Trade in My Hood

By greg willis

Published on May 29, 2003


DISCLAIMER: the following FICTIONAL story may contain vivid descriptions of sex between young men. If this is offensive to you, or viewing of such material is illegal where you're at, DON'T READ IT! Otherwise, enjoy it. And e-mail me comments if you have anything to share.

Trade in my hood 3

My story continues it is about 9:00am we knocked the clock off the headboard about a hour ago. I 'm doggie style (Head down ass up) Marcus has so much dick in me it feels like it is going to come out my mouth. ( I love it)

This time it all started we were sleep after a night of kicking it with Tony and Lamar. I was pretty sore from the first two times he fucked me so I just wanted to lay in the bed get some sleep and not mess around much. I fell asleep laying between his legs with his dick in my mouth. (heaven) He went to sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. So that gave me time to rest and get my ass to stop throbbing.

I was awaked by his morning wood. Basically, as it is entering my sore ass. He started kissing the back of my neck. "Good morning sexy." He said. I was still kind of sleepy he told me he wanted some before he got up. He just kept on pushing and grinding on me, (now I am not going to lie, the shit was getting me hot, and ready to fuck. This Nigga turns me the fuck on) He turns me over on my back, and starts kissing my neck, goes down to my nipples, sucks on them it is driving me crazy. He then lifts my left leg on his shoulder, and gets on his knees in between my legs. He bends down and kisses me, morning breath and all. About 3 minuets of that, he raises up and licks his finger and starts to finger fuck me, very slowly. He is looking me right in the eye. "How does that feel?" He asked. I just moan, I am trying not to make a lot of noise so not to wake up Tony and Lamar in the other room. He keeps looking at me and rubbing my legs, while sticking his two fingers in and out of me. He tells me it fells so tight. (I think to myself it could not be after the way he fucked me yesterday) He takes his fingers out of me and bends back down to kiss me. Tells me he wants to try it a different way today. So I asked him how he wanted it. (I was hot and at this point would have done it on the Southwest freeway standing on my head, high noon on payday Friday.) He says he wants it from the back. I say fine, without thinking about what kind of pain this could cause me.( but to tell the truth at this point I really don't care about pain I want his dick inside me.)

He gets the lube from the draw in the stand, and puts it on his dick, jacks it a few times, then rubs some on my ass and then he asked me if I was ready, I told him I was. and to go slow because I was still sore from yesterday. He puts it to my hole and it was like suction, it just drew him in, I was having problems remembering to breath, partly because it hurt, and it also felt really good. He gasped when he i moved.

I did not think I could take it like that. So fast

After he seen I was ok and I started to breath again, he asked me if I was ready, I told him to take it easy . He pulled back a little bit and I got a sharp pain and a wonderful sensation, when his dick hit that magic spot inside me. He let out another gasp of air, I pushed back on him and this time no pain just another sensation, I start to learn forward, he grabs me and pulls me back to him. I am back straight up against him now, then he kisses my neck and whispers that I have some good ass. And says that it is his now and I better not give it to any one else. He asked me who pussy this is. I told him it was his. All this time he is slowly fucking me. His hands are everywhere on my body, he is exploring it like he is looking for something he lost. (let me tell you all this touching and telling me that he is claiming this pussy for him self is turning me the fuck on, not to forget about the nine inch dick inside me) He is fucking me faster now, not real fast but he has gotten a good steady rhythm. (oh shit there goes my clock) at this point I keep telling him to fuck me, harder, I lean back down on the pillow giving him unrestricted access to my ass, he takes the hint and starts to fuck me harder, all you can hear is the smacking of our bodies coming together. This goes on for about 10 minutes, he pulls out and turns me over and is on top of me with both of my legs on his shoulders, when he puts it back in he is looking me right in the eye, he asked me if I am ok with this position, I say yeah he bends down and kisses me again.

He starts moving in and out very deliberately, taking long strokes, at this point I am so lost in lust, that I have completely forgot that I have guest in the other room. I am moaning and calling out his name. I am still telling him to fuck me, I grab hold of him and start to kiss his face neck lips hands I just want to put a part of him to my lips, I tell him I am going to cum and I shoot all over him and me. My shooting causes my hole to contract and it cause him to shoot, he told me he could not hold back anymore. I could feel him shooting his seed deep inside my hole. I kissed him. He laid on top of me, in my cum (he did not seem to care) I pulled him close to me and kissed him deep. I wanted him to stay in me as long as possible.

We went back to sleep like that, him on top of me I felt so good and safe.

I woke up 3 hours later to the smell of bacon being fried, a cramp in my leg, and sore ass from the good working out it has gotten the last two days. He was still sleep I did not want to wake him he looks so sexy sleeping, like a fucking angle. Oh shit, I got to get up my leg is killing me. I tap him and say "baby let me up" He wakes up enough to roll over on the other side of the bed, I put on my shorts, and try to rub my leg to get the cramp out. I walk out after I have washed my face, brushed my teeth and checked to make sure there is nothing running down my leg from my ass. I walk in to the kitchen, I expect to see Tony, but it is Lamar cooking. "What are we having for breakfast" I ask. "Shit you better tell that nigga to get up and fix you something, this here is for my baby" Lamar says while laughing.

So I go into the spare room to talk to Tony, he is still sleep I open the blinds, and yell wake up. He pulls the covers over his head and I pull them back. He kicks me in my butt as I turn to run with the covers. It hurts and I mean it hurts bad, because I am a bit sore from Marcus fucking me. So now that we got that out of the way we sit on the bed and do what friends do. I tell Tony Lamar is cooking him something for breakfast. Tony says he always does that, I tell him the nigga will not let me have any. Tony says I should have had enough meat this morning. I laugh and tell him eavesdropping is not polite. Tony says that they could have heard us in River oaks we were so loud.

Now we hear a knock on the door, I say come in it is Marcus, he is looking good he has a pair of Joe boxers on and looks like he just got out the shower because his back is still wet. He says good morning, and ask when I gotten up. I tell him about 20 minutes ago. He says that Lamar says breakfast is ready Tony.

I go take a shower and get ready for my day. I guess know one has anywhere to be today. After my shower we sit around and play knock out kings 3 for ps/2 and just talk shit, it is about 3:15 in the afternoon when Marcus and Lamar go play basketball. I get up to get my keys I want something out of my car, I walk to the door Marcus grabs me and plants a big wet kiss on my mouth, and starts to fill my ass, then pats it and says he will see me later.

He comes back around 10:00pm and we lay down and watch TV until we start to nod off. Marcus wake up. Marcus wake up. Come on lets go to bed. He wakes up, sets up looks at me, and asked me if I was going to pay the bet from knock out kings game we played earlier. I laughed and tell him that I may. He gets up and grabs my hand. we had been laying on the sofa, looking at TV I was laying on his stomach. He is not wearing a shirt, and his skin is so soft, and he smells so good.

We go into the bed room and I turn the bed down, he goes to the stereo and turns on 102.9, I get in the bed, he comes around the bed and kisses me on the neck, and starts to go lower and lower he is on my nipples, then my stomach, my belly button, then my hips, "roll over" so I roll over and he is still kissing me on parts of my body, he is kissing me on the small of my back now, then my neck and then he kisses me down the middle of my back, when he gets to my ass he does not stop, he kisses around my ass and plants kisses all around my entrance.

This is driving me crazy, and I tell him I need him in me now. He says "in due time" He pulls his boxer's down and gets on the bed, I turn so I can kiss him, he rolls me over on my back and puts my legs on his shoulders just like he did this morning. He kisses down the back of my legs, and then he sticks a finger in side of me, very slowly his pushes it in and out. It is driving me crazy, now two fingers, In the short time we have been kicking it he has made me a sex addict. I am starting to moan, he is going a bit faster and I am really turned on, and starting to get lose, and ready for that dick. He bends down and kisses me on the lips, he then pulls fingers out and raise up to line is dick up with the target. He presses forward real easy. I can feel the head pop in, then the rest of it, he slowly slides it all the way in. When he does this he hits that special lace inside me and I start to moan.

Once it is all the way in he ask me if I am ready, i tell him yea I am ok, all I an say. I can see his mouth moving but can't make out what he is saying, All I can focus on is the incredible sensation I am feeling. yea...oh baby. "you like this dick" who ass is this" yea this is my ass" oh yea babe it is so tight. HE is still fucking me pretty slow R.Kelly is on the radio, and he is fucking in time with the music, he is driving my over the edge, the way he has me position he is hitting that spot inside me over and over, I tell him not to stop, yea........ahhh...I am grabbing hold of the sheets it just feels so fucking good to be fucked by this man. I start to let lose a flood of cum between our bodies, and he can't hold back any longer and starts to fuck me real fast he slams into me one last time and sort of growls, I can feel his seed shooting in me. He falls down on me and kisses me. We fall sleep that that.

I wake up at 7:15am the next morning, have to get ready for work. I wake Marcus up, ask him what he is going to do today. He tells me that he and Lamar are working from 4-12 I ask if he is coming over after he gets off. He says yea.

I get dressed kiss him goodbye give him my work number and head out the door. At work I can not think it takes me 20 minuets to do things that normally take me 5 minuets. I can not get my mind off Marcus. That boy is rocking my fucking world and it is turning me the fuck on. Marcus calls me at noon, tells me his missed waking up beside me. And he did not have anyone one to help him with his morning wood. I asked him what time was he coming by tonight, he told me around 12:45am told me to get some sleep, because he had a surprise for me.

Tony called next. "what's up child" Tony said. Nothing, just got done talking to Marcus. "He got it bad for you" Tony said. I ask why you say that. "He told Lamar that you was tight, and he was going to make you his" Tony said. "Lamar lying, that boy is just fucking the hell out of me, until he finds someone better" " Child that boy been talking about getting with you before you and James broke up." Tony said. Why did no one tell me he liked me? "Shit you had your nose wide open for James's sorry ass. You did not even know that boy was alive, much less trying to come up" Tony said. You make it sound like a bad thing, James was my man. "Yea was remember that ok and move on to greener grass." I am cool with this sexual relationship I am having with Marcus, but if will never be anything more.

"Well you will see, and in the end you will eat those words" Tony said. What ever. How long has he been hanging around you guys. "shit since Lamar starting trying to talk to me, he is fine and shy, and his grandmother keeps a close watch over him. He is a good man you should just see where it is going, shit he is only 3 years younger than you, plus he got a job, plus he is cute. And you did say he can fuck. What else are you looking for in a man?" Tony said.

Well are we meeting for lunch or what? Yea I am going to give the guys a ride to work. Lamar gets his truck next week so we will be a two car family. Tony said. What kind of truck is he getting? The same one he had they fixed it. Tony said. You know Marcus was in the truck when they got hit. So he will be getting some money too. Lamar got close to 25,000.00. I did not know it was that bad of a wreck. It sure did take them a long time to fix his truck. Well ok be out front in ½ hour. Bye

I go to lunch all I can think about is Marcus and how I am so happy to have him in my life. But I know I have got to get my mind off him because work is not going to do it self. I go to lunch we eat and talk, have a frozen margarita or two, and Tony fills me in on how I should handle Marcus. Back at work the rest oft the day flies by.

I go home and for some reason got right to sleep, I here a knock on the door I look at the clock and laugh Marcus must have picked it up. It is 12:45 on the nose. I go to the door and there is this man that has rocked my fucking world standing there with a big smile on his face. I step to the side and let him in. He pushes me on the wall and kisses me. Now it is my turn to smile. He come in and we sit down on the sofa and talk for a while, he tells me about his day and I do the same, then we start to kiss, and we all know where this is going.

1 hour later I am on the floor, I am not sure where my underwear are at. I am not sure what time it is. I am not sure of to much at this point, Talk about fucking my brains out. Marcus is laying on top of me. He ask me what a nigga got to do to make u his.

I just smiled ...

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