Training a Keeper

By Emorey Ardale

Published on Jul 26, 2014


Training a Keeper, Part 4

Comments are welcome, please send emails to

Ethan's Journal ---------------------------------------- Justin is going to break up with me. ----------------------------------------

Ethan had stared at the screen for what seemed like forever and finally after his mom yelled at him to go to bed that was all he was able to write. There was so much more, he could write. He fucked Justin, well anyone for the first time, there was how mad Justin had gotten at him but in the end it was the only thing he could think about writing. He shut down his computer, turned off his lights and climbed into bed. Ethan stared up at the ceiling and finally started to cry.

The only good thing about the game was that Justin's parents would leave him alone. Even Justin's mom knew give Justin a wide birth after a loss, tie or any time Justin didn't think he played well. Justin was thinking about the game, the goal he should've saved, the yellow card that probably should've been a red card and how out of sync he felt with the team. Still as much as Justin usually obsessed over a bad game that was secondary to tonight as he replayed the whole afternoon with Ethan. His relationship with Ethan had completely fucked his routine and more importantly Ethan's friendship with Kai had completely fucked his and Ethan's still relatively new and fragile relationship. Justin wasn't sure what to do about either.

Ethan was tired and sullen the next day at school. When he had finally fallen asleep he dreamt that Justin had broken up with him. After that he tossed and turned, never really falling asleep again. When Kai saw Ethan, he didn't have to ask how things went with Justin the day before, instead he found a table away from everyone. Ethan told Kai about the conversation with Justin, the game and the car ride home. Kai was taken aback by the whole the story, he didn't know what to say or where to start.

"Homo drama bullshit, he really said that?", Kai asked with stunned disbelief.

Ethan nodded, "Yeah, I told you I've never seen him that mad."

Kai shook his head, "Does he expect you to stay in the closet forever? You're not supposed to tell anyone you're gay?"

"He wasn't mad when I told him that I told you I was gay. He fucking lost it when I said that I told you about us being boyfriends." Ethan explained softly.

"Ah I see, he wants to stay in the closet forever.", Kai replied with sarcasm.

Ethan shrugged, " I dunno, I guess so."

"I suppose that's his choice, it's still not fair to you. Ethan, he's treating you like you're his bitch, you deserve better and besides he's so much old..."

"Stop Kai.", Ethan cut him off , his voice was hushed but the tone was firm, "You're my friend but don't go there, please."

Kai nodded, "Okay, I'm sorry Ethan, it's just you're my friend and I hate seeing you hurting like this."

"I should've talked to him before I told you but I didn't plan on telling you, it just happened." Ethan said with a heavy sigh.

"You should have but you didn't and Justin doesn't need to treat you like crap. If he trusts you, then he needs trust who you're friends with, I'm not going to tell anyone. I told Tyler that you have a boy friend but I didn't say who he is or anything about him. You can both trust me.", Kai assured Ethan.

"I know I can trust you but Justin doesn't know you.", Ethan replied.

"Maybe we should all get together?", Kai offered.

"Maybe...if he doesn't dump me first.", Ethan sighed burying his face in his hands.

Justin had a sleepless night as well. All he could see was the beaten sad look on Ethan's face when he got out of the car. He was still upset about Ethan telling Kai about them but he was more upset with himself, Justin knew he hurt Ethan and that it wasn't going to get better until they talked on the weekend. He wasn't sure it would get better then, it could even get a lot worse. Justin realized that Ethan was trying decide who he was and Justin was doing a shit job of helping and he couldn't help thinking that maybe Ethan would be better off without him.

Justin kept to himself all day during school. Then he worked himself and the other keepers extra hard at training to make up for the all round poor performance the previous night. Coach Lambert didn't say anything about the goal but reminded Justin how bad a red card would have been for the team and that he's supposed to set a positive example for the rest of the players.

Justin was glad the day was almost over but as he left the locker room, "Hey, Boy Band wait up!"

Justin shook his head, he had almost made it, "What's up Rico?"

Rico caught up to him, "Nuthin's `up Rico'...somethin's up with you though. I wanted to chat with you for a few."

"I'm not in the mood to chat man, I just wanna get home, okay?", Justin replied without even looking at him.

"C'mon Justin I'm serious.", Rico pleaded.

Justin finally looked at Rico, "Can you even be serious?"

"I can be serious when I need to be.", Rico assured him.

Justin sighed, "Go ahead and talk then."

"Look Justin I know you were fuckin' pissed off at yourself cuz of the game yesterday. You know cuz you let in one whole goal and all but you gotta lighten up on yourself."

Justin clenched his jaw, "This is what you want to talk to me about? Seriously Rico, I know what I need to do, and I don't need to give up shit goals like I did yesterday."

Rico laughed and rolled his eyes, "My club goalie wouldn't have saved that shot on his best day and how many saves did you have after that? Listen to me Boy Band, for two years I've watched you put this team on your back and beat yourself up over every loss, shit every goal scored on us and there haven't been so many by the way. How many games did we win one to nuthin' last year.".

Justin shrugged, trying to keep his cool, "I don't know, a few I guess."

Rico went on, "Exactly, way too many for a high ranked team like us. That team we played last night was shit and we should've scored more than one goal. You're kicking your own ass cuz you let in one fucking goal and I'm a hero for putting one in on a team that I should've scored a lot more on."

Justin listened to Rico but wasn't convinced, "Look at least you scored the tying goal. I have high expectations for myself and I'm not changing them. I know what I can save and what I can't."

"I'm not asking you to change your expectations, I'm saying don't beat yourself up when we get scored on. You know what else you're a captain, maybe you need to raise your expectations for everyone else to.", Rico pointed out.

Justin sighed again, "Fair nuff. I'll start getting all over your shit if have anything less than hat trick from now on, okay?".

"Suppose that's a start.", Rico added, "What was going on with you and your lil boyfriend the last night?".

Justin shook his head and lied, "Nothing. He wasn't ready on time, I hate being late.".

This time it was Rico who shook his head at Justin, "No shit, I remember that time Coach reamed your ass after you yelled at that poor old bus driver. Man, you just need to get over shit you can't control. And you need to be extra nice to Bieber lite, I thought the lil dude wuz gonna cry yesterday."

"Why's that?", Justin asked out of curiosity.

"I've seen the way that lil guy looks at you, like you're god or something. So lighten up on yourself and him. If he gets out of hand let me know and I'll put him over my knee and smack his ass for you.", Rico said with a big smile.

Justin laughed he knew Rico couldn't stay serious for too long, "Shut the fuck up Rico, I'll take it easy on him."

"Damn Boy Band, won't let me fuck your girlfriends, won't me spank your boyfriends. You're not much for sharing are you?", Rico said extending his hand for a fist bump.

Justin touched fists with Rico, "Thanks man, I can't believe it but talking to you actually helped.".

"Fuck Dude, I'm not all just good looks and a big dick, I'm like a Mexican Dr. Phil too.", Rico finished.

Justin thought a lot about what Rico had said to him, most he had already hear from his parents but hearing from someone his own age drove it home. He was hard on himself, that's what drove his to work so hard in training and he also knew it drove every one around him nuts sometimes. Justin was completely wasted after training, talking to Rico and an almost sleepless night. He grabbed a quick bite to eat, went home and passed out on his bed. Justin didn't wake up until the next morning. When he checked his phone he had messages from Ethan.

Ethan: Justin Ethan: Are you there? Ethan: Please talk to me. Ethan: Please.

"Shit.", Justin thought to himself. He knew Ethan must be going crazy. Justin felt horrible, he knew he put Ethan through so much shit and the past couple of days were the worse. Justin couldn't help thinking that maybe he wasn't good for Ethan at all

The next day at school Kai asked Ethan, "Did you talk to Justin yesterday?".

Ethan shook his head.

"I'm so sorry Ethan. He shouldn't be treating you like this.", Kai comforted him.

"I don't want to talk about it right now. It's all I've been able to think about and I just need a break.", Ethan said, he had cried last night and didn't want to start crying at school.

Kai changed the subject but wished he could talk to Justin. It was bad enough he was dating someone way too young for him but to treat Ethan like this was outrageous. Maybe Ethan should've have talked to Justin before he told Kai as much as he did (Kai would expect Tyler to talk to him first.) but enough was enough. Kai also felt more than a little guilty for encouraging Ethan to talk to him and for not being one hundred percent honest about his suspicions. It was too late now to change any of that but he would do everything he could to help Ethan now.

Justin spent all Friday distracted, worrying about Ethan, worrying about Kai running his mouth and stressing over what to do about the whole situation. Training was his usual escape from anything and everything but he couldn't even let it go there. That frustrated Justin even more knowing he had finally become one of those guys who let their relationships affect everything they do.

Ethan stared at his laptop for what seemed like forever. If he sent Justin a text and he didn't' reply back, Ethan knew it was over.

Ethan: Justin Justin: Hey Ethan: Can you talk now? Justin: I don't want to txt. Ethan : I need to know what is going on. Justin: Can u get out tomorrow? Ethan: Please talk to me now. Justin: Tomorrow first thing, meet me at the park. Ethan: Ok Justin: Sorry I missed ur msg I fell asleep Ethan: Ok please talk to me now. Justin: We need to really talk, not like this. Ethan: I miss you Justin, please

Justin didn't know what to say, that hurt so much.

Justin: We'll talk it through tomorrow lil e. Ethan: See you tomorrow then.

Ethan felt a little better when Justin called him lil e. Justin still sounded serious but he didn't seem as mad, maybe Justin wasn't going to break up with him. Ethan woke extra up early to get all his chores done around the house. His dad had "poker night" the previous night so he wasn't close to being up when Ethan headed over to the park.

Justin was already waiting for him at their normal table. It was a warm fall day and the park was already busy with moms and their kids.

"Hey lil e.", Justin greeted Ethan.

Ethan looked at Justin trying to figure out what kind of mood he was in, he looked really tired, "Hey."

Justin looked around at all the people, "You got time to go for a ride?".

Ethan made sure his mom knew he'd be gone until the afternoon, "Yeah, lots of people `round here.".

The car ride was quiet. Ethan wanted to ask out right if Justin was going to break up with him. He was still nervous even though Justin didn't seem mad at him. Instead Ethan apologized about the game, " I'm really sorry about your game, I feel like it was my fault."

"Don't. It was a bad game for the whole team. Yeah, I probably should've saved that goal but we should've scored more to.", Justin explained then told Ethan about the talk he had with Rico, minus the part about Ethan.

They talked about school and things got quiet again. Fortunately it wasn't too much longer before they pulled into an empty parking lot at the edge of the city. There was sign that said something about a mountain trailhead. Ethan had driven by there before with his parents but never thought about stopping.

"C'mon lets go for walk.", Justin said when they got out of his car.

"Where are we going?", Ethan asked.

"Up there.", Justin pointed to the top of the mountain.

Ethan looked up, "Really?, Justin I just want to talk.".

"We can talk while we're hiking.", Justin said as he head through the gate that marked the trailhead.

Ethan caught up to him, "Why'd we come here.".

"I thought it'd be cool to get out.", Justin explained.

Ethan sighed, "Yeah I guess, I need to know one thing first.".

Justin looked over at Ethan still walking, "Yeah?".

"Are you breaking up with me?", Ethan finally asked.

Justin sighed, "No but we need to talk about things, I've done a lot of thinking over the past couple of days."

"About what?", Ethan asked only slightly relieved.

"We've basically had the same argument or fight like three times now and I don't want this to keep happening. I told you to come to me when you have shit on your mind and then I tear you a new asshole when you do. I'm really sorry about that Lil E", Justin explained putting his arm around Ethan's shoulder and pulling him close to him.

"Yeah but I should've talked to you before I told Kai about us, that was wrong. I'm so sorry Justin.", Ethan apologized.

"No doubt about that, it was fucked up Ethan.", Justin said and then added, " I'm not going to lie but Kai scares the shit out of me and pisses me off at that same."

Ethan's stomach dropped, he was worried about this, "I know you don't like him, he's my friend though but..."

"But?", Justin prodded.

"If you want me to stop talking to him, I will. I don't want you to break up with me cuz of Kai.", Ethan said softly.

"I'm not gonna make you choose between Kai and I, even though part of me would really like that. That would make me a total douche. Like I said we've had the same fight and it's all about you finding out who you are and that's cool. I don't know much about this gay stuff and it sounds like Kai does. Plus it would be totally selfish of me to say who you're friends should be. Don't ever let someone do that to you, okay?"

Ethan nodded, "Okay. What do you mean I'm `find out who I am'?"

"I did some checking, I know it's important for gay teens to be able come out with support from their friends and family. I'll support you, I mean if you want to tell your mom and dad that you're gay and all.", Justin explained.

Ethan shuddered at the thought of telling his dad, "I don't think I'm ready for that yet, not even close."

"That's fine to but Ethan let me make one thing absolutely clear right now.", Justin stopped walking and pulled Ethan round to face him, "If you have any idea about the two of us sitting down with your parents or mine and telling them about us, it will not and can not happen."

Justin looked as serious as he's ever been, "I understand, I don't want that either.".

"Good but this is serious shit lil e. I know you trust Kai but if our parents find out about us there's no fucking way we'll ever see each other again. My parents love you, shit if your parents kicked you out, my mom would probably adopt you but if they found out what we've been up to, I don't even know what they'd do to me but we'd be done for sure."

Ethan looked down at his shoes, "I know now, I didn't think about that when I told Kai.".

"C'mon we're almost at the top.", Justin said and he headed back up the trail.

Ethan chased after him. The trail became a lot steeper as it got closer to the top. When they finished the climb Ethan was out of breath. Justin was looking at the view of the city from the other side. Ethan walked up to him.

"Be careful there's huge drop off over here.", Justin warned.

Ethan cautiously approached the edged and peered over, "Shit, that's a long way down."

"Yep." Justin confirmed still looking at the view.

Ethan looked for bit and then looked at Justin waiting for him to say something. Finally he asked, "Are you still mad at me?".

Justin sighed, "Yeah I'm mad and I'm hurt but I know I shouldn't be.".

Ethan's heart sank, "Why?".

Justin turned to Ethan and grabbed him by the front of his sweat shirt, "Cuz sometimes you drive me fucking nuts but mostly because I'd do anything to make sure we stay together and you keep doing this crazy shit like you don't even care. I know you do but still...".

Justin let him go and Ethan struggled for something to say, finally, "I'm sorry Justin.".

"Don't be, it's my fault. It's just like becoming boyfriends I understand it now."

"Yeah, I mean Kai is always talking about Tyler and I wanted to do the same. I know nobody should know about us.", Ethan said softly.

Justin thought about what Ethan had just said, "I know it's not the same to you but you're more part of my life than anyone else has ever been. You're part of everything that's important to me. I mean you met my club team, hang out with my high school team and my friends, you've met my parents. Shit I didn't tell you this before but Rico gave me shit about being a dick to you the other day. If you went to high school with me we'd be together even more, so it's not like I hide that we're friends. They just don't know that we make out and shit and that's none of their fucking business anyway.".

Ethan had never thought about it like that. Justin had never really tried to pretend they weren't friends, they couldn't go around holding hands but Justin probably didn't do much of that with his girlfriends, "I guess I thought you were embarrassed about us being boyfriends but I should've realized you weren't embarrassed about me being your friend. I get all caught up in Kai telling me about Tyler but they don't even hang out with other people outside of their gay club."

Justin shrugged, "Don't know about that but you need to think about you're doing."

Ethan looked at Justin, he still looked mad or something else, "I know, I know but please don't be mad at me any more. I'm still scared you're gonna break up with me."

Justin shook his head, "Seriously lil e? Have you listened to me at all? I won't...shit I can't break up with you. I thought about it this week not because I was mad at you but because I thought it would be better for you if I did."

"What!? How could that be better for me?,", Ethan asked in disbelief.

"Because I felt like shit for you yelling at you, I felt like shit that you worried all week and sometimes I think you'd be better off with someone else.", Justin explained.

Ethan was beginning to get pissed, "Someone else? I don't wanna be with someone else, I want to be with you Justin. Why the fuck would you say something like that?"

Justin had been staring off in the distance, he turned to look at Ethan, "Why do you think I get so jealous over Kai. He's almost the same age as you, he's a nerdy brainiac who likes to write just like you. If your parents found out about him, they might be pissed you're a homo but it wouldn't be the same as if they found out about me."

"I told you before I don't like Kai like that, we're just friends. Justin, I want you, only you.", Ethan said almost pleading.

"I'm not saying you don't lil e, it's just different for you than it is for me. I'm so afraid of losing you, it's almost selfish."

Ethan didn't understand, "Why is it different for you, do you know how hard it was this week thinking you were gonna dump me?".

"I know but it's still different. If we weren't together anymore you will meet someone else probably someone better. I'm never gonna find someone like you again, I'll probably go back to faking it with girls.", Justin paused for moment, "Or maybe if I lose you it'd be better if I just stepped off this cliff."

Justin pretended to take a step towards the drop this time it was Ethan who grabbed Justin and pulled him back, "Stop!!".

"Christ Ethan! I wouldn't really do it but you scared the shit out of me."

"That wasn't even funny, don't even joke about that kind of shit.", Ethan scolded. He still had a hold of Justin's hoodie and pulled him closer to him, "You're not losing me so you don't have to worry about going back to stupid girls but you better kiss me right now or I'm gonna kick you in the nuts.".

Justin looked down at Ethan, there was desperate ferocity in his eyes, "Hmmm kiss you or get kicked in the nuts...let me think.".

"Shut up.", Ethan told him reaching up and pulling Justin's head down to him. They kissed long and hard. Then Justin put Ethan in a huge bear hug and lifted him up.

Ethan laughed, "I can't breathe!!".

"I missed you so much", Justin set him down he felt like crying but didn't. He wanted to tell Ethan that he loved him but Justin couldn't do that either not yet.

"I missed you more, I don't think we should fight any more, ever.", Ethan told him, his eyes had started tear up and wiped them with his sleeve.

"I second that but when you really care about someone, you fight sometimes. No more like this, okay?".

"Okay. How did you find this place?", Ethan asked.

"When I was your age my dad went through this outdoor, hiking phase. This trail was close enough to home that he could bring the whole family without too much bitching. My mom came one time, my dad dragged my sister and I a few times, then she stopped coming. So then it was just me and him. I guess he finally he got tired of listening to me whine about it so we stopped coming."

"You are a big whiner, you didn't like coming here? I wish my dad would do something cool that didn't involve football and his fat ass sitting on the couch.", Ethan said with a frown.

"That's the sad thing, I did like it. I never got spend a lot time with just my dad but instead of letting him know I acted like a little dick. I did do a lot of exploring up here though, c'mon let me show you something.", Justin took Ethan by the hand.

"Okay but do you think I'm going get to explore your `little dick'.", Ethan teased.

"Not if you call it little!", Justin told Ethan as he dragged him down a small trail.

The trail that Justin lead Ethan down was barely a trail compared with the main trail they took up from the parking lot. It practically disappeared when it into some thick brush between two large rock outcrops.

"Do you know where we're going Justin?", Ethan asked feeling a little claustrophobic surrounded by thick brush.

"Yeah we're almost there.", Justin said, leading the way.

Ethan dodged a branch that Justin had let go, "I hope so.".

They finally broke through the brush into clearing that looked like it had been used as a campsite. There was an old fire pit, lots of beer bottles and assorted other trash.

"So what do you think?", Justin asked Ethan.

Ethan looked around, "Umm...yeah it's really nice.".

Justin laughed, "Yeah I know it's a dump but the only way to get in here is the trail we took, I don't think anyone comes here anymore, it looks just like it did when I was here. It's an ideal place if you're looking for somewhere with some privacy.".

Ethan finally figured out why Justin brought him there, "Uh huh so our own lil make out place. You're sure no one will surprise us.".

Justin pulled Ethan to him, "You'd hear someone coming before they got here. Are you afraid? You're the guy who gave me a blow job in a movie theater."

Ethan put his arms around Justin's neck, "I'm not afraid, I just know how up tight you are."

Justin gave Ethan a smack on the ass and kissed him. They kissed long and hard before Ethan sank to his knees, undid Justin's and pulled them and his boxers down together. He took Justin's rigid cock in his mouth slowly, until he was taking as much as he could.

"Fuck, lil e that is sooo good.", Justin said as Ethan continued to slowly work on Justin's cock. Instinctually Justin started pumping his hips forcing his dick in and out of Ethan's mouth quicker. Ethan could tell Justin was getting closer to cumming so he took Justin's dick out of his mouth and started licking his nuts. After a while Ethan ran his tongue up Justin's shaft and started sucking him until he could feel Justin getting ready to cum and then repeated it all over.

This went on two more times and finally Justin said, "Geez lil E I was almost there, like twice already.".

Ethan giggled and looked up, "I know I don't want you to shoot yet.".

Justin smiled down at him, "Yeah? Why not?".

Ethan stood up and put his arms around Justin's neck, "Cuz, I think I need you to fuck me.".

Justin put a hand on each one of Ethan's butt cheeks and pulled him tight to him, "Mmm that sounds really but I didn't bring any lube.".

Ethan made a fake frown, "You suck!! I still want to.".

Justin laughed, "I don't think so. I don't want to hurt you.".

"Please? You can go really slow.", Ethan pleaded, making puppy dog eyes at Justin.

Justin rolled his eyes at Ethan, he had used spit before to jerk off, "If you really want to, I've got an idea.".

"Well duh I really want to.", Ethan said while pulling down his jeans and boxers.

"Smart ass, turn around.", Justin said spinning Ethan around himself and then giving him a smack on the ass.

"Oww!! You better kiss it now!"

Justin dropped to knees and kissed Ethan where he smacked him and then spread his ass cheeks apart. As soon as Ethan felt Justin's tongue he bent over to give Justin better access.

After a couple of minutes of ass licking Ethan said, "Mmm I like this idea of yours.".

Justin kept licking and probing Ethan's butt until he felt he like Ethan's hole was sufficiently relaxed and slobbered up, finally he stood, "Okay we're gonna take this real slow and easy, lil e."

"Uh huh.", Ethan agreed in anticipation.

Justin spit in his hand and applied to his rigid cock, he was worried he might cum just trying get his dick into Ethan after all the edging earlier. All the spit and tongue work seemed to do the trick as he ease his cock into Ethan's tight opening. He could definitely tell the difference between spit and lube though.

Ethan could feel the difference as well. There was a little more friction than he felt with the lube but it still felt really good. It was also the first time they had done it standing up which was awkward because of the different in their height. Justin bent his knees to get himself low enough but Ethan still felt like he had to stand on his tip toes. They had fucked enough times now that Ethan was able to almost relax when Justin first enters him but Ethan thought it was almost like going on roller coaster, you know it's going to be good but there's always that little bit of fear and anticipation when you go up that first big hill followed by the thrill and exhilaration as you fly down the other side.

Justin was more than happy to take things nice and slow but after a bit of slow pumping Ethan started backing against him and Justin's movement mirrored Ethan's. The awkwardness of standing up didn't matter and the stress and worries of the past few days melted away as both boys were enveloped in their passion.

Justin couldn't last much longer and after a few more desperate strokes he exploded in Ethan's butt hole, "Fuck Ethan, I'm cumming!".

Ethan had fought the urge to touch his dick the whole time Justin was fucking him, he knew he'd cum and he wanted everything to last. As Justin pulled out of him, Ethan turned around to face Justin. They kissed passionately while Ethan pushed his throbbing erection against one of Justin's legs. Finally Justin sank to his knees in front of Ethan taking his dick into his mouth. Moments later after some frantic thrusts Ethan had a fantastic orgasm himself.

Ethan breathed a deep sigh full of both relief and satisfaction, "God that was good.".

Justin stood up and took Ethan in his arms and they kissed again when they were done he said, "That was so good I'm sorry I didn't last very long, you had me all revved up with your teasing.".

"Not me, you just can't control yourself when you're touching this.", Ethan said as he put one of Justin's hands on his butt.

"That's probably it, you're just too damn sexy.".

"I like it up here. Are we gonna come back?", Ethan asked still hugging Justin.

"For sure. I told you I thought I found another place for us to go, this is it. Next time maybe we'll bring a blanket or something.", Justin suggested.

"That'd be cool and we could get totally naked out here!", Ethan exclaimed.

"We'll see about that horn dog. You ready to head back down?"

Ethan gave Justin his fake frown again, "Do we have to?".

"It sucks but yeah we do so pull up your pants or are you going to waddle down the mountain?", Justin laughed.

Ethan pretended to think about it, "Hmm, maybe I will dumbass.".

On the way back down to the car Justin asked, "So I would like to know exactly what you told Kai.".

Ethan paused the asked in return, "You won't get mad?".

Justin shook his head, that didn't sound good at all, "What's done is done, I promise I won't get mad but I think I should know.".

"Ok but you promised...", Ethan said softly and he told Justin everything he told Kai. The last thing he talked about was how Kai was concerned about them fucking without condoms. He almost didn't tell Justin about that but he wanted to be honest.

Justin was quiet while Ethan talked and for a minute or so after, finally Ethan asked with apprehension, "Are you mad again?".

"No I'm not mad, just thinking. You really trust Kai don't you?", Justin asked in return.

"Yes I do. He's the only one I trust after you.", Ethan assured Justin.

"I guess that will have to do. He's right about the condom thing. I mean I've always been really careful cuz last thing I wanted to do was get some chick knocked up but you can't always trust people, shit some people don't even know they've got stuff.", Justin explained.

"We learned about that in health but I don't think about that when I'm with you though."

"I know that's cuz we're always thinking with our dicks!", Justin said with a smirk.

Ethan giggled, "Well I'm usually thinking about your dick!".

"Hmm I see how you are."

"Yep that's how I am. So are we okay now? You're not mad for sure?", Ethan asked one more time.

"I'm not mad and we're more than okay. I really, really...", Justin stopped and pulled Ethan into his arms, they were staring in each others, Justin knew what he wanted to say, what he needed to say, "missed you. You're everything to me lil E."

Ethan looked up at Justin, they way Justin was looking at him made him feel so warm inside it felt like he was going to melt, "You're everything to me, I'm never gonna leave you."

They shared one last kiss, taking a huge chance since they were almost back at the parking lot on the main trail. Justin stopped to get them something to eat on the way back home, both were famished after their long hike and neither had eaten much during the week. Ethan was completely at ease. Justin was happy to put their latest fight behind them but he was still worried about Kai and losing Ethan.

Ethan's Diary

Justin did not break up with me! He took me hiking and we had long talk about me telling Kai about us. He said he is not embarrassed about being my boyfriend but he is afraid if our parents found out we won't be able to see each other. He told me I am more a part of his life than any body and I never thought about it. He is so worried that if we are not together I will find someone else but he won't. He said with out me he would go back to girls I don't understand why and I want to him understand that I don't want anyone else. I even told I would stop being Kai's friend but he didn't make me do that. After we made up he took me to this hidden spot and fucked me standing up. He didnt have lube so he used spit. It felt different but really good. We are going to start going there on the weekend. Oh yeah the night we had our big fight I fucked him for the first time. It was a lot harder to get my dick in his butt hole than I thought it would be because he is so tight. It felt really good and I want to do it again. That's almost everything but Justin is still my boyfriend and that's the most important thing.

After Justin dropped Ethan off he went straight to his room. The relief of talking things through with Ethan and their makeup sex had worn off. He was still worried about Kai and Ethan's naïve assurances that they would stay together made him sad. Justin knew would do everything he could to make that happen as long as possible. He also knew that if they were discovered it would bad for him, really bad. The crazy thing was that he loved Ethan so much he was willing to take that risk and not interfere with Ethan's friendship with Kai. That was another thing that bothered him, why couldn't he tell Ethan he loved him? Twice today he had almost told him but he didn't.

Justin's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, he sighed and said, "Come in.".

When the door opened it Justin's dad who asked, "How you doing?".

"I'm good, why?", Justin asked in return.

"Your mom is worried about you. You've been moping around since the game and you look worn out. You're not still upset about that game are you?", Justin's dad asked.

Justin shook his head, "Nah, I just haven't been sleeping good."

His dad looked at him skeptically, "Okay but you know you can talk to me about anything, right?".

Justin forced a smile, "I know, thanks dad. I'm gonna take a nap, I really need some sleep.".

"Okay I'll leave you alone.", Justin's dad started to leave, "I'll tell your mother you're good so maybe she'll leave us both alone.".

"Thanks dad.", Justin said wishing he could talk to someone about what was going on with Ethan. He felt bad about lying to his dad about everything being okay. At least he didn't lie about being exhausted and it wasn't too long before he was fast asleep.

Monday at school Ethan met Kai at lunch. Kai knew right away things had gone well for Ethan over the weekend, " I can tell by that content little smile on your face that you and Justin made up.",

Ethan smiled bigger, "Yeah I was really worried though, Justin was super serious when we talked."

"I imagine he would be, did he explain why he was so angry with you?", Kai asked.

Ethan nodded, "Yes, he said if our parents find out about us we probably wouldn't be able to see each other. He was mad because he thought I didn't care."

"I know you care and he can't expect you to hide who you are forever.", Kai replied.

"Justin told me he understood how important coming out will be for me. He just said that we have to becareful about people knowing about us. He even told me that he'd support me if I wanted to tell my parents I'm gay.", Ethan elaborated.

"Wow, that's amazing! Are you going to?", Kai asked.

Ethan shook his head, "Uh...hell no, not yet anyway. You don't know my dad.".

"If you say so at some point you need to stand up for who you truly are. Like I said before, Justin wants to stay in the closet and hide you away in there with him.", Kai chided.

Ethan sighed, Kai could be so persistent, "It's not like that. Justin explained to me that I'm more a part of his life than anyone else. I've met his friends and both his soccer teams. I even help out with his high school team. He doesn't hide that we're friends, just that we're boyfriends."

Kai took a moment to think that over and finally conceded, "I can see his point. I mean with you being so much younger, it's risky for to just be hanging out with you. It makes everything that much harder I suppose.".

Ethan nodded, "That's what Justin has said before and that's why he was so pissed. He's done everything he can so we can spend as much time as possible together without getting in trouble. Then I go and tell you everything and he doesn't know you at all.".

"But you're my friend Ethan and I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I'd have felt horrible if you two had broken up because of me.", Kai explained.

"Justin said he understands that we're friends, like I said he doesn't want something to happen so we can't be together.", Ethan said, deciding not tell Kai about his offer to stop being Kai's friend.

"You know maybe I misjudged him, I thought he was just looking out for himself.", Kai admitted.

"Justin's super nice most of time. He so jealous of you though.", Ethan explained.

"What? Me? How could he be jealous of me?", Kai asked incredulously.

Ethan shrugged, "I guess cuz we're almost the same age and have stuff like writing in common.".

"That's crazy. I've never once gotten a vibe that you were into me like that and you mean to much to me as friend to screw it up by dating you. You know I've mentioned it before that maybe we should all hang out some time, me and Tyler and you and Justin.".

Ethan tried to picture the four of them together and couldn't see it, "I don't know Kai. Maybe I'll ask him but I don't think he'll go for it.".

"Oh stop. You know it's a really good idea. I already know about you. He doesn't want to come out but it would be a good thing for him to have at least a couple of gay friends. You know someone else he could talk to besides you.", Kai elaborated.

"I'll ask him, but I don't think it's going to happen."

Kai shrugged, "It doesn't hurt to try.".

"I suppose not.", Ethan said, then asked, "Can I tell you something else he said that's weird?"


"Justin said if we couldn't see each other any more he would probably go back to dating girls.", Ethan said softly, it had been bothering him all weekend.

"That is strange.", Kai admitted, "Justin's really attractive, God forbid but if you two did break up, he should be able to find another guy.".

"I know, he said that I would meet someone else, probably someone like you, but he wouldn't be able to find anyone like me.", Ethan explained.

Kai thought about but had to admit, "I don't understand that at all but I have to admit to have someone like Justin being jealous of me, is very flattering."

"It's pain in the ass for me. I think it's big part of why he got so mad. I already told him more than once we're just friends.", Ethan said exasperated.

"That's another good reason for to all meet. I'm pretty sure Justin wouldn't want to hang out at the mall or some where public. We could probably set something up at my house. You know, get some take-out and watch a movie or two.", Kai was already planning the whole evening.

That made sense to Ethan, "Give me a couple of days and I'll talk to him about it. I want to make sure he's not mad any more before I hit him up about this.".

Justin's team had their first away match that week. That meant Ethan and Justin didn't have any time before the bus left. Justin picked Ethan up right after school and took him straight to the high school. Ethan helped the coaches load equipment and sat up front with them. He had brought his back pack and had intended to get some reading done but instead he kept stealing glances back at Justin. Justin had his headphones on and his eyes closed probably thinking about the game. Rico was talking to Matt and laughing, probably at his own jokes. The game itself went really well. Justin's team won 2-0, Justin had to make a couple of saves but his team dominated. Rico had scored one of the goals but Ethan could hear Justin teasing him about not scoring a "hat trick", whatever that was. Even though Ethan was only an observer it was still fun being around Justin and his friends. The only problem was that it made him mega horny.

As soon as they were in the car Ethan asked, "Can we go to the park for awhile?".

"Umm no. You're mom called just before we got back to the school and I told her I'd have her lil boy home in a couple of minutes.", Justin said with a chuckle.

"Seriously, she called you?", Ethan asked.

"Yeah part of the deal, you don't have a phone, so I gave her my number.", Justin explained.

Ethan had no idea, "Has she called you before?".

"Oh yeah, we talk all the time.", Justin said nonchalantly.

"What!? What do you talk about?", Ethan was shocked.

"Usually about what a little shit you are.", Justin said and then burst out laughing.

"Asshole!!.", Ethan yelled ad punched Justin in the leg.

"Ow! I'm trying to drive. That was the first time she ever called me.", Justin confessed.

"Figured. You sure you don't want to stop.", Ethan said as he slipped the hand that he had used to punch Justin, between his legs.

"I'm not sure but I need to get you home.", Justin didn't sound sure at all.

"I'll be quick.", Ethan suggested as he squeezed Justin's dick.

"No doubt but if I get you home late, we're busted and you won't get to go to any more games, so nope," Justin said and then added, "so quite teasing me."

"Sometimes you're no fun and you need to pay attention to your driving.", Ethan shot back.

By the time they reached Ethan's house, he had worked his hand into Justin's compression shorts and was giving Justin an awkward hand job.

"It's really dark out here and you're so close to shooting, I bet I could suck you off in like a minute.", Ethan challenged.

"God you're killing me lil e but its way to risky.", Justin said shakily.

"Hmph. You're such a bummer.", Ethan said with an exaggerated pout.

"Yeah, Yeah I know. Did you have fun otherwise tonight.", Justin asked.

"I did but watching you all night made me super horny."

"Yeah I know, that's the shitty part but hopefully we can go hiking this weekend and take care of that.", Justin suggested.

"We're definitely going hiking!", Ethan exclained.

Justin took a quick look around, it was dark and he was pretty sure that no one could see in the car. He reached out to Ethan and said , "Come here."

He gave Ethan a short but passionate kiss, when it was over Ethan teased, "Are you sure that wasn't too risky?".

"I guess some things are worth the risk. I've always wanted to give you a goodbye kiss when I dropped you off.", Justin confessed.

"You're goofy, text me tomorrow night.", Ethan said giving Justin another quick peck on the lips and then got out of the car.

"For sure, later lil e.".

The rest of the week went by fast, Justin picked up Ethan early on Saturday and the went back to their secluded spot. Justin had found an old bed spread that they laid out on the ground. It wasn't as nice as a bed but it beat standing up. Justin had decided that they shouldn't get completely naked in the unlikely even that someone showed up. He told Ethan, who reluctantly agreed but in the end their clothes were scattered around them in the dirt. Ethan had thought about fucking Justin again but Justin was so dominate that he forgot all about it. Ethan loved it when Justin was like that. They each came twice. Ethan came once while Justin was jerking him off while he was still full of Justin's dick. It was really good especially the way Justin kept saying, "Cum for me lil e, cum for me baby." over and over until he did just that.

"That was fucking hot.", Ethan said as he got dressed.

Justin agreed, "It's always fucking hot but I'm sure that I said something about not getting completely naked.".

"Yeah I know, you really got carried away, huh?", Ethan said with a smile.

Justin laughed, "Yep it was all me, you tried to stop me.".

"Well I tried but but you didn't notice cuz you were to busy trying to pound my little butt.", Ethan said in his most innocent sounding voice.

"Okay I admit it your little butt is very distracting. We better get going it's cold out here when we're", Justin searched for the right word.

"Fucking", Ethan finished it with a big grin.

They spent the time hike down planning the rest of their week. Justin had another away match so it meant another week with no pre-match sex but at least they would be together.

On Monday Ethan could tell Kai was eager to tell him something as they met at lunch. When they got to their table Kai immediately started, "So my parents are going to this big charity casino night for one of the hospitals my dad works at.".

Ethan didn't understand why Kai was so excited, "Yeah, and?"

"I was thinking we could hang out Friday night. I don't normally do the whole 'sleepover' thing but I already asked if you could spend the night and they said 'yes'", Kai explained in a rapid burst of words.

"You want me to spend the night with you?", Ethan asked, the surprise very noticeable in his voice.

"Absolutely, why are you acting so surprised?", Kai asked in return.

"Like you said, you're not exactly the 'sleepover' type".

Kai chuckled, "Sometimes you're so silly Ethan. I was thinking Justin could come over Friday night. Tyler is already going to be there. My parents said it's fine for him to come over for dinner and stuff but aren't comfortable with him spending the night. So I thought Justin could come over as well and we could all get to know each other.".

Ethan thought about, he still didn't think Justin would be thrilled about spending time Kai and Tyler and even less with him spending all night with Kai.

"Well?", Kai was eager for Ethan's response.

"I don't know Kai, I'll ask him but I wouldn't count on it.", Ethan said hesitantly.

"Geez Ethan, show a little positive enthusiasm. You'll never convince him if you ask like that. Justin show him those big blue puppy dog eyes and wag your little tail at him. He wouldn't be able to say no.", Kai instructed.

That brought some memories back for Ethan and he started giggling.

"What's so funny?", Kai asked.

"Um...just think about something funny.", Ethan said trying hard to suppress a smile.

"Oh....", Kai realized what he had said, "God Ethan, you're such a dirty boy!".

Ethan's Diary

Kai said that Justin and I could hang out with him and Tyler on Friday. I do not think Justin will do it. At first I did not really care but I would really like Kai and Justin to meet. I want to spend time with Justin with people who know I am his boyfriend and not just his junior high friend. I don't know how to ask him so he will say yes. I just hope he wins his game and does good so he will be in a good mood and not get all mad when I ask. I am not going to tell him about spending the night at Kai's because if he says no, then I will not spend the night anyway.

Justin's game went amazingly well. His team won four to nil and Justin only had to make a couple of very easy saves. The bus ride back was boisterous. Rico scored his hat trick and was rubbing Justin's face in it. Ethan could hear Justin telling Rico that the team they played was so bad that he could have scored a hat trick against them. The other good thing was that the school they played was a lot closer so they would have more time to talk. Justin told him after school that there was something he wanted to tell him after the game.

Despite Justin being in a good mood, Ethan was still nervous about asking Justin about Friday, "You played awesome tonight.".

Justin laughed, "I didn't have much to do tonight, the team played damn good and it's okay to have a easy one every once in a while.".

"I guess that's right.", Ethan said trying to find the courage to ask.

"Rico's going to have the biggest fucking head after scoring all the goals. Did you hear him on the bus?".

Ethan barely heard Justin, "Uh huh.".

Justin could tell something was going on with Ethan. Ethan was quiet and Ethan was always talking about something. Finally when they pulled into Ethan's neighborhood after spending most of the drive in silence, Justin asked, "Are you okay lil e?".

"I'm okay, why?", Ethan replied, knowing he was running out of time.

"You're not saying much and normally you're a little chatterbox.", Justin replied.

"I'm just thinking about something.", Ethan said and then added, "and I'm not a 'little chatterbox.".

Now Justin was getting nervous, he wanted to ask Ethan what he had done but instead asked, " Is there something bothering you?".

They had turned onto Ethan's street, it was now or never,"Nuthin is bothering me but stop here for a minute.".

They were still a few houses from Ethan's, Justin asked with a little edge in his voice, "Okay so what's going on Ethan?".

Ethan cringed a little, when Justin called him 'Ethan' like that it wasn't a good thing, "It' nothing bad, I just wanna ask if you would do something for me. It's not a big deal.".

Justin saw the cringe and regretted how harsh he must have sounded, "I told you before I'd do anything for you.".

Ethan took a deep breath, "Kai asked if we would come over and hang out with him and Tyler this Friday. I really, really want to.".

Justin wanted to remind Ethan that he had said he would do 'almost' anything for him, "I don't know lil e, I don't see myself going somewhere with those guys."

Ethan was encouraged that it wasn't a straight out no, "We wouldn't be going anywhere, it would be at Kai's house. His parents are going to be gone all night."

"I still don't know. I mean you don't know Tyler and spending a Friday night with a bunch of junior high school kids, sounds sketchy.", Justin was grasping for excuses.

"Asshole, I'm a junior high school kid and Tyler's in high school. Kai acts more grown up than you do most of the time. C'mon Justin, it's one fucking night, where we can be together with people like us.", Ethan half pleaded and half scolded.

Justin could tell this was important to Ethan but even though he had never met Kai he didn't like him. He had only seen Tyler once and didn't think they would have anything in common, "We'll see, let me think about it okay?".

Ethan shook his head, 'we'll see' was Ethan's dad's way of saying no when he didn't to piss someone off, "No Justin I want to know now, you said you'd do anything for me and I'm only asking for one night of being boyfriends with other people."

"Ugh. You're being stubborn about this lil. I know I'm going to regret this but I'll do it for you but they better not try to do some weird ass gay swapping shit or anything.", Justin finally relented.

Ethan smiled big in the dark while punching Justin in the chest, "They aren't going to do anything like that. You need to promise to be nice to.".

"Wow! Now you're asking way too much.", Justin teased.

Ethan punched him again, "Promise".

"Oww you lil fucker. I promise to be nice to your homo friends.", Justin said with chuckle.

"I guess that will work since you're an asshole.", Ethan said shaking his head, "Oh yeah, what we're you going to tell me?".

"That's right, with all your 'gay couples night' drama I nearly forgot. I got tested for STIs,"

"You did.", Ethan was surprised.

"Yeah and I'm completely bug free unless I count you and that means you should be to. I thought I would be but Kai was right I should've made sure before we started messing around without protection.", Justin explained. He was pretty damn sure he was clean but he was surprised how nervous he was waiting for the results. He would have died if had given something to Ethan.

"You're the best boyfriend ever, I guess you will do anything for me.", Ethan said as he gave Justin a big hug and quick kiss.

Justin kissed him back, "What not another punch?"

"Not if you keep being good and doing what you're told.", Ethan warned.

"Hmm I think you went too far that time.", Justin said just before he unleashed an onslaught of fake punches and tickle to Ethan's belly and ribs.

Ethan's diary Justin said yes!!!! He said he would go meet Kai and Tyler on Friday. I am excited but also scared because I am not sure if he can be nice to Kai. Justin also told me he went to the doctor to make he does not have any diseases. He did not and that is good for both of us!

Justin wasn't as excited as Ethan and he was plenty worried as well. He had always imagined Kai as little gay know it all that he'd like to punch in the head not spend a Friday night. Then there was meeting his boyfriend, Tyler, the thought made him cringe. It would be one more person who knew about them, one more chance for them to be discovered. He could tell how important it was to Ethan by how happy he was when he finally agreed to do it. Ethan had caught him off guard with his persistence and now he was also a little annoyed that after their long talk about not doing things to get them caught, they were doing this. Justin did admit to himself that Ethan had met almost all of his friends at least he could meet one of his.

Ethan had told Kai that he was going to ask Justin after the game so all he had to do was ask, "Well."

Ethan smiled, "He said 'yes'. Not at first but he did.".

Kai returned Ethan's smile, "That's fantatic, this will be our first couples night. Does he like Chinese food?".

"Yeah, I wish he was excited as you about this.", Ethan admitted.

"Like you said he's shy, Once we're all together it will work out. I'm going to talk to Tyler and make sure he behaves, he's got an odd sense of humor sometimes. How did you convince him? Maybe a little tail wagging?"

"Not much room in a car for tail wagging. I had to remind that he said he would do anything for me, then I begged a little. He told me that he wouldn't do any 'weird gay swapping shit'", Ethan confessed.

Kai shook his head, "Oh my God I know he was probably joking but really? He definitely needs to spend some more time with other gays.".

Ethan nodded in agreement, "He was kidding, sort of. Don't be surprised if it takes a little while for him to warm up.".

"You don't need to worry. I will be a very patient and gracious host.", Kai assured.

Ethan gave Kai a forced, weak smile. He had told Kai that Justin was jealous of him but never how much he thought Justin hated him. Kai's assurances and his comment about Tyler's strange sense of humor hadn't made Ethan feel at ease, quite the opposite, he was a lot more worried about tomorrow night.

On Friday Ethan had gone home and got his stuff to spend the night at Kai's. His mom was happy that Ethan and Kai had become friends so there was no issue with him spending the night. Kai had the whole night planned out. Tyler and Justin would get there around seven after Kai's parents had left. They would talk for a bit and then Kai would have the food delivered from what he described as the most authentic Chinese restaurant in town. He found a movie that wasn't too artsy for Justin and Tyler and not to mindless for him and Ethan. Kai explained how the movie would take the pressure off of them to talk the whole night. Ethan kept himself from laughing, Kai being Kai was doing everything he could to make everything perfect.

Tyler was the first one to get there and after giving Kai a quick hug asked, "So where's the bf Ethan? Oh and hi.".

Ethan smiled nervously, "Not here yet.".

"He'll be here, it's only a little after 7.", Kai said.

"You sure he's not going to bail? You said he's nervous about meeting other fags.", Tyler quipped.

Kai looked over at Ethan who looked completely unsure of himself, "Tyler you said you were going to be a gentleman tonight. Ethan just ignore him he's mostly saying that just to goad me.".

Tyler snickered, "Goad? Who the fuck says goad?".

"I do. Sorry if I've got a vocabulary that extends beyond text chat..", Kai countered.

"And it's part of the reason I lover you, Kai, Kai.", Tyler said laughing.

Ethan's stomach tightened as he realized that Justin and Tyler weren't going to get along at all.

Kai and Tyler continued to go back and forth in the same way since Tyler had arrived. Ethan realized that the jabs about Justin were all about teasing Kai and was part of their relationship. Tyler tried to get under Kai's skin and Kai deflected most of it back to Tyler. Ethan wondered if it was what they did instead of sex.

Ethan waited hiding his mounting fear that Justin wasn't coming then finally the door bell rang.

Tyler headed straight for the door, "I'll get it."

Kai hurried and pushed him out of the way with Ethan in tow, "I don't think so, the last way we want to start the evening is to have you greet Justin at the door."

Justin waited at the door hoping that no one would answer. Justin wasn't exactly nervous but he was dreading spending Friday night with Kai and his boyfriend. It was exactly the type of thing he would of blown off for one of the girls he was dating but he was going to do it for Ethan. Still maybe it had all fallen through at the last minute and then the door opened and there was Ethan and Kai, who had wide and friendly smile. Kai remembered how awkward it was for Ethan at the mall to make the introduction so he decided to take charge, he offered his hand to Justin, "Justin, I'm so happy to finally meet you, I'm Kai,".

Justin gave Kai's hand a quick shake and mustered up a "Hey."

Ethan smiled, "You came?"

Justin returned Ethan's smile,"I said I would, didn't I?".

"I know, but...", he decided not finish but gave Justin a quick hug.

Justin was briefly tempted to give Ethan a quick kiss but Kai was still staring at him with his over the top grin. He had kissed girls girls before in front of his friends but it still felt weird being affectionate with Ethan in front of someone, even someone who knew about them.

Kai guided them to the living room, where Tyler was waiting, "Tyler this is Justin, Justin this is Tyler, my boyfriend."

Justin gave Tyler another quick "Hey".

Tyler was speechless for a moment before he finally said, "Hey Justin.".

"It's great that we're able to get together like this.", Kai added.

Justin nodded he was beginning to feel really uncomfortable because Tyler kept staring at him.

Tyler couldn't stay quiet for long, " Damn Ethan, Kai said you were dating someone older, I thought he was talking about an eighth grader or maybe a frosh in highschool but I didn't think it would be a college guy.".

Ethan tried to reply, "Well".

Justin cut him off, "I'm in high school.".

Everyone but Tyler noticed the edge in Justin's voice, "Just kidding but you have to admit you do look a little more mature than Ethan.".

"Yeah, well you look like a ...", Justin started to say.

Kai quickly Justin off, "Hey, I'm being a bad host, would like something to drink?".

Justin nodded still eying Tyler with malice, "Sure."

Tyler suggested, "Yeah I was going to grab a beer, you want one? Kai's dad never notices when I snag a couple.".

"Nah, waters fine.", Justin declined. There was no way he was drinking with these idiots.

"That's cool. What about you Ethan? Wanna beer lil buddy?", Tyler offered.

Justin didn't wait for Ethan to answer, "No he'll have water or soda.".

Tyler shrugged, "Sorry Ethan your dad says no.".

"I'll have a coke.", Ethan said, looking worriedly at Justin.

"C'mon Tyler help with the drinks.", Kai commanded, "Why don't two get comfortable.".

Justin and Ethan sat down on the couch together. Justin didn't say anything about Tyler. He glared at Ethan and gave a dissatisfied grunt. Ethan shrugged his shoulders and gave a sheepish smile.

Justin pulled Ethan over to him and gave him a kiss, "You're going to owe me big time for this lil e.".

Ethan returned Justin's kiss, "Anything you want.".

Kai and Tyler came back with the drinks and they sat down, Tyler exclaimed, "Fuck, I knew you looked familiar, you're the hot guy that was at the mall when we ran into Ethan.".

Justin shrugged, "Guess so.".

"Damn, Ethan you scored big time, I had no idea.", Tyler admitted.

"Jesus Tyler calm down already. I don't want to embarrass you Justin but after we ran into you at the mall, Tyler wouldn't shut up about how hot you are.".

Justin wrinkled up his face, "Oh that's special. Thanks?".

Ethan laughed, he remembered Kai talking about that, "Stay way from my man, Tyler."

Everyone laughed, Tyler said, "Don't worry lil guy and no offense but he's not my type."

Justin gave an exaggerated sigh of relief, "No offense Tyler but thank God.".

Tyler forced a chuckle, "So how did you guys meet? I'm guessing you don't go to the same school.".

Oh yeah, that's a fantastic story, I'd love to hear it from Justin's perspective.", Kai said excitedly.

Ethan and Justin gave a fairly abbreviated version of how they met, mostly told by Ethan. Kai would ask Justin a question every now and then to get him to open up.

Tyler was impressed in his own way, "Wow that's pretty cool. What's even more amazing is that Kai actually has some jock friends.

"It's a great story. It's only slightly more romantic that our story of how you were totally stalking me at group.", Kai countered.

"I didn't 'stalk' you.", Tyler denied.

"Yes you did, for like four weeks, you stared at me constantly. It would have been disturbing if you weren't so cute. If I didn't finally get tired of it and ask you what you're problem was, you'd probably still be staring at me.", Kai elaborated.

Tyler rolled his eyes, "Yeah well I couldn't help staring at you. You were the hottest Asian guy in group.".

"Jerk! I was the only Asian guy there.", Kai fired back.

"Fine you were and still are the hottest guy at group.", Tyler admitted.

"Now that's my sweet Tyler.", Kai blew Tyler a kiss, Tyler was sitting in the love seat and Kai in a chair.

Justin winced and felt the whole exchange was gross, maybe not gross but definitely not appealing. It was strange but being with Ethan had become so natural but watching Kai and Tyler seemed

Tyler smiled at Kai, "Well look at us just a couple of happy homo couples.".

Ethan snuggled closer to Justin and giggled, "Homo, that's one of Justin's favorite words.

"What?", Justin asked.

"Don't you remember that time you were mad at me and said something about 'homo drama bullshit'?", Ethan reminded Justin poking him in the side.

"Yeah well you did piss me off pretty good that day, lil fucker." Justin confessed and then started tickling Ethan.

"Stop, stop, I give up,", Ethan screamed between giggles.

"You two are so cute together.", Kai said watching Justin and Ethan.

"I'm cute, he's a big asshole.", Ethan said as Justin's fingers began to dig into his side, "No, no, no I'm just kidding."

"How come you never tickle me? ", Tyler asked Kai.

"I don't think I've ever tickled anyone in my life.", Kai admitted.

Tyler was about to say some other things that Kai had never done when Justin started whispering in Ethan's ear, "Hey that's pretty rude."

Ethan looked up, "What's rude.".

"Whispering when other people are involved in the conversation.", Tyler informed Ethan with a smirk.

Justin laughed but Ethan asked, "Really? Why is it rude.".

"Well someone might think you were talking about them.", Kai explained

"Oop, sorry, we weren't doing that, it was something funny between us.", Ethan apologized.

"Still kind of rude not to share, especially if it's funny.", Tyler persisted.

"Geez, let it drop already Tyler.", Kai chided.

Justin had enough of Tyler and figured at this point he might as well have some fun, "Oh no, I don't want to break any 'homo' rules of etiquette. I was telling Ethan that this was the most time we've spent cuddle together like this with our clothes still on."

That seemed to shut Tyler up, Kai laughed at the shocked look on Tyler's face.

Tyler recovered and was annoyed that Kai laughed at him, "Shit Kai when was the last time we did anything with out clothes? Oh wait that would be never.".

I'm still waiting for a little more romance while wearing clothes before we start taking them off.", Kai said calmly.

"Hmmm. What do you think Justin , is it easier to be romantic naked or with your clothes on?", Tyler asked.

I think I need to take a leak while you two figure this shit out for yourselves.", Justin replied shaking his head.

Kai laughed again, "Nice diversion, you can use the bathroom in my room.".

Ethan jumped up, "I'll show you where it is."

Justin relieved himself and found Ethan waiting for him outside in Kai's room, "Are you doing alright?"

"Yeah I guess so, it's so weird and Tyler is something else."

"He's really funny.", Ethan said.

"You think so? I was thinking he was something else like a total fucking douche.".

Ethan reached up and put his arms around Justin's neck, "Well ya, kind of but you're making me so happy by being here. Please keep being nice to Kai and Tyler."

"I'm being pretty nice but like I said you owe me big time.", Justin slid his hands down from Ethan's waist to his butt and gave it a big squeeze for emphasis.

Ethan giggled, "You know I'll do anything for you."

Justin smiled, "I'm planning on it."

Ethan slid one hand down Justin's chest and stomach, "But you're not getting anything if you're bad.".

"Are you blackmailing me?

"No, I'm helping you be good.", Ethan's hand found it's way to Justin's crotch.

"Hmm, I see. You better stop before we can't stop and I'm really eager to get back to our 'homo' couple night.", Justin teased.

"That's not being good.", Ethan moved his hand away from Justin's dick and brushed against something hard in one of his pockets, "hey what's that?".

Justin was about to ask 'whats what' when Ethan's hand dug into his pocket and pulled out the bottle of lube.

"Uh huh. So what were you planning to do with this mister?", Ethan challenged.

"Well I thought I'd be prepared in case we found ourselves alone and I had a chance to give your cute lil butt some attention.", Justin admitted.

"I see. You sure you weren't hoping for some 'gay swapping? Tyler thinks you're really hot.", Ethan teased.

Justin pretended to gag, "Not in my lifetime."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're so mean, maybe your butt needs some attention not mine.", Ethan scolded.

"You're so funny tonight, Tyler must be rubbing off on you.", Justin said and then made the gagging noise again.

Ethan tried to spin Justin around like he would do to him but he couldn't budge him, so instead he commanded, "That's it turn around, now.".

Justin laughed but turned around like he was told, "Okay lil boss, what now?".

Ethan gave Justin a hard smack on the ass, "Pull down your jeans.".

"Fuck that lil e, I don't think so.", Justin replied defiantly.

"P-p-pussy, what's wrong big jock boy are you afraid?", Ethan challenged.

"No but I don't want your pervy gay friends walking in."

"I locked the door when you were peeing.", Ethan advised, "So drop them.".

"You're crazy. You hear that.", Justin said as he pulled down his jeans and boxers in one quick movement, trying figure out how, once again, he had been suckered into playing a game of chicken with Ethan.

Ethan smacked Justin on the bare ass this time. This had all started as just goofing around but Justin's exposed muscular butt and the thought of fucking him with Kai and Tyler in the other room made Ethan instantly hard and horny. "Maybe so but you know what?".

"What?", Justin was almost afraid.

Ethan pulled down his own jeans and boxers,"I think I'm going to going to fuck you right here."

"Whoa there horndog.", Justin was going to say more then he felt Ethan's lube slicked finger trying to find its way into his asshole.

"Just bend over like a good boy.", Ethan said in soft but still commanding voice.

"Oh my God, I can't believe you're doing this.", Justin said but he did what he was told, part of him hoping Ethan would just finger bang him and let it go. Another part though was enjoying the thrill and anticipation, shit maybe Ethan was rubbing off on him.

Ethan removed his finger and greased his rigid cock. It was only his second time doing the fucking and he didn't have the knack of finding Justin's hole. It didn't help that they were standing up and Justin was so much taller, "You need to be lower."

Justin bent his knees more, it was real uncomfortable and awkward with his jeans around his ankles, "Maybe you should use that chair and stand on it.".

"Shut up, that's better now, shit you're so tight.", Ethan said because his dick kept slipping up Justin's crack.

"You'd better hurry, I'd be balls deep in your lil butt by now.", Justin teased again.

"Whatever, you've had more practice.", Ethan said still struggling. Finally he felt the head of his dick start to slide in, so he thrust his hips forward hard and fast.

"Oww! You lil fucker that hurt.", Justin said through clinched teeth.

Ethan started pumping his skinny little hips, "Well you told me to hurry.".

Justin warned, "I'm going to remember this.".

Ethan was only half paying attention, he was more focused on the sensation of his dick sliding in and out Justin's tight butt hole,"You better.".

Justin muttered "dumb ass", under his breath but Ethan couldn't here it over the staccato sound of his hips smacking against Justin's butt cheeks. Ethan could feel the orgasm building and he gripped Justin's hips tighter. Then door opened and Justin and Ethan turned towards the door at the same time to see Kai with his mouth wide open.

"Uh...umm...excuse me. So sorry.", Kai stammered as he shut the door.

Ethan had to keep himself from laughing because he had never imagined Kai having such a dumb look on his face but if Justin was pissed he didn't want to make him any more mad by laughing.

"And I was sure that this whole fucking night couldn't get any more fucking awkward.", Justin said hanging his head.

"Oops.", Ethan said, his heart was beating fast, it was unbelievably hot having Kai walk in.

"Oops about sums it up, I thought you locked the door?"

"I did, I don't know what happened.", Ethan explained.

"Yeah well you might as finish", Justin said when he realized Ethan hadn't bothered pulling out and was still as hard as a nail.

Ethan smiled, "Like I wasn't going to.".

It didn't take too much longer before Ethan shot his little wad of cum in Justin's rectum. After he came he didn't waste any time dropping to his knees to suck Justin's dick. Blow jobs were something that Ethan had quite a bit of practice at so didn't too long before his mouth was full of Justin's cum.

Ethan looked up at Justin making his puppy dog eyes, "Are you okay.".

"Yeah but I really want to go home.", Justin admitted.

"I know it's kind weird and well... maybe a little embarrassing but it's not that bad. Please don't go home.", Ethan pleaded.

"Not for you horn dog, I know how you like the whole idea of getting caught. Maybe you even planned this, maybe you and Kai planned this together.", Justin accused.

Ethan jumped up to his feet, "I did not. How could you say that?".

Justin laughed, "Whoa easy there lil e, I was only kidding.".

"Not funny fucker. ", Ethan scolded and punched Justin in the chest.

"Ow, you're punching a lot harder than you used to. Yeah it's embarrassing but it's almost worth it thinking about the shocked look on Kai's face when he opened the door.".

"I know I've never seen him look so lost. Do you think we broke some more gay rules, like whispering?", Ethan asked giggling.

"Um fucking in someone's bed room without asking is pretty uncool, I think. At least we weren't on his bed.", Justin said.

After a brief clean up the went back to the living room. Kai and Tyler were talking about someone from their gay group.

Kai immediately spoke up, "I'm sooo sorry Justin.".

Justin shrugged, "It's all good, at least things will only get better from here.".

Tyler looked from Kai to Justin to Ethan, "'Sorry'? What happened? What did I miss? I thought you were looking a little red earlier Kai.".

Kai realized he had made a mistake saying anything in front of Tyler, "Nothing really. I just walked in on them kissing. I was afraid I embarrassed Justin.".

"We're sorry to, we got carried away.", Ethan apologized in return.

"You got carried away you mean.", Justin said laughing. Ethan punched him on the arm.

Tyler laughed to, "Christ Kai, you are such a prude. You're flustered because you saw them kissing?".

"I was just surprised Tyler. Not everyone's as crass as you are.", Kai explained.

"What ever , you're so uptight.", Tyler replied.

Kai shook his head, "Sometimes you can be such a bitch. Hey Ethan I was going to get a book for Tyler you want to come with me?"

Justin gave Ethan a pleading look but Ethan just smiled slyly back at him. There was no way he wanted to be left alone with Tyler but Ethan headed off with Kai.

As soon as Kai and Ethan left the room Tyler said, "Well it looks like the girls left us men alone to get to know each other.".

Ethan apologized again to Kai when they were in his room, "I'm really sorry, we were just goofing around and got out of control. I thought I locked the door.".

"It's okay, the lock's broken and my mom and dad always knock so I haven't worried about getting it fixed. I should have knocked. I didn't realize that you two were Can I ask you something?", Kai said nervously.


"Didn't you say that you were the one know...received.", Kai asked.

"Yeah, that was only the second time that I was the one who...uh", Ethan was looking for the right word.

"Topped", Kai offered.

Topped? I was gonna say fucked.", Ethan said with a sheepish smile.

"I guess 'topped' is a nicer way of saying that.", Kai said with a tentative laugh.

"Still I'm sorry, it's like we start playing this game where he thinks I won't go too far and then I do. I don't think he's that surprised any more.", Ethan explained.

Kai nodded in agreement, "I bet he isn't, I'm learning not to be surprised by things you do. I had figured you two would want some alone time but I thought you would at least wait until after dinner.".

"At least he didn't go home, I was sure he going to be pissed off about you walking in. At first he said he thought you and I planned it.", Ethan told Kai.

"What? Are you serious?", Kai asked, astonished.

"He was only kidding. In the end he thought it was more funny than embarrassing."

"Hmm well I'm still pretty embarrassed.", " Kai admitted.

""Yeah that's what Justin thinks is so funny.", Ethan explained.

Kai finally understood, "Ah...figures. Plus now it's like I've seen with my own eyes that your his. I bet he would have rather it been him topping you though."

Ethan laughed, "I have no doubt about that.".

"I wonder how our two boys are getting along?", Kai asked.

"So how long have you two been seeing each other?", Tyler asked.

"A couple of months.", Justin answered quickly.

"Cool, cool, are there not a lot of gay guys at your high school?", Tyler asked trying to sound like he was just making conversation.

Justin didn't like where the question could lead, "Wouldn't know.".

"There are a few who are out at my school. When I met Kai I thought he was in high school, I mean shit, sometimes he acts like he's forty. You knew that Ethan was in junior high.", Tyler asked.

Justin narrowed his eyes, "Yeah I did, We told you I was coaching him.".

"Cool, cool, that's kind of kinky, you guys can do the whole coach player role play for real.", Tyler said with a big smile.

"Yeah we can and you know maybe you could look at my face instead of my crotch while we're talking, okay", Justin pushed back.

"Um well.", Tyler was caught off guard, "I just have never seen jeans like those before.".

"Maybe if you shopped somewhere other than Hot Topic you would.". Justin advised with no hint of humor in voice.

"Funny not everyone goes for that sporty look you've got there.", Tyler said, "Seriously though, you could absolutely find someone your own age to date.".

Justin felt uncomfortable but fought hard not to show it, "Yeah? Suppose I could but I'm cool with Ethan.".

"That's cool, could be a little awkward if you two ever come out to his parents.", Tyler said with a snicker.

"Don't see that happening.".

"Ah I see you're clinging to back the closet. You know you'll feel a lot better if you come out.", Tyler said ignoring the annoyed look on Justin's face.

"Like I said, not happening, It's cozy in the back of the closet.", Justin shot back.

"Okay, so you're one of those."

"One of what?", Justin reluctantly asked.

Tyler laughed, "A self hating fag.".

Justin forced a laugh.

" Yeah so I guess dating Ethan makes sense. You two can hang out and everyone thinks he's your lil bro or something like that. Plus he's a lot easier to control.", Tyler kept going.

"You don't know him. If he was easy to control I wouldn't be here.", Justin countered.

"Sure if you say so. You probably won't let him come out his parents."

"He can do whatever he wants. If he wants to come out to his parents that's his business.", Justin said icily.

Tyler asked, "But you're not going to encourage him to do it?".

"No I'm not. He'll do it when he wants to. Why is it such a big fucking deal to you anyway?", Justin's patience was thinning quickly.

"It's about being honest with yourself and your family, You should try it.", Tyler lectured smugly.

Justin shook his head, "I skip it for now. I bet your family loves you Tyler.".

Tyler's smile faltered for a moment, "Hmm I could help you both out and tell his parents for him, I bet the look on their faces would be priceless."

Justin patience came to end and stood up and sat down next to Tyler and put his arm around his shoulders, "You know I don't give a fuck what you say to me but if you do anything to hurt Ethan or our friendship..."

"Hey...", Tyler tried to protest.

"I will kick your fucking teeth in.", Justin said calmly but the squeezed Tyler's trapezius muscle, hard for emphasis, "Do you understand?".

"Ah. Yeah gotcha. Dude I was only fucking with you. I'd never out anyone that's a totally uncool thing to do.", Tyler said in pleading voice.

Justin gave Tyler's muscle one more hard squeeze, "Yeah, just know that I'm not fucking kidding.".

"I figured that out, fuck that hurts...a lot.", Tyler said rubbing his shoulder, then smiled, "You've got strong hands, any chance you could give me a rub down?".

Justin sighed, "God, you're such a fucking douche.".

It was about that time Kai and Ethan came back into the room. Kai was surprised to see Justin and Tyler sitting together. "Look at you two getting along, that's amazing.".

Tyler laughed, "Oh absolutely, I think we're going to be BFFs. Justin just gave the bestus neck rub ever."

Ethan gave Justin a quizzical look. Justin rolled his eyes and shook his head. Justin was relieved when the door bell rang and dinner was delivered. On the whole dinner went well. Kai nudged the conversation along when there were awkward silences. Tyler was still a smart ass but with limits after he learned that Justin could only be pushed so far. Kai put the movie on and he and Tyler sat on the love seat together and Ethan and Justin were on the couch. After a while Kai looked over and Ethan looked like he was practically melting into Justin, they looked so comfortable with each other. He and Tyler were holding hands but it was nothing like closeness demonstrated by the other two.

It was a great night for Ethan, they had survived the awkward start and the embarrassing walk-in incident. It was so cool to be with Justin like this. He was so relaxed during the movie and after not sleeping much because he was worried about everything, he fell asleep before the movie was over with his head in Justin's lap.

When the movie was Kai excused himself and Tyler and they waited for Tyler's parents outside. When he came back Ethan was still snuggled into Justin's lap. Justin was looking down at him and stroking his hair affectionately. Kai sighed inwardly, knowing that he and Tyler may never feel that way about each other.

Kai sat down and asked, "This really wasn't so bad, I'm aside from our little umm...runin?"

Justin looked up at Kai, "I suppose not. It made Ethan happy and it always good to spend time with him.".

There was a long pause then Kai had to ask, "You really do love him don't you?".

Justin took a moment and studied Kai's face looking for malice but there wasn't any, it also gave him a chance to decide how he wanted to answer, he decided to be honest, "Yes, I do, I do love him.".

Kai smiled, "Yeah, I mean it's pretty obvious watching you two together. When Ethan first told me about you...well, can I be honest with you?"

"Sure.", Justin shrugged.

"Okay, I didn't want to piss you off. When he first told me about you, how old you are and about the sex, I thought you might be using him.", Kai confessed.

"I don't blame you for that, I mean there were times when I was worried about that myself. It got really hot, really fast between us, probably way too fast but I knew he was special, I couldn't even admit to myself that loved him but I knew there something about him even when we first met."

"That's amazing Justin. You know I almost want to apologize for some of the trouble my friendship with Ethan has caused. I understand that you were trying to protect you two", Kai explained.

"I guess it's okay. Everything turned out good so far and I've told Ethan that I know he needs friends that are more like him. I admit that you've pissed me off more than a few time but part of that was me being jealous.", Justin confessed.

Kai laughed, "You know it's hard to imagine you being jealous of me.".

Justin forced a smile, "You two have so much in common and you're almost the same age. It would be so much easier for him to be with you.".

Kai shook his head, "I've heard how he talks about you and you have to know he loves you as much as you love him.".

"Suppose so", Justin sighed then admitted, "I've never told him I loved him.".

"Really? Why?, Kai was surprised.

"Not sure, Ethan told you I used to date girls, right?", Justin asked.

"Yeah.", Kai affirmed.

"Well I've said it so many times when I didn't mean it, It's hard to say it now that it really means something. Does that make sense?". Justin explained, he was surprised how easy it was to talk to Kai.

Kai thought about he and Tyler would end their text chats with 'love you' but they didn't really love each other, maybe they did in some simplistic teen way. Kai was even more impressed with Justin, he was a whole lot deeper than his outward jock appearance promised.

Justin felt like he had shared enough about his and Ethan's relationship, "So what about you and Tyler?".

"Huh, what do you mean?", Kai asked in return.

"Well I mean, how are things with you two?", Justin pushed not knowing if Kai knew that Ethan had told him about Kai and Tyler not having sex.

"I suppose they're okay, I mean you've met him now, so...", Kai didn't finish.

"Yeah he's kind of a dick.", Justin said laughing.

"No that's not what I meant but yeah that's true. I mean he's not very romantic.", Kai tried to clarify.

Justin smiled and said sarcastically, "That's hard to believe. When you say he's not romantic do you mean he doesn't like sex or what?".

"Oh he wants sex all the time but I want more than that I want the closeness you and Ethan have not just sex.", Kai expained.

"So you don't have sex with Tyler?", Justin asked.

"We do some pretty kid level stuff nothing like what you and Ethan are up to, ", Kai could feel his face flush when he saw Ethan topping Justin again in his mind.

Justin nodded, "You don't want to have sex him?"

"Yes and no, I mean there are times that I want to so bad but I want my first time to be with someone special. I want it to mean something. You know so many gay kids think that being a whore is part of being gay."

"Do you really think by doing shit with Tyler would make you a whore? He's not paying so if anything it would make you a slut.", Justin teased.

"Haha well it's good to see you can tease me now. No, I don't think that doing 'shit' with Tyler would make me a slut but what if I break up with him? Then I go out with someone else, have sex with them and so on and so on?".

"I guess so but if you two are honest up front about you who are and what you want I don't see it as wrong.", Justin explained.

"It's not so much that it would be wrong, it's more that I want my first time doing something more than a hand job to be with someone special.", Kai explained with desperation.

Justin almost shuddered thinking about Kai and Tyler jerking each other off, ""Look I'm no expert at this whole gay thing. I dated girls before and had sex with a fewof them. It didn't change how great it was the first time Ethan and I were together or how great it is every time I'm with him now. It's because he's special, the other experiences didn't affect that at all. If anything I know how great it is because I can compare it with my past"

Kai thought it over, "I guess you're right. I still have this vision of my first time being perfect but God, I get horny.

"It's up to you, you shouldn't do anything you don't want to or feel wrong about. Just remember sex has what ever meaning you give it, it can be something you just doing for fun or it can by the biggest moment of your life. It's up to you. You jerk off right, its not like every time you get yourself off has to be a life changing moment.." Justin said smiling.

Kai laughed, "Of course I do, you're pretty insightful."

"You mean for a jock? I've spent a lot of time thinking about this stuff lately.", Justin admitted.

"No not just for a jock. It really had been good talking to someone outside of my normal circle. It's like we all have the same point of view. I hope this means you don't hate me?", Kai asked tentatively.

"You're not as bad as I thought you were and I really didn't know you well enough to 'hate' you."., Justin said truthfully.

Kai laughed at that, "I guess that's a start. Well I've come to like you quite a bit tonight."

"Um...well thank you. I think it's time I put Ethan to bed and headed home.", Justin said and carefully stood up then scooped Ethan up in his arms.

"You don't have to, if you want spend the night, my parents wouldn't mind if they even noticed,.", Kai offered.

"Whoa are you trying to get me into some kind of pervy gay threesome?", Justin asked seriously.

", I mean.", Kai stammered and then realized, "You're messing with me again, aren't you?".

"Yeah I am, you're not a bad guy at all Kai. I'm gonna decline though.", Justin said with a chuckle.

Kai showed Justin where Ethan was going to sleep and Justin laid him down and kissed his lips. He said goodnight to Kai.

On the drive home he replayed the whole evening ins his head. It was definitely one of the strangest nights he had ever had, he genuinely didn't hate Kai even though he saw him getting fucked by his 12 yo boyfriend. Kai wasn't the gay little know it all Justin thought he was at first. He was obviously smart but he was still trying to figure it all out just like Ethan. Justin never would have believed that he would be sitting in Kai's living room giving him sex advice. The strangest thing was that he didn't run out there screaming an hour into it. Yeah strange but he realized strange was part of the ride of being in love with Ethan.

Next: Chapter 5

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