Trailer park boys.

By Michael

Published on Jan 25, 2024


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Trailer park boys. Part 10

I honestly did not know how well Wes living in my house was going work out, but so far it's been great. He's quiet, polite, and very considerate. He never brought females home, not that I would have objected, but I was thankful for that, and I extended him the same courtesy and hooked up else where as well. He spent long hours at work, so privacy was not an issue. We enjoyed similar television, and ate the same diet. What I did not see coming was his prowess in a kitchen. Wes is a fantastic chef! and the fact he typically did his cooking scantily clad didn't suck. There was one somewhat awkward moment that I would love to take back. I foolishly asked if he would wear socks around the house and sadly have not seen his beautiful size 14's since. Just a short time ago I had no local friends and now I had two, and was very grateful for them both.

Joe and I did pull tandem duty on Coop the following Saturday. I talked him into meeting us at the park late that night and we of shared our first, of what hoped to be many, cocks. He is such an asshole, but I had fantasized blowing a hung dude on that bridge for years, so made the best of it. Joe impressed me with his skill-set.

I got over my infatuation with Mason, but did replace him with constant thought of "unknown 8.5". I texted him at regular intervals, but, as of now I haven't heard from him. Wes spent more time than I was comfortable with across the street. I would pace the house in a panic till he returned. Boone did say he would not tell Wes as personal favor to his fag, but I felt he just didn't want his straight laced buddy know he got head from a gay, and as you may imagine the "favor" did come with a price tag and required mandatory weekly visits to his shed. It worked, I had developed a need for mild abuse and Boone was happy to check that particular box. I texted "unknown 8.5" hoping to tempt him.

"You know what's better than a queer sucking your massive glorious cock?...Two!" I sent.

A few minutes later. Ding! Had it worked? Sadly no, it was Wes.

"Joe told me it's your birthday!...I want to make you something special tonight...What's your favorite meal?" Wes messaged.

"You're very sweet, but you don't need to do that" I reply texted.

"I absolutely insist and know exactly what to make" Wes stated in his message.

I did have plans to meet up with Liam. He also had a gift for me of my choosing. He agreed to finally fuck me, but that wasn't till later on tonight. I replied to Wes.

"Fine...Thank you Wes" I sent.

"I'm excited!...Be home around 7pm" He texted.

I loved that he considered my trailer "home". He wasn't exactly the guy that I dreamed of coming home to, but did come very close. It was all there minus the cock...Lol. I almost forgot, but one time we were watching some movie and Wes got excited! He was so cute and hid himself under a pillow, but not before I caught a glimpse of his sizable lump. I previously speculated he's was hung considering his feet, but that episode served as confirmation.

I showered and put on the most formal attire I had worn since arriving here. Dressy shorts and a casual button up short sleeved oxford. Wes's jeep pulled in ten minutes early and he came through the door singing happy birthday. He managed to make me blush.

"Thank you Wes" I said trying to hide my red face.

"Of course Adam" He said immediately following "And many more".

"Hey just so you know...I am going to meet up friend a later...It was already planned and I didn't want you to feel I was bailing on you" I said.

Wes dropped the groceries on the table then headed toward his bedroom "It's cool...Got a hot date?" He asked.

"Something like that" I replied.

He emerged from his room clad in what had become normal cooking garb. Baggy tattered gym shorts, and thread bare burnout t-shirt. For the first time in over a week his feet were visible. My eyes followed the size 14's around the kitchen.

"Well it is your birthday" Wes said and broke my gaze.

My eyes slowly rose to meet his and a giant smile occupied his face.

"I feel so embarrassingly exposed" I said ungracefully.

"Don't be...They are just feet" He quickly replied and walked towards me.

Wes handed me what I hoped was a very stiff cocktail then placed a heel on my lap and said "No biggie...You're into feet...How do mine rate?"

Not only were they large, but the soles appeared soft and velvety. I could not prevent my eyes from wandering them while Wes wiggled his toes. A slight scent of filth filled my nose. It was a bizarre unexpected experience, but for me it was highly erotic. I also felt like we were bonding. He removed his hoof and went back to the stove. I was curious to learn more about my attractive roommate and the drink had in fact proved to be stout.

"Cash money dude!...Haha...What's your thing if it's cool I ask?" I asked Wes.

"I'm pretty traditional I guess...Nothing kinky or anything" He replied while setting the table.

"Come on...Every guy has a thing" I urged while eying him.

"Okay...I guess if I had pick one thing it would be a small waist and meaty rear end" Wes said while gesturing exactly why he liked it.

He held both hands, figuratively, in front of his groin area and thrust his hips. I don't recall conjuring the mental image of Wes fucking any time earlier, but I was for sure doing so now. His muscled buttocks tightened and laxed repeatedly pulling the thin shorts into his gap. I messaged Liam with hopes of arranging an earlier appointment to satisfy my growing desire. Wes offered another beverage.

"I'm gonna pass...I need to drive at some point...Thank you though" I said.

"That's right...Tell me about your birthday date...Do I know him?" Wes asked.

"Nah...He's not from around here" I said knowing full well he knew I was lying, but what else could I have done. I'm sure he and Liam were acquainted if nothing more. Liam texted back.

"I'm busy tonight...Fuck off" He sent.

I was positively defeated. Sadly, I felt grateful he was thoughtful enough to not just ignore my plight, but my heart sunk. I cast an S.O.S to all the potential big dick numbers I had, including "unknown 8.5", but it was beginning to look hopeless. Dinner was ready and I welcomed the distraction.

"Wes your culinary inclination has always impressed, but this is next tier" I said.

"It's nothing really" Wes replied and loaded my plate with crawfish.

"I should have guessed...Haha" I stated.

I watched Wes's technique. It was simply. Break the mud bug in two and vacuum out the guts. I repeated what I had just learned, but it was not as easy at it appeared. I must havelooked lost and Wes vocalized pointers.

"Hold the shell between your lips and suck hard" He suggested.

I did as he suggested. The craw dad meat flew into my throat and caused a massive amount of choking which did eventually stop.

"That's great!" I coughed out as tears ran down my face.

Wes was amused. His laughter had a rich tone that resonated. My phone dinged and I quickly picked it up. The notification indicated it was Mason and said a little mental prayer before viewing his message.

"No can do...Happy birthday though" Mason texted.

I was rapidly running out of options. Riley has never returned my messages and found it doubtful he would tonight. Boone refused to reschedule from the Wednesday night time slot we had agreed to. I knew better than to waste my time with Luke. I don't have contact info for Darius or Jamal. I even excused myself for a moment and went to my room to study the big dick competition contract in hopes discerning Donk's last name and cyber stalking him. It was over and I had little choice but to accept defeat.

"On second thought...I will have that cocktail Wes" I said to him.

Wes was sweet and quickly set it front of me. He held his glass up.

"Happy birthday...May you not be as disappointed as you appear...Haha" Wes toasted.

"I'm good...My plans for later fell through, but I'm having fun right here...So fuck that loser" I said and clanked my drink to his.

"Fuck that loser" Wes cutely stated.

We enjoyed the meal and had a couple more beverages before I bowed out for the evening.

"Would you be terribly upset if crashed early...It's been great and I cannot thank you enough...But I'm be spent" I said and stood.

"No worries dude...It's your day" Wes replied and also stood.

Wes began gathering the dirty dishes and I attempted to assist him.

"Don't even try Adam...It's your birthday dude...I'll see you in the morning" He stated very sternly.

I slunk to my room, dilly dallied for a bit then stripped and climbed into the sack. A glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon.

"Book store 10:30...Text me when you get here and I'll tell you the room#" Unknown 8.5 messaged.

I replied hastily "Sweet!"

I leaped out of bed and clumsily got dressed before wisely determining I could not drive. I considered engaging an uber, but that would have been strange. I imagined the exchange with the driver Yes, uber driver please wait while I go suck cock. As much as I wanted him it just wasn't going to be possible.

I messaged him "As much as I'd like to meet you I'm drunk and regrettably cannot drive".

He replied quicker than typical "I can come to you...Where are you?"

I asked him if he was familiar with my area and thankfully he was. I suggested he pick me up, but he wasn't open to that idea. I told him I could wait in my shed for him, but again he did not approve. Then he suggested a concept.

"10:45 I'll be on the far side of the park bridge...Text me when you get close" unknown 8.5 messaged.

I quickly agreed to the terms set before me and grabbed a shower since I had time to kill. Then quietly snuck out of the now very quiet house and took the short through the neighbors back yard. I stood on the bridge and texted him.

"I'm here" I sent.

Then a whistle caught my attention. There was no moon this dark evening, but I recalled the trails turns for the most part. Every few seconds his whistle repeated and got louder. I walked right in to his hard flat torso. It was like running in to a brick wall. He was clad in dark clothing. A black hood hid his face. Not that I would have been able to see it any ways. He was tall-ish 6' give or take and the silhouette suggested his upper frame was wide. five words were spoken during the encounter and they were all mine.

"Who are you?" I asked the stranger.

He placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed downward lightly. I watched while he unfurled himself. It was dark, but the pale white skin of his shaft bounced in front of my mouth. He said nothing. He did not need to speak. I knew what to do and went to town. His left hand gently controlled the tempo with a grasp of my hair. He was not forceful, but had definite determination. I came off his pole to plead.

"Fuck me" I said seductively.

He paused for a moment then pressed himself back into my mouth. His slower tempo picked up speed as he maneuver me on and off his long thick meat. The strangers hand slowly slid to the back side of my skull and after a soft grunt he discharged down my windpipe and abruptly departed. I didn't feel quite as used like the book store, but I was on my knees in the woods. I was intrigued more than anything. Who was this hung stud? it was the bridge and bully Sam popped into my mind. He was approximately the same size and also is known to spend time in this area. Sam would make sense, but in reality the possibilities were nearly endless considering there are several douche bags that could have passed my number along.

I snuck back inside the unlit house, had a quick stroke and climbed into bed. That was a birthday for the books. A great dinner followed by some very much needed dessert.

To be continued......

Next: Chapter 11

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