Tragedy on the Potomac

By moc.loa@abeekAJD

Published on May 15, 2014


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex. You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

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Chapter 5

The next morning, I took a shower, dressed in khaki Izod shorts and a red polo shirt, and came into the kitchen to find Vedzma eating cream cheese and jam on toast. It seemed like the thing to do, so I popped some bread into the ancient Sunbeam toaster while I waited for the water to boil for my tea.

"Where's Tolya?" I asked.

My grandmother smiled broadly. "He has gone to the pharmacy for vitamins. What would you like to do today?"

"Uhm, I'm going next door to see Jason, and then he's going to help me in the yard."

I tried to be as nonchalant as possible, and Vedzma grinned from ear to ear.

"Ohhhh," she cooed. "How nice! I remember how you played as boys. It is so wonderful to have you here, my Solnyshko, and it is very nice that Jason is here to play with you again."

I stifled a giggle, thinking that Jason and I were going to be doing a lot of playing indeed, but not the kind which my grandmother was imagining. I ate my breakfast, then waited until I heard Jason's mother's car leaving the driveway before practically running next door.

Jason greeted me wearing nothing but thin red nylon track shorts, which set off his bronzed, muscular thighs and perfectly sculpted torso. They also barely concealed the thick erection straining at the silky fabric. He saw me staring and grinned, revealing a perfect row of gleaming white teeth.

"Come on upstairs," he said, and led me up to his room.

The very second we got up there, he closed and locked the door, shucked his shorts, and stood before me fully exposed, his large naked cock growing to a full and impressive length and girth.

"What are you waiting for," he laughed. "Get those clothes off!"

I complied, peeling off my shirt, kicking off my shoes and dropping my shorts in record time. We met in the middle of the bedroom, his powerful arms encircling my slender torso as he took me in a warm, passionate embrace.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, stroking his soft golden hair as we kissed and rubbed against each other's skin. I parted my lips to admit his questing, insistent tongue as he ground his big cock against me, urging my own to full extension.

I wanted him to fuck me, and I told him so. Jason let his large, warm hands slide down to my small, tight ass, squeezing the globes before slipping his hands around the backs of my thighs and lifting me against him.

I let my long, slender legs encircle his waist, and he carried me to his bed, his superior strength allowing him to set us both down gently on the mattress. I registered the chocolate-brown sheets as luxurious Egyptian cotton as I pulled him down to meet my embrace, my legs now crossed at the ankles behind his muscular back.

He kissed me deeply and hungrily, his hands roaming along my arms and sides. I could feel the tip of his fevered, throbbing cock poking at my opening, which was twitching for his entry.

Jason reached under the pillow behind my head, his hand emerging with a bottle of something called Astroglide.

"You come prepared," I grinned.

Jason smiled back, but said nothing as he applied generous amounts of lubricant between my cheeks, then slathered more onto his pulsing rod until it was glistening and wet. He looked strong, virile, masculine, and his cock stood out from his athletic body like a proud soldier ready to go into battle. Pre-cum drooled from its blunt, angry tip, and he lowered it to my entrance, then moved down toward me as he worked the thick head inside.

He bit my neck gently as he thrust his cock into me, and I cried out in mingled pain and pleasure, wrapping myself around his tanned body more tightly as he paused to allow me to adjust to the feeling, kissing me deeply once again. After a moment, I moaned into his mouth, pressing my heels against his ass to let him know I was ready to begin.

He slid his lips back down to my pale throat, kissing and licking and biting as he began to thrust his cock inside me with long, deep strokes. I pushed my face into the silky pillow, groaning his name and begging him to fuck me harder, deeper, longer.

As he licked and bit my throat, Jason wrapped his powerful arms around me, crushing me to his chest as he lowered his body further, powering his muscular haunches against my ass as he began power-fucking my tight hole fast and hard.

"Oh, God, Jason! Yes! Oh, God, fuck me, Jason!"

He was perfect, a sculpted blond Adonis. I flashed briefly on that long-ago trip to see The Rocky Horror Picture Show back in Texas, and how perfectly this mirrored the scene in which the similarly tanned, blond Rocky fucked Susan Sarandon silly as she sang to him...

*Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me/

I wanna be dirty/

Thrill me, chill me, fulfill me/

Creature of the night!*

Jason's hard, thrusting cock pounded against my panic button, my own steely erection slipping and sliding against his now-sweat slicked abdomen. I moaned with pleasure as he thrust into me again and again, a muscular blond warrior taking what he had wanted for over a decade with skill and insistent power.

I felt my orgasm building as he began thrusting harder and faster, and I screamed when I came, my cock purple-hard, jetting semen all over both of us as Jason rammed himself into me, his own climax nearing, building and finally erupting inside me as he bit down on my neck and I groaned, whimpered, and held his bucking body as close to me as I could as he convulsed, shuddered and spasmed with the overwhelming force of his explosion.

When it was over, we held each other, kissed, and laughed at ourselves for how utterly carried away we had become, how long we had wanted to consummate the desire which had built in both of us over our many years apart, and looked into each other's eyes as for the first time. I don't know what he saw in my gaze other than goggle-eyed sexual satiation, but I know what I saw in his. Tenderness. Affection. Acceptance. And maybe something more.

We didn't make it to my back yard until after noon, as we lazed in each other's arms flirting and making out for the rest of the morning. By the time we finally started our yard work, I was preoccupied with two thoughts. The first was a disappointment in myself for the fact that a certain person's face had floated into my mind at the moment of orgasm. The second was that Jason hadn't worn a condom.

That was how I spent the rest of the summer. Yard work, fucking Jason any time his parents were gone, and dreaming of Taine Maxwell at night. Finally, the whole thing got to me and I had to call the one person whom I was sure would understand.


"Linda? It's Rick."

"Rick! How are you? It's so great to hear from you. I was just out with some friends and we were talking about you, wondering how you were!"

"I'm okay. Well... no, I'm really not so good. Listen, Linda, I know you're probably sick of hearing about this, but you know how I told you about the next-door neighbor? Jason?"

"Yeah, sure. How's that going?"

"It's going okay, I guess. I mean, we're friends. He helps me with the yard and we mess around together. But I can't... I mean..."

"You keep thinking about Taine, don't you?"

"I guess..."

"Rick, Rick, Rick. What did I tell you about that?"

"That it was going to take time. But, Linda, it's been almost four years. I'm moving down to DC next week to start school, and it will have been four years since I met him. I mean, how much fucking time is it going to take? He's in my mind constantly. I dream about him. I think about him when I'm asleep, when I'm awake... even when I'm with Jason, I always get this picture of..."



"Too much information."


"Listen, I have to get going. You take care, okay? You know I love you."

"Oh... uhm, okay. Love you too. Talk to you soon."


I hung up the phone and stared out the window into the back yard, feeling sad and alone. I saw Jason taking out the garbage next door. In a week, I'd be in DC starting school, and Jason would fly back to his own school halfway across the country. Then all I'd have was the space between my own ears once again, and that was still filled with images of someone I would never see again.

I lay down on my bed, with its coarse, starched cotton sheets which dated back to my childhood, and stared at the ceiling. Would I ever be okay again? I didn't know, but I was determined to try. Since that night during my freshman year when I stood in the shed in San Antonio and fired an unloaded gun into my own mouth, I had gained something in the way of determination, if not in happiness or self-esteem.

I would soldier through. Somehow, I would forget Taine, forget Jason, and start fresh when I moved down to DC. I would start my life over. Again.

Thank you for reading Chapter 5. To be continued...

"Touch-A Touch-A Touch Me" written by Richard O'Brien, quoted verse performed by Susan Sarandon. From "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," c 1975 by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

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Next: Chapter 5

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