Trailer Park Porn Star

By Take Notice

Published on Sep 6, 2023


The men continued to fuck me and my body was soaked in sweat but before long all I could think of was getting more cock. I was in a complete frenzy. I was babbling as the men shoved their dicks in me. Sometimes I had two in me, sometimes on each end. I whined as they fucked me but they all knew. I was in heaven. I let them continue to pump me full of cum and my eyes were rolling back in my head.

At one point I had Willie and Charlie both trying to shove their huge cocks into my pussy. I was crying loudly but I didn't want them to stop. I knew they were stretching my pussy, that it would never be the same after this. But I still wanted it. Willie held a phone up against the side of my face. I was still whimpering and the men around me were moaning. I felt a sharp slap on my head, "Tell them what a little whore you are for cock now."

I spit the cock out of my mouth to speak, wondering who this was. "I'm such a little whore for cock. I'm a faggot whore and want nothing more than to be fucked in my big pussy all day and all night for the rest of my life by big black penises." My voice was quacking with the pounding I was getting, my cock was shooting liquid down onto the floor as I spoke. "I'm just a little bitch for daddy dick. Just put it in my pussy please." I was grunting awkwardly into the phone.

I heard a familiar voice, "What the fuck? Roy?! What the hell is this a joke?" I realized they had called my best friend at school. As the men around me moaned, and I'll admit, as I continued to wimpier, he realized it was not a joke. All I heard him say was, "Fucking faggot," before Willie snapped the phone shut. I knew I should be worried about my best friend hearing me getting turned out by six men, but I just wanted more dick.

Willie and Charlie both shot at the same time into my pussy. I moaned loudly as a few of the other men, including Ramone jerked off onto my face. As we came down, I realized I was covered in cum. My whole body was shaking. Willie stood up, pushing me onto the ground, where I lay dazed for a moment. I reached over and weakly pulled my panties over my legs, but it was pointless, everything was dripping in cum. I just sort of lay there, my panties pulled up around my knees, panting. I could feel the lens of the camera on me. I was so embarrassed.

The last thing I wanted to do was think about what had just happened with my friend. I just wanted to keep my mind off of it. In a strange way, I knew that cock was the only way to do that. Besides I had more videos to shoot. No more crying. I dutifully looked up at Willie, waiting for his command.

A few of the men had wandered out. I knew better than to feel back to check my pussy. It was probably so slack that it'd just make me cry. When Willie started to speak, I looked up at him, "Alright bitch, I'm gonna propose a little wager." I had a bad feeling about this. My ears definitely perked up when he said, "How would you like to get out of your contact? We can rip it up right now." He reached into a nearby drawer and pulled out my contract.

I sat up quickly, "What do I have to do?" I could feel the cum on me. The camera was still filming but i was listening closely.

Willie laughed. "I think an important lesson for every new young faggot is accepting how weak and pathetic they are. I'm going to go out on a limb with you but I have a feeling this is going to work in my favor." I dreaded what he would tell me was his plan, but at the same time, I thought of getting out of my contract, going home. Putting this nightmare behind me.

I looked at him. He had pulled a pair of athletic shorts on. He looked damn sexy. "What do you mean?"

"OK here's the deal. I'm going to call a friend of mine in here. His name's donkey." I thought of the insinuation. I wondered immediately about his cock. Was that why they call him Donkey. I snapped back into it, realizing I had to pay close attention. "Here's the deal, I'm gonna bring him in here and you're going to have to give him a lap dance." This wasn't bad at all.

"So what's the wager?"

Willie looked me dead in the eye, "The wager is this darlin. I bet you can't give him a lap dance for ten minutes without begging him to fuck you. I bet, in under ten minutes, he'll have his dick up your ass and you'll have asked for it."

I considered what he was saying. He was right. I probably would. I seemed so out of control. Once I was in the heat of the moment I couldn't do anything. But seriously, if I couldn't do this to just get the hell out of here who knows what I could be turned into. I had already sunk beyond low. I looked up at Willie, "OK but what if I lose?"

Willie loved this "WHEN you lose, and by lose lets be clear we mean you getting speared like a shish kabob, you have to get a little procedure done." My stomach turned. Procedure? Willie continued, "The fact is we've already slipped you a few hormones, so before long you'd start growin some titties anyway but the fact is, the men here prefer big ones." My head was spinning. Was he saying what I think he was saying. He looked at me. "I mean with the hormones your gonna be a small C at best" I was so confused. "You have to get a boob job. Double D's to be specific"

I couldn't believe what he was proposing. A boob job? I thought of the other girls. How ridiculous they looked with their huge tits and tiny dicks. "How... I don't... I mean I can't..." I couldn't do this. But still, all I had to do was control myself and I'd be home free. It was all up to me. I just had to keep my head and give the guy a lap dance. Knowing what was at stake, there was no way I'd let this Donkey guy fuck me. Still, "Who would do the procedure?"

Willie smiled, " Fucking slut. Ha ha You're in So you know nichole?" I hadn't agreed to anything yet, but still I nodded. "We've got a little surprise. We're having a doctor come in, gonna make it official with her." I was confused. "He's gonna make her a real pussy." I blushed, thinking of Nick now a woman. I thought of myself with big D sized breasts. "He can slap a pair of tits on you this afternoon."

I gritted my teeth. I had to do this. I could be home by the end of the night. I just nodded, "OK, OK." I reached my hand out to shake his.

He just laughed "I ain't shaking your hand cunt." Then he yelled. "Donkey!" I was telling myself over and over to keep calm. To get through this and get out of here. A huge black man stepped in from the outside as Willie took a seat in a chair behind the camera. He was like a mountain, easily pushing 300 lbs.

The man had a huge body. He was covered in dark hair. He had a shiny bald head and he was wearing just some underwear and a wife beater. I knew his huge dick was hanging down in the pouch in front of him. He sat on the couch in the frame and Willie simply said, "Go."

I was actually looking forward to it. I climbed forward and straddled the huge man in front of me. I started to worry when he lit up a huge blunt. I began grinding my ass over Donkey's huge basket. I was soaked in cum. It was dripping out of my ass onto his bulge. But Donkey didn't seem to care. He just kept blowing smoke at my face. I felt like I was sitting there, lolling around in this huge black man's lap for so long. I looked over to see Willie standing behind the camera. "Only two minutes cunt." He laughed as I absently pulled the sopping panties down my legs.

Why was I doing this? I should have just kept them on. Now I could feel the wet sticky cloth over his cock pushing against my wide open pussy. Still, something told me the dick underneath me was going to stretch me out even more. As it hardened I felt like I was sitting higher on Donkey. It pushed my butt cheeks apart painfully. Donkey didn't even ask. I couldn't help myself. I reached down and pushed down his underwear. He kicked them off across the room. I humped his stomach naked, feeling his cock rub around on my ass.

I wanted his cock in me so bad. It was so hot. I was barely conscious as we ground our sweaty, cum soaked bodies against each other. Donkey was grabbing at my tits, cupping them and pinching them like they were a woman. "Yeah she's definitely gonna look better with a good set of jugs." I suddenly remembered what was on the line. Part of me was scared shitless at having forgotten at all. I considered my position and realized I was about to sit down on this man's dick. That would have meant losing the bet. That would mean me getting a boob job and god knows what else.

The blunt was burning low and Donkey stopped blowing smoke on me. He ashed it next to him and took a long pull from a 40 oz beer bottle. I looked over at Willie who announced "half way point bitch."

I moaned, feeling butterflies fill my stomach. You may not be a able to understand but was really getting scared. Half way? I felt like I had been here forever. I was losing track as my stoned mind drifted in and out. Donkey was grinding against my pussy and I felt almost like I was falling asleep. Suddenly I snapped out of my stupor and realized Donkey's cock was positioned at the entrance of my pussy. I reached below and marveled at how thick his dick was. Precum coated it completely. It had to be massive. My hand slipped around. It was just absurd how big it was. I thought of how badly I wanted it in my hole. I mean, i didn't even know a cock could be this big and here one was and I could get fucked by it if i wanted to. I looked down into Donkey's eyes. He almost seemed kind when he said "Come on girl. Just let me in."

He pulled my head down and kissed me on the mouth. I melted into him and as I felt his thick tongue pushing against mine, his stubble rubbing against my face, I could taste the beer he had just drank no his tongue. Still I loved every minute. He kissed me passionately and I felt my pussy begin to almost vibrate. I had no idea what was happening. Donkey broke our kiss and whispered into my ear, "You've almost taken half of me bitch." My eyes widened in a panic. My tiny cock was pinned between Donkey's fat stomach and me but if it was visible I bet it would have shrunk about 100 times instantaneously. He was in my pussy! He pushed in further and I gasped, my mind racing. I thought of what this meant. I clamped my legs around him. He was so big and strong.

As Donkey continued fondling at my breasts my mind wandered trying to picture what it would be like to have boobs there. I wanted to cry but Donkey, who at first seemed so warm and gentle, was now thrusting in and out of me. I could feel it coming over me, my inner slut that now ruled my life. My inner slut that just got herself a pair of tits. I didn't even care. My dick was tiny and useless between my legs. There was no point resisting it anymore. My life was over. In just a matter of days I had become a completely subservient tranny whore for big cocks.

It actually felt amazing, giving in for that moment, to what was to come. I knew soon I would regret this, I knew that I would hate myself for it. But in this moment, I knew this is what needed to happen. That my days of fucking women were behind me. I now lived to pleasure real men like the one below me." I began to clamp my pussy over Donkey's cock and before long I was moaning like a veteran whore. "Yeah Donkey. Fuck me. Fuck your little sissy bitch." He was bouncing me up and down in his lap laughing, my body shaking as his did. "Please daddy please. Do you like my pussy?"

I just let everything roll off my tongue. Donkey was laughing below me, "Yeah cunt I like dis pussy." For a man of his size, he had a great rhythm to how he moved. He rocked me back and forth over his cock, bucking up against me. I could barely see I was in so much pleasure. He lifted me up, his massive cock still half in my pussy, and rotated me so I was facing away from him. He got me on my knees on the floor and then scooted off the couch.

I could feel his massive weight as he pounded me. I moaned loudly "Yeah daddy yeah daddy."

Donkey grabbed my hair roughly "Yeah bitch. You gonna look good with that titty job." I moaned, his dick causing me to see only white. "You gonna get some nice titties. All them other girls gonna be jealous. but you gonna get them cuz you special." I moaned loudly. "You excited girl?"

"I moaned, yes daddy i'm excited. Will you titty fuck me?" I had no more rational thought left. All I was was my insatiable craving for cock. Donkey pulled me back against him and pulled me roughly up and down on his dick. He was slamming me up and down. I felt so good, but I sort of felt sick. Donkey's dick was literally jamming me in the guts with every thrust.

Willie held a clipboard in front of me, as I moaned uncontrollably. "Your release form. A deal is a deal." I was in so much heat I just signed the paper. It didn't matter what it said. I would do anything they wanted now. I was their bitch.

I knew Donkey was about to cum and suddenly the thought creeped in my head. - here comes the part where I regret it all. I didn't want it to end. Still I was glad when I felt Donkey begin to spray into me. I was lucky I couldn't get pregnant because my bowels were literally swimming with Donkey's cum.

I squelched loudly on and off of his thick cock moaning like a whore. My whole body was shaking by the time I stopped. Before I could move, Donkey grabbed me and sat me next to him on the couch, then he pulled my ass up roughly bending it toward my head so I could see my pussy. "See that bitch?" I looked at it. It was huge. It looked like you could pass a baby through it, well if it wasn't dripping in cum. As I looked on in terror my pathetic dick started shooting between my legs. That made Donkey laugh. My heart started beating incredibly fast as the reality of what was going on set in.

I felt Donkey's massive cock resting on the back of my head and heard Willie laughing, "Hell, good thing she's gonna be in recovery for the next few days, her pussy's damn ruined anyway." Donkey farted loudly. I was crying when I started to black out. It had all just been too much. Exhaustion washed over me Right before I lost consciousness I remembered they had said the doctor was coming here, to do nichole's pussy. I didn't want a boob job but I couldn't keep my eyes open. "Well Donkey looks like you fucked her unconscious."

This is incredibly embarrassing but the last conscious thought I remember having was that I hoped the plastic surgeon who was doing my tits would be able to do something about my pussy. I knew it was pathetic, lying there well-fucked and dripping in cum, but still, I didn't want a broken pussy. Suddenly, having lost my one opportunity at salvation from this whole ordeal, I was unconscious.

The next few days were a blur. I was in a state of semi consciousness, zonked out of my mind on pain killers and sleeping meds. One morning I awoke and realized my hands were strapped to the bed and I had a bandana around my eyes so I couldn't see anything. I lay there, breathing heavily. The soreness I had been feeling the last few days had faded and I stretched out, tugging at my hands to try to sit up.

Something felt different. I slowly began to piece together everything that had happened up to this point. My mind raced through, and I remembered all the cocks I had been taking the past few days. My head was still woozy from the pain meds. I remembered getting fucked by six cocks in a row. I thought of Donkey and his absurd cock. Suddenly I froze. I remembered my wager with Willie. I remembered how I could have gotten free but instead allowed, no begged Donkey to fuck me.

I felt a finger running between my thighs. I heard Willie's voice, "Sorry - you've been out for a while now." His hand was playing with my pussy. "Had the doctor fix this up so your nice and tight again." I felt a pang of happiness run through me. I remembered how stretched my pussy was. "Listen, I'm gonna tie your hands behind your back and then I'm gonna take you to a party." His fingers pumped at my tight pussy which was completely hairless.

I felt my hands being untied, then tied behind my back. Willie whispered in my ear, "So you aren't gonna be growin any hair anymore. I had it all layered off yas. I mean let's face it, with all the hormones I've pumped into you, you're more woman than you are man now." He spoke matter of factly. I tried to take it as an insult. Taking it as a fact was just too hard. He walked and my legs were wobbly as I walked out of the trailer into the night. I could tell the sun wasn't out. Willie was talking, I think he was drunk "Me and some of the fellas playin poker. Need a cunt. Had the girls do your make up"

I was pushed roughly up the stairs into a trailer. I could hear tons of voices. I knew there had to be at least ten men in here. The smell of men and even cock filled the room. I was wondering to myself how long I'd been out when everyone started clapping. Willie spoke aloud "So what do you think boys? Big improvement." The guys were all oohing and ahhing. I was turned on, thinking of what they were looking at.

The blindfold was ripped off me and I realized I was standing in the middle of a well lit trailer in front of a camera, a bunch of men of different races sitting around drinking and playing cards. I saw some thick cocks poking out and other men just sitting in their underwear. I looked around and was honestly happy to see Donkey. He didn't have his cock out but my pussy twitched just remembering the fucking he gave me before I blacked out. Willie said, "like your new tattoo?"

I looked down and nearly passed out. The first thing I noticed was that I had a set of massive tits on my chest barely held in place by a skimpy red bra stretched grotesquely over my tits. They were huge, almost cartoonish. The kind of tits you'd see on some trashy porn star, never in real life. Now it made sense why my back hurt from just my short walk. I felt for my cock but it was shriveled up into my body. More than one man started stroking as I rubbed my hands over my huge breast, wanting to cry. I looked behind me and Willie was holding a mirror. I bent over and realized he had tattooed my back right above my ass "Daddy's Gurl."

I couldn't believe it. Daddy's Gurl. Not even spelled right. But what did it matter. I was in way to far now. My life was never going to be the same now. I never wanted to be a woman but now I'd be lucky to be one. Instead i was some perv sissy who nobody outside this trailer park would ever want to fuck. I thought of all the girls I had fucked back when I was a straight male. I thought of what they would think if they could see me now.

I was naked from the waist down but for some reason that seemed right given that i barely had a cock to speak of. I looked down at the skimpy red bra i had on. Honestly A week ago - maybe more (how much time had passed?) - I would have probably found it hot. Now the idea of my dick getting hard was laughable - I lived instead to feed my pussy.

Speaking of my pussy, I ran my hand down there and felt it. It was tight alright. I bent over in front of the mirror Willie was holding and ghasped. They had sewn it up or something but the way it had healed - it looked like a vagina! I rubbed it softly, it felt good. Now this you might think would freak me out but there was no way anyone could see this, well anyone who wasn't watching online. Still - I was glad it was there. It felt right that my pussy should look like a pussy. Anything else it might be used for was secondary.

Donkey stood up and set a pair of high heeled shoes gently on the floor in front of me. I blushed when he looked at me and smiled. I remembered his passionate kiss, the one that made me lose control and sink down onto his massive cock, sealing my fate as a trainee. I stepped forward and put them on. They forced my stature up so my ass jutted out. A few of the men whistled. I was turned on.

Suddenly Willie spoke loudly so everyone could here. "So this is the moment we've all been waiting for." I looked at him, seeing myself in the mirror from the front. I had these massive tits and red lip stick on that made me look like, well a cheap transvestite. My hair was still short so I didn't even really pass. I just looked like a pathetic guy who had allowed himself to be fucked silly and ended up getting a boob job. Which I guess was the case.

"Now we all know that you have a habit of signing contracts you haven't read and your latest was no exception." I was confused. He held out a stack of papers and I vaguely remembered signing something. In my defense Donkey was fucking my brains out and I was barely conscious of anything so even holding a pen was an achievement. Still, what could possibly be in there? I was already pretty much fucked. Still, I braced myself for the worst. "However, as you should have known, you are now contractually obligated to choose from one of two options." He paused. I was honestly shocked when he tossed me my car keys, "Option one, walk out of this trailer right now and get in your car and go home. You will receive full payment on your contract and will no longer be obligated to shoot videos with our company. No questions asked" I stared down at my car keys in shock.

Willie paused, probably to allow me to fathom what he was offering. I couldn't believe it. Don't get me wrong. Everything I said about hating myself, wishing I hadn't ended up here, it was true. But to be honest, leaving was something I didn't really consider as an option. I realized I was absentmindedly rubbing one of my tits as I considered the absurdity of going home. I was remembering how everyone said I was meant to be here, how I took to this faster than anyone had before. For some reason, as Willie continued speaking, the last thing I thought of was how my tits were bigger than any other girl in the camp. Suddenly the hungry look on everyones face made a bit more sense.

"Option two - you agree to stay on as a salaried employee of our organization for a full year. Your salary will be in the form of room and board only," he stopped reading the official language of the form and said in his hillbilly accent "the likes a which you done seen arready" everyone laughed. He was talking about the trannie trailer. That cot that I had slept on that night after I had been fucked silly. I felt a sudden pang of guilt when I realized I had spent only one night in the trannie trailer. One night. I arrived in the morning, sucked and fucked four different men by night fall then woke up the next morning to drink piss, suck dick and eventually get fucked by eight or so different men. And don't forget, before passing out I agreed to a boob job. Willie was still talking, "You will receive no financial reimbursement of any kind and you will be contracted as entertainment for anybody and everybody who may come through this


I got wet considering what he meant. I would essentially be whoring myself out to this entire trailer park and any of their friends they may want to invite. But still, it had its perks. The men here had cocks that were beyond average cocks. I mean, I was a straight male and after only two days I had tits and took it up the ass a dozen times. It was a mind fuck. I didn't understand why this was an option. Why wouldn't I just walk away? The answer was obvious. i couldn't go back.

I began to think about what I had thought earlier, just drive your problems out of your mind. And the best way to do that was by getting some cock, which I happened to be surrounded with right now. I wish they would just let me fuck a few guys. My tight pussy was twitching for some dick and part of me wanted to try out my new tits. I just sort of mumbled, staring at Donkey's bulging shorts. My new pussy probably couldn't take him. He'd be too big. It wasn't like it was after those six men fucked me like a train. Willie laughed when I mumbled "What was that faggot?"

I blushed. I wanted to see my tits. I really wished I could see what was underneath this bra. I had to get some dick. The only way to do that was going to be to agree with Willie's stupid contract. In a strange way, I knew it was the only option anyways. I wasn't the same anymore. It wasn't the fact that my friends and family would never understand why I suddenly got tits, even though that would be a major problem. The truth is, I knew something had been turned on inside me that couldn't be turned off. I knew I needed cock. I needed a ton of cock, way more than most people needed it. The truth is, given what I was, I wasn't really sure how I would get cock. And I had such a large supply of it here.

My mind was spinning and I tossed Willie my keys and just yelled "I'll stay just give me some dick please." I giggled after I said it and realized, I hadn't spoken yet. My voice was high. Way higher than usual. A big man I hadn't met yet walked up to me and picked me up. He was latino, with a huge belly and a mustache. He had flecks of grey in his hair. His body was thickly built and muscular from hard labor. He had is hairy arm wrapped around my narrow waste and my huge titties were smushed against his face awkwardly. He loved it. He took me over to the couch and set me down. I clawed like a crack addict at his jeans, loosening his belt then lowering the zipper. I pulled his pants down and saw he had no underwear on.

His cock was a pipe, thick and long. I slurped it into my mouth, now a trained cocksucker, and began blowing him like a pro. He was rubbing on my titties and i was moaning loudly. He tugged his cock out of my mouth, dripping in saliva, and pushed me on my back on the couch. he straddled me and did something that almost made me cum on the spot. My tits were smushed together by this red bra and he fed his hard pipe in between my cleavage and began titty fucking me. I didn't even care that his fat cock head was repeatedly poking me under the chin, I was in heaven. I had a new love for my breasts. It was another place I could take a dick. I smiled into the camera, clearly in heaven, as this chunky latino pumped my chest.

Willie was asking from behind the camera, "Are you a daddy's girl." I moaned loudly "yes I'm a daddy's girl." He kept asking and before long I was yelling it. "I'm a daddy's girl. Fuck my titties daddy. Please fuck my titties daddy." I was moaning loudly when he started to cum. I felt the area between my titties getting slick as he pumped back and forth. Suddenly i was covered in cum but he kept pumping coming to a slow stop but still, every time jabbing me below the jaw with his huge dick. He just sat, his sweaty hairy ass crack resting against me, his cock slurping in and out of my tits. When he climbed off all I could think was I wanted another dick between my tits.

A few of the men looked ready to do it too, but I suddenly interrupted em. "Wait," I couldn't get used to my new high voice, "I still haven't even seen my boobs naked," they laughed 'I mean I haven't really even seen my breasts."

I heard a deep black voice "Well whatchoo waitin on ho!"

I blushed. It seemed obvious, that they would want me to do it in front of them. But part of me felt weird. I mean how many people can say the first time they saw their breasts a bunch of horned up trailer trash men did too. I decided to speak up, "I just thought, for the first time, I'd do it alone."

Now, despite what they turned me into, and despite not being the most gentle lovers in the sack, these men had always treated me right. I figured they would understand. Instead I was shocked when Donkey meanly said, "Fuck faggot, did you pay for them titties."

The black man who spoke earlier yelled again, "Hookah wanna go see her titties in the fucking barroom?! somebody get that bra off the bitch."

They were right. I didn't pay for them. They really weren't for me. They were for them. All of these horny men. I decided they were right. "OK, fine I'll do it." Everybody went quiet. I loved all this attention. I started to play it up. I felt like such a slut. "You want it big boys?" I dramatically reached up for a bra strap.

I blushed when a couple of the guys laughed. Iheard someone say quietly "Stupid slut." Then someone shhhhed him. I decided to keep on with it.

I looked right in the camera, "Wanna see my titties daddy?" The men jeered as I rubbed my finger through the cum that was dripping out of my cleavage. I was whining now, "I wanna show you my titties daddy." I had stripped both of the straps down my shoulder but it still wouldn't pull off since my tits were so big. I tried to keep on with my little slut act but it probably looked kind of stupid since my elbows were out and I was fiddling with the clasp behind my back "I... I..." I had to just ad lib "Will you fuck my pussy daddy if I show you my titties? Wanna rub on em."

CLICK - Finally I had it. I suddenly returned more attention to my performance. As I slowly brought the two sides around my body I pouted my lips now intentionally talking in as much a girls voice as I could "Will you and your friends fuck my pussy and my mouth daddy." I giggled as I pulled the bra down exposing my tits. I didn't even look down I was so in the moment. I just had my naked tits pushed together between my arms. I was surprised to hear everybody laughing.

I just sort of held my pose but the laughter built and before long everyone had joined in. I opened my eyes and looked down. First I noticed a set of pink lips tattooed on one of them but after a second I realized why everyone was laughing so hard. The nipples, they were on weird or something. It wasn't even. I clutched both of them, trying to hold them up to my face. I was infuriated, if I was going to have tits at least do it right. Willie was giggling behind the camera. I wanted to scream. "Well whatcha expect from a plastic surgeon who works out of trailer parks you dumb cunt?" Everyone died laughing.

Charlie, still stern faced from earlier, stepped forward and held one in his hand. He reached down and shoved two fingers up my pussy. I moaned. I wan't prepared. I was so tight that it actually hurt to take his fingers. I moaned as he rubbed my tit and his other hand rubbed my ass, jutting out since I was in the fuck me red heals. He leaned in and kissed me and I forgot all about my crooked nipples. I didn't care. I just kissed him back.

Next: Chapter 3

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