Training a Keeper

By Emorey Ardale

Published on Oct 9, 2009


Training a Keeper Part 1 by Emorey Ardale Disclaimer:

This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual acts between a teen and a minor boy. The story is not true; the sexual acts described herein derive solely from imagination. It is not intended to promote illegal acts with/to/by minors, nor does it condone child abuse of any sort. If you object to the subject matter, stop reading. If you are legally under age to be reading this, or if your reading of this material otherwise violates laws in your place of residence or where you are currently located, stop reading. Thank you.

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Justin walked slowly to Coach Lambert's office. He knew he was in trouble because of the fight with the football player in the weight room. He never understood why those big fucking apes think they can push everyone around just because they're on the football team. It was even worse because Justin was a soccer player. The football team had already lost their first three games on their way to another losing team but the soccer team, after losing in the State Championship Match for two years in a row, had finally broke through and become State Champions last year. It didn't buy them any respect, they were still second class citizens to the shitheads in pads.

"What's up coach?" Justin asked in his most innocent sounding voice.

Coach Lambert looked him over, "Don't even try it with me Justin. I heard about your fight and you're lucky Coach Dawkins is too embarrassed that his big, bad, defensive lineman got his ass kicked by a soccer player. He wants to let it drop and so do I but you need to watch yourself bucko.

Justin smiled, he could always count on Coach, "Well I guess you just wanted to say 'hi' to your All State keeper."

"Oh no, you're not that lucky super star. I'm calling in my favor. You do remember you owe me a big one?" Coach Lambert challengin Justin's smile with a shit eating grin of his own.

"Yeah I remember. I was kinda hoping you'd forgot." Justin conceded.

At the end of the spring semester Justin had a 78 percent in literature and that meant a "C" grade and losing his car for a month during summer. Coach had pulled some strings with the lit teacher and bumped his grade up to a "B". Justin was so thankful that he had told Coach that he would do anything he wanted to pay him back.

"I bet you did. Anyway I have a friend who's coaching a junior high team and they're struggling. They've lost their first two matches and they don't really have a keeper." Coach explained.

"Cool, you want me to go down and play for them." Justin interrupted with obvious sarcasm.

"Shut up and let me finish. He's got a kid that's got some potential, he just needs some training. He wanted me to help him out but I told him I had someone even better, an All State Keeper." Coach finished with a little sarcasm of his own.

"You've got to be kidding! Coach c'mon, there's got be something else I can do for you." Justin begged.

Coach shrugged, "Coach Jones is a really good friend of mine and I think it'll do you some good."

"But...." Justin tried.

Coach cut him off, "No buts, tomorrow at 3:00 pm and I want your "A" game. Got me?"

Justin could tell by the tone of voice that the discussion was over, "Got you."

On the drive home Justin thought through the training ordeal. He told himself he didn't want to do it because he was just way too busy but he knew that wasn't really it. He couldn't stand boys that age. They were obnoxious, loud, little know-it-alls. Still he knew that wasn't entirely true either. They made him feel uncomfortable but not because of how they acted. When Justin was in junior high he had some very uneasy feelings about the boys around him. Justin found himself sexually attracted to other boys and he didn't like it. The feelings were strong enough that he was worried he might be gay. Justin's dream was always to be a super star athlete and being gay just didn't fit into that dream. So he did his best to push those feelings aside and dated girls like he was supposed to. By 10th grade those feelings seemed long gone. He wasn't attracted to his classmates any more but there was still something about younger boys that made him feel uneasy.

"So what are you doing after school?" Jennifer asked as she pulled her t-shirt over her head.

"I've got to go help some kid at the junior high. Why?" Justin replied.

Jennifer smiled at Justin, "I was thinking maybe we could get together again before my parents get home."

"I wish but it's not going happen today." Justin said while thinking that once a day was plenty. He was frustrated but didn't want to show it. He had pretended to cum again and it was beginning to bother him.

"That fucking sucks!" Jennifer exclaimed sounding really disappointed. She had been with two other guys before Justin but he was the first guy to ever make her cum by just fucking her. Justin not only had a big dick and hot body to match but he could also go forever before he came. The other two guys always blew their load after a couple of minutes.

"Yeah it does but we should be able to get together this weekend. We better get back, lunch is almost over." Justin said wondering if it was the new condoms that were screwing up his game. He had been dating/banging Jennifer for two months and he didn't have any trouble getting off with her at first but the past couple of weeks it was an issue that got worse the more he thought about it.

They got back to school just in time. Jennifer went her way giving Justin a hug saying "I love you"

Justin gave his usual, "Love you to.", without much thought.

Justin got to the junior high soccer fields a few minutes early to meet Coach Jones. It was worse than he feared. Coach Jones explained that not only had his keeper with "potential" never played keeper before, the kid had never even played soccer.

"He's pretty quick and got decent hands so since no one else wants to be in goal, he's the one.", Coach Jones explained not really looking Justin in the face.

"Yeah that's cool, I'm not promising any miracles coach." Justin warned.

Coach Jones smiled, "I'm not expecting one but Lambert said that you'd do the best job possible. I saw you play in championship last year, you're pretty good."

Justin thanked him and watched the players arrive at practice trying to pick out his student. Finally one last player ran over from the locker room.

"There's your boy, Justin. He's always the last one here.", Coach Jones yelled across the field.

The kid went over to Coach Jones first who pointed at Justin. The boy ran over to Justin and stopped a few feet away from him and looked down at the ground.

Justin looked the boy over. He wasn't an expert but he could tell a lack of confidence when he saw it and the kid was way too short for keeper. This was going to be a huge waste of time.

Justin sighed internally and held out his hand, "Hey my name's Justin."

"Ethan.", the boy replied just above a whisper taking Justin's hand in a loose, quick shake.

Ethan had looked up at Justin briefly during the handshake and surprisingly his eyes were a deep blue. Justin expected brown eyes because of Ethan's dark brown hair. Justin was annoyed at himself for even noticing and decided to get right to work.

"So did you bring some keeper pants or sweats?" Justin asked.

"Umm no, don't have any.", Ethan replied nervously.

Justin shook his head "What about gloves? Got those?"

Ethan was taken back by Justin's sharp tone and muttered, "No"

"What? You've got to speak up", Justin pushed.

"No", Ethan said louder.

"Well then I guess you go without. You're going to be diving today and this field sucks.", Justin told him. He had tried to find the best grass possible but it was still pretty bad.

It was Justin's first time really training someone. He had helped his club coach before and been to enough keeper camps that he knew how to build up from basic skills. Justin started with the basics. First the proper keeper stance and hand position when catching the ball high or on the ground. Ethan surprised him again by having pretty good hands to start and he was a quick learner. Even without gloves he was able to hold onto the ball pretty well for a newbie. Diving went even better. Again Justin built up slowly sitting, kneeling and then standing making sure that Ethan landed correctly on his side when diving to either side. It didn't take long for Justin to realize that Ethan was a pretty sharp kid. Ethan realized which side was his weaker side when diving and worked hard when Justin showed him how to improve. After working on diving for a while Justin noticed that Ethan had scrapes on both his legs and one was dripping blood onto his socks.

"You're doing great. Are you okay?", Justin questioned pointing at the blood.

"I'm okay.", Ethan said in his quiet voice.

Justin couldn't really read him at all, "I was going to show you how to drop but why don't we call it quits for today?"

Ethan looked up at Justin, "No, I'm okay."

Well at least the kid's got guts Justin thought, "Alright then. Let's go."

They worked on drops for a few minutes and Justin saw Ethan wince a few times when hit the ground. Justin had decided the boy had enough and worked on distribution for the remainder of training.

"You did pretty good today bud. I'll be back tomorrow, we'll go over what we did today and add some more." Justin wasn't sure really how to end it so he walked over to Coach Jones who was wrapping up his own practice.

Justin waited for the boys to leave and gave his report on how things went and how surprisingly well Ethan performed. All the other boys were back in the locker room except Ethan who was punting the ball into one of the nets. The kid worked his ass off and was still going. He wasn't even an annoying little chatterbox like most boys his age. Justin felt a little guilty about being such an asshole at the beginning.

_______________________________________________________________________Ethan's Journal

"School was boring today and soccer practice really sucked. Coach had this high school guy coach me today, who is a conceded dick. He is supposed to be some kind of super stud but he looked bored. I don't blame him. If I had to spend time with me I would be bored to. He did teach me some stuff but my knees hurt like hell. When I was leaving the gym I heard some of the girls talking about him. They said he was hot. I guess they are right. I tried not to notice and just do what he said. I want to write more but I'm too tired." _______________________________________________________________________

Justin laid in bed thinking about Ethan, trying to focus on how training went and what to work on tomorrow. He tried very hard not to think about Ethan's blue eyes and the light freckles on his nose. Ethan wasn't little brat that thought he'd end up working with. Instead he was shy and seemed nice. Why was he even thinking about that kid at all? He pushed those thoughts aside and forced himself to sleep.

The next day Justin was at the junior high waiting for Ethan and he was the last one out of the locker room again. The team had a brief meeting together and then Ethan ran over to him.

"Here you go" Justin said as he threw a small gear bag at Ethan.

Ethan caught it, "What is it?"

"Some stuff I found for you. Check it out."

Ethan opened up the bag and pulled out some keeper pants, a jersey and pair of new gloves. "You're letting me borrow these?"

"Nope they're yours. The jersey and pants were my match day stuff from a couple of years ago so they're still in good shape but they don't fit any more.", Justin explained trying to sound like it was no big deal.

"Thanks a lot. The gloves are new?", Ethan asked. He wasn't sure what to make of the whole situation.

Justin shrugged, "Yeah, I guess so, I found them when I was looking for the other stuff. I guess someone gave them to me and I never used them."

Justin lied about the gloves. He didn't have any old ones that weren't shreaded. He had been needing some new sliders and picked up the gloves at the same time.

Ethan was still thankful, "Well thanks again."

"Just get your gear on so we can get started we have lots to do today." Justin ordered, ignoring the how good it felt that Ethan really appreciated what he had done.

"You want me to change out here?" Ethan asked nervously.

Justin laughed, "No, you just put the pants on over your shorts."

Ethan felt stupid but was relieved and he put the pants and the jersey on. They were a little big but the gloves fit perfectly.

They mostly reviewed what they had done the day before. The gloves helped Ethan's already solid hands and the keeper pants protected his already scraped legs. As good as Ethan was the day before he was that much better today. Justin could see the confidence build as Ethan's skills improved. They ended the training session talking about the keeper communicating with the defense especially calling them off when going for a ball.

"Ethan you've got to be loud, they need to know you're coming out or you're gonna get plowed." Justin explained.

"Okay, I'll try." Ethan replied softly noticing that Justin had started calling him by name instead of just "hey".

"What was that?" Justin asked again.

"I will Justin." Ethan responded louder with more conviction.

"There you go bud. That's what I want to hear. I think that's it for the day." Justin said smiling while he held out his fist for a bump.

Ethan touched his fist to Justin's returning the smile, "Thanks Justin, thanks for the keeper stuff and everything."

"It's all good. You've got a game tomorrow, right?", Justin asked.

"Uh huh."

"Good luck. Just use what we've worked on and keep your head up." Justin assured him.

Ethan nodded, "I will for sure."

Coach Jones called Justin over and Ethan worked on his punting like the day before. All the other boys had gone to the locker room.

Ethan's Journal "I was wrong about Justin. He is not a dick at all. I am not just saying that cuz he gave me all the stuff. He was different today. He talked to me like I was really there not just cuz he had to like my teachers and mom and dad. I did really good and the gloves he gave me helped a lot. He is so different from the kids at school, he is older and more mature and so tall. I have a game tomorrow and can't wait to use all things he showed me. I know I'm going to kick ass!"

Ethan was surprised when Justin showed up his game the next day. Justin was almost as surprised as Ethan. Coach Lambert told him didn't need to go the matches just help Ethan out at training. Justin told himself he'd go to one match just to see where Ethan needed the most help at training. Justin even warmed Ethan up giving him some last minute instructions.

The game was a 6 to nil blowout. Ethan made several good diving saves and handled all the shots hit right at him. He even tipped one over the cross bar and that was the last technique Justin introduced to him but his defense was overwhelmed and other team scored most of their goals on break-aways leaving Ethan one on one with either of two very good strikers. Ethan's team wasn't very good. They had one talented player that Justin recognized from one of the younger teams at his club. This kid played forward the whole match and barely had any touches on the ball. After the match Ethan went off by himself. Even from across the field Justin could tell he was devastated.

Justin walked over to where Ethan was sitting on a bench. His head was down and his hair hung down covering his face.

"You all right Ethan?", Justin asked. He knew it was a lame question but he wasn't sure what to say.

Ethan raised one hand but didn't look up. Justin figured he was crying. Shit he thought to himself.

"Look you played really good and made some great saves. You can't do it all by yourself.", Justin told him.

Ethan wiped his face with his sleeve and looked up at Justin. His eyes were tear-filled and red, "I sucked. I let my team down and I let you down."

Justin couldn't believe that last part. He hadn't even considered that Ethan would want to play well for him. He meant what he told Ethan about playing well but he also knew that even though coaches had always told him that the keeper is never the only one responsible for a goal, Justin still took every goal scored on him personally.

Justin sat down next to Ethan, paused for a moment, ruffled his hair before he put his arm around his shoulders, "Ethan, I've been where you are now. My freshman year I played keeper in state finals because the senior that should have played got hurt, we lost but I knew I did the best I could. The next year it was tied one to one until like the last two minutes. I was cheating off my line and I got chipped. I never get beat like that but I did. It hurt so much, I knew it was my fault we lost. I never told anyone this but I cried like a little bitch when I got home".

"You cried?" Ethan asked again wiping his eyes.

"Yeah I did but you know what else I did?" Justin prompted.


Justin gently squeezed Ethan's shoulder, "I swore I'd worker harder than I ever so that if I got another chance I wouldn't fuck up. Sorry about the 'f' bomb but you have to decide if you're gonna use the way you feel right now to get better or just give up. It's up to you."

"I want to get better." Ethan said softly but with determination.

"Okay then I'll see you on Monday at training and I'm going to work your ass off. We have to work on 1v1s so you're gonna spending a lot time on the ground, be ready for it." Justin warned with a smile as he stood up.

Ethan looked up at Justin and returned the smile even though a tear ran down one of cheeks, "I'll be ready."

Justin noticed the tear and wasn't sure why he did it but he reached down and brushed off Ethan's cheek. Ethan's skin was so smooth and the way the boy was looking up at him made it feel like his stomach was dropping down to his nuts. It wasn't a bad feeling but it wasn't exactly normal either. They didn't talk when Ethan got up and Justin walked him to the locker room before he went home. Justin was struggling with the way felt about Ethan. Ethan was building his resolve that he would do his best just to make Justin proud of him.

Ethan's Journal

"I know I said I would kick ass in my game today but I sucked..a lot. Justin was there and I was so afraid he would be mad at me for not being good. He was not mad. I cried after the game. He thought I was crying cuz we lost but I was afraid he would stop coaching me after seeing me suck so bad. I would not even admit it here before but I like him. I know I said I would stop thinking about other guys like this but Justin is different I really like him. I know someone like him would not like me the way I like him but I think he likes me as a friend and that is cool." _______________________________________________________________________

"Are you serious?" Jennifer asked with puzzled disbelief.

Justin stopped his car in front of Jennifer's friend's house, "Look, I'm just not feeling up to it tonight. I'm really tired."

Jennifer couldn't believe it, she had never heard of guy too "tired" to have sex, "C'mon baby, just come in for a little while, Kelsey's got the house to herself. We can have a beer and then you can lie back and I'll do all the work."

Justin had spent the evening barely able focus on Jennifer and it was wearing him out, "No, maybe I'm getting sick or something."

Jennifer gave an exaggerated sigh, "I guess I'll have to make out with Kelsey."

"You do that." Justin countered with a forced smile, "I'll text you later, okay?"

"Not really but you're so cute that I'll let you get away with this one time.", she said as she leaned to kiss him.

Justin managed the kiss and felt relief as he pulled away. It was only temporary because his mind was flooded with thoughts of Ethan. He liked the kid and he liked him a lot. He could almost deal with the bizarre physical attraction but the deeper feelings were troubling. Last summer he spent the day at Colin's house, one of his club teammates, they were out in the pool when Colin's little brother, who is about the same age as Ethan, came out to the pool, stripped down to his boxer briefs and jumped in with them. The kid was in and out of the pool all day long. Every time he got out Justin had to fight the urge to stare at him. The way the wet boxers clung the kid's ass really made Justin uncomfortable. The little brother was such a little prick it made it easy to ignore the physical attraction. However, Justin never went back to Colin's house. It wasn't the same with Ethan. Although in retrospect he found the boy almost irresistibly good looking from the moment they met, there was so much more to him.

After he had left Ethan's match he momentarily thought about telling Coach Lambert he was done training Ethan. Then he remembered Ethan looking up him and brushing that tear away and knew that he couldn't let him down. Besides as much he was conflicted about the way he felt, he was looking forward to seeing Ethan on Monday. In fact, outside of last year's State Championship, Justin couldn't think of anything else he looked forward to as much.

Monday couldn't come fast enough for Ethan or Justin. Justin had texted Jennifer Saturday and told her he was sick. He couldn't deal with being with her. Instead he went online looking for the best way to train Ethan. He was a good player but experience told that good players don't always make good coaches. Justin also decided to help Ethan by helping his team. He got to the junior high early to talk to Coach Jones. By the end of the conversation Justin had helped the coach decide move the talented forward back to midfield to get more touches and help out on defense. He also proposed some other changes to bolster the team's sagging defense. Justin was worried that the coach would be offended by having a kid tell him how to run his team but the guy was actually grateful for the help.

As eager as Ethan seemed to be on Friday he was still the last player out of the locker room again but when the practice ended he asked Justin to keep working with him. It was the same thing on Tuesday and Wednesday. Ethan would be the last player out the locker room and the last player out on the field.

Justin didn't mind staying late. He enjoyed the few minutes being out on the field alone with Ethan. They worked hard but by Wednesday they started talking and joking around together. Justin started to feel like Ethan was more like a little brother than something he'd rather not think about. The feelings were still there but Justin knew that there was no way Ethan could feel anyway close to the same way.

Ethan and Justin were taking a water break. Ethan had noticed that Justin had a brought a gym bag to practice, "Hey what's in the bag?"

"Why are you so nosey?" Justin teased back, "I have to meet my mom and dad when we're done for her birthday dinner so I brought some clothes."

"Oh. You're changing in our locker room?" Ethan asked, trying his best to make it sound casual.

"Yep, you think I'd change in the parking lot or something? Since you're asking questions can I ask you one?" Justin replied.

Ethan shrugged, "I guess so?"

"Why are you always late to practice but the last one to leave?" Justin asked even though he thought he already knew the answer.

"I get out of 7th hour late I suppose. I like to stay and practice to get better." Ethan replied slowly.

"Oh okay. You wanna know something?" Justin asked.

"Sure." Ethan said cautiously.

"You're twelve right?"

Ethan nodded.

"When I was your age I was scared to change in PE and for after school sports. I only have an older sister so it's like I never changed in front of someone at home. It was creepy at first. I thought everyone would be staring at me.", Justin told him.

"Really, you were afraid?", Ethan asked.

"Yep then I realized that it was no big deal and no one else cared so why should I.", Justin told him.

"You think that's why I'm late, huh?" Ethan asked in return.

"You're pretty bright and yep I do." Justin told him while giving Ethan a playful punch in the arm.

"You're kinda right. I don't like changing in front of the others. I guess I'm like you except I don't have any brothers or sisters.", Ethan explained.

"Like I said buddy-o it ain't no big deal. We need to finish up so I can get to dinner and you can rest up for your big match tomorrow!" Jake said while standing up. He held his hand out to Ethan and helped him up.

Ethan didn't tell him why he really was afraid of changing in front of the other kids. It was a little weird at first. He felt self conscious about his body especially when he noticed that some of the boys were more physically mature than him. He'd change as fast as he could and it wasn't all that bad until Jake. Jake was another seventh grader that had PE with Ethan. A couple of the eighth grade boys had accused Jake of checking out someone in the locker room and it didn't take long before the whole school was talking about it. In just a couple of weeks the story evolved from simply looking at another boy while he changing to having a boner while looking. Ethan asked his friend, who told him about Jake having a boner, how someone would know Jake had a boner if they weren't checking him out themselves. His friend brushed that logic aside but the end result was that Jake had been branded a fag. Ethan had already been dealing with own sexuality for a while and was terrified he would be caught looking as well.

They finished up and headed to the locker room. Justin set his bag down on one of the benches in the center of the locker room. Ethan's locker happened to be just a few lockers away.

"Oh shit. Do you want me go on the other side?" Justin asked him kind of jokingly.

"Don't be an ass. I'm not that big of a wuss." Ethan shot back.

Justin laughed. Ethan was so different than when they first met, "Okay and I'll try not to peek."

"Shut up!", Ethan yelled pretending to be mad while opening up his locker.

Justin stripped off his soccer clothes was pulling the street clothes out his bag. He didn't mean to but he took a glance over at Ethan who was still wearing the t-shirt from training and trying to pull his jeans on as quickly as possible. Justin wanted to laugh but he didn't because he remembered how he felt at that age. At that moment Ethan looked over at Justin got distracted and fell on his butt.

Justin went over to see if he was alright, "Are you okay lil guy?"

When Ethan first looked up the first thing he saw was Justin's package and then he couldn't help but to follow Justin's body up to his face.

Ethan was embarrassed, "Yeah I'm okay."

"Slow down or you'll hurt yourself, dork. Am I making you nervous?" Justin teased.

"Yes... I mean no." Ethan looked down and realized that because of the way he was sitting one of his nuts was hanging out of his boxers. He quickly fixed himself.

Justin wasn't going to say anything about that but he didn't want embarrass him, "No sweat it happens to everyone."

Ethan got up with an embarrassed smile, "I guess it does."

"You know if you can live through this, I bet you can dress out with your teammates." Justin told him.

"Probably.", Ethan agreed while think if it been anyone else but Justin he didn't think he would have lived.

They both finished getting ready and said their goodbyes. Justin promised to be at the game the next day in time to warm Ethan up. Ethan promised not to be the last one out of the locker room.

Ethan's Journal

"Today was totally crazy. I had another awesome practice with Justin. I said it last time but I mean it this time. I am going to kick ass tomorrow. Something else happened. I changed in the locker room with Justin and he saw one my nuts. That is no big thing except he probably thinks I'm a little boy more than ever since I don't have any pubes. I wish I was in High School with him. I saw him in his boxers. I did not know he was so ripped. He has got a real six pack and pecs. With his blonde hair and killer blue eyes he looks like an actor or something. Also I only looked for a sec but I think he has got a big one. I know it is pervy but I have a boner right now thinking about it. Yeah I know I was not going to write stuff like that any more but it is all I can think about right now."

Justin got to the fields early and Ethan was the first one out of the locker room. He smiled because the little dork still found a way not to change with the rest of the team. Ethan was really fired up during warm up and Justin was impressed but he didn't say anything. The kid looked like a real keeper.

"Remember Ethan if you get a 1v1, go hard or don't go at all and you better fucking go!", Justin urged Ethan whispering the last bit of instruction in his ear as he took the field.

Ethan laughed and gave Justin a thumbs up. Justin felt more nervous now than he did for his own matches. When he played he felt like he had some control in the outcome. Now it was all up to Ethan and he wanted him to have a great game. It didn't start well. The defense gave up an early corner and the other team scored on a scorching header into the side netting. There was nothing Ethan could have done to stop it and Justin was worried that it would kill Ethan's and the team's confidence. The second was true and the team gave some early scoring opportunities but Ethan was up to the challenge making save after save. Finally just before half the boy that Justin had coach to move to midfield broke into the penalty area and was fouled. He buried the PK for their first goal of the year.

The second half was even with both teams getting chances. The player that had scored the PK found some space again this time making a good centering pass to the goal where one of the forwards scored an easy goal. The team and touchline went nuts, they had their first two goals and first lead of the season. They just needed to hold on for a few more minutes. After going down a goal the other team really started putting on the pressure. Ethan made several more saves and Justin cringed every time. The defense had held up well but they were beginning to get sloppy under the onslaught. The tension continued to mount as the final whistle neared. Justin knew there were only a couple of minutes left and then sure enough. One of the strikers, the biggest player on the field, burst through the defense at midfield. Justin felt his stomach drop. The striker reached the top of Ethan's penalty area and Ethan flew off his line without hesitation and dropped perfectly in front the onrushing attacker sliding into the ball and then the players legs sending him into the air then crashing to the ground. Ethan came up with ball, took his full six seconds and calmly booted the ball up the field. The match ended moments later and the whole team crowded around Ethan cheering.

Coach Jones looked over at Justin, "I thought you weren't promising any miracles?"

"No miracles here, the kid is just that good." Justin said with a smile.

"He is now and a lot of it has to do with you. Thanks Justin." Coach Jones said holding out his hand.

Justin shook his hand watching Ethan celebrate with his team, "You're welcome coach."

"I know you've probably already done more than Coach Lambert wanted you to but I'd like you to keep working with Ethan and maybe help me out a little more with some of the other players.", Coach Jones asked.

"You know I think I'd like that to." Justin replied.

Ethan had run over to him and the two exchanged high fives and fist bumps. Justin really wanted to hug him more than anything but he didn't. He was so proud of Ethan, it was something so different to feel that proud and happy for another person.

"Did you see that last save Justin!?" Ethan asked grinning ear to ear.

"You bet, it was awesome, you played fantastic the whole game guy." Justin told him smiling almost as big.

"Hey Ethan!" It was man's deep voice.

"Dad? When did you guys get here?" Ethan asked turning to see his parents.

"Just after the second half started. You played great I almost didn't recognize you out there.", Ethan's dad said.

Ethan's mom added, "You were really good honey."

Ethan's dad looked over at Justin, "You have to be Justin."

"Yes sir." Justin confirmed extending his hand.

Ethan's dad took Justin's hand firmly, "We've heard a lot about you, I half expected you to be walking on water, Ethan has been non-stop 'Justin this' and 'Justin that'"

Ethan's mom smacked her husband on the arm, "Christ Jim knock it off, you'll embarrass them both. I want to thank you for helping Ethan so much."

Jim nodded, "I was only kidding. I want to thank you to, he looked like a real jock today, I mean even if it was only soccer. My name's Jim and that's my wife Lori."

Justin took a deep breath, "It was really nice to meet you both. Ethan's a great kid."

Ethan watched the whole exchange and wished he was somewhere else. When his family finally left and he headed to the locker room with Justin he apologized, "Justin I'm sorry about my dad."

"You know what? I'm too proud of you to even give a fuck. You were so good today." Justin told him putting arm around his shoulder as they walked.

"It's all because of you." Ethan told him.

"I helped but you worked your ass off and I don't think there are many people who could've gotten as good as you did this fast. I really had fun watching you play at least until the end when I thought I was going to piss my pants." Justin exaggerated.

Ethan laughed at that, "You've seen me play two times. I wish could watch you play."

Justin nodded, "That'd be cool. My high school season doesn't start until you're done. My club team plays on the weekends. Maybe you could come to one of those."

"Really? I'd like that." Ethan said then paused, "You're not just saying that? I mean you'd really let me come watch you?"

Justin wasn't sure Ethan was that serious about watching him play, "Of course you could. I'm playing this weekend, you could come with me if you want."

"I do. I think my parents would let me. Even though my dad acted like a dick he likes you." Ethan told him.

"Shit the game on Saturday is early and pretty far. I have to wake up mega-early." Justin explained.

Ethan looked down, "If you don't want me to go.."

"Don't be like that. I want you to go. I tell you what. Ask your parents if you can come home with me tomorrow after practice. You can spend the night and go with me to the game on Saturday."

Ethan couldn't believe it. He never had many sleepovers and now Justin was in inviting him to spend the night, "Are you fucking serious?!"

"Whoa calm down. If your parents say 'yes' it's a go", Justin said chuckling. It was the first time he heard Ethan use the f-bomb.

"They better!" Ethan replied with the same fire. Ethan's Journal

"I kicked ass today!! I felt like a real keeper just like Justin. I stopped everything except for 1 goal. I even stuffed this big doofus in a 1v1 right at the end of the game and we won 2-1. Even better Justin said he was proud of me. My parents were there and my dad was a dick like always but he was even proud of me. We ate at "Outback" to celebrate. The absolute best thing? Justin asked me to spend the night at his house so I could watch him play and my dad said I could. I know it's not like a 'sleepover' since he is a high school guy but I get to hang out with him all night and go to his match. This is the best night of my life. " ________________________________________________________________________

Did I really invite a twelve year old to a sleepover? Justin asked himself that over and over on the drive home. Not only did he tell Ethan he could spend the night, he was giddy about being able to spend so much time with him. He was suppose to go out with Jennifer tomorrow night but he was going to cancel that at school. Either Ethan would be spending the night or Justin would be far to bummed to go out. He was so preoccupied with Ethan that he forgotten that his parents were going out of town for the weekend. It was his Dad's present for his mother.

"No parties this weekend buddy. You might think you can get with away with it but we caught your sister every time.", his dad warned.

"No worries. I've got early matches Saturday and Sunday. So I'm in bed early both days.", Justin said.

"Thank god for soccer then."

"Yeah, plus I might take that kid from the junior high I've been working with." Justin added without mentioning the sleepover part. He didn't think his parent would mind.

"That's really good. You know I'm really proud of you for doing that. A little self sacrifice shows maturity.", Justin's Dad commended him.

"Thanks Dad", Justin replied.

Justin didn't even need to ask if Ethan's parents had said okay. Ethan's smile said it all. It was one of the few times since the very first time Justin had worked with Ethan that it the practice seemed to go on forever.

The whole way to Justin's house Ethan talked a mile a minute. It was a nervous excitement that he couldn't contain no mattered how hard he tried. Justin wasn't sure about spending a whole night alone in the house with Ethan so he decided that they would go see a movie and get something to eat after they dropped Ethan's stuff off. There were a few good P-13 movies out so they would head to the theatres and see whatever was playing at that time.

They were just about to walk into their movie when Justin heard Jennifer call out his name, "Justin!?"

Shit Justin thought to himself. Jennifer was more than a little pissed when he broke off their date. "Oh hey."

Jennifer was clearly pissed, "I thought you were 'too busy' to go out tonight."

Jennifer was there with Kelsie who was also giving him the angry stare down, "Well I am busy. I told you I had company."

Jennifer had her hands on hips, she didn't even notice Ethan, "And where's your company?"

Justin half-heartedly smiled pointing at Ethan, "Right here."

Jennifer looked at Ethan and then back at Justin, "Are you fucking serious. You blew me off to hang out with a toddler. You are such a fucking douche."

Justin watched the two girls storm off. He really hated how chicks stuck together. "Well that went better than I thought it would."

They found their seats, both had been quiet since running into Jennifer. Finally Ethan asked, "Was that your girlfriend?"

Justin sighed, "I guess she is"

Ethan's stomach dropped a little. He knew someone like Justin would be into girls and even have a hot girlfriend but the fact that he had blown her off to with him meant something, "She seemed really nice."

Ethan had tried to say it with a straight face but finally cracked a smile and that made Justin burst out laughing.

Ethan waited for Justin to stop laughing, "Seriously she's really hot."

Justin shrugged, "Suppose so."

Thankfully the lights dimmed and the movie started. Justin really didn't want to talk about Jennifer with Ethan.

They ate dinner at the mall food court. Justin told Ethan he could have whatever he wanted but he got Chinese like Justin. The movie had been a comedy and they recited some of the better lines while they ate. Justin couldn't help think that they would be having the perfect date if they were boy and girl. It was fun, no pretension, no worrying about looking stupid. They got back to Justin's house early enough to watch some TV before bed. Justin said that Ethan could either sleep on the couch in the living rook or a sleeping bag on the floor of this bedroom. Ethan chose the floor. He even made Ethan take a shower.

Ethan came back from his shower wearing jeans, "I forgot to bring something to sleep in."

Justin had already had his shower and was lying on his back in bed watching television wearing some old boxers, "Just wear your boxers."

Ethan paused looking at Justin, "Umm.."

Justin chuckled, "Dude I've already seen one of your nuts so seeing you in your boxers again isn't a big deal but I can give you some shorts if you're gonna be a shy little flower."

Ethan laughed, "Shut up. You know you loved my nut!."

Justin laughed, "It was something alright."

Ethan pulled off his jeans and laid down on the bed to watch tv with Justin. They talked some more and eventually Ethan grew silent. Justin checked and sure enough he was asleep. His t-shirt had pulled up showing his belly. Justin wondered if Ethan's skin felt as smooth as it looked. He reached out for moment but pulled his hand back. He knew he should wake Ethan up so he could sleep on the floor but he looked so peaceful and so damn cute. Justin found another blanket in his closet and covered him. Justin climbed into bed trying to fall asleep with the Ethan just an arms length away.

Ethan woke up confused. He knew was suppose to sleep in the sleeping bag on the floor but he must have fallen asleep in Justin's bed. He couldn't believe it. He actually slept with Justin, well kind of. It wasn't exactly what he pictured in his deepest fantasies but he still never thought he'd even get this far. He looked over at Justin who was still sound asleep. The alarm clock was on the nightstand next to him. It was already 5:30, they were supposed to wake up at 6am. Ethan watched Justin sleep and reached out to lightly touch his shoulder. It was only a brief touch but he could feel Justin's hard muscles. It was almost six so he rolled over to pretend to be asleep when the alarm rang. As he laid there he wondered if Justin would still be his friend if he knew how he really felt.

The alarm woke Justin up and he was still tired because it taken him so long to fall asleep the night before. He looked over at Ethan who looked like he was still sleeping. Justin was envious in a way. Ethan obviously wasn't tormented with the same feelings Justin had to keep buried.

He reached over and gently shook Ethan's shoulder, "Ethan it's time to get up."

Ethan looked up at Justin and pretended to give a sleepy smile, "Okay I'm awake."

They got dressed and ate breakfast. It took over an hour to get to the field. Justin introduced Ethan to his coach and asked if it was okay for him to hang with the team. The coach agreed as long as Ethan was quiet.

While the coach was talking Justin took off his sweatshirt. He was wearing a short sleeve Underarmor shirt. Ethan looked at Justin trying not be noticed but the tight shirt showed every ripple of Justin's muscles. It was at that moment that Ethan admitted to himself that he never seen anyone as sexy as Justin. It was almost a relief when he finally pulled his keeper jersey on. It didn't matter really. The whole experience of watching Justin interact with his teammates and play keeper made Ethan more overwhelmed. Justin had an easy going confidence with his teammates and a competitive fierceness on the field that made him a natural leader. Justin wasn't much different than he was when he trained Ethan or when they were alone together, he was just so much more. Justin's team won four to nil. After the game most of the team had an early lunch or for some a late breakfast. Ethan was quiet but he laughed at the older boys when they joked and teased each other. They were all nice to him following Justin's lead.

On the way back home they stopped at the mall and did some shopping. At least Justin did since Ethan didn't have money. They found a Manchester United jersey real cheap and Justin bought it because it was such deal. Unfortunately it was too small for Justin so he "had" to give it to Ethan.

"I had so much fun today. Is this what you do every weekend?" Ethan asked.

"Pretty much. It's nice when the parental units are gone because they usually have shit for me to do around the house. It'll be the same thing tomorrow since we have another match.", Justin replied.

"You're so lucky. I'll just be sitting at the house listening to my dad yell at the tv while he watches football." Ethan told him.

"You can come again tomorrow if you want." Justin said trying to sound nonchalant.

Ethan had hoped Justin would ask, "I don't know. I'll have to call my parents."

Justin handed Ethan his cell phone. Ethan walked a little bit away, you could tell he was trying to talk his parents into it. Justin could hear Ethan say, "No it's really okay with them." Finally Ethan came back with the same smile he had Friday.

"They said it was okay with them if I spend the night if it was okay with you and your parents." Ethan said as he winked at Justin.

"Hey I said you could come to the game but nothing about spending the night again." Justin told him.

Ethan didn't know what to day, "Oh I...".

Justin laughed out loud, "Just kidding dumbass!"

Ethan punched him is the stomach, "You're such an asshole!"

After a few hours at the mall they came home and Justin introduced Ethan to FIFA soccer on the X-box 360. Justin grilled some burgers and made Ethan get his "smelly ass" in the shower. Since Ethan didn't have any more clean clothes Justin did a load of laundry. They went back to playing the X-box wearing only their boxers.

"You never told me why you started playing soccer?" Justin asked not looking away from the television.

Ethan was equally focused, "My dad said I had to 'get off my ass' and play a sport."

Justin nodded, "That makes sense but why soccer?"

Ethan giggled, "Because my dad hates soccer so if he was going make me do something I'd do the one hated."

Justin laughed, "You're a spiteful little fuck. So how did you end up in goal then?"

Ethan focused hard on the game to keep a straight face, "I figured it was the easiest position. I mean you just stand there, any lazy fat ass could do it."

"What?!" Justin exclaimed.

Ethan finally lost it and squealed with laughter.

Justin realized he had been played, "Oh you're dead meat now."

Justin grabbed Ethan and rolled him back onto the bed. He pretended to punch him in the ribs but was really tickling him. Ethan was howling with laughter. When Justin let up, Ethan jumped on him getting in some punches of his own. The fought and wrestled until they were worn out. All the contact made Ethan more comfortable and yet bolder. Justin was laying on his back and Ethan was laying next to him on his side. Ethan gave Justin a couple more gentle pretend punches in the chest before leaving hand there.

"How did you get muscles get so big?" Ethan said as felt Justin's chest and then squeezed his arm.

"I do strength training, lifts weights, I guess." Justin was very aware of Ethan running his hands over his body but still didn't think it was any more than a boy's curiosity.

"I wish I looked like you." Ethan confided.

Justin looked over at Ethan, "I love the way you look."

Ethan had only been paying half attention to what Justin was saying because he was tracing the cuts between each one of Justin's ab muscles. He thought to himself did Justin really just say what I thought he did, "What did you say?"

Justin tried to back peddle, he was so damn distracted by the way Ethan was touching him, "I mean you look good, like the way you should look."

Ethan looked at Justin, he seemed nervous and Justin was never nervous, "I guess so. Maybe I should start lifting weights."

"Coach said boys shouldn't lift until high school, something about the way their bones are still growing." Justin told him relieved to be talking about something else.

"Oh." Ethan said distractedly. His fingertips had reached the trail of hair leading from Justin's boxers to his belly button. That hair felt different, more coarse than normal hair.

"Yeah." Justin looked down at Ethan's hand. It was just inches away from his dick. He thought that he should move it but he couldn't.

"You're so hard." Ethan said out loud.

That woke up Justin up, he wasn't hard but admittedly he was beginning to chub up, "No I'm not!"

Ethan realized what he had said, "I mean you're muscles are hard, sorry."

"It's okay. I didn't mean to go postal."

"Am I making you nervous?" Ethan asked his hand was still resting on Justin's stomach.

Justin hesitated. He was more nervous than he had ever been. Something was happening here and he wasn't sure what it was. He reached over and ran his fingers through Ethan's hair. "Not really."

Ethan could feel his heart beating. He didn't know what to do but he sensed they were on the verge of something happening. He wasn't sure exactly what he wanted to do with Justin. He had heard about "gay sex" at school and even though he knew he liked looking at guys, the idea of doing any of those things, even with a guy, sounded gross but looking and touching Justin made doing those things with Justin a lot less gross. Justin had a girlfriend, surely he wouldn't feel the same way but those fingers that Justin were running through his hair were now rubbing his neck.

"Do you do stuff with your girlfriend?" Ethan asked softly.

"What do you mean?" Justin asked, he didn't want to talk about Jennifer at the moment. He wasn't sure what he wanted, well he was sure what he wanted but wasn't sure what Ethan wanted or what was right.

"Like kissing and stuff?", Ethan asked as moved so that his face only a few inches from Justin's.

"Yeah I suppose so." Justin admitted. He was running his hand gently down Ethan's back savoring the smoothness of Ethan's skin.

Ethan liked the way Justin was touching him, it helped him relax even though his heart was pounding in his chest, he wrinkled his nose and asked, "With your tongue?"

Justin smiled at Ethan's face, "Yeah, it's not so bad." His hand had stopped on Ethan's lower back but not before his finger tips had worked under the elastic of Ethan's boxers.

Ethan knew exactly where Justin's fingers were, he moved his face even closer to Justin's, "I guess it might not be so bad. Maybe I'll find out one day."

That was way too much for Justin he reached up with other hand and gently pulled Ethan to him and kissed him lightly on the mouth. Ethan didn't pull all the way back. He looked down at Justin and kissed Justin. This time Justin ran his tongue across Ethan's lips. Instinctively Ethan opened his mouth to give Justin access and Justin eased his tongue into Ethan's mouth. Ethan touched his tongue to Justin's as Justin gently explored Ethan's mouth. As Justin withdrew his tongue Ethan's followed it into Justin's mouth.

After a lengthy kiss Ethan smiled at Justin and simply said, "I like that."

"So do I." Justin said. He had never let himself imagine what it would be like to make out with Ethan or any boy before. It was so much better and more intense than he could have imagined.

Justin pulled Ethan back down to him. They kissed long and hard this time. Justin hand was still on Ethan's lower back but lost in the passionate kiss Justin pushed his whole hand into Ethan's boxers until he was squeezing one of Ethan's butt cheeks. It seemed to fit perfectly in Justin's hand. Justin couldn't believe how amazing that butt cheek felt. He pulled Ethan to him and he was pretty sure he could feel Ethan's hard-on pressing against his side.

When they came up for air Ethan pointed out, "I think your hand is in my boxers."

"I think so." Justin confirmed, giving Ethan's butt cheek a firm squeeze.

Ethan let out a little giggle showing Justin he didn't mind. He looked down at Justin's boxers. Justin was pitching a huge tent to the point where Ethan could see part of Justin's dick because the elastic had pulled away from his stomach. Ethan started to move his hand down Justin's flat hard belly, he had already reached the happy trail of hair.

Ethan looked back at Justin's face, "Is it okay?"

Justin could only nod as Ethan's hand disappeared under his boxers and took hold of his throbbing boner. For a second Justin thought he was going to cum. Ethan put his head on Justin's chest as he explored under Justin's underwear. It took Justin a moment to realize that Ethan was trying to see his dick. "Fuck it, we've gone this far." Justin thought to himself.

"Hold on for a sec." Justin reluctantly pulled his hand out of Ethan's shorts and pushed his boxers down and then kicked them off completely.

That surprised Ethan but it was a good surprise. He gave Justin another big kiss and then kneeled along side Justin so he see and play with Justin's dick in earnest. Ethan noticed that all around the slit of Justin was wet with precum. He touched it with one finger, smiling to himself. Ethan had never seen a dick with pubes this close up before. Plus it was so big, even Justin's nuts were big. He put one hand around the bottom of it and his other hand on top of that one. There was still a lot of dick poking out past his hands. He let out a little giggle.

Justin had been enjoying watching Ethan play so enthusiastically with him. He kept switching from Ethan's hands back to his face. It was so fucking hot and cute at the same time, even when Ethan giggled, although he obviously didn't realized it was poor sexual etiquette to laugh at someone's cock, "What so funny?"

Ethan smiled back at Justin, "Nothin, it's just I always thought you had a big one but when I pictured it in my head it wasn't close to this big."

"God you're such a dork. I thought maybe you thought it was funny looking." Justin said surprised that Ethan had even been thinking about his dick. Ethan started to jerk him off and although it wasn't exactly the best technique it was making Justin practically breathless

"Nuh uh.", Ethan replied focusing more on what was in front of him.

Ethan had started jerking off before he had met Justin. He wanted to see if he could make Justin feel good the same way he did himself. He started moving his hand up and down Justin's boner. It was so weird because it was so much bigger than his plus he usually did it in the shower using shampoo to make it slicker. He was about to ask Justin if it felt okay when Justin's dick seemed to jump in his hand. The first rope of cum hit Justin on the chest the second one hit him on the right cheek and it seemed like Justin kept spurting cum forever. Ethan had heard about guys "shooting their load" at school and "ejaculating" in health class, he knew that was what was happening but again he had no idea of how intense the experience would be to make someone cum. Besides actually shooting, Justin's whole body seemed to tighten up and he made a loud grunt. Ethan wasn't sure what to do so he kept stroking Justin's dick which became a lot easier since everything was slick with cum. Finally Justin eased Ethan's hand off his dick. Ethan's hand, Justin's stomach and chest were splattered with cum. Ethan looked at Justin's face and giggled at Justin's goofy, satisfied smile.

It took Justin a minute to recover, "Okay that was a little embarrassing, I usually don't cum that quick."

It was a new to Ethan, "That was too quick? Did I do something wrong?"

"Um no. That was really intense." Justin assured him.

That made Ethan smile, "You've got some on your face."

Justin laughed and looked down at Ethan and his cum covered hand, "Yeah when you're doing yourself you learn to point it away from your face. Let me find my t-shirt to wipe it off."

Ethan watched Justin lean over the bed noting that Justin had an extremely hot muscular butt as well, "Whoops sorry about that!". Ethan could smell the cum, he put his hand up to his nose to get a better wiff. It wasn't bad and for a second he thought about tasting it but he didn't want to gross out Justin.

Justin found a t-shirt on the floor, wiped off Ethan's hand and then himself. Ethan was smiling at him the whole time, "You're pretty smiley tonight."

Ethan shrugged, "I'm just happy."

"You are huh?" Justin asked while grabbed Ethan and rolled him over on his back and gave him a big kiss.

"I never saw anyone do that before." Ethan confided.

Justin was running fingers down Ethan's chest, "You mean cum?"

"Uh huh." Ethan replied, he liked the way Justin was touching him.

"You don't shoot when you jerk off?" Justin asked. He couldn't believe how good Ethan felt.

"Nope, sometimes when I get really hot I get that clear sticky stuff ." Ethan said almost adding it always happened he thought about Justin.

"I guess that means you're getting close to shooting. It doesn't really matter as long as it feels good.", Justin said while gently poking Ethan in the belly button.

Ethan giggled. "That tickles."

"Yeah it does." Justin had moved down and was running his hands down Ethan legs. On the way back up he brushed his hand over Ethan's boxers feeling his hardness. He hooked his fingers under the elastic and started to pull them down.

Ethan was lost in how good it felt to be touched like that, it wasn't just the physical sensation but knowing that Justin wanted to feel and explore him but when he felt Justin start to pull his boxers down he reached down to stop him, "I don't know, I'm so small and I don't have any...." Ethan started to explain.

Justin gave Ethan his kindest smile, "I don't care about any of that Ethan, I want you so fucking bad. Besides, I've already seen one of your nuts."

Ethan gave a little giggle and smiled back while he moved his hand. He lifted his hips to let Justin pull his boxers off.

"You're not small, you're perfect." Justin said to himself as much to Ethan. Ethan's erection was almost five inches but boyishly slender. Justin began to gently stroke Ethan's dick. He looked up at Ethan who was sucking on his lower lip. He was almost unbearably cute and Justin had to kiss him again. Justin continued to stroke Ethan while kissing him passionately. Ethan was beginning to squirm and Justin wanted him to squirm more. He moved down to his neck.

Ethan squirmed, "Justin.."

Justin ignored him laying gentle kisses down chest and belly. He paused to stick his tongue in Ethan's belly button.

"God, that tickles!!" Ethan exclaimed.

Justin had moved lower, "I've never done this done before."

Ethan was going to ask, "Done what?" but before he could he felt the warmth and wetness of Justin's mouth on his boner, "Oh shit!"

Justin felt Ethan's whole body jerk when he swallowed Ethan's hard dick. Never in his life had Justin thought he would suck someone's dick. He hadn't planned on doing it when he pulled Ethan's boxers off but when he had begun kissing his neck and Ethan had started squirming it just felt like the natural thing to do. Ethan alternated between squirming and going completely stiff. When Justin got blowjobs from the girls he dated they always acted like it some kind of favor but Justin was loving it. He really did want Ethan so very fucking badly, he wanted to see, touch, taste and even smell him. It was never anything like this with a girl.

Ethan had never imagined anything feeling this good. Justin was moving his mouth up and down Ethan's dick and he could feel Justin's tongue on the head of his boner. This was clearly so much more intense than jerking off. Ethan could feel something building and sensations were growing stronger. He let out a sound that was something between a squeal and a grunt.

Justin heard the sound, stopped and looked up at Ethan.

Ethan pushed Justin's head down, "D-don't stop. P-please!"

Justin figured that must mean he was doing alright and went back to work. Ethan started bucking his hips and then suddenly stopped, his body going tight. Justin could feel Ethan's dick spasm but he didn't feel him shoot any cum. It was remarkably hot, feeling Ethan get off in his mouth but he wasn't sure that he would want a mouth full off cum. Afterwards Ethan's body went limp even though his dick was still hard. Justin pulled it towards him, let it go and it slapped against Ethan's body. He looked up Ethan who was laying there with his eyes closed, smiling with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

"You're such a silly goofball", Justin told him.

Ethan gave an exaggerated sigh and smiled bigger. He couldn't believe how good it felt and he was already thinking about doing the same thing to Justin.

"Make that a silly, beautiful, goofball." Justin said moving so his face directly over Ethan's.

Ethan opened his eyes seeing Justin smiling above him. He put both arms around Justin's neck pulling him down. They kissed deeply, Ethan was aggressively probing Justin's mouth.

"That was really awesome!" Ethan told Justin.

"Yeah, you're a really good kisser." Justin admitted.

Ethan was beaming, "Yeah but I was taking about the other thing."

Justin smiled, "I suppose it wasn't bad for the first time."

"Uh huh, it was really hot. You still have a boner." Ethan said as touched Justin's rock hard dick.

"Yeah you seem to have that effect on me." Justin said as Ethan started to play with his dick.

Justin kneeled next to Ethan. Ethan started stroking Justin's dick. He kept stroking it as got on his knees facing Justin, they kissed again while Ethan pumped Justin's cock.

"It's cool Ethan, you already made me cum" Justin told Ethan, really hoping he wouldn't stop.

"I'm going to make you do it again," Ethan said matter of factly, sliding his knees back so he could go down on Justin's eager dick.

Ethan slowly eased Justin's cock head into his mouth. He could feel Justin shiver. Ethan wasn't able to come close to taking all of it in like Justin but he knew from playing with own dick that head was the most sensitive. So moved his head like Justin had while using his tongue on the head. It seemed almost unreal that he was sucking Justin's dick and how much fun it was.

"Jesus that's really good Ethan.", Justin said in husky whisper. It was more than the feeling of Ethan's mouth on his cock. It was the whole visual of Ethan on his knees and one hand in front of him seeing his dick sliding in and out of Ethan's beautiful mouth. He reached down and touched Ethan's hair and face. Even though he had already cum he was worried he wasn't going to last much longer than the first time. He ran one hand down Ethan's back and cupped one of his buttocks. The need to cum was building to the point where Justin knew he was no longer in control. He gently ran a finger up Ethan's ass crack and felt the tiny puckered opening. That was it.

"Shit I'm cumming!" Justin said as he pulled his dick out of Ethan's mouth. This time it Ethan who got a cum facial.

Justin laughed, "Sorry about that."

"It almost got in my eye.", Ethan said not really minding, cum dripping down his face. He knew he could have moved but he wanted to see Justin shoot up close.

"You still look pretty cute and that felt really fucking awesome.", Justin told him.

Ethan smiled up at Justin, he was so happy about making Justin feel good, "I think I need a shower!"

Justin joined Ethan in the shower. Afterwards they went to bed, not bothering with clothes, talked about their night and the game the next. They eventually drifted off to sleep. Justin woke up from nightmare in the middle of night where his parents came home early and found him in bed with Ethan. He realized it was only a dream and briefly confused, he wondered if the whole night with Ethan had only been a dream but he looked over and saw Ethan next to him. Justin rolled over on his side facing Ethan and put his arms around him, breathing in the scent of Ethan's hair. Ethan pushed against Justin seeking his warmth. Justin could feel Ethan's naked, round, little butt pressed against his body. He smiled and drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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