Matt, you went from the bench to a starter, all because me and Boy Band abused you. What about you Lite?"

"What about me?", Ethan was never sure what Rico was going to say.

"I can't fuck Justin's mom cuz I'd make brown babies, Matt's trying to keep my mom happy, Boyband's not the incest type, so that leaves you. We'll probably have to tie a board to your scrawny ass to keep you from falling in but it's up to you to mellow out his old lady.", Rico explained with the utmost seriousness.

Ethan pretended to think about it, "Hmm I don't know, I could do that but she'd probably like it so much she'd leave Justin's dad and I couldn't do that to him".

Rico and Matt laughed but Justin shook his head and said, "You know I think this is why my mom told you guys to watch your language around him, you two are going to fuck him all up with your shit."

"They aren't fucking me up but think about it. If your mom left your dad for me, you could start calling me 'daddy', that'd be pretty cool.", Ethan said with a big smirk.

"You know you guys are supposed to be coming over here to help me feel better. Instead I've gotta bigger headache!", Justin said with a grunt.

Matt finished laughing with the rest, then said, "Seriously though Justin, you know Jackie McBride, right?"

Justin already had an idea where this going,"Yeah, why?".

"She's been asking if you're okay. I've been telling her you're getting better. She was wondering if I thought you'd go out with her when you're feeling better. She's a lot nicer than Jennifer.", Matt explained.

"And she's fucking hot...oh god what an ass!", Rico piped in.

"Yeah Rico? She's alright and she's definitely nice than Jennifer but that's not saying too much.", Justin said.

"Nice, not nice, Boy Band, all she needs is a smoking ass and nice pair of titties and you're good.", Rico advised with enthusiasm.

Matt shook his head, "Rico shut up you're not helping. I was thinking maybe you and her could go on a double date with me and Alicia. It would make it easier to break the ice. You know, less pressure."

"I don't know about that, the last double date I was on was a complete disaster. I'll think about it but honestly I'm not looking to starting dating any girls right now.", Justin said trying to dismiss Matt's idea as casually and politely as possible.

Rico shook his head, " don't need to date a girl, you need to get your fuck on before you explode or think about fucking one of us. What's you opinion, Lite?".

Ethan gave a weak shrug, hoping the subject would change, "He's stubborn and having a contusion or whatever isn't helping.".

"Thanks for the support and it's called a 'concussion' brainiac.", Justin corrected.

"Hey don't be mean to me, asshole!", Ethan fired back a little annoyed at Justin's condescending tone.

"Yeah quit picking on Lite. It's not his fault your 'contusion' broke your little dick.", Rico said laughing.

Everyone but Justin was a laughing and probably a little too loud because Justin's mom chased them out a few minutes later.

Ethan's Journal I went over to Justin's house again. Matt and Rico were there I did not get to talk to him alone. He said he is feeling a lot better. I have fun with his friends and they are nice to me but some times I feel bad for Justin. They are always trying to find him girls. Matt wanted Justin to go on a date with him and his girlfriend. I know he won't do it but I know it bothers him when they keep talking about it. Sometimes I think I should tell him just to do it but I can't! Kai is not perfect but at least he knows the truth about us so I do not have the same problem. One other thing now I know Justin will be ok I'm super horny!

Ethan wasn't able to see Justin the next day because he had to go to see his doctor. The following day was Friday, the last school day before winter break and the day of the dance. Ethan didn't care much about the dance. He knew he'd be spending most of his time selling drinks with Kai. He had chatted with Justin the night before who had jokingly told him not to cheat on him with any girls.

The dance went how Ethan thought it would, almost. He and Kai spent most of their time people watching. A lot of the seventh grade boys hung out in small groups around the edge of the dance floor. The eight graders were out on the floor dancing in groups or in couples. There were teacher chaperones that would remind the young couples that school wasn't the place to show off their young lust. Kai told Ethan about the rumor that a girl had given two boys blowjobs in one of the girl's bathroom stalls at the dance last year. Ethan thought that was pretty funny. They had made some pretty good money for the writing club since they were the only ones selling any drinks. Ethan saw Kevin with his girlfriend. They hadn't really talked since Ethan had told him off. It only bothered Ethan a little even though he had been Kevin's friend for a long time now that he had Justin and Kai. At one point the group of girls that sometimes hung out with Kai at lunch came by and dragged him to the dance floor. They tried to get Ethan to go but he said he had to stay and guard the money.

When Kai came back from dancing he said, "God those girls wear me out! You know can barely hear anything with the music so loud, plus we're dancing but they never stop talking."

Ethan laughed, "It looked like you were having fun out there."

"Yeah, it's fun to act like a fool sometimes. You should go dance with them for a while.", Kai offered.

"Nah not my thing.", Ethan replied.

"You're gay, so trust me dancing will be one of your things. Speaking of that. Our youth group is planning a dance. It would be a lot more exciting than this. You really need to come to one of our meeting and start making some more gay friends."

"Yeah I might, it would be kind of cool to know more guys like us.", Ethan admitted.

"Cool, our next meeting is after the break, you could tell your parents that you're coming over to my house to study and then come with me.", Kai said, already making plans.

Ethan was about to reply when a girl walked up.

"What may I get for you?", Kai asked.

The girl was looking at Ethan and didn't even look away to answer, "Nothing, I wanted to ask this hottie to dance with me.".

Ethan didn't recognize the girl, she looked Hispanic and was probably three inches taller than him. "Umm...I don't...well I've got to stay here.".

"Oh don't worry about that I'll cover this, you go ahead dance, Ethan.", Kai said with a big grin.

Ethan shot Kai a death ray look.

The girl didn't wait for Ethan to answer and went around the side of the table and took him by the hand and led him to the dance floor. Ethan had never danced before, at least not in public, he had watched all night and then followed the girl's movements. It wasn't so bad.

Ethan still had no idea who the girl was until she leaned and said, "I'm Tanya.".

Ethan recognized the name, it was Rico's cousin, "I'm Ethan".

Tanya laughed, "I know. You're so cute!".

Ethan had no idea how to reply, "Uh, thanks, you're really nice.".

Tanya beamed at the compliment. She had been staring at Ethan the whole time they were dancing but would take quick glances off to the side. Ethan followed her eyes to a group of giggling girls watching them. They danced to a couple of songs before a song that was slightly slower was played and Tanya moved closer to Ethan. Ethan would ease himself to a safer distance only to have her close the distance until they would occasionally brush against each other. Then at one point near the end of the song, she grabbed Ethan by the butt and pulled him against her while smiling into his eyes.

When the song was over she said, "Well I guess I better go back with my friends."

"Oh okay,", Ethan said relieved.

"Give me a hug first.", She asked while wrapping her arms around Ethan.

Ethan thought that was the worst of it but then she surprised him with a quick kiss on the lips before she ran over to her friends who met her with great excitement.

"That was priceless.", Kai said laughing when Ethan came back.

"That was your fault asshole.", Ethan exclaimed, still in shock over the kiss.

"Such language. Who was that girl?", Kai asked still laughing.

Ethan explained who Tanya was and told the whole story about Rico offering to set him up with her.

"Well are you going to do it?", Kai asked, trying sound as serious as possible.

"Do what?". Ethan asked with frustration.

"Let her suck on your 'cheetoh'", Kai asked as he burst out laughing again, no longer able to contain himself.

Ethan shook his head, "No but I might kick you in yours!".

"You've developed quite a temper and you're so violent. I think Justin is rubbing off on you.", Kai teased.

Ethan crossed his arms and grunted. He was ready for the dance to end.

The next day as soon as Ethan had his work done, he went over to Justin's house. He was relived because Rico and Matt weren't going to be there because they were at the high school tournament which meant that he could have Justin to himself. Justin's mom even seemed more relaxed without rowdy Rico there to rile everyone up.

Ethan told Justin what happened at the dance and all about Rico's cousin.

Justin could see that it bothered Ethan and had to work hard to keep himself from laughing, "So did she look like a girl version of Rico.".

"What? I don't know.", Ethan replied a little annoyed with Justin.

"Was she cute?", Justin asked just to be annoying.

"Don't be a dick. I just told you a girl kissed me and all you want to know is if she looks like Rico and how cute she is?", Ethan scolded.

"Don't get bitchy with me lil E. But okay...did she use her tongue?", Justin asked with a big smile.

"Arrgh, if you weren't already hurt I'd punch you in the head.", Ethan said through clinched teeth.

Justin's mom came in, "What are two talking about today?"

"Ethan was just telling me about going to his first dance and his first kiss with a girl.", Justin said with fake enthusiasm.

Justin's mom looked over at Ethan and warned, "Ethan, you're way too young to start up with girls. You should focus on school and sports, you'll have enough time for girlfriends later."

"Yeah, you listen to my mom, lil E.", Justin said with mock approval.

"And you Justin. I told you and your friends to behave around him. You three need watch what you say and set a good example. You don't think I know that you all sit in here and talk about girls?", Justin's mom scolded.

Ethan chuckled, "I think you're right, I'll stay away from girls."

"Very good. I'm going out to run some errands and Justin's dad had to go into the office. So Ethan you're in charge. Justin is doing much better but he needs to stay in bed. If you need anything, Justin can call me, okay?"

Ethan nodded, "Okay, will do.".

As soon as she left, Ethan said, "You can be such a big dick!".

"I was just fucking with you. Besides I'm the one that should be mad."

"What do you mean, you should be mad?", Ethan asked perplexed.

"Well I told you not to cheat one me at the dance and you go and make out with Rico's cousin.", Justin said laughing.

That was too much for Ethan and he jumped on Justin with a yell.

Justin was still laughing, "Hey take it easy, you're supposed to be watching me, not trying to kill me.".

"Yeah, yeah, just wait I'm going to beat your ass when you're better.", Ethan said looking down at Justin has he straddled his chest.

"Well until then why don't you give me a kiss? Just be gentle.", Justin asked with a pleading smile.

"You don't deserve one but I guess so since you're still hurt.", Ethan bent down and gently kissed Justin's lips. Justin reached up and touched Ethan's cheek then ran his fingers through Ethan's hair. Ethan opened his mouth so he could meet Justin's tongue with his.

When they were finished Justin said, "Fuck I missed that."

"Yeah I did to. You know what?", Ethan asked.


"You're a much better kisser than Rico's cousin.", it was Ethan's turn to joke.

"Yeah I hope so, horn dog.", Justin said as Ethan rolled off him and snuggled against his side.

Ethan was running his hand over Justin's chest and then as if on auto pilot it found it's way down front of Justin's boxers. Justin was already hard from kissing Ethan.

"Well this still works.", Ethan said smiling at Justin.

"Maybe it's just your magic hands. Before you get me all horned up, remember I'm suppose to be taking it easy", Justin said.

"You're not going to do anything.", Ethan said as he hopped up to lock the door, which he carefully checked after what happened with Kai. He got back on the bed with Justin and pulled down Justin's boxers.

"You sure that door's locked?", Justin asked as he felt the head of his dick being enveloped in Ethan's mouth.

"Mmm hmm", was the only response Ethan could muster.

Ethan was giving him some awesome oral treatment. Justin still wasn't feeling 100% but it had been a while since he had gotten off. His dick was hard enough to cut glass and the only reason he hadn't already blown his load was that he had to take a wicked leak.

Ethan sat up still holding Justin's rigid dick, "Yep looks like this still works great even if you got a broken brain.".

"Yeah it does. It'll work even better when I take a piss.", Justin explained as he started to sit up.

Ethan pushed him back down, "You stay right there mister I told your mom, I would keep you in bed."

"I think she'd be okay with me getting up to pee, lil E.."

"She said I'm in charge and I'm saying you need to lay down and be good.", Ethan ordered.

"Okay but if I piss my bed, you'll clean it up.", Justin warned.

Ethan had kicked off his shoes and was pulling off his jeans and boxers. He reached over Justin and started searching through his nightstand, "Ah ha found it.".

"Found what?", Justin asked, trying to figure out what Ethan was up to.

Ethan held up the bottle lube. He squirted some on his hand and started giving Justin a well lubed hand job.

"Fuck that feels really good.", Justin said, trying to focus on the feeling and not his full bladder.

"Uh huh.", Ethan said as he squeezed some more lube on Justin's dick. Then Ethan straddled Justin's hips.

"What are you up to?", Justin asked, although he was beginning to figure it out on his own.

"Well I'm taking care of you like your mom said." Ethan replied. He was trying get a good grip on Justin slippery cock to guide it into his butt. It was a lot harder to do than Ethan had imagined.

"I don't think this is what my mom had in mind.", Justin said watching Ethan as he struggled. Ethan's face was schrunched to one side as tried to figure it out.

Ethan shrugged, Justin's dick kept slipping up his butt crack. Finally after trying again and again, he felt Justin's dick pop into his hole. Ethan clinched up in surprise. It had been awhile since they had fucked, plus normally Justin spent time getting his butt hole warmed up and ready with his tongue and fingers.

Justin saw the surprised look on Ethan's face, "You okay?"

"Shut up and relax.", Ethan scolded, giving himself a moment to adjust and then slowly he started to ease himself down Justin's shaft. When he finally sat all the way down, he carefully took off his sweatshirt trying not get lube on it, after all fucking was hot work. He slowly started to move himself up and down. It felt strange, something about the angle made it different but really good.

Justin moaned, he started to reach out grab Ethan's butt cheeks but Ethan pushed his hands down, "You just lay their and take it easy contusion boy."

"Concussion, dumbass.", Justin said watching Ethan's lithe, little body ride him.

"I know fuck nuts, I was kidding.", Ethan poked back absentmindedly focused more on moving his body and sensation he was feeling.

Once again Ethan was surprising Justin with something new, "Where did you learn about this, lil E.".

"Tyler.", Ethan said without thinking.

"Whoa! What the fuck!", Justin practically yelled.

Ethan sat all the way down on Justin's dick, "I mean Tyler came over one time when I was Kai's and he played some gay video on Kai's computer, the guys were doing this, what do think I meant?"

Justin was relieved, "Okay, were the three of you sitting there stroking it or what?"

Ethan punched Justin in the chest, "Shut up asshole, you're supposed to be relaxing, quit interrupting me."

Justin laughed, "Alright, jeesh no sense of humor at all today."

Ethan went back to riding Justin's cock and was beginning to get the rhythm of it and was picking up the pace. He could feel Justin's cock head deep inside him, it was so good and felt different from other positions.

Justin was marveling at the intensity on Ethan's face, he so lost in the passion he was feeling. When he wasn't looking at Ethan's face he would look at Ethan's absolutely rigid little cock, twitching and bobbing and Ethan moved. It was awesome except that every time Ethan came down he was putting a lot of pressure on Justin's full bladder and after a few minutes it was almost unbearably uncomfortable.

"Lil dude, I've got to take piss, I don't think I can even cum like this.", Justin explained in desperation.

Ethan almost completely ignored him, "Uh uh".

"Please, I really need to go, I'll make it quick and then we can get right back to it.", Justin pleaded.

Ethan didn't even stop for a moment, "I'm in charge and I say no.".

If Justin didn't have to pee so bad he might have been amused by Ethan's more sadistic side. He knew he could easily roll Ethan off him but for whatever reason he chose to let Ethan be in charge, "You know if you aren't careful I'm gonna whizz in your butt."

"Better not", was all Ethan said and it was just above a whisper.

Justin knew that by Ethan's breathing and by the ecstasy on his face that Ethan was on the edge of cumming. Maybe with a little help, Justin could end this so he took hold of Ethan's slender, throbbing cock but Ethan quickly knocked his hand out of the way.

"Oh come on!", Justin whimpered.

Justin gave up on appealing to Ethan and instead again focused on how good it felt instead of the urge to pee. He knew how hard it was to take a piss with morning wood so he figured he wouldn't really piss while they were fucking. It did feel good, really good and in fact the with the full bladder it was a bizarrely intense feeling.

Ethan liked playing games with Justin but this was more, he found just the right angle and the right rhythm and it was amazing, he didn't want to stop, not even to let Justin pee, especially after that Tyler comment. It was also kind of kinky to watch Justin beg. He was so ready to cum, he just wanted to make this last as long as possible.

Finally Justin could feel things change, the urge to cum was slowly building and overwhelming the need to relieve his over burdened bladder. It was a incremental and powerful build. It was almost like having to take a leak was edging the orgasm in some weird way. After what seemed like forever, Justin couldn't stop it and right as the titanic climax took hold, he reached out and grabbed Ethan by the hips and Justin thrust his own hips upward as he exploded deep inside Ethan. He ejaculated with such force, for a brief moment he thought he really had pissed in Ethan's butt.

Ethan looked down at Justin with a mischievous smile and stuck his tongue out at him but he didn't stop. Justin was still as hard as ever and Ethan hadn't cum yet. He was so close and when Justin grabbed him and came he almost came too but not quite. After a couple more minutes Ethan couldn't stand it any more, he was so close to the edge, he reached down and took his own cock in hand while furiously rode Justin, it didn't take too long with the added stimulation, Ethan's whole body shuddered as he came.

Justin was watching Ethan as he climaxed, normally when Ethan came it would ooze out or spurt out in a couple drops. This time he came in two decent size spurts which landed high on Justin's stomach. It was still clearish and watery but there was definitely more volume.

Ethan collapsed down on Justin, feigning exhaustion. Although is legs were feeling pretty wobbly, "That was fucking awesome."

"Yeah it was, considering how you were such a little prick by not letting pee. Which I still need by the way.", Justin said.

Ethan eased himself off Justin, whose dick was still rock hard because he had to pee so bad, Ethan's face was directly over Justin's, "I'm not a prick, I'm in charge."

Justin sighed, "Fine, may I please go take a piss now sir, so I don't wet my bed.".

Ethan sat down on Justin's stomach, "Him let me think."

"Don't sit there, you're killing me lil E." Justin said, the pressure was intolerable.

"Oh I'm sorry, you mean I shouldn't do this?", Ethan said as he started bouncing up and down on Justin's belly.

"That's it, get your wet, slimy butt off me!". Justin said as he rolled Ethan off him.

Ethan squealed with laughter, "Well you're the one who made it wet and slimy! Go ahead and pee, wussy.

Justin got up and felt really light headed after all the excitement. It took a moment before he was able to walk to the bathroom.

When he came back Ethan was laying on his side smiling at him.

"Well you get to clean my shower, lil asshole.", Justin said.

Ethan was confused, "What do you mean clean your shower, I didn't take a shower yet?"

"I was still so fucking hard there was no way could use the toilet so I peed in the shower, it's your fault horn dog.", Justin explained.

Ethan laughed again, "You're so gross!!".

"Gross huh? Imagine if I would've pissed in your ass?", Justin countered.

Ethan thought for a moment, "Well if you did that, I could tell people I peed out of my butthole!"

Justin shook his head, "How can somebody so cute be so disgusting at times. Go get cleaned up before my mom gets home."

"Yeah I am cute huh?", Ethan smirked at Justin as he marched off to the bathroom.

An hour later Justin's mom came home and found both boys watching TV in Justin's room, "Justin are you ok?"

Justin shrugged, "I'm fine. Why?"

"You look flushed, your face looks a little red, what were you two up to while I was gone?", She asked.

"We were watching that Fast and Furious movie, maybe he got a little too excited.", Ethan offered.

"Yeah I guess so, he can be pretty delicate sometimes." Justin's mom replied.

"For sure and really stubborn too, I kept telling him to take it easy and he wouldn't listen.", Ethan added with a smile.

"Justin I told you Ethan was in charge, you know we're looking out for you.", Justin's mom said in a fake nagging voice.

Justin rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes at both of them.

Christmas was the next week. Usually Ethan was all about what gifts he wanted and what he was going to get. This year it was all about Justin. Ethan was going to his grandmother's for Christmas so he wouldn't be able to see Justin until they were back. The first thing he had to do was get Justin's gift before he left. He had a good idea what he wanted to give him and waited as long as possible to save as much money as he could. He had been saving his minimal allowance and the money his grandma had given them. Ethan hoped it would be enough.

Ethan talked his mother into taking him to soccer store by the mall. He had passed by it a few times but this was the first time he had ever been there and it didn't take him too long to realize how expensive everything was there. The good thing was that he found exactly what he was looking for. A gray Adidas goal keeper jersey in Justin's size. He knew Justin didn't have one and he also knew that he would be able to wear it at almost every game as long as the team they were playing wasn't gray. His high school had red or black jerseys and his club team wore either navy blue or white jerseys. Ethan also knew that Justin hated bright or flashy colors. He was always telling Ethan "I rather let the way I play stand out instead of how I dress."

Ethan's heart dropped when he found the price tag it was way over what he had to spend but then he saw the big sign saying that all goal keeper equipment was thirty percent off. He did the math and realized he had just enough to cover the price but he also knew there would be tax, that meant he had to borrow money from his mom. He grabbed the jersey and urgently went to find his mom.

If it was his dad he wouldn't have bothered but he had a chance with his mom, "Um mom, could you do me favor?"

She looked at Ethan tentatively, she was surprised he was getting a gift for Justin, Ethan wasn't much like his father except when it came to money, they were both severe tight wads , "What do you need honey?".

Ethan did his best to give the best puppy dog eyes he could, "Do you think you could loan me some money? I don't think I have enough for tax.".

"I don't know let me see what you're buying.", Ethan's mom replied.

Ethan reluctantly handed her the jersey, "Oh my god Ethan this is really expensive.".

"It's not that bad, it's thirty percent off, Justin's been so cool to me, I want to get him something awesome. I know he'll love this, please?", Ethan pleaded.

She thought about it, "I can't believe you're spending this much and you better not let your dad know about it, he'll think you've lost your little mind.".

Ethan smile and gave her a quick hug, "Thanks mom, you rock!"

Justin on the other had struggled long and hard on what to get Ethan. The ipod had been perfect. He thought about a game for Ethan's PS3 but Ethan had told him he didn't really play that often, especially now that he spent most of his free time, with Justin, Kai or writing. Money wasn't the problem, the problem was getting him something that Ethan's parents wouldn't notice or at least wouldn't think was weird coming from a high school aged friend. Justin had done some research and found a really good science fiction novel but he didn't think that was near enough. Ethan loved music and really enjoyed being able to download his own, so Justin got him another fifty dollar iTunes gift. The other thing was a last minute surprise. Ethan never really seemed to care about clothes, he dressed okay and really liked the sweatshirt that Coach Lambert had given him. The only time Ethan had ever talked about wanting something was when he saw a pair of bright red vans that Matt was wearing one day. So Justin also got him a hundred dollar gift card to the Van's Store. Justin figured that not only could he get something he wanted but Justin could take him to go shopping. He also had an idea for one last surprise, something that they had already talked about but Justin decided he would make a promise out of it.

Ethan couldn't wait to give Justin his Christmas present. It made the thought of spending Christmas weekend at his grandmother's somewhat bearable. Ethan couldn't wrap parents for shit so he had his mom help him, he wanted everything to be perfect.

The next morning he went over to Justin's house and the door was answered by a tall blond girl, it took a moment but Ethan recognized her from the photos in Justin's house, it was Justin's sister. They looked a lot a like, her hair was blond, only a little more on the reddish side, but she had Justin's brilliant blue eyes. She looked down at him with a puzzled look.

"Um...hey is Justin here?", Ethan asked shyly.

She smiled at him, "Uh sure, I'll go get him for you. Give me sec."

Justin heard a knock on his door, "Yeah?!".

Justin's sister opened the door, "Someone's at the front door for you.".

"Who is it?", Justin asked, because if it were Rico or Matt she would've them in.

"I don't know, he didn't say, I've never seen him before.", She shrugged.

"Fine, I'll get up and see, maybe you could've asked.", Justin said with an annoyed sigh.

"Maybe you need to get off your ass anyway. Besides mom didn't tell me she arranged a play date for you today.", She snickered.

"What's that mean?", Justin asked.

"It means the kid at the door looks like he's 10 years old. Which is fine with me because at least he won't drooling over me like Rico.", She said as she closed the door behind her.

Justin knew who she had to be talking about and went to the door to let Ethan in, "I'm sorry about my sister, she can be a bitch."

"No that's okay. She's really good looking.", Ethan said as he went inside.

"Of course she is, she's my sister.", Justin joked.

"Gawd, you're so stuck up!", Ethan joked in return.

"Yeah he is a total conceited little prick!", Justin's sister injected as they walked by her.

"Yeah you're an arrogant bitch so I guess it's a family thing. Ethan this is my rude ass sister, Ellie, Ellie this is my friend Ethan.". Justin said.

"Hey.", Ethan said with a little wave.

"Nice meeting you, don't listen to him, I'm really nice to almost everyone, except him.", Ellie said with a warm smile towards Ethan before she gave Justin the finger.

"Right back at ya.", Justin said dismissively.

When they got back to Justin's room Ethan said, "She seemed nice enough to me. And you are kinda conceited by the way."

"Oh really?", Justin said as he tackled Ethan on to the bed and started giving him gentle punches to the ribs and belly.

"Stop, stop don't make me punch you.", Ethan squealed with laughter.

Justin stopped but kept Ethan pinned down, "You can't punch me I'm still suppose to be taking it easy.".

"You seem a lot better."

"I am, I went to the doctor yesterday and he said I'm making progress. My ears stopped ringing. My neck is still stiff. I'm not allowed to do anything real physical but at least I can get out of the house because I was going fucking crazy stuck here with my mom all day.", Justin explained.

"That's cool, I guess there's no way we're going to anything kinda physical today, huh?"

Justin knew what that meant, ", everyone's home and I don't think they're going any where.".

"Maybe a just a quick suck?", Ethan said as he reached out to touch Justin's dick.

"Whoa there, crazy horn dog." Justin said taking hold of Ethan's hand.

Ethan giggled, "Just kidding, I'm not that crazy.".

Justin looked at him skeptically, "I don't know about that. Hey what's in the bag?".

Ethan had almost forgotten, "Oh yeah, it might a Christmas present.".

"Nice, who's it for?'", Justin asked trying to sound clueless.

"It's for my boyfriend.", Ethan said looking up at Justin.

"He's a lucky guy.", Justin said getting off Ethan.

"Oh yeah he is so lucky.", Ethan agreed as he handed the present to Justin.

"Do you want me to open it now or wait until Christmas?", Justin asked, he was really curious what Ethan had got him, it felt like a sweatshirt.

"Now, I want to see you open it!", Ethan answered with a great deal of enthusiasm.

Justin tore off the wrapping paper, "Holy shit Ethan! This is fucking awesome. I've been looking at this jersey for a while. Lil guy you spent way too much.".

"No I didn't, I wanted to get you something cool that you'd like.", Ethan was ecstatic that Justin liked the jersey so much.

Justin was astonished, he'd been debating about buying this jersey the past couple of times he had gone to soccer store, "I really like it lil E, now I feel like I what I got you isn't good enough.".

"You always get me good stuff.", Ethan told Justin and he meant it.

Justin peeled off his hoodie and tried the keeper jersey on, "It fits perfect lil guy, what do you think?".

"I think it looks awesome and you look totally hot."

Justin gave Ethan a quick peck on the lips, "Thanks lil E".

Ethan was beaming. Justin went to his closet came back with a gift bag, "I know I can't top yours but I hope you like this stuff."

The bag was heavy and the first thing Ethan pulled out was a thick book, "Whoa this is a big book, 'Dune'?"

"Yeah I've never heard of it, I know you like writing science fiction so I figured you should read the best. I did some research, well I googled the best science fiction book and this book came up a bunch of times, it's like a whole series. I still wasn't sure so when I went to the book I asked this old dude and he agreed. I read some of it, it's not bad and I'm not much of a reader.", Justin explained nervously.

Ethan had read some science fiction, most of it was pretty short books written for teens. Kai had loaned him 'Enders Game', which was great, "No this looks awesome, I don't think I've ever read a book this big."

"No kidding, but I think if you want be great at something, you should learn from people who are already great.", Justin explained.

"Yeah that's right and I'm sure I'll like it, plus I have something to do while I'm at my grandmother's."

"Cool, there's some other stuff in there.", Justin pointed out.

Ethan excitedly went through the bag. He was always crazy about iTunes cards and equally excited when he found the Van's Store card. He had never really cared that much about clothes but after hanging out with Justin, his friends and even Kai (although he would never dress like Kai, he did appreciate that Kai had his own style.), Ethan was starting to notice how he dressed compared to other kids, it didn't stand out as good or bad but he liked the idea of choosing what he would wear. The best part was that it included a shopping date with Justin.

The last thing Ethan found was a plain piece of paper at the bottom of the bag with 'Good for OCT' handwritten on it, "What's this?".

"It stands 'one camping trip' That's something to make the camping trip official that we were talking about, but I have an idea to make it better than our normal hiking spot. We've got to start planning how we're going to get you out of your house for a whole weekend though.", Justin explained.

Ethan like that idea and was already trying to come up with ways to escape, "These were some awesome presents, especially the last one.".

"Yeah, you like them? It's hard to figure stuff out that won't get us busted."

Ethan gave Justin a big hug, "All of it's cool, it's stuff I really like, not what my parents think I like.".

"I hope so, I think I know you pretty good."

"You think so? What do you think I want right now?", Ethan said with a big smile.

"Something that I really, really want to give you but can't!", Justin said with semi-mock frustration in his voice

"Grrr, I should always get what I want!", Ethan protested.

"Ha most of time you do. When are you leaving?", Justin asked.

" sucks."

"It'll go fast." Justin lied and then added, "Hopefully we can chat.".

"Yeah if my dad isn't being an internet pig."

Justin laughed, "I know what you can tell him."

"What?", Ethan could already tell Justin wasn't being serious.

"Tell him that you need to chat up your new girlfriend Tanya, that'll impress him.", Justin said laughing even harder.

"Fucker! Not even funny!"Ethan said as he punched Justin in the stomach.

"Hey, I'm still hurt, you can't punch me!", Justin said in between laughs.

"Your head is hurt not your stomach, dumb ass.", Ethan said as he punched him again.

They settled down and talked about what they wanted to do when Ethan came back after Christmas. Ethan told Justin what music he had planned on getting with the iTunes card and Justin gave Ethan some suggestions. Justin's mom invited Ethan to stay for pizza. It was always fun being with Justin and his family. It was even better with Justin's sister, who really was a lot like him. It was hard to go home after spending time them.

Ethan's Journal Justin really liked the keeper shirt I got him! He said he had been looking at it for a long time and even tried it on for me. He looked so hot I wanted to jump him right there even though his family was home. I met his sister, she is pretty and funny. She and Justin are really mean to each other but I think they are messing around mostly. I ate lunch with them and they both would make the same face at their mom. It would be pretty cool to live with them. Justin got me a book called "Dune" which is suppose to be really awesome. He also got me an iTunes card and Vans gift card. I can hardly wait to go shopping. The last thing he gave me was a promise for us to go camping somewhere better than our hiking place, I like our hiking place, it makes me mega horny just to think about it. I hope we get some time alone next week!

Justin was feeling a little down after Ethan left, he knew that time wouldn't go all that fast. The holidays weren't his favorite time, normally it just meant time away from soccer and his team mates which sucked, extra time with mom and dad and their never ending questions and now it meant time away from Ethan.

Justin went to the kitchen to grab a snack and met his sister, who he did his best to ignore.

"So what's the angle lil bro.", she asked not even looking up from her phone.

"Angle on what?", Justin asked.

"The kid, Ethan."

"There's no 'angle'. Why do you even care?", Justin asked annoyed, realizing he should've ignored her like he planned to.

"I guess I'm just curious. I know you, at first I thought he was like one of your coaches kids or maybe some girl your banging's little brother but he's not. I figured I'm missing something."

"Mom explained to you who he is at lunch, I coached him.", Justin said sharply.

"Yeah but why are you still hanging out with him? I mean I saw you two at lunch, he clearly looks up to you, which is amazing considering he's probably the brightest of your friends that I've met. And you actually appear to care about him and in a way that doesn't involve your stupid sport. Seriously I've met your friends before, at least Matt and Rico but usually you guys hang out in room, probably talking about who you're sticking your tiny little pricks into. Rico will come out and ogle me now and then but I don't think they've ever eaten lunch with mom and dad.", Ellie explained.

"Maybe I'm trying to replace you with a little brother.", Justin said with a forced smile.

"You know I'm irreplaceable, needle dick. I'm not really trying to give you a hard time, I guess I'm amazed that you're maturing, I suppose you had to at some point.", Ellie said looking up from her phone for a moment.

"Yeah? I thought mom was going to replace you when you decided to spend the weekend fucking your hipster boyfriend instead of coming home after the semester was over.", Justin quipped trying to change the subject.

Ellie waved her hand at Justin, "Phhh...she's all bluster. You don't even know what a hipster is and one day when you stop fucking all the empty headed bimbets and meet someone special, you'll know how hard it is to be away from someone you love.".

"One day.", Justin muttered as he left the kitchen.

The rest of the week went exactly as Justin imagined. His parents' friends and relatives stopping by and asking him how his head was doing. Matt and Rico stopped by but his mother chased them off after Rico and Ellie started using 'inappropriate' language when they were arguing. That wasn't before Matt admitted to giving Jackie, Justin's phone number. Which pissed off Justin. He knew Matt was just trying to be a nice but it was still annoying.

Ethan missed Justin but he passed the time reading "Dune" since his dad was monopolizing the internet. On Christmas Eve his aunt's family spent the night, it was a full house with her three little kids so it was almost impossible to read or go to sleep.

On Christmas morning, after all the presents were open, Justin was sitting with his dad watching television but not really paying any attention. Christmas was so different a few years ago, it was so much more exciting. The thrill of opening the gifts and playing with all the new toys. He remembered being so pissed at Ellie when she started acting like Christmas was such a bore but now he understood perfectly.

His text alert went off and he assumed it was another friend sending out a mass 'Merry Xmas' text but instead this one said 'hey sexy', from an unknown number.

Perfect, Justin thought to himself and responded, 'who's this'

unknow number: some one who thinks your hot

Justin rubbed his face, some girl had his phone number, probably some chick that Rico gave it to or maybe it was Jackie.

Justin: yeah? Well who r u?

Unknown number: wouldn't you like to know, do you have a girlfriend?

Justin: yeah I do so unless you tell me who u r i'm done wit u

Unknown number: That's sucks, is she hot?

Justin: yeah she is so bye

Unknown number: I'm hotter!

Justin sighed, this chick was not getting the message.

Justin: Listen I hate 2 b rude but fuck off!

Unknown number: Why don't you fuck me instead!?

Justin had enough and ignored it and the next few texts.

Unknown number: Hey! It's me asshole.

Now Justin was truly confused.

Justin: its me who?

Unknown number: it's me Ethan!

Justin: Really! Who's phone u using?

Ethan: Mine!!! I got it for christmas!

Ethan couldn't believe it when he opened the present and it was phone. He thought his parents were really going to suck this year when he saw he only had one little gift and some other things that he knew were clothes but for the first time in a long time they had scored really big for him.

Justin: No shit? That's awesome.

Ethan: Yep now we can talk all the time.

Justin: For sure, can u call me?

Ethan: Yep, everyone is busy so I will go outside.

A few minutes later Justin answered Ethan's call in his room,"What took so long?'

"I had to change, I couldn't go outside in my Pjs.", Ethan replied.

"Aww I bet you looked cute, were they the kind that had the little foot things?", Justin teased.

"No, quit being stupid."

"Oh okay, I bet they were like Mickey Mouse or something like Spongebob.", Justin kept going.

"No they were just normal ones, I can't run around at my grandma's in my boxers like you do."

Justin laughed,"I bet your grandma would love it if I was running around in my boxers.".

"Grrrr, is this why you wanted me to call you, so you can tease me?", Ethan growled.

"Um no mostly I miss your cute little butt, teasing you is a definite bonus though.", Justin replied chuckling.

"Uh huh you better miss my cute butt and the rest of my cute self too.", Ethan commanded.

"Absolutely but mostly your butt. So you finally got a phone?"

"I know I was so surprised, my dad has been such a dick about it. I guess he finally got sick of me and my mom bitching at him about it.", Ethan said excitedly.

"It's so cool. You have unlimited texting, right?"

"Yeah, my mom said I do, they weren't going to but the phone guy said they should.", Ethan said.

"He's right. Do you know how to delete chats?", Justin asked.

"Uh not yet, you're the first one I texted with.", Ethan replied.

"As soon as we're done talking, you need to figure it out. Delete our chat and you need to make sure you always delete your chats.", Justin advised sternly.

"Yes dad, I will.", Ethan mocked.

"I'm not fucking around lil E. I've know a shit load of people that have gotten in big trouble because of texts. Kids are always texting about fucking, getting wasted or saying shit about their parents. So promise me you're going to delete them."

"I could put a password on it.", Ethan suggested.

"And when your parents take your phone and want to see it? Are you going to tell them no?", Justin asked.

"Oh, gotcha, I guess you're right. I promise I'll delete them."

"That's a good horn dog.", Justin praised, "You better because I'll be checking your phone and if you don't, I'm going to smack that cute little butt."

Ethan giggled, "You promise?".

The rest of the weekend did go faster now that Justin and Ethan could pretty talk whenever they wanted. Ethan promised that he'd come over the first chance he could when he got back from his grandmother's.

Ethan's Journal I finally got a phone! I am so happy and so is Justin. We can chat when ever we want. My mom was already asking who I was texting, I told her Kai. I did send Kai a text but mostly I texted Justin. Even though we can not be together it was a good Christmas.

Ethan kept his promise and went over to Justin's even though he knew they wouldn't be alone. Not only was Justin's family there but so was Rico. Ethan was little disappointed but at least he'd get to see Justin. Justin said he was feeling almost completely normal but his mom still wouldn't let him drive so there was no way they were going hiking.

Rico was really excited about seeing Ethan, "So I heard you finally got a phone, eh Lite?"

Ethan nodded, "Yeah about time."

"Yeah no shit lil dude, you'll need it for this.", Rico said as he handed Ethan a piece of paper.

Ethan unfolded the paper, it was phone number, "Is this your number.".

"Nah, Boyband can give you my number if you want it. This is Tanya's number.", Rico said with a wink.

"Uh...thanks", Ethan said.

"Yeah, I heard you two were something else at the dance, she's all in a tizzy about it. I guess you two were like dirty dancing and making out. Fuck, I'm impressed lil dude.", Rico said approvingly.

Justin laughed, "Wow, lil E, that is impressive, apparently you left out some details when you told me about the dance."

"No I didn't, I mean it was okay.", Ethan said trying not to make Rico mad.

"Dude don't be so humble, it's sounds like you made her little panties all wet." Rico said.

Ethan wasn't even sure what that meant.

"Yeah lil E don't be so humble, you should tell Rico your tricks, I'm sure he has to work a lot harder to get his cousin's panties all wet.", Justin said laughing.

"Asshole", Ethan said as he punched Justin in the arm.

"Ow don't get so mad, ladies man.", Justin said rubbing his arm.

"Don't make fun of me or I'll punch you even harder.", Ethan warned.

Rico watched them, "You two are like brothers. Lite let me show you how to punch so you can really kick Boybands ass.".

"Yeah right Rico, you never could kick my ass.", Justin countered.

"I could have but I liked you, so I didn't, you know I can box.", Rico replied. A couple of years ago, Rico tried boxing. His uncle, who was low level professional, trained him for few months before Rico decided to stick with soccer.

"When was the last time you boxed?", Justin asked him.

"That night you got your ass knocked out, I pounded that motherfucker.", Rico said.

"That was brawling not boxing.", Justin countered.

Rico shrugged, "Same difference. Alright Lite, come over here, let me show you a few things."

Justin watched as Rico showed Ethan some boxing basics, how to stand and how to block punches. Then he showed him how to throw a jab and couple of other punches the right way to get more power.

After a while Rico nodded in approval, "Damn Lite, you've got some fast hands for a newbie. We'll have to find a ultra flea weight class for you."

Ethan smiled, it was fun and Rico was a surprisingly good teacher.

"No shit he has quick hands that's why he's a good keeper.", Justin added.

"I don't know, I think the kid's a fighter.", Rico said knowing he was annoying Justin.

"Not a chance, he's a little brainiac who doesn't need any boxing head trauma.", Justin said.

Ethan started laughing and then Rico did to.

"What's so fucking funny?", Justin asked puzzled.

Ethan was still laughing when he said, "Did you forget about your 'keeper' head trauma, dumbass?"

Justin shook his head, "You guys are dicks.".

Ethan looked over at Rico, "How long do you think it will be before I can kick his ass?"

"With me teaching you, probably by next week.", Rico joked with confidence.

"Not even if you helped him Rico.", Justin said with an equal amount of confidence.

Rico laughed, "You're one hell of brawler but I still think I'd take you.".

"Justin is a good fighter?", Ethan asked.

"Fuck ya, I've seen him throw down a few times plus he and I had some good brawls when we first met. Boy Band is like the GQ version of the Hulk, one minute he's all kicked back worrying about his hair, then he gets pissed and he's a fucking madman. The best ever though was the weight room fight with that big ass lineman.", Rico answered with enthusiasm.

"Alright Rico, I think we got the idea.", Justin said, trying to end the conversation.

Ethan shook his head, he loved hearing stories about Justin, "I wanna hear about the lineman!".

"Well, we were working out and there were some football cunts and some dudes from the running team, whatever they're called. One of the skinny guys is trying to bench and this big fucking lineman is just riding his ass, calling him a pussy and shit. I don't really care but I could see Boyband checking things out and getting a little pissed. He's got a real hardon for football pricks. So the lineman pulls the little dude off the bench and chucks his ass right on the floor. Next thing I know, BoyBand is right in fat boy's face telling him to fuck with something his own size like a cow or some shit like that. The dudes calling Boyband all kinds of shit and then pushes him away, I could tell the fucker is all nervous cuz nobody calls him out, him being a big wanna be bad ass football player. Boyband pushes him back and the guy swings and then it's on. I don't think fat boy lands another punch, Boyband is waling away and the guy goes down hard. It took like three of us to pull him off the guy. It was fucking awesome.".

"Whoa, that does sound awesome.", Ethan acknowledged.

"It wasn't fucking awesome, I was lucky I didn't get suspended or maybe really hurt that fucker, even if he kinda deserved it. Fighting's not okay lil E.", Justin was getting really annoyed with Rico.

"Please, you and I both know you like to fight. I'll tell you this Lite, you can get into some deep shit fighting or you can get your ass seriously beat, so listen to your dad.", Rico replied pointing at Justin when he said 'dad'.

"I'm not fighting anybody but Justin.", Ethan said throwing some punches Justin's direction.

"Bring it, lil E. I'm ready for you.", Justin smiled at Ethan.

Rico laughed, "So what are you doing for New Year's Eve BoyBand, I heard about a banging party.".

"Shit, I'm not supposed to drive so I might be grounded.", Justin replied, briefly cringing thinking about spending New Year's Eve with his family.

"Fucking lame.", Rico said shaking his head, "What about you Lite, you doing anything special?".

"No, my parents are having a party so I'm hanging out at home to.", Ethan admitted with a sigh.

"Oh shit you two know how to have a good time, fuck. I think you should both sneak out and party with me. We can get totally shitfaced and get our fucks on. There are girls that need us and our dicks!", Rico practically yelled, grabbing his crotch at the end for emphasis.

Justin and Ethan exchanged a quick look and smile at each other before Rico started going the list of girls that were supposed to be at the party. Neither of them were interested in Rico's party but they realized they wouldn't be spending New Year's Eve together and that sucked.

Even though they weren't going to be able be together for New Year's Eve, now that Ethan had a phone they would at least able to text each other. Ethan hated it when his parents had a party or people over because that usually meant Ethan having to do a lot of extra work around the house. The good thing was that once the party started Ethan was able to sneak away to his room to read and text Justin.

Justin's aunt was the only guest at their house making it really hard for Justin to make an exit. By eleven thirty though he had finally had enough and told his parents that he had headache and was going to lay down. His parents bought the excuse with no problem. It was the first time Justin had been thankful for having a concussion.

Justin: OMG! Most boring eve ever!

Ethan: same as always for me

Justin: it gets better when u can go out

Ethan: hope so! If I was there you would not be bored

Justin: no if we were somewhere alone I'd be balls deep in u

Ethan: ha! You are making me horny I mean MORE HORNY!

Justin: u can't get more horny!

Ethan: true I guess we got to jerk off instead

Justin: already did twice member when we were chatting bout last time?

Ethan: uh huh

Justin: lol I couldn't help myself

Ethan: Wish we were doing that right now.

Justin: I just wish we were together

Ethan: yeah that would be cool.

Justin: ya know Rico was right

Ethan: about going to the party?

Justin: no bout sneaking out

Ethan: sneak out now?

Justin: ya can u?

Ethan thought it through, he had never snuck out before but it would be pretty easy to go out through the back door and then out the gate to front of the house. It was scary but it also sounded like fun.

Ethan: I can do it

Justin: ok I will pick u up on the corner in 10 min

Ethan: see you then

Justin had snuck out a few times, although usually it was when everyone was in bed. He had to sneak out and then get to his car, which he wasn't supposed to be driving. Normally like Ethan, he would just go out the back door but instead he slipped out through his bedroom window. Ten minutes later he was picking up Ethan.

As soon as Ethan got into the car he asked, "Where are we going?".

"I was thinking to the park, no one will be there, we can park in the neighborhood and find quiet place.", Justin suggested.

Ethan nodded, "That'll work.".

The park was only a short drive away and it was only few minutes later when they found a secluded picnic table.

"Brrr, it's cold.", Ethan said shivering, he was wearing a light jacket and jeans.

Justin hugged him close, "No shit, is that better?".

"Uh huh, it's worth it, even if I freeze my butt off."

Justin put a hand on each butt cheek, "I can't let that happen! Let me warm up those cheeks!".

Ethan giggled, "You're always taking care of my butt.".

"Absolutely." Justin said.

It was just a moment later when fireworks started erupting around the park signaling the end of the year and the start of another. The two boys looked at each other. Justin gave Ethan the best New Year's kiss of their young lives. It meant a lot more to Justin who had a better understanding of the tradition.

When they were done kissing Justin said, "Happy New Year Lil E.".

"Happy New Year Justin, I think this is going to be the best year ever."

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