Trailer park boys.

By Michael

Published on Nov 21, 2023


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Trailer park boys. Part 2

I woke the following morning feeling anew. I quickly looked at my phone to examine Boone cock pic again. It was so pretty. 8 straight thick inches and the helmet was perfectly formed. I drank my coffee outside and enjoyed the beautiful summer morning and couldn't help but wonder what the day would bring then my phone dinged.

"I see you're up...Meet me at my truck at 11 and bring the cash" Boone texted.

"Boone...I haven't got to the bank do I really need to pay?...You'd made hundreds of dollars already...Maybe you should pay me...Lol..." I messaged.

"People are paying for the big cock not the cocksucker...You can owe me...I know where you live" He replied.

"Thank you" I sent in return.

Then I thought about it. Did I really just thank him for fronting me his cock? I believe I did, but whatever. I showered and shaved what little hair was present on my body minus legs and pits. I was nervous, excited, but nervous.

I texted Boone "What should I wear?"

"It don't matter...Clean your fuck hole" He replied.

Boone was crude to say the least, but you never need to decipher his meaning. He used the fewest words possible and got right to the point. What he lacked in character he made up with attributes. The dude was hot. I saw Boone loading some gear into the truck and I skipped on over.

"Morning Boone...Going some where?" I asked.

"Let's go to the river...Grab your purse and jump in" He replied.

"Fun...I'll pack a swim suit" I said as I crossed the road.

"Whatever...Pack a fucking fag picnic if ya want" He mumbled in reply.

I grab my backpack and climbed into Boone's truck. We drove in silence for 30 minutes. I had been to the river before but never this far down.

"I thought we were going to the river Boone?" I asked.

"Yup" He replied and turned the music up very loud.

We finally turned off the main road and drove into the woods for another half hour. If we were not in a truck this road would not have been navigable.

"Where the heck we going?" I asked him.

"I told you...The fucking river" He replied just as road came to an end.

"Grab your's about a 5 minute hike...Snag that cooler too" He directed.

It was worth the travel. This part of the river was breathtaking and secluded.

"How can there not be anyone here on such a beautiful day?" I asked Boone.

"It's private property...Any more fucking questions queer?" He replied.

"Nope...I know all I need to know I guess" I replied.

"Finally" He said and snapped open a beer.

"It's really beautiful up here...You come here often?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"I come here as often as I come here" Boone responded in a snarky tone.

I had gotten used to Boone shortness. Like I said, he is a man of few words.

"Let's go swimming dude" I said while undressing.

"I'm good...Have at it" He replied.

I couldn't find my suit. I was in such a hurry at the house that I left it on the bed. That's fine. Underwear would do just fine. I stripped down to boxer briefs and headed toward the water. Boone uncharacteristically has something to say.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"I'm going in...What you think I'm doing?" I replied.

"I have had my cock down your throat fag...You can swim naked...And I suggest losing the attitude" Boone stated.

He was right. I slid down the underwear and walked to the waters edge.

"Squat down and test the water with your little fag hands" Boone directed and spoke into the camera "I was out hiking and found a faggot...Should I fuck it"

I looked over my shoulder and he was recording my movements. I did as he directed.

"Stick your ass out more" He ordered and added "Yeah...Just like that"

"Lean forward and spread your stance a little" He demanded.

I could hear him moving around behind me.

"You came up looking to get fucked...Didn't you faggot?" Boone said as his foot found my back and he pushed me face down in the water.

"What the hell" I said.

"Shut the fuck up...I'm helping ya...You wanted to swim bitch boy" He replied.

I got up and walked in further. Just as the water hit my balls I froze.

"Nice fucking ass faggot...Give it a slap" He directed.

I did as he asked.

"Fuck yeah...Look at that shit jiggle...I'm gonna fucking wreck that shit faggot" Boone said while still recording.

I swam across the very slow moving water. Guess it was 25 feet or so and Boone hollered.

"I gotta run back to truck...Don't go any where" He said.

"Where would I go Boone?" I hollered back.

He said something I couldn't quite hear.

"What?" I yelled.

He said nothing and vanished into the trees. I was turned on being naked in the woods, much to my surprise, and the sun felt amazing. I hung out on the sunny side till Boone returned.

"Swim that faggot ass over here and get me a beer?" He said as he fiddled with something.

As I got closer I could what he messing with. It was a camera stand. I cupped my hand over myself and walked to the shore.

"Boone...You see my pack any where? I left it right here, I thought" I asked him.

"It's in the truck" He quickly replied.

"The hell am I supposed to wear between here and there" I asked.

Boone ignored my question and asked "Beer".

I handed him a can and found a rock in some shade. Boone was clearly attempting to focus the camera. I'm sure the waters glare made it tricky.

"You need help dude?" I asked him.

He moved into the cameras view and replied "Shut the fuck up...The only time you open your mouth is to receive cock unless otherwise directed...Got it faggot?" He said.

I nodded my head in an affirmative manner.

"Quick learner I see...Beer" He said in a cold tone.

It appeared he was satisfied with the configuration then stood in the camera view and pulled his shirt over his. Hot!

"Get the fuck over here...and cover up that little fag dick" He ordered.

I walked to him with hands cupped of myself. Boone moved closer to the camera location and said.

"Get where you belong" He directed and pointed to the ground at his feet.

I kneeled in front of Boone. He stepped closer and pressed his jean clad hard-on against my face.

"You wanna suck my big dick again faggot?" He asked.

"Yes" I replied.

Boone swatted me across the face and asked "did the fag have permission to speak?"

I shook my head to provide a response of no. Boone forced my face into his bulge.

"You wanna suck some cock faggot?" He asked me.

I nodded affirmative and watched Boone undo his belt and top button.

"Take out my cock fag" He ordered.

I went to reach for his zipper and Boone slapped my face.

"Get your faggot hands off me" He demanded.

I looked up at him with a confused look upon my face.

"Figure it out cocksucker" He stated.

I knew what he wanted and managed to get my teeth on his zipper and tugged it down.

"You smell that big dick fag?" He asked.

I, again nodded and took a whiff. Boone's manliness was intoxicating. It took some work but I managed to get his pants to his knees and he was nice enough to finish that portion of the task. The head of his pole stuck out his left boxer leg and I couldn't stop myself from licking it. Boone belted me across the face, again.

"You a sneaky lil cocksucker aren't ya?...Get me naked" He said.

His boxers came off easily and there it was. 8 inches hanging just inches from my mouth. I looked up to him for some kind of indication.

"You want that big dick faggot?" He asked.

I tilted my head up and down and gaped my mouth. Boone said nothing so I slowly moved closer. Just as his helmet was about to pass over the threshold he shoved me back.

"Do I look fucking naked faggot?" He asked and again pointed to the ground.

I shook my head side to side and awaited direction. Boone balanced himself with a near by tree and lifted his left foot off the ground an inch or two. I knew what I needed to do and clamped my teeth on the filthy formerly white tube socks.

Boone was completely nude. I sat and admired the spectacular view for a moment.

"I know you like them big feet...Lick em bitch boy" He ordered and lowered the lens to better capture the event.

I did as he directed. His feet were rank, but I licked them all over. I did like his size 12's and was surprised how much I enjoyed tongue bathing them.

Boone spoke "Dirty lil cocksucker would do anything to get on this...Wouldn't ya faggot?"

Boone's pole swung side to side just an inch from my face. I sat back in a kneeled position and indicated yes.

"Look at the camera and tell my fans who you are" Boone ordered.

I looked to the camera and said "Hello...I'm Adam"

"Not your fucking name...Tell them who the fuck you are" He ordered, again.

I knew what he was after and complied "I'm a cocksucking faggot for Boone's big dick"

"Fuck yeah you are" He said he pressed himself against my lips.

I anxiously waited for permission.

"How bad you want this big cock fag?" He asked.

I let out a yearnful whimper and opened my mouth. The first 2 inches of Boone quickly occupied the newly available space.

"Lock them dick sucking lips around my pole faggot" He directed.

I did as he asked and he rested his beer on the top of my head for a moment and looked down at me. I swirled my tongue around his head and Boone quickly swelled to full mast.

Boone spoke to the camera "I wish ya'll could feel this faggots tongue" An finished his beer.

He took a handful of hair and pulled me onto to him. Although, I was a better cocksucker today than just a day ago, I still gagged a bit.

"Choke down that big cock fag boy" He said just as my nose pressed against him.

He aggressively worked my mouth on and off on him. I choked and slobbered on his pole and my eyes became watery.

"You fucking crying faggot?" He asked while he kept himself completely buried.

I choked, coughed and desperately attempted to get air. Boone placed a hand on my forehead and slowly pushed me off. My cheeks sunk as the vacuum pressure built up.

"That's amazing fag" He said as his helmet slid over my tongue.

Phuuccck and Boones pole was free of my grip.

"Ya'll hear that shit" He said excitedly.

He slowly stepped behind me and with a strong foot to the back he pushed me to the ground.

"Get that faggot ass in the air" He ordered.

I quickly complied and felt him kneel behind me. Boones bounced his hard pipe against the base of my spine.

"How bad you want me to fuck you fag boy?" He asked as his left hand smacked my ass incredibly hard.

I let out another whimper and pivoted myself towards him. I could feel his hairy sack between my cheeks.

"Fucking fag lives for big cock...Don't ya?" He asked as he slid himself back and forth in my crack.

I could hear him slick his pole with saliva and felt his head press against my hole.

"Look at the camera and beg for cock faggot" He ordered.

I looked to my left and said "Please Boone...Please fuck me with your giant beautiful alpha cock...Please"

Boone slid his helmet past the rim and said "Fucking fag pussy is snug" and laughed.

I tried to be quiet, but Boone heard my cries.

In a single forward motion the full length forced it's way in. I orgasmed instantly and he took notice. I whimpered.

He laughed and said "Fucking fag got off on a single punch of big meat"

"Quit your fucking crying and arch your back" He demanded as his hands pushed down on my lower back.

Boone pumped hard and fast. It hurt badly, but I didn't want him to know. After a few few rapid plunges he would slap my ass.

"Is the fag grateful for big cock" He asked as leaned forward and grabbed my hair.

I moaned with a mixture of pain and pleasure. Boone was certain to bury his entire 8 inches with each overly confident thrust.

He spoke to the lens "Adam happily paid 2 hundo to get fucked...Isn't that right fag?"

"Mmmm...Hmmm" I moaned.

Boone continued pounding my now looser hole.

"All faggots should have to pay for the privilege of getting fucked my a real man...Isn't that right faggot?" He asked.

"Mmmmm" I weeped.

His tempo lessened and instead of pumping he placed his hands on my waist and stroked himself with my loins.

"Another C note and I'll dump my seed in your fag pussy?" He asked me.

"Mmmm...Hmmm" I moaned in agreement.

Boone gave my already reddened ass one last rugged swat and I felt his warm juice deposit deep inside me. He wrapped a hand around the back side of my neck then pushed my face into the dirt and after 2 more hearty pumps he stood.

"You're welcome faggot" He said as he got dressed.

It suddenly occurred to me. I had no clothing.

"Boone could I please use your t-shirt?" I asked as I got up.

"Haha...You one of them funny fags...I'm leaving in 5 minutes" He said as he picked up the camera and headed toward the path.

I panicked and said "Boone it would be an honor to suck your massive straight cock the entire ride home" I offered hoping he'd see the appeal.

"5 minutes" He said and left me.

I got to the truck just as the the engine came to life and climbed in.

"Where's my backpack Boone?" I asked him.

"In the back seat...Don't fucking worry bout" He said and freed his already hard again dick.

Boone dumped before we made it to the main road and we drove home in silence. He stopped the truck in the road between our houses.

"Get the fuck out...Don't forget fag...You owe me 3 large" He stated.

"3?" I questioned.

"Let me do the math for ya...You agreed to 2 for the fucking and an extra for the privilege of receiving my jizz in your twat...Let's call that nut you ate on the way home a gift" He said.

"That sounds fair...Thank you" I replied and closed the truck door.

The following morning he sent a link "Big Boone fucks his fag" I watched the entire video. At no time could you clearly see Boone's face, but mine was front and center. Not to brag, but I looked good.

"Thank you Boone...I'll have your cash later today...Any chance you know a plumber I got a leaky sink that needs repair?" I asked him.

"You're welcome faggot...Yeah...I know just the guy for job...You'll be hearing from my buddy Liam" He replied.

"Thank you again" I responded.

To be continued......

Next: Chapter 3

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