Trailer park boys.

By Michael

Published on Dec 5, 2023


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Trailer park boys. Part 8

Any inclination I had towards selling Grand Ma's place was gone. I was staying! I thought about doing a little kayaking on this gorgeous Saturday morning, and as hot as that might be, honestly I wanted more. Being used takes it's toll on a person and while I did have love for all the fellas, To them I was a thing that drained their balls. I set up a profile on a dating app, and have to admit, I have trouble describing myself without thinking myself little more than a cocksucker, but I did end up satisfied.

Single gay 26 year old male seeks other like minded gays for friendship only. Please feel free to message me here or follow my facebook link and IM me. I look forward to meeting some nice guys close in age to myself. Thank you for taking the time to read. I submitted my favorite photo of myself and hoped for the best.

Immediately I was flooded with lewd offers from creepy old dudes. Who just sends a cock pic to just anyone??? I wondered. While there were a couple tempting possibilities, I held out for substance. An hour later I received a facebook IM.

"Hello...I like your picture...Nice smile!...I'm Coop" He sent.

I trolled his facebook. Coop was sexy, but there were many photos of him with different females. I was not looking for a straight guy just looking to get off. Lord knows I've had my share of that sort. I replied with distrust.

"Hello...I like your as well...Sorry if this forward but I'm looking for gay friends only...You are gay correct?" I messaged him back.

"Def...I'm really gay...Lol...Wanna go see a movie?" Coop asked.

There was no harm seeing a movie right? So I accepted his offer.

"Sure...But shouldn't we get to know one another a little better first?...Are you local? Single?...What are you looking for?" I texted Coop.

"I'm looking for someone like you...We can get better acquainted tonight" He replied.

I was skeptical but why not? "Sounds good...Should I meet you at the theater?" I messaged,

"I'd be happy to pick you up...Where you live?" He asked.

I thought he was a bit forward, but again, why not? I told him I'd be waiting at the park entrance at 7pm. He was waiting in his truck at 15 till 7. He was early and that was good sign.

He jumped out and opened the door for me. Coop was proving to be a gentleman. He was sexier than his pictures. 5'9" and had a thicker build. His shoulders well exceeded the cut outs of the black sleeveless hoodie and his arms were well developed. A ball cap was pulled down tightly on his head and was difficult to see his face beyond the brim. He was charming.

"Nice to meet you Coop" I said nervously and climbed in to his rig.

"Yup...Me too" He replied and closed the door and circled around and got behind the wheel.

I was always nervous meeting new people and my stradar screamed Coop was straight, but it could have just been my uneasiness doing the thinking. We talked very little and Coop was a bit standoff-ish. I suppose he could have a little nervous as well. The movies theater was over by the trail head, but he drove right past it.

"Coop" I said and pointed at the movie plex in passing.

"There's a better one over a county...Much better seating...And smaller crowds" He answered.

I was beginning to wonder if this is how it was going to end, but we did eventually pull into a movie theater. Coop, again. opened the door for me and extended a hand. I grabbed his stout forearm and got my feet on the ground.

"What movie you want to see? I asked Coop.

"I'm not picky...You choose" He replied.

No strong convictions and I liked that. It meant he was not a control freak or anything. I selected a movie and Coop paid. We stopped to get refreshments.

"You handle a large Adam?" Coop asked me.

"I'm not thirsty...I'd love some goobers though" I said and smiled.

"I got a big gulp and you're more than welcome to have a slurp" He said and handed me the goobers.

"That'll work....Thank you" I stated.

I followed Coop up and up the theater stairs and he chose a back corner spot. It was not where I would have chosen, but I doubt we would have worry anyone would sit near us. He was spot on the seats were leather motorized recliners. Coop sat against the wall and I next to him. It was already happening again. I was falling for him. We settled in and the movie started. I was more interested in the handsome dude next to me than the feature film.

I leaned towards him and asked "You bring all your dates here?"

"Yup" He answered and his chair reclined.

I matched his recline. Coop draped a strong arm over the arm rest between us. His forearms were very big. I felt pretty scrawny in comparison.

"I gotta use the bathroom" I whispered to him.

"Cool" He said.

I counted the other persons present as I climbed the stairs back to the top. 12 there were 12 addition people watching the same flick. Coops hoodie laid across his lap. His bare upper body was built. Not ripped, but very strong looking.

"I got hot" He said then added "Check this out" He said lifted the arm rest between out of site.

"That's neat" I said and sat.

"Don't be shy" Coop said and with hand on my belt pulled me close to him.

I really liked Coop. He's very charming, handsome, courteous, and he wants to cuddle! I could feel his body heat. I cozied myself against him and he laid his left arm over my shoulders. I was in love. We continued watching the movie. I got a little uncomfortable during a sex scene, but it was fine.

"Fucking hot" Coop mumbled and dropped his right hand into his lap.

"Very romantic" I said and turned to him. Our face were very close.

Coop turned his gaze to meet mine and asked softly "Need a slurp?" and pointed to the big gulp.

"I'm fine...Thank you though" I replied.

Coop's arm lifted off my shoulders and his hand found the back side of my neck and he spoke softly again "Come on fag I know you're thirsty" then he pushed his hoodie to the floor.

Coops pants were down around his ankles and his hard cock levitated above his stomach. As you may imagine he was pretty big. I was horrified and tried break free from his grip.

"What the fuck Coop" I said quietly, but sternly.

Coop said "Suck my cock fag and I won't make a scene...Cop's aren't real fond of faggots around here...If you get my meaning" And he smiled.

I was such a fool. Here I was nearly an hour from home and no wheels. I relented trying to escape. Coop aggressively maneuvered my head towards his lap.

He held me 6 inches above himself and said "You fucking bite me bitch and we'll have a problem...Got it fag?"

"I understand" I replied quietly.

"I knew you be down the second I saw you" He said and my lips rested on his helmet.

Coop said quietly "Quit acting like you don't want it and open your fag mouth" and applied a bit more motivation to the back of my head.

I reluctantly opened my mouth and Coop quickly occupied the space with cock. I don't think there's such a thing as bad head but I did my best to create that. I kept my tongue to myself.

"You can do better than that bitch?" He said and forced my nose in to his pubic hair.

Coop said loudly "I got me a non gagger up here"

People had to have heard him, but what would it have mattered. I wasn't real thrilled about it currently, but Coop had a nice piece. Somewhere between 8 and 9 inches and medium thickness. He was an ideal size to deep throat. I got more enthused and he took notice.

"You like my big dick bitch?" He whispered.

"Mmmm...Hmmmm" I hummed.

Coop tempted fate and released his grip on my neck. I continued plunging and slowly withdrawing. My tongue also got in on the action.

"Fuck yes...Slobber on my big knob faggot" He said and gently rested a hand on the back of my head.

After another 5 minutes Coop shot down my gullet, pulled his pants up and said "You're missing the best part" and pointed to the screen.

Coop shoved me away and replaced the arm rest. We watched the rest of the movie in silence. Then lights came on. We waited till the theater was empty before leaving. Every single person leaving looked up at us and Coop fucking waved at them. I tried to hide myself, but it was futile. We exited and some of those same people hung around the lobby waiting. The women looked horrified and the men disgusted. I had to hand it to Coop he was not shy and strutted like a show pony. He did not open the door for me. In fact he locked it.

"Come on Coop...Please" I pleaded.

He rolled the window down and asked "Can I help you?"

"Let me in...Please" I groveled.

"Climb your faggot ass in the back" He said and rolled the window back up and started his truck.

I stood in disbelief. Was he really planning to make me ride in the back? Then the he drove off and laid on the horn.

I was stranded 45 minutes from home. I had many numbers I could have called, but lord know what I would have to do in return. Then I heard a voice.

"Need a lift?" He said.

I turned to face him. He was an older gent. Early 40's maybe a tad older.

"That would be fantastic" I replied and he waved me in.

Maybe this wasn't smart but I was in a jam and he seemed nice enough. I got over to his car.

"Take a picture of my plate and send it to a friend" He suggested.

That may have been the best advice I have ever gotten and I was at ease.

He pulled the door open for me and said "I'm Jack"

"I'm Adam...I really appreciate this Jack...My friend and I had a disagreement" I replied and sat.

"I couldn't help but over hear" He replied and closed the door.

Jack put himself behind the wheel, started his car and drove behind the theater. He slid his seat back, Pull his cock out and said "Hope we don't have the same disagreement"

I bent over the center console and took his head in my mouth.

"Fucking cocksucking faggot" Jack yelled.

He held my head tightly and pumped himself in and out. Jack called me every derogatory imaginable.

"It's fucking true I see...Non gagging cocksucker" He said and forced himself deep.

Jack pushed me back into my seat, took his pants off and placed his right leg behind me then added "I wanna see that cocksucker stretch around my thick cock"

I positioned myself and wrapped my lips around Jack's very thick 7.5 inch cock.

He guided me up and down with a handful of hair and watched in amazement as my mouth expanded to take the length.

"Take it all faggot...Take all that fat cock" He said and slammed my face against himself.

My mouth was nearly at it's limits and Jack watched intently as it stretched wider and wider to accommodate him. His cock was close to beer can thick at the base and my lips hurt when he forced me all the way down.

"You really don't fucking gag!...I'm gonna dump slut" He no sooner said and did.

Jack unloaded what felt like a months worth of back logged of jizz. 6 large spurts total. He released his grip and got out the car to put his pants back on.

"So where in town you need to go" He asked while dropping a second leg into his trousers.

I told him roughly where I lived. He paused and then took his slacks back off and sat back down.

Jack quickly spit out the intersecting roads in front of my park and said "That's 47 minutes away"

"Oddly specific...But...Yes is it...I'm Sorry" I said.

Jack stated "Are you now" and he smiled.

I nursed Jack's pole most of the ride. My mouth was sore and my neck was killing me. Just as we turned in to my development he pulled over and unloaded a second round of sauce. I was instructed to get the fuck out, So I did. Jack was not as nice as he initially seemed.

To be continued......

Next: Chapter 9

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