Trailer Park Porn Star

By Take Notice

Published on Nov 3, 2023


Anybody who is under 21 should not be reading this. This is completely fictional. Do what you want people, but here in reality - always use protection. So you don't get HIV. Cuz that shit is everywhere... I received a lot of feedback about parts 1 and 2 of this story. I guess some people really liked it. I have a couple more ideas but I'd love to hear suggestions of what wild and depraved things this cock slut should do next.

Probably a week had passed since I had arrived to Willie's trailer park (even though it seemed like years ago almost). I was churning out videos constantly. I joked to one of the girls one night that the tattoo on my back that says "Daddy's Gurl" was fitting since I seemed to have so many daddies. I had grown to love my stupid titties, with their crooked nipples and gargantuan proportions. To be honest, I couldn't walk for longer than 15 minutes or so before my back started hurting (fortunately most of my time now is spent on my back). They were just so huge, definitely bigger than any natural tits could be. Not to mention, they were round like balloons and stayed up on my chest nicely, even when I wasn't wearing a bra (which was fairly often).

But I loved having a thick cock poking through my titties, lubed up with precum or my saliva as a man humps my chest, spewing cum onto my chin. I still hadn't fucked Donkey since that fateful day when I lost Willie's bet. My new pussy was too tight to take him. However, I had a feeling it would get broken in. Still, I must say, it held up a lot better than my asshole did. On a couple occasions I took a couple cocks in there together and when the tapes were done rolling, and the cum was dripping out of me onto the floor, my pussy seemed to just tighten back up. It was amazing.

One morning, I was laying in Willie's bed with his dick in my mouth, which had become a fairly common way for Willie to wake up. I was lying on my stomach (actually on my boobs) and he had his thick white-hairy legs resting on my ass and his hands on the sides of my head. He had just blown a huge morning load into my mouth and while I could take most of it, I could never take it all if the cock wasn't down my throat. Willie knew this and always liked to pull out at the last minute to make sure I got a little bit on my face. It was annoying to always have to do my make up again and I acted reluctant, but I secretly liked having his load on my face.

Willie pulled me roughly down the bed by my head (which was planted on his cock) as he sat with his back against the wall. He held my head and humped my face softly with his softening slimy cock (I loved this) as he spoke, "Bitch I had an idea last night that I need to talk to you about." I kept on sucking but looked up into his eyes to let him know I was listening. He continued, "I was trying to think of a way to spice up the films, to bring something new for our viewers." For a second my mind wandered as I thought to myself, a week ago, I was a viewer. Now I was lying on my titties drinking cum with Willy humping my mouth. "TV is all about reality these days. Everyone likes these reality shows. So that's what I'm going to give our viewers."

I wondered to myself, how much more "reality" could things get? He really did turn me into a bitch on camera for the viewers to see. He turned me into this cock-crazy cumwhore who was slurping on his cock at this very second. Still, I was excited to hear what he had to say. I now had Willie's wet cock lying across my cum-covered face as I licked his balls clean, "What were you thinking daddy?" My voice kept getting more and more high pitched due to the hormones Willy made me take regularly. I don't know if it was the hormones or the fact that I was practically 90% female but my dick had shrunken to be tiny. All you could see was a small little penis head, almost like a button sticking out. No shaft. It was soft to the touch (not that it ever got touched - I had no use for it).

"Damn, put my dick back in your mouth girl." I pushed Willy's soft cock back into my mouth. He loved for me to just hold his cock in there after I had blown him. "Anyways, I was thinking," he farted loudly, but I didn't flinch, "there's a truckstop near by here, fairly well known for fags and truck whores. A couple of the guys who live here told me about it. I guess this is a common area for truckers to stop before they get on the major highway's to head out west, so a lot of them show up at the truck stops in the area looking to fuck."

I started to worry where this was going. For some reason, the closed community of the trailer park seemed like a bubble. My parents would be in Europe for the next few months and didn't expect to hear from me but I didn't want to leave and have to think about how my life was over now.

I still hadn't forgotten about my friend who had heard me getting fucked on the phone. I wondered whether or not people had seen the website yet. Since my titties were so big (even if they were crooked) I became the "face" of Willy's porn company (I'm sure my natural enthusiasm for cock helped too). As a result, all my videos were not only free to all viewers, but heavily promoted on all of the major gay and tranny porn websites. It still felt strange calling myself a tranny, but I suppose that was the keyword everybody online would find me by. That was the word hovering in the corner of the screen when people watched me bend over and take dicks into my pussy, sometimes two at a time. I asked Willie, "You want to film truckers fucking me?" I thought of all the little cocks I would have to suck. Not like the guys' here who all had huge dongs.

"No cunt, I want to film me whoring you out to truckers. See what I mean by the reality bit? It will be a whole series..." I knew there was no use objecting. Willie pushed me off of him roughly and stood up. Following the rules of the park, I left the cum he had shot onto me on my face as I reached over and grabbed a thin red bra, using it to hold only slightly my missive tits. I had grown accustomed to not wearing bottoms and only occasionally wore panties. Mostly I just walked around naked from the waste down, which is how the guys liked me anyways.

I stepped out of Willie's trailer and went to walk back to my trailer to get ready but Willie just grabbed me roughly and said "Bitch, you're ready now." He had a camera in his hand and we walked together to my car (which now, like me and my pussy, belonged to Willie). He sat down in the drivers seat and I sat in the passenger seat. He turned on the radio and we listened to music in silence. I was feeling my pussy with one of my hands as I thought of what was to come.

I was certainly about to get fucked by a bunch of men, probably a lot of them with no condoms. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever been fucked with a condom. I didn't even want to count how many loads I had taken up into my cunt. In a strange way, the more semen I took into my pussy, the less I cared about each additional load. What was one more? It seemed ridiculous at this point to start asking guys to wear condoms. After all, one of my best qualities was that i can't get pregnant and guys can bareback me if they want.

As we neared the truck stop i chewed my nails (which one of the girls had painted purple) nervously but willy slapped my hand away. He insisted I grow my nails out like a real woman, so he was trying to break me of the habit, "I know you're nervous girl but you're gonna love this. You're a natural born slut. Shit, if you weren't with us you'd probably be at a truck stop very similar to this one on your knees sucking some trucker off right now."

I wanted to yell, If I wasn't with you I'd still be in college, with a future, fucking women. Instead I sat quietly as he continued, "Believe me, on the way home you'll thank me. You'll see. You still haven't been fucked by a married man yet. Some of these truckers... shit, talk about pent up tension." He had a point. That sounded cool. He laughed, "pent-up tension that they'll pay you to drink and take up your chute." Willie pinched my ass. I was starting to get horny as we pulled into the truck stop, which, like everything else in this new world, was exactly the way Willy wanted it.

As we pulled up, there were no cars there. Willy pulled in and we walked into the bathroom together. Nobody was around. The place was completely disgusting. The tiles were yellowing in the grout and the whole place smelled like stale piss. It had a long trough instead of a urinal. One of the toilettes in the back was completely clogged up. None of the graffittied stalls had doors on them. One sink sat below a cracked mirror. A picture on one of the stalls of a stick figure on his hands and knees being stuffed with the massive cock of a bigger stick figure told us we were probably in the right place.

Still nobody had seemed to arrive yet. "Faggot I'm here to pimp that ass but you gotta sell it. You got me?" I nodded. I admit, I was disappointed nobody was there yet, and eager to get some cock, having only had Willy's this morning, I was far behind schedule. Willy's little pep talk in the car had gotten me horny as hell. The tripod set up and camera rolling, Willy said, "well bitch let's not waste any time. I've got an idea. While we wait for some johns to come fuck you, entertain our viewers by trying to use the urinal."

I looked at the camera. I looked down at my hairless legs and said "I can't." I had done tons of humiliating things on camera now. Shit, with all the footage of me online, there were probably people out there who understood more about my transformation to slut-dom than I did. Still, there was something uniquely embarrassing about this. I mumbled to the camera, "normally I just piss in the shower."

Willie laughed, "What was that?"

I spoke up, "well, it's hard for me so normally I just do it in the shower and clean up after."

Willie laughed, "Well, humor us bitch. You are my whore after all." He was right. It was beyond contracts at that point. I belonged to him. He knew it and I knew it. I walked over to the urinal and bent over it awkwardly, trying to bend my waste so it pointed down. This meant I had to hold onto the top of the urinal with my hands. I was wearing heals so balancing was hard. I started to push as hard as I could. I felt the stream of warm piss come up and begin dribbling out of my useless cock.

No piss whatsoever made it into the urinal. As I had discovered over the past few days, piss just dribbled down it as it came out slowly and without fail always ran down my legs. Eventually, I just stepped away from the urinal, knowing it was pointless to even try. I stood and relaxed completely, piss running down my legs, over my heels. It felt amazing to relieve myself. I ignored Willy's taunts "I don't even know if you count as a faggot anymore. I mean you don't even have a working cock."

He was right, the only way to get my cock off was through my pussy now. I rubbed my hands up and down my hairless, legs, thinking about how they would never grow hair again, as the pass ran down to the floor around me I had my eyes closed but suddenly heard someone say "What the fuck?"

Willy and I were both surprised by the voice but when I saw who it was I could have passed out with shock. Professor Sheaffer! Professor Sheaffer taught my science class and I only barely passed. The class was early in the morning so I was always missing it. As a result, Professor Sheaffer hated my guts. He did everything he could to make sure I would fail, but in the end I managed to pass. Now, as the stream of piss running down my leg slowed to a stop, I stared him in the face, standing in a pair of red heels, piss covered legs, naked from the waist down in a red bra with a pair of double D tits.

I think at first he didn't realize who I was, but I could tell he recognized me. Then suddenly his eyes got as big as saucers. He had placed the face above that pair of tits. I couldn't imagine a worse time for Willy to say "Five for a blow job, ten to fuck her up her butt." Professor Sheaffer just looked at Willy speechless and then looked back at me. Willy looked at me, "Faggot go make our guest feel welcome."

It was strange. I felt like I was at a crossroads or something. My old life had come into coincidental contact with my new one. In a way, backing out now wasn't an option. Because that was the old me. And the old me couldn't make it with this pair of tits, with this pussy that needed to be fucked constantly. My only choice was to continue being the new me. After all, there was no turning back now.

I began to walk forward. Even though Professor Sheaffer was looking at me like I was radioactive, I continued to walk toward him. Maybe it was because he was so stunned, maybe it was because he was actually turned on, but when I folded my naked body into his, his hand reached around and started rubbing my ass. One of his hands wandered to my tit. I couldn't tell when he felt it if he was doing it because he was turned on or he wanted to know how I suddenly had a pair of double d tits on my chest.

Mr Sheaffer wasn't a tall or a short man, but he was stocky. His skin was somewhat wrinkled and he had silver hair, but he didn't come across as an old man, partially because he was so solidly built, a mix of fat and muscle that I now realize turns me on more than any other. He had a big chest and always seemed to have a sneer on his face, at least when he looked at me. I had seen him once at the school's rec center coming out of the shower with his towel on. He had tons of white hair.

As much as I used to hate Professor Sheaffer, it was really just because we were butting heads back when I was at school. I couldn't handle his authority. Now that it was clear where the authority lines were, namely that I was the whore of anybody around me with a cock, I found him strangely attractive. His resentment toward me only made him seem hotter. I buried my face which, like my legs, had been lasered to be smooth and hairless, into his neck, feeling his grey stubble rub against my cheek.

Suddenly he shoved me off "What the fuck?" Only having a few days of experience wearing heels, I fell over, my bare ass landing in the pool of piss I had left. I stood up blushing, rubbing my elbow that I had landed on. Willie must have been a laid back pimp because he just laughed and asked his question again "five for her mouth, ten for her pussy." Sensing something was up he said "What, do you guys know each other or something?"

I just shook my head but Professor Sheaffer, spoke, "This little fucker was in my science class." He looked at me with that sneer he always had, "I always knew he'd end up on the floor of some bathroom, but I never would have foreseen this." I couldn't look him in the eye. But he walked over to me and grabbed my chin, hard so that it hurt, turning my head towards him. "You know, I've never had a gay thought in my life, but something about what a cocksucker you were made me want to stuff my dick in your mouth, just to shut you up, smart alec." He always used to call me that.

He reached into his pants and handed Willy fifteen dollars, without taking his eyes off me. Then he reached in his pants and heaved out a thick long cock that was getting harder by the second. I couldn't even spend time marveling at what a beautiful cock Professor Sheaffer. At the same time, he put his hand on my shoulders, pushing me down to the ground until I was kneeling in my own piss. His cock was still soft but it was so big that, as he fed it into my face, it started to push down my throat. I felt his egg sized, low hanging balls which hung down past my chin.

After a minute or so his cock was hard and it was giving off more heat than any cock I had ever sucked before. It was amazing. I sucked him like a pro, strangely wanting to show him how good I was at this, as embarrassing as it was. "Jesus christ. You know it's nice to see you showing some enthusiasm in your work for a change." I looked up at him, sneering down at me as he really started to face fuck me. "I always knew you weren't cut out for science. Shit you weren't cut out for anything. Take it from me, you aren't smart enough to make it in this world any way but this."

As I sucked him off, swallowing so that my throat muscles massaged his rod which was buried in my neck, I thought about what he was saying. He was right. He kept taunting "You'll never be able to support yourself so you better just hope that you can attach that mouth or that ass to someone with half a brain to pay for your bitch ass." He pulled his dick out of my mouth and it flopped down, dripping in saliva, "Speaking of that ass."

He walked to the sink and started unbuttoning his shirt which, contrary to our surroundings, he folded neatly and placed on the cleanest part of the sink he could find. He dropped his slacks and did the same with them. His cock was sticking out the side of his cotton bikini briefs but the balls that hung in the pouch made the underwear bulge about the same as any normal guys would containing his whole cock. He was wearing a silver watch, a gold necklace and his underwear. He grabbed me by the arm like I was a disruptive child and marched me to one of the stalls (thankfully not the one with the clogged toilette).

He sat down, his cock still hanging out the leg hole of his underwear and forced me to start sucking it again. He sat forward, picking his ass off the seat a little, and slid the back of his underwear down his butt cheeks and started shitting. It smelled god awful - which is saying something in that bathroom. He could tell I was disgusted but just laughed "Look at you now. A stupid fucking bitch sucking my cock while I take a dump." He closed his eyes for a second and I felt a stream of piss start coming out. I drank it down as fast as I could while he continued talking. "Drinking my fucking piss."

Suddenly he tugged his cock and it snaked up out of my mouth and started pissingin my face. Professor Shaeffer held me in place by my chin with one hand and used the other to slap his big floppy pissing dick in my face repeatedly. My lower half was already covered in piss so I decided to just enjoy myself. I opened my mouth trying to catch as much as I could but the stream was haphazard as he continued slapping me with his cock. I heard Willy above me (he must have been getting a close up with the camera) "she looks like some bitch dog tryna drink from a hose."

When he finished pissing Professor Shaeffer took out a condom and started sliding it over his cock. I had been avoiding speaking this whole time, not wanting Professor Shaeffer to hear my new voice and understand the true extent of my transformation. I was going to say something but Willy said it for me, "Don't bother with a condom. Cunt takes it bare." Professor Shaeffer smiled and stuffed the XL condom into my mouth. Then he reached behind me and the way that he expertly unfastened my bra strap, with one flick, practically made me cream my pussy.

He pulled my bra off and, seeing my crooked nipples, laughed like everybody does. "Fuck that's one tore up fucking ho. She might as well be missing fucking teeth." I had gotten used to this reaction. In a strange way, I like my crooked tits, because they brought on that one extra moment of humiliation that I seemed to crave so intensely. Not to mention, every time a guy said that, seconds later he's got his hands all over my jugs like he can't get enough. He was moterboating them for a little and the moment felt intimate. He looked down at me smiling and I could tell, we were connecting in a strange way, as I looked into his eyes. He seemed to be pondering something. I must have been confused though. Because then he asked Willy, "Can I hit her for 20 dollars?"

Willy took the bill from him and said, "Just once, no marks." Before I could object I felt something slam against the side of my face, leaving it stinging and a loud ringing in my ear. It almost knocked me fucking sideways. Both men were laughing and I realized that Professor Shaeffer had back handed me.

"You know what that's called?" I looked up. "A pimp slap. I never would have thought that not only would you have to blow me and sit on my dick, I'd get to fucking piss on you and pimp slap you too. Haha." Still reeling from the blow, I felt Shaeffer pull me up and turn me around and then I realized I was about to sit down on his dick. "Daddy's Gurl?" He must not have seen my tattoo earlier. "Believe me you ain't no fucking daddy's girl cuz no father in the world would admit to being related to you." I thought of my parents which, take it from me, is the last thing you want to do when you're out whoring, about to take your professor's cock up your ass on the toilet in a shitty truck stop. I wasn't paying attention. He must have been supporting all of my weight because when he let go I slid down his cock immediately. His cock suddenly slamming into me felt liked it knocked the wind out of me and I coughed loudly.

I felt completely filled, sitting in Professor Shaeffer's lap with his dick in my pussy. I could hear him still shitting below us. It was disgusting but it was hot too in a way. He was surprisingly strong as my high heeled feet weren't even toughing the ground anymore. I was being held completely by the aging man below me. He shifted his weight a little, farting loudly, and as he shifted back I could feel his slimy cock squirming around in my hole. He whispered in my ear. "Say it, Say it you little cocksucker. Say you're my bitch."

I couldn't stay silent anymore. My high pitched girls voice sounded ridiculous even to me when I said it "I'm your bitch professor shaeffer. i'm your dirty little whore." One of his hands was rubbing my right tit and the other was toying with my tiny little cock tip.

"Fuck you really are a fucking tranny aren't you. You sound like my fucking daughter."

I wanted so badly for him to start pumping me. "Please just fuck me daddy. Please please fuck me daddy." He slowly started thrusting his ass up and down, driving his cock into my guts. His arms strained as he tugged me up, each time pulling me further and further up on his dick. He shoved me forward so my feet were back on the ground. He started bouncing/thrusting at a rapid rate so that I was sort of bouncing and his cock was repeatedly coming in and out of my hole. It felt great. I gripped the sides of the stall for support as he pummeled my vagina.

He tugged me back down, both of his hands roaming around my tits as he sort of ground his ass in a figure eight on the toilet so that i slipped and slid around in his lap. I was in heaven. Some men are just born to fuck and Professor Shaeffer was clearly one of those men. There in the truck stop, speared on his penis, I regretted talking back to him all those times. If I had known what a massive cock he had, how he could fuck a bitch in the sack, or had I known what a stupid worthless slut I was, I would have stayed quiet.

Professor was in full thrust now. His cock pummeled my pussy making me moan loudly in my high pitched voice, which shaeffer loved, "Please daddy. Please fuck my pussy. yeahhhh yeahhhh ooooohhhh" I was whining like a little slut again. "Yeah yeah. yeah daddy. yeah daddy." Professor shaeffer was holding my shoulders and I could feel his hands pulling me down while his pelvis bounced me up and down on his dick. One of his hands was massaging my crotch where my cock used to be, which was probably a habit from fucking women.

"Fucking cunt. Talk back now you stupid bitch. Got tits on your chest and an assfull of my cock. Getting pimped at some out of the way truck stop in rural Ohio. You're fucking pathetic." I couldn't take it anymore. My little button cock started spitting out thin clear liquid, the only semblance of cum I could produce anymore. Mr Shaeffer's hand was wet with it. He rubbed my tit with it and then shoved his fingers in my mouth. I sucked on them as he kept feeding my hungry pussy with his cock. He stood me up, his cock popping out of my asshole. Willy made me bend over in front of the camera so he could see my open pussy. I did but was eager to get Mr. Shaeffer back in me again.

He pulled me into his lap so I was facing him. My tiny button cock was pressed against his plump hairy stomach and his hairy arm held my back as I wrapped my legs around him. He started humping again, now more smoothly than he was before. His fluid motions had me spell bound. I was hypnotized by his cock which was working miracles in my pussy. I had my head in his neck and was stuttering gibberish into his ear. He spoke more quietly now "Yeah I know I know faggot. I know how to fuck a pussy I know." His pace was picking up and his thrusts were becoming more prolonged and more dramatic.

It built slowly but after a minute or so his hips were b ucking against me so hard all i could do was hold on as tightly as I could, wrapped around his torso, as his cock destroyed my ass. I was moaning loudly as he humped his massive dick into me over and over. I swear I could feel the bulge of cum coming up his cock. As if it was water coming out of some loony toons fire hose. I felt him explode into me and instantly we were both covered in cum. It was an absurd amount of semen, it was dripping out of my ass down my legs down his.

I was squishing around in his lap, making loud squelching noises as he finished off his intense orgasm, at the end, tugging his cock out and, still with shocking force, shot a couple more splashes of cum onto my smooth ass cheeks. When I came to a rest I just laid into him, my tits pressed into his hairy chest. His hand was running up and down my back slowly, almost cradling me. It was an incredibly tender moment, completely different from how he was before he had cum. He gently lifted me, standing me up. I wanted to object as I felt his cock slip out of my pussy.

I wanted to float away but was brought back to reality when Professor Shaeffer said "Forgetting something. I turned around and saw his lap was covered in semen. I got back down on my knees to lick him clean. As I did, he flushed the toilet which I was thankful for. However, all tenderness had passed when he stood up and said "no toilet paper," looking me square in the eye. I looked back at him confused. "Wonder what we can do." It dawned one me as he turned around, placing both of his hands against the wall and bending over, shoving his ass in my face. NO WAY! He wanted me to lick his ass clean.

It was the weirdest thing. In my mind I was completely objecting but I could feel and see my face diving into his ass crack and licking with abandon, cleaning out his crack for him. I know this sounds stupid, especially for someone in my situation, but there was something about Professor Shaeffer now. When he turned around I looked up. Instead of seeing the sneer on his face, I looked into his eyes, which were actually sort of soft. As stupid as it may be, I think I had fallen in love or something, with Professor Shaeffer of all people.

But it wasn't possible. I belonged to Willy now. Besides, Professor Shaeffer wasn't about to go out with some tranny. That kind of thing just wasn't possible for me. Professor Shaeffer stood up off of the toilet and tugged his underwear back over his ass cheeks again. A considerable amount of his cum had dripped onto them. Willy turned off the camera and was looking into the lens at some of the footage we had just shot. Professor Shaeffer was messing with something over by the sink. When he turned around he was holding his pants. He hesitated before pulling them on he said "ehh what the fuck."

He dropped his underwear dripping in his cum and walked over, handing them to me "Something to remember me by faggot." I blushed, wondering if he was having the same feelings. As he buttoned up his shirt he looked me up and down one more time. I was standing now totally naked except my heels my butt dripping with his cum. He laughed and shook his head. "Jesus christ. Who would have thought" then he walked out. My heart dipped. I would probably never see him again. I stashed the underwear in Willie's camera bag before going to put my bra back on which was now wet with pee. I didn't know if it was mine or Professor Shaeffer's.

Just as I finished buttoning my bra a tall skinny white man came in. Willy didn't even hesitate "Five for a blow job, ten to fuck her butt." I looked at the man when he turned to look at me. Willy added, "Oh and apparently 20 if you want to knock her around a little bit." He laughed heartily putting the camera back on the tripod. The man reached into his pocket pulling out his wallet. I walked forward and pressed my tits into him feeling his package as he handed Willy the money.

That day I ended up having four customers total. Professor Shaeffer was the only one that fucked me though. Two of them just wanted blow jobs and this one black guy paid Willy 30 bucks for me to lay down in his back seat and let him sit on my face. Willy was more than willing and I spent 30 minutes with my face buried in the this guy's sweaty ass as he played with my titties gently. Every now and then he would fart into my face. I just tried to concentrate on his hands which were roaming around my knockout body.

There was also one guy who came in claiming he actually wanted to use the bathroom. When he saw me he went off calling me a disgusting faggot and some other things that don't bear repeating. Willy loomed over the man who ran off. I felt so proud to have Willy there with me, having my back.

On the way home I was exhausted, dripping from cum in every orifice. I looked at Willy "Thank you Daddy."

Willy just smiled. "I told you you would thank me." He unbuttoned his pants, probably horny from watching me all day, and I gave him a wet blow job the whole way home while we listened to the radio. Willy eventually blew his load into my mouth and I drank a load of his piss a bit later so we didn't have to stop. Still, when we arrived back to the trailer park, it was getting dark.

I stepped out of the car and decided, now that I was home, I could do without the bra. I took it off so I was completely naked, walking beside Willy as we headed toward the picnic tables. As we got close, I could see a thickset black guy had Nicole in his lap and he was bouncing her up and down, his cock buried in the vagina that Willy had made for her. Willy picked up the camera and, almost out of habit, started filming the two. I reached into the camera bag to grab Professor Shaeffer's underwear and took them back to the tranny trailer with me.

Even though I was covered in piss and cum, I climbed into bed and got under the covers. I don't know. I guess you could say I was comfortable with those things now. That was probably an understatement... I held Professor Shaeffer's underwear up to my face, wanting to smell his cum that had soaked them through earlier. When I held the crusty fabric up to my lips I realized there was something in there.

I reached into the fabric and realized that Professor Shaeffer had folded a note up in the seam. I opened it up and read. "Hey faggot. Great tail If you ever need to get out of dodge you're always welcome at my place." Below it he had written his number and address. I felt butterflies in my stomach. He must have felt something too, just like I did. I realize whoring at a truck stop isn't exactly the way you want to meet your soul mate but we both clearly felt a connection.

Still Willy had paid for my tits and, as far as I could see, there was no way it would work for me to get out to Professor Shaeffer. I don't even know if I have access to a phone. I folded up the number and hid it under my mattress. I jumped in the shower, soaping off. When I came out, I applied my make-up, thinking about what life would be like being Professor Shaeffer's bitch. He had such a great cock, and not only that - he could fuck like a champion.

I really would like to go live with him. It would make this whole transition more tolerable if I didn't feel like such a whore all the time. Still part of me knew that's what I was. But maybe that was something professor Shaeffer understood, even something he liked about me. Suddenly I was brought back to reality when one of the girls stuck her head in the trailer "Hey we're all having an orgy down at the campsite. There's probably 20 guys and only a couple girls."

I stood up immediately walking toward the door, "If my pussy could squirt in my pants it would have. haha"

She responded, "If you were wearing pants, slut!"

Completely showered and free of cum, I stepped out into the night with no clothes on. I rubbed my tits while I walked, my back aching already. I knew soon though I would be in a guy's lap with his hands all over me, his cock filling up my pussy like it was supposed to. I thought to myself, first thing I'm going to do is get Donkey to titty fuck me. Professor Sheaffer was out of my mind. For now, I was happy here.

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