Trailer park boys.

By Michael

Published on Nov 28, 2023


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Trailer park boys. Part 6

I woke with the sun and prepared for the trip and while I tied the the kayak to my roof I heard a farmiliar voice.

"Going some where fag?" Boone said as he crossed the road.

"Where's it look like I'm going Boone?" I answered in a bitchy tone.

I knew the attitude was questionable, But seriously, I'm literally tying a kayak to my roof! I awaited retribution, but it never came.

"Cool...Let me help" He said and got to the opposite side of the car then said "Throw the rope over".

Boone was many things, but helpful is not on that list. He wanted something. I went back to the shed to grab the paddle and safety gear. He followed me and stood in the door way.

"Excuse me Boone" I said while trying to get past him.

`He didn't budge and smirked. I knew what was up and dropped to my knees, pulled out his already hard cock and swallowed a nut.

"Have fun" He said and zipped then walked off.

Clearly that was a maintenence blowjob. No aggression, no bashing, and no roughness. Guys like him need to dump on a regular basis or they end up in jail or some shit.

Fortunately I remembered how to get to our special spot. I looked at the spot where Boone had his way with me and the 2 rutts previously made by my knees were still there. You didn't need to be CSI to assess someone had gotten fucked here. Any way, I left a note on my dash with detailed info about my trip, Well, because you never know. The plan was simple. Paddle up river till dust, make camp, and then back tomorrow. And I was off.

I paddle for 2 hours before I saw another human being. There was a canoe heading towards me. As it got closer I could make out it was a pair of black guys. I took a lunch break and waited for them to pass. They paddled up next to the kayak.

"Ahoy" I said.

They said nothing and got out the boat. They were big dudes dressed in camo attire.

"Doing some hunting?" I asked trying to start a dialog.

"Yup...You all by yourself?" One of them asked.

I know I get uncomfortable around straight guys, but these 2 were next level. I was a bit scared. I quickly put a story together in my head.

"I'm waiting on some friends...They should be paddling down to meet up with me now" I said.

The same guy spoke again "I'm Darius and this fucker is Jamal" He said and pointed to his buddy.

"Nice to meet you guys...I'm Adam...Spend a lot of time of the river?" I asked them both.

Jamal spoke for the first time "Writing a book or something?"

Jamal's a shorter dude and appeared to be very fit under his gear. His eyes lacked all emotion. He was intimidating as fuck.

"Sorry...Just making conversation" I answered him nervously.

They both laughed and Darius said "It's cool Boo...Don't mind him...He's always pissed off"

Darius was a bit taller and also looked to be very athletic. He was incredibly good looking. He could have easily been a model.

"All right guys...Nice to meet you both...Safe travels" I said hoping to be free of them.

Jamal stated "We'll keep ya company till your buddies show...Adam"

I had gotten myself into a bit of pickle. I continued to make attempts to lighten the mood, but they were met with dismissal. They spoke to one another but not me.

"I guess I should get going" I said and went for the kayak.

Jamal said to Darius "Told ya there's no friends dude"

"We planned to meet up around 1pm so I'm sure they be coming along very soon" I nervously said and pushed myself back out on the open water.

"Aight...Adam...Maybe we'll see you later" Jamal said snarkly.

I thought about Jamal's last statement as I headed north. Was he just being polite saying "We'll see you later" Like people do, or, was some more sinister behind it. Either way I was glad to be free of them. I don't know many black guys and perhaps that is typical behavior. Any way I was glad to be alone again.

I paddled another 5 hours and saw an appealing spot to make camp. It was cleared of vegetation and there were remnants of a fire. It was perfect. I hanged the tent hammock, gathered fire wood, and made myself some soup. Just as the sun began to fade I doused the flames, undressed and climbed in to situate myself with a book and reading light. I always slept well outdoors and fell asleep quickly.

I was woken by some snapping sticks in the distance and wrote it off as wild life and drifted bad to slumber. Again I was waken by noises. This time quite a bit closer, but it didn't amount to anything. A third time I woke. There was definitely something, or somebody very close. Then the fire came back to life.

"Who there?" I asked.

"It's cool you lied Boo...Don't worry Adam we'll be your friends" Darius's rich voice bellowed.

"Come on guys...Please leave me be" I requested.

Jamal quickly piped "You in our camp white boy" And they both laughed.

I stayed put. I realize there was the thinnest piece of vinyl between them and myself, but I felt safe just the same. They shot the shit and passed a bottle back and forth.

Darius spoke to me "Come hang with your new friends Adam"

"I'm fine right where I am thank you" I replied.

Jamal said to Darius "Did he just take a fucking tone with you Darius?"

"I believe he may have" Darius replied.

I couldn't see them and didn't make any moves to rectify my blindness. I could hear the guys messing with their rifles. Then, I heard someone come closer.

Jamal pierced my tent with a knife and cut a slit in close proximity to my face. He open the hole with his hands. looked inside and said "There you are little buddy"

Jamal had no shirt on and I thought, Yup, he could for sure be an underwear model. ripped would be an understatement. Darius stood just behind him and also had no shirt on. He was equally fit but not as built. I couldn't get past his near dead eyes.

Darius said to Jamal "Move aside and I'll show how it's fucking done"

My location grew darker. Their bodies all but made the fire disappear. They both laughed. it got quiet for what felt like eternity. I clicked on my reading light and just inched from my face was the biggest cock I have ever seen. easily 10 inches, possibly more and crazy thick.

Jamal pushed himself in further and his cock hit my forehead then he said "I know all you little white faggots bitch out for big black cock"

I was terrified. He was huge. I turned the light back off and remained silent. Jamal reinserted his blade and ran it the length of my hammock. I fell to the ground and they clearly enjoyed that. I considered running away, but where would I go?

Darius said to Jamal "Fucking faggot buck ass naked and ready Jamal...Grab the bitch"

Darius grabbed a leg and dragged me over to fire. I laid on the ground in a fetal position. The guys stood around the fire finishing the booze.

I begged "Please don't hurt me" and opened my eyes.

"Hurt??...We here to help you fag" Darius said, and again, they both laughed.

They talked like I wasn't even present. Jamal updated Darius on his kids and Darius talked about his new girlfriend. They seemed decent enough guys all of a sudden. I slowly sat up and wiped the dirt from my face. Darius quickly put himself in front of me.

"Suck that dick bitch" He said and pressed his package against my face.

I'd never seen a black guys penis in person before, but I certainly had heard some tales. They were very accurate judging by these 2 dudes. Jamal wasn't quite as big, but compared to what I've seen recently he was in the top 3.

Jamal spoke slowly "Open your faggot mouth and suck that cock bitch".

Darius knocked me around with his extra long pole and I tried to get my mouth on it.

He said to Jamal "Told you dude...Little white fag down to suck cock".

I managed to snag his passing cock head and took it in my mouth. He was crazy fat and it was not an easy task I had been presented with. I was only able to inhale half his BBC and began moving to and fro.

"There you go white boy" Darius said as he tried to push more of himself in.

I know I've had some practice as of late, but he was just too big. As he pushed forward I moved away.

Darius said "Come on Boo I wanna feel that throat"

I tried every trick I had, but it just wasn't happening. He was too big. I'd get 6 inches down and began to convulse then spit it out.

Jamal asked Darius "Want me to hold the bitch Bro?"

Darius quickly replied "You know I do" and laughed.

Jamal got behind me and placed one hand on my chin and the other on the backside of my head. If I wasn't scared before I definitely was now.

Jamal said "He's shaking like a lil bitch Bro" and laughed.

I looked up at Jamal and he said "No worries Boo...You need to learn to take black cock though".

He forced himself further and further down my windpipe. I gagged and coughed.

Jamal said "Check it out Bro...My cock controls his eyes dude"

It was true. He pushed himself in inch by inch and I felt my eyes get wider and wider. They really thought that was fun. Saliva ran down my chin and snot dripped from my nose. Darius forced in another inch and I really choked, but he kept himself 9 inches deep and the gaging eventually ceased.

"You getting it bitch" He said and slowly withdrew his monster.

Jamal spoke up "Let me get some of dat"

Darius and Jamal switched spot. I looked up at Jamal.

"The fuck you looking at bitch" He said.

Darius immediately added "I hear you Bro" and placed a hand over my eyes.

Being blinded to the bashing lessened the severity of the situation, some how. My nervousness tapered away and I open my mouth wide.

Jamal said "Oh you fucking want it huh" and slid his leaking head in to my mouth then added "There you go Baby"

He was content fucking just my mouth and pumped fast.

"You like my big cock faggot?" Jamal asked as he pumped.

"Mmm...Hmm" I replied.

Compared to Darius Jamal was like going home. His 8 and 1/2 inch pole glided in and out with little effort.

"We got a good one Bro" Jamal said to Darius.

Darius leaned over and whispered in my ear "You want fucked bitch?"

I froze and panicked, but there was no way I was getting out of this without Darius forcing his horse cock in my hole. So I went with it and said.

"Yes...Have your Bro loosen me up for your monster" I said and continued sucking Jamal.

Darius asked Jamal "You cool...Down to stretch a bitch Bro?"

Jamal looked down at me and asked "You clean fag?"

"Mmm...Hmm" I replied.

He shoved me off and said "Is that a yes bitch?"

"Yes...I'm very clean" I responeded and sat waiting for directive.

Darius threw a couple logs on the blaze and positioned another as a make shift chair then sat wide legged.

"Crawl you bitch ass over here and suck me white boy" He said and swung his giant piece side to side.

I crawled slowly toward him and he lead my mouth on him. I felt Jamal hands on my butt.

"You feeling all right fag?...Think I better check your tempurature bitch" Jamal said.

Jamal didn't waste time with any foreplay and his body slammed against my rear end. I stopped sucking Darius and cried out loud. I've been fucked by big cock, but he bashed my already sore hole. He immediately pumped hard and fast. Faster than anything else I had ever experienced. Surprisingly, Darius gave me time to adjust before maneuvering his cock back into my mouth and he said.

"You taking 20 inches of black cock like a fucking pro now" He said as he moved my head up and down on himself slowly.

Jamal thumped away for another 2 minutes and said "Good and loose my brother" And pulled himself free then added "You wanna consume my chocolate sauce don't ya fag?"

They quickly switched locations. If I had to choose who's seed I wanted to swallow it was Jamal without a doubt. They were both sexy, but he was pretty. Jamal, again, wasted no time and quickly made use of my mouth. Darius was now behind me and what he did next shocked me. He spread my cheeks and ate my hole.

He said "Let's prep this shit...Don't need you bleeding out faggot" And he delivered a load of spit and fingered my pussy. He added more as time time and I felt like he had at least 4 inside me.

"Think you ready Ho" Darius said as I felt his body against mine.

Darius smacked gargantuan black snake against my lower back and slowly moved backwards and it slipped in to my valley. I heard him lube himself with another wad of spit and felt his head press against my opening. I tightened up with anticipation and Jamal took notice.

"Relax fag...You a black cock connoisseur now" Jamal said and smiled at me.

Darius slid in the first 4 inches and paused then asked me "You good white boy?"

I didn't foresee that kindness, but I'll certainly accept it and pivoted toward him enveloping an additional inch of Darius.

"Oh bitch wants more" He said and pushed in the remaining inches in one motion.

Darius took his time. My stretched out hole was near it's max and he knew it. Any sense of fear I had was gone and really enjoyed the situation. I orgasmed and came twice.

Jamal said "Bitch you hit my foot" And punished my mouth accordingly.

He came first. Jamal forced me down and dumped in my esophagus and left another load in my mouth as he withdrew. He watched me savor his flavor.

"See you got a taste for chocolate faggot?" He asked and and disappeared in to the tent.

Darius picked up his tempo. Black guys definitely have better rhythm. He pushed me on to my stomach and wrapped a hand around my neck then pumped unsympathetically. It hurt, but I loved it. I whimpered and moaned.

"Got something for ya white boy" He said and I felt a giant discharge deep in my loins.

Darius continued thumping till he emptied his mammoth balls completely. He also disappeared into the tent. I set up a new sleeping arrangement near the fire and feel asleep a very satisfied faggot.

The following morning they were two vastly different guys. Thoughtful and considerate. Darius made breakfast and Jamal packed up camp. It was clear they were readying to leave and I laid in my sleeping bag watching the studs. They were just about ready to leave.

"Can I see you guys again?" I asked them both.

Jamal said to Darius "They always want more...Don't they D?"

"Indeed" He replied and they shoved off.

My naked ass ran to the shore in desperation and yelled "Please"

Jamal said "We out here every Saturday till fall...Bring them friends" And he groped himself.

To be continued......

Next: Chapter 7

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