Trailer park boys.

By Michael

Published on Jan 26, 2024


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Trailer park boys. Part 11

I could see Wes in the kitchen as I walked down the hallway en route to the bathroom. He sure does spend a ton of time eating for some one so perfectly fit, but I suppose a physique such as his needs a constant supply of fuel and it wasn't like he ate a bunch of crap.

"Morning sunshine" I said to Wes as I entered the kitchen.

"Morning Adam...You seem exuberant for a person at such an advanced age...Haha" Wes said.

I was a couple months older than Wes and he will never let me forget that. He's not a jerk about or anything, and honestly, I enjoy his taunts. Although, I would prefer, he teased my hole with his rod...Lol.

"I think it's only appropriate that you refer to me as Daddy for the next two months...Bahaha" I replied and added "Now that's comedy".

"Oh I almost forgot...Joe got you a gift it's on the front seat of my jeep...If you want to snag it" Wes said.

I came back inside shaking a nicely wrapped box. The attached card said the sweetest thing and I read it out loud "Adam, May this bring the same joy, that you have brought into my life Love, Joe". I almost cried it was so thoughtful then I opened the box. Inside was 7.5 inch purple silicone dildo and color matched jock strap. For the time we've known one another he had me pegged. A smile grew across my face.

"Adam...I'm dying over here...What's got you smiling ear to ear?" We asked.

I set the box on the counter and held the dildo up the to eye level. We watched it swing side to side till it stopped in a vertical position. Then we laughed.

"Cute" Wes said.

"Cute?" I asked him.

"Yes...What would you rather I said?" He asked me in return.

"I don't know...But anything besides cute...Haha" I stated.

Wes was interested in moving on and said "What you got planned today?" He said.

"Well...I was going to do some cleaning...But plans may have just changed...Haha" I replied still holding the dildo in Wes's view then added "What about you?"

"I was gonna hit the gym, but it's a superb day outside...So I might fish instead...Interested?" Wes said.

"Hello" I responded and again drew attention to the floppy synthetic penis then added "Sure...I need to properly thank young Joseph for the cock and jock combo"

"Joe said he was gonna see an early movie...He sure has turned into quite the cinema buff" We stated.

Of course I knew what that meant, but I was still a bit butt hurt that Joe didn't invite me, But how I could stay mad at the person who gave me my first dildo? Thinking about that, I'm surprised I haven't accumulated a fleet of these things by now. That being said there is no replacement for the real thing ,and as far as the jock straps is concerned, I have always wanted one. I messaged Joe.

"Thanks for the rubber cock girlfriend! Tell Coop I said hello" I sent.

"My pleasure...wait...Your pleasure...Lol...I want to see it on you because we twinsies!" Joe replied and attached a photo of himself sporting an identical purple jock.

I couldn't wait any longer, and slipped into the bathroom to try on the purple strap and it was a prefect fit. Wes drove us down to the park area and popped the hatch. I pretended to be interested in the in depth explanation of his tackle, but as you may recall, I do not fish. I was here to hang with my sexy roomie. We walked down the hill.

"So Wes...You seeing anyone?...You're a good looking single fella these days" I asked him.

"I'm digging being single...I got married right of high school and went right into settled down life" He replied.

"Allow me to rephrase the question...Why are you not fucking every chick in town?" I asked Wes.

"I've never been much of a man whore...And I prefer to be unattached right now and if you must know I plan to just jerk off for the time being" Wes said.

I was lost in thought picturing Wes stroking and nearly walked into the creek. It seems a shame that a handsome dude has to resort to whacking, but I do see his point and respect that he's not like most guys.You know the ones, They'd fuck a catchers mitt if it smiled at them. Now, that being said, I did want to throw my hand in the air and scream pick me!, but refrained. I didn't think I could be more drawn to Wes, but here we are. We passed over the wooden trestle.

"I can respect that" I replied.

"How about you Adam...Getting any?" We asked.

I wasn't used to guys asking me about my sex life and it caught me off guard. I could have gone on and on, but, again, refrained. It was extremely ironic he asked that question just as we rolled past the last location I "got any".

"Nope!...I prefer the single life too" I replied.

"Good thing you have a cute dildo then...Haha" Wes stated and cracked the fuck up.

"Indeed!...I'm gonna try that baby out tonight" I stated emphatically and then we both laughed and I thought about adding that I would not need to remove my underwear to do so, but kept that tid bit to myself.

We hung out and shot the shit for a few hours. Again the fish were not hungry, but that didn't appear to damper his spirits. We should have brought beer and caught a buzz if nothing else.

"What do you think?" Wes said to me.

I was thinking many things, but currently, I wondered when he was going to fucking swim. When I agreed to go fishing I assume that would be on the agenda.

"I'm good to go...No swim today?" I asked.

"Nah...I am ready for a drink though" Wes answered me.

"Agreed" I said trying to not sound disappointed, but I was certainly.

It was time to hit the phone and put something together any way. We got back to the house and went our separate ways and I heard his shower fire up. I stripped down to my undies and checked myself out in the full length on the back of my bathroom door and I looked good!, and more importantly, I felt good. I used the facilities and pulled the door open.

"Cute" Wes said as I went down the hall.

I spun around and replied "I thought you were in the shower".

"I'm filling the tub, but wanted a cocktail...Adam this is your house walk around any way you'd like...Don't worry about me dude" We said then added "Guess that means I don't have to wear socks anymore" and laughed even more.

I walked backwards to my room and Wes found that amusing. I've wanted Wes to scope my plump ass and wasn't sure why I pussied out when presented with the perfect opportunity. I kept the jock on, but did add a second layer. The second half of Wes's last comment stuck in my head. Did he just tell me he was a fan of my ass? I mean, he knows I like his feet and he's thoughtful enough to not continually flaunt them. I think you get where I'm going with this.

Wes was on the sofa fiddling with his phone. His head lifted as I walked past.

"How your drink?" I asked as our eyes connected.

"I'm good thank you" He replied.

Wes had his enormous gorgeous feet perched on the coffee table. I tried my best to keep my eyes elsewhere, and was doing great, till he started cracking toe joints. He knew I was ogling them and casually pulled a pair of ankles socks from a pocket and put them on. What was going on here? Did his feet suddenly get cold on this 82 degree afternoon, or was Wes implying I get feet if he gets ass? But, he already had the socks in his pocket, So did he anticipate his feet getting cold on a muggy day? Here's what I do know, I don't carry around a beanie when 82 out expecting my head might get cold. In any event I got sad when they vanished.

"You want to watch any in particular?" I asked him and turned the TV on.

"I don't really care...But I'd prefer zero romance and some action would be great" Wes replied.

I was going to read into ever word he spoke form here on out, So you might imagine where I went with that comment. His feet were back on the coffee table cloaked. Little did he know that no-show socks also had an effect on me.

"Is it me or is this joint steamy?" I said and pulled my shirt over my head.

"It's not you" Wes quickly answered and followed suit.

The way his chiseled stomach folded inward when he sat back was something I've not seen before. Wes is the most fit guy I've seen without a shirt in person.

"I need a refill...You?" I asked.

I faced him stepped over his outstretched legs to get to the kitchen. I could have more easily circled around in the opposite direction, but what fun that be. I dropped the remote control on his lap and snatched his glass before he had a chance to reply. Two parts whiskey and 1 part soda for Wes and the reversed ratio for myself. Time to grease the wheels. I took the same route back, but my back side faced him. I stopped while I had a leg on either side.

"What ya watching?" I asked and bent slightly to set down his drink.

"Well right this minute nothing" He said and with a hand on my right hip pushed me to the side. I returned to my seat.

"Jesus dude" We said after taking a belt from the cocktail then added "Trying to get me hammered?"

He was not far off, but it was me I was trying to get hammered, if you get my meaning. We sat in silence and enjoyed a drink.

Wes asked "Can I ask a favor?"

"Anything" I answered instantly.

"Think you could give me a foot massage without cuming in your underwear?" He asked.

"I make no guarantees...but I'd like to try" I replied.

As Wes lifted his feet his bum spun on the cushion, and his lowest extremities rested on my lap. I aggressively rubbed his feet one at a time. I don't know if I was going to cum, but I did get hard. I had to see them and tugged the small socks off and revealed magnificent perfectly manicured size 14's. They were silky smooth. Wes watched me.

"Bet that calendar sold like crazy Wes" I said staring at his hooves.

"You saw that huh?...That is amazing dude...Psychologically speaking what causes and obsession such as yours?" Wes said weaved his finger on the back of head.

"Well...Here's what I read..."They" say feet speak to my submissive nature, and possibly some kind of oral fixation, but I don't fully agree" I replied and felt unshrouded.

"Feel free to test the theory" Wes said in a gentle tone and closed his eyes.

I thought about the offer for a moment then raised his left foot up and ran my tongue along the sole heel to toe, and dipped it between his toes then replied "They"...May be on to something" I said as my tongue left one foot for the other.

Wes smiled. I was enjoying myself very much, and as relaxed as Wes appeared to be, a thick rounded object crept down his right shorts leg. His feet were freshly washed, but still smelled of dirty fireman boots, and I loved it! I could have done this forever, but at some point it will become weird for him.

"My turn...I mean it's the least I can do" I said anxiously.

"I'm not gonna rub your feet Adam" Wes replied and opened his eyes.

"No silly" I replied to Wes.

I slid out from under his legs turned my backside towards him and peeled my shorts down slowly. As they went lower I bent at the waist and worked them down till they were off. Wes's right hand found a cheek and squeezed firmly.

"Very nice Adam...Very nice" He said as left hand grasped the other.

"Does that speak to you?" I asked him.

At this point I was pretty sure I was getting fucked. I knew what I looked like from his perspective and I also knew what turned him on. Wes's ran his fingers under the lower straps and snapped them against me several times. I was feeling brave and moved in closer.

"Technically speaking it is still my birthday" I said and spun my head look him in the eyes.

"Starting to feel like mine" He replied and winked at me.

I placed my left leg between Wes and the back rest and lowered myself onto his stomach. I arched my lower back and leaned slightly forward. He clenched my squishy buttocks as I slowly moved closer and closer.

"Dude...So fucking nice" He spoke softly and I felt his breath dance on my hole.

I slid just a bit nearer. Then he spoke.

"Adam...I'm uncomfortable" Wes stated.

I whimpered with disappointment and my body went limp.

Wes laughed and said "No...No...I mean my neck is tweaked" and laughed some more before adding "Let's go in my room"

I jumped up and dashed to Wes's room, climbed on the bed and presented my ass. Wes positioned himself behind me and did something I cannot find the words to describe. He licked my hole and then blew on the moist skin.

"Holy fuck Wes...Again!" I begged.

He repeated the task and said "Your cute little hole puckers" And he did it once more.

I nearly shot! Wes has surprised me in many way, but this was, by far, a favorite.

"Slap me Wes...Please" I pleaded.

"That what you want baby...You like it rough?" We replied and belted my left cheek then the right.

I moaned in pleasure as my butt jiggled. He continued tonguing my opening and slipped a finger into me.

"Fucking snug Adam" He said.

"Loosen it up big guy" I moaned.

"You still want me to fuck you baby?" He asked.

"Mmmm...Hmmm" I responded.

Wes added a second digit to the mix and they roamed my innards. My head flew upward and his nightstand caught my eyes and saw two cell phones. In that instant it all registered. I looked back to the stud chowing on my fuck hole and spoke.

"Wait!...Did you say...Still?" I asked him and added a faked tone of annoyance for dramatics.

"I did" Wes replied slowly and kissed my rump and added a third finger.

I crawled closer to the center of his king sized mattress and braced myself with the headboard, spread my stance as wide as possible, arched my lower spine and turned towards Wes. I rocked back and forth slightly as Wes stood and freed himself of the single article of clothing that remained and modeled his package for my benefit.

"There you are" I stated with eyes on his package while grinning.

There it was! The flawless 8.5 inch chunky log I've dreamt of for weeks. Our eyes connected as he kneeled on the bed and crept closer and closer till he was firmly against me. His hands again roamed every inch of my back side. Wes reached into drawer in close proximity, and retrieved a small bottle of lubrication then applied some to himself and tenderly pushed his mushroom past my lips. I moaned loudly.

"Are you okay?" Wes asked.

"Mmmm....Hmmm" I said and lowered my head to his neatly stacked pillows.

Wes sluggishly slid the first 4 inches in and out. His hands clamped on my cheeks. I whimpered and moaned. Wes had an empathetic demeanor that I was not accustomed to, but I needed more. As he slowly moved forward I propelled myself towards him and felt Wes's skin rested against mine. His entire extension was now deposited. I let out a cry and Wes spoke.

"Am I hurting you?" He asked me very sweetly.

"Fuck me...Please" I pleaded.

Wes's hands wrapped my waist then his tempo increased and he said "Very...fucking...Nice" in a mild tone. As he pumped forward I rocked towards him and whimpered.

"Please Wes...Really fuck me" I pleaded.

"You want me to fuck you like a slut?" Wes asked in a manner that suggested he wasn't sure how the name calling may go over.

"Yes" I groaned then added "Pound your slut!"

"All right baby?" He asked so excitedly.

"Mmmm...Hmmm" I replied.

Wes's body slapped against mine faster and harder. If any neighbor had an open window they would have heard the unmistakable sound of skin bashing skin in rapid succession. I knew I was getting close and judging by Wes's stride he was as well.

"Can I cum in my slut?" He asked tenderly.

I moaned agreeably. Wes's right hand slid across my stomach then grasped my collar bone and pulled my upper body vertical. I reached back and placed my left hand on the back side of his head and spoke.

"Dump your seed stud" I whined.

Wes spoke into my right ear softly "Cum with me"

The interval between thrusts slowed but the aggressive nature remained. Wes plunged hard and deep. Then it happened! We orgasmed in near unison. Wes left his nut deep within me and I soiled my jock pouch. We fell to mattress and Wes was on top of me.

"That was fucking hot dude" He said sounding so satisfied.

Then Wes rolled off me and laid his outstretched frame beside me. I got up and went to clean myself off and give him space. I grabbed my shorts and walked to my bath. I looked at myself in the mirror and nearly came to tears. I removed the sticky jock and put my shorts back on.

"Adam" Wes hollered.

I stood in his door way and replied "Yes"

"You are coming back right?" He asked.

For a second time I was almost brought to tears. The sight of Wes's nude sprawled gorgeous body was epic. He lifted his right arm implying he'd like to embrace me. I laid against him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Did I hurt you?" Wes asked nicely.

"No...And I wish you'd work on that" I replied and he laughed, although it was not intended to be a joke.

I looked him in the eyes and asked "Why all the mystery?" And ran a hand across his chest.

"It's fun, except when you offered to have my little brother tag along...Haha...Almost as much fun as this" He replied and slid a hand into my shorts to squeeze my butt then added "What you feel like watching?" and turned the television on.

What I had assumed would be an unobtainable sentimental fantasy had just come to fruition. I was unable to hold back the tears and Wes overheard my sniffles.

"I knew I hurt you" He said as he pulled me a bit closer.

"Quite the opposite Wes" I replied and kissed his neck.

"Happy birthday Adam" Wes said sweetly.

When I woke I was alone. Wes must have carefully crawled out of bed and left for the station, and I suddenly felt sad. I dreamed of waking together and nursing his morning wood before he bailed, but then I remembered, he was coming back! I got up, made some coffee, and took it on the porch. Boone walked across the street, staring me down, then entered my shed. I didn't budge.

The mutha fucker whistled, but I stayed put. Boone did eventually join me on the porch. He stood in front me and whipped out his hard meat. It was very pretty, and for a nano second I considered taking him inside, but I refrained! and it was empowering.

"You gonna suck my cock faggot or what?" He barked.

I spoke very calmly "Shouldn't you be washing your truck or something?" I asked Boone.

"Awww...Is the little fag in love something?...You'll be back on this within a week!" He said and packed himself away then left with no further discussion.

You know what they say, Never say never, but for the foreseeable future I would not be attending to anyone other than Wes's needs. And out of virtually nowhere Sam occupied my thoughts. There's something hot about a bully. While it's true I'm a hopeless romantic, I may also be a slutty cock hungry faggot. Can both appetites be gratified in a strictly exclusive arrangement? Or was Boone right? Time would tell. I peacefully enjoyed the morning's warmth then a wave of fear took hold. How do I tell Joe, or more importantly, His mom?

To be continued......

Next: Chapter 12

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