Train Journey

By paul r

Published on Jan 25, 2019



Paul sat on the train dozing. It was first class and pretty quiet, at darlington passengers got off and he had the carraige to himself. He heard the door of the caraige open and close and glanced up to see the conductor walking toward him. The conductor nodded and checked Paul's ticket then walked past. Paul heard the door of the carraige open and close then a loud clicking noise. He half turned and saw the conductor locking the door and closing the blind. He had put an out of service notice on the door. He walked back to Paul unzipping his pants and pulling out a semi erect 8 inch cock. Paul thought what the fuck as he sat there staring like a scared rabbit in headlights. The conductor stopped beside Paul, stroking his hardening cock. What are you waiting for he asked and shoved his cock in Paul's face. I'm not, he started to say when he was slapped him across the face with the hardening cock. Youve been begging for this for months 'tightassforfucking', said the conductor. Paul was totally shocked, he recognised his usrname from fabguys website. Who are you he managed to say, i'm the guy youve been begging to fuck you, 'hard8inches'. said the conductor. He grabbed Paul by the beard and shoved his cock into his mouth. Holding on to the beard he proceeded to facefuck Paul as he sat there. He pulled his cock out of Paul's mouth and pulled him from the seat. Drop your pants he said and as soon as Paul dropped his trousers, he spun him round and bent him over the table. Paul felt his boxers being dragged down to his ankles. He heard the conductor slide his belt free. The belt swished through the air and sliced across Paul's bum. Again and again the pain sliced through him, how many is that asked the conductor? I, i dont know gasped Paul. Too bad he said, we will have to start over. Again the belt rose and fell, Paul was by this time sobbing. Please dont hit me anymore he begged. How many is that? he was asked. 12 Paul sobbed it is 12. OK said the conductor, his cock was hard and laying in the crack of Paul's arse. Paul felt the cock sliding up and down his crack, rubbing the hot dore flesh. 'hard8inches' pulled back slightly and pushed the head of his hard cock to the tight hole. Now he said, what youve been begging for and with one shove he slammed his 8 inches into Paul's tight hole. Paul screamed at the pain of the sudden invasion. 'hard8inches' said yeah scream, no one can hear you and laughed. So it went for the next 20 minutes, 'hard8inches' fucked Paul hard, he rode him like a stallion and finally plunged in as deep as he could and shot his load into the condom. He pulled out and removed the cndom, he made Paul clean his cock then fastened his trousers. Paul thought it was over but 'hard8inches' shoved him back over the table and said dont move. As the train pulled into Newcastle station , 'hard8inches' finished shutting all the blinds. stay as you are, i will be back in 10 minutes and we will resume. Paul was stunned, he lay there as 'hard8inches' unlocked the door, left nad locked it again. The train stopped and passengers boarded, a few tried the doors but noticed the sign and moved on. About 10 minutes later the train left the station. Paul heard the door opening and it began again. For the next 3 hours Paul was fucked till he thought his bum was going to explode. the train approached london and 'hard8inches' said times up. Get dressed, Paul straightened up painfully and wiped his bum with a tissue. He dressed and collapsed into the seat, his arse was sore and he felt amazing. Which train back are you getting asked 'hard8inches', the 12:30 tomorrow Paul replied. Good said 'hard8inches', same carraige, same seat. I'm going to fuck you from London all the way to inverness. Paul looked at him and said but in going back to edinburgh. 'hard8inches' said dont worry, my friend 'monstercock' is on the inverness to edinburgh train, he will look after you.

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